The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 SATURDAY tIgIUGUSTI HERIIO -•» uwhwh.ww. • • M „ »• mam ** * # jH v# t m , «* * '*» jJJ I i T[ i gjgt *iii***> nM n*t ## v l *'* • »«•*** ItoreaS******* # * Mk II -«• **• illii , _ - HltAlil tWMA i cm »»■ «*•** •**» •**'*'*•" ** i** ( , t m ■■Ml »**aEi* >ot wtu. nw T«t HUtAUI la mm»~« m*»« nm* •*• At *** «%•»*»••• Tr i ir"~ “ th* •>«*< Oaift* i, Ha* vmi nwp- ** **» ***** *■* »»#»*** cm t*» ■*»** •MNM -!-*- wi r»i|—*•» »w *«**•* mi! hudav mat At a TIW Rfitadav K*fi»M tfcl* **•*' reretaia Mr ta***w*>t*g •twl**- PHII r *>» MM aalkagw. f»l*» dtararelag total »*»tr» aad ,k * f*H awM **•*■« * '** *-»**_ •I*4 IHm lpi*l iM •r*" *•• 4IMP—la to iM of th* pru*n**fi A TfitaßlUta'«*»* ••—»—•»' «** UK Ml Hi tit* «*« A-r—la IUI trill kt lal*re#<l*g *«• lha—. j,_“4 Rnrt (Martl**." • >'»» I* •MMtm hr Fiaacl* Mti—H—. t,—“Mar turf IM " • f"* * w, "‘ {rad Miller -a ■#• lto«*y *t*WT 9,_- |*tm4 Faaktoa* IroH Farta," by CMberta* Tall—l. "Tbfclag r »r# of a Hrrvaat by Radg# l*wrlar CMHMMt «. —lPjmaii' and HporGag iHlnalra j t*4|. Stag# ikwii fr«»— iMkia, by Art liar OU—r—i »tmmx ”* "** lJrka, a *i» ! rndtd gulf gtory. by Char K. Rfiwatd#*• ?.—Frame and Kugiand Fb«# hr In* MUHta-tlw Karla of Ik* l«* Mims War- Full OarUMh— •hnwng a picture of Faahod*. and —har a4nrn*l>—al IlliiaUatlona. ».- Itab on lha Faabtoaw -Tk» tajus lira la Par—mi us Woman II )u*l ration. * hoar lag the lal—t In Autumn Milltoery. 9,—The Loral Ooi( Ct*-Memorial* la 81. Paul# »llln**ratril i—lnter view with o*l. Loato Salto, of lb* Ctrem 19—local Society; Nm Book*: Uter aturc; The Current Magaitne*. Torpedo Boat* In War illluatra tad). Tha Army and Army Offl eara at Aoguatu The price of tha paper to Sc. per ropy. Saa that you gat It. Welcome to tha Thirty-fifth Mlehl *»•. Aa a parafrapber, Plana Stornll lead* tha Nat, The advance guard of tha meteor* la Hue tonight. Croker la now being blamed for the Democrat detent. Good wtohen continue to pour In up on Governor-fleet Rooaevelt. Tha fight la <>n In NeW York Hate for Murpby'a aant In the Bennte. The Republican members of the Peace Comtnl—lon In Paris Indulged In * general felicitation over the result* on Tuesday. Tha offlelal red book JuH publlehed by the Span toll government tHIa many Intereellng fueta regarding the crleli of taat spring. It to eald that no lees than eleven tax reform blllg ere now In course of preparation in the Legislature. Sa vannah Press. Wc trust that the Thirty-fifth Michi gan boya will fraierntoe In camp at Augusta a* did the Second (leorgla and the eth >• M'chlgan regiment at Tatupa ! spring. Aupusfa to rcePlvlnß prAlse from the r,-rr.v officers in all depnrtmenta a* an ifVrl, location for division and corps !v ..dnnafteta • The ttuariermasier'a deparuneni. from its bin varahotises cm issue any itmouoi of f*ut»ns to au> of ties winter damps within * radlu* of 170 miles df Auguitb at » motoeftt * notice. /ufvmtitto lumber inaustHe* b9iw been pushed to the ufmoet so sup ple the big army contracts for boldine materials, not only for Augusta's ramp but tor outside camps. A PM99M MMfMI I =<s .*4| «|||k «4NI #<•*'»-'• JM* t *4 wm** • lINiMMMI .#AA I ppMhA m WHlP*#'- * *•»*** IAmNI Hilt 1 V AMfr dMfeA MSP" AMNV 90 I'll |f|W4NMIMI * 904 *o**99' 11» wa# i ** mao9*o99*& Vi m | Mni «mM £* ■** t «»HI «at AVMMNi pi «■*•* * IMM IliAfTpiri VMM (MV VPtTIMI *• 1 1#4 HHAV At *9m aMMAMiVI At f MMI- V# MVNVVA9NVM Mv WAWM AVI I p«*#l # mS m T%A ("YAiAMA# IIAMI fVMNMTAP*. * • VAA PhNV A AMA I aaaaMAi. mv» vnanvi ava avamiihv m w* I tgjpftlMp VAMI' tftt dAMpi iAAMVAi I *—adM *# ftggk ff > On' WBIV Vl# AhMMMnNI I #RM#riAMNM#I «f ■*!#>♦w#WWNAl #• SMAM ll## 1 A—ftltftt VAAAD# At *Ma MMVMLIWAii IAAP Mi VI: "TA AM* MAI AAM'f lIMMI •» I AAA VMI a *p|Mi |pAH» : ! ppMpPHRiiIMIII As M* Oa#"* iAMNI Ml AM VMOMMM AHMAt* |m M •» MA MAaM* HA ViAVAV* I MAMMA Ml *)i >A oift VaM aMM <Mp»aa « . I MMMMMVm'IaaAa# •ttM IMa ImaN «# MtiMVMMIk. Ml IMA VM>|P» aA AA [aha m» <iahaa tail mis- iavaimM IvNMMtMMiVAM tJVMM t-MA# pAAMM. IWf (Arrif4 INmmiaa IMa *’«•#** I « «f I ASM MAI lAA ' ApltAt f|#«A» | *t# pwwttlAM Mill •» Ml Ml MAAfA Va iA«ii aaA um vitfl tm -m* lmmm- I AMMAAI Mir MH# IMa fIMMNi amA JhWA AAiIV | pa* A a fiVA Mi *Ma taMha aA UMi lIAA AigWWkf. IMaA A MMM HMA «f 9ACA* A»A IA lH MflAf A lAfVMf aAMMKAV At MNMN** I the *t.*te fees—9 tl—A ere west : aa t With W high Md lt|Htt ■ lag igg rata * Mr. (ianrwei we*t tNr—t* M» anew : ItaW We the laeg—Wte nf tatstse \ The i**y «f the tag to eartata. hot i the aa—wat paid It—taaua awardtaa !ta |ta eagetre at aeea a—ay us who— j wave Httte late*»a ta the aawetit— <4 latat—a The tataetaerer who— i t —4e has atwaye Weea aa—e-taied wtth Ithe aaertlag tread us death, ear—ld ; fchurb the duns of the palace ae i well aa at the dsuc as the pauprt.’* I While thta latter sag——to— us the i Mogee repneeratatlye la a trifle 18- •pt. tre know what he —amm there •hoeld he aa e«e—ptlnae fmu tana tea Coatlaulea Mr Garrard a—dee the word# «f the rt—ipsroller peaeral I "The peaeral prupewy of the Hate ha* i I—reaped Hate l*T* nearly tM per ! t eat aad the railroad property lit per < out. which ta Indeed a awtrveto—a de i velopmeot sod growth for aw short a (period, and should be n source of | great prallftrattoa to all Oreri Ht. I While Georgia's wealth baa heea in creaalhg. I regret that our espeaeee have been such aa to require a con stantly Im reaelna lag rate uatll we have reached this year (ha h.gbe»< rate levied tor thirty yeare. aad that too in spite of the fact that the taia ble progeny has doubled Ita value du ring thta period, thus showing that without this large Increase la Gie value of our property, the state rate would tie over 1 per rent." Mr. Garrard reserves hi# plere-de-reelutenre for the conclusion of hie argument, on the subject of the public schools Me saya: "The pnbtte school# of the mate should receive It* fostering rare, but every dollar eipcnded fbr this purpose should bring a dollar's worth in re turn. In IMS the people paid a pro perty tax of S 3 centa on the 9100 for all purpoeee of the state government; now the school tax alone ta more than this. Hide through the country and notice the schools along the readable. Tou will see a hundred negro children going to a school and a little further on yon will find a white school per haps of twenty-flye children. Why to it? ' Is it because the negro to more desirous of an education than the white man?. No. It la because the white man's child to obliged to work to assist In supporting bla fa ther'* family and In providing the very means that sustain* the negro and his children.'' This advocacy of an Immediate con stitutional convention so kbly presen ted by Mr. Garrard, a partial grasp of which may bo gathered from these ex cerpt*. Is of extreme Interest and mo ment to the rittaens of Augusta and Richmond county and the question may be summed up as follows: Place a limit on the power of the tnxgather er over the property of the etttoen. Do away wtth the spectacle of the Indus trious nud thrifty white man. tolling not only himself lint, with his chil dren. In the cotton field, when they should be at school. In order to supply the money for others to go. who are themselves thriftless and Improvident and willing to be tlie beneficiaries or white charily. In endorsing Mr. Garrard's letter. Tbs Herald would remind Its readers that tbeta views ate those «f s'patri otic U—wglan. who ha# liven close study to our dofiseatia pansy, ahd they ar* ootisaquahtiy wan worts .mMidsr lßil ... rfngtotid Is watching o«r ftli'fMHW trade in the Hast «ith keen observa tion. *<mm W*M »r»w A mm aI amhamaMMll mi vavnmV Va am aMAtAMMAMAI ImAAMMA *A» t%A ■’# W* ; *■«p «jmV MMmnwNA ft** »». hiaaha* mAM M#. #AAMHAMNMI f«t4AHMMk *949 I mmmmahmmmm* i > irt AM# tuHjiH fAf mmmVv Vi aa mhmVl I OAMMAMf As VMa AVNMAmAKAM *hAMMMA'# A l maMaaVai upaama Mi »wm» mm l«# IIHVPA #M MM# 9Am HMMMAHim# lAAHMi CAM# | HmM* * f*#®# I #' : VAM AVMmAAA Immnr %**m VPAMI, «A 4 AA4 VMAMiMA VMM# |aA#aV If A# tVAAffi AI— A bm A m VMMMMWfVf NA .. IhavVMM AAV As 9MAAV AiAVMVMVNIAMI #AAA t I Mpsts is gwiii a la*—• a— t» as I AMMMAI AMMlft#... AIAM AtAi'l A<H«i dtof MAAk I mmi fiAfcifin Ihdkfutdfifw. aMM aa4 fsHt n« gi mimrmm *mmL MamAa aa4 Miw sis dta— «*>««• ita t *M«a I itsUs to— ad si m A**i« add »—std . j sisaa*9 Itdasta# ##*d The wdauiad | —rat wf Uta dtavdt a»«*d—w«p Md» la awl all «dai I* —dsd TVn to —**d !Af AMAAMMPHaI AtVfVlMf, ViA AAA AM9A* r%#At# ißhAct -f f•-1 AT ‘ • AA AMAAt' A l l* ! * Alff AAf MMAdIftAMM! • l##l VAIHI | gAA4h As AAA AM notify <|»HA>At rAIAfAP# Hi a«|ma«a 1 Aft lA MAP *mm AtAA** IAAVM i A#A# AAA far t»t# Isf 1 fAi a# • k T*k# Hk# HMIAA MaAa MAAKiA AA* IHBAMA A AftSttMi tAIIPA AttAAAUf AAtf MM A AAMMI t-i'WA «f HP«AA >A tr*m IMa r»M#A mrn»m IA n*mm lA J IVVI Aiilf MI,AMI MAIfA APMPV ImmabMl f f rwm tM# t'iV#4 WaMni Tin* yala# of ! thta tHtaa waa hat 94-**?***. whtta Urtaaaav aoM la the RaasUaaa II If! ■ am womb as «wtaa y>«n The treay as ttw ram part—at ta tdat Uertaaay aha— aa eottoa la raised, seat talc# Sas —h of tha prwdart tdi» Ramis aa 'the I'atted dtatsa, akw* t.?t4.atl nf tha satlrv wortd'a prods -t • of i tIJM.MM were raised, Get—say to—chi ! I M9.9JU balsa from tha t ailed Mtatm. yaylad •h*JM9«d? therefor. There to aa seed t« —ll oar rottoa to Ovrmaay [aad ham the GeraMaa aril H la Ruaisa ’They are la lha hastaem to auke iwiie y sat ft - middle mam s profit •boatot he mafia by the fail'd States I —eirbaat aad maaofarrarer want IV9RIRACT in tioara ctiouat. la all of the forty-two Hatre where tha hauls of eta ballot* wav waged ua T—toy last, ta ao state war the re salt more gratifying than la North Carolina, A stats that haa two whits men to one negro baa been redeemed, put on ly fro— negro domination la the east ern counties, hut fro— political mon grclis— la the stata at largs., "the un holy alltaoeg has been dstaatsd, and the DtMancrata have resumed control of ihe state." Tha experience a# the past three years will not soon be foraotien. The white men of the Hate wlfl hereafter lie content with the ronthtlnma that have always accompanied Democratic rule In Ihe atate. The most signal victories were won In the eastern countlea, whlrh arere negro-ridden, and so far aa returns have come In. all have been rescued. Means will now be found to give per sons] worth anil property due repre sentation. The election bids eastern North Carolina share In the better gov ern ment that I* now the portion of all the South. There are a few negro ruled localities left, but no consider able section. The election praclcally was a glorious victory for white su premacy, good government, pence, or der and prosperity. "John,” she naked, “how do you tike this hat on me?” "Oh, I dun no,” he answered. "Have you bought It?” "No, not exactly; f brought It home on approval. I Intend to take either this or another rate, which Is so more than this, but I thought—'" "Bay, Florence," be Interrupted, "that's the most becoming hat I ever saw you have on. Telephone to them first thing l« the morning that youil take it, eo as to make sure that they'll oot sell R to anybody else."—Chicago News. He burned the midnight oil; Alone he worked away. But no Olympian heights were gained He wrote no moving ]py! His bullseye lantern threw A slender beam of light Upon the safe door thM he sought To get unhinged that night. —Cleveland eLader. Papa- Poor little fellow! It's Ills teeth that make him fry that way. Bachelor friend —Hts teeth, eh? What do ysu do for that’ Have >su Sued dr irfiuafilad t—FUfill Th* trttaf Wfltteb by AffhU? fiUltk supenti unde tit of Ifie l.ibf let fialU unsweftfig fti# strict urea of the Boston Ti ail script, fs receiving considerable favorable lommetit by the industrial j and economic, journals of the country. TBS ATTOTTSTJk HBRALD till hum «\ I W ABOt#*TOWN tR* U'gta itaAw Uptmnfifibre -- ''WANANP# AAA #*HrAMA »A **VA AMI |«Ar* As *MA MN •# |AA ftMM I | i»I fi fT“f *■* <ito« *■ # •"#** . HRf"irtrr t-ir «w§ tAMV At V%* ft*Ai A * %*m-' «A AAMPAVMV 9AM AAA# A# mmmm I MIMIW '• t * d#MAAA'*#9t I M*AMS APfll H A pVAi Mama A# A 91*.#’ AHA AMAA*A , fi#AAMI M# fdng i. mi «Mt ANAk | Yrjßf-9 MaaMMl# M%MA MaAA am *M* fW WAAMp Ift WAV' WmMa# AMte* a ANN» lIMAMKMMI VMM AMMM A* HHIrAII | MAAVM Mat fMM, MAI AHV* *”Ahn al# fIAAMVMs MMAA'A#**# *a# * | T%A MaMH# #ATA#M M i M*M MM* a# , fir aaM W Tfirt* Mmm **- pa Raltawa au ' A*fi ita btafiiad ■fit' fi* ***• ,«M AMfiMAM N* |AM 9AVAAM AMM |*| • fed j, fi| ANkAAAV MH 9A'#A AAA |1 ai —i— *ba MMUMstMa tow* <fifi*fid Had *••* Rwau Tfiiutaa retfiMdMß tfi* rretsrwit# *H ***** »m im •***»»* |JA Aon AAV «AVM MVANmM WhIVMMI mm& ilk# MHAMN aV a MkMgua reßNtosttt W I reaud ” rightiv mm »m»i«I mermmmtm tMf fid *«rfi nr has g INHMfifiSrtltol* *#»*•*' *9 gwH |alb*. *bfi Srrw ba have •* bb ■ wadi 19ti i| t ttfl iIMAM tM# Mat# *0 *•* Tfciny-Flftfc » d*fi*'t 'to 1 IKK* yablawbfiH ***** that bo* (aiM A ip aaM I Mai bmmmm m **** Mal h lA f»‘ ' MMaAI A MAII9 AAA I AAM *A»#Y9IAINMHArt a t rn ffl#MVl *0 9AiA# TMa M#!iM AAAI **kt«»A fcA M AAAM. |M » Mr a VMM AHav IM# iMAHtmA A#> ASA# An# AA 9 tf**9 PA*A * 9ii MA MaM |AcM#4 a# a J*maV ai a < fnMMMffT MHkA , AM* Ma 4 (Air M«'AM a*IM iM#a» m ##* :i fU»*. Mill AA fAf tIHJf ATA ? A V*« ,, #AAIAM* . ijr |ti«MAi IdAAI MMVfc ta fcofi Mwltar H ta ita ' paper ta sisted #a* *tk-i cong I “Wkgi'a th* btoMWf T‘ I tafirtrafi thought ifiat yowr muse was a prtae 4 the first aster.“ * "Aka was,' ta repltafi. "#• far a* ficr ability lb tha ranktag llba waat but ! as found out that skfi baa aa Ibrofft glbta liar air Itad lb sreaoa and .««t. bltbout any raaaoa er aeaae. *b» tiled apparently simply for th* fua of lit aad •* had to M bar pi " I hops my frtaafi will ba aa sacc-aa ful In hta eeeoafi atlembt *• b* ••• jla ike ft rat minus. h<»a ever the pre rarsesilag leadeaciea of th# tatter f AM#. m ,rn jPSrnm. J Hta • ipartebce p*t me In mind of lha rtpty to a good houarrelf# »h<> •xas impressing upon fc**r trtak hamL maiden Ike prime reqsinttsw of truth' j fulneea and obedience: “And remember. Bridget “ there are two tklaga I taual ItialH upon 1 truthfulness aid obedience" Yla. miua, abfitbhek you Rail me to tet tbs Is.WApou r* out #ken you're *. which shall it be niunaf" HeraJwf Pen pb iurt ks Israel XahjF will, th* Rngltoh Jew tabu lecture,l in AtlantlfJlst night. A Baagwtlt has done nAh to ameliormta tils rondlt on of the Jews In the erewdrul frondon districts, nnd his hooka are dlstlnctlg the ragpi The description 1* given hy a friend who rerVßtly saw him In New York: -Zangwlll to tall and thin and stoop* from th# waist. His hand* and feel are enormous Hi* feature* are big and lnmpy. His Up* are thick Hl* chin retreats right Into hi* neck; and he lias a mass of black, kinky hair, waved out at each aide a la Dorns* per#. The parting ta nearly in the middle and 1a large and white. It look* unnatural, like a wig. He wears hta eyeglaasea half way down his nose and when add reused he throws back hta head to get them In line and at the same time opens hta mouth a little. Thus seen he makes a curious picture. If an American oelebrllp should carry any such eccentricities to lamdon, he would he heoted." Ivy Just made out the gibberish muttered hy the unfortunate negro man who stands day! after day on SchnHder's corner. Hf» ts a familiar sight to all passers-by <|n Broad street —atdbdlng ao helplessly, his hands both, cut off at the Wrists and the sightless eyeballs rolling ceaselessly In their sockets. His muttering I hav* made out to eonsiat. of the sentence. "The Lord lov eth a rheerful giver," but he has be come so accustomed to repeating the words and evidently makes use of the expression In hts minor undertones so many, many times during the weary hours, that he has unconscious ly strung them together In what at first seems an unintelligible Jargon. "When we were married," sobbed the young wife, "he said he loved me with o love more enduring than Ihe everlasting granite!" "And It didn’t lost?” queried the sympathising friend. • Last!" echoed the young wife, dry ing hes tears. "It didn't last as long as a cedar OMSII pkftMßHtt!Chtoafio fflbuhto -'h FAS as AtitU’WOh, Ifid ," SSid James Whtuomb ftmy.Th* other day. “i,hal 1 learned »ign paiJtltig and poet hy. and first realized the true grandeur of the Hosier.” t _ ta » • mreaf *-w jL m f I |f pfiAP AaAAA 9# «*h# mmmm frntmmm o ****** •» t aaa*aa<#»|m» : I IAAMmAI fAHAp# I «AA «aAV*A JHM m**m m l • fiMANR 9rpA* fifif tafiPR 1 ** 1 •**# A»* ii#AlA- 9fi» * 90 mm AAA MAH I ##**# iAAAMA Ml • At MA* AAM AMMAMI MAMA* AAA i AMBAAMAMPAAA RAVANkfin# A***®# A** A**“ 1 aA Mpmmßa ImhAb m m fitoaier« csssru s**, i* tg xs %mAAa» aF AVAMM MMAMM mmmwt AJA *#- Ita li tatadMta* 9taMta»taP fAA w* A Aal Wm AHA AA MA* AAAMA*"- * MPARAAfi lA# IMpwta 9 AAAM A*# Ar AfiAAl ArMAI W AAAM MAMraM **#aa*a VAyAA^MA Mm—> aMAM AH AHpAAMAi M MMMMMIIMM. ttimM mm MTNW t Hr *m»i IMaaMTMa MMNPA Ml Afirta#■'«*#•»A «M_*** ** MMamMAWA YA#f Mara* OHMA MM ARtaA# MtAiAAi «aM Mama TtlC EPHORI Of EVIMI IMamaaa -# a twajc 8 Ml Itaß i F-f V tfifii t R Id I TM# CAnr A«MI Hi A«ftM9 MAt t« . M#M T h . rm riltttAA riNUFt If AHA ***** •III* tßfHtMkii Ml !fw»«>A As llA* WMk rAVAIIT Mav# ; miM fev Homvv Vranr* row )mmi AClrfa MiUNMIh A (Im ||F4U»rfHFi#. A«tA«M4nr HltrAcwM Aw Aft l^in#^ if AT At. i*rt««mb9ir* , It 111 Attl«l (Alt OR’ Hf fißiill AAV# #tat «•• A AUtfifiM'i • fcrHf. Th# OUr4 lllinoi# rrflMfit hi# IM turned P«Mrto Hlr«. iWfAtti Mf* iA»t KrapFrtr WMAm I# |Anff I# IH**fcA j Th#‘ Kxnhßsr |MifM*rß Hav# b##o #*i»* 94 by th# eeun of r*AAAt>«m. •Hie Vutcfin n«* sbftci f 'fi|» Near Tork ’ 10 try to locate tbe Tl, i- dk> i B,*in hae pr,.n,t»”d to, **nd • ?*« Blanco to pay ihatrtHf* 1 Catalonia and other province# are fie mandlna aeparatton from bpaln. 1 A Wg banquet »«• given to Oene . ral Mile# last night In N«>» York. The grave «»f Oenerat Vara del Ray I ha* been dtacoverrd near 0 Caney. I Lottie Cottons, of Ta-re-boom-de-av < fam#. mUAMMIaA sulolA# la tendon. The Alvarad ami tonndoval taken a* prtsea during the war have arrived at Key Went. The cruiser Buffalo whlrh started from Manila lasi week ha* returned with broken machinery. The Joint High Commission to con fer on issue* between this country end Canada baa met In Washington. Prince George of Greene will proba bly l>e appointed high commissioner of the powers Ui the island of Crete. The I>»ke nf Devonshire, lord presi- j debt of the council of ministers, do ctored In a recent speech that Phi gland w# not at all disturbed over the Ka- Ishpda affair. EACH DAY bEES 1 TnE nEKALD f © IT 1> AiSftili t«A{iV|>ft if |ZM *2.. f2o> fij* *3 THIS IS IT kwafitata* fifikta ** figß #♦* -fi Hta* itafiafi FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS HID ILP'RES ALL SMAOES $3.00 Jutat Arrlvtad. DORRS Tidorins!, Hats, Fufit»lwi|i. I HaaMr a AMAh flMl MA A# AA ( niff > tin Ufi« Good Soaps. ) W# h#*R lA*M»a Iftl AA f f I Toiltat Pap«r- / Urf« fer»et»t It €*««% I for / 1 V >§ t«ii|f Si A th# A* *9 9*9*9, u** \ S Stop Your Cough y I \ fa time. It may toad to were*, l I tsJrjnssrZ'zsr % / To the Pktrotu S \ Aiciander Drttf Ca I ' \ The ta#l iKMiiaseot 1,.» n« f f «, . i f V *1 •!, n will be f»»n »«> the I're- X f V § pafSH FksraMwwotiraki enfi Cta- # 1 / m ill ate band 'd tare, •»,,* l C but it. - •>• m I’rug* enter ike J I e ) 1 rearlIJ ■!avn. seal Sfifi. I**t- % / r Skp now fiipeafi ow my pee- J \ .dial aerete*. 8. I*. Dt ** **. # / llfiaiier Dnj Cmpaif i C It* BBOAl) PT. 7 For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special | prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey ] * 2 Library Building. CROUP CAN BIE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED BY USING HIS if IPS BO CENTS A BOTTI.K. MADE AND SOLD ONLY BY -R. H. L^-JSTXD 622 NINTH fc'TKKKT. | THE MUSTERING OFFICER is hers, bud If y«a Will B*ll ofl F. 0. Mertms. h# can muStcr v*U Ihto a civil ian Suit for * little money, and Gents - Fimilehirtg? «re cheape, than ever m F. G. Mcrttne', (h<- Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, 921 Bread street. NOVEMBER I 3 ~ son couch* .. My own fifapfiffiiMtot of Mpfphiutal fital MetAfi M mmm lyfut* wtu «**»• aid'i'»i any Cmm§** in #4 hour*. f*iite*sini lo toko, tft iwnifi bEHttafi. L 9. Gardillf, Oruggill. I *, ALMONO C9KAM . * s G*noo*ita*e A man# Croons ifor lb# Ota. A moot >k' Uohtfw to*MM BffipfiffiHOn. 2 A rentd m tofr* Oottleo. L. I. GardeHe. Druggist COIO CM# AM find nook# i Ivbfyhfidy in tporn h nows j CfiftifiH*‘i CoKlCroom on# j Nosat, »nd fivarvtMNJy utatafi it, md when tfity wtr t* i »n,fi flow »om» bock Retain. 2Scont« jar GtafCtaile’k SOf - Aporillß fOfi thta blood' Lfifft uot'itat. 7ft«en«». L.». Gaide'le. Drugflil. I mMMMMM MMAWVa ?Rof rM. WHITMAN, 909 7lh *t,. tanitt. Go uni me m ntn »»*i sm* • AtfAt, twin A ■ «Mo #»m##r «1«n mA M A#k- Akne## FRFE OF CKAttoE - r*‘* * in* *»—— COAL and WOOD >FRUR THK Ncrth A cpßitfi Ceel 4 Supply Co 9|b4M»Mtjr Id# OntfMiln4 F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT if#, J’iinMr UM Wioipr MM Easiman's KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your.wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. ; All goods finest made. Ricbards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MKUCHANTA. BG3 Fenoids st=Telepli(mi imili Lrereo W ire* Lilfft to K«w Tor* li.lcugo and Ntw*. Orders execuivd over our wire* for Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. vision* for re»h or o« margin*. Local •arurltle* bought *nd sold. Referencse (-National Exchange Bank of Augusta, lor MercantU# Agenctaa. Money to Loan to/ REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gtaf- 1 beg to notify mv friends and customer* that I have add'd another ebair to my Barber Sbov. making mx firei-cia** ami l hope to aiOMßfbodate toy CMtoOier* without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTbS TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 it 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.