The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 13

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go JEU flu yOUR PEOPLE TO ATTEND THE ' JUBILEE ' CALLAHAN& TURPIN’S 818 BROADWAY (FERRIS’ OLD STAND.) ••■A Showing of All That's Qood for MEN’S WEAR AT A SAVING OF 1-3 IN PRICE PEACE PROTOCOL IS HADE PUBLIC Basis of the Ncjfotia tlons That Arc on. Bp»la'* ill Ticl* Sta'i hart C*MK*lMtr% An Barrtitsg Om tfec PlllllplaM i»4 a Ifcal hahaMc. tl- 4’ • K*'f. t. l>* * i. (b. iitt# has rs • r*urr4 tvowi IMa |»**. « -mm*##*"" »r# n IMitc t»4 iMlr iJmM I Mat la4f ha* ft" c«*m«4 In otrttr th- Him ntirMt!<4 l nna»i|tilt - IMr gyo««» of > >.u H* r at., not a JiiaHMlllatMt. II *•* full* H)i, fi j that IM liarnah iHutHHaa art* wowM aa*4*Mawr la ni|h«’ Met!*** trrrva tI»MM IMa* iMarl l«T tMr.A((*rr IraaM f ■ It aaa tv *a I* -et - #4 that lb r > a -ul>! claw* at uwew with (Mr laKtrM |a.>t«a*Mt 'M. Whll* I he) have aat In tiaH i*twt mbnUlal a f aunlri pri-p-wtl t»a, IMr l|amar^V, l| aaltrttar H|tan Ih* ar|Ma*m <*f Iht j AmrtMan |rv(*aith>n, hav* aMt*a n a 1 (Hafvialtlan In nr|<llalf lalalKr la tMr I I*MUl|.|>ltw. (Mat Haa shown la Ma *r I ftManaa i Mat ih*y vaahl in<Hta#fti!f atari any proposition (Mat l#4 M rrllrnuiaMmrail nf Mtaninh aovsf *l)iili nrrr lha art hipslag”. It I* quite ar«haM* IM** »a» la*»« open la t-omp*'-ml** hrtnwi tlhr lara aldra* a I '*i | that a monetary different r • null l» I found la Ma IMr only afar nf anv *ul» stance Thta. II la behaved, Is r*Ml santrd My th* different"* brtwr *1 alaitat Mo..* turn, probably thr laaalimiai at* Intraar* tthlrh the United Rtatr* will Mr willing in (tar (t|*aln for thr Im provements In thr Phlttppln *#, and Cisa ano. any. whl< h represent* about tbr minimum of lhr Rtanlah claim IMr mm pen aat Imi on afrtival of (hr cession as (hr entire group. Th# Protocol. Thr Mat" department for thr time made public a copy of thr protocol be tween the United main and Hoaln for the preliminary svltltgnrnt of the war. Thr protocol textuafly la a# fol lows: ’ "Piotoool of agrramrnl between the Dnitlrd State* and Spain, embodying Ihe derma of a baats for the eatab- Hahment of peace between the two countrlea—Signed at Washington, Au guat 11. I»r •‘Protocol: William It. Day. secretary of state of the United Ktatea, and hla excellency. Julea Camlmn. ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of the ltepubllc of Fra nee at Washington, re apeetively poaaeaalng for this purpose full authority from the government of the Untied States and the government of Spain, have concluded and signed the following articles, embodying the term* on w hlch the two governments have agreed. In respect to the matter* here inafter eet forth, having In view the establishment of peace between the two countries, that Is to say: "Article 1. Spain will relinquish all claim of sovereignty over the title to Cuba. ‘‘Article 2. Spain will cede to tbe United State* the island of Porto Rico and other islands now under Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies, and also an island in the Uadrone* to be selected by the United States. Article 3. The United States will oc cupy and hold the city, bay and barber of Manila pending the conclueion of a treaty of peace which shall determine the control, deposition and government | of the Philippines. West Indian Evacuation. "Article 4. Spain will immediately evacuate Cuba. Porto Rico and the oth er Islands now under Spanish sover eignty in the West Indies; and to this end each government will, within ten days after the signing of this protocol, appulnt commissioners, and the eom mlsslonera so appointed shall, within thirty days after the signing of this protocol, meet in Havana for th« pur pose of'earrying out the details of the aforesaid evacuation of Cuba and the adjacent Spanish islands, and each government will, within ten days after thy signing of this protocol, also ap point other tommlaslcrtiers, who shall, within thirty days after the Signing of Hits protocol, meet at Ran Juan In Por to Rico for the purpose of arranging and carrying oui the details of the aforesaid evacuation of Porto Rico and Other islands non under Hpanlsh sover eignty in the West Indies. ! *AH far!# %, Ylfe* f <••*4 Anh» «i#l •#»* Hi#* I *** ] ifii<ji.ii>ia—i • i>»>t ■ i# iitMti *4 * \ ms*4 line m m mmm ni»m •* flppdiMMMl ! **m !■#•€ •* flpi• %S%* J * iMft IW#- tifiiti i. tm* km 4 tw U*# ••#- pvtftilit#*} i*4 • irNlljr Mrjfy vMrli lAftll tv fwili|*d t# tiltlli tIMi f*» It** *» #•» i tl*# U*rmm <4 iHr t*# ! *’Aftlf , l# i (*s■•* 111# i >iMM «ml *4 I Ah* h#» Imm* IH# |tp«i cvvwiiitfV*# hhAtt h» •»*•* E»wAHI Aftd IMIf f »« !>•» *A*n Imp gi\ *'fk •• §pf»ip#*l4v l»jr t« ilp# * tratnsnu*•> l*-fp «*f its wtittiri ««Mi fmr+m "flwp# At W«plilnft»w» ifi In Vtmm* |M in tfc* ® n * •! ' M»v# hrr#«ft*«* M tfc#ir li«n4* Aid Will, tbr I* til A*y of Ail* iu»t. im. | WVU4AM R. t>AT. I Jl bICH ("ARIb iS.** THE GREAT . BANKRUPT SALE of Landram A Butlpr’s stock by order of the H. B. Ciafiin Company has been beyond anything of the kind in Augusta for a long time. The store has been crowded from Mon day morning until Satur day night and after dou* bilng our force after Mon day we could not wait on all the people at the store. A great many intimated it was a catch. In one sense of the word it was a catch, and a good one. for we caught the crowd and wa sold them the goods—those we could wait on. Further on they become satisfied from the way we were selling goods —the low prices, Ac—that it was no fake but a gen uine sale and we meant business, and what was our misfortune was prov ing a blessing to those who wanted goods. This sale struck so many at the very time they needed their fall and winter goods. This sale, after the first week of an enormous business, will be continu ed the coming week and until the whole thing is closed out. This is no small thing to retail a stock of $25,000 in a few days. It may take two months or more The half has not been told about this sale. Some of the most choice of the stock is yet behind for those who have not yet called. There are some who it may hurt, but Landram A Butler are the worse hurt. We appreciate more than we cfan express the many expressions of sympathy for us in our trouble and we return thanks for this and also for the liberal patronage of the past week, which counts more than words. Be sure and attend this sale the coming week and on and you will be paid for your visit. LANDRAM & BUTLER, For The H. B. Ciafiin Co. THE ATTOTJ BTA BtTNDAY HKBALD MARI) TO TELL IN NEW YORK Both Parties Are Con fident. RcpMittis Awrimlff, Deatrnu Mabbtri. [AeanciateM Preea If ftuiMav Il*ral4 I Washington. Xot. h —These Hill be electloas In lortr-t*o etatee today—ln Alabama. Arkansas. California Colo rado. (ooaerilrat. Dalaarar*. Klofid% Georgia. Idaho. Illlhota. ladis ns loos Kansas Kentucky. Ix>utstsna Mary labd, Masaarhusetts. Michigan. Missis sippi Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire New Jersey. New York. North Carolina. North Da kota. Ohio. Pennsylvania. Rhode island. South Carolina, ftooth Dakota. Tennessee, Texas. Washington. West Virginia, Wisconsin Wyoming In ten of them Arkansas. Alabama. Georgia. Kentucky, l*oulstana. Meryland Mis alaetppl. North Carolina. Rhode Island and Virginia only rongresatnen will he voted for; in one. West Vir ginia, congressmen and a legislature. In addition to Writ Virginia twen ty-two other states, California. Con necticut, Dalaware, Florida. Indiana. Mississippi. Michigan. Minnesota, Mis aouri., Montana. Nabrasha. Nevada. New Jersey. New York. North Dakota, Pannaylvanla. Tennessee. Texas. Utah. Washington, Wyoming and Wisconsin elect a legislature which will chooer a United States senator. In thirty-one states a governor and a full or partial aet of elate offleera are at stake. The following elect a governor: California. Colorado, Con necticut. Idaho, Indiana. Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota and Nebraska. New Jersey, New York, Nevada, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Da kota. Pennsylvania. South Carolina. South Dakota, Texas. Wisconsin and Wyoming. *ln Illinois, lowa, Florida, Delaware. Missouri, Montana. Ohio. Utah and' Washington one or more mi nor state officers treasurer, auditor of Justice of the supreme court, have been contended for. In New York- New York, Nov. 6.—There are five [Associated Press to Sunday Herald. 1 state tickets In nomination in New York aa follows: Republican, Demo cratlc, Citizens - Union, Socialist l*abor and Prohibition. The Citizens’ Union is an altogether unknown quantity. It Is probably Important only If that of the two old parties shall be close That of the Socialist labor party may approximate 20,000, while the prohi bition has not often been much In ex cess of 10,000 in a total sometimes as high as 1,400,000. Besides state officers, there will be elected on Tesuday next a legislature that will choose a United States sena tor to succeed Edward Murphy, Jr., Democrat Thirty-four representatives in congress will also be elected. The Republican campaign has been an aggressive one, and notable for the energy with which Colonel Roosevelt has conducted his canvass In one week —the last week of October—-he traversed the state from cast to west and from west to east, deJlverlng close upon 100 addresses, some of them of considerable length. To all appear ances he aroused a great deal of en thiwlasni. Judge Van Wyck pursued a very different course. His public addresses have not exceeded ten. and these were delivered at such places as Buffalo. DUKY. WHO FORMED THE NEW FRENCH CABINET. R<nrbM*t— I'IMl RU*Ha Albany aad ! Nr* V—*, lira Dam— tic candidal** fur *tata ,il*«a. and fur rongf.** p*r*isi»ui r r. fa—d ia *a M Into dtaroastoa of i*a c—rvwy or M*ar nattuMl laaans. Tb* mat* ammt* baa a awmbarabip at fifty and <ba fiaasmhly of I—. As at yrsaanl roaatHm—l ibarw la a R* puhttraa majotlty of tw—wly-rtgbt on joint ballot, fioaaiot Mwytt. wbo la a candidal* for ro'alwrtbm. baa bad ■ barn* of Has Damorrat '<• laglslaiiv* «amgalga Tha Rnguitiltcaa* ara dla poaad to roiwdr a rwditrthm of tbatr major It y Hi tb* tagtalatur*. hu, pro faaa mafldath* that tha? will baa* a •aorbing majority la Irotb buuaaa TV i Iksmurrats oonfidaatly Mpart to ga'a itbfsa naor* roagm*aw* la dlatrtrta taluw ib* MarHm rtvor. and poaalbly aa many In iip-otato dlatrtria. Thw R* jmbill an. do not f**l sanguine of maintaining th* prapoodaranc* of It aa against six Damocrats la tbr Nrw York dalrgaUuh Th* racist ration in Nrw York thla yaar. wblla not aa haavy aa laai yaar glvaa prom!** of * baa via* vola. Pransyliaaia. Philadelphia. Nov. l--Maa< mart Inga all over Ihn atata tonight rloaad the moat hraiad political rampaign that Pannaylvanla baa aaparlanrad In many yaara Thar* ar* four full atata t'rkcis In th* field Tha candidatM for govarpor art: Wm A. fiton*. Ita publlcaa; 0. A Jcnka. Damrx-rat: Hl las Swallow. Prohibition: Paopl*'* liberty and Honaat Oovarnmrnt, and J. M. Mamas Socialist Labor. Tha followers of Hlona, Jinks, and Swnllow are claiming with a consid erable degrea of confldance that their favorite will be alerted, and there la every Indication that each of these three candidates will receive a heavy vole. Factional troubles In tb* Republican party have been more or leaa evident for the past few years, and last year Swallow took the Prohibition candi dacy for etate treasurer, and received a vote of 119,1KK), though the normal Prohibition vote la only about 20.000. Notwithstanding the rlalma made by the Swallow and Jenks leaders lh» Republican party managers claim that the alleged disaffection In the party will have no other effect than to slightly reduce the party vote for Stone, and State Chairman Klklnton claims that the Republican candidates will have -at least 100.000 majority. The total vote In the state will ap proximate 1,000,000. On Tuesday next there will pe elected 204 members of the House and 26 senators, half of the senate —24 Republicans and one Dem ocrat holding over. The new legisla ture will elect a Dnlted States senaior to succeed Senator Quay. A faction of the Republican party ha* centered their opposition to the leadership of Senator Quay, and In some of the leg lalatlve districts fusion with the Dem ocrats has been made on candidates who arc opposed to tho Senaior s re election. ® New Fashions. High Grade Standard Paper Patterns, 5c., 10c., 15c. and 20c. None higher. All have seam allowances. New fash ion sheets now In. Free at Thomas & Barton's, 710 Broadway. A QUIET NIOHT Few Persona Brought Into Police Station. A few plain Arilnks and a few olher drunks that were adorned with alight disorderly trlmmirtugs constituted last night's business at police headquar ters. It was the most quiet Saturday sight in a long time. WANT TO GET OUT. Small Number of Men Wish to Stay In. ftptelß Tripp tarts tfc* Mci YtsfeNa;. Attar a flying trip to Augusta rapt P. R. Tripp left laat ntgbt for Vavaa nah. ( apt*ln Trlppa only remained ia iba <<lty !kr about ala boor*, but In that tins* ba art Had iba quart bm of • hather the boy* of Po®panic* C and K wished to stay in Ike service or not. Tk* Captain was —parted a—ly tbia morning, but aa ha failed to appear Ike proposition of Major Almand (hat Iba ramp equipment* h* moved to the armory wm acted upon, and Iba man put to work Tb* army wagon* war* offered and u**d. and by th* time of the arrival of tha mustering out ofll car all of thha goods had bean trans ported from the court house to the armory. Immediately upon hi* arrival Okfit- Rankl'a company waa oedered into line and marrhad before a labia on which ware two sheet* of paper, one for those who wished to be muatared out. and on# for thoas wbo wished to lie retained In the acrvlca. None of the officers, commlaaloned or non-commis sioned. wished to remain In. Two pri vates. Scott and Traotrolln. ware tha only men wishing to stay In tk# ser vice from Company E. Next came Company C, tinder CapL Frye. The Captain and his two lleu tenunts, Baxley and Hryan, wished to stay. Sergeant Banks and Corporal Wil son were the non-cotnnilsaloued offi cer* and Wagoner Davla anil Privates Abney. Collier, U>ve. Welch and Hood the men who wished to remain. Tho two list* ware forwarded at once to headquamers. Captain Trlppe say* that If all of the companies ara like the two Augus ta companies he believe* tho Second Georgia will be mustered out as a regiment The Rome company Is the only other company heard from. Two officers and one man are said to wish to remain. Captain Trlppe say* he does not think the men will have to go into camp for some time yet. and will not do so unless retained In the service or for a day or ao If It la decided to muster out the entire regiment TATE WILL WIN. The Suprlse Sprung In the Ninth Dis trict. Atlanta ,Ga., Nov. s.—Notwithstand ing a surprise which was sprung at the eleventh hour looking to a fusion of Populist* and Republican* in the Ninth district, it ia believed Georgia will re. turn to congress a delegation solidly Democratic. The Democrats have taken cognizance of the move in the Ninth and tonight sent word to th* party members In that district to turn cut and re-elect Tate, Democrat. No fear of defeat Is expressed, as the warning will reach the Ninth In the morning. The contest between Brant ley, Democrat, and Wilkinson, Repub lican, In the Eleventh, has been pretty spirited, but Mrantley’s election is be lieved to be a certainty, A light vote Is expected. 1 Miss Kadle Bown left, yesterday for Sparta, Ga. _ ...... , Lively Here Yesterday. Thm inspiration of tho activity was to plain. Haapod countara of Clothing, tom oining ttylo and ouallty with fairost of fair prico* Tho Advartltmg atlrat t» buyer*, tho Suits and Ovorcoats sail on sight. Cheap tloqutnri not noodod. Esamifto work manship. Try on. That's sufficient. Tha fitting elicits pr aiSO - -disint srsatad and im partial or alto. Tho no plus ultra of Roady made Clothing that ranks side by aids with tho swallost Custom-mado. Prico is tho main dirforonco. Ton, twolvo and fif toon dollars. L l LEVY’S SON & CO.. Tailor-Fit Clothiora. - - Augusta, Ga. HARVARD WON THE 810 GAME I a *mmm* •*« r*"** h* ****** WwiXJ , I fri fflftirt %***. ft ItarsaM] • m Ik. |n,( font Mil nil Ml m -4Mn' ISM l*l» kfIMOMM W lor Ml fm ttm blablofi a*4 !•* mwi to fW«I [ )>,B4T|YMIi . Mr* Mr*MS*—. nwd j If MM fff i M 1.,. I*, MtMfkUf fW*' j ialtafi# *T UM Quin fiwHUw Tito *** •## !• If I If MB* * : h*«4, rIMM gaa»e firwwalp <MMM I tram alart finish, abnawfillg I* ** >HIH sag krilllMt *!*»» Harvard S' IBS-Fij Ik* goto* I* fiottl fMllt*» MMI ,i nß|lr agf lawfrt li IS Wf| M fitnf. PUD. N. T.. Now • —Prlfiiw in* a*4 tb# Waal PMai r«M« (dared j j«a lai-aaalr asrlting *n»» iblo nfW i nous brknr. a crowd at lb.—* HH>'t i ib« a— at tk*t and .infill 11* l cm aril It Wllllaas* • ('•rtlat* Indiana 14, WfllMni A l>bi«b S 3. laturMl • Tib I# I’hluu. \>w Tor*. Nov. I - Tbr Favorti** I la tbrrr of lb» alt —mu at | kquMart today Tbr Aral rarr at tbr da* boarvrr *a* aa apart. a» Tabaa aairr at It to 1. led all iba way. aad LIKE A NEW STORE. Will Be tbr OM Rh-bards On 111 Vary Short W hile. Davidson fi Matbewaon art remodel . In* Ibo old Klrbarda atora. It will witbln tbr nr l l few day* Iba most at tractive romar on Broad it rest. Tbr old Frodewlcbsbur* Mora. cor nrr at Broad aad MeOartafi atrrrta. la becinnlng to tabe on noma of Ha old time «Igor Manors. Davldoon t Math »■,bod. proprietors of Iba Augusta Mantis * Supply Company, have leased the place, and are tilting It up In » manner that la worthy of lu old tlma splendor, vigor and enterprise. Oar i pen tar*, brlckmaaon* and patntera ara putting finishing touches on It. and vary soon It will be derhed out In the gayert of colors. Tbe entire building ' will be painted while, with purple ! trimming* The mantel and supply room will be the handsomest that ha* ever been aeen In the south. Tbeae gentlemen have with them Mr. Allan M. Boatwright, a thoroughly wide awake and up-to-date huMneea man. whose Impress was lefl on the minds of the people of Augusta by the mas terly way In whleh he handled the buaineaa Interests of the J, B. White Co. Mr. Boatwright. In speaking of the firm with which he Is now con nected. said: ‘When this store Is thoroughly overhauled, we will have the handsomest business house In Au gusta. It will do your soul good to case on the stock of mantels, etc., that will be displayed wllblu Ihe next few days. Another thing that Messrs. Davidson * Msthewson will handle will he the furniture from the largest furniture factory In the world, which will he sold direct from the manufacturer to the consumer, thus saving the people of this city and vicinity anywhere from 35 to 60 per cent. They are ageuts for Valentine’s weather strips, which go further to make comfortable homes in the south than almost any thing else. "We will show you In s few days the most modemly appointed business house In this city, and a stock of good* that would do credit to any city In the Union. L*t me extend an invitation to the people of Augusta to visit our store, and they will be both surprised and delighted. We are fix ing up a bicycle repair room, which we hope to make the most complete %ver seen In this section. "Don’t fail to tell your readers about our lino of furniture, which they can select from the photographs that we have on hand. 1 ' SOUGHT "DEATH ThTsBA Norfolk, Va., Nov, s.—Acting Cap tain Lazio, of the Austrian steamer ls lock, from yCfimi ml Inn to Stettin, which arrived here yesterday, and tilled bun kers with codl. reports that tlio vessel master, Caps. M. V. Ola bole who, It Is stated, committed sulrlde at sen by Jumping overboard October :id, is miss ing. The body was not reinvent. The vessel sailed this morning for Stettin, Captain Lazlc in charge. W The Quakers Wert not in Good Form. |IUnaN t taftrfcr kRktK u 4 F>«»Mhiaia'i FiaMtag tfc* Fcatam tftfc» Big (Mint it l iafcrttjP VttUrUj. was I* a drtvo by g aacb tram TrlMb gamma ry: mat v*—, fit# aad one* half far. i tnaga- Tabanaas— woo Trtlla ewtmd, m,.|ilgbt third. Tima. 1:1*. ! g.rnnd rara. mil# and uoa-qoartar * I Ijwly fHadaia won, Aalto isiai fin* | gar It y third Time DM 14. Third raw. *vo aad Me half fur* laaga—Ordeal wna. Anita aecofid, Haadrwg third Ttaae I— 14 Fourth rara. mile aad forty yarda— I via Deoro won. Wsrrewton eertmd, t'hareatu. third. Tima, 1:44- Fifth rara. flve furlong* - M- ebsnufi wna. Vrtanaua second ttparlallst third. TMw. I K * fltxth rara, one mile Dan Rice won, yield Imrh second Bona D*fi third. Tima. 1:41 M. t CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION It May Ba Meld la Atlanta Next Va—. Atlanta, <la.. Nov. S —Thar* may ba a const It u i lona I convention In Geor gia neat year. A hill providing ft..' auoß a contention vat Introduced In tb« house thla morning by Mr. Kill* of IHbb. Tin te were lew new measure* prs •ented and tbe attendance In both branches of Ihe general aaaemhly vt* ■mall. Now Laehlon*. High Grade Standard Paper Panerna, 5c.. Me., 15c. and Jfir. Nona higher. All have seam allowances. New fash ion sheets now In. Free at Thomas * Barton's. Tib Broadway. JAMES DALY &, CO. MON DAY SPECIALS. Fur Capes and Collar ettes, largest and cheap est line in the city, $1 98 a, Sweli line Ladies’ and Misses’ Jackets, popular prices . _ Black and colored Dress goods, new and hobby, IO cents per yard for double * width fancies Our 49c line is a wonder for style, quality & small ness of price Easy Z Waist for Child ren from 3 to 10 years. Mothers, have you seen it? 25c is the price Good warm Underwear for Men, Women and Children, I 5c and up Blankets at 40c worth sl, at 75c worth $ 1 25. at $2 98 worth $4, all wool 10-4 $3 98, worth all wool 11-4 at $4 98, worth 6 50 Cotton and Eiderdown Comforts, cotton, 75c to $2, Eiderdown 398 and up Butterick’s Patterns Cash discount coupons with every cash pure I ase JAMES DALY & CO. T&iRAND NATION AUPMZEI^I) Of KfiOOFRNCSfirPARIS M? BMvIIckI J*rof.s»lon of A Best Tonic for Lonva- W '.Uow fov.r, rypboli I d.rlol TroubUsi je in- « istita, •tr.ncthe*. ths S is up the entire System. B 22 Ru. Drsuot j 4 Co., 26-30 N.VlillimiSt |