The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 13, 1898, Image 12

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KNOCKING wVMk* CIRCUSCIAME ho* Mr, SklniHT <k»i I'rtc AdmhMiloi*. 14 |j4, Iftii f*H« 11 til*** HiMWa AW *r W» MM **• w»m h*t* mm w, m* Mi mm mmi tm» ##* •W **#» mW aad «• asa m** l * *d i him *4 ,k * mmm *# MM «m» ? * ||MM~W M4M flitkN a* CM Uto# « •!>••• «Vw* Ifc MM MiMili ■ *» «M «MWM MM » «fc* ***** * to**» «mm» r 1~ MM* to OMI MmM M» MMM* 4MM Ml Mill M*M «f MM 4Mf Ml W» mm ** •*«*** • WMI *•* «( Mm *NM Wfc* •#* WlWStt IMWiMe to MM WXWM «•*•< ** **'•**J*f -Mm MM «MMr sfto* rM, •MH**« V .(Ml «M **■*#• Mm: » •mmmkmi Ml «NHMM% HMW (M l Ml VMM en> •**■' I* MMM t*M tV MM HMI M* RU* eMM fn M* * VowM** Mt *M*M tw# nmu nparertotstt <lm str*#- «m ,«i | m-* » a Mwrtv !*•«»> M* „ >t — iwe etieim aad fM >* »• H • tom Wmm» ***#*• •** WMmT m m* mm *•* «* WHIM* Ml Ml Mm #» Ml »fc# W<M»fl IN**- •flMMl* > YIM MM *Rgfif~ rt#*Xto *M* Ml *1 Immm* •»* Ifcs#* of lIM VMM »«M With ,1m M< rtnras MWM* V# |*M m*ms*4 - (Wi IM*M MMI Ms nil** TVs mm s .. MM **fV tttotfWWl*# t* •%«* »k*f dbww •« M **•#•** TVt MW tts#a eeeMMM** (Ml »«g«a<s »k* m » w# •*** Ml Mil I*4 * l»t*»V *»*• I* »">» Om el |M* tetllag m» **#*• ,h ' »toa***i» WIMWM • »M aald. #*»!«**« Mg a Me ««lv *•>•«** *• •*» Mtr*4 white ewkiii. lW *W «l «M kettvv Ha, we sis' whit*." I remarked "We. yo* see V dto* **TV sacred white .topk.Pi Ml years **“ Ms wa* Wnr* ell over again Ml commeaeed >'*■ •• (Mr V«M»* etophnut " “Hem M> M»» u«fY* . . ' "Wo; V Ml M » *o*l** elepfc.BS three W* «* beeam. .fc* • tt* pliant " •M* to tka claw* *l*ph**t «e». 1 •echos." .. . "We' le I* too old. no*. H* died »» the'-tow* rl*pVai I* *«»«*" *•* “Whs» doc# M lo aow—Just V** ** 0 XtematfT’ “H, la the leader tt Ihe q««an»r of roo will Ms HIM «*»« «.. (ight fantatM- at <•»* pfrformocf ■ *HMN» Ml !*•••« a *** oiivui Monday It octuf while tb* hi* P»rt e »* ,M *” !ft pm ' gr*»# The •Htwbow *»• °P < ‘ n and a pwrtv «t newspaper wen In con *4rt«r*tt< n of tb* MiMHUtI f*el that 'be, had paid admission. secured a •per i*l .Ideahuar performance. TJe lady performer with anake# had one of bee pe«* about her neck when •hr uttered a frlgtuful abriek. Her »«- teodaet ran to bar and catching tho reirtile violently flung It Into Ha bo*. The lady ahowed a vicious bite on the arm. from which a bit of blood cored The enake in excitement bad tried tn hurt hrr. The snakes. how _ erer. are rendered harmleae. ao far as potion «• concerned and no til effect* resulted Col. l-oui* Bells was telling me that he spent over 17.000 a day to maintain bln circu* anu that he left a pile of money In each town Into which he went, and I charged him that he toak far more out than he left. “Now. my young friend, you hint tbet 1 did not bring the ahow here for my health. Bit 1 want to say this to you. 1 will turn lose on our l>ookc any expert accountant you name. If you will flud a elttMU. or a number of citizens who will repay to our treasury money It cost us in Augusta Sunday and Monday, 1 will turn back every cent of money taken In our show. “We are getting out of Augusta with very little Augusta money. We paid our help Monday —a weekly payment Monday afternoon and Monday night the help spent fa.OOO in cash iu your city. This was wage money spent. "We paid out money for maintenance 1- r two day*, pat'l *">l monr > for , U * censes, etc., that make up a small for tune. Every circus man will tell you • town is in clover when the circus hits tt on Bundav. You are wrong. The circus got none of Augustas money this time. “How many dead head tickets did you give out?” „ “You won't believe me when I toll you. Ask McCloud. Up to this date on this outing, the circus has had. pre sented at the admission doors 150,000 P d head tickets— representing a for * ne of $75,000. “Now, I like to see newspapers re eve rompllmetitaries. They do us -vice. But the executive staff had a ference an hour ago to devise some ■4.OV of cutting down the comp, list." “Who get oompllmentarlea pther than newspapers?" “Every man whturc building or fence, in c'ty or country *ve use for bill boards, cky officials, waterworks de partment. police department, the crews of the trains that propel us—l vow to LAFAYETTE IN AUOUSTA A Ijdy Wlki %Wt Mlm Un Min Mwit Mcrv. if ftM Mm fl tt*#4** MUM. f ; |pl Ilf fMl (P'JwiKW «!>>#»-•* HI irt-Mr-'t wd IRNMIMI IH fep« * - AM* *HM «HNm jjlii'i MWM—»» ft## ii IlMiNf St#HONI WH UN PPNW# ii mb#** %t-iS INI fUtl #*i W&W 0 UN inwNW#*' 1 ma a i'liT* 4 MMMWM'f e*MM F»»*e* ***V . . Ufa WmWM* «*.*-M*f e**WWU» <•**• •eel |mT*im*> » *wm mi l ea** •» ifMawW «W* *M fWM • «WWI ** M* Itwaa WWa 11 anoleial «tuM «M> Oa* •rai aw M*Mk •* Mafia* tlai* •** iMMiflMt at t* lii»ia*i"*'»a W **■* ua,< lie eiaa* Wei e*n*M M •* at tfcf »•«*•*. Win* «M* t»*t CeMivarie mm ike Wda e-n »*• •aa aftf* ffi 4«l»(*a U MtW*. «*M H «rea yW* .u, M MMMie W* N** al araatrrf Im* kMM*M t» let* eyeeva* «* M*4mm La Vert. N -la M* MM# teeaeM •«••• 'k#i *•• nf MW e#*( '*M ill Ii floata» MM# #••«*. w ef*»4 toaeiMaf. wNfft# Ms mae- UV aai <Mf* #i Kl*« Mr# W’*»-»*. #I«M» MIM ••• P*** alartv f pi* >■»■< W rtw krt »*mM IW* Ball# a,#***!* »#• MWMIgHr fcaeMlv nei tk#l k# *nw# tawkikt* fcr*ark#a mm 4mrtttm4 e»*pk|r#|l» Ika »«*•• fka*t a#*k*a #rwM«4 » k*» koao# I* (Im bmM* etta# 4 *4 Aae#***- *** eMkanw# WawaMtoa* •* i*» *»«**► *ri*a» CO# ftaer, Wwi ***** *kMM k# «a#M4 H* k*4 two# t* Ml Mml teM*»»i *»•>»# pa*Me «Me we* *a*w#t* *•» **• Mf**# 1 '* 4 1/1 Map o»*r k» • n«a>iln* *ai Mil TV fkW l*4wrM**M «»*r»4 «ke aa- MfiMia io hod mm tkat aU tka ****** voaM kk* kiM ll* **pr***f4 kHaafll m Mae tkaneei •« *k# pt*a*a»i. f»4 i bat eveatag fc* »*«•*! r araiWl k*w* 11 of tk# epparkaaitv uimi t* kiaa.oe tka pi*Hv young »»»»* fcoi wkea tUa atara ho«»*tv «**• «*4 «ko*o »**■» ' «44»r priaaft fuifi*. a**a tk* *#• I«ka4 «4 «M r4'»k**> , mu p>ql4 aat avail, aai tk* Mf* «ko Vr» a akat M »*• ,n k* to* popalar with wofßf-a »ta«»aw*f4 oat *a k* waved kla anleat adMlewa bark • Plaatv. kotif*. phwtv'" Mr# Walker kfiae too >ooa« «* d* ta ibe hall. »a* re amifd a* a rmm- UiUm. la tk* abaeae* ft *er mother aa4 aiftff. to poor tka tea at Ik# kni* ■upper. In h*f eirtleroeol #he «P#*t 1 the rrr»m-)u* and *a# mlldlv arolded , for rnlnlr* fcrr prrttf frork, Thla did aot tend toward* mektat her love l*r#v«4t#. #«4 •" p*rk*p# that w## whjr the 414 aot ear# to rr mi mber on* *!e#l» * f '4 art’lfo bv tk# mrrquU to Mr. Wlll#rd »n<l 4lrt#l»*l by the Lady I’rinelsal #t Trwy to the eirl# «4 her #etni#*ry. #ouM»e whom war Mra Walh#r you a rlreoa dot aoi. la any laataaa*. tft fotnoUiine for aothiat 'How many compltmenlarle* ara g.vrn to oeaeioiper. to Aueufta’'* “All newf|)#par# in Auguatn pet about 135." “How many oompllaff*tartan war# glvrn out In Augu>tar‘ ■ A bit over 1 jm. nffrlv l.&OO.” Col. Sella ntya there In oot muck money In the .how bii.lnew now. He w«» with the lift w.gon clrrun that pawed tbrotigb thl. roumry. For totne rt'iMm that Col. Sell, ranoot now reeall the cireus did not .how In It .bowed '.n Aiken. Klber ton mid Wajnr.boro, Col. BelU< pre fer. the rmaroad .how to the nrnicin (bow —g. much more convenient. How ever, It la much more expen.lve. The Colonel ha. been In the elrcuf bugincag for 2S aer.wm., all of them In America, except one. In Au.tralla. lie I*. po*» ,bl > r - thP V(, ' frl>n rlroua man. Io point of continuous service In the world. He combats the Idea that there Is big money In the buaineat. *'l hav» ; hero In It. a. I have wild, twenty ! ..ight years, mid even had I cleared SI,OOO a year I would have a snug sum, but I e unot make amti n showing." Col. Sella la n one-ring at least not mere than two-ring—circus raau. He ! maintains that the clmwes now being i p U t on are too expensive, while they ; do not draw larger crowds than for ! merJy. v * or*p THEY HOLD THE PURSE STRINGS, T'WF* AUGXJBTA SUNDAY HERALD COMPLIMENT ..»« r«u- PIKE CHIEF An fmportant Appoint* ment Announced. Ill'Ml if ttf t%mM (MMtlkfV r« im, tk# «%M* tM tkf *##«*»• ••* ♦* wm**ww r##a* A •**•»' e««**#d •M*MMfIM» V«*4a#dMV •M*ak**f* ►*"** ihgt, * the, as Mfvwm a* tt **• r «#y 4Ms la«»«i»MT'f f aangfwg *1 it, Laws. Mt» M» ***** e*M #i *k» *•#*#••«** k#d •4 it# *mpmm Mad ■##».#### «• *k MMtt rum .mitt#* A* titttt f ika #•#**-■.,#»•#• tmi Ma ea*lr«M»aik^ am* Tk# «k*w*ms#ai* ta a p»ar* •hM w eafitad »**•••** ***** *** rnmmmm* mt*** Mm #■*»*•'•* J * *m *t»* *e avwarwNßf ***** #**«■■» **f m #y«%<i u. attk mmmm ** *** Tk# iiiftw## tt* mm t**v, •» emda a# fc* ttnaidfi *••#*»« r la a# 'tattawa r. I, imMftt, iaewma. Oa . fkatr r Ma*» Reward lemkttltt#. K*. Ratftr* Mwaei. Tkt* M Y OWMt Oiaaiahare. Maat**#wm. “• gr R R»a*r»*. fi*a«*r. C-d I, M Mwrataa. Rarwm Otf. Ma : J W Wektaana. CttvkUwtd ° «rsa C MrAtt*. MaHtarn**, M* Ckief IhMrtaft kaa aeMttrd* Mill* la #*»(*"*»» •* »**■**• tt* *•*** tewtta* of are****»*■» av r#pw#t«a »•# tka etttlr»aa#kip. <kat k# t«H ***** a. dfflrid- WIMtfWLOT »e» Iko Always CMMtwawd Ik# Wfrt##* ttlrMM Tk* amathly r**»rt# froai Comml#- »i»ner at IMM.« Work# Nlafc*« Wine |»I4 nlamy# roMaund the airtrWM .t --teatloa la ttty •wnaril Tk»y are ear#* lull* aad lateie*Hkf>r prepared, are eowrtae and a* ,er lgist«> pm ye in.trwr «lva to tfcoae bilged WU* tk* roadart Of (Übltr aiaifd. . I A HOSPITAL 81IIP'8 RKTt ? RN. THs hespiol Shm Mtswisri «m«d to New York, fc... !*orto Bise. OetrtavMto; gw. k 3 lUrd >;/...1di. r Mid . .Tiluw AmbrUaww »>« •» kMid w cos- Zk m .hi U?VU. Thsw -cm 44 wviratty ill. Ten dwd e. roew lro« fWM. All siMkr io hig‘. >»nns of tkrir treotnirat no th* X. «»*'un Heretofore there have been no re- port, of this n.ture to council and no Information—ao valuable to the public ha. been secured of the city work that to going on. These reports are always looked for ward to and while reports from other departments are passed over without any undue attention, thel of this com mission commands the closest atten tion the moment Its reading by the clerk to begun. Fell to Death. Mr. Ellis, of Coffee county, who was 38 yeors of age and weighed 411 I pounds, fell from a mule cart a few j days ago and broke hto neck. , arki• *t * nrri itm* »* rkdkCiL ****** *,?g COL. I). B. DYER -AttWHh.e ON THE STAFF Something Brand New In Georgia. U» fttddri ta i Rrfik ten. tkf • I**4 o*4. Tad I know afce* aay.htae •* arm#* • bout VaL Al *m D Okddkar. mrtmmmt m uawrei*. aa 'b la am ika *ka»* rfciae rmapkawaiarUy. tfc*re at* tk#** who ara e»-»w**d Mt fc*m wka aryatmi, iMwaan*.ktag' \ , OfttaHly aat thd Ik* «aaa «k#a •* fellaws d*a* a**a *tt> »*W » .At tn»aA > MM iki t aauttt m n, -g I r (.Idly ks Tom H-.a The 4k**> had a »#*• a*u» lor huff wnunAkad tbougaa •*• ,um **• t* etaoodk tmd of UfkV*«at Tom hid written to the Colonel and bad leu him j under the Impression that he w«d a Democrat. The Colonel waa not to be blamed, of I course, except that ho “was too quick •with the pen" and when 1 printed the ! Joke on the Colonel—for the fellows who enjoyed it told me about it—the Colonel cried that he was being “bushwhacked.” Of course the Colonel, who Is the governor now my governor as well a* the other fellows’ —will not soy 1 am "bushwhacking” now when 1 tell an other Joke on him which the boys have been enjoying for a week past. He has appointed COt. D. D. Dyer, of Augusta, on bis staff. There isn t n more gentlemanly or more enterpris ing man in these parts than Col. Dyer. If l take advantage of this opportuni ty to say of him that Ut is one of the men who is doing more than his share In endeavor to progress Augusta, I do him justice. He has big interests In his keeping that ore located in Au gusta and for that reason—and for the reason that he is naturally premier of the Pregressits—he never loses oppor ! tunHy to shove Augusta just one more ! notch ahead. He sees tn the city's ad vancement the betterment of his own | interests —and. well he just can t help getting in the swim to push ahead. He I Is built that way and will always be \ found an indispensible auxiliary to the successes, wherever he is located. | But Col. Dyer is a Republican. Of 1 course that is his business. He has as 1 much right to be a Republican a® Van Wvek had to be a Democrat. He Is a consistent Republican, believes in Re publican principles and because of his maintaining these principles he wins the regard and commendation cf all. But. down here tn Georgia, it is so un usual to see a good, old school, rock ribbed, Democratic governor appoint § Republican even of those high toned Republicans that wq all admire, like Col. Dyer—or his staff, that the boys will talk over it. u A DAY OFF “•MAO IN COUNCIL Ixgialation Waited for 24 Hours. fmatil Rfiaras Krp laetr Ittrl \*t% Tkme taal aay ate pibae aa me** •trriea. hart there ami aa* tma k—p tag eeod »tor:«a «*Jat. Whea t aew at tk# eoaaefl merila* the other Meat I aa# aamtrrhat ttraek wMfc tk# nwdiae as ik» ausaiea of tka prev.i <m taeetlae. Tkey a#i funk that. *» quorum kav ; 'a* prvaealad duawiira caaartt mot 4 .djouraed f Mm "day to day"— that la. from M nday crlgkt aalll Tweadar night On inquiry I found that the fn thfal W*»k wa# Ik# **<> grntleouia pr««w*i aa Monday eight. I wasn't them myself, tor I ana aot at the rirraa. ahera Urn etephaata dnaeed gandtiltoa aad alters all the nm of the hoy# were. Now. f kanw lhat lb# mar* an. re. eoveritig from lllae## and at hi* home. He w#« np aad wa# randy to preaida had rouncll assembled, but abet ta the use of a presiding 1 direr a hen raly the clerk an. oa hand* The good clerk could not *n to rlreiae#. you nee Dr. Ihttteraon doe# aot bellr* In th# frivolities of life and he art. «» be ex hort* Therefore he was at hi. post of duty. I am not saying Hut the elrco# broke up the meeting of the august rouncll of the great and growing cHy of An gus.* But I do agy that a lc#aot» should be read to Col. IsHua *WI». to ;c.„ navi, nnd t • T. O Miller. M»— j •pleadtd olrcu., Her#.fler »h*« they are go ng to bill Augueta they are ' cautioned not to date thla town oa the •rat Monday la the month. T The member, of th# rtty council of Augi-rta. Richmond ajunty. »Ute of Georgia, would, under no considera tion. permit a rlrcu. to rnttge them to ! postpone a meeting of rouncll. espe cially when the street* and drain* de partment set out of money, a uniform system of sewer assessment* w»s a*et}- 'ed and correspondence w«* pending between tha President of the V nltrtt 1 States of America and his honor, the mayor of th* town. It wa* a coincidence, however —and an unfortunate one—that ail cf the councllmen had Passing bu*lne*a en gagement* Monday night and each de pended on the rest of h’a colleague* to R.a over to tbs council chamber and help to make up the quorum that was to vote neceeaary appropriations and guard the weal of the villa. It is true that the city councilmen were complimented with tickets lo the circus—for Press Agent Miller told me so—-ami it la true that I heard tell of come counrllmen borrowing neighbors' children for a few hours on Monday night, but that Isn't conclusive, and. in law. you must not infer. It is true that 1 saw three councllmen on one Sum merville-line car Monday night at 7 30 r.nd all three were guarding one little lad, eight years of age. but I didn't see them at the circus, though when they were homeward hound two and a half hours later the hoy did say, “Mr. turn back. wasn’t the baby elephant fine, and didn’t Mr. Robertson laugh at him?" And there were others. Wheat at Our Ports; For the week ending last Saturday. 4,699,576 bushels of wheat. Including flour were, exported from the Atlantic ports, against 3.287,536 for the same week last year, and from the Pacific cr.-vst 1,029.838 bushels, against 1.597.- 752 last year. Corn exportß were 3.011.- 085 bushels, against 1.812.943 same week last year. This statement shows that our surplus wheat aud corn goes to help feed the outside world, and that we can make tilings to sell abroad (from our soil other than cotton. ' Now. 1 am not "bushwhacking.” I won’t unnecessarily offend the gover nor or Col. Dyer for anything. But I cannot help te ling of h i innovation, for the boys have been enjoying It, and Col. Dyer Is too big and broad a gen tleman to mind It, you know. A BLOW AT tiOSSM > The Arlington Corner Crowd* nm* oa. fflit »i* tH N» Witt* ».*«• *• Pa Sail tmm km* •* **a «*#*d a* «m a>«k» ;*m ailMdai Slßht tMffcssst flis* 1 * a :*4 at tie *«**•*»»* kttfi ta talk **** *** s'raats at *fc# «*•** tk *•» ttaadWt ■ ward, t tt» a«# fckew Mm *kpta# ak* satitkagma •# Ik ttms# 'm*m akd dm tmtt*# *** watt# j | tana# tk k#i *a*w»»y aa aa k#t ttsrtt* I m haadk Ik* aad ****** t***A* Tew* ta# »wa •* mm* a» tk# kMt paa tkaata *. talk pants## ssttt»te* ta tka taafca. Tktat aka#* at tt* kftttt* , : t 4m Art' s*tsa kaiwt ka> wka -* tn tgtq gw*(,.i## mm*v* ta Mm ap*a an ,# kad tt ta amt as mU ******* »*• aam ' pmm Hut thr? tt# m**4 t# k <** tastkar at «*• AfMkdPtt #*4 at »tt# jfattw *:*» ■ ***** #m m” tM ttaktai andhm m Marrwl-#* ****** X* ***** tsatniati.* and attani tt*»m •** tk* •naaa ta §mm t** Mm a***##, t«a haw*. TV trha«ttm ***** ta tV pm*’ wkera afl tV k*Mtm*l afa# *d dk* av#l h<*4 #r* nmamwmd TV» t# wfc**a ywa Var tt all—fc*a# *f *V these *«#• Meat fraaduteat r#gts« rat loss wh'*-* the fk-thfat refona* ttnmtiaat** aad k#kt tkat It ttt tma ******* • •**#• tm* twar t# tk# tarritts MskkHßtatlak <4 m* pfdtttetaa k» «mV. aVa •## aataate* later pat kad th#m dr*-' *• nekies at ttckastd***# aad **•**•“ •• foe tk* pftMtki as k*f la* * f ,fc * tfwat*. whsr# m v*r •%*« «k*** m Mxpaattttm ta tk* ttaraad m Third ward to ted that there 1* roam am* wka ha* V*a m'titm f-.aay Kk** »Vi simMsw appositio* to raadtdats* fast »-i«r ike wvr. ahaac- *.redt#»« I# »* hra*h-«#*h tt**d to kad Ik** #* I***! rand'ds:. wka, II to lot# ha# wh draw*, tad asrena'a# that k* to *n ttag Rto ca bto owa etwee*# ta »h# fton; where you see told that Jack »•* fill kaa* made • hag# w***e tm the result ta the P»fth. to iad that they Im a Ma* are* m that 'in# wa d V a aew oaloa darn •* It** Hew tmrg »r# *e r>l*a to «*< floaa without the#* seaaftioa#' Will we hav# to *** out o* th# gomtocsi# or wsih over lato Carolla* to talk aerr poll He* aad strap oar flea* TV "mere aa" ordlaaaee may V all right. Vt tt h#t V drawback*. Aad rtty coaacil to put on aotko that the *#tt tl«H* ? h# »wo Iwifg who ■*»tf* tt-bert' and "heppy. hep. hep ' while id* lad n’l'tit oa the *•«> .»!•—lh*“ more oa all ih# time. VI amre oa a nil directions— when tVy drill again tV Broadway detail will have to V d m bled to make us "mov# on. ’ It ia a fhatne tc break up the Ar lington corner gntherlno: *“« ,c,r * will V as dull as Vvannsb oa# of tbewe dsys If these thing# go on. It Is evsn money tVt • “*ot*a-«« l ‘ nltnaw latroduced the ordinance, any way. Right, of tV Beer D-laker. I l.v nr Is has been shaken by ■ law raae Invclrlng ths rlgbta of th* beer drinker and the decay of beer, drinking. A man entered the Augustlncr beer hail In Mouleh and naked for a "pony tme-quarter IlUr) «iasa of Ver. The waltresa brought him a Vlf IKwr. which he refused, whra he was told rhat the proprietor would not sell a smaller quantity. The man was • lawyer. He brought null and bad the proprietor fined 10 mark* The case was appealed. The leneee of the Hof brauhaus gave tealimony that till thto dcctalon waa given no person m th histcry of hi. establishment ever dreamed of asking for less than a half liter of Hofbrau The court neverthe less gave Judgment that landlord, are bound to deliver good. In aa small nuanUtlee aa 1. reasonable, charging a fair price, and that a quarter liter oven of Hofbrau beer If a reasonable quau ,*“*■ A Big Meet. The one hundred race horse, which took part In the Waycross fair last week are being shipper to Valdosta. CRUISING TO SAVE LOST SOULS. . .. A naiqn* edition is the cruise of the Countess i-.himmejmann, a Daoah »ble woman, who sold her jewels end left home » » Chnstian miMKHUU-y. Aftet '™» «£ the most tnij-ortant ports of E-trope she, with her three /fg?V, *"* iwid America in her splendid yacht Iluett. Pictures are from tfcs New lorfc Herald. .lE&SENOER -TO*- 48 YEARS Mm* Never Taken a V a cation in I Hat Time* IH !«•**•*• »#t«H ks Ml Hkttttrl o*l fdMNM. m- 4N* l.i -'-ttm i§ • rattfwad 1* M* »*tott at am*, t >an avranwaa aw* #Hk* ##4 stta*s v#' *s* wtfs fws t ## ttt *fc* 'Hi hi gif kaa Ms, acswa. • mm aa i kmwsaf. . M# OfuutM Wwfff W*th tV ttottfMkh MMtrtmd m aumiiog.f » tmt kaa km . fs»# M*f #f tk# paustt* k#*t to asgwMM wsq* haws. TV ♦« tm** V Va kdttl . sttvawsuffy tti Mm tttttfkto #4 tka tmo %m htma fa-tsfwi ta **### md. kav 'araht* <a kto •■»**# ttratiag wnk mm •ad Msgmk (k* #****#• ad ***** 'mt w tk warm V •# thrwwk «* fcatth - *s«a ar am tat rrta* am Mr krTwnaar waa ***** kad a day ' karsm* #4 Hi**** #• km a# Mm a'-dMtt mg (ihfi > c» Ika mad ■#** r»ii>*mk* • M# ha* attoffttok-fd tt# » ***»■*#* «wd hm Mtw t*k*a «am *toa hi* '*<*ttf wwtttd prraa va t# dw a# l* ••* ##* tide# *4 k-m that «a »#• •* *4to tt* w,« ss4» csA tag« to #•«*»*#* fa# a rant**, ft# rt»aia#d t» km**** * *k* a»xt trat* tm.l’M **d towtt ttt* Vratt- Vh dt“c# h r Augwat* aad a csmyla tnf gwura fhar V r***k*d »V port Mkktt tt t# rw .to* #4 M***•#**# orvgsam •vt car# «ba tk## *rs*fst wst.fff sect kim aa a iff* w» *tt* ttaad HIM tm a apwria! nmvav to vt v to-## ia tv yaar ikto t***rM d*> drag ito #•##***» to uks a , * r *' •aa Mrt wttfc a#rUaati#a tta praaaad IV MrUaUm to «k* **mm 4 palaU gut tv asssasttgr* told hto * '***» k* V 4 slrvwdy V* kto »#**«<•. aMad* „ to IV trip «• ttt* Mill TV *tt trnd V •»**«. aad Mr O rioaaar **# permitted ta V*# to# **f Mr OTraaa* M • atouac* ettt##*. H* V# saved fct* earalaa* aad aew la ,V tttt if of kft—V »• righiy-iksa# t c etghty-kv* —V **tof* ttt* • ttaad" ram. Ptwptotr ftm tt*. But V pf*f*ra to rsatala «* * »t tV railroad aad *0 Mag ** *# wish#. It V will h. tt#**ttff* r *>«* Georgia Hl# neighbors ar# hto frtsatt*. H# ta w«M kaewa In Atwu*to and there is alwnr. a "good luck and mark health" L>e Messceger OToanor HATI D Ml A TtX) HIGH. WVt tti ought aa I’l'culatlon froai Mr. Pklalry. Thate wa* a hearty laugh la rouamt mt the laat meeting at the txpmiae of Mr Phlclsy of ih* Second. Mr. N. L. Wtkat wa* making n strong appeal tor the Clvk l#*agtm oe dlaance avto.t feadiag «totn* on the street and against leaving uvecored (Fain* on tIMI w ejaculated tV spenkf . We nil re member that n »hort while ago tt ws# the .lock lot of Augusta. There ram* . requeat from a geotlcman who I. new a member of your board, asking the nuisance V *b#'e<t You acceded to the rcttive#t. And what It the result Why, tUlf on# gentleman n*f pu« * rom $40,000 to $50,000 in improvemeotf on the street— 1 ” Mr Ph in lay—" Now, hold on there; you will have the ta* assessors after me directly. Come (town tn your ftg- M *Mr Wlllet—amid the laughter that ensued—" Well, I will any from S2O 000 to $30.000 —" „ Mr. Phlnlty—“That In more like It. Mr Wlllet continued bla speech, and tt was sirong and effective. He car ried his point and persuaded away threatened opposition to the league or dinance. securing for K immediate passage- Let In Eastern Georgia. CartercyMle Courant' The Macon Tei< grarh la ofTerlng for th# best acres of wheal of the next crop In Middle and Southern Georgia. If the Teipgraph will extend tt* offer to North Georgia some of cur farmers will cap ture the prixes.