The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 15

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SOCIAL and society Ncftlcr% Clith Coiucrt \ c*lcrUa>. I li At* imp •. Imwpmp«*% tli IW%.»A>IB# (MW <•#*! (IP *.*»**-1 Hi-. % Mm w* |,» 44** f%-9ftp CINHMI gra- sMmmPMI ' Iffrftif • •*♦■* gwil lag si *•“ ■ It • •tril It %mi |§4W144 , 4t. #44 A Ckf«Mn ftajard. IklMti kmm*m *4- !• OTflp 4? 4 •■a** l H< Ran* «* ft bWV. » Is tart * »*•!**** Asr«’ > «V9NI ***« •"« . -.-» Erry If *k H 4 f l ®**®* C* •WfetftitV >m| ||M| Mftglf Ui* ft* ft A* IMP* *tr*tj tk®t m fkf* **» 9*4 *• » tkett of >r I mir r whit* t»44*T#®**tf all •yssiiibr f- r tfcs f etfvMi of tit# _. of hi* itti4Vt*fl44a nt»?| M<vth#r AnffMiiai •• l#Mini uw wwm M 'lhf»f til iboitt 11, It# mM. **l ii*fl lM»r **»t to mm and old b#e ttost h*r utlt# Iff did not m #ii Ic do It. t «U»rurt» hm ‘ Th# »— g hmm U rtrttlnly HEdp .km qh| ( , fgjf ||g» ggi ree#ntl|r prr»w<* m\ t tier n»« to • lot cf flv*. wdfc ,k a ftnfi«»aii< t m+v. : N« « w* im tn th« fair, lor Ilf ta a irrontlf orttfnt* ... arhtMil I kid hft hiiii, but to tbs atreei 1 kta* b.r toe*.'* Mr>. tVv.utki. The Ke> nolrt* Htrart Card Club *•»» amartalnad TaagiftT ilwmo n by Mr.. A. H. DaVaugtaei), T%* priiM** were »rn b> Mr*. William Nlaou and Mr*. WIIIK Th* dub ramlim tad gurata present were: Miss Hoik. Mr». b Mi*. Mr*. Will Law. Mr.. Bowl".. Mlm Reid. Ml*. Crawford. Mr.. Harney, Mr. Call.war. Mis* Kate Ashley. Mr. Wil liam Klrach. Mias M.rkm Rood. Mr». M'ta Lottla Thoma*. Mr*. Will H*»r- Connor Ctacklay. Mra. Dunbar Sibley, drr.. Mra. flmythe, Mra. H»nkln*oit. ihf Mi**** Smyths. Mr». Thom.*, Mra. Weiaiger. Mr*. Toel*, tad Mra. Hol lingsworth. Sunday School Entertainment. The pupil, cf th" First Baptls: Suu day arhcol war* vary pleasantly cuur talned in tb« parlor* of *he Sunday school building Friday evening at an Inform*! .octal. The novel gr.mfs nud amusement* for th* cklldren were ar ranged by Ml*. Marganu Jordan. Mil* Wright. Ml*. Clare Wel*igt" or (I Mr. Both well DOekhart. The** entarttilnmeat* will be given quarterly during th* winter, and Mr*. W. A. Uitlmer i« the permanent chair man for ih» .eaaon. Hr*. I amkiti Knlertaln*. Th«i Reynold. *tr«t Card Club wa* antrrtained ye.terday morning hy Mr*, l.amkin, who antertalnafl thin *veek in etead of next in tompllment to Mix. Polk, who returned yeaterday after noon to her home in Wanltlngton, D. C. The rooms were vary charmingly decorated Ih yellow and white chry .aothemum*. and the yellow and white color scheme we* cerrkd out ih th* Adetall* of ih* dainty rt’fr**hh'rni». The Ijjbt pri.e wa» won by Miss Polk. nr*. Clark Entertain*. Among the meat enjoyable of the *n ihial events of the urnckw as the lunrh reon given by Mrs. Frank/. lark Tues fo.y, at which there >ve£e Mrs. George Fuller, Mrs. Lottie Fuller, Mr*, jlatcher, Mr*. James Bouiwcll. Mrs. John Lee. Mrs. W. A; Latimer Mrs. Thomas Wright. Mrs. James Wright, Mfse Mary Wittily Wright, Miss Craig and Mrs. Will Hollingsworth. HarrU-Talmadge. Friends In Augusta wet* surprised to receive th# new a yesterday or the marriage in Athene Friday of AHsft Daisy Talmudgh lo Mr. Yancey Hatch, which was cethbrated at the home of th* groom's mother, the Rev. iftt Wmmm ■# Im» mi »•**•*• (fpfcipMNii* mmm ••ni** •*#’♦*• eme* 1 MftlfNE Mwf «•»♦»* ms»'m Mm* • #fi EMNlkkif mt p*> *• iMi iiiigi;ii|i^-'- c i A *f Hi Hwni HHH 1 i [Hi hp, n <mt $9 IH I *•% %/* s tjiwt % |ih Hi®* H4MHi % j»Hui W% I mmM % I itfi i% 'o£. If .«• | A gg, ; Mr :t t-gMM ! Y') i m m imn g ipppaM tlrii |MW» I rnm* Mmirt""f ** Hi I* HHM AHPM Im lb* ' 9%if HM ** | % lif iMI %, litwtitirirr df #H* (TjufUMi MN [«#£*« • *tvf iMiitt t# Hi U* L| bligiM «Mt mi itb» mmnH I fPMHI wwmm H [ Hfb f N diNH H HkiH IHmm PW* big* PffMb In* Hmm Him* lit fHNH li *>m>IIMH HMMi H Hin W- tHiH 4 IM» imGWfWmQ Qt*mm Hvp Wmmm Wm»* i Hm y n ,m ft 1 HMI 1,11% lint Ms IH*! I# HtiflU Htt Witt |#« IM Wtftftai NM • i V'ttit |M <'m * ftftfttwift O# Him IJNM WM bit §m* H M««m H*Wl W«**!«#* H w*iltiC tN ! Mtftlf f Ml CMMI lligg HiKili WltbNii of WittHKnm t« vtitlM MtM U#% W«tl#v M *• iftsb HMWrlAkt !• tH •***♦* yf IliM 41% |tl, Ml Ma»t» IftM) | Xbi MlM# HiVfWf Hit* NftttH i Item a tlill to Mtatlm li Mwwi IIr» ttmtwffi OofVk'i. w## Hlmi Moil* '••li. km* i t«» Wijurtlorw lltft# AtHi U%* rborwi’Mif HMortiin Ml Ibr TfcW>it»y lUillM C\mb tki« - vtfk Mta. Unit** BuUt.lll ha. tw.rtel ' tram a vial, to the mmatain. of North Mi** Helen W.ra*r, of th* Album. ~HI | WT# ,-K-rtly far Ibe Hcu.b —W. |*»»l lH.much. Mr* \|jftnl#tr kM Vfturifi from a rta |t to her daughter. Mr*. Uxlt. Rrhley la Thom* 4i Or Mr and M * W K Pendleton, of tv*.! Virginia, are vlaltlng Mr and ■ Mr*. J. R l-amar Mia* Carolyn Rpelfth, rs Greenvtlie. lit C., 1* the guest of Mr.. Turner How j trd. In w eellswn Mr*. Frank Tuft* !***•* for Colum bus it morrow to attend the convention of Woman # Club*. Mr. T. If. Stafford I. vl.ltlng friend* jin M*wut'huaetta. and will not return i ham* until Decetnlwr. Mr*. A. 0. Jackson and her charm ing dc ugh ter. Mia* Mai Jackson, bava returned from Atlanta. Mta. Polk, of Washington. D. C.. who has lieen vlaltlng her airier. Mta. Nla on. baa returned home. Ml*. Gertruda Weed will leave short ly for Philadelphia to attend a fash ionable tin Kiting school. Mias Cal Ile Baker will leave for At lanta nekt week, wjtere ihe will be the gtieat of her aunt. Mra. Field*. Mr*. Charles Phiniay. Mi** Mary Lou Phiniay and Mr. Brovdre Phln.ay will r«tuTn today from New York. Mr*. Frank Ttmberleke ha* returned to Augusta, after a pleasant visit to friends at Eagle Nest. Grovetown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Csrr, of New York, are the gue*t* of Mr. snd Mr*. Cherlea Carr on lower Greene street. Mrs. Charles Phlnlzy wilt spend the next (wo month* with her daughter, Mrs. Sam Mayes, in Thomasville, Ga. Mr. and Mr*. W. K. Miller, Mra. Rtewart Phlnir.y, Miss Lou Rey and Mr*. Maggie Dug** have gone to New York. Mrs. 0. P. Wilcox, of Atlanta, is visiting Mr 3, Lee Hankinsort, and WIU be a guest at the Sturman-Smythe wedding. The engagement Is atinouncefl of Mies Marie Louise Oliver to Mr. Hugh Ward Pendleton, of Chattanooga. Ih# marflftge to occur the middle of De cember. The Czar’s Peace Party Birmingham News. All the European powers, the dis patches say, have accepted the czar’s Invitation to attend hiq, peace party. But some of them may be so busy righting or preparing to fight witch It is held as to bo compelled to send pt oxles. TOTD -A TT OTJ ST TV. SUNDAY HERALD THE MARKETS At mIMa t)*.itf|ayv esta«s I sfE®******* kmm* ; 4v ip4HHE f mm& 4pwi m • ME <h»- a. n | I if. I ■BMBMHk' i# '.<# i# a%tpA#4 ® 1 HfH9 WflliMi m m mmm i% Immm *+ «•* •. m _#» • eieh < v wjiHl >TI iMMJiH **%*■ MMkk. lEHMMMVV'ft j WiMk Hu# lib Hl# tiks Mi It ft* $ i HP* flial aM* MaHuFTa I mmk Hi IftfwMi mimt • fHH ***** I ***** (fcr *■- t \jzrzi SSc I ***** mi %mm kmmm •« mm mm ft#*-* ****** »■-i .I im«x M mm mmirn mmm ft* mm { j mmm Hit %# mbmmm* ***** %9m ***** 9**m 99m mm+* tH j *mm* mmmm*9 • EiH Hi **•* IH,* | fmtum* *w !#»■«•• ptftMftft ##xl mmmmmmm s ti%gM ferftHMMMi m** *••%*****■ pm** mmm** "** I mtmtmmm iHm ••hw mm** 1 mi immU m upftwHH Hmm mi*mmrm | IHM# IH iHft i *M m*i . fHuM H iHHI MHk.*H MH» §< IMHJH. fmWK Ml lifNt i CO. urvß*r««»i* t'ivrtnm A ****** Ammrkm* WU |4t«#M H IH «#H* m tl# Hr mm*m l •*# *mt** HP «rHiHi H» mr*** tm HH**' «HllN*fk *««• NferlWiftil i *m im*m AM l ##. til# k<#H*» i«nlu4N»« MH •kmnl f|«ftlftt, ftWk ft mulifftl* diftHift*!. * ftii4 rhftH •**•!» Amtmmmm ft»*44Mi4. If m ft, Jaaaary aAd Fbbtaarp IK Fctwwaty I*4 March .. l td > *• March aM Abril - *« IB* April and May ~. *V* t"» • May aad Jaw* .. —• .. I k *• *• )«w aad Jaiy „ M t.rt •«* Jut* and A*»q. , w -i I K I * Aug and A*i<t. m u sai del. and N«%*. .. -. .. 9.** N«v. and pw. .. .. .. S t? Her and Jan. « •• Itd !•*? . NNW YORK CXITTOK. New Ynrh. N*>v. I.- Gxio* futurea opened steady Knot .-Wised dull and east. middling, gulf. * Ms. tnlddlkng ui>tentle * *-|g, Aalia *«**, FulUfea . loaed Meady. opea. Clue* January .. .. .. .. I II 1.1 l II February .. .. .. •• .. -» I II I? Match o o » •* .. • t* April .. I B j May «« June I.M > M 33 July .. •• o *.S? S.M August* *. a j# Reptembrr .. .. .. .. I B SA I# October » «« *2 De. ember .. S «« ** Th# ration market ' opened steady with iirteea unchanged to on* point higher, but Ouoji taname foverteh and lower under liquidation by tired heal long*, started by aetlmnte# for another heavy movement to all point* In the ratten belt and Increased crop eatl ( mates. Hear enthusiasm, however. w»* I'onapicueua hy Its absence, In fad, several of the eeaaon k leodlng abort* were sera to be quietly taklna profile. The few ordet* received from atuoad were chiefly for the purchase of Jan uary and ilarcb contract#. New Or- , lean* cold In a *mail way. A ronald erahle portion of today’s bualn«a* con sisted of trade# for the evening up of old venture# by those parlies fearing possible political change* abrnaU over Punday In regard thn the Clna queeUon, as wall as our relatione with tfpaln. Ijite In the forenoon the market for future* turned slightly bullish and the price, moved up slowly on local run- j port and ahaenre of seller*. The close 1 was steady at a net gain of two point*. Kxf lmu ted receipt* at the port* for the day were 57,000 agaln*t 57.710 last week and as,7s* last year. Ketlmaied receipt* at the port* for the week were 450,500 again*! 440.132 la*t W«ek anil 405,535 last ypar. Today’s receipt# at Memphis, es timated were 5.000 against 4.X87 la*t yea a and at Houston 22,043 against 020 last year. DRV GOO OH. Thl* Week ha* iieen a quieter one j (hau the opening condition* seemed to Indicate. Thera ha* been a ntm,mar kt throughout the cotton goods field, j and Jheie la talk of advance to lie mad* by seller*. In print elofh* the market ha» been Arm. but very qulst, during the week. There have been sale* of about lio.OOO piece*, chiefly odd goods, and It 1* not probable that In the line* concerned In pooling propualtlon there has been movement enough to offset the pro duction. Nevertheless the tru*te*s feet thai they have the situation well m hand and that buyer* will ty'forced to purchase at eglsting quotations in the early future. woollen good* nf all description* have remained firm Ih nearly every grade. FINANCIAL. New York, Nov. The market was dull and sluggish throughout the short session, but with an undeniably Arm undertone, Closing at itie best prices, with (to dlcpbsllien to tftke profits after the two dnys’ rise, «uch as might com monly he anticipated at the end of a Week given over largely to professional trading. The market, In fact, resist ed an attempt to ladube price* afler tli;, appearance of the ban‘t statement, the attack centering on local securities, but the market generally continued up ward to the close. No effa-t Whs pro duced In- iHe action of the Spanish pear,, commieWhti in refusing the Am- i *#»» mm mm*mmmommm mm *m* *********** j** mh fHijHj mfrnmfiHmm ] mm* 4 it m ******* ******* 4 9m * * 11#« ih|HMPHHE ***&****** i »m’44 ftftftiiSHl mmm ttf® H ii m 1 mmmmtm** mmm ****** . | iniftftifH > ll >** •*+* '*♦ 11%» mmmmmtA mmmtfm ***** ******* mmm.. ijgpE-sre f #«M| 9*9* HEHMMNft' Imp. i iftft»l ftftft 4®4 | I #aft ****** m»4|*l 1 4W4H1 **** v** «> < ftftfti I ftjftgi I, ftn'i nfti fLi • mmm ft *s* | : aftftßk Iftft' IMift fSb* **■ fifHHH HMtHI H *#iH 9*A • fftft i s ftftftft ******* 4ft a'b ftnftftl mm*m*t**i prt ift-f v*m *m **m tftftft *9 • hi fAMfINHNHFHH ******** ** *•** »mmm****m I fHi ft# ftUMHftwa ftftftfftftft "ft*# l #* f Iftl ***** f4m Fftftft ftftft *ftFFftftftftßft j «4ftlt fit M##** A* 4 ■- tftft|iilift mim tftftftftftft H i Hft» if944H 4ig4ftfl mmmtrnm ** 9** 9kmm mY- »*| a pa tftftftftMHMWfti ftftftftft* «ftft>* ftl mm*A | fib# •ftUfti## ftfft :l <m*i' m 4* -4*••*«*# Tftft MP II ftf M| ft -in i 44# ft <4 4 «*»•■■§- -a» F>F IfftM ■ #ftgtft ift |k, # ( t A ft <| #ft ta-M Ift# r-ftfftH® f4v4»«* *** HftMtft »M 1 H4ftft *4 v mm # f*%<' *fti'ftpft4 ftftft»4ft* ftftft 'lftft ftftftft. ftftftftf ****** ******* 41 *4ft *m** s«h> -v#4 fftftHMF Tftft #ft«ft'4* * *4ftl *■>• j ‘aamaw .aa»'-aa«ly »b* « P-* iwaaft ft* % *♦*'<• tmH *• ftftftg o* H in | iftiF *44 *• f#|l#‘#*ft| .. ftrMHl 4f4*i (Ift| ftl ft |n tiftft 4* 1 I hmrn 9 *** i'TTftl rfimm ****’***** «t»fft pftft#* *%•»% 9**? pijßfiifcf . #4rMMiftft *«*ft4f •lift hmmtn*** hi HAlm' Hft 4i l *%ii 4 ftr ft>: iftftiwl ln4 4t f H f**r *4«»* 44T* j ysftM m(ftft I Mft • #*4 • Cl Crnmmim j r mi tit Hft 4 nft cftfiftr rm(Cr«(#f Itfti H Hft# Hit'* 1 * 4144’ 9*»mwmn #• **!•#'• | (tsftFfiuiiftkl lik>«a4ft Cm. iCtftl* U n4i 4m*. palMHi Uoft ftimf S*m tmlr Krn.l Tftft wftftftH Hft*ft * t ftf44ftftVM iftllk • IM rClifr# MHMfVN 4ft*rft44f a ,M . •!.•••.H4 tail® liiriift m«... •*•• ..It.HS Mi ftt> <ft» rftiftft A. AA AA H4l #.Tftft j it»H4 CftriftH .« ** •• aa •* iJlf.Mt 1* miftttft. tffttftHf .. ** •• •# MHJft: • . ftiMt •*»» m«i«44ft -AH Thr tfttihi ft*** > 4l<l 1H.C13 4H ft • ft* j -.#i if tft# r*l|«flftHVi* M* tftf J| j NTT* <4*fllft Ml ft| Ift* •#! .. .. a A AA AA AA AA Atrbl* a. preferred ***» I Naltlmnre and fHUu .. .. .. .. .. Ml* | I 'RtHftlß ftt»lllhFll1 , s a a aa a* *q lIH <*44444 P*H4« .* AA 4 a# AA •# a. *3% <>4lr#l 1*45 lift*' 99% (*hFWfdft r #ll*l Ohio .. M .. 21% Ihl d|o «n 4 Allot! . .. .- A. •• ut I Ckli ago. Murtlkgiun and w .. HUi t*bna« u and K. 11l .. .. .. .... 52 i IM.. oirlerrej .. .. .. .. .. .. IM i’blraso G, w .. •• •• •• «• .. ~ It’** fhii-MK* Ind * L D» j DO., preferred .. St 1 Chicago and N. W .. !«<• | Do.. tre.Vrred ft Delaware and Hudson .. .. . ... . .* *S fH'iaware I, nnd tv ~ .. .. J#* Delaware and ftln Grande *. .. .. I 'M. (Mr,,. preferred .. „ .. ~ .« i*'i (-.#e*. lie,, i. .. 12 Do., (list luaf-irad .. ~ «. UK i JM Wayne 174 Great Northern, preferr-d .. ~ IS* Markina Valley ........ .... 2 lIH ton. On tre I ~ •• .. •* .. 70S\ Lake Kile and W .. .. 2. .. u I’H Dei, preferreti ~ si\* 14i*( Hhore . >. IMH Lautavllle and Naebvllle .. .. 57H Manhattan I, .. .. 4. SS'i Mekropolltan Htrael Hallway .. .. I*4\ Michigan Central lfl?H Minn and Ht I MH j 1 Do., tirat preferred #e** i Missouri Pacific .. ~ .. .. ~ .. 2?% Middle and Ohio .. 25 Mo. K. AT .. !#H Do.i preferred .. .. •• .. .. .. .. 32 New Jersey Central New York Central 115 N. V.. Oil. and Ht. L 12 ' Do., first preferred to Do., second preferred .. .. ~ .. "W Northwestetn . 12 ■ North American company 5M i Northern Pacific .. •« •• •* .. .. f'N, j ! Do., preferred .. .. .. .. .. .. •• ESN Ontario and W .. .. .. 14% | Or*. It A Nav 53% roe. Kh*ut Lin** 3* l*aclflr Coast, first preferred .. .. 73 Do., second preferred ~ ~ ~ *5 Pittsburg * ITI Heading .It Do,, fli st preferred f. 25% H. G. W 2? Do., ’ referred .. .. ». .* .. 60 l Hock Island . .. ••»••••■ 102% : Ht. Loula and H. V >. 7% Do., preferred .. ~ .. .. .. .. so% 1 Do., second bre.'err-d 2*Nl Ht. Louis and H. W ..i% Ijo., preferred .. .. *. .. .* •« .. ISN HI. FkUl n .. .. .. IMT* Do., nrefsriefl ■■■• .. .. .. r. lfl*4 SI. Paul and Omaha ». 81 Iwj., preferred t*l SI. Paul, M. * M 161' southern Paiifl' ~ M i. „ nn Southern ftallwsV >, <• .. .. SH Do., preferred Do 1 * Texas 9rtd Paring.. ~ k « .. .> ljj% t'nlOh Pacific : '5 On., nraferred .. .. .. .. .. .. .. It, p. 0, * rt .. .. .. sh Wabash *• • • •• 7V* Do., tH*f»rr#rl «*t. »* m •» ** •• Wheellh* and t». K. >. 4. •< ** >• •. 8 Do., ■ preferred . ■ .. * 18% Adams BxnreSe cpmpany llfl American BjHrffts* company .. .. 189 tTnlt'd States Rxprea* company .. 4n Wells Bar»o ».•*••»* I®” American t'otton Oil .. •• .< •• ®T% Do., preferred .. '.. «. «» *' American spirits -.4.. » «• <. >» •> HVi Do., preferred ~ >t <• •« u •» •• 28 'Afnfctran Toliarro »« $* *• «« •» I** Do., r**d "A*t «• •* ** •* ** doriaulldaied Has ••»<••• 4 > Commercial daw* tompany .. «. I<* Pol. F\ and iron .. .. .< .• .» •• «DH Do., preferred •• »• 8n General Kleelrie H *l^ Haw. PokrimeiciaUPoinpany .. .. M Illinois Steel .. .pi.. .. 1W 1 mmhi * mmmm*** im*** -mm****** 4ft U ***** m 44 ft* • • ftt ft* ft* •• #% fft# pn# Iftft I .wi ft»4ft #•«*?'*#«* HMH ft® % * ft. «• •# ft* *» 9* fftnftMM • «a«ift #«*•#• mmm ***% i fftHMCM MHMM ;« m ftt ** ft* ft* MCMI §*, ft»«M«44B am ma- ftdfti 1*44—41 lH44i «• ftt ft# •« •# •* ft* 4* la* . A*a*wia< t * a « « « » *•* »**«# It H| H « MTIIAIH* i»-hhm Masra *!-»»«* J»J| ; t "taflAg MA**a b* <** mmm MftßlTHl ypfti HC 44441 •• ftt ft* •• ft* ftft ftft IWCftIM fC4il M I Hft aa •• •• a* •• •• CM I 4HHMPft * Hftft A #• »• •• ft* •• •• M 4 f*» .1 Him I “..*l*!. " M 7. M MAM - *>. *M ISmmmmmmm **M t«a . *4H a*MMMMMM» *% <- ,»4 .MW* M.. MMMMMM l»H j • '#Mm ft ft ii 1 T4ft*4 4ft an a* *#*••••• |iv. M i ft H •. *!•«*••. VifH |) * 91 «f 4» A« •• •• ftft ftft •* 4-H I ffftftt »*C4lft<ftft"Bft Iftft* *«•••***•• 14*M Mftr Ms.#. H •• r t * f» I*l* I fa ftft •• ftft ftft HI [ ftt- H I 9 Aa A .• H .1 A« •» M HI I f ftft 4#»*4444 a« •* *• ** m *t t • Mi ! ft* ftril iM CM M A T* **• 14 •• •• ih> •• IIM| I f ft* ft «SM4 -. 4ft Aft Aft .« M *«•*** M IMIi I I •ft t Iftftft *• #« AA * A #• *• • ftM^ft 11« m mmm*** m .......... m l» A H I*4l fft .. a. •• .A A. *? I 44*4*1 4ft .A a* AA *•*•••• • *4 ’ M It. A T . Aft# H M M M M 44% ! ft* , A as A* A# A* *# AA A# an •• *f% Txh Oftlfftl tilt A AA uni M A. r AA • A • A Aa aa aa aa aa IM iN «* 11* (Wu4M ift Aa aa aa aa aa IJi I 14* ,9* aA *• AA As AA AA AA AA AA W | MriHHfft fft#lC# IM* aa a* *a aa aa IMM> |ft* . H AA ftft A# A. Hi I |l* Cft *.** . . AA AA *t *• AA AA W ft fa f\ *M Hi AA •• A A l®4 Not 444 * ift .A AA a. AA AA AA AA IH j N-llC*#ft(Ff» (ftftHli AA AA AA AA I tiff j Ift#., 4ft4 ftft AA AA AA AA AA AA A'llfft |O. S|V, I*l* AA AA AA AA AA Aa AA * ■ O. icr 14 aa a# aa aa aa aa aa Mt% • P. Illl* i* I • f- AA AA AA AA AA ltC% «1 4 Uc# i* I. f. AA AA AA AA A Hi S I*4* lift* ift *9 4p AS AA * A AA AA •*» ft l(raftin« 4 ...» M AA Aa aa •• •• 11. a W Ml* A. AA .* AA •• H AA 9* m. 144 ft A Ir. M Om M 141 la. A Am* rt 44. a*4 M aa a. tit HI I* OMI .. .. .. AA AA AA • • |* Hi Paul CAP l#tft !. ut% Iftl . M .. ttifl Hftfttlun) RlU*»f ft* .. a. •• a. AA t44i| danlirl tt<4i liw 1 Turn* 4 *. if T»fllwH#« ft»ft 441 4 *• A# AA •* Aa N j Tv*. Ilf. la. U Iftl • a A AA AA AA AA !«• I tftl.. I* ill* .. .. *. «. •• AA AA AA f& r. p t> 4M ttuir tftt» .. •• a# h | Wllftfh Iftf Ift AA A* lit 4 |NI . ftftTOflttft .A A« A A AA AA AA AA A* W fthor# Cft A A A AA • • tit Vlrtttiia Oftftturk** **.a aa aa «• •• TfH Iftl.. l|#f»rrp<l . . «. *• AA AA AA AA •• • Wtftructala Cftfilial t*i» 4»S M-l.|lf *ml Ohio I* *• a* AA A* A# •# N. and W. C. consol* 4* „ .. .. Ml, N AW, preferred «»', t'nlen l*aclflr. preserved .. .. M*i t'anttal of Georgia conosl* .. .. 5.*7% Dr, ft rat In .. 15 Do., second In .. «. .. .. .. ~ II HTOCK LKTTKft. [ Augusta, Ga.. Nny. s.—ls ape< ulallon Is a straw that shows the popular be . lief In the election outcome. It will ■mean Van Wyck governor and a repub lican or a sound money majority In r’nngresa. The continued strength lit New York surfsce roads favors Tam many’s success, while the investment buying of good railway aecurltlea de note* a belief In sound money national victory. The week’s market has been subjected to s mlsture of Influences, i In the early part, foreigners were sell- I era of American securities on account of the warlike preparations it home, while on this side the uncertainly of political outcomes and dissolution rs the tra%( association had a depressing effect.N twithstandlng these conditions the entire list closes from one-half to two points nvsr last Haturday’s prtcea, jwlth Louslvlls and Nashville the most I prominent, regaidiess of the fart that 1 Lindon sold this stock earlv In the week. The hair day’s business today neceseaiily shows anti-election condi tions and dullness, but prless closed at the best figures. In the trusts, fluctu ations were such as to please both el ements. American Tobacco started by declining If s share *nd Ihen advanced 14 front the lowest. Hugar Was modest mid nuiluated lean than 51. Predic tion* before elections are dangemus, but th* least that can b- raid IS lliat pflces Ale well SUSlal’ied. PAINE, MI’ItPHY A CO. PROVISIONS. Chicago. Nov. ft.—Lnivev foreign markets today. The Bearish Russian • roll figures and a disappearance of the export demand ratlepd a Sharp decline In wheat. Declined and closed l c*nt lower On cflrn and oat* lost li rent, polk lost ?U: Lard 2%53 esnts rtbd ribs left off a shade lower. New York, nov. k.-»Fimir weak and ■lain lower. Winter patente S.tWall.fMt. Rye flour quiet. Buckwheat flour Stea dy, 1.80a1,70. Buckwheat steady. «. Corn meal dull and easy. Yellow west ern 72073. Rye Weaker. NO. i, 3). RAr ley Arm. Malting western 4NtD/4asft. Barley malt steady. Western •Wheat, spot, easy. NO. 2 rfd *4%. Op tion* opened we*k and declined through foreign selling, weak Liverpool mar kets. bearish Russian crops estimates and liberal spring wheat receipts, dos ed %aVt estate lower. Hules included No. 2 red. Mnrdt Hosed fSH: May dosed 70%( December 73, oinked 7314- Horn, spot, rasrr'No, ‘j, Mti. option matlrel war weak all day under liqoidallotl Bhd declining foreign inilktHS, Moslng easy and 4 lower. May 38%; December elo* ed 87% RpOl. dull, No. 2 25%. Options dull and nominal. Reef steady, fartiilc 9.50, Ali. Fxlrn mess 5.81)tt9.55. Reef ha Ills 19. p 8» kMS 49: City SXiia IndlA mess jUsllli. CUt meals qtllel. pickled gSABMi *q*a w p» »—* aaaaaagaa* AAA 1 j.AAibaa ftwwnra "H** I * HHtft Hi***.. W*. *******. nJH' r Hmmmt ***** t-mpi'u. * i w*** mm**4 VHlf *mm*m*-*4 | « 4444» Ilf , Wm* » tft* | »HMt - UH* ‘ tfW I ftf—4i—* A« AA AA AA AA * M " n M% | Hft* AA AA AA »S*A AA AAAA 4H§ % H% ! %o%'***9mt a« a* #• •• 1 m* ! Itft#*ft44ftv A« AA AA ft# AA '* % *S j Hftr A* Aft «ft AAAA AAAA Aft £f%*t| I HATH * I Am- - A __ fffti *94 I |lpV#4ft|M*f AA Aft Aft «■» Aft ftft ft* ft . w m J Hft* a* ftft ftft ftft •♦* m** •% \_t 4 * m iMvfttnWT Aft •• •*•« Aft I til ■MI |ft * *m | #4*»44wa aa #a a# aa aa •• w tJMtM • Wo.ra.Swr MMMMMM IT « •• I |w-ra.Arr M M ~ M M * « jAaAara *■ •< •• ma. m SSJ * al|..«T RUT. - l V„.»nhrT m .. - I Janvart •» » « I m*b *«.rtalWA* w»»a a* Rdbra* I F>rar rartw*. a*-vxal braaTA «*. ,1 Mi bald pale Ala imi JJ. M‘* rAiA a saaja straights I MaM*. It#. I #A.tPg wheat —• No. I aptlng , wbrai «ft N« IredCH. Ms. I *w»a. *l%. ; N«. t <-«l* »ft. No. I *A* I?. No. j No. > rye. *9 I Mo. 2 barley, •?*•*. I Mi a»Anrb, get barrel. • Ta* ft: lard 'per m pounds. 4 •:«* abort rtba. aidao, loose, la* A. dry salted aboalfle.a t Aa l M. rixet clear ridee. boaed, Sale. Whiskey. Jtetlllrra' llntabed good*. I |er gallon II ft. I Sugar. un< hanged. GRAIN IdirTßß I Augusta «la . K«v. i.—t’able# were I S lower, and th» local i m*4 were All I Iworieh. tmt trading »*• Hgbt. Bart lett woe a moderate aoiler. The tea- Jeacy throughout lb# erAalon »»» b# (ward lower prtcee and irolh our vtattde and the world'* eijHAted receipt# lead ed to show Increase. Receipts continue large and etport* light. The peaceful outcome abroad ha# taken all the snap out oC the market Rhon* are bolder and bulls weaker, .load Judges claim lower cable* Monday will tempM-arllv demurs liar weak bull* and realising will follow. Torn irartlonally lower In sympathy. Piorlalon* well field. PA INK. Mt'RI’HY * CO. DAILY COTTON MARKET GAlvesion. Tea., Nov. s.—Cotton (*sy. Middling 4% Ns< receipts 15412. Gross receipts 1.'*432, Males 3ft. Slock 265&19. Exports to Great BrltalnTlln. Exports coastwise 3*42. Eaixwts lo tha continent 44M. Norfolk. Va., Nov. *.—Cotton steady. Middling 4 15-I*. Net receipts *712. Oros* receipt* 37»t. Hales #tk). Htock M.- j IH. Report* coastwise 312*. Baltimore, Md., Nov. s.—Cntton nominal Middling 5%. Gros* receipts 147. Htock 2*41. Horton. Nov. *.—Co4ton dull and eaay. Middling 5 5-I*. Net receipts 2417. Gross receipts 2517. Exports to j Great Britain 1255. Wilmington. N. C.. Nov. s.—Cotton , quiet Middling 4%. Net receipt* 404*. Gross rSeelpts 404* Philadelphia. PI.. Nov. s.—Cotton quiet Middling 5 7-I*. Htoeit 44*3. Havannlh. Ga., Nov. s.—Cotton qul st. Middling 4 »-l«. Net receipts 10*90 Ureas rerSlpt# 10*»o. Hales 12*3. Htock 148189. New Orleans, Nov. 5. —Colton easy, Middling 5 3-IS. Nel receipts 11.147. Gross receipts 11347. Rules 1100. Htock 2*4*89. Exports to Great Britain 10374. Export* coastwise 1*55. Expert* to the comment 7040. Mobile. Ala.. Nov. 5 —Cotton quiet. Middling 4%. Nel receipt* 2*04. Gloss tecelp 1 * 2*04. Hales 12W. Htock 40*13, Exnortx coastwise 250. Memphis, Tetin., NoV. s.—Cotton easy. Middling 4%. Net receipts 8472. Gross receipts 7085, Hales 4400, Block 95513* Augusta, Ga., Nov. B. Cotton quiet. Middling 5. Net receipts 2742. Gross re ceipts *742. Hales 1048, Htnck B*lso. . charleston, S. C., Nov. 5. Cotton steady. Middling I 7-1«. Net receipts *Bl9, Gross neelptg flflio. Htock 5*350. Clhclnnatl, 0.. Nov. s.—Cotton quiet. Mldllng 5%. Net receipts 1218. Gross receipts 121*. Hales 800. Htnck 11782. IVrtilSVllle. KV., NbV. #.“<ldttrm steady. Middling 6. HI. tetuis, Mo,, NOv. 8. —Get ton quiet. 4 15-18. Net receipt* t92S, Gross re ceipt* 3988. Houston, Te*., Nov. 5.-Grttton quiet. Mldllng 4 18-18. Net receipt* 22043. orftaa receipts 22043. Skies 818. Stock lTßtn. New Yolk. Nov, 4i.—Cotton Ull nnd easy, Middling » 5-18. Nel. receipts 1816. Gros* receipts 4311. Slock 77715. Exports (0 Great HHtoln 487. Exports to the continent 9039. Not “Wide Ofleh" Hnouglt. FUchrmnitJ Diapateh. she Now York republican pa here are making much ado to the efTect that the metropolis I* ORdlil “wide open.” hut the IncllrnttOhs ore that it Is not open enough for Roosevelt lo ride through It. to victory. ONE CENT I WORD | 4J| 4T»i i fUHI |44|-J(| !Nd|i MHPRt [ |g|., nf #4 4- . *** . » di44n4Rb 4Hi HH '4* ftftbftUßl U<p*'4» H| CHt *M«a«f| IMN# * 4fc44p*|fc, *o* H®4 4ft *M H|4 i—Hf ; ~*r* " I .*% «ft-j s*» *ft»* ***** 9*o «4i•# -ftf -f ftAM# rnm****** 44 44 44 ***** *mm #*** »(4 ii.i4Mnil TH* *************** m#*i 9m ftk TMH 14—4*4 m**m % I# He *!TUATION WANTED - ra.»MiraMMra-,r :Vl!M n^(nnnTftHAMftNMftMAAMftAAAATftßkftft*HMftftft**U [ «*- * % f%M * 4 4lfW*4 A* ! fUIHAPMHH #M*4 <»>*» 4fH4> 4 0 I fhftMHl HmHF 4fH*4#4 Ini 4HH ' I4‘ [4 ft 1* A f*fti ftpifTt# A* Hr 4444* | #' flh »M % % 4f 44444. AfNUf 44 [.-Ac. • 144 ft f#»| aa N m 4 404 4AIT “ i mi* V «haUa i i| nm4ry *44i *u#4 t*- mH> 944*11 Ml fr—4 •**««. *IM HH iHN® «H*®| N r # TO HPNT* I M>N hHHT a NPTI Tm> **9i r*AH. | *9*l** IH* 4 *® 4HM> t*m*A *■ it9.9*9 *HI* I 4N» n*m ******* *m4 A* [ limy I W44(y MHHWHH» MftH 1414 I 9Am9m*m •€ Aim* v i rw*» H94*11 flWHtf T 4 lit 4l»l*» 4 i# uf—4* 41 Hi HfftadJ As vftlftlft. *444 44 HH» ~ miscellaneoub ’ i ltm « VVTttKfti MA 1 idbtAMT I tong «irne lUrw.r- AAI i roaMlty » , [i, -1. - ,nd white j Amai do* maw* ebuet a>tk* two iboara Araers rate. Math’* Mataoey. Moa a : ipiVRNNMI'BT RgßTlulft-Wl*# lurgar for any rtvtt asestcr eaomlAA* lira wHh>i«t »i to* «*t illwotiaied rat* tksw ad iwfoemaitra. Brat hw (V Iwmktaa C«*re#(#A4*iice I'wUege Woab* > ut# o, I), ft Bat • WR ARK IIF-A Injt’A ItTKHIt Folk all bind* of fl*h oyetoee. game, etc. • H«e M a call. Bell idtear 2*«. FsAgte g Flab fa. 111 rampAell Street. I Nor b _____ m ' " M WAMTKD -A YOUNO UR MIDDLft aged lady ta board wlib grteatd family: trim# very reasonable. Ada ’ Arena care lleiatd. Nae • I.ADIEsTn IN>LIfICS " They Join Id tbs Farad** Mi Naetk ba retina. The poll ii* al pot la boßlkff very litlaU.e la North Carolina Juat ai pres ent aad eVea the ladles are taking n derided Interest la ibinsa politics; donator Tillman wma In Sanford N. iC„ Friday, and made a «peach that The Raleigh Netra aad Olumrear apeak* of as follows "At IJ o'clock Senator II R Till man was Introduced Tillman is a tough diamond but * diamond nee : artheleM. Ha reviewed the reform movement In South Carolina in eoa (rant with the mistaken police of al liance reform* In North Carolina, and deplored failure of Populist* and Democrat* lo unite fur white euprAm aejr, showed how Impossible It I* to keep down negro aupremnry when while men divide, rapeclnlly by South Carolina method*, but advltcd Demo crat* not to let these condition* de ter them from their solemn duty. He advised populist* to return to the Democratic iierty aa quickly a* poe*l ble. aa they mu*', do ao aoooer or later, alnce by the Democratic party alone could good aovernment ever come to North Cnrollna He denounced the statement that he advised disfran chisement of Ignorant wblta voters as an InfamouM lie. Public demon*!ration has reached such a high place that the ladle* nf the plare took* part ou horseback In the procession which paraded through the principal thoroughfare of tbo town. Among the rider* present was Mra. A. P McPherson, one of the most prominent society women of Sanford; Miss Alice Monger, daughter of Mr. J. M. Monger, the well known clerk of the Commercial hotel. In Augusta. The route of the parade was from Sanford to Jonesitoro and return with the car riages hearing tne speaker* In mld coltimn. she distance was two miles, Mr. Monger has received a letter from his wife Ht Hanford telling of the procession. This in the first time, perhaps, that Indies have participated In a politics! parade. Proud of Himself. Pulpit oraiora lit Han Fraflclsco are not unlike the shirting sand, says The News. They rliange rapidly and of ten become soggy. As present the most prominent preacher in the city Is thr Rev. Chan, Ed. a bright and shining ornament of Methodism, who holds forth In the Central church. A week or two ago Dr. Locke was be ing shown through Grace church by an Episcopalian admirer. Gating Inlerestedly at the stars painted on the celling, the visitor Inquired If they had any special significance: “Oh," was the reply, “you know that the Bible says, 'He made the stars, also.’ " "Ah,” commented the Methodist par son, ‘‘do you know the difference be tween your chitri’h and ours?” "Oh, I don’t know," said the Episcopal ad herent. "whai Is if?" "You put your stars In the ceiling: we put our In the pulpit." was the enigmatical re ply. Dyspeptics aie often made by 111-teni- P-l. a ~ , t. , e