The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUI® DAY 4 THE lUGUSIt HIRILO ***** ittift «hn« fim t* *** .#ii.iiiiiwi>viww •» .H9mM *** "*" ***.■. *c - **»-> * h##** «-#*• j 4pHI MM • _ ** * ** ®®®' mill ®4I *®*»®iW®#i#***® *• **** A#**** *** ♦** * '*♦**"'* A tm**** + if V»®*W • * f-,,-*- - • mww u •*■** •**•. *•• |Mli«l _ 1 fttftkl** IW** l y«U W«X HW TW» ntSMAU* »*,>» *« •—* *"*•* ~ 4 p r,r:,mr •* *»*•*• --# M HMia* !••*« •#•* 4* #• ►«— »*— ®iilMWi J m *to* »«*• ««r* *» »•* "••• •“*• •to* Ml ft#* **•*•• **•*«»■ iwtvM **»**+• ?* #*** Hy **#**!*«# •*• •*** *• **** to A»vrttisa». yi% lk*n KIN —** , " ,, ** T *** 4 yrv xr*rth sty •■*# f*N' EACH DAY bEEi ™nERALD|: Jj ?yC*fto.» »wi tot•Tnw'f**lM 1 J Hftw • fiTiTiIJS i YtirT • 1 • U ol« •...•» »I iitiV«»> •t; , »is, *«*• **** *!• ‘* 3 .*•; irjt i ■ ft»T■»«j ß -3>T«mh HER ALU MKVLNIHS. An« owe presenting at IN Hersld Of Ike th* Souvenir Coupon whkh is prime J below will revolve a neat III* tie Souvenir Hutton Free. H you wool on* apply early. Mall order* will be filled w hen accompanied by atampa to pay postage. FREL DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONSI [This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex changed for a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Button, i The distribution Is limited and j will last only a few day*. Did you see all of the animal** Brunswick la to have the “Ogle thorpe Auditorium" for concert*, lec tures, etc. "How do you pronounce e-l-l-n-g-y? 1 “Please, air. doe* It refer to a man or n bee*”—World’s Comic. Telegraphic returns from the elec tions will be received tonight for the members of the Elks’ Oluh. A woman doesn’t put cm the matille the pholographs of the friends she likes best, but those that lake tbe pret tiest pictures.—Atchison Globe, First F>oll(iclHti—"The early boom is builded on the sand" Second Poli tician—" Yes, and the boom that wins Is builded on rocks."—lndianapolis Journal. If Gen. Shatter Is "every Inch a sol dier,” a* some of his friends say. there Is more solkler In him than most any oiher man In (ho army.—Nashville Earner. SHch;el Q. Mulhull, the world’s greatest statistician, submits the fol- If'v ng table of the national wealth of pmcu*: tfigltidi States f.sunti,ooo.oo Crtrt Britain WMiatMHhMWh F, va ,-e . .. .! 47.»5«,0®0,090 , Gm OMU> 40.260.UU0.00ti k„ yin . Austria 22.060.U00.0tW S ))a ’|„ 1] ,390,000,000 pftftti »*ns fft*Hi m ti-.RikswMh ft®®®#* «8 Ml# *#*49 e:**M*« mm t'**' #. *•# * - ***■* J Mml%# 'iinii 0 liMPbIWMO. ♦* w& I |SHf«O | #»■« 14Mf [ t<«i m pm*** j iMi® •** #M IN*m mm it [.iMMMWMi mmmrntm mmm* tip* m ifMPi mM 'T’lb* |%*f * t *r 110-f #4Hi ♦#* • iia«#t tfi i>lw4 9# fi(£f 4 l*it H 9Y 4 ** •** *iii %mm mm m • mm mm m n» m* ; lift* Iflp* iMi li iPflIWi **• *ii " :«tn •flMHMfflM* » iMltiNI m m ■•••• i ' ifUii® • mm ms imm ms *lp* *m 91 m iii <mn§ m i Im®p i# m %mm m • tiMMI ®® hwto Hir«flMA II •» ti : HMfrl-Aifi IM twwttiiiMi *mm, I <i#f li* wmmtmmm mrnmrnm *A *m ■ «mgl f**ri ffMI ti# Ihnmmi *4l 44M <*"• fWMh *•*» ••• fVMP *hP hide, pee psiurvM *d cJI* <hpt tbe ppuvua hwew Mtt vd shsM* Tbsp hu*» MM • UMW f* •'*' *• Hat • TlPf e»*d UM** Iwdss h•• nps after depth* fbsM M thstr »*th» HIM DMhtah had IhPh pwtcbhsw the** a*r pel. with hfl th» f*llk M lbs hs !••*, (Hs Iwts ft baas Ila pari »h*t» MW, (rwM lbs t*hhsd Mat** sM tb* asahuteetuts «T hud Is sa sahasttb, ladattep ; fHy vsmM taah* R If *b*y basw . b*«. PM as a amuse sf fsci Ibsy aet M fnua tPN emstMr* sad alb* lbs awisetal far Maaafhttartag H ai buna* t. an to basis THs e*r>t*d km~*S ( ns raa tas at sues whai paaatblftrtas, there at* has twtrsdsetaa Psaa* iadu»- j Iflea Into • laud tabes* lbs people at* | IbmmlM* la th* advaatage* la tbetr j pcimiaaalna* "Whstber w MIN etpsrtlaa of| beef will b* .armaftwl 'her# It at. 4mM that lbs WPIMP anO bide «ad*» | irtsa Wald be started wad rulllvsisd t.» tbs profit of Hrta eouatry. tor It j Witt hr aa rntfrety new ladastry to the Pnrto Itkana, aad oar that Ike* will bates all lbs materia! ready at bast for “Tba osallb of the Maud '»» bs j judged tram tbs fast that lbs Impoiu are about seven million dollar*, while the eiport* are about tea million* par year. Porto Rico ha». therefore. *uf fl, lent producta for Its own consump tion. and a »urplne of th's* rolllion*. a remarkable showing when the p*)*ni-j tltrs condition of the Island la consid ered, •When the Island It retnoafeled. new I |mm hinery nnd transportation fn< ill-, ties Introduced, and trade set boo-plug by the enterprise of the Atnerlcnn, business man. Porto Rico will be one of the richent Island* In the An tlWet." And n at udder swept thro’ the va*t audience aa the massive brute, every rauncle of IU frame tense and rigid, poised his huge bulk over tbe form of the prostrate mau. A false step, a swnylng of the mighty body, a single tnlacah illation of the ponderous pachy derm, and a mu»elc*a mass of quiver ing flesh atul crunched bones would crimson the sawdust of the arena. But— "Oet a move on. Bill." muttered the keeper, “or I’ll run a couple of Inches of *teel Into ysr hide." mid the big elephant passed safely over. THK SOUTH AND THE CANAL. A remarkable prognostication lias heeu made by the Hon. Warner Mil ler. president of the Nicaragua Canal Company, to thn effect that the day the first vessel steams through the Inter ucennlc canal, property on the Pacific coast will double in value. Ex-Senator Miller goes further. He states that upon the completion of the canal, within half a century, the Pa cific will he as populous as the Atlantic coast. This latter assertion, while possih'y a trifle chimerical, w ill undoubtedly be partially sustained. The rec.-nt changes in China, too, In dicate that that groat empire will aoon he opened to the march of civilization. England. Germany. France, and Rus sia arc awaiting their opportunity to outer Its marts of trade. We are near er to these markets by thousands of miles thau tuny other great nation and no section of the I’nited States is more Interesled In (he completion of the ca nal (linn Is the South. Another self-made and far seeing man. President Hill, of the Great Northern rai road, agree* entirely with Senator Miller, iu a recent ad dress he predicted that If the present thang** in the Orient, bring about the t.-,ulis iu China that iisie beeu brought about iu Japan ws will find a greater development of trade on the Pacific coast-, in the next twenty-five THB Jk TTOT7STA SBrRJAT-15 *maM *Mm Mm tm* *•** mum tb it* n ftjt - - mm **** • ««#* mm mmm 11111 **§*’ [ m ««| pn m *m ’■ mm mmmtm * marm *mtm it# mmm mm 4nh-% ViSiii ftfHT-** -. %.% r : -.|m* ip mmmmm* of 9mH®s 99 mm 9*o •>s* * m . *'t ft* k -ftp |Ha* %gg-~ Him t 'H «|d i ft, r . lv ii —iiiifti.»i»i mm *0 flit **H mm A CM* *%**mn+* rn mmmtrn* mm§ fvMd b* bMbssM. ilssMMfc pmsMpu «M smstapM mp 4 6* NM MSw tmkpfhAs It mml saw** <Mw tb*4 Ib» «*ry gi mmms ami tMMsa* sm* MbsaM bs pt sms s« 11* mmus* HwpMMbMI Sal bs tbs !*■'*«« [ pesrsl rtf tb* ss* MM vbtMMfsf m slssss iM I»rsrnd M. Mmms ot Mm *M tumn g tic- 1 r«g s* I iHm worm la lh*4r iwim ■ ■ ’■MS* MM tb*f tvMttkM IN* •t IkMI twtssg HI * l»wu of ftts sgg* «f A«g«M** HI «Mt* Amt. , v Iks 14 sms «t two vstltmt * tvtm j iftTV-fft f 'ftft Ip*®® rifrwi • ® ®iMMt mmmt pmmm ®wa I ®®vfi l •a* • Hstts* p!*c* lot a pgrg*s lbs* Hf k«#c| 4®|'f < #( * 1:1*1 TUMI! IMP EVENTS. Htan > t* at Hi* ,44 trh g* ta I’sto. \ ( It m **M Utot in,)fw> to took la' ParM. <‘hln*> etagweat ha# at Uw* Wow avow aad host 4 Mr* MaybrtHi to oa th* vefft* «f phytotal r*4la|wo Admiral MriMsy and etaN bavo Mile I from Wan lama. Bale Ilka. las den burg Grnutnv l* rdvhtsiisg It* eighteen hundredth awnivortoury. The nam* of it* Ihllv Is t» ho I etrb-hMi from the r.4aag» «f Frawee, YrTbrw fever ha* sttwM the Amer hss cotnml**l»n attache* la Havaa*. ilenirt has written a strong letter, expressing faith in Arocrtrwn |4edgea, Japan a new rrulovr. the Kaaagl. tailit t*g th* Cramp*, has adlled lor Knglsnd. A truck toad nt cigar* valued al t2*,- 1 •00. was st<4rn bat unto v in New York. Spain now demands two hundred mil lion dollars for the Philippine arvhlpol ago. Th* British msnoeuver just over tgst cd two weeks and cost a million dot la ra. A silk Hag ha# been presented to the cruiser New York by New York clli- The French church at Bangkok, Pl ain, ha* been pillaged by Ptameee troop*. Mr*. Bussell Sage ha* offered the government a ho*|NtaJ or military san itarium, A detective ha* been chasing Marsh, the Keystone bank defaulter, for five year* around the world. Lord Herscksl. formerly Lord Chan cellor or England, is the guest of the Lo-tos Club In New Yolk. It I* asserted that the Fourth Ohio Regiment wan hurried home to elect Hanna's congresslanl candidate. "And tie content with such things aa ye have" wit* the text of the Rev. Geo. llepworth'* sermon tn .Sunday's New Yoik Herald. tt I* believed that the President will condemn Captain Carter to dishonora ble iflftdmrue and alan to solve five year* flßpriaoti unless he i>ays the five thousand dollar tine. A .100-Pound Patriot. Chicago Journal. It will he difficult for the political managers of either party,to get much comfort out of General Shafter’s po llttsal utterances. lie says he htisn’t voted but once in thirty years, but it he were to vote he would cast his bal lot against woman suffrage. Perhaps. Chicago Times-Herald. Some of these days a magazine will wtn everlasting fame by issuing a number which isn't devoted exclusive ly to war and corset advertisements. Refused to Interfere. Chicago Democrat Ex-President Harrison is not mak ing any campalgu speecnes this sea son. Piobably hi doesn’t want to in terfere with the president’s stumping tour. mi.<install u 4U(it| TOWN *•* passu ft** l *• r.-jr^^prmS ®m<® m m>** fIMMPiH 4hpm9 it #9i t®# mmmm #** #® I tip# mmmm p~+ m* mm*-* m§ smm* m mm* • : ®#tl» ®# r %##i H #t ® #99®*•** I|| c m ®#pt ##*i# #p9mm® ###t®#i t®# i®» m® \ if i «®tt •#•# #• mum mm • ms i®#®®h®is9v® #®hl mmmrn •■#• t®#v# *##'«* .’it iftftt® 9® ®#i **#•* tmmmrn #®>® I® t### I® Am#® 9® t®# I®# mmm, ®®i *9# ##■##•## 9*9®*** &*• ; # ti# ®#4 cl® ri® jin® m*m H®®®, •#i >®®n®® *hmmrn**m I ®®**®*t h*4 *«r® • f *94 4#t I® • hm§ t»*®* j 'f iffwftl lift twi ■ 9ftt ift <c bib ’t M 99 % ■*«. t% 4 ®®l®#i ®M# tit* t*®- ##®#i f«® ®n®>># •» wtii#l® • «#»#* *♦* #®»t®t® <i t®®® 9m* Imp® f#9* ®®#® ii«r®»® N® 4®# ®—i#®il «®i mm* mm ®##® 9® ®N9t®. I®# (N®N9® ®®*9 ® momfl* 9 ##4 if®#.#'**®- •®4 #fc#9*® hm** Tl® «*® Ir4#®«^® *’ if 9#P® 4'#® t ®#®®l #®® #4®®4 I# BBMI9 * • mmirnr »n®> t®®# 9® mm t***mn f®# * rnitif !#»# 9r®®« t® ®®9®t fm "* Tm j If disus bswWgtxM s*4 bs remarked t ft grmtT lab* k»tti ami M s aa caey, way t* mwk* a AAOWt." "t* bma» tbat." was tba reply ‘mm Of mm sms*-Sects' Worn tb* 4i*M 01 w«*M pit, (if P*t»< «■ ahMWft | Tartar kwlag afetohwi day «4 all at [*g bong t«n*r*wt*» »a fk* »w*«lt* •* ' Nr* York aart el#**rk*e* rwwifwrt* kto |nf a giawl «to* I krarrt tH* «*h*r day, | toirt by a Heat street hardwrar* #etr-) • bant Aa oirt daikey *a*k*d Into his nw* <w Hnwstor Ist lato. and **ked tor - sonsr srik Ir. whuS gras haadrd ost to ' hint Th* old ana tmsh not mow* small • hang* but not ranugii In pay th* 1411 aad, handing ihr taoary over. Mid ’ Boas. I’ll )*• E<v* you 41*. aad l*t tk* trick stay k*ev- for awhile till l go gu out and git up tk* yuthet tnoa - *£' . ... •dan yew grt th* m«m*y la toesf nsk*rt tk* merchant. ‘(fti yp**ub?" “Dn*» anyHody her* <*w* you any thing- - No. *uh, not g hlonaed cent " "Vou are going to borrow the mon ey, then, are you?' No, *uh. I don’t borrow nutbin " "How do you eattoL't to get the mon ey?’ “Oh. I Isn't voted vlt.” I remember laat »iimmcr when J was watching the bulletin* from the bedside of my friend Corporal Lloyd Lyon, of tbe Second, who was 111 i« Atlanta with typhoid fever, nnd yes terday going out to the clrctl* rsn across one at the aoldier boy* who had had a desperate case of fever at one of thn hospital*, but pulled through. We were speaking of the ice hath* now given typhoid patients. Said he: “It makes my teeth chatter Just to think of It. Coder the present sys tem they reduce tbe temperature of n fever pstlent 'mechanically'-—to quote the language of the doctors instead of trying to pull l( down with drugs Well, the attendants picked up the sheet by the corntj*. carrying me in it as If It were a Hammock, and dip ped me into a big tub of ice water. Talk about transitions! T felt as If ] was about to fljl into pieces. But my fever went dodn like a man fall ing into an elevator shaft and 1 was well into the nineidcs when they put me back to bed. Next day they doused me again and kepi at it till the fever got discouraged and quit." Why Is It? Washington Times. It ts authentic that 75,000 surviving innocents In Cuba are starving to death solely because oj^the'continued supremacy of Spain in the person of the vengeful Blanco, who has defied and blackguarded the American na tion. Is He the Only Pebble ? Athens tOUio) Journal. Again we ask what has General Grosvenor done for the people of this district that he should be returned to congress year after year? Are there not other men In the district who are able to represent ns in con gress? —•—- " 4* . —— ■ Scheme Lxposed. St. Louts Aepublli.'j, Perhaps Blanco jflnd his Spaniards are hanging hack wMth the hope of be coming ami running for office. 1 a^r%f\ ftw | m J \ al«*M ft 41 mV J m f jrwpS'i^ ■ ifnr-iw ZZS'fd r% %* yi pfr irr^rr M m** mf * ¥ i,, • ®*V# Pgmm* , mAr if t 0 *%• "p# t a# #|k#|M||i ®9» tn®. fW ®9®aM 4®l®9®M® #«# J ® *f ®9® *.#*ft9f 9» •*•♦ -4 *w mw-mm #fN§ ppiii# #p»i# < 9# 9# **#*'■• *9*##® i® I® Wmrnm • ( | #m%4np m., A## #®®N*# #®w* ®t#®ftN» 9® t#*ftH®|f#l® mmtm mm* •#*### # n® > #f «#■*• Imm9 M®tf9®C « •#» <®#M® % I MWar j® ##*-'*». 4ft» «*** #»- 4 :%ft ImftV SM *,« * *#• -MS flMftftMM fUftk flp#l l # •# - ’ ftMP |TT f®¥3i# **L*m*4** I tfr* o**** 0 **** ** w * r< * **** ##® 9®9® •99ft®#w*k* 91* * ftftpp4ftm* ift#Nr*ft i-oft# #*-■•. •ppPbfft'ftft #4Upft#n • mmmmmm mm mmmmm #• 4®### ®M®Mfti® MM# 9®v«®Am# 9m® ®p vMMk #m#h# |«m®4 ##®9®#W| Hii # #Mp®»®## ] MfiTsiM®®® ®9 y%f ®®i_®# *i#p> ##» l ®#»**®*» #» | 9_y mmrnm mmm H® j j ' 4 .... | Cl OKI NT COMMENT. * A* II VMS Ikft l bums, M ftsl UMN Fesstdrsl M Klsav wtH *<Me gl | twain* OHM. MH**'*ssy Ibai saay Ht j Hsu *■ Hl* IScstNsy. ®r®#®i®®t#® INhk A® ®# ##<><#l >®ftt J®f McMif. tb® pti* t i l#r* l# I*4* * ®»9® #f (#®l(®d*®® #tt® i fcw 4m® fifty TwMy'a ItowM**. 1 IksttsMt Jooraal TMMr Hie** velt momU He better oft it •» Mt tsf bit pogHtlarltr were n«H atatiered ibrtwgb oiHer mala* W H* Cms Ch*vb T hem I Omaha Wot Ip HeeaM. Cot ft’ ilium A*u»r Cbaalec mm: tmtipep I* *ead a fear c#yreat* of Pas- j tluy rbadag ay ami down Brother Al ter s splae. A* Ovrrtlfkt. Chicago News. It would aeu that David Bennett Hill made a mistake hi am asking for ; a return rhark when ha left the demo • ruth* party A <treat AxCuiwmoJattoo. Washington Star. It Would pnAtbl) be a great aceowt nodatum to tbe Frmch govern ment ay fas would make bta escape and refine to come out of conceal-neat Ike .Slow 1 at Thing. St, lewis Oleic IvemoCrat , If 1 hare la anything slower than an International peace enm-rrlssbm It la a French court of cassation Thera la a hope that Dreyfus wilt expire na turally long before he raa die lepal- Tr- _ Hunk* of Liberty. Ht. I/ml* Poaet-Wapatcb. Governor Busbar!) want* the PhlLp- 1 pines held tightly, and so do manyj other Ohio men With enough Ohio men to fill we shall aoon have enlightened liberty ip huge hunkr. The Delineator. The December number of the Deline ator la called the Christ mas number, and la a marvel of completene*# in all It* department*. The winter fashions! in dress and millinery are elaborately | Illustrated and described, the liter*rv f-ature* are of an unusually high or der of merit and the household special tie* are of the most seasonable and original character. The tender senti ment of A Modern Christmas Saint, by Clare K. Laughlln. will Appeal to lovers Stevenson In a pe< ultarly affecllonat way. The Reboao of Menora Vlgiel, b>; Kva Wilder BruchnaU .la a ■ aptlvatlng sketih of panHiunate. kind-hearted character to be found in the Southwest. Washington Society During the War. by Mrs. Archibald Hoykins. la ail in teresting retroapert of life at the • ap- Ital ihiring the late conflict. Keeping Watch, an impressive Chrtatmaa laiem •hj- FMith M. Thomas. tells the shep herd's story of the finding of th> Christ- Child. In the series of til Common Ills of Life. Dr. Grace I’eckha.n Murrav analyses the physical conditions and snelul aspei-ts of old age. The article In the scries of Amateur Photography contains a number of suggestion* in re urd to making photography remunera tive for the amateur. Klcuhor Oregon contributes another scholarly chapter on The Cultivation of the Voice. In Poster Tableaux, by Lina Heard, will be found complete technical directions for preparing ai\ elalrorate artistic en tertainmont. A notable grout* of Hol iday llouaehold Subjects Is embraced In An Oldtime Christmas, by Helen Combes, Holiday Candy Making at : Home, by Ruby F. Warner, and Fes tivities of the Holiday Season, t>y Blair. Girls’ Interests and Occupations, by Lafayette Mo-Laws, and Club Women and Club Life, by Helen M. Winslow, are charartertstj- ally entertaining: and the regular departments Social ob serVHiicss, ebudueted by Mrs. Cadwulo dVr Jones, The Tea Table, by Edna S. Withcispoog. Fancy Stitches and Em bruldery, T-y* Emms Haywood. The Dressmaker. Millinery, loicemnking. comprise a profusion of additional mat ter of distinctive interest. PHIS IS IT sr* ***** lIM® MW FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS ftND ALPINES. ALL SHAOftS $3.00 Juat Arrlvftd. DORRS TaiJorinf, Hats. Furmshinfs. | ) Cucumber and ? i Almond Cr«Am i S Tb* wmst fMftk S i W r / --*. 4c» Mm mmmrn % j / Cough* and Cold* \ ) 4»(M»e4s4 ktf to »SW Si blog C I \ ftf *#* W» f #*» ftff) M i I ft «*#n 9#d I® ft I \ €Wf#P a »’# ft ftptll#* ¥ j J Orrirtjl Tocih Wi# / | S M*b*s bwMttfal Tgtoh S' / f Mwd hnwah. <At Ik T<otk C I \ ltrw>b*s am urn b*M Ml Mto •aj M S Hot Chocolate # j k With Whined Cream. S £ * * mfcwtsW* ft«S* I* Mg- \ ) «4 I»»t»ks at If. f / - .<* ton- TkSWt 12 t*v P«c— N L f \ To Oar Patron*. / f Tk* H*l IkplUint having f W Hg| • v*4 f r to -■«» Store. V f M-stirr t. Jf *b*tstlw***4 to- / f - w gin ato tk* tm- £ j / £ x o«» bat th* eh.." nt and f # |,.ifwn Pb*r»*«*n!*r*4# Stju Cb*- 3 j .!• •>• hU4M b»r*. Bot.f ( f •ntPi tk» J V ns seat out by as f f out prices »r« f*/*«-i.»bie I’sl- V % p-nves* now depend on my |»r- 1 £ toun .erTKW, S. U. DlUt>. I < ilemicr Dru Coipuy S r d« BROAD NT. V I- PATRONIZE ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, ail first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street % % Money to Loan j -OX REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. THE MUSTERING OFFICER la here, and If you wilt call on F. G. Merttns, he cau muster you Into a rlvll ilan suit for a little money, and Gents’ - Furnishings are cheaper than ever at IF. G. Mertlns’. the Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, 924 Broad street., Senator Foraker’s Expansion. Senator Fornker m:ij« tbat we have already expanded, but, a* Senator Cul lo.m is talking of taking In Canada, denplte the fact that Canada does not want to come, the Ohio Senator evi dently hasn’t expanded enough to ab sorb the Cullqni iilea tM expansion. NOVEMBER 8 CLIUN VtHHhfiMfca IMin #•»« LNluki Aft® [®urwifthm# is lu •»»«» 3Sc C SkN A tsv# CkftftfbUftfl ftpftftf in*i tNtoffti Ml 111 lit «#»»!• I I tftMfthihgtHl Ihftftft fftru !•#»* [iMlPftlWftT'i LI. GardeHe. Druggitl. TOOTH BRL’hHuS. I hgv* IN# t *lcl'fslgtl ft. H W. IfMttiftfi Tuwfti ft»uwh 1 grd kftrf# m#lift ftcmcl *V4»nf .Oft# I full IN# tsfibtt#* OuU [Out. L I. Garoelle. Dtuggni. I h##ft IN# fift#*f ftftd ' mokt w*n#ftftfv# DfUpi Mb ; Mtottigin#* tNftl CAN b» fur* n*HN#d try (Any dru#«l«t »« tN# wflfW. And my (iflMi Ms ft fftOdVTAl#. L. I. Gatde'le. Druggist. TiieAipsia Herald t,2T?fl, Willed eil He But Kiiijijtr ftl!: H it HbSkucl itm m re* \rn xiwij tm JTKtX or THE WOALD mtILE FT ts NKftflv 13 TO 1« DOCM AHEAD O# OTHER GEoKtilA AND HOI Tl! CAROLINA IaPKKS. •»-« mil ILL CfIkViSCT TOtf PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, tm 714 SI . Aieisti. Gk. St'ff* OKF. tYf TESTS N* *ll defect* at sight grved. the prop** *’«»«■■ *»1 •* .to ll « VI- th. m ’gtwt cal into your kt/u vrtuk jo a vrai. FREE OF CKARiiE. a^J.ZIZ2 ftriUuKui ic Torn— COAL nnd WOOD NortL Augusta Ccal 4 Supply Co Vvsnthy and Cjnsllty (ini»»t*» F- W .SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT Ball ’l'liun* 2164 btrowger 3# Easiman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest nrtade. Ricbarfls & Slaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st—Teleplioiiei^.’.r Invite Lmreo ft ires Lilect to New York Chicago and New Primus. Orders executed over our wire* sos Cotton. Stock*, Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions for rash or ovi margins. Local securities bought end sold’. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, pi Mercantile Agencies.