The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 10, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL COAL WMOI I*AAI f> AMD ftTf AH, tl* *I W» fled A«h JIHW TM* lint UMAPi* OFj Btug fignr \ OO JLTa ftftlftlftijll|ft ftll# ftfMl Will A* f**p lira* .'i SPP tfPmpPPP Iftft*- * j CITY ICE COMPANY, AlQtlil A l4Mt ft figgaas n 4 H»1 #*to gk*#oi 1 * •»*•* gjft ft#**# MrfTlMt |hft#«*'* #)#■##>>*•»# m m m 9m ** MNipp Immw «* ** ## **_ j lupt tftM #>» m m m 99 PPm P* ] flfcftftftft *4 %» •* $# *<# ***# ff ®§ ! ftftt# j Pftlilf* *vi twPTiif ; Ift#*# §#ftftf*«wft •*•*§• •* i WP' fftriftift fiftl#** *#♦*• * •* 0 PWI' ** 9SP9PppfP. §ftft ftftWfti * «* •* ft* *•! ft%ftltMMflP*., ft## InmNl ** ****** .-. W -- * •# ; ® 't l ®®® . f !#«!»*«• ».<■»< •iMi 11 ft###«»» wm. iPmPtp ******** tWft ##»•».. **»# §**■#*•• *#** ♦* * j Pi%4 immMl Mi' «• •#*• plHHppflP « *« ** »*• *♦ PMP ft® 9B| ftflMMtfi ****** pfppPmm. t*mm ************ IMP | Iw ** ** *1 N M M » ** HftPßNfcft M"l«H*******«**<* P* PI ® UVK «t\M K HAAKKT Hh * t fieaft. MMMk i# 4*44* ff' * po#<r> 4»«fi ■»>»# • ,« Ifi-toS thlnn IMMMt 4* •*»*• .... • * 18 Pstv#o* tMfti* ■*!*! , m .* w -MV AAmi to» #to 40 4#t*to .... M'MV CSstolMi 4»#f4ge MM .«*•»* -, #4-•• *« : Ittl'l 4*##44 NVM V* 44- «*• ~. » » M»i#4 Mat 44 444*4 4to#o ... 4l *' *** IH| (Mat* ». .. .. .. *»•***•* *L* 2 9i «.«* |i 1.9 k#o44. 44* to*#* *, ■# a M■»*. M ha' 40 Ml *OOto -«• •* *•* wootnr a **» 91 W hh» Am# *•#*». • •, #m A# , ti* Am#. O A , v** A# ■ tl. "AM# Am#. "A* • It W. nN A llt H t II U t»*t OOOD# ttrwmn A<rHn IM AMHIV VaMMiiif. 11 MMnin# . ~... ••! * * *irin-~T“- %M H #mMl ~ * M DfilHnlA. 11l ft A (twiir • I • * twin* .... .. •• •••• * M Un«ib«Bv ii M M tl .. .. * '•* J. p Kina Mil VAMNM •> * * Jakl P. KMM- I* IMA K C .... • l*V wont ih.k r«rtic*ni. tvt pto to a#**i. am tov..M CMIK*m. W lto t« •##>!. M» VM. .A h 111 -K ACM I MOV 91 #cnil*tii — t Amato . .. .... 41 i* *1 W9OOAM fnH at lA* Imh*. It In* Am .. .. V I*9 frnit nV lA* Ami* VA Aic'Am 4 I*4 Cl Awl. I*4 to* AM J *•* CaAni. 4-4 *• * Aipto* *«#». •-« • - ”*•* Prlto to lA* W*to M •** to*, r KH>« I t H n »AtrHn« .. lAt j*e I* Kina 4*4 A A •Antoine .. 4 M ].,.n*4*l* A 4 .. * »*< tm. f Ktoa. M-torA Onnrata .. .. 4 1-t to* I* Klaa. M to«A * C a*n l*)*nt .4 .. .. .. •• •• •• •» * **■ jr,*- # K>oa. M torA K« m* It.ant j*j p. Kina M torh topnrtor .. 1 1-4 print*. Anntrtl iktrlMil ««* • •• * 14 Mtrrlmaih ahlfliAA*. * 4 «* 4 _y „■ w Chartar UMI tr*M atylna Ml* .. * I-* W*ahKi(i<*» Otto tfnnc» * .. * Allan a llanrfl * **• 4 tapana a J-4 pnrralrl Cnatai §p*o! co«t'»«. pw to 4 » Antartmn ladi(*> blonn. 4»*4* .. 3 l-l, Plain Otto (a*»lld) 41m44 • Amarlran India" bln** 44*ti .. .. 1 ln*aaa»ll*»nal blat Aa 44*44 ~ .. 4 Allan a rnrdinala 44*41 .. .. .. 4 Allan * Uloarl 41*44 4 India bln* 4 *■* India blttn 44*44 ~ .. .. .««••• 4 Kiinaiarfa 41*44 . .. 4 Maiihn WaaAAlltaa 44*4# 3 3-4 Uamrr'a radiant* 4lxt4 * Chartar Oak*, M*4» * I-* TICK*. Amoakaaf A C A •• •• *® »*• Amo*kaa> A *® Amoakaae C * •• - * J' 4 Raclprr, itp ••..** *’* rUID HOMKHI'UKd. City Mill* * w Pour yard, anod 33 Inch .. .. .. .. 4 3' 4 Lodi ahlttlnas drat* atylo* t«x49 3 1-4 j Hi Clair dsaaa alylea .. .. .. .. 4 Ocaan 4 *' 4 ilu.Uw Wuab!i'.Rt<«> fande# .. .. 3 3-4 Jdiarallaneoua brand*, light waiSht 1* l-!an J-J laaatis 4 yard* plain I 1-* Thorndike * 3 '4 AntotKaaf ; * Pelham. 31 bal Ho box IS K, 0. F •'. 30 balls to box 14 K. O. P-. 10 balls to lb ... .. .. 17 1-8 Mum ogee B .t 3 1-3 27 Ircb 4 1-8 yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson allk finish foulard* 64x -4 pacific mournings SIxSI 4 1-3 Chins »l!k* S4x«4 4 1-4 S l-S Plater 3 1-3 Concord, . 3 1-4 Rome 84x40 3 1-4 Edward* •• 3 4 * 3 Keystone 3 1-3 Klftl Avenue 3 3 " 4 KBAJtBET'B. Heavy Columbia, i.envy Keareey 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* .. .. 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND FLASTEK. Lime 7 ® ! ‘ Ss Rosendale cement 11.45 I’ortlatid cement 12.75 to 3,25 Loutovlll* cement lit paper sacks ..1100 natter In bbls 91.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* IS.OO Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 :-H B B eddar palls, per do* .. .. 11.75 ;; u h R cedar pails, per dox .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31-75 Pope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Hope cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallo Nails. Wire 31-75 base Nails, cut 31.45 base Bird cels. Ames, per do* .. .. 31UI11.&0 Shovels, diamond, per dos .. .. 37.00 Shovels, riveted back, per dos. .. 34.75 Plow blades * 3 ‘* ba, e Hames, ted top, per do* 32.25 Hamea, red top root, per do* .. .. 3- 50 fA#to4« inn mi mm #d# m mm §i m . **** m* •%-. ov. *.s m' IfHN# ****** **•*•* »** •* | ißttpNNi um #hnhi 9* vhnmi m 19**p*m mtm m A pm# p»ii »•« 9m ittaP IMA MM Ml ins a-* m m # <m m M l*'rn***m rifil pm pm y, a# tot m m M M ’ f Ai» mmmMhi sv m | pm Pm ?**•#* Ml j } A#* a. 41 4Nh % • 0. pNMV PXP p# *4 m ■ .Am Hwniiiii i. Mu A pm pm mm* M Pmmpt P*m pmpmp* pm Pm****m MMI. . tom aw* N to l« I IM i tM M A4MM **»<»*oto fa MMi i:i itim .lit ~ ] i'*««Mk» 0 If* tail n m m 140 #m] la-, *«• 4 If*. (M .. t# : ikwt* tit a to# , hhm M4 1 , tw>k Ctotou r I 4#* ’ * tit 10 4 19 T touNtMl A*4l**t* ? A ton «. a—•• 1. |to ft -rgy*t» 4 a taaa ~ »* ,« •* 909 j Aattoto* * • Hat ...... M» ... Atovato 4 tr» Ml .. m « to ... . 4«4*w« «a tot? .. .... .. ... Mt ... A Lae'* t. I*4o- .. ...... ta ..., Attoltoa P* M mm t» .. .. .. to* mmm I A'toa* #44 to ........ tit ... ' At.*wta I l-9a HM „ « .. Mt ... At'*a a 4* M 97 ..mmm M ... | *.•«**«* | l (to mm mm *. 11l ... tototatti #l4 toll .. .. .. .. HI ... iVasaton I * Wi# .. ... ~.. Mt , Am I l-r* Ml .. M «. | Mama 4 IT. I«M .. .. .. .. HA ... j Hare* #*. iota „.. „ 11l ... *o*4an«4a r.r# ....... a* ... | Ctonihii 4 a ton .. .. n ~ If ... e—OratM ftAII.L 'AD BONM rWrft* K. •. A tog CV #*. IM .lit ... Ueorgaa R. R A Rkg Co 4a, IM .. .. IM m. Chartotl# CtotMa A A#- taa a tot to, Itot 11l ... j ClltrlHl* (Wank* A Aa *n*>B m r* Wtt .. .. .. 11l ... Augusts Aa. R R . 4*s 1014.. ... to C R. R fto«kiag CV. CoHat eral Truer I* 1*37 to to (touther* Hallway it. ttM . , M to (eatral at Oewrgia Railway, tar roancri omCU I*. It4t .... to to r of u In #r*f I# M to Cniral at Ctourgta Railway. Id #t es IMoMH. 1A45 . .« .. II 14 C. at <1 lat pref la t*t» • t O. A A r . I*4 m. to. I*4t .. IM Its (hnitb rv-. r«# sad toortda. id r*. mt m torutb Oeorgta and Florida. 34 Pa. Itot 141 Otn* Vtramahlp Ca.. Ist i’s 3d Pa, Itto 104 PACTORT RONIW. Ralerprtae 34fg Co., lal 4*. to#] ~ lot ... Sibley Ml* Ca. I*t to, 10*3 100 ... | flbley Mt* CS, 1H O'*. 1003 .100 ... | Oa. R. It A H. Co. aroek .. I*7 I*o Bout hi* cittern It. R. Stock .. 90 rUO Augusta and Ravannak stock 10 lot DRAIN AND PKOVIRIONB. Oat* whit*, aackrd .. 31 | Ooata, mixed, aacked .. .. ~ .. 35 | Corn, white, sacked II ; Corn, mixed .. 4t Meal, bolted,* per bu*bel tt'4 j Flour, common .. .. 3.10 Flour, fancy extra 8 71 Flour, eeroitd patent .. .. «■ ~ ~ 4.00 Flour, atandard patent 4.35 'Flour, fancy patent „• 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb aacks 00 Fm« feed, 100-lb sack* ~ „ „ . 90 Hay—native, par tun 13.00 Hay—Timothy, per tea 13.00 Hay—choice, per lon .. 14.00 1 llama- choice sugar cured .. .. lOollMi j i Brno ked till aide* 4 1-2 ! I)iy sal riba •• .. 5 3-4 I Lard, pure leaf, In tierces 64» Lard, kettle, rendered in tierce* I I*4 THE STATE BALL. PrcpariHon* Being Made For the Affair In Columbia. Columbia. Nov. 10. Preparations 1 for the rtitle ball are moving along splendidly. The contract for th# sup per lias b n let to Mi. H. H. Shiver, who always makes a success of such occasions. The floor has been laid In the bull of representatives and will be In line shnpe for the rrtnttnl ball of the South t nrolina Club. OABTOIUA. B»»™ the _#lhß Kind Von Have Klunvs 8on;M of SIAMESE LEGATION Will Be Latabliahed at Washing ton. Washington, Nov. 10 -The Becretary of state lias been Informed that Ihe Hlaniese government Is about to rees tablish It# legation In the United Slates, rftcr a lapse of many years, during which time all of Its diplomatic correspondence with this government has been conducted through it# lega tion at London. RECEIVES A FORTUNE. Left Him By His Mother, Who Was In Klondike. Columbia City. Ind.. Nov. 10.--Levi Curtis, « lively stable roustabout, re ceived a message today that his moth er, who had been in the Klondike country for three year, had died there, leaving au estate of SIB,OOO, which had been accumulated In the gold country. Old fashioned buckwheat Hour for sale by Lamkin & Co. THB| _A.T7OT7BT.JS. HURALD MhlUtl WPHWAfHI* «A AktowAtaawd a (M*#4 AkVto kAt M# to*#*4 to* Rat tew lit MWi • ' mps9 lilHdtHA #0 Mb tin 'jji'iniiiiH ptpmmm mm ■§& ‘-pm* t 40pppmmm Pm mrnpppmm P 9 ; mPmmpp PHXW pp mmmmmp m •Mi* pp : t .tin# rntmmmPPmmtm #wwMl tut mmm \ itm** lb*# At m * I *fc»r «to*» ' *mm VI mm VMM •# ] I ptmmpp in* mile Ihpi Mhiv iMv vmi j [ m mm mPmmrn j f«» T>t~ #%# ppP PP I RgAtibiiii# mptPP PP pmm Ml Mil IM# Mb* ■ #vtt#pi** | i# I# #■» (mV*#* wmm*mp tMMt Vm : im#v mmmmp h Ifiv mmppmp t# (N#vv %* mmmmmrnp mm Pm- ppP I s*m I# tM* hmnni mt *%* I pm ppmpP pm \ !pm mv ppmptipmm < mmi vmmm mt #m# - > i t#t# mml mmppflP pmP* mpppumum p Pm ■ j MM Pi PPmm immPPm, wfc**Vt Pp*+ MV*. it ppmppm Mpv**i«4 mHM Hm*. •** Mm# Ml fib# M##nMMM • Mb# Ml tM* mrfPP Pi MMi MnmVIMI ftMM , :I Ml MmmT *a tbcijwi fMRKi Mp# M M t# wt#- tfilmiA i|# Mlmhl tM# Pp* ' f%mm fMMMNMb. TM# #»#(# Ml M# PPP* j ###l trAMmitVMI Ml#M# MNV VUMtMH't#* •MMI |MHi|rfM(t IM# MMwM *M# i M#*ff Ml IMKrt-r* llMntW iWli | tM# iV#e«MM #t • pmpmi P Mil \ 9mminp (• tM*« Mt*fT ******* m p*- j Pm mMII9MM#I W#4 Hot# <M# m* Inr#*. tM# VNM r iM<|rtf**rf #M f r*v(Mc m great#* ttofttitoea' <'a#lrattp,a sad # apaaat '# ••• irtrfWd aard wk** A- : •wily the prtMwnra haeowtot too great th# walla of ih# ar#ta #l*o way, t del »p# of Mod tattoos into Ih* portradlw* •ad daaih hy a#phy«ia*loo *<**•*« ■ skilled earghint have eat rwrv Atta- 1 lakoui auriaaafwlly distributed the «*• , aarnlated Mnad and r lew red th* «logged artery hy talmdurlag altva* otrw Into, rho aa*. hot, a* to tor* stated and toad- . ' ||y onderatood, th* op*rail.# It ex- ( tfOAtoty rt»hr A»Hfc btt rotomed tt» ike h'wpt'ai #Rh the determination of aahanMtln# to h* risk. Mid. If hla phya tml rondtitoH la tw*h aa to wgrront, th* attempt K will »» »»<»* It • h* days. In ittT Mr. Thomas Mrlntoeh nt At- Ipntooa. TVnn had aa attack of dyo awtery ekkk hecarae chronic *T taaa treated by the twat phtodcaan* In Kaat TVna!'***# without a car#. ’ he aaya ’Finally t triad Chamberlain* Colic, Cholera and tdarrhoea Remedy. After using shout twelve bottle* I •»* cured *,Hind end well." F»r e*te by At**aa dci Drug and Reed Co , C, R. Farr of Hell Tower thug Ca. THE FHfST CONSIL To KetegnUc OffktaNy l acle *am » New Domain*. Washington No v. 10—Con an I Ortn-1 nett, at Manchester. England, la thn Rrat nOctat to formally note the an- ' natation of the Philippines and Cuba 1 to the Fatted State*. He ha* made a report to the State Department of a purely formal character, showing the character and value of export* from hla district "to the Hatted Slate* Hn rlndlng Manilla, Porto Rico and Cuba) during the month of September. IWts." j The consul's statement ehowa that the value of the good* so exported from one district w»« 1705.523. it sain at 9352.635 for a rorreaponding month In the preesdmg year. The consul aaya that these Increase* were mainly In white and printed cotton good*, all of which could be made In the United States. HORRIBLE Condition of the Body of a Tennessee snldler. Camp Meade, Middletown. Pa.. Nov. lO.—vVhllf a number of Second Ten nessee soldiers on guard near Middle town today were playing hide and seek in a cornfield, one of their number found the body of a dead man. It was In a state of decomposition and there were ugly gashes about the neck and eyee. and the ends of the fingers were chewed off. Foul play waa at flrsi sus pected. but an investigation showed that the man was a teamster named J. Brow, his name being tattooed on hla arm. end that he had been missing from the Second division for about two weeks. It l» suposed that he crawled under the shock of corn whll* drunk, died there and that rats have been liv ing off his flesh. His clothes also show ed that something had been gnawing at them. Two doctors held a post-mortem nnd found that the man died from conges tion of the lungs, and because of his weakness crawled under the corn shook and died about throe days before the body was found. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condttlon of the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look: if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look: If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Hitters is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard & Willet’a drug store. 50 cents per bottle. GODSiOCG BAKING - PONDER ' I# ifto ItoAl fpf m«li >Rfi •«» l IllVWf cyf lt##A*l, 1 mwftWto, CitlMA# OF f»*4to ' Mottoßk. Ftoftltouf #nt«» ivgAftf' ; >4lO hCfUWAMI MMI ffl' ‘»O*lA ov inl#uigkftl hou4»k toßtoto i u«g gntl 44X04*1 rttotoo It H>«k»4l «>f AM MR kOAVtortin# fiPfftlof, ComliHto* iiuA Hf i ami Quintitir. M«nul*tiur*d B# The Southern Mfg. Co., WICHMONO. VA- _ For Rent Farffi of thirty aerti )u»l i bfiluw efty. DwtOinfi, ilorM aml ff ICA# Iff All MKIiOAI Of tfto i city. B#v#r«l of J. B WhHA’fi n«w Broad *tr##t hou«A« mrm itld unr#ntAd. Bpaclal pnrM will b# mAd# to d*- •IrAblA pArttofi. John W. Dickey i 4 f I y MwMVMiV hrYTrrrnhrTT^ E WHOLESALE <» PAIN! WARfcHOUSE ® o One-half car # o Atlantic Leai o Th# f # #!®# ft* #ft tmPPPt tmpP j 0 ta 4 ■aim e* ° One-half car ° ° Atlantic Luseed Oil ” 41 4 toil* 4 **«#», IMt# 'bao _ 1® ebaap»aooitk tin*. w W> _ * * o C One car » & C Dry Mineral Paml 0 if* i Vo (WkMi«n R.* 4* f #■sea. O C, 4 4 *-R-«*"- O o octre, men in mu Oil ® SPralt h l imhrrt'i 0 Hard Ofi and Vgrnbho m I ° Pure Ready * ° ’ Mixed Paints ® ® The very M atada I r D >° Plastico. 01 O TV* be# Wall f iakto. ° MTII y"4i ar* to doubt ** TO about a paiutar mt emu *1- c> net. Hod you a g«nd m**. ~- 10 and a rnwonskl* on* In prlka o THF HOWARD I ° o WILLET DRUG COMPANY. ® ZxSLSULSLSLJ SLSLSLSU WILSON S IMPROVED AIR TIGHT HEATER S - eji t! •%|kZ 44 UDn Consume# les# than ore-balf tl‘f fuel other stoves require to heat your room: tb.-re'e re more economical. It will held tire thirty-six hours and with card would never go out. Will burn Chip#. Slu.v'ngs, Bark. Hoots. Corn Cob# or C ,rd Wood, and give imt ■ heat in less time and retain It lonce- than any Stove over made. For Sale By Tig Amnsta Mantel & Supply Co. General Builder# Supplies, 831 Broad St., Augusta, Oa. ; m.Y'B fRKAM BALM U a poaltiveeure. Apply late the noMrlla. It Is quickly absorlied. 50 centa at DiueeiaG or b» mail; sample* 10c. by mail. LIT BBOTHKRS, M Warren 81., New York City. CALL to* lufufta Brewing Co l IXPOItT RlKft "* A#./-. OtoA to I ”* 4 1 * 0... % BELLE Qy GEORGIA Our Draught Beer Has j] None Superior. «44M» l €*’AlsA# yflftfctototoM# AUGUSTA BEER. money to Loan; In mny sums ctosirtod from 9*loo upwards, n straight 3 and S years time, or on IO ysars time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexander&JoliDSOD Aft*«t'f Aiarr eta Mml## leanpaiiy. 705 Broad St. i PORTNBR’S < } HOFBHAU and 7 / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF f i Export \ ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST C S ANK FOR THEM. C a k. Mitch ill ai.kx McDonald Supt. o. I oil. N*C A Uan. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mvlnteah (me. Elaclrio bupi'inr— -pvaklng Tub**, etc., etc. R. pair- lo all Lie-irical apparaius. Klaetrie Light Wiring* specially. Rail'Phone 1802 - - blfuwger 6.D. 1 MtTTi?y«r!S- AffnfflS?- £T LlnE'h, Ho'l I.KKS. MILLS and KKi'AIH*. , Lombard Iron. Works & Supply 0o. { Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1593. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:80 a. m.| 5:21 p. m. Lv. SandeisvlUe . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30| 9:21 P m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p u».i Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m, Lv, Macon .. .. ll:M P- m.|11:65 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.[ 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. in. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p< in. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnllta with Central R. R- for Macon, and with Wrlghtsvllle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsvllle. C. IV. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receiver*. "•'VT’,*” I aeasisi i—■ Charleston t« Carolina • •*•#•* A A*toktolOOA*••#« MAA faa###* m *#•» **# to 4#a* IMIMMfSS : MM I pm «#■!• JmL V bv# **« * Pmv | (11l | * JfSSppiippttPmm * *«* I tWMPM -.a* mm I * 7? »»»>* 1 I AS MA-AAAv a I * Mpmmmm m—m s w m ##*»• 1 •** I * (pfetj -s tAMN- '^jplpiip |#* PppPPtP ' ry ' Hi 1 ! H £lSt ? pm vvM mb *pp* mm l P 0 PiMl|M H jjf i AAA* • (f f A-A* .A4N)to* % Bp. ,*•« D.4t0944 tjM#** 4 * 4 * PpImMMM ■ I MMNV >■—■**** ! * 9Nppß#«f #»ti#4ww*l ■ 'Vfif I* pppmmp t.,4«Mitt'-, Mt AHMI ■ **mmmmmlmm—*l P-mpM * MMHfcAAWAtoAaa** *♦**' f *%* * V impimp”* aaa* >.«»> mMm# p.Ptpmp *irSlhmh»-• to*a<R 2*4* »!•** A few tidh* foßAto *M9tokm* «#>«,)** \ **»■» f*' (W#k* K . *■#•*• * ■AAAM#Jto-< ewaaat I ~#»♦>! **!**• •keLta... I*# MW# efiaktoto.: ............ I MR kit aAtoto T II gki I I •■»#» *'AAto I * fßH#A,.,.«*»..»«#»»», mmmmmmm* lAAIkAI * ARtoAi#... ......... ■»».. tttotok A* Akfto-.I ... ... » tor# t*IO *•#* tot# aootoato* oarwaftofA 0»4»k.0a f»# M Ml ##*■ *• ft A. L 4 Mas#»»«»•<■ A» # kneoOtokA to* * t*4»# •* » A. t a*4| 4. A A tohokf* aAa #.#*-** .»•* .Ml 9ma .S* e# O* t •a* aery e> A ikt a#i a »i#ii to tod## ***•*, (aAtoao* to*-. ***** ».i < «4Hi «•»* ft# Age. git #<>! 1M ktotoM AAk Malßto*' Itofc» Raaagto Aagtosa 4*a BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. A. c. RR*ma. Rote »•• BktolwtMAg. # »**>*• - I *«*. A— 4 a Ftoto toe'4 lau ru.* X Cka* Cfaoo M . 4 • d r*y I*y ; Iwan. !** W|. N- tl Red j „ toll to 4 AM I'M I lA*V*»* !#•*• AM !AM Id to I4* A... A alar., a M 9 toll to |) MI Ml N..h !*►*•*» ....If I *3.H 9 |9 :tr.; 3 34Mt. .... Aston *»»It M •54 5 tdta . f*a»4l*'*A ..A I 9414:43 #«4< j a* J* iVtf* (I#fg ft 4 *4ll to 4:42 9:44'1t AA#m'. t V-Afg 4| dtH M•* ! * » '4KNACA ,-m 4 ffVto * 4:W I I 4 Mi 4A. M. to#Ott fill# 4 I 44J I W H .. toklfiaUa -..*1 * 37’ AM toM I (Leave Arrlee Fto ,Fto. Malt lt«l _ N“ 31 toJ A Regxi'at Station F Flog Statu** All regular train, froto Allow* >• toalhAlla have right Is trsch ever trait,, X th. easrre baa* aaevlag tr "4- pnatt. direct.«». unlea* etherwMs *go«- Ikeg tor train e»4*r» to ill nino kto# *l foDowtog atnttton to take on o* let off panaeegera Fhla ney'a, Janrea and Rnnay Sp. tng* No 13 rckner ta with kuuihrtn fall way No. 13 at AAdarsna. No* 3 and 4 44nave* with Mlko i railway No# 19 and 33 at Am#-* <f. R. ANOKRAON. Rupert*tonAeaL ITLINTIC COIST LINE AMOHTKAT AND RI’ICKRHT ROUT* to THE KART AND NORTH. 3:34pm| Lv .Align-tn, Gn Ar I 7 Slum 3 #9pm| Lv Alkan Ar I 7 1 tom 4:l7pm] Lv.... D-kmArk....Ar ! 4 17pm I.SOpml Lv... orangi *g.... Ar j 5 team I 04pm! Lv..Bom»*r. R,C...Ar I 4:39am l.topml Lv Florut. a ..Ar j I ton J9:;2fmj l-v...Fay#t«#vllla ..Ar I t:Hpm 1 21am] Ar■ P*ter#b«r*.V* Lv ! I 12pm «:90am! Ar.... Richmond ~.Lv | 3 13pm 7.4Uml Ar..f4'a*hing!oß..Lv 3 44pm f oS*m| Ar... | 2:35pm 11:35am Ar..Phlla delphlk..Lv |I3 »pm 2 :o2pm] Ar.... New Torfc...-Lv j 9 30*rn Pullman pataca buffet *l<-eplf.f cat* from Macon and Augu.ta to New Torh without changa. R. A. BRAND, Gen. Aft., 723 Broad At.. Augusta. Oa. T M KMKHfk'N, Traffic Mwiftr. H. M EVETcAON, G*n. Paa*. Aft. Central of Georgia Rail way. Rchedule In Effect SEPTEMBER tITH, 1*94. tooth Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUOURTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta S 40 P. M. No. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. *:2O A. M. No. 63 Fur Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta «:» A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:20 P. M. No*. I. 2. 3 and 4 dally. Nos. 6 and 5, dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping care on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween AUteustn and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M C. .TONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBBS, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. NEXT ’TIME YOU HAVT A HEADACHF USE Land’s Headache Capsules Mmie Only Ry ] HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. I ” REMOVED TO 711 BROADWSY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Btrowger Phone £62, bkllm or aaopflT a NOVCMAf R 10 to# turnwk*> AAMWXtostMto* S. C. I G. RIILIIT CO PPP PPPPPPPP mm pppm •mtm a. p*pp 9*mm Ppm 9*Ppp 1 ft# Ppot -'Pp SrTjtPm 'ff# M4AA 7 'Mi | p* * (mm* «aa4 *4 mppp 04 Pmpmm * * **ooo it«#»» wSWippp- ~ I * 4, Wppp Ip* « ■ -*■#» I*##- «%.## «ptppmPP pppppp I m* « * <m- tSk# <M#N| m »# om***+ ** 9PpO4 I %mmm * I m-* M# mp pSSSp »* Ppppp BTBOPTprps pbBT' ia J WA i ft * « *P4**m #i BKftf* - ft f *n^«»« mptPk I c wßffm* ipppm %m wpppppp, * &mm I o*tpmnom i# % 9 ft id ft« « t IMft rfmi Ppm* 9mmPip i \trfX p**mT€ 9'mm ft# $ mm- Pi Prnpppm p^pm ! ft**!ii ft# 4* •€ 4. in w'(ft f iift m als I iPmmpP * mmm 9p mm 9mpn % -pp firxsaE l**#t. [ P>9 000P0-*-*** Jbft ppP 1 41 ftftft 'wto # 9Ppm ' ft# jp* m ftmftfftu ft ( pm l • |ftn>i.Aiiii»*ft P l%ft| ! ft# I# Agfttp ft ft ftftfti I # PmPm ft .. ( l4#ftft A# «i«Ma p* otPm Ihmb , At Ae* 9a#ktß## AT A«#«aaA. tJMktoi tMlw-es to fAntokhi onto Aa# i V#»« - so kto nk# •<4 tonnaea* t# /-.OaeO • fa# aa "he *#*»# 3-a .oa • <4» to* •♦•*** * 04 kaa#d 4M44 4* 004*44 y h ikawto Ftoi A# . i >4—#"* • SOUTHERN RAILWAT. * -sh anaT-fr to#— *•■» 4k#**o* €•■ l,al • o*4 tonae ba-aSa Afkaewea M 4 *— . „ mi .--*»■ n, n'cr n CTjF«raii 9 rtf .! *** Aa e.-- »*»> 4<t> E^sr-“ [.!: 2« t :E£T 7. IH Ih A, fITZZi n 4-1 , i§4* I*l 3 pr in :r: : . lil ; • HaiavtMa - ~ { MM *] I ** XTiotoa—4 ]**»! *»4 v Tj|34gj natty ] tour. to M*« T«k Pa. Kto i (»*' ~t3 Urn* fhtototth# I (fiU » 4 » • BBSS I #Sw *#• U waa*Kto Aa Ky ■ |k4) 3li> L» Kutowaad ■ ... j U3to*l Ualai L« Tnaetiia I Udaj t t*» L* Nortotk .. ....... I T# f AT Greearhaga .... { 4«i S, .. L* Oraaaahara ........ .... '44a I»9 ■ OoMm .. ........ 4 20e lv at* • goto Rill ... I 14 to* II *## 1 UM-ter ... I to to* il*7p • ] tl at a I.’ to* er Col'W Atoht «•• In toaa] 137 a i. CNgaUtL*dao't. | I Dm 4 <»• Mama* I 9 fit) 0 Oua - Trash* *<#!• «to a * drooHevUto I 4 toy f *7* Ar Augv»*a | 4 13 pj 3 41* IV A* ' ~ Til ~j*o4 ». Spartnonara ll 40a] * Up La. GoTtoa. AC tod Ry... I top' 7 40a Xr Charteaton . ... 4 top! II 4U* ET tvsito. F(' AF.Ky II M a U 47 a *■'..«:••*■ - I 44f 41 3 to* JerkKoanlla I 4 »4i *Ua ■Ttki'ino fii >gßfiii' Ei.-Klimt dally pa*«eDg*r aarrle* h*»w— Mpn.U Kiid Nata fork Rot. X and .K- to *•». ,n*hm aad "IO0k« lUan United Sngd VaattbuTed tnua with dlntng ear* and firat <*a iwarha tu.rth of iwbli* Pallman draw m* room aleerin*car* between Tampa Jackainvtda. .'avanna*. toaa4uart<.n and New Vjr* Puilmaa s—pia« Car* l-dwwi OiarPKt* nd Riekmoad f*uUmKii Urßwtog-rooiji slaeplnr car* n» twee,, i* ivcb-Immo, and Norfolk Clone -’-nnac. toon at Norfolk for OLD Ft >INT fVMFORT, arm lug there la Urn# for breakfast. Solid tram, with larlor cars, between Charleston and A«hevH!« N,*. M aad to-U R. Fa# Mall. Throagh Pn.lman drwwln* r.ooi buffer elerj.ta* car, ba- Utm JackanovlUs and New York and Pud man eleepm* '-ara tarw.-an Anirueta ar.d Char iot t*. Pullman leaning car* tel ween Jack {,n villa and Lo'.nmtwa, en route daily laiwam *rke-nvilla ami r -j -innatl. via Aw.ovili*. LANK > HANNON. J. V < L I.P. Tided Vr & Gan Mgr T M Washington w a.tckk. s.h hakdwkk _G P A Waablaftao. G P. A . AUanto GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (loth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1891. Pullman Bleanar* between Macon *nf New Turk. i Through Pullman Slaepora between Au tuata and St. lout*. Lv Augusta ..I 7:osamj 3:2opm|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta ...Jl2:S6pm| »:20pm| b:oo*.m Ar Macon ....|U:l6*rnj | 4:4satn Ar Athena ....!’2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar Galneavll!e|*3:46ptn| j Ar White PI ai*l OOptnl j Ar Mlll'ge'le .ilO: 10am| | 4:30*1* Ar MS Ash ton ..llOGOarnj 7:lopm| Picayune train leave* Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mlllcdgevllle at 8:10 p. m Train# arrive at Augusta s:l* a. to* 7:45 a- m.. 1:20 P. in., anj 8:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 5,189 S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 o *n. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.* 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stag© 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. gTw. HARPER, c. F. HARPER, President.