The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 08, 1898, Image 2

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YWMra* ifxT til THAI AND MORE! Prices fj-gj Terns 5E THIS MIANH EASY TERMS. • f|» WANT CUSTOMERS. MINT PIANOS. Cmmni In rm# I • Vt Gift tiffin torn Vi Thomas & Barton, IB WOUtl' IMOAIA Di an aim m: Of CHARITY. AttatM* MMt Imm I kNNt »• Ik* AtHHMJI tlft. to**. 4"- At lA# > I*4 «f Ik* rHy etfwbrti »e#*»r«la» •for- Dmhmi • ptotttoi • •*» #*•# ftuvi »k# ptatfetotar *1 tbe Mg 4 pKil fWi rH I ftnr al 11 r ftRfRRM •#M* ii inw^toP 1 * t« #i ta# • * ton* *!%* p**hir* *|N tar It tk* itttr* of • rsqe l 1 ••*! trill • otwla same mt»» «aiir« Hew** rctnrWlMC lb. two! ruom <4 Oil* Ht| AmtrtUM M* llirii;-** of Mr DWtiut (V* (M| vt AtUat* a* ;**••»* ytwrir aver ft IBM It revwM* »*»»« •» fft*} nM, If tni|»r etrf* »rr taken. Iwt Into tbe fM» imiurj •la. * |k * l/tklMnit p*M»cd up ■ Mil 4 fr« )**rt r>*». great tag tbe C»i*frt*r .» rN»tt i> < f tkto Mat* a free Itevroa* to .<<■ an* baaiatv* o*l*t«f* (if whiekj gee 'tog th" |wl raun o*rb*r»«f Allan tp n i» nil. feat* taken *d*»Biage <>f 11. er<* a>• al least own kalf «f tk* {tor,I r . ,<m buern*** of tkla city I* lout »fs# m mMt# of t#i<ptai>r . The* It la lb* rtlf 1# foetog *k* rev #n«* irki -A u might an If ik* l***!»• It tor* !a frlNfMHl to revoke ik* ft** Ump* en nirt) (o veteran* and pas* Another bill Birina them permltalon to Wo aay basin*** attaf iba« liquor or jam; and Millard* burinee* Mr. OldAno’o says (bar* are man* aaoliu rr- in ik* rlif üblrk am jest ttd In tk* re*Meai-e port Inn doing bws- Hi*M Oil fra* In ruses mid paflng very tint* rani, ibua making It unfair tor tk* pool room* in ik* r*ot*r of th* rltjr wko ham to pay a larg* rent and th*lr I«IN alto H* atk* that th* city roan rll p*tHlon tk* pr***n» legislature In *m*ml th* fr** Urttia hill ao a* to inak* Ik* *a«*ran* p*y revenue Into th* Hly for running pool mom*. You i *n g*l a fine ault cheap for i a»h at K. J. H*nry A Co.'s. 11l and It* Campbell •trwt. DIES IN A STORE. A Prominent nillcdgevllle nan Ex pired of Appopleny Yeaterday. Milledg'-vil! Oa., Nov. ». F. Tl. Mapp. on* of Mllledgevllle's meet high ly eatrremnl dttoeni*. died suddenly thl* morning ulxiut 8 o'cloi'k of appolexy. In th* stoic of A. Joseph. tie w*t In hi* usual g<H*] health when h* left home and was attending to hi* accustomed duties «t th* store when th* end cam*. H* lenv** a wife and two daughter* and a brother. I*r. Mapp. of Butt* county, kaatdea » larg* < In l* of friend*, who gbueiily mourn hi* loos. H* ha* for a long time been prominent In busl m-ar and wv-tol circle*. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets All drugglata refund the money If It fatl* to cur*. 25e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Her l oat Opportunity. Chicago Record. Marie —I’ve just been rending of an other Red Cross girl who married the soldier she nursed through a fever. Mildred—Yes, that’* become qutle common now. Oh, how I wish wed have another war. _ ' BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, ... * OPOSSUM. SQUIRREL. vEVERYTHING IN SEASON— , jV\ohrmann's Restaurant UPLN UNTIL 2A. M. optN UNIIL " A ' M ‘ THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS iifWKW t WM fUkMt Hmt* to lit m # mpmpm. lABHMN# #### VN rrmA [ NtotoMtoto npnnmw# -f t*ia# *♦*•#*» [ RRRft#l HMMNf IV ftAA ftIAPRR *MI *" * * * RP7 Imm MHto« toto ••tow** vtoVRWN*# •• I tot ton ivtoi tovtoto mm to# *to I «Mto WW MWN 9W TV W-R* rv* 1 * , • v| lIHI MHH ft’wwßN Mmmm $ Imm A#** [tow* tow ttototo itoW fto **** t# ; * . smo «k* Mgt *-*■»♦• haa* r**» a*i U t%p rx» -Ml «■ dan trmm Rip t •** I n>l t tu.-ia tail ftf. MA *k» map I tin t 3 wi pan * Yfc* p*v«* tm raiqrd akmnt Uka « II M paw •**k I fMb 4***4 mßbditbg (*np a# 1 l put* Tk* Ana tdkkkd <*P*g mark** ' mr-£0 mCMRVIt #*»fto# fto* Wr4l wH il RV Ml I*4 wt mm tto pttoMi mx»<s to LuHßng *• mud* foam If ka W <c*ta MM IH til tIMOIA COMBWVC ' l*r»parati*a* A** Ikrtug Mada smm tm . - m|gf- mt f |,|M f lit «*# llWf to«Mt ftoto*. vto* * ! | # || rTT .m In —trlir 9 I | _ .-, fmqf*catfeMMM toWW i|f »M totov wtotß ! ‘wjnrtnn— jtorv>w< A wrf iMff Miiwlpr fV fRRRMWI •« Ito RMto Ifim. i- »«• f ||i# wwiitt—wi Rtrw •» I *w#»nl dll *Rtoto; r.nahiN ta aarwr* hmaau. Mu*- d. 'A llammm, rlwirim 4 9 Atom j |f. ft mind K‘ KO. H»* Adfkww m#4 J 1* NvfUM | riiwun-- w tv»«w- to. IH ■ ilmniMW.' 4> I** HttKilftu tN.mmi|lff cmA •#tpßf«§tNßi»- , RiIR. A* #* J ll«rv«N. tonw. i W K*wjr. <S*««K»t|l I## «m •Yf*' to to w«* trftftMrn. h«}«fORH w H l%ry to H I, C. Mftn, Mt to 11. It r. Tkamag A l« lluaury, C. P Itavtra, ft W, Wondkam. C, T. P>i and Ifiag**** A. ffur. h t'ommin** on prtailng. J. «f Vtae vard* (kalmmn, J, f. tVnry. Hr*. I. A Harman Commit!## on dMirlbutmn, A ftuich rhalrman. Mlm fJntmb- llolroe*. Ml** Wugrnta Pni* Our pi!<«• on null* unfy tm-iklnb whut other* charge R. J. Henry 4 Oa.. wu «a*h tailor* Laalugtoa N*w». ttpc* ial to Th* Herald. I.exlngo*o. Ky.. H«v. Id. Il*nry i T, Chant*, of AnvrM county, leave* today for UllDltiin. where he goe* to complete hi* atudle*. He all*nd*d Ihe VVtlltetoti High Bchool at Wllllaton. H . <*,, one year, two year* at the Agrl rulturat <yill#g« of Oeorgla and two term* al the M (1 M A A cidlrae, Mltledgevllt*. I feel that It I* Useteaa! to commeat on my friend Chanre, hut for thoiM who do not know him 1 will | say Hurt the a lew* named nla< *• he atiuHl well In hla clans and won r or, him**lf the undivided raapect of hi* teachri* and achiadmale*. hla deport ment wa* without blemlnh. Sow h* goea to perfect hlmaelf for the huat iirna world. I bid hint (lodapeed and feel *ur# guccena Will crown hi* ever* ef fort, for to hi* many virtue* I* added the greatest of all: “A boy who** mor al* are pur*.’’ ft «u a plrttaurr to meet mv old chum, aftet a dinner ordered Juat to pleaae the appetllle of college boy*. We INtrted nol knowing when nor where »v* would meet again. Sweet Pea*. Now I* the time to plant need gaved from our *uperb large flow ering vurletle*. *o much admired la*t apt lug. Thu Hup Floral Nursery. HR. ANDERSON’S MULE. A famous Animal That Won Many Prizes on Turf Among the at the Planter* to day I* Mr. It. K. 8. Anderson, of ICdge ik-id. Mr. Anderson is Interested in horse racing and owns some fine stock. A few years ago he owned ft white mule that became famous on the track. That mule could make a mile In three min utes and carried off many prises. Mr. Anderson's mule was the talk all over the slate and In fact several states. It was the only mule that was doing the racing act. Mr. Anderson has sold the animal. Place you order for fall suit with E. J. Henry A Co., popular priced tailors. .AUGUSTA LYCIUM btt ft |» it *o9* I *-»«k ** y*% ft ’ Mdjlftt |».qjM» M Rm#*M*** ItfAftONtc: MALL. Mint IINItfAM YM*JI *m I «*.*## to# itoto I ft.iMtoNi' ito m *m ****»m#* to^ v fRWRffAim top' § StotoS toi I mm#** *«toto to totopip * to' lii mjr |b«ir ft# tow #gr ! * SMto * j«r vtoMMM m to# itototo to# «R.y*Hft Hv tort II IS Mto* IMS** * j: RMto# ito fiAiito itostop I inStoP# # RNtototoT Cto to## mm*#-* mg li** . fWß*i»ii.iftß>t#i.i g mg i# , **###to* ***** I itoMMR SNRtofllto toHH#PV : R# ##A tol** • ftmflfc ui to# to 9M#S Atototo • An its ito t-*to to tos mmm mmm " fto##*- ft tovtoto# totovto *• *#•##. f RHWMtoto Rip-'totototo uniV * gmgm* i tto to tostoto Rto*t * • totoMtot. ### #|t*»RTRT • VIP ftRWPRI RM Iw* • ftßtoßfSiivito m tovpto m tto top# mm tototo •00mm* to Hms Rmito* tototo* toto Ito# to# totops # toto# toss ••# totototo#### , ppßt* to#* tototo to* ll##* ffttoA ip tgg «R#PS IS*'•ito* ••* w** rnvs • Mitoto toto • #*•# toi *# * S'toto Atoy • to to mmmg m\ 1 S*4 toSwAto • Stoto •# # «*to gmm* j I MSI toto toto #to*ito * **to •# *to ito* ji» iftiitlSi IMS Wtofltof * W] i ti# Tto ll## tototo*# ttotopß sto# #tosi ♦•to*#-. ##• tototov# toto! ftoltoMl ••*•# • ■ fwi r# t sfss» •• iti#to' #•##*•** to sstototo*# r * • **% *ss* ••** i #§•#■## '* stoivNMtoiSito* sa sto.#AS*toA* * | «*! IIA#A RMS# Sto* #*•*«*# A *A#lt 5 f!i**Rft## tm* i' ; » «to I. "w*f ■&*S Itc • r*A • vtoßSsS#* ito ##to#pto## iS>* Saa# ssa i ImAMmi #AMMI TtoA • toh «• ftv j t linwfl pmwag' A Stotfl cfAMS [ NSv##to I#* #*•««< to I• HrAM> IAA *to •## •IR'A# #mnHl tRMRSto fnsfSto. A Is to |hma msa* fffAAlA# fllA SMSf*. AS# IASI |S#A to rftfTft AS# ARRAS# #•*• # tARSIR SAt j till w (Trap# tomtotos as# sia*- j •#%# R|RlA*to>"i ftoRI fuTYVHV# #At I’* AS# fVstoflMl t-ASS «to AR'St pIASA^A# ■awl aaudw Hh* plserlag t«W* n 4 fir* aud <»• »WH •hunk* ■» a '*P •»* thru tk* *•>«* *»'» fkumety hated fn* i a thirty yurd aprfat Fart her aai- j . •taught* roes a rhtu*w* waif aad YAt-vard uaa awarded tk* parr apt a* •k'a o« down* l*t* bm»:*d tk* l*ulk*r forty, hpt Ov**kMd P«r*fr*d eaquls Itaty, aad ■ pautfag duel Mtow*d 1 uftk Du* *k* gainer A revalvMkt • edg earned FftMH«»« If*# aud hmtep taterfvrenc* aided flibM la areralug •Ii Oa a fumbel Rod* ror railed tk* pigskin! Hnrwnrr It was a good day for |th* layer* Only two abort prte* fa- I rorttea wop The tolng *u murky, aud srrmuited mariw tar *nro* «*ari ; Bug per for man. •• Il waa Ik* ia and , owl running that kept you guessing i la th# first card Mias ll«(y araa well i thought of by her Mahle. but a plong* on Handtrap and n s'eadr play on Walm buiwted her prke from five to i eight Mar, who waa up, negotiated 'turn# beautifully It waa a w'ld scramble to lb* first, but tk* leader* 'swung wide, giving btm tk# rail, and h* waa th* wire pioneer In a wh.t# heal drive. Handicap aeeurtng th# plare. and Wales tolling along In th# ruck. Briar'a record a* a bad actor put Hall* In as reigning favorite at t to S. but at no tiro* waa he menacing. Briar landing first money under a pull. —K It, Creel In N. Y. Journal TEXAS SOLDIER S CANT VOTE. Muling of the Attorney Oeneral leans Heavy l.oaaea to Democrat* lialla*. Tea**. Nov. 8. Much In dignation existed In the Second Texas regiment of volunteer Infantry, in camp In this city, when It became known that the men would not lie per mitted to vote. The law passed at the last teuton of congress permitting the volunteer army to vote In the field cannot. It la declared, be enforced In Te«a*. because of obatructlona In the atate eonatltutlon. A ruling to thin effect ha* hero made by the state at torney general The populists are lia ble to carry several do*e counties for county officers and members of the legislature because of the absence of democratic soldiers. Narogdocnes county Is In the greatset danger, as In some of the companies from that county all of the soldiers are demo crats. , . In the five Texas regiments there are approximately five thouaand voters. None of them has been ill wa tered out. tt is claimed that the soldier*’, vote would cut all Important figure In the Galveston and San An tonio districts, which are conceded to be close. MRS. MAROARET HAWKINS Former Augustan Died In Atlanta Yesterday. Mrs. Margaret Kitten Hawkins died in Atlanta at the home of her father, Col. John H. Kitten, 21 Linden street, at 8:80 o’clock yesterday morning, af ter an Illness from peritonitis. Mrs. Hawkins has been very low for sev eral days, and her death mpis not un expected. She was well known aud popular and was a sister of the late .Major John A. Kitten, of Mrs. W. A. MueUouguld and of Mrs. ft. H. Hf wleh. Übe leave* one daughter*-All** A tittle Urn Hawkins Mr* HuY,kius wa* born in Augusta in -IS»‘ t»uJ we* Known aud loved by many people throughout the Mate. She was 0” a lovable disposition and had many strong traits of character and w’ss greatly admired, s Tff» 4ft tJOUPTA MICHALD. ON EVE OF 6R£*rcpNTEST Tip tktftgitat OfttftftNl ftt oft* nor-i totopNAw’R A# .w l 1 *RA» Mneqftp* «t mi flaw r*» >**»■ rnn# tovto *mm to #nn# ahr iNtoMtot ftAßtoAtoto lir Atoto m Atoffto# ttoß iAAift am*#* -■•##**# mgm Amah** Atoto*. ••to RNtoA# AA RAapAA# ft# to kUtoMAiA Ito <tA##P AkAAto * R#* #to#* iTS£rtxEr?is bHxrrJEPrsr Idsg£3K£s RIlNk A*f#RRNRR All •*# MfWP*R AARAA* to** ngto ito aaa# fti tto ito m*<m •# cAto #a ito ***to*R* A|ft< to to# 4# Ato ttoto# #Nto*At}R toma to* iA* Rft#kw#R 9|mm | to** mmtmg •*•####« 140 g ftfWiAtoAAi A 0 amha# aaraa# toto ■ 1 #****!# #•# 40 !•#*»' *# i»A| * Hi*** -Irto a*i>rr* ia ito toi«tfit# to tto to :#a tor# aa# to aaaaml •*•*? Awi#> tt ttoif toAtAARR to tAVA AAt tto #to"9ltto 4*# i All rot Ike Mpwrta I iwuo h*k (U4x*«l pari* at tk* ***** teO mt • gleet swtag imp !■«*»■» t M* I* gw .gp tk* P*B* mt kM ekgp He kee Met , eeeey Maw* ehwk Ik* MiNWt-** ft, unM gMwey h#ee fluag gt bias Me hae h*4 • rotresgpfu* raapeigs ta geg-l Opt ftweriWl kg* **B*4 Ilk* •< ’ MM* all Ik* way ikrnugb Om •§-. ee-*grtae hex# MH every grew , row |g tk* cgropgßg Tk* p»*♦>«*■ , CM Wooer»»H a*4 they will t4pt bMi m TueeJay lip ■ haad—* plu i rglHp " The line Fairlek MeCant*. egro palga rbalrroaa a t Ik* 4*gorr*ltr | larree st Ike Hofein kouee troned [ ■ *tat*a**gl I**4 night la behalf of : Augustus Yen Wyifc. KY Mel Kroger e i end Plate foe Owyerpor mt New York. (11011140* M>-( oireg yudkU ik# elnc jllog of Van Wyek. but he go*« MX j give any figure* Rh bard fToker ug Matarday dec lined to give any detailed figure* to support of Van Wyrk. Chairman Mef'arreg contented kin* If laei night be rooking ■ very general I «tat*ro*nt. whiek I* a* tallows "Aa ■ renull of (he i emp* gr now I pcaylir ally rtoned. »r predict Ike «|p i iWa of Judge Van VVyrk Ortrrnl fee torn la lb* caropnlgn iutelfy tk* pred r lion Ike not! pninnt of uturb t* Ike rTraoualliy of our mntUrkrie. Dtiring 1 flip heeled end unparalleled dl*ru» •lon* that have rtiaCingulaked the can , va*o hi* pr i ironalliy ha* atoud out qo far and above everything else that tk*- ■ntem Kiu of the pceple on* con»taO. ly by it, Hla (Hgnllled and atate*- ntatlllhe cotidcet ha* tmpre*»e»l ftp voter* of the state with the ronvlctlon that he haa the attribute* that lit him to dlncharge the duties of chief execu tive of the empire stale. We make no attempt at comparison between the two foremost candidates for governor. We are anti*fled with the deduction* which we liei.eve the people have drawn for themselves W# ahali not undertake to call attention to the sort of campaign conducted by the Repub lican candidate. We believe the dis criminating intelligence of the voters will not indorse or eommrud it. "We have done our utmost to keep constantly before the people the state issues that directly concern them and -to point out the ttlgdentable maladmin istration aud malfeasance for which the Republican padty must accept re sponsibility. Tbatitthc people of this mate have beeu rohbed and studiously deceived liy the representatives of the Republican party we believe to have been incontestably proved. We labor mi to exclude tiutiudni issues, believing that the miuds of the people should not under auy circumstances be diverted from state issues: while we reeognixed all through the campaign unmistaka ble evidence on the pnrt of the people to visit thetr condemnation oil those whom they hold responsible for the in human treatment of our soldiers who died because of the inattention they received at Hie hands of those charged with their care, but wAo preferred to take advantage of the opportunity to loot the National Treasury, and enrich themselves at the expense of the lives of those who were willing to defend our honor. We can only sny that we believe this disposition on the part of the people Is an evidence of that dis erimlnattng thought that’can be prop erly characterized as (he bulwark of our Institution!!. • It would lie an easy matter for our committee to prviflft In figures the substantial majority that we know Judge Vau Wyck w 4 U recaivs. We pre fer. to leave that 'Fork to the press The metropolitan papers that have un dertaken In their t-Kcieut. and.unerring way to forecast thc’vesult unanimously agree in saving thF Judge Van Wyck ft If tl A 8 Aft I ft* (M*ro tkssM !• Mta (M# mmt fta* Ml •ta tanM • -.*■*-• »ta W ta ** wgMta 4f • M lipifcift lA* I•* H. AA# Ato Aa# AA* #* to. | ' TA** *Atoxt Ito •! toto tA# fftfthto# Ai#r»toi tor to j AAl* A# UM#i« A CHRISTIAN CMt'RCH. (NtNlMi »*lk H*M ta fttatta 4M November •(. Macaw No* • Tk* *••«■! rxro ' veaiian nt Ik# (IrtgM rkwrek wltt' k* k*M hi llaeao 1 ororoowrim* Noweta ber Ift ami ta.'lng tkre* 4*T* l»*i •galce from all 4*' I* °f Ike e'ate are expected u> eltt-wd ike roatrotloa •*« If 1* tkooght tkal ts I*** l * howdred will be ia ettewdava Tk* nsuro bw ts weually largely alieaded and It la thought tke lonventhMi kef* Ikt* yrwr wit: not be an egregtlon to Ike rale. i Tke member* of Ike church are at pre*. at very busy preparing tar tke < »nvent ion end oil of tbe visiting del egstc will bo entertained by Ike fo cal m*n»l>er». i A choir ha* been organised and Is practicing every day tke music for ik* convention dome of the prominent speaker* al the convention will l<* J. A. Ig» r d, of Cincinnati, editor of The Christian Standard; II L Smttto and C P Wll tlamaon. and others All of the above gentlemen are well known and will no doubt have large audience* when they address the convention this week. Large stock new raisins, all varieties. i just received at Iromkln A- CO.’*. The Baby on the Train. i Everybody reetless, j Grumbling at the dust, j Growling at the cinders, i Pictures of disgust. ! Axle hot and smoking. I Train delayed an hour. How ihc faces lengthen. Sullen, wrinkle*', sour. t Sudden tran*f>«invatfcm— Passengers In smile#-- lAcowls and frowpa have vaiiialu'd— ,\Vhat is It besuiU-s'.’ i Virimy face and Angers. r Mouth all over crumb*. Anieary Wrist contrasting Pink and clean-sucked thumb.'. f Hound bead nodding, Iwibbing. Blue eyes full of fun. Wind-blown tn-ssee shining Golden In the sun. Kverybotly cheerful. No remarks profane, Magic change effected— • Baby on the train. —lndianapolis Journal. Bicycle Hunch Boxes. Pocket book?. Trunk Factory. 8« Broad. Miss Ina Chance of Hillis, is in the city for a few days. She expects to spend a couple of days with Mrs. E. W. Halnmond at Bovthreseivlle, re turning to her home Friday night by the steamer W. ». Cook. Miss lna ac companied her brother, Lt. Chance,who i* going to Jjextugton. Ky. Tairgest Iliie Trunks and Bass hi city, ri unk Factory, 843 Broad King's Daughters. The regular monthly meeting of the King s Daughters will be heid tomor row i Wednesday! afternoon at 4 o'clock at ihe residence of Mrs. C. A.- How land. "Our Reputation for Integrity" _■» Truthful Statement# Men » High Ckftft Tlufmighfy j HIS ftAf#m AMAtoAtotofilv L SYLVESTER Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OIK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING&BOWLES 904 Broad Street. PERSONAL. A. D. Wood, of Matttoville it 1a tk* R. JV Cclhotm, Of All* tils Itftt the Arlington J. W. IVarve. of Atlanta ia nt the ArUngitm. H R. Owlna. vt New York, ig at tke Planters. W. J. Kateer. of Atlanta, la at the Arlingiou C. H. Weak*, of Maeoa, la at the Arlington A. K. Rankin, of Hartford, to at the Arlington. Geo. Weity, of Cinefnnatl. to at thy Arlington. R. Frank, of Cincinnati, to at the Planters, J. T. Wooruff, of Brooklyn, 1* at the Arlington. Hugh D. Ivey, of Johnston, 8. C., to in th# city. A. K. Williams, of Chicago, to at the Arlington. , M. W. Hopper, of Tetmllle, 1* at the Arlington. J. W. Fetlen .vt Sharon. Ga., to at the Planters. G. B. Reynolito. of Edgefield, ta at the Planter*. S. H. Sayre, of Hampton. Va.. to at the Planter*. H. K. Monroe, of Baltimore, is at the Arlington. Charles James, of ClnoinnaG. is nt the Arlington. R. G. Church, of Baltimore, Is at the Planter*. Jchn Rosenthal, of Baltimore, is nt the Arlington. Geo. H. Bell, of Waynesboro, Is at the Planters. \V. C. Hill, of Mt. Villa, S. C., Is at the Arlington. Paul Waimell, of New Orleans, to at the Arlington. J. A. Kendrick, of Sharon, Ga., is at the Planters. J. 11. Rutherford, of Lexington. Ky.. is at the Planters. G. R. Edson, of Albany, N. Y., to at the Arlington. j. c. Oarltngton. of Spartanburg, to at the Planters. M. Stein and K. Marx, of New York, are at the Arlington. M. V. Moore, of Washington. Ga., to at the Arlington. E. B. Newmasson, of Chattanooga, to at the Arlington. , W. \V. McCatberii, of Waytiksboro, is nt the Arlington. „ Preston J. Ivey, of the McCdrmh U Inquirer, to In the city. T. 3. Cate and A. if. Edenfieid, of MlUen. are In the city. E. P. Dennis, a mill man of Lowell. Mass., is at the Planters. Cornelius Walker and C. P. Wade, Novr.Mß** A WANT ADS. SITUATION WANTED HILPWftRf tO FOR KAIT «4EyC?AfRE Fftß WftAFFINa r*»t «•« I# * *' • A AißAtotw# to# •« “trATLATI to %U# #A# A 9*mm #, f' t» •A ? •IRR A’ * ft. #V*ftStf CO#U t* t W, v tp-ftAßtoft ##• Ito #Rw ARMto A# On | Cto a 4ir * rtft I# aT M Mn»*Pl #f 9*l toll 9tofT#tA#4- C%#«toAM #A HAr * to# #»•! m #HtoA4. ft. pal j AV tooftoi# «##cto t | TO RENT utmr **»tt i* i*»uxirr M| fit t IrTl 4t * w *»« • f Auflftt., «** |N» •*» HiTfcUMHDI nnnJ A Til j ifcrui'.- $ rrt(i miti& «msc <*« rw** 11* »R«t: i wr%* H AD M iMt» * 11MB tMi ' fMMMBi ?'‘t I»* S nm riKXT—A luePiHAfiu nvi> lU»** * ••*!*#« iM Ull M» 1914 Way i<» Oiffin# i. i'terl. iff 9n««1 DtfD »*<*>** t*» umsx r»«»xr , mm, 21A mr**L> »t»r T. . Hiity Oat#*’ hhmAi »tn»f». Hit St h>K HK»T 111? aRKICNt. IITRKITr, I I rmwi «*£ SiitrA*« Ai-pty i« Ct#r *t*r» 9! I'UrtL DEI UnMHI •tfut. Say 4 u [TO K KST -Kl’ It Xti*H El> RmiM ft*t atwr •<T tta g ri‘«- 'vwb tjtfc S«. !!2* Onr««». s«*v & tr mi hm* tttttri LOST AND FOUND. i u *rr hktw urn p* jut* iktiok *o4 • amp INWilt a v*«t p*»-fcet W" ■mull. Ili ifUirfl (# J It*. O*. H, ' Nuv W i UiiT-1 UiTH (HtU) WATiH : 1 work* No. •.Ml. I*l, *•*■* No. SM.»IJ. I Utjotal reward. Return to No. 3 Waah b|t»li Nov I FU t!Ni>—A WATCH ON MONTH , San... owmi i ail ur* Uy calling at i»l* Reynolds. t M ISC EL LA N EOUB WANWfV- -REGULAR BOARDER* ; (out) fare and neat Mi. alao me un ttirn'shed room to rrnt. Apply Mr*. A. i J. A vein. comar Ellla and Washington, I or Ml Ellla atreet. Nov 10 HOARDERS WANTED. ALSO LARGE room* for rant furniahed or unfur niahed. Apply 102 Mclutoah atrrat. j Nov a [ _ . ■■■ i— .. ... . ■■ Special Notices: 7 Per Ct $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WII.L LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Term* 7 par cant. For further tnformatlai re* their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, i E».. or Mr. P. O. Burucn. Notice. I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE RE MOVAL of my office to SlO Broad atreet, over Macaulay tt Co. W. H. GOODRICH. M. D. Special Notice. WANTED—TEN FIRST CLASS CAR PENTERS. Apply The Inman Com pres* Company. Installment Notice. Augusta Real Estate and Building As gociatlon, Augusta, Ga., Nov. 7 and 8. 1898. THE USUAL MONTHLY INSTAL MENT due this association will be payable to the treasurer at his office. Tuesday, the Bth Inst. The rules of the association respecting fines will be rigidly enforced. By order of the Board of Directors. E. ft. DERRY, Sec. & Treaa. of Boston, are at the Arlington. Mra. T. H. Ralnford and son, of Edgefield, are at the Arlington. Ex-Governor Henry McDaniel, of Monroe. Ga.. Is at fUe Planters. .1. M. Wimberly and 11. E. Syrnß, of Green's Cut Ga.. ate at the Planters. H, Adler, A. Lantar and O W, Wil lis. of New York, are at the Arlington. .1. R. HolTTdS'?, atTverfising agent for the Atlanta Constitution, is at the Planters.