The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 12, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY MULHERINS $3 SHOE Swell mtk, **J| «udi fooinds*. auefc vtrirty * not |mmi tharuA tHt IS hm §kown lar M*n WE ARE IN IT W«h th* Ilne—S** thtroiiour window. AS the iwm io« «0 the ntw color*—every petr « \ut out** 1 mrrArui aki» ctmm mmwlii I# ##4l## I# •■*'■%»*'•<•'■* vvf** I fell «mnhi f* Pnwilt* •####* *4 ttN*, Uwmmm M*. a*. K’TKP tw*tw* DR. HENRY J. CODIN. Ay i .lf)M Pa*- HHH nrn— pwrlm* aw* mail ncium Ne W ArasJ Atraet, <4M Ann* ahere hwt*« find. OlONi: IN CURA* cLOT M 1.5. .Moiptr and I «#»U*a Method nl I raah raiag ih* AM ml a Mck Roam. every tarn ha* n»t*» d the pe* rullerty fAftvaPtnd emetl *4 ataua ttaaM. aApatially arhee fuel lah*a frwm th* Haw. and brought tad.«n*. It la stt *<* ptw.ratty h»«« b»* valuato. ut th., twawactbw brtvrarw ibis rent and praia* ful odor and the .wen* which la *e awr.Mii to a etch tontn. The Ltundwn laisat, a aivndard mad* Itwl aatbartly. cwtaloa aa ifttrb «n ihte aubjert. In wht< b l< I* elated tbni ih* aun'wpbrre <d an a pan mrvt may be charped with <a>«* by tn.natng into It damp linen Rant that here Jo#! barn npanl i« a dry. ahaip wind Rrtnglng th*w iauj lb*- b-u*t n»4 aftaklng them or waving them aimut In, the air th# r»»m wilt apceding te the atatementa made. . hnnge the < bar- ‘ a. ter of the air. This I* « nuttier of Import*n,~r to Invalid#, who oflm be- | eoose aaheuaied fr* m te l V of oauwe In j the air they breathe. A mean* #o simple and effective and i one that t# wllMa the muh of every 1 perron about I be generally underatoort. tt aeema that all thm I* nmenaary la to bring th* tinea to the room imme diately after It t» taken from the line, nut at dour* and shake and whirl It about, when the character of the Blr will be altered at once. H*wj*Ual at - landanta oftentimea remark bow read- j lly a patient will drop Into a quiet sleep , after bed linen haa been renewed The j cause l» doubtless to lie found In lha Mon* released from tha sharia newlr j washed and aired. THE PRISON FARTL Mllledgevllle la to Be ll»e Lucky City. Atlanta. G* . Nov. If .—Mllledgevllle get* the (.He n farm. Thl* was dteld ttl at a meeting of the prison commit** •toner* In that city. Judge Turner, General Kvana and Mr. Hssoo, the rnmmtwMonere, wont to Mllledgevllle and Inspected the site that had been offered them for a prtaon farm. They were shown shout by a number of prominent cltl***n., who pressed the claim* nf Miliedgevlll* and presented Its advantages. It was eon tended that the land was fertile and could be bought at a reason able price, It was shown that two rail roads run through the property offeied. that the farm products could be used to advantagj In maintaining the state asylum and last and heat **f all that the city of Mllled«eville would sub scribe $r,.000 to help purchase the land. The *5.000 Item was a weighty one and Vent far in the city’s favor. The prison commissioners after lis tening to the gentlemen of Mllledgevllle and inspecting the grounds decided In their favor and announced that they were ryady to close a deal for the Mi'- ledgevllle property. Suicide on a Street. St. Louie, Nov. 12.—Charles Charles ton aged about 35. committed suicide yesterday on Broadway by cutting his throat with a pocketkntfe. His home was in Moundsvllle, Pa., and his rei atlvea are said to be prominent. De spondency Is said to have been, the cause of the act. Htitt A**t.r i N Vm Be two. rd My lha MM •* hnakiMM. (MitXlK Not 11 . ow of M* •Ml paanfdiUW **•* pet - I Mumsd M Ik* rt<# Paspttal sod im I Mil mm oaM owe nf Nt rharmetef ■la Iha h etc* y of —nary the wnrkd mar >u ac.smptlifmd M that Mt t*rMm yesterday wbe* t/tWe Rnm*i a pnlleut I kata mMMM N» lha trn . TiMtaal of har ajdse* Tlnse a*4 a«a*a ! lha iwwi aomaa ba# bee* aa Ml* iraia at the h-ey tat and m mt*fy j tund ataaloa har case pc .saw! *4 MM jpvMiia* a*yarn tt 'T~aalaa4 for a I welt k*oWn trea.olo**** »hma f»W» I la not limited to hi* «»a atata ta make •ha prapei 'ha«u.<ala *»d 4ara M> ayp>) j' Aa' befm* stated MM* Marrt. '•hoar koaae la at IK Wan aa t erect, haa Sown a gsttaat at lha taatl j i urtioa on several «cantont aaiaif 1 trvlag to sod relief from har talar- I mg* It -ana hot natlt aha ha 4 bee* rvsmtard tha apar'alM refertud to that tha aalata of her altaaaai »aa wpdefPlaed a c*r*fal ctamtnoilon »ho«*d a a welling Juat halo* tha P" rliaillra. i»dk*il*g either a tamo* or aa aalargaTaaal of tha splsea A#- rnrdlng to tha phya < Inns. lha lattar •aa tha ran** of tha, and having obtained tha content of tha pa ’ tlaat. tta raaaoval waa twMad upon. Faery antiseptic preesution «w tahan and aftrr tha unfoilunala girl aaa piatrd upon tha opara'lag labia la lha I amphl'hratra aa laaiatoa fully taa in rhaa loag aaa mad* on tha loft aid*. : When lha two fold* of tha peritoneum were laid hart to lha undar surface j of tha diaphragm that atgaa waa found to ba a monatronlty of Its kind. By actual inreauraitantit It waa It In ches In langth and * Inches In hrradlh. and an Blind with blood that It weigh *4 21 nlinear Whan It la andaratood that tha average weight, alxe and iiraadth of tha apliwa In lha adult la ; Itifhra in laogth. 1 or 4 lanhaa In hraadth. and an Inch and a half la thlrknaaa, washing only 7 onncaa. noma Idna of the tnrrlbln enlargement, which the poor girl suffered a«- ! eructating agony, can ba fnrtnad. In removing tha nbnormal organ tha sur geon ran great rlrk In cutting Into the srterlea and valna which, producing a tarrlble hemorrhage, might end In tha death of tha patient on the table. Fortunately the rklll of the operator war equal to the emergency, and while the operation waa difficult and dangeroua. unique and daring. It war accompllihed In aplte of all obataclea with so little shock to the patient as to aurprlse all who witnessed it. As the functions of the spleen are not known and supposed to be the fur nishing of the white corpuscles of the blood. It Is expected that the patient will not suffer the want of It after this. _____ WILL ROBERTSON, The Convicted Negro, Carried to Alexandervllle. Yesterday's Bavatinah Press aaya: William Robertson, the negro recently convicted of an attempted criminal as , bault in Richmond county and brought to Savannah for safe keeping, tvaa car ried to ADxanderrtlle, this morning, by an officer to aerve a 20-year sen tence at hard labor. Seventh Corps Parade. Savannah, Oa., Nov. 12 —According to the order of General Lee. Issued yes terday afternoon, the troops are on a grand parade this morning In honor of General Tyler. Camp Onward Is the name that, has been decided on for the camp of the •corps, VI. SCHVEIGEBT & CO., RELIABLE JEWELERS. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, Clocks, Silver Novelties, Etc. M STOCK JUST ll.' TBB A.TJOT3BTA. lIgHALD. mat 4f Tiff Hffßoif The !»*• a»r* A lumwwm a dPkawfkupM -4 ppm. •Ml Med • f warn aesnawm wMpnrwsg dl «w» tw»Mir M W '*»«•"«> SMWM. aw. Mp«wa (aawdlknrtyw wewbwa tad kNA mm fftay swr nga tgr* pewevpa tuga •M hwsMwi fkw Mwwaan Ann ihwww as (k A fkHP Team MMMawwt. whw gaawrtu t t*w gMM* g»it«4 uati eons •m Ml • l'4» M the VtNPkrftMM AW tew* The fWpeA >Mt Ihllwg Ip «• mom* ewwry tmmmrn aa IM* aMIMwr Maw** IMs* IMMMW lytswt •*• »«ww %* • that* pm km *Md wf mh> ate —TMiil — m 4 MmA «a «M«ae f*mm km (WMa pgiw-aM aa Aka gwia»«a» tw A** «*taa rwttw «*A «M the Mwwm tap* paw IkPWM I wmM kahn* M* MMa )«• M<wM Mad taAawAod haa ww**» w had tmm xptaiew wh«ea ha Ae«4 «t« aah m «M*«* wMw% aw» nutwd v» the yeerme Mnwr* ywkMdnA haa htwpwa •. • a«4 WMd tet th* fkwtM Aww wh«ra lha AMpatka wtaew madam he ah ■t He aappMaA hia awvttNae Iheattpk I the AMV the pNrawai ih*A *»*•%'» rlpaaA w am that «M sad awwa* htaa petatwer la pft a ansitr m k art tdMM •#ea Arad and AA ttW* wpa tApered Mnwa* l» MAMA AA A A ap»*A<» Aaa aa4 haa ktraai tA irampat tahra H* aa •twkp *4 Ip lha pavite* tail— haw A pawaaM gward PlAttwAPd tap Idkae ly PAd llrskta aarvwta kal a AArrww ' apewpe frwm Aapth aMoeify after I* U'adAek kaat Atght The gwaed »aM ap • awM’er whA irked ha two the da#d we w* h#:t The Maas ait'hty tAiwed •ad k<«4 it* ahMe At th# AWAfA kl the Aim a hot the award Ml IA th* gtrwAAd e»4 lAAded hia tie lie th*A iipaAed «w the AotdlaA who atArded roe wing dowm Liberty mreaP There dtdt w*f* gr*4 At the r*tr*AtlAg mm hoi trllheet hlttlAg Mai He twtApad eAd went M low Arda the etmge The •nerd had A AArrow romp* frew M»'h. The ahoutlAg AlttAeted g«dte A rrwwd KK4OW MIS FATE. Admit at Carver* l-est the Bottle lawmiogly New York Mat. M A WaaHtt»g«-n 4i»fw*rli I* TV NvtiM 9mf+ la hta oflh-wl report to th* Ppent*h mlaw>*r nf motto* AarrtWai the bol ila as Pont tog*. Admiral Cttvtta *tal*a • hot he left th* Imrtaor of Paniuagn 4# Ciih« m% t H urn the morning nf July l i*l»graphlng to OnploMi Ueo*rAl IBoac*. |B* M l** "|« .ntmdlAAr* with th* order* of Yew Ra(»ll*A<y. and ApprerlatlAg th* fpt* that will P*fAtl ear «|OA4r..i», •• I bat* olr*A4> *»a«uo«i#4. I l*ov* Ih* bay of Pastt*c» on July J for the a*a." M £E L R E H OMEN'S P^fNS JbL usands of the best women in ly and positively and emphatically that women to suffer as they do. Womens Wine of Cardui will permanently cure orst cases of female troubles—whites, (Q (fr) failing of the womb, profuse, painful or suppressed menstruation included. This Jz fa great medicine acts upon these diseases like water acts upon fire. It puts them out. fag) V® It stops them. It is provided by Nature to free women from suffering. To make £) them healthy and happy. Wine of Cardui can be bought at any drug store and V i n 1 ro „ nnififlir as hnmp lAJME»TAI»VI*ORY DEPARTMENT-For »drlc« in eaee.reqolrlag special direction., *ddre.e, CUJ /*"Y IdKCU m»llCLljr CiL UUUIL. gWlng symptoms, Laditt' Advisory Dtp’t, Tlw CItVfIANUOO* Mi.DICINE £O., Chattanooga. Tenn. amaM,p Madison, Wii.. Aug. 20th, 1598. I have the pleasure to announce that I have used your Wine of Cardui and Black- Draught in my family with good results and I do not hesitate to recommend them to the PUbß *' J. M. VRELOTA. 1841 Third Ave., New York City. Aug. 13.1898. Your great medicine makes a name for itself wherever tried. When I hear of any of my lady friends being sick I |ust insist on their getting your medicine at once. They always like it and induce more friends to use it. , MRS. D. YACCARINO. Benoit, Bolivar Co., Miss., Aug. 10. 1898. I write to Inform you that my health is good now. I am better than since I was first grown. I owe you a thousand thanks for what your medicines have done for me. My 15 year old girl is taking Wine of Cardui now, too, and it is doing her good. MRS. NANCY McCLAIN. Royal ftss t AiwmnrttY htr ► r.. •—W» -tr*. KM tt .t | (MMI )N» li * tH» mm% Ml ; ««mRVNMIMI pVMMi 9*m* m>»** * I|hpm4ili# j #tMNh «i» * iti iummi .. +mm #•* f IHitdM* niiiiii »■*#«§- i vims pMmML mp . i »•* *i» fV'Ai ii'M^n *%i4A M 9 fIV NWi iVNMHfIMMIi fHt t«bHat? nanwiftßl r II NIM MHI W I* HrRM. iimrnt #Hf liMi *•»***• H l». A* - iVf ||v» ti V ' *taßAad M hahAff of th* p owtid >hat •be deeMPad. J M Tnia* aa Mgttm*. (AAm Ml haa dawlh h«<a A hhaw apw* Ida tianiAih. iwan«»*4 foam the htwh* j A*td Asamam As th* roawao trawr i|aa aaawAPNN* th*i he ww* twwatAg, | •M the mtmff waa doe a* lha **•«■ PAwro ad the d*4b*d**- ‘ nmpaar The, itreot mo>*» gAgtapew'* aad t’a*>, •Mat Ih* praddHAl •** OAitarvwneA a*4 .eppld was. hr pgAwwabt* oar* haw no prmtdad *#*••• doth tatmwM, gtAPtfi>tr< Am ht*o* Arwh • *A»*A Tttg A HAT AAI t k * th* ootid ft j ‘rot* A»«WO. hto fir***, Aad j A*» ii aai. Team Mar**, T*4t«r, fhag'ped ' |ta»4a chitatalw Oram. *Ad a* Pht* ‘ dm* l ***' *tad pom*t**4» «w*v* O**. , a* pa pay i.*«ir»l It M gw**s*i*«d ht: gt*o pPlfArt **ti*l**t*o» *» WAt» At- i fowdrd r. ** * d * * At* to* (»•• Fur UUi ay HOttAM* * INTI KIiMT Tit IH PAID. Mr.fiver Myth I'd** Wffarl M N*v*o oaP loot flgimmah ft*., Nov It I* th* *a»- j I patter marl y*m»r4a> Newlvcr M*a ' IU. Myck of rbriatepbet Urar 4 O | glad a rrp«*rt t*> which It waa rrlatrd • that the trm w* JPlf ** h«wri»*4 IT j .’dp c« lie property la Aagua'a frtmi th* Plaaterp I .*n m 4 ftavtaga lust as I the,t Hty, which apst.'i ta carry rhe | loop oat li l ktm. prw*i4*4 the Arm pal 11 the ißlerrm At th* rat* of 7 per ce#t ; per ***** mcwthl) The grm had Be faulted ih* tatareat frr ih* aueith* t>f g*ti*mher aad Or totter *nd th* r* r-lcrr pdviaed that the amount It* IT far each month, be liquidated, *o that Ih* mortgage would pot b* forrc’oaed ' aad lh« property eptrlhced. Tin- r*. (toimendatloa as the recelyer waa mad* j the order of the court 418 Anderson St., Savannah, Ga.. July 25,1898. I have been sick for a couple of years with the terrible ills that afflict women and have recently procured a bottle of McElree’s Wine of Cardui. It has certainly done me a great deal of good. This Wine is a won* derful medicine. MRS. E. D. DEAITZY. *» Cayce, Fulton Co., Ky.. July 21.1398. Everyone has something to say about how much better I look since I used Wine of Cardui. I feel just as much better as I look, too. lam thankful to the dear Lord that such a remedy has been placed before the public. FANNIE MURCHISON. Scranton, Williamsburg Co., S. C., July 12, 1898. I have had the womb disease and great nervousness. My doctor's bill at times amounting to SIOO.OO a year. lam now taking Wine of Cardui and find it to be just as recommended by the manufacturers. MRS. M. J. T. POSTON. A AfeO'tk VWAL. \mt V •* » » jAanud btm Hu Aaato I as «*A lha NgP- j I hath *#•# reed award *ha OAtgl **■ j | ana* aMtp Ya.taa to otwe«h Aw #aA If *. bmi osaethga a* Maot hm the paaopad t itAte the Apootob tt voter lvt«v*t It* 1 ««* Tatttw pagamaad mi fa* a*. (t##d MahaAM* He laba* WAh hHg wraoheea east AMAMdpgt *ew* | >wio* to aewmiAMah the ppaan tt the tmmm *M thmt a Waa her aeakdad bat {tw wnh th* waaea The TAlsaa re* •*4«*d hat apt Hog order* «m Thatpd** < waawtAg m eaam a* th* at pay Ikagam AMWt to-taged Htadf that the** aa* A tataw a« penhaMtN* that the two few ■ A*a*d *t<-*«** mitnem4mg (booty ta ‘th* dewttpiar* *f ih* Harm Tbrapp t wag rawtty the aamadoaed hyaaAtar4 1 Mei *he wae bald *• tht# y**d Ml await ‘ the *rm«l «4 an atpea* atrarklta# • »ew from N«A York and as IJrwt ’ llnhaah, tw AhmA ih* r<t>nip.«t Itowhe to aaa* th* Tarawa hm the tw* food (Mae I jowl |t. .beep reported aboard then • f ||f* *9*4 flHßrtt 4tv «<|!Wd| j««fNME im fn r td«flk #t»Y «V«M y»<vt> ] < % #4 Mmt Mi I4i tvvnk - —— J tairtftr 0* mit #mt yV l —, nil fUfVtiVL j I ftiri rtvlt«4 •< lawlNi A cv.*» j * OF INf F.RR9T TO rtHEMRN Mlawta f irmer* io Have (JymiA** TV AiMmlift trr 4» i*Rft •wn* V hi [ Ivy# • HtfNi * Hm# |jrvw##m ft# • %#r> | aMI lilt*# |f 14 l» I# th# 4«*##r of I i*htef J- tu*r la equip “A* la beadquar- y r mho lime past lb* papular Ate < M*f baa been thinking of eqnipptna an upludate gmnselam M tha iweeAveut iof the Her headquarters «o Als ha nr* .treat, end china* have vrerhed eat to \ , u . I, an ailrntmlde mannet that It will | i. only a .bon time lefts, lha Are led- t dice will If sitting their nuts- lee In the new gymnasium. H la tsUd This la la f' rmatlon I* gi nned from the Atlanta Journal. Many of the fire departm.nis In the larger elite* bare first class gymnasi ums. and smong the greno-n nra to he f< und many Bret • l*»» athb-tea. Nome n; me depart meats hire ndv»n*<ed *« Wf NE OF CARDU I. Where is That Lady IfFtph * rat hoy pm p tea* gpmpoom a ham Mm •hm Atmpw ,,,; am **m hiM pf • hap mad tupy aae* as g tarn -Md #<h**d hi hag (ha tgm Mt*a pea hme laedpl #*• awe*' t# hfWd h*ep>'***» ** •*• •*» *h* IMP APd th* |o»»a* ■ BOYS* REEFERS In MIXED and TAN Sh#d*i PR WwaM ear y Mae Aad dfp*4 gAd MA ahadt* aakwi •■*■.*#» (Mes waa . aahmi -«he g>m*f mai *Ad Amatan »**m d . *•>•*•* gMpamr hwpm w#r hi gafttmAta *• a dkksA hhfhsf atmw- adiAk I to w •war* ft a# aga* id •* Id nw» §4 • BOYS’ VESTEE SUITS **. •• t lim *»»»**■ e» *-»• n ••• •*•/***: im — d*«i4r intend, with da# *ida aafttm rw#Af *hd '*# i wMh kPaad, a’ to BOYS’ SCHOOL SUITS 4*4 #i#4*t «ficVd #*4 ililMi* ■Tirtiii y y~**m** #hiM sits r#rvf "tftM*** Ihvi—h ftlv MVMUtV #f •*-##■* Alt are beta a* awd areal ae a»y ****•«. J.B. White&Co. i Wo aw. tar hi this line that aihletle Hale have (i*eu organtavd In the dltfereot . -imps * ntee and fteqoenity .-onieeta are hrlt l«. decide which »• the beet company Io ibe elites hartna the*, gymnasiums. Why Iso I Auguste gretsen get up something Ilk# this II nlll he a great help to the mm Th- Bremen of An gusts are ns HI,, a M of young gen ilemen as raa be f-<uod anywhere, amt ih. re la no reaann why they should not he as progreselvs aa the fliemen of any other city. Fifiy-ttire# fln- Ineamn-e rvanpanlra hov* been Induced In Kentucky ar oused <4 vhdetlng th# b*u. La Harpe, 111., July >9. 1898. When I read an advertisement of Wine of Cardui I had been suffering four or five years with female diseases. I had tried kite best doctors but could not get cured. The Wine was so highly spoken of I decided to give it a trial and iam greatly pleased with it I have recommended it highly to others. MRS. TILLIE BUNDY. Harristown, Ind., Aug. 3,1898. I have been using Wine of Cardui for fe male diseases from which I suffered for a long time. The Wine has done me great good. MRS. MARY E. ANDERSON. Stockpile, Campbell Co., Tenn., Aug. 26.1898. I have been afflicted with Rheumatic pains and female weakness until my life was miser* able. My husband got Wine of Cardui for me last month and that has made great improve ment in my condition. I earnestly thank the Lord for putting this good medicine within my reacts. mrs. Eliza newcomb. NOVRMRIM 19 11l It OFVh Ah# CONfTtACTOW Mi ha hey **4 .rnwgaMMAA 4* # llaaaa. pAAhty kAadwdad. Ulß,adl(it#tMH*« ttoo ihorewgh tw rvary aspanmaad. ftktt. baialagßpa. I.M. agaaaggtl CdttAA Pertiu Mmfactirin Ctimi. AUOUSTA. OA. Tl* wry tv# ifttflr whW-h ipvind l« th* W e.lglngt m lb»» aa.erai v*ek» jlgo rtwemlng the |r«M WC who had bwo imwv odtbbi thirty aMiea of A«- gnata. both ta fhtofh racollaa ead UmlfM. «M • rlttr-a ht Mr Hugh <*, MMdletos a Month < •—tl»laa Th# • .rtlcle vaa *We and ahoved great ra wawh Mr. MiddtMoo #hoM da mow writing on ibla Uadi The mo l«-u* of a thamWr of mwi. In Havana he. hrm formed hy trprwniaUVcs «; A met b an forma. 313 Oakland Ave., Kansas City, Mo., March 9.1898. I wish to say I am using Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught with good benefit. I was troubled with painful menstruation and al though I have used only one bottle of the Wine I am feeling very much better. MRS. ELLA MATTHEWS. Post Office Box 60. Hicksville, Ohio., Feb. t. 1898. I have taken two bottles of Wine of Cardui and am on the third one. It is doing me a great deal of good. I send some names of my friends who are suffering. HATTIE JOHNSON. Ivoe, Southampton Co., Va., July 29. 1898. Wine of Cardui has done great good here. I heard of it and (he druggist got it for me. It did me so much good I told my friends about it and now a great many have used it and all like It very much. MRS. JENNIE GAY.