The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 MONDAY THE AUGUST* HEMIC mm nt§«. mmmw*•# ** Ml MfIWfWW }•* Haww »» •#*•# _J* IhIMI. ~.» •» •JJjJJ * n * * - * »«* < if 2 _ NHIAU) H«Ntt m WIU. f iw» ***o Md«AU» » #«(-«*»«" M#** MUM to* j ••a *T MM »m •*•*«• mi..— Ai |M Him Hm» ••* 1 "2T i'mmm-ii IM CHrtl»«« "(TV *#—>i *1 a» o*#m n*w***> to Mv l«l «r- *» **• »•#*#* •*» im tM r;f>k Imm ***** rt><M tom—/- B*e so# Aw* * o#w* »»««to whl t*iM#*a# •(• ***** m tow k* i—Hlil ito tort t# **» M«4«*r4 KyllW m|i k« i»im>(mi < Otrtl Wird~t tto gfwatow mt llttog II ft. TvltoMt wf flu——l to* mi tlM> iwUrai at ito •***■-• Asluito—in gtoi ifltoWi tbraobb owl ito srwri# bb»* «to4* g**w» P**b*' nuimT tow *•**!*« ito ton*** for llto awtoOfto sbwwsrs of lb* MM trm Adwursl Dwn* ba* eabtodl Into va|, • HwsMWwt ito Mart toaror* «*• intdiiM* ’ At Tto ItorraM to* <* •rrvxl brf Or*. Ito- l»iU»l admiral t*» • l«M to*M on bis obooktor*.« r*tb*r (to hi* »*»u*p** ti»s soa-tn law* "I •» But going to give mr dsugb»**c • «**h dowry toil t ton Mmt* doubtful rial to* fur |l«mn that 1 wilt Mb over lo you. and you tab ru# Ml I brut " Biattrr. | . - * PM ymw "ad "la a paper whlrb «<>** j Hits b* 'mm** wbrrr M raa to rtto j and dlgsated qutnl) to tba fatally cto ri* Poo l pat year advarttoemem If j It la a »io*n oar la A paper where the **blf advertiser* crcwd oot and «mr tba Ultto tinea Sunday *dvertl*lng is alt rlaht (or the b'.g man wbo take* a whola pa«. but It'a hard for the mao with a neat, plain, common-aaa»* ad whtrh may contain more ee»* and better value*, but which ta overlooked and plattered by the ”rirm» poat*r Some aawapaper* (nrget thelj rend er* aad *aerlllt-e everything to the ad vertlaer who, of rourae. ta anituun to put hia “ad." JuM where the reader I* apt to look for hi* favorite newspaper roraer. There are certain new* centre* In The Herald which adrerilaer* can not buy. They Iwloeg to the reader and not to the bualneua often. Under the caption “A Howling Nul *anee Abated" The Sun ha* the fol lowing regarding our friend James Hamilton lwwl«: “Not the leant delee table of the minor result* of Tuea d«y'» voting 1* the elimination from public life of James Hamilton Iwwls of Seattle. Jim Ham la-wla’ majority for congress two year* ago wa» 1«.- 000. He was not known then, tie Is known now.” Three Smiths from Michigan anil possibilities of more from other sec tions of the country ire causing the tally clerk* of the house anticipations of agony, for there la nothing, says a correspondent, which so much confu ses the taking of a vote as the dupli cation of names, especially in the *amn suites, necessitating the calling out of initials as well as surnames New Orlean Ttmes-Pomocrat. The following words were tele graphed to the president last Wednes day morning, upon the receipt of food news from the various parts of the state. Col. Carr Is president of the btg Blackwells Tobacco Co, and ih« chairman of the county democrat c committee: Durham. N. C-, Nor. 9. Callam McKinley. President, Washington, D. C. Aiis with white skins, sons of rovo ittlhcary anc.wton*. who drafted the original magna chatta of Auiericau '-Independence, lovers of the futon attd the Constltiuion, and associates of the fathers of Bagley, Hobson and Blue, are leading the victorious column this morning, and will rule North Carolina ever hereafter. No need of troops, now. Cod be praised. J. S. Carr. »B***MB I* MM WtM [ fHn MM «mM m** 4 #9499* #4 Ml'* I *##Ni9o99 ** * 1 AitoA&AiAfc 999 90 *4l** 0004 #9 1 99909409 Ml $099990999m Bf 's9o 00909 Ml *9* lMtototo| 90900M| .- « :-%*• I 949 940440 i # 19 MppMMMMtol 9000 * to# i tom# «*iM Mi Ml •*»-*** lift* ii MpM'. MiM 09090 m oso9ss MM** ft* I Tij-frr *9m iftlftft ftp#* 44ft S9O fto9* |*Mp A gum* 4 ! 44994 *ft* ftMMft# 090000 4ft I £*#**o* 90049 *.f»ni>-* ftpiftl * (9***9|ft 90ft I #9404901 Ml 904 494*1049 900$* 9# , *f# , «9 I 00M§ M* >,^**M* l! * 'A*'i 040*i*4400 9*00*09 9ft4 10*410*1 #o*oftft9l Ml 9 090000 id 00PW M|Bmm *is # • I*4o*o Ml IM MMiIwMM IMM ft* 00ft fJMftft*** 44P MMMI 44*900 '•"I •»o*ft# iIm«M i# MMMMn* 40*9009 * oft 4 **— [ mMmNi A* wwMaY »l 09*401*4 oft* 9909490 9ft MMp I*"* tt % * to# MNIMMMm #ft# Wfcft ««****# 9m fMd ft*9i Mto#M 9m 9 ft* M 9*9oo** #944*40 00111 M'*'M l*i***9 ft*M9t 9900 ft «t 1*490*01 H'MMl l ’** 1 1#4 !T%* t*ft4* Id ft*ft»« , f ♦* 994991*009 94*9*4104044. 44* * mmnmm MT m*m 00m* 'im •m mMuHiml * tMMI 9/o***'* *9 IMf MltoM A #os9#4ft4a9 9* 'to'" f * 11 upMalmy mmMi. Mwmi #tNl MUmMa did mmMI Ito M*A to**lMl>, to— toto* •■»• I M —toh® to—l ItoW MtoMk tor to > toto nmm—toWf r—tto— to* ••hi *— to «■—. to ito tto» «• *to* to* »»n— I tto irutoiin «f Mr ** wwflto., tot toto. tow* *m «to—. tor ItorsU. to ito# toto* • #r» ito • r*m tfto WKfcMli to A—MU —4 to—toll— to Ito UK im# to •>* to’# I#A to kr#toto Mirrtitol * tfr# « toll any ItoM •cl tor# *lll to —. ■at. rnu iii rai iumut lr# as m. yffAtor mm# tototo. r»#lto4 U#l MotoUf #t#fc: •hr# Mm# Tto— tto *tre— *<mm to tto I— rtiTMl —rr»nr m aMilr ItAto. | ito nltytoai ito —— i>l»iftm# j ito; ito Itot MM* *>»4 to— #44#4 to ; It# torfc and lAat Aofoala va# to to ' tto ptto* ifcto #tor«i4 teal too Ito mtmr trlOM iMI. to ottor worto. tto tooal# Hjmp— I OoH tto I Mia# Tore#'# r.»* ' ■ran #MI Ito M—. (Ml# ftlto tor i Ito llfll— of i Bft AiiaAr— ptMt • ■rphanf ito —aiditoraikai toloi lll#’ ' par onoh. rbl rh# K a##aia Mat all# ! to# aa#4 tto Hr—a ar#a tor braarA of Uoalrarl II wm tto rlrfkMt. lit rr#r. »ho took# U. sail torM—iatlr. j ,«a* mmr to ar##kl— Ik# Tttcra’# tor It. k —mii that of lat* ato baa fall *4 to portorm tor art arllb tbr i aa4 atoaikm of fororr Urn## ami Ito qitrattoa rotn# lo tor artlh a «lt#<loH aho< k. oa# ato falliaf Into a 4#Hliw* W#r# tor nntrlri of 00l and aiarw of Iron falllDß tor? Vlalta lo ito dor l tfira wrrr n amiirtng Ibat hrr# frara of phyakal drlrrmlnatUm orre arotmd Icaa. But what waa lb# mattrr* At laat K waa at’(■<*«'rd tint Kitihurh 1 tto rlrpbanl. to wrigtod and then waa Ito myatrry ml red Tto parhydrrw wrlahrtl 500 pounda mor# than to# tbrm-quarlrr of a t<* railed for . and further, waa fonatanl ly mrrraalna In nrolrdupola. Thrrr ttpon Mme. Vurca ilrmnndrd a amnllrr rlrphaut. which could not to procured for lov# or tno«ry. Thu# did tto rnor tnema Porrpaoah and Bella Urottorx' t'nltrd Hhowa and the alrong womtm fall out amt Auauala. wlibout knowlna It, witnraard th# valedictory perform ance of the female Sondow. SUNDAY'S HERALD Did you see Sunday's Herald? Did you read It? If you did you will appreciate tto laying. "You don't get the newa ou- Iraa you read Sunday’s Herald.” Next Sunday's Herald will to an full as ever of the tost und moat exclusive newa. If you wish the Sunday paper, a paper which appeal* to newspaper readers nod one which gives the mold reading for the leant money, drop a postal with your name and addreaa. Sign the subscription coupon which will to found In auother column and mail or send It lo The Herald office. If you want newa you’ll tine! it In the Sunday Herald IMPROVEMENTS. Anyone taking a walk about Augusta these days can see the spirit of Im provement and enlargement being most satisfactorily demonstrated. New houses are being built, old houses are being enlarged aud re modelled; residences arc being paint ed, and. In short, improvements are going on all around ug. This is most gratifying. It means advancement. Whether it is the bus iness property having money expend ed thereon simply to Increase the ranting returns, or whether it is the home, the outlay for the eohancemeut of comfort and ornamentation. It Is advancement. The Herald trusts that it may have cause and opportunity to chronicle a continuation and Increase in the same. i«aa«t» * MMIMMI T Igpgpi m 4M^pHNi tm* mom §i in in m *w§f*** **»4i I*. ** «m to *— A— a# a—»x m #•*#> in 9lmt9jo9m a fi'ii | AiiNi 9909 *9m Ii 99999 h I ,-**,l m. 9 # nfL m tmm — —i- * A %taantr f f t9‘ ■ <mh4 mmm99t999> m iJp> mtmummp* I mmmm&m w*a| mt l|« —int 9p ii Im mmmmm *9 mms9 •* iti i*- . - w Tgn ig--f * 4 Im • # »—p. *•* I§m 99m rnmmm*#'* 0 dN* mm* •9*i m»9 0m §»tiwNl itflMMi mm 4 99m iwiili 0 —lmitt'ilt# 9%m» >-j» Mri'i cih* 9m09 0 00 0099090901 ilMi DMfclk* Mifut 9?0f90990.. 9990 . ••» tow ##*• taa a glimpaa *4 ill# ’ t tigTr —b—4 wto» awn w#»*» I ’ll— tw— M a DM. ' —4 wf Ito ##•»! ; «w—tof iha# awtfaw—#4 to— A— a# [ M—M—tt— wf ito U—r «f tot# ;!» M#a—Ma Mr R—gwitt wilt to la a [mt wto** a tom. a tow w—to tor.. * mm* —M |lJto to# hm*— *#• Mtlt f vwtomaw *4 Ta#toto#a wittiap# ■ w—# 'i Mwrf toMto—A th— Ito awl to# *** * ■ gtxollt UNOW Its ' ttotofi f,; *h htm9o9o «*H 90 • 00* ttoloftt* *mA k*M’ hifhl aighi ito—ck ito if— •#» ato • nearn# *4 r-*-* l —a malaorw Tbr—ah [ ewi ito w«#M ato art— i Mat# ha*# WMMft# Maharat# a##patatlaaa to —■•### ato rarwrd itolr ato—va- Tto— »<•#'.— which ar# Irraif I lacaMla, wltt b# very marh I#aa toll I Itaal hi w»*#r that that# 4s# n#af y##r i—4 ta 1848. hut ih# wartMlr will to of grrni iai»r##i | Alter m.dfuah' will I# tto b##t tlto# ta tot* h«wv#w ward ato to ttoaa Aa < M'an* who m 4#elt#. (to taaa of aa hour or two of at#—. prortda4. of —•fa# ,ih# a.a»o*ph#f# ta el#ar. will b# amply r#romp#na#4 by tto baauttful and biasing apertad#. The*# l*#r>nlda all aa#na to ba vwdlat* tag fruaa th# eoaatailatlon of l/o and ar# the* pawed and aa Froletair Young haa atatrd. ar# rharaetar la#d by | a "ere—lab or bluish tint, with vivid 1 Mil p* r *l*lmt traiaa." Th# • perl art# wilt b# on anrh a vast and extended aente torlunattly that II wt;i i—ulre wore than a bank or sheet of rlouda to obstruct the long trail* of tbr bunrning mrtror*. THAN Xtlll VI HU DAT. The Sunday Herald ha* announced n desire to naeur# from th# children of Augusta # whit# public school com position# oa Thanksgiving Day. six of the beat of which It trUhe# lo print n#xt Sunday week In attractive man ner to tend to (’resident William Mc- Kinley. who. by proclamation. Issued from tbr White House, has set apart Nov. 24 at Thanksgiving Day. A competent committtee will select the best six of the composition*. The Bun day Herald wilt. aUo give prise# to the six heat composition wri ter*. lo the two beat cnmpoaltlons each of the primary. Intermediate and gram mar grade# of the public school*. Announcement I# made elsewhere In regard to the competlve content. The children will be Interested In the an nouncement and parents will please them by directing their attention to It. Charley Cosset asked a friend of his from the country the other day If she had been out to the fair, and she re plied as follows: 'T didn't went; I didn't want to went; and if I had wanted to went I couldn't have gotten to gwine." ClarkesvUl# Leaf Chron icle. Georgia News Condensed. Mr. Ulehard I). Guerard of Savannah is dead. Sir. Savage, from Terrell county, has located a sawmill at Alapaha. Mrs. Katie I>. Baldwin,aged 70 years, died FrldHy night In Savannah. Private Robert M Laoeo of company D, first North Carolina regiment, died Friday at Savannah. Savannah's cotton receipts this year have been over a half million bales, ac cording to The Morning News. In the new Georgia senate there are twenty-two lawyers, three doctors, three bankers and the remainder of the forty-four are farmers and merchants. DO YOU KNOW Consumption is preventable? Science lias proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough 'tin be cured with Shiloh's Cougli and Con sumption Cure Bold on positive guar antee for over flfty years. Sold by—Mt taiters. T. A .Bitxtoli. Anderson's Drug Store, Alexander's Drug Store. West Kurt Pharmacy. The King I’har- Itnaey; Wholesalers, Davenport & FU'.n isy. TBK JVTJOTJBTJW S2n^jLXdl3 mu OBS6RVRR ahouk Town _~T k m »* ♦ai**— w t%» 09mmwm **mwot99P 00$ 0 « tm t .^.^. irT | a \ n m A C4MNNwfH4 f 4WM9 ?#4 A Iton * Imma " *■* 14 '**- **■ * * ’ 400 $44 40 *M|b» 00 99009900, **T * v * **4oo gk to «b 4 4W4M g% 4 #*t|b #o*4 w# T 4 to » 88— tvgud. Fa#* * -ir~ ** I —*a«*4 b« MMMtealad ato to *—B ms ward as to kto pm <m#glf toto* mt mm Tki* Unto #*#•—*# pwt to# Mi toto <f tto atm#* a 4 Itosh Twat# a lht##4 #*- I .N! ta toavtta wto* a ga#***a## gay* h<* fata la a ***** t tat tantoirisw to ##- [ eat.*#* a Meb#* whieh Mi WMI ••*•#- ***4 tsdtorlaft kg a# lw***t#* wto Aaanrda ito «*# at • W**d fwAat ®to# day. |«s# a# a Jato. Mark a# ; d kto fat# fills— M-a## a* aa# tn* #a#h Mta# throw lag (to t irhst wad as th# au**'-»w ar aad#r kla aval ** #—a a# A# had 4#*a*dt*d (to fagwlar fte(w wi(k tto 4*rito# A few gilaa«— lata# th# la#A#rtn* susd *at aa (to r*r aaa aewaaa tir%#t# all nwato Of soars# Twaia had a**# (a show, ato had ta tea# aa at tor , a»gaiw*iir with wwisa r Tto parforaMtar# aamaed (to Aanri* rag. drskfossM Ito isaadartf#. who had aa*#f last so twrklaa* a gaaara - g#r. ato ttrhlad tto aatlva gaaa#ag#r*. a b<> ihoaght ito for#tga#r at#ll y»* j Ishad for hi* a#glig*»<# Ms this sadwt (avaaia*—« a*a*#rtal was oh-' tallied far a story which a#(tad Mark Just fSW. At Ito Clwk. | noticed that tto Mb haga»d#ra and tha Maiyiander# fral#—iaad right no bly ato w#li at th* rtuh y##trrday It •si aot th# brigkteat kind «C a day and th# dm* and dantpn#— *»f the mtap diuv# quit# a aua*h#r of tto of- Ibvra into usta Th# peaiasnlar stair boy» and those from "My Maryiand" w#r# lt»trodoc«I to each other and aft*r that r#t#Bb»ny bad t—a performed aod th# be bro k#n. th# dn npit#** was not confined wholly to th# outaide. Th# #ub)#rt» of ronv#r*atbm t»#r# varied and many —hot naturally "shop" rata# ft rat On# of th# Michigan officers had r#- 1 r«ntl;> resigned and the following. .1-j lustraUng th# strict ness of the ter ete#. was read Th# r#*ignatioD from the mnrin# corgi of IA. F A. Klnne. who waa promoted from tbs ranks tor gallantry during th# war. I* —id (o b# due to his d##tr# to escape c#n#ur# tor appearing with a detach ment of marines at a theatrical per formance given at a music hall In Portsmouth. A aergeant and a cor poral who participated in the alfalr have already been reduced to Ih# ranks." The Roosevelt Club. I noticed In Th# Sunday Herald a few lines regarding the possible for mation of th# Roosevelt club In Au gusta; In fart, I was asked to Join a ! day or so ago. I noticed another thing, Incidentally, which wag. that the friend who was moat enthu«ia#tie i on the subject was sporting a new dicer —won on Teddy. While descant ting on the Rough Rider's triumphal march from the gubernatorial msu ! sion In Albany to the White House in i Washington, he fished up a first class | cigar from his pocket and proffered It. ' a sample, it seems from a box won on Teddy. And yesterday he stalked into the club clad in a fine new suit of clothes —also won on Teddy. No wonder he's a Teddymaniac. While of course he knew all along that Roosevelt would be elected, I can't, compare him with the following Individual described In The Tiuies- Demoerat: Thn man who knew that Teddy —•was sure to win the race —who had hla money ready but found no chance to place The man who knew that Croker had missed it by a mile —that Platt had nailed the Joker and had It all the while Who knew Van Wyck was fated to travel up Salt Creek who knew all this but hated to mention It last week this gentleman sagacious—has blos somed like a flower his head be comes more spacious with every passing hour his buttonholing fln gers have grown frayed and sore— but valiantly he lingers to tell the tale once more —Ills tongue is made of leather- his lungs ure made of brass no changes in the weather—affect his flow of gas a flo>', profuse and steady howe'er the victims flinch ' the man who knew that- Teddy pos sessed a lead pipe cinuh. Copper is said to have been first discovered In Cyprus. •tU; |:f** I (*■!(- Of I [ 91 9 904944*# $990 I fb4 mmm #|b «■' *»d to Mb M* 1 —— A **s*jyr f *** o*"* *** I t"i fit || I tpirt'T' 4 m 909090 <%» 9%|M fclffiffili ir ls ’W i" 00 99* £ i#t m 1 9m feNlrw tM9 9000* I 9 90$ N IW* 409* 09 Ammtrmm Mi»r* 0$ An ■fit l "4|- l |l 09 ■ u Bln >9 hlm" r Iftlrl l # i, f y«i«iiii»r 9*9(00 91 Mtliutvr Mmi. Xm (NWn 9y Oi* (ttrrlc iff flffil* 14 tfc* $090990 l • tfcr* *%svmmoUe tl»0 Kalian h»« arrfplfd ouf rNKiI lu KddHi'ti ! * *Kaon U Im*" Hi run • ftnaiei 4*r n ruunitm mmm 9m 19 I Tlif «r IN>rtl»n4 Hit >»»! «9i»* |oi • 9*"o* 9m MM i» Lon4«i «h»< fe nmt 439.490 T 9 Hrlt9li luiliortil## hiwN th*’ m*rrm Vm*n* *h9f* "0o mundrf^l Amrritfln ml«il«*»0f M-*. A Knnni.h ot.o»*#r with JK r.1#0004 Cuban ouiHH-at p#i#«»#r* is oa tb# ssy from Cadis to Havana. <t#n#tal W<eid ha* warned tb# Cohan* that Ih# world I# watching their at tempt# at »rif-government. Tb# death #f Oolasto WtlH#m* at Havana I# said to I*# du# to iocempc jteticy and mismanagement. | Tb# last Npanish troop ship to ar rive at KsrcHuna had a huadr#*! sol dbrs aboard dying from atarvaiion. ! dpaln believes herself su|>ported by three of the Power* In refusing to sur render sovereignty of the PhiUpplnea, ! By th# Will Of the lal# David A. Wells various Ithrarle* and c.Hlegee through out the country will benetlt by the same. A wreck on the Lehigh Valley was caused through the breaks becoming clogged by large quantities of autumn 199V04. An esceptlonally heavy shoal of her ring has I teen caught, the steamer lit erally having to cut It* way through the Ash. The great wheel for the Paris expo - sltion ha* been completed. It will car ry 1 .800 persons, but will not be put In mutton until August, 1M». lu his last letter Dreyfus describe* himself ns dying and bequeaths to the generosity of my country the car# of rehabilitating my memory.” Admiral Cerverw's official report of the less of hi* squadron to the Span ish minister of marine describe* the awful havoc wrought and praises greatih the American navy. EACH DAY bEES THE fIEBALD •jWOWqo, *yw|Me»lTMi:wC»|T»iw[> : A_lkAT pt i '« JL 11 lg 13 14 15 16 J1J11!® 20 2 8 2 2 S 3 2i-4 25 2-SI 2Pt'iteS|2i^) * 4#>. THIS IS IT tetodffiMl Wat* *» * «o -» * *# ngsa koto# - “ FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS HID URINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORR’S T t ilortnjr. Hit), Fumnhin(v If Your Skin Chap* Tff #O9 CWmiiit«*r *ji«! 0l9N»i»*l Cr—Mi. |ktr>fe| tfcMPtt *‘#lo »lo’*f 4«f» it otii 9*l- f**#f far* tftd liib4i #• 00»a#ti» osf*l «0R 0t a# tqfam# 00# tt 9uftfti#b. Use Good Soaps. Wt hiYr fIHMML. ofw4 0# 0909 *0 •fltfffttttffftl. Uaf 44 c*ot Bm|A. 4 f**t 39 fftiU, os t 9m ot9 **rt U 0» Toilet Pap«r. I arg# Parka* M rraf\ • Urn N rant. It * (tea b#*l |s|*' X* Stop Your Cough ta tima. It may iaad lo worn, (hir Tar oitd hwmi Can c*«m t ougi*o and Culdi—Zk. Milt- To the Patron* Alexander Drag Co. Tto toad I>rp*it*«ni tot lag hewn r*m<i*#d It* our Moir, he— slier my whole tima aod *l - will to giv*n to the i'r*- K-rqu.ou aod Drug losinam. Nuoe but ito cholmt and pniwst I k*rmae#iitlcals an# Om ni teal* ar* baodlrd tor#, B<m* but tbl**ia>a as Drug* enter lb* I'rcarripiiont »#ui out. Pat lum. an new depend on mv f*rr rOnal *»rric«. 8. C. I>t ma«sr. Alfiaider Drtt Cmpam :t» BROAD BT. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwelling's, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Building. Gilder’s Pills No Southern made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. The Howard & fillet Bri Co. MAKK them. THE MUSTERING OFFICER Is here, and if you will call on F. G. Merlins, he can muster you into a civil ian suit for a little money, and Gents' Furnishings are Cheaper than ever at F. G. Mcrtins', the Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, 024 Broad street. I NOVEMBER 14 . . FOR COUOMO Mv ffiwn pf#tof«l*«JM 0 N(>#»rtc.v u%4 *«*l M«(*|| 1 9$mmw Bump «K 9 VooMff alteoti sifty Cow#h Ml 94 i * ~t 5 l • Slant 10 IAhB. . iltk itolth toMUffi. 11. Garoellt, Druggist. .. ALMONO CREAM , * OahM| , l A mood CfMffi ’for tlw Ml. in. A rn«*» 0(»* i lidhttul Uritot pt(H>A»AHO« 9ft rtol* Ml iaff* Mll#». L I. Cardelle. Druggist. COCO CREAM And RO«C9 Evafybod) In town hftRWI OAnitiis'h roM (!ffdffi And i Ho*#-*, and B»v*ry OCKty ut*B J if, And *htn tn#y ua# It one* tNhf com* bAtlt a«A>n. 95 Cffint* jay OArCalta'l harkADAcillA for th4i blood- LargA tMX'ky*. Tft cstntg. L. I. Catde'le. Druggist. PROF. P. ii WHITMAN, *O9 70 R, Aunt*. OA irts mt trt ram ?* *r **##* • Mgbt, *#•••*• to> (ieo»in» #•*■»■■ aat# W Ato A t et » Amu FREE OF CKASUE LzlsiSS COAL and WOOD nun THI— North Aujjtutk Coal & Supply Co ViastHf aad t/o.tttf (intnsted F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail TboO* H#« Mroagsr Mt Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Riclaris & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. tOilMJf-BION WKKtHANTb. BC3 Feyoclds St*=Teleplio[ie 1 1 mile L*a*»d V< ir*» I.lied to hew York Cbicugo and New Orlesiu. Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for caah or oti margins. Local 1 securities bought and sold. Reference# 1 —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agenda#. Monev to Loan REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gWI beg to notify mv- friends and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six tirst-clsss Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COM£ EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop I'lr’ <t 214 Eighth St., OrrOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.