The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 10, 1898, Image 1

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tint • » »«**m AtSW4 | # mmS^ santioa smm» mi KSiTS h,leea IkMa* tMglMhh CITIZENS OF PHOENIX - APPEALING FOR AID Mor® Trouble It F®tr#d at tht Scsne of Y#s«sr day’s Riots and tha Air la Full of Rumors. Th« Bckli** of ths nvs D*«d Nsaros* M*v« B*>#n L#ft Lying IN Rond—Cr««r*wood to RammhkkJ. S*w W TV. »■—. .!•—i* tag, • (f, IMf. •* - « M al M—M— P» »». yoga. lip gag—. ta lfe*l T , frrt item— P*w**n* A» tolagrafdMSm §ng ***#• and a— TV ■«»'—r W a—• »*r r»«« hmi -l—t M.mdta •Ltd**. ad Or—*—. I* ma— M —•w to a*» »• im grams *4 IV —•••. TV p** l #** of tu *#aw«#d h*e# prat down alt Iftatr fans td a •pertal —4 of aawwmwi frtat SMngtaM. Or—*#, ram# ta ta dsy. Print* Mtaart Miller la dan gerously w -unded, tan Meaer*. Fleming amt Torirtffrr are n»t set tomty hurt. •portal to Tha Herald Greenwood. P. C., Km. I#,— Mr. J Miller. living la a port— •f (he Irouhled aarti. n. which la art I led a linnet entirely by ne- INDIANS GIVING TROUBLE Thiralfn to Kill Those Who Voted For the Treaty. At I east One flan Killed and Seven or Eight Wounded. Kufalia. I. T,, Nov. 10.—II is known here that there hits been lighting at Okmulgee, capital of the Creek nation, where a council met Tuesday. For IS hours rumors of trouble have been drifting In from Okmulgee, which Is 10 miles off the railway and without tele graph or telephone service. It Is known that full Woods have mad an attach on the treaty leaders at Okmulgee, and that at least one man was killed and seven or eight wounded. All Iho In dian police at Agent Wisdom's disposal have hern ordered to Okmulgee, and the soldiers will follow. The white peo ple feel able to take care of themselves. The only fear Is for the half-breeds who voted for the treaty. The Treaty Council. Cheeota. I T., Nov. 10.—The Creek returns are all In. and show that the treaty has carried. Twelve hundred full bloods stayed away from the polls. A council Is in session at Okmulgee. The full blood chiefs threatened to kill the people who voted for the treaty. The Indian police were ordered by the agent to Okmulgee. Chief Ishparheeher threatens to burn the towns in the Creek nation along the Missouri, Kan sas and Texas railway. The Indians are very restless. IS IT THE M vRIA? There Is Some Doubt as to the Iden tity ts the Wrecked Vessel. Nassau. N. P.. Nov. 10.—The steam er ashore off Cat island, supposed to be the abandoned cruiser Marla Te resa, is now described as being a dis armed wersblp flying the American flag, showing signs of having been on fire aud having leaked slightly. Sh: straded in an expossd position on Thursday night last. Mr. Hugh Middleton has returned to the city. _ Xtm tw* (IMA 4 mi** %m “Ik Ub Sea df »—l*—l » Mm—g. an* tad that Mia he* fat— maiaMn t an —at p—*»• «ar iataaia ll* unaatey «aa Ml at araaad aha* moth **P I ka* («• that Ihe whMta in a tenet ad a*** , he had ta— *a lead 'that the ft— aeauM •■•add fhu e* tad—. «• lha hme ams r~- • •hnaa *» 4a map s AuMpr BJIMI #*|fc ’f ' fp-.. e m f flr J-„r $n hmm *w*ri h«a ra wiir J-ha •al J*» TMVti pa—4 through IVMn twaary Mat MdM. They are Mill Ih-wM M he about rVoiet. Mtemnoua effort * a 111 he —de ta hrtaa theta fa Oreea. • ami under the earraal whhrh has heea Mamed If eucreeaful. mam trouble Mi euro l» Miner. State* Hnrrteon, the negro rap* tured. «da *•»■>* inday, al tt»b hnfh eharth. the same plaeo • here tha other »egl ,» worn shot yeateeday. The gve bod— are Mill In llte road where they fell. A crest many mm are leevtnc at Ihla lime f«r Pli*>e al* aertlon. and more a lit fol low. (MJOßlTY OF TWENTY IN CONGRESS The Kfpublicans Will Undoubtedly Be in ('onirol. what Chairman Babcock, of the Con gressional Committee. Says. Washington. Nov. 10. Chairman Babcock, of the Republican congres sional committee, believes this morn ,ng that the Republican majority in the next House will reach 20. NICARAGUAN CANAL. Commission Has About Csmpleted Its Report. Washington, Nov. 10. The Nica ragua Canal Commission appointed by the president under an act of con gress directing a complete inquiry into this project, with particular reference as to Its practicability, has about completed its report, and the prospect Is that the report will be handed in to Secretary Hay in about a month. The commission has taken a building on Fifteenth street, formerly used as the German legation, under the direction f 4dml*a! Walker, chairman, a force of 36 computers, draftsmen, engineers, etc., are at work upon the report, and me’ mr.JB of technical matter which Pill accompany it, making in all the most elaborate presentation of the rubject ever attempted. The report will not refer to the political ques ions involved, but will confine itself o the scientific and prob ems. ADJOURNED Superior Court Takes Recess Until nonday. Superior court adjourned at 1 o’clock today until Monday, when civil cases will be taken up. On the Monday fol lowing criminal cases will be taken up. Jutige Calloway will preside next week. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Race Riots are Rampant Today ight Negroes Killed and Hundreds of Whites Hur rying Into Wilmington on Special Trains. The Slanderous Negro Nswtpsprr Was Burned by InfuriAtsd Citi zens and the Staff Has Been Run Out of Town. I WsaiMMM, t> C*. Itarn t* A mm apertai ftaMh Mnimingisu. N C.. ware! Bvtat# haee —« stats Ml ihw tnur«ng mA the •hue pengA* ha** taade awed »he*e thmaia «• take veng»uv upon the , wAMaarM ffemgattay «w •hit* —tat. *» t *. the vgrwa hat karma re*. pnaded <« the demand hr tha retaoral of tha pr— «f The ftaenri. a aearn ne*.paper *» Atoptoatnigily* «a - delt, rh. rtaaa as a •hl«e —Mutlee ' <4 A repaired in the light tafaairy «ramry. where he «a> mm Im riitaeM hy apfedaitataH Kighi orhirh was Ike I tael hoar as grare for the mow* Id rrpSy aad that h«« pa—4 wiihoat •a aaawer hetag melted The rttl teaa waited aa hour for retaforre la the •—•!! armed men tawaa in gal her la the wide etreet la frrtat at the armory. They carried rifle*, ahntgnn* and aiwmoallion and ihe I—Mbit* Included —Mr of the HMWI prt.miaeai rlltsma of Ihe lowa At •Sd the proeeaahr*. beaded hy **- , Repraaealatiee Waddell and Ihe (ta- I taltiee at IS. la the dire. .Ina of ri tenth and Knu atreeta. where The Record filming .hop la loca ted All along Ihe line of march ihe pro reaatoa waa lotaed by araaed-nilaeaa and ehen ibe oegni quarter wna reached ihe negroea could be seen a lew block* away luaulac into bouses. Whes the crowd arrived In front of | The Recoid odlcc. a iwo story frame building, picket line, were ihroau oat aero*, the street, and squad, of man .tail to ihe aqume. In the neighbor- | hood. Leader Waddell, with a rifle on hi* shoulder, went to the door of the building and knocked, but there be ing no response the door was »«k>o burst open. The eltlirns surged isto the place and commenced the work of destruction. The Negro Editor Flee*. The colored editor. Manly, hi* bro ther and their associates have fled, and could not be found by the eitl sens. After destroying the printing house, the march*ts returned to the armory, where they had left a rapid fire machine mounted in a wagon, ready to be dispatched to ihe scene If a battle should occur. The I aders of the crowd said subsequentiy that it was not the Intention to burn the building, that it was the work of some rash persons, or by accident, and did not have rbe concurrence of the com mittee. Today’s action of the whites is a se quel to yesterday’s meeting. The ap pointment of the committee was the result of the action by which the ne groes were given until this morning to return an answer to the demand ' for the removal of the press and the i cessation of tha publication of The Record. Last night was an anxious one for the citizens in the residence section. ■ About 8 o'clock a street car came into J the business section and reported that | the negroes had fired into it, and ihe j passengers had returned the fire. The car, loaded with armed men, was soon speeding toward the scene of the trou ble, hut the offenders escaped. The entire eastern section of the town was aroused and armed men were on the | street cars, on every corner and pa j trolling the dark streets. In the he gro distict thirty or forty young ne ; groes assembled, but were not armed I and were not violent, and the older men said they did not contemplate j trouble. All night long the whites kept guard i about the business and residence sec tions, but no incident occurred to dis turb the night. The Scene Shifts. At 10:30 the scene shifted to anoth er section of the city. Scarcely had, the marchers disbanded at the armory before word passed that 800 or 400 ne gro laborers at the cotton compresses had knocked off work aaJ were assem bling. Armed men hurried to the rivet front and took positions at the head of the streets leading to the docks. The negroes gathered in groups of 15 or 20- huddled together and apparently were much excited. They were soon in a i Alfa At A. «4, M.te at paa« fia«» mmm taatttad m ’bee* with teawrte <ha< the aht-m aMe bwfataa ihe b»*r» tpawMe*. and ihaaitag pmfda. And tafgnA *hMt I— tamda m mtmm the— aa the atat* katae qwtl hcea The «*Me btadat* mdaaneed •• eaHa (ha eacMed taea mM4 them that am bame was m»m«**c4 *nd taHttad there ta mom «e wtah l hr*, see «s Madtaii uih nor <h«ea*a b* Ihe < r«—e la #!' <he dtal.cb—e. Ihe Vmwl *4ha*>ie. taed* ta. *AMta as »—*. an Hat 1 —»!««* end Md a pdve* *#•• ea* tinw< Th* preaarratwa of etdar la pram sally .—MI la a emataMle. of Iwtally •»e who are —w *nmg m r— ar drr and cherh Ihe twlbta ele—ml ••OM the Mlhliea The iwpld ire ta# chtaa gas <• a wag— manned w»h n crew armed with Winch—een. wan bruogh! Arwn l* (W"* l * «•*- P>**» , ’* r d. bei am the ad*— as the leader* haU* gnoa after II word waa tacaht that relafurre—al* were needed ta ihe ne» go. wetMta BruoUyn Mm were <—t. Twenty taloule. ’am newt camd that there Md heea a collMd.u. be’a'Wg the whiira and Mark, and blood had bee* *bed A* • remit of the ironMk la Prookltta H 1* heltrved IV nu»V* cf aeg men killed la four A white wan rawed Mayo, who we. »hc» la the ainmach. has air w died AaoiVr while man waa ban Th» aisuailoa W quid new The ptgne- have «<** Into the bouw* Squa<*a of men are aow hall tag all ihe negror* on the street aud taking ptaud« frdm (hem. Mctalone—ala Aartving. Special i rain, nre Ving run Imo '.Vllmtiigiin from oiticr loan, with reinforcements, and arm. Gold*boro has Marled Mta men Murlntiurg baa started ISP. and otVr place, hare of fered help If needed TV light tafnti uy. <he regular stale military otgati laatlon. will probably lake .ommaud of . . . .I *. „ .... .1 Its I’fflim . ttitl ftbr situation here and its officer* writ direct the petrolling and guarding ftf (the city. It ia understood the governor fhaa given sanction to this plan, and if • arried out it aIR have a salutary ef fect. A local i -t web moot of the Toiled Siao* naval reserve# in fatigue uni form. snd dragging a i-pounder rapid lira gc-u are now nt the scene of the trouble, together with the light In fantry, and sevetal hundred armed cit ixena. Hut them la nolhlng to shoot al. The negroes here disappeared. Other Ciaualtlcs A later dispatch to The Star says: Between 11 and 2 o'clock there were •evtral skirmishes. The total casual ties al tvo o’clock were: Fight ne groes killed, two wounded, three while men i’-outided Mayo, l hadwick and Pinero, Mayo is not dead as reported, by;; Its shot through the lungs About - 1:30 two white nteu passing the house! were fired on A detachment ira,ne-| | d lately surrounded the house and | ! took sway five negroes. It was at first proposed to kill them on the spot, but It was finally decided to put them In Jail. Anoiher negro In the I house broke and ran. hut after pro f ceedtng half a square he was ehot. dead. The negro who shot Mayo was rec ognized, it Is clslmtd, and a detach ment found ■ him ill his house. The Resolutions The following i» the full text of the resolutions: Believing that the constitution of the Usited States contemplated a govern ment to be carried on by an enlight l ened people, believing that its framers ! did not anticipate the enfranchisement jof an Ignorant population of African | origin, ami believing that those men of ! the state of North Carolina, who Joined ! in forming the Union, did not contem ; plate for their descendants a subjec tion to an inferior race, We, the undersigned citizens of the rity of Wilmington and county of j New Hanover, do hereby declare that ,we will no longer be ruled, and will never again be ruled by men of Afri can origin. This condition we have In part endured because we felt that the consequences of the war of secession were such as to deprive us of the fair consideration of many of our country men. We believe that, after more than 30 years, this is no longer the case. The stand we n«w pledge ourselves to ts forced upon suddenly by a crisis and our eyes are -open to the fact that We must act novw leave our descend ants to a fate too gloomy to be borne. While we recognize the authority of the United States,, and will yield to It, if exerted, we would not for a moment believe that it tsdhe purpose 0 £ more than sixty millions of our own race to I. tiiwta— Ip mn W# M •Mcb •* AMgkadMMta haa w— mm Wm IWlitau i..M.*»aa lba< *ew *— ataiiqot* ' I nW» th aanlltaew* of the a hue gi* •# th** i maiy and it a f •—* ii i.a * mm m utaA tmgtauta *"* y. .. wmw * rvtT th*. the it— ban in— I hr Ibe tatetaMtant rlttaana «f Ibta comma •lff. MMta I* per .ewl as the ae*—< l« and pa*«na !«»«• Ml Mhe a—*s»—. 4*. ha *«M by anat»a. th. tad -Thai w» ntM mm l—rate tha low <4 *«**• «»**••- «e wANte m*n in agMtaimg mth the n»w**an an ibnt by t . jW mmm n f IL-iM t'*4tan a ta—— mm A » ,•• ••• iba tai.Mlg. ai and ihrifiy ehmani m gta. tata .a. mi na ■ — ... . I"* —lm®*.•» w dMd | *’'*w*wtaP <W HR **ta. Ibe qw.oO’di Third ■ Thai the negra ha* *e—•• at rated bp antngeaMNM tat ialee— in «y*cy way. and. wq—tally M hie baHnt. that he ta ItarwpaM* as re.l.sin. that h*. taler—a nre and «hantj be idaail •al *|tb Iheae nf tha i—«»»l| P.Mirib Thai ihe ptMgtmMv* element In any rammwalir la Ibe eblle pay.*- t.ikm and ibnl the givtai d warty •II of Ibe cm piny mewl let neo>« lalmtera h». been agalnai the beet Miter—* «*f ihi* .tattli ami dt». and l. a aaltb lent r*a*»n why ihe rlly «f Wtlmtngtem •Mb Its natural advantaae* ba. n«t j lenaw a city nf at least seam inhabi tant. nnb-TKal w. propone In fulate la alt* t« • hue men a large part as Ibe employment hereafter alien la neni«*ea. becauae ae teallar that a bite famine* cannot tlim* here uni*** Iber* nr*: more otporiunlllea for employment for the differ— —oibet* of Said famine* .nth—Thai the a Mta man #*pert ta live In thta community p*nr*aMy. to barn and provide .b*->lute protect for their famllle* "ho shall ba aafe from tnaull or Injury from all person*. «iK’meev»r We are prepared to treat the negroes "lib justice a nd ion»t<leca -11. in all matter* "hb-h do md In volve ...-rifle.■* nf the Inlereat* of the Intelligent and ptogre— *e pottl.m of the community Hut arc equally pre pared no* and Immediately to enforce what ««• know to he mir ilgbl* Aevrnth Tbnt Wr have IM-en. In our dralre for harnomy and |>eace. Winded I noth to our test Intrrevts attd our rights A climax tea# readied when the negro paper of thta city published an 1 article so vile and slanderous that it would, in meat communities, have re sulted in Ihe lynching of the editor. We ■ deprecate lynching, and yet there is no punishment provided h>* the laws adequate for the offense. We, there fore. owe It to the people of this com munity and of this city, as a protection against such license in future, that the paper known as the Record cease to i Ik- published and that its editor he ; banished from this community. We demand that he leave this city within ’.‘l hours after the issuance of this proclamation Weootid, that the : printing press from which Ihe Record j has lieen issued he packed and shipped | from Ihe city without delay, that p he | I notified within 12 hour# of the accept- | iunce or rejection of this demand j If the demand is agreed to. within 12 : ' hours we counsel forbearance on Ihe j [part of all while men. If the demand la refused or if no answer is given w ithin j the time mentioned, then die editor, , Manly, will be expelled by force. it Is the sense of this meeting that Mayor S. P. Wright and Chief of Po lite J. R. Mullen, having demonstrated | their utter Incapacity to give the city a decent government and keep order . theieln, their continuance in office lie- j ing a constant menace to the oeaee of thla community, ought forthwith to re sign. The meeting nt which these resolu tion* were passed was presided over by Col. A. M. Waddell, and 800 or 1.000 people were present. A great throng was unable to get Into the- auditor ium. F/nthuslastlc speeches were made by many leading cltlsens, among whom were Col. Waddell. Hon. Jno. P. Bellamy, Junius Davis, Esq., and Geo. Roundtree, Esq. Attempted urglary. Last night about eleven o)clock a burglar attempted to enter Ihe home of Mrs. Edgar Hubert at 333 Telfair street. Mrs. Hubert was only with her four children, but her cries attracted n • gentleman who was passing. Ihe j burglar escaped and there is no clue. Lynching at Homer. Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 10.—Will Oober, a negro, was lynched at Homer at mid night for the murder of Jacob Ayres, a blacksmith. Gober ran into Ayer’s fa ther with a bicycle, and in the quarrel , the negro killed Ayers. The Treasury Deficit. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10. The gover nor sent in his message today notify ing the legislature of the deficit in the state treasury. frtt r#Ml AS* A »TAS tbl — Aph DEATH STALKS ABROAD ON THE SEA ISLANDS The Storms Hsvs Ruinod tbs Crops and tbs Inhabitant* Fscs SUrvstion. Tbs Rott‘«S Crain M<»* P»i»Oft«0 tb# V«rif Atm«*©h#fS and Fpvar I* Oaimini Mum Vkrlim*. Tha A—wulwg »i |. ok*u «w—v .mt Mp urn n— *• as Ptaffh iW—MM 1 taigbntaa Mbs* Mta*. w eat Utah*— «*4 na an th. a*. Vanda #•«—4 *hw and a*a*w *•••*4 by awtataa** Tb» —Mpwbw* ma—l Mt* A «* Malta, a taWSii* i*whi* Mta A ley TwMtaM. «ntaa*ta4*M la*y *4 Mb Itailrta lb— hd lie— Mini a gtaMy atal Mta—l A M—•» df f"ha*MWa Me. taw, ta a* hd* b*w*» Mta** el * •- Mta. a, IMg May A TbPM*—• Mt |ha> Mb Ii may V —d ' ihai •*•* aii*adatae m mm Pm ih* mtaMh «d ttWidar •*•• wtaal. amd thm i W UP ewww M*« My e— yfdmWy V* j am* •» mta* P*— pail—a. and *bw f •»- b*Mta M q*dt» fatal . Tb# »W* wm —* worma ihai V»* paw— «m*y lb* miand. hav* d—*4 ewqm. am* •itaty d»—r»d lb— m —v bmah tlaa JTb* great tidal •••* (h*l *•• It—y N— mvetal adanda. Warn i*4 ibe cr— with eedg* nwd •**■ «c4* iM n a ib •*bit .«#-• from Hag ewta. Map and ptaaio*. ibai p*—ta— m— maMMud*. *Mb t mrhi—a H— Vv* merry ai m IV people* If reMef data ta— *♦»«• wm *—«*. —ny *IM vrlah f— atatvaibw. TV I*4*l wa*e as rtrloV* > t deettwy— of IV r—m that •era b-ft aftar IV a*e*pMig cycb— of tugu.l IP I abaft bay* l« ..»>** a ewMef ml.- wm •• I did Mi IMB. and may »V I I tad aead v »u— ibdt we may , rtacue many from pethbln* Tb* lo*arher. all around npptal to and I must pn*. on l Vic thrilling apvala to iboo* *bo have m*#n* I* help u» M.v 'ih Lawd la #»me way Vlp* IV ; afflb led p*«t 1* Auction tale* of large : tract* of tv land .operct familie. own ; transpire almtal Mmily to pay taxta If they ba»* live .i.wk, that 100. mum go t. pay merchant* for railnn* tahen up "Vrewlth to sustain ih* famtl— * hile raining thdr < ropa H la so and to know tVy worked #<• hard m IV m lenoe heal lo ra— large held* .4 com and cotton, lo t*»l and fill IV l*lafid* • lib d.******. A colored preacher vlalled me yea ler.lay. a HM man till much Inllu- Hire In Ihe communliy. and *aW he had walked atm len mile* lo rooSMlt with me what I* beat to d»: pr«.po**d that I ah' uld In—le "Mb nor I hern frienda la their I»half, «l «ould it V Viler In petllbm Ih* government to •end the K*d Croat here. I could not advise him I can only pra>. "U*rd GOING TO SAVANNAH. Other News of Military Nature at Huntsville. Huntsville, Ala.. Nov. 10.— Lieut. Victor Hhcpherd. with 14 men and a ...mpany ot II of the signal corpa. de parted at noon for Savannah. Oa., and' General Carpenter, with the regimental 1 headquarters hand and live troops of the eighth cavalry, will leave tonight j for th<* nann* plate, to tuko the ateamer ' for Cuba. j Privat** Grady Co. K. *d*chsh Infan- I try, d!«r*d today of typhoid. Private# Canoll and Johnson, troop 11. Adam*’ troop K. tenth mvalry. w«*r* ! convicted' by court martial, their r«»n- I din t Iwlna to prejudice Rood order, and were aentenced to be dlahntioiably dm charged and Imprisoned at hard labor for one year. must cancel leases. Stockholder of N. C. and St. L. R. R flakes Plea to Court. Cincinnati <>.. Nov. 1# -A decision was handed down In 'he I tilted HI ais mint of appeals yesterday, in which .lie plaintiff, I H. Rodgers, of New Yu, k, holder of « million dollar face value slock In the Nashville. Chatta nooga and St- bonis railroad, prayed for an order of the court declaring the leases tnnde by certain tributary toads to the Nashville. Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, by the directors of the latter road, as null and void, be cause they Impaired Ihe Interest of the stockholders fit the tiiHln road. The court granted the plaintiff's petition, and ordered the defendant companies to cancel their leases. MAY HAVE WAR YET. France Orders Thirty Vessels Into Commission. Paris, Nov. 10.—The Matin says at the council of admirals, held yesterday, It was decided to lit out ail French war vessels available, and thirty reserve ships have been ordered into commis sion. New York Futures. Nov York, Nov. 10. Futures opened | steady at the advance. Dee. 5.18. Jan. j 5,20, Fob. 5.23, March 5.28, April 5.32, i May 5.37, June 6.41, July 5.45, Aug. | 5.47, -Sept. 5.51. Mrs. O. G. Canter and Miss Sallie I Ganter, of Groveiown, are in the city : today. , _ ■ 1 1 I mm ri^NTfßfi | LOSn AND MiyiNSs SANK I MAMt ••»*#•.•*• wbat «M tvm ha** h* gal*' Ihn* PM—t tantw. MM M C M (THMM. he* »*eh Mta P IMP. • —MW Tb* IT—it! tag—Uag |V fhity. MS IW*« Twtaffy Pitta*, fpf |w*> Ahr TV *wwa*4 WM** *—a «V wit r*vt»*‘ wt ta* <4 ta* •*—a wVtaa at htdm. * t*. <*Ma » *ta ttta i* iv di.uta* —AMag la Urn ma I—a.d* ml IV 'tab* I faernard M m IV hoy* IM - may ha akda I. mat- a— <d a I*— *»« g»»« iW t*-thm V «V a>i— V van a wArtMff P< wme tat py—i *MMaag, I am twmrw trade iw v nmiru. AosMPgMM PeerPAMT. Mew Twrh. Mta t. tPML Hta w M MaW. t'oMtaVa, g p. M« tmae «M« TV embmec le«iv, •Mb •' >m»panrtap ctal »i* adearg, ha* cw— mm m»* 'cm .rtiabbt **«’*• a— ■—i« jviifr .neartPM. • re—'.t wily «■«*— that ** ib* —l V* * tibia y. ur cMgm -M. have M given immedMHe lev—ffV Maa, and M 'Vte W evidence as gsBV me ta IV part <4 tb— altag tV ..mat who** epspa have h*ea dr •noted by Ihlai wav* and warm*. IV* you appoint wow* tmrmm or pel*— l« sdmimme. *uch r*mt ww mar W n*eded TV Avac Wied .•*•»- Hl**" of i*harle*l«« might ccvid* n •ollslde pet*®* *bo would V «ItlMff lo laV ilsip _ , Theh If I Her* W need fo* relief out •Me ,4 what yoar <•*# rtate can *—ty foot Id* say appeal P"r aid "otrtd ha re raided If made with t««r endorse ment *nd "llh tV a—ram* that Ih* relbf york I* l-lng rondudta under , „i4i. >ui*rrM*. TV sec—ary df IV local ihsrlty orgnnlsaihM, wwlety. »« "hem Ibe mailer *aa referred, fe— with nr.e tha! any relief* asiiMMMf should i* condui-led under your supat- VI,I n Wr Would then he ready M» do •ha I we .•••uld In tV way <4 help. I tend you under w-warai- co— • pajeo .bowing tV procedure of Hit i.ola In th* ca*e of • elmllar, I hough m«r* arrlou*. putdlc calamity. (Mnreiely your*. IIKHHKHT g. BROWN. Govwtmw Kllerle- hs* referred Ihe maltrr lo Henaiar Tslhtrd. of Heaufort. and If affntr* nf« ** ** he will take xletA l« relieve IV euf fetlnr- sentences passed. By Judge Ree«e In Superior Court TJtAy. The following 11 initials were sen 11sliced by Judge Reese in superior court this morning. Jttllnt) Harvey. Dye vrar* In the pen itentiary. Joint Tnnsklt'v. alias William*, three year* In the reformatory. Thud Graham and Johnson Evans, flvo }-<»rs In the penitentiary. Charles Oliver, live years la tf'e pen itentiary. Pinckney Elmore, twelve months cm the chningang. Zeke Hrowu. five years In the- peni tentiary. Jehu Parker, five years In the peni tentiary. Columbus Darton, live years !« the penitentiary. Alexander Hauaer. twenty years In the penitentiary. Melville Miller, two sentences of twelve months each on the chalngang. Alfred Tanksley, twelve months on (ha ehaingang. William Perry, twelve months on the chalngang. Alfred Jackson, twelve months on the chalngang. William Newsom, twelve month oa the chalngang. Will Ships, Will Cain and Walter Jackson, twelve months each on the chalngang. Humphrey Johnson, eight months on Ihe chningang. HOUSE WARM ING. Mr. and Mrs. J. h. Hashburn Enter tain 1 his Evening. The parsonage or St. James’ church, which has recently been remodelled and improved, will tonight be trown open to the congregation and other friends and Mr. and Mrs. Mashburu will entertain with an old-fashioned house party. Cotton Crop Estimate. Washington, Nov. JO. —’ The agricul tural department November crop re port estimates the total cotton crop as "not far short of ten million hales. ’ Mr. C. A. Blend returned from At lanta this morning. • _ , •-•ia « ta