The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 08, 1898, Image 8

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TUtAOAV HEN'S OVERCOATS. . . ": *'« ■s*"**"*' " ri *“" " li!i111 f toto C'o#t R#to CtoPtoll I# (toto# to to# g oV## IwfitfC (Ct »OOd | Wtol (ft f(oV## ***** MMMh. AMI t r «.*<>* *t»* Wiy AM* AWA9y t >* *M a ! i a I i*»l as cs» * v * !| * 3•■• < - tot a * *• mm Hml It mat It thd #*<**• lH»«g _ _ _ Wto toff* IfkOffHl##* •tot A ****••!• ®*’ CtoreW Ovf»t«Miia Mt#yy. mmmUmwi ait NfW lid ihMMi Bui** ta#*- ft»g*K*. fetftMM. bftotofj# AIM M MdA «d «An And «#•*, W# «r*n( yOv *« ••• vim pffps»F tibftr* lha * modi', lour* **# l>ol * *a*»«wftt " t *»•» i«H $7.60. $lO. sl2. sl6. $lB. S2O. $25 Mo nood to t*« you tta toot** >»»■ ‘taft •spect ttat-*»»*d flyld *stort**»o otwppo^l* RM W>MVI At W»Mt. InrfH I *»I*|QI *mm I #*• Alin A* *»»■»»»• A ta#ftaP*Bßi*4# AdAr A# iff , P| *•"’** • ••*!# i* • 1 9mm #A* MBfHt *•«# A AfM»•** 999*9* AMMf HI I NIB #*•# (MArtK Ad * »s§•• **ll# W*99 *9*9 BMMflB* *(§«*••••• ($$••! ; pi* tta* Alii lid ««M I • **•*• fWAfr tag ilidH • ftM»%*4 WdfMAg ••• W9* *** TW 1 iwilßgHl Ad tfcd tt*A»l «f ■*»"*• i |A AWifdf tta *999**** *»•* * pita* Ad dd»v | tsM|. v<«* AAdi m» filMNi At t ii tta *»»« «4 #** t*44 d« Ad •*#• fta#ta( **4 AAHRAiMfAwdM4 lid W**4 «4 t tat I*4 df%»wA | t flddf ldf» ttatat* »taf tta** •*“ *■*»*] •#»** pliJWtftPHft Id MW* (Id Ad li M l“«A «*MAd4 ■d«|f dd‘l lid (4lwf lIMII |taH |if|JwliAttjr MMPit , *"|H I did id# iiiiAdli ilf 1 , 1 »id MH A$ 4M M Mm« 4 »• AAtdkNT AAf Air ||mmm|A •$»• M t AAA stat -'•# AhMAI %»j» Ml AM It AdAfly JAI Awfl All **• fdMPIdA. iildiA lAMd < ** Id 4 Hi fAod Id. AM lid? mA'diAtnlH r *df f»isid tk> baltore ***** mm, mm 4 **««»-cxccre yrfesre ik* *•***• "•* t k»w retorted Hi tore* Ik* h»H»“ Mm* from lit* *«nk *l»*** Ik* •*» Mhr **ry »l**hl* H* It* ‘ * rT l I** pm.i F»r • l»»# lrs *rHa« •« • fe*4fi»»« *f I * M. Ore air a* ma n. 4 slfigaUH* opaque ac»fi*Or*llr. and ant a Mfire of refer*** < >«I4 W raudtl. tral a«*f, «l tttt M lk»> I* am* aa4 f*taala*4 *anr Nul *l»i» jC Rilhulr* tola* *M M* l*»l !<*** IV) h*4 huruim tMUidlir l**M* Ik* l »..■ amt which Mr. llama. » mamhar ~f ih- twiti, has mnatanllr aa*4 rh*-wad th* «anr at ithin* amaMh* car iatt.«. «»«l iha marwinr *>f aanh **»r-' iM up tr us na ill* niahi hn***. pfc.trarl ia ha priiw Inally ft crave If na. "Mr damn hail with him an as au'iiirl* arnattlvs air ihaimcrmatar. which aboard irmarkaUy lHr varla- j flora in trmprrailirr 4aria| the alrady •arm* >f lh« Iwlimai Th. u-i»|«raturr na* rapidlr up to ihal S*o ltd, at wblrh alrvaiiua wo aawtHiiMrird a r old. r atralum. Itxarlna Ihmua hikh si na* another ton trrl. aanln lnl*» sarmrt air. Than ihn>u«H a around and > a thltd atiallow rold attatum; hut at t.roo tari an had mirr.-.i an rquaMa. PWfioii. tor on aacrnt nf l*h trrl or j J.7o# frl hlyhai *nvr ua no practical | . hang.- In tha rondltlona. and, a« apottatlf osprrlmania wrrr to hr a prln <lpal pari M Ihc* nlpht'a work. w< k Id j M»n an altitude of *.*»> font. At the, hlphrr allltudr ihrra aaa no wa«*r vapor nollcrahlr In *Ha iruin, and ihc conaptruoap trllurlc line. Mr. Haenn had d nx tci in hla pmrlova nijrht'a rcparlmania had dlaapiwarrd •The brilliancy of the moon »#> vary markedly Inrroaard a* wo flew hlkhrr. and lunar deialla raallv aren with Held alnaaca from earth la-come dim.nil to gate al. Heen through «.w>d alaaae*. Indord. the moon wna simply dawliigly and trylngly hHlllant. A* I bent to lh - Davy lamp, we- carried to lead the oneroid to Mr. HBcon- Mr. Hpencsr could rend II by the moonlight - It recorded i.*H« fret, and a clock la low could la- heard distinctly striking 1# At ;.(kai feet It wan marvelhmn to note the clean cut ahndow of the bal loon. which ihc moon gave. As we threw out sand It shadow could be seen dropping from the* balloon, Aral In u broad stream, thop as II dlatn-, 1 •-(rated iuut the •«!tides separated v Idenlnß Into a nebulous shad - to dls-1 appear altogether as It dropped earth ward I have never known what moon light can Ik- till last night. Every roadway, hedge und rivulet stood out os clear as If we were looking down on a large scale map "I have already alluded to the acous tic experiments that ware made, and the*.* proved amusing aa well as In structive At l.stw feet we were get ting splendid ground echoes from both voice and trumpet, and at this height, jiasalng over one village, we created quite an excitement. Our hall of 'What is the tufme of this place?' was he ard and answered, bui we could not catch the name, except that It ended In 'row' «r ‘lend.’ Not at every village did we *;•! word from the human dc-nliens. but we never failed to rouse- the doga. ts n 'hullo’ didn't do it the trumpet Jiever failed. Over Eynesford, at 6Wf feel, the dnie being 10:45, w P got news of our whereaboull. 'Where ai-e you oft to?' .hooted the men who gave us the name, to which our answer was: 'To ISnd the Rougcmont gold fields.' At 2,400 feet so clear was the night that you poulcl see the postcards we threw imt Putter down, down, almost to the ground. At that height also the gorund c. hoes came up quite* clear, if some what falut, the ejoss barking might al most have been In one's next-door neighbor's garden. "One superb effect w-as that of the moon's rays on any large collection of | #MmAA %■’*■■■*»•*■ m »## fMAAIMvA ANWf ! mmrmm f |s* Hm * **** A AMAAMI | 4 '« » WAN* 9WHA APIM* 1 V'Alt.. \ , 4 A*- * Al AA AaM AMMMNAAtArtTf «wMI A*4 ' .tA Aa ’ • «|A* A* I An* $0 ammta» Aa»* ;■ im, & a AbAva As MNANAAI ■Att** tl •* A# •«$•*«• ; IA Mi M» A «M APA ’•*• HAM# ***** ! : Hfipii At A A BAA Iwka WMm **■•** Ha* II Ar-IMI A #<NMa4 tftl *4 I • AlUMvt MBA | \&m At f*A> ■■■ W tAMB AA* N» IINIt AM I gut i%O IMAM fAM A*AAl>A**<f AA 4 fAM | MANN* *Mii || lli All'll II*IAM> At MAMA *AA<ftf j 1 A* «Ha ml# *4 «AAAA mm & ■ mUm* mn Ins#» tgi 1 wjHAg AAA <Ha aMma «4 ttiA *aa Math am iHa »*»• tAf*- ■' 'lt* t uttfr tBAAk tMkAt llfcA IMtA «4 a«i |$ mm M , 'a. | ;gj tax ft* l fit !•»» tfAA fr*WA r»*m 14 TTAt% BABA #■ lll*A A BA$#A •***4l «v fbdd was tell k»MM TV owty sew »l(irn | a lh. eM.gbt •: d*w»w awpWaa j sM . M- SI tb* htglww* alt It ad* •• •earhsM. ••• • »t*«b< atagtwg m lb* , tmrt Tb» party aftgbted at Aft*af*ast ] wbbwwt msabap “ t.radoa flu igfrV. IIAI SI W <K>I S UP. A Usage rnw. llwm TWrt tatbkM Tbla Mo. stag Tbs llanaet rare »a»« M before' Judge R* ae ha Rlrbtwowd msv*nm fOirl at poos Tbta la eat* at the , haoeu burglary caaaa at Rkbtaoad tig—ly. la June and Jaly tbare ww»* • ■»» I bar of ugly rabbrrtre la Th* datartitma »*•• badlad for awb V j bat pare Ist wary oa thrlr fart am oat' for them They got a claw and ar rests* Hauser He »« found in pna awaatoa or an . tyrrw# r*crept for a box of goods Tbe goods ware arrnrwd, and ntr* found to hsv* been b.ieglar I ted fraan tha store of Mr C. H Hctiaeld'-r At tba tlare of tba arrant another area eallwd "Snai." la tba *tl-. dt-ace. neaped Ik* officers after a hot | rhaas The defense was that Hauser bad j ten given tbw goods by Sam to carry to for him, and that the defendant had no part In thw burgla ( ry. That tntwrenting In the case was the atat tneni of the defendant. Hsttaer was dressed roughly, but when he be gan to talh he tw-apoke for himself more than ordinal y education anil sa gacity of titternnre. Hi* statement t- as ao shrewd aa to spoil (Is effect for self. He betrayed a knowledge of law regulations In challenging an unets teei wnrrani. when declaring to the eif fleera when he wa* arrested that "You have po evidence hgatnsl me except for concealed weapon*.” a pistol hav ing | M x*n found upein him. and gen erally showed he knew how to trlek ihe ln<v. He used grammatical words despite himself and poured out exeellently constructed and well roun ded sentence after rent.nee. catching himself occasionally and trying to apeak aa the Ignorant negro which, In attire and demeanor, he assumed to lie. golte tor Davis In his address to the Jury stigmatised the dvfettdant. ak shown by'the evidence and the riaon er'a atateiPent, aa one of the most dangerous thlevta that It had ever de volved upon him, iu the performance of Ills duty, to prosecute. Attorney Olive for the defense made aa strong u case for the accused aa the evidence made possible. The jury made up a verdict of guil ty. ns Indicated, almost immediately after having retired to the jury room. The convicted man has not yet been sentenced. Card I'rom Paul Davis. To the Editor so The Herald: S.r 1 regret that I was ao busy turning over my stock ns stamp deputy that I could not see you. I presume you wish to know the facts ahoii: my re moval. Yes, sir. I have been removed as stamp deputy of Augusta, oa.. and l have nothing to regret in regard to my removal, as l have always made an honest and creditable living in tnis your city. One suggestion l wish to make: Mv supposed friend got the job for me and finding that my salary was in c:eased and seeing that another need ed it. why it was snatched from me. upon charges as follows: [The letter referred to sets forth that it was not regarded as advisable to keep the stamp office In a pawn shop. auii that a change would be made, the deputy keeping hla office in. ihe government building.l Yours respectfully, Paul Davis. •m* jaxyoTtwrrm. anr»AT*p THE EXPRESS COMPANIES WIN ijotp U—Ab RAtAi * IBAMA. A TV* BA*W - tba VdMt ha CM g « iff* ■»— ***** M Hama—a* I *v« «#•»««• ihivMIMBMMMaa lIAr»A iMM ib4Na* mmnm Ml I SN(|AMMOIi ABA A'ABM M*M| *Wm —A* \mm m+* mvmm w* mm %*** tlAnf tm** AM* *MBt# %mmm fß |r l *■# ; f Ibba (mb# wa mH Wmm mb \m* mmmrnjmm mm ****** * 1 Id tBSAMI ▼!(•%.. 1188 BBBBM Ms ' I CMbhbMmNl A mmmbnmvi mba as | ItiNMH# MIMAiNiMIMiM- BM —PBPBBPWPM | •%$ 11* ab mp mm rnrnmm ••mn | I waabaa am#' Imma# mb m ma'Wpni ab *ms* F am# |fi!#MMß mmw MM **##*•s * j mm* gPV—I fM—Mf fc— twdga [ id***—Aa (A Iba | alff* 1 * A*a*a* *—l j I—. MM. A*—l—* A Aa'Sdaa* | I aan*a4 la* MM p***•**• —A Am***A ’ dalre A ****** Aw lire i r**<a»n A KMffa— Affgbaat* rt »b* , Ann —MM ffrm g— J a*** N •■%»•»* - ihia la d i ah# MB* rgtiff Am mm fb'S# s v* i M #M4 1 f%f lin Mmlp Mb# HB* (MBMfeMBIM ImMmm ImbmbmMß* Hi#- mm *w •$$ |w d iM(| i|b» t l -- ■-#•# bm4l BitMM^M I «Mm »m*b> mm mb ipmbmmMlb •• • m* I |«l (jMU'f'MUMlitt nil Ml itBB BMpM'wMßi «MM#I [•4 tW t Mtt«4 Hmmm, mmirni wm**m * B4M Mmbm m«4 «W mm Mffl B» MBmb4 Mm* »*» ***** «t b#m»bbi ** ,b* Tire Area i* a# tb» rwfl •*• b***d aretaii ms*m tba ' far* MtM ha fra*# W ft# ****** mt ** ****»— MMKAMH I—AtMWA *b# **• graaa i iA*a*‘~' flaw *blfflag lb* ba* . daa of 4b* l*« A lb* *M—**• MMI tba* I* tba *bjin>r* of *arb rkprea* **abt- Wlfaa b» *b**M bald Mbit ib*w b*4 lb* jftdbt i« *dj*** da »*h*y alib «b*dr Tlb* l ** W**#M H*i Jmß4lm» Ml «M*4 l«i BMfpMMB tffVbftfM IM MM(Bi«t-fMHM 1* PMttl in ipiMMirfii •IM mi*H* Hi# Hr*M •!*- I tft IH M- '-ufJl •!•** I MB«an, ImMmMT* t»v*irfi*T tmm* HIO BUOBMMM OF CKM.Ik. Tba A marks* *f lb* koaboa kl>*U lb* KiaadAi*. Tarrmta W**b . Xu. I—l*. •- All**, ■wbo ba* Jc*t *rrtyr# from lAwaoa. ; tb*t H* itl*re««rln prove Cbtcken freak, on tba A*»*c‘c«* atd*. ala a r.rh aa ffldorado freak. 1* tba Klo* dike diairtet Tba ffrww *•!«»* <rf ’ ritirkea Cm# lA* A lb* tort that It* ' dirt run* from »* to Ilk • P** from tba surface to bad rock twenty ba below I while Kl.k r».l,i and fbmaosa freak ' produce gold In big quant It i#a only on | bed rock. f Chicken freak to * irttretory of the .* tuth fork of Forty MIA Creek There ; Mt been • great ru*ti there, *nd the rrrrk ia »t*ked Ita entire langlh. Fire ; hundred men will work there thi* wi*-1 ter. CM* owner* offer *tty amount that they ran ahow greater j depth snd a larger area of pay dirt than ha* bar* found ealewhere In the Yukon country. Three other Important dlae-iverele* are reported The Brat bon W*lfcera Fork of Forty Mile and its tributaries, which Include Cherry Htg Skookum. Twelve Mile. Liberty, snd Wade Creek* Proapecttng show* that thie entire *ertes of creeks will produce one or t«vo ounces dsuy a mrn by ground slrlclng. O* Engle and Holtoa Creek* near Chicken Creek. r:uir*t gold h»* heen found running lo the slse of • bean. Other strikes have been made on Button. Bonn—*, and other tributaries of the north fork of Forty Mile. In short, Forty Mile Creek, with its hun dred tributar’es, promises to rival the Klondike next aeasonfl The third rtrh discovery was made at the head waters of the Polly River, where 500 prospee tors are taking out gold. IT PARHIHA KILL* I). A Commercial Man Well Known Here Shot in Houston, Tex. Mr. M. Parelru. one of the beet knawn commercial salesmen who vis ited Augustn. was killed a few days since In Houston. Texas. Mr. Parelra was In Augusta last July shaking hands with his numerous friends. He was almost like an Au gustan. *o well was he known here. A paper devoted to the traveling men's Interests tells of his death in Houston. He was shot by a party named Geo. de Moss, who claimed that Mr. Pareira had Insulted his wife. it seems hardly probable that Mr. Parelra did Insult Mr. de Moss' wife, as he was always a peifect gentleman. Th" news of the death of Mr. Parei ra will be a regretted surprise to ills many friends In Augusta. FIRE LAST NIGHT. Chemical Responds to a Telephone Alarm. Last night at about 9 o’clock a negro ntsn discovered a fire in the servants' house of Mr. Charles Fargo on Greene street. A telephone alarm from Dr. Allen called out the chemical and ihe fire was soon extigulshed. The chemi cal engine made a beautiful t’" 11 down Broad. HOSPITIL CORPS HU ARRIVED |«(iH 4a (*4) H I 0 'hrt lU* VfffMßt BB a*% BB MM* §Hbmbb Bib BBb BpMMIIBHMBmB •ft MNt 4BB*Bl#ftTf '-4 wAtm TBM** ***> * Hi | tMB ti iMiry Arnmmm* mmm <4 BWI I »■ rbrurtT *wb *S4 ««*• *t <bM» •« gfy**A-. * • * J ** ,IB ||sff'(f * sffks» MU * ft* 1 •*#. Twf m«h•( CT f. MH M* (iiWiBUl •■tilliC |IOT ft* # ft jinlfß tlißlft Al* BMMI pTIMBB *T | tfii'ilnvt rm*f **4 TBf «•!«* Pm** I 1 1m lift# mam mm* *lll B» •ft*rt«l j i tßip l» Bft BMHrtlPty B»l4 <HH (* l*®Hß® furfbtr* •k*rli ta •afaß"fta4 lHa mala • »rri». . Tlm* «firl «4 MyiAf lh# Ml* "BMWin IM h<«*r*ftal might will proMiMf i«i* |t|rt«tol tiMM4VNWf. <# All of tfc# Bftatrr to tHa r%mp I* ' •applied from tbe TurfcMdt rtptiog* pipe the connect ion with the Bum ■uerville pipe b lag cut <4f Tbe me* complain of tbe taate of tar. but this j will soon be washed out at tbe pipes, and tbe purest of stater will be had Hid rtIISSTREL PRODUCTION. to m. H. to'gst to ill Show *1 the Grand I o morrow Tbe William H West's big min strels. tinder the aid* management of D. W. Trues, will make Its first ap pearance In Augusta tomorrow night at the Gland Mr Wat gained s‘reputation while a mem bat of Primrose A West’s min strels that will ever be a bright one in the name* of American minstrel*! and fun maker* He has many friend* In Augttda. who will lie more than glad to welcome him. Over half a hundred men. many at whom are noted artiste, will assist In the grand pioduction. and their at tractive and up to date costumes will add much to the show. Several of the ram prominently connected with Sells Brothers big show* said yesterday that West’s was the best tronp of minstrels on the tage. These men are experts in the j • how business snd know a good show when they see it. West l* the Lord Chester field. Beau Itrummel and Chauneyy Depcw of mln tfreliy.—AVaahlngton .Post. BOUND OVER. Kincheon Russell Charged With Making Moonshine Whiskey. Kincheon A. Russell, a white man. was this morning given « hearing be fore United Stat* Gommlseioner Cal vin. Russell Is charged with Illicit distil ling in Jefferson couuty, and was ar rested yesterday by the Deputy Uni ted States Marshal and brought to ’Au gusta. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge. However, the testimony of witnesses was against him and he was bound over to the U. S. Court on a S2OO bond. It is thought that a session of court will be held on the third Monday in this month, but it is not definitely known. MpTITHTTi ITC HCOCK Who Was First Arlington Hotel Clerk, in C«V Today. Mr. T. Henry Hlttficock. represent ing a Baltimore firm, is today at the Arlington. Mr. Hitchcock was the first clerk at ilie Arlifgton hot.'l. Ke made many and Was af terwards connected with tbe Highland Park hotel at Aikerf* He is. as sta ted, now a commercial salesman. S. F. GAMMON GOES TO PONCE I |%ff Vd E$*AS JllMtfj Ufl T«*f l* Hm stm 99m BB 41 I mgmm (#•#*•** «hb 999 m tmmmrn mmmmmm m* 99mm ¥ m* *****s ! •4B ft'** l 9mgom WB(4 *9m- #hb - mmArn wm mm **99999l**** m-*mmrnm **m j ## iNßft |iH4pi»Hi r«|l #•«%• ****** %m • * mi hbm m*m m ; ' muh mmmm **m* ******* *++ * • ***** *mm fHf* <*%** ¥ ***** *9 1 9m ; BNtt j| (MMI i|>Ml |$ na Dili H« mm** pimpmtmiMmm mm •** a a... _ f »$!• Mt *m *99** VB#Bf *9*9 B» Hr lldf*’-s>4|fClHl flUf r <f # "• *4 fp# *** w^l A BUND IMIftlL IrT na* aa l»«#r**ttog torgfw tkwaiff. i IMlhu Oa K*« Rverrbudy la Madia** aa# * trial! V kwra* MMhi WH -11 Nr !• m tmmiUmf Ijiif* <4 mr Hi* pMuHtr tmiu m 4 I » iftilfffßi f*rullt«| 9*9 • Bllb4 Ml hit# lone fttßff 11 mp 4 (• Be • (Bine’ 1 1 m oitr pmoplm. WIUUi Hi Wmm uptftiß* c 4 It |*f ag* H* *a* Hoc* la Orerar twaa ty, aad (warn* blind whan vary y**a« *by < according to hi* **• i’»l*a*ii drinking ton murk "pink root la*. Hr I ha* bran ll* la* la Naflaa aboat taa I years aad lbare laaT a atreat to <b* rit; that br basal traveered aad I* 1 perfratly familiar ski Hr sett bo , gvtida to isad him reread, ad rn»**d with xrely stick br feats bis wy bout, ad cu ao lain rvsry ucok ad rorarr of th' ! rity wt:b ss much rare as If br ba# 4*o good ryes Mere blm asywbrre oa F tke street gad ba caa tall you rxaclly where br ia, and drsraiba tbr rereta br !|| guiag Hr is a good axalbemattclaa i uad caa snap arm* wire heads la pro liwuadlag iutrtretr mathamatirai prob -1 irms. Hr baa all aaus*r of tradas (and Is aa untiring workar. Hr hot t tom* chair* tuakas aafr*. tabiaa. liaak letaI eta and alt kinds of furniture, saws snd icuts wood snd dor* it wLh nil rear aad i rapidity. It is wonderful to are him |at work. Hr make* n good deal of 1 moo*> and takrs rare of It. Hr ia a 'grtai nanrer and trail* money at a big ratr of lnlrrr*i. Hr know* rxaclly th* amount of money hr baa in bl* pos session, and Is aa good at counting the Interest on tbe money he lend* aa the most expert cashier In any bank ,n the land. There U one great trait In IWI | Ha—he never fails to collect what la due him At one time a party who own) him »« let Madiaon and went to , live In Atlanta without willing ihc I debt. When Willis heard of It hr threw hla bucksaw acroaa hla shoulder and walked all ihe way lo the Gate j City, sawing wood on the route to pay hi* Imard. found the party who owed him the money, collected It anil return ed to Madison. This Incident it a true •me and Blind Willis wIU tell yon so himself. 1 Willis ask* for no aim* -r all he wants is goed work at a fair price and he will earn his own living. lUs life Is an object lesson to a good many cf hi* race who have two good eyes ROBBING THE POSTOFFICE. A Burglar Did Poor to orfc to’llh His Auger at Dublin. Dacatur. Ga., Nov. 8. This week there was nn unsuccessful and very bungling attempt made to roll the De catur postofflee. inspection shows that the burglar was some one familiar with the arrangements of the inside fastenings. The wooden shutter to the ' window on the east side fastens within l>v a sliding bolt. The burglar’s effort was by boring with an auger through the woofl to make a hole In such po sition as would enable him to run his finger through, turn the bolt, slide It back and open the window. The first hole struck about an Inch and a half above the bolt. This was out of reach. The next was just an Inch below the holt. It Is not known why he did not continue his, efforts, but his courage probably failed him or a noise fright ened him off. It was hoped he would repeat the visit as arrangements are new complete for his reception, but he 1 has decided to postpone the attempt | a little while longer. The clues to the burglar's identity are such as will not improbably result at an early date in aapturing him. I CHALLENGE YOU I# mm*m» • *«#•■*•* 4 *•• Bsi N#» • , IreabJ fcgre m —(to B#i m 4 M B# ptoviMito awif | 'mm *uft M I*m i BffW*# « II li# #xret nn I to#m R* ini Btok B *4* M *—■*• j kaMff Bto Imk Hr t 4m't HBrlm tm*ms , ►y Wlttof m. kfto* i HAS f. octal*. K#M£«r. £. I Sr ,i«»s»ttt^*s»' me or me chkis •ijj-ftf T\ffi |# 999*99* Hi m MM* ' m<4 in übha min • <(im 9m* **999*9*999$ ■ydl dftam **i4 #**4 yrnmm *>■' 99*9 fIRBM4, •m »*4 m*4 w*ms AH «Am mm*4 Mft-oN r*-*tt* §9 iAm m*4w** ***** *9*9 It* I%# mwmw* ****>' •-'» *m4 $M m*t*r T Wmm* i*4 999 tlMI# •ftMHßdf ****** • im *9mmm* 9m ww* 4 mm* mAA ***** ml tttttii »»!*<* *9m •nHf i lnd diL, tßm Hid A mmwm mmA ****** 9*999*, Hbb AfOrt HUM## M ilMf A&m ******% 1 9m mm 9m** ml ***** * **** *9999*m99*mm99f mm * •reHl At iidiMk I*# MMi flt #••*# tm**m t* # 9m* —. « *T H itrrii fjsA , to , ft.,. Wgf tfctliMMr ft'’* MAdepP* rto*toMA® w **4 t*m ***** it 4*Mb Am* «4 4HPM«r *m ft*** Ibb#* 1 *** * #* ! < HftHft ****** *m ■ r*m* •*•#* Hi !•#*•s #*H*^ r A#4 ** &mt 99*9* ****** *9*4 ***g9 mww* #Btf ISA# ***** *w&tW*9** 9*p9 99 , p(hrf, •fti | t#|4Ml BftH* IH» 999*4* Wl*9* ; I( | r rt 4 lift ********* **4 IftfttlM *• ! ||| * BMftß** *4 ** ■ H mm*o * t «*»*'• *4 |»PW If *9*9 • A* 9 - t#f*4 MM 1 fWtof«ftt»cH ft*4 A*9U mn*A*f*‘ ***** \ uL it lrrur Hm A**m M» A«ffB«l« 1(4 ' , j, L^|o TH#?# *9* tM SMSI ittfllßftf •i»4 *%tm+ vB» efft *4 BeMluftl maMi* .m (Irrm tHr elftim * **>*4 ***. **4 *» I Mtrt ftH4 *#»* at lHat **4 B»m lHat I . , Bl) isi «h. il9vm* (Hat (He $1 ■ Ti 4 * . »»*to it rm* H#4 <Hr taat m w * ftrr IM aeAftrQf* Ha 4 pU*m*i*9 * rt * H, m* many eft«Btt r>*n# as t|9 »imr ttfM. (Hal N In hay pwtmi to *** tMrm sift* | TH- ruling. «H- (oi»»Win« f tM HU|H tnpftft' •« tora. tH- h *rt»«*T>i# liar atara an 4 • th«f«an»s4 **4 *m* its haM tire attreitbre «f ‘to- ooßwh-, ___ - Th* two *katlfur ar»W* wre* ts* fin-1 mi ***r re* In tire rttf. *»# tor nrenV pnremuired tire rrowntn* f**t*re of rlre, ,In u* Tire inline# re*l*. d«ln« erenr ihiae from *inglß4l nn# plnylna to, tooling clgnr* isugkl lh* cure# at | I .rare. Ttre tree* of « Dane* walhln* rope* waitsing, playing leap frog and , r.reollng a-r* the a#»»iratbjn at, all Tbe mad diving from tbe highret portion of th* l n» tnto ten* »*»«»> <>*»re I feot "f water wHI tie remembered by •II that aaw « * Madame Tans, the woman who tlfi* aa elephant, th* funny clown*, the ring l>ull that jump* hutdtea .the trained I I onlea ana d. lUieya, came In for their turn. I TH# »I>Bl tr-m-nd*ma *4-t>Hanta. ill lexrtng Aha' capearean name*, went through the figure* of the quad:llle with »noising exacinews. ending up l»y ; Ihe largest one hearing the keeper out as iH— (Fftl. All of these event* led UP to the final race*. Charioteer*, horaehack rider*. Greek driver*, dog* *nd donkey* all en tered. and aom" go«*4 running «** *e«*n. Tbe performance* ended with tbe concerto, whtch were on the u«ual line. ■ The cirrus show* In Athens today. I Yesterday * big crowd, drawn to the, ■city by the (laming poatera of the cir rus bill board*, had maty a familiar and well known face In It. Among th • many present, all type* of humanity j I rr.uld be seen—here the country poll!!- | : clan *nd *tump *i>eaker. then the jolly, [hale fellow well m.»t land owner, then the long, gaunt backwnodama* who ri vaied th* giant in alxe. or the sturdy lowlandef with hin liabe In arm»--a!- tractrft attention. | A few of our visitor* deserve atten tion—so here goes: ! nian. well known heie, who live* [ not far across the river, was over in I his usual state, not the state of Ueor- I Bin—drunk. Few men can get in this condition that do not receive th ■ con tempt of the sober citlxena. but this one man seems to Jiave the sympathy of all. Some months ago, this man, who was a prosperous farmer, entered a game of cards with a well known gam bler. A difficulty arose, and the gambler drew a gun, shooting twice. The farmer then killed the man in self-defence. Ever since that time, the man has been unable to sleep, at all times see ing visions of the dead man. The only relief. he claims, Is in drinking. Many do not agree with him In this, bui all feel sorry for his condition. One cf our many visitors was stand ing on Btoad, when the chctnical en gine rassed on its way In response to an alarm. The man stood and looked at the en gine until It had disappeared, and then, turning to a friend, remarked: • I'll sw'ar if they had them things over my way, I’d set a haystack on fire every day jist to see them run. And then there was red lemonade and peanuts! NOViMM* ft V«Mft **9*999 *■•#&# *•«>' ■* m-*m ♦* HHB rti $ I’MHfYF (•s■*** ft—-*! ft*tok ft t mt 9**m TH- !•« H’ftftM HH4 4toB»-ffH»4 • * mm* «h«« «m rnrnmmmm tNii Hv h*4 CO vORAnt.ATIU.NS Are (tol*c l «U*#*# N*aN •ad Uk*s**l Mr (torrefy W*<l •*# Mr. F. ff. «>t<re*a*f at* t«#*y bring < .wrptuoreM* *4 oa lh* ici p t they <WW**«'d ta th* rret agatoto # tfl fife,ire tofts •'•in «»#, %4’aitrt •'* ~<u«<n ifeargrd with car* ■ ••■king Kufpsre th ught that tfea iftfdtri to t«4iS4 ta til til— nHturr of iW* •mg. imx ih* Fforf* of ttaM v**un# • • rt:(—to tMOL'fBt tbout not of m»®4—• m+tun *mif. * n%«« H Ilrh* *r In tH * laiifff <••- ita vnAiimvm pm i-orto itoyj ta U nwatM <m tM itoc, tat In tM forT»-r it rotaid ta ton >-«r« m tta fMiuti— tary. | Tta vtffttrt tathff that of * mtal-* DiFtnor tta Marta amta*? that roii)4 ta imnoard will ta 15 month*. THU op* M* W*U‘* Arpt •***. nit OLS SI'ETH complimented the Hrral# carrier* to ith a clrcu« Party. I no* <g tba largest and Jolllnfi etreua 1 1 writes out last night waa the one In • fearg* at Mr. Gua fipeth. coromstod of the . nil re carrier fore* of The Her* atd. The twenty-tix regular* and four substitute* aaaembled at 7 o'clock at the Arcade, boardid the out -gulag car, and made the air ring with the melody [of their happy voice*, a* they sang thn | popular air* of the day. and gave tfea familiar Herald > >44. Afriving at the drrtg ground* tho animals and side*how freaks were tak en In after which each boy waa forti fied with the regulation clrru* refresh ment*. apple* and peanuts, before tho prrformanrr began. Evety feat wa* eagerly watched by the hapiy little fellow*, and they wild ly nnnlauded. s. Truly the greatest of all happlneaa la In contributing In aome way to tha happiness of others, and the three cheer* for Mr. Speth and the lusty Her | aid yells that r ent up from thirty throat* attest -d their enjoyment snd appreciation of the generou* thought fulness of Mr. fipeth. '» i ■" ' i n ■■ a | If Is th? thing for the society folk to [ attend th- West Big Minstrel Jubilea | this season. CITY COURT CASES. Five Defendats Found Guilty of Charge* The following ease* were tried at the city court today: Columbus Dart on—burglary—guilty. Alfred Jaclcsou—larceny from tho house—guilty. Chas. Oliver— burglary—guilty. Alex. Halve*— burglary—guilty. J no. Tank*wsle>— burglary—guilty Mr. L .A. Emerson of Charleston, 9. C.. was in the city this morning. Mr. J. U. Jaokso." and Mr. C. W. Jackson returned from Atlanta this morning. Mis. Frank Foster of Chattanooga, ivh Has been visiting friends in the city, has returned horfie. Mrs. C. J. Clifford and Miss Carrie Lee Clifford of Grovetown. spent yes terday in the city. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED —ONE EXPERIENCED WAIST hand,, one skirt hand, at »33 d’Antignac street. Mrk. Julia Marshall. Nov 8 WANTED AT ONCE—THREE GOOD solicitors for old line life Insurance company. Apply to 41fi Dyer building. NrtV 8 WAXTED-AN OFFICE BOY; F. T. &j. B. Lockhart, 201 »y-r Building. Nov 8 _