The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 14, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MONDAY COAL-COAL-COAL tfrymtJUUU; «*t» IfTTAM Iff •** M A*h J«»Ko THK M»T G*AOC« Of Cltu« Off*n l M CJOAL - Affrth*»« »• l«f **«* *f t** tu-tt- — it j — • • 4 CITY ICE COMPANY. At tit At A .IAMI fyyy, 111 t**»# *M ft——*-—* *»■•* MR a#.#m* ffcs.tns Pftg * MMRNMtt ** M * •« *** •• . •** Hi wwift *«***# *» f*»* f fimt* swms mi «• •* ** *** *** g*ff—*-* »?*» ***» «„ * • Mama yaws l *. «* • fflgfrreg- **# *•#»• w « • A ***** ** <*—■—» m* ImM « - «• * •* •? !%»•>«•• iKff. !■"■»< .. »■• | **»* hn i- v««»u r~«M «iM t • mßr (NPBVPp ** tt**F _ -*«** ♦. ** * Bp 2 * rr. 3 •*» •* *•■ •* *** w***B *> •« *• •• ** ** **•»* SH 4 , 4 **•««.«•*•••* ** #• - - * *• *{ un mwit iAUffit m—vs ***** mmmm m •***• IJM£ Hnn 4»*» mum *• ****** w****tmk •**## a#-** » §&**■ wft IHIXI •»*» - flhs4«»*** naMRMI tft ftfttfft >*# "•""'"'■li® r»v«*R |f»r>f» tltM »««#•• »* w-* * # I HMfri IM I *#, I'M— —ni ft §ft RR* *•««% !•#«•» Ititi#* ® Hi|M *. ** •• «. ** *M» < • ft* v *« ts I*l —iRiR- WM9** * ***** H I»**l Mi) mH* IMH J »%% AM *C 9t ts, tv* ti f '*v #*-*•.* a f , a** ** * - tv# htw. ** it y#g s*** f I ». •»•#• tuvfk, rmtat • • ■ *» »*• • ft t». w#4l Vl.n #*»• D"« OOOW frMt ftirttw imM flbMMffM On»iti> ‘> I t •WrtiKi • .. •» ••* ' OfMM**«t;> ARK sMrMwg .. I* • n»»n.<•**«• fit B * »*'•* >•>€ * * ( prttis .. .. .. * *"* 42fWfe*4e* t"4 H M It ....•• • I’* «•*« r «••• w * • •wnitMi ..»*■* !<*• I*. Klas. ■ tv* B C .. .. * *■» front. MILK CBHMvtn. If* »*» *• »»«. pw 4«r« ** C«rti*#ilt. Ml* to afvrf. M *■••* BUtArillNO* WIMBiDMM MlMl • 11 WKKI4N mil M IV tMM. ft twhi •• - • » * mil •» Hv tv***. M «•»**• •• • • l i Cat Mt. 1+ MvfcM • «•* CIV!. * w A.ft« »«. *• ‘ J Prtd« «* lit* WMt « >• trno r. Knm M A a Mlrttaa .. 1 *-• JBo r Kin* H A A •Imwiib* .. t * » •Attala 4-# . „ .. „ .. .. .. .. ■• * *•♦ jao r Km*. *•-»«*••» Otoftta . .. t »-* iM. r. kim. n HMh K c Inland .. .. •• •■ * *'* jm P K»a«. ts tm-fc *« In •• ** * , ; iM r. Kin* M lath mpnrlar . I I-« rniNT* Amnrlrna nklrllacs. ftnft. * t** Mnrrtmar* nhiruann *<«*♦-•• •* * *’* Cbnrtrr Oonk ti*» ntjrlna ***** . * *•» W**hkn* to * Oil* »I*n*»l t. ..«...* Allan n * M flm|«*’n *-* pnrralnn .. a Con if* Spool cotton. I*i *“l 41 American IMBva U*v, ***** •• •• * ***- Plalrr Otla {atitld) ***** t American lndt*n bluea *4l*4 .. .. * International blank* *4**4 •• .. 4 Alien a cardlnala ***«4 .. .. .. .. 4 Allan » Latoaaa *4»*4 4 .India blue * India blue * Eiln»lvnl a *4*44 . _■■ * Martha Waahtn*ton M*«# * * 4 Oaraer'a radlanla *4**4 4 Charier OaK*. ***** * * s TICKS. Bampahir* .. * l * Amoahaa* A C A •• •• »*■ AmoaheaK * ?** Raclpriw u PL.AID HOMKSPUKS. City MU'* •• •• " •• * J"* Four yard, food SS Inch « J-* Lodi ahlrttn.. J \ * Jjodi dress atyle# o***o * »*♦ St. Clair dreaa 4 Ocean aollda * Martha Waablnft.iti rancica .. .. 3 3-4 Mlacellaneoui brands, light weight 11 *-*•** !•* Isaetta 4 yard* plain 3 l-» Thormllke * **J * Crescent ■* I *'* Pelham, 32 bal lto bo* 1» F O. p., 30 ball* to bn* 1* E Q. P-. 20 balls to lb .. 17 l-l Muaeof** B r •< • •« •• 811 n Irt h 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, beat make Stmpion *llk tlßlah foulard* 61* 64 4 *’ 4 Pacific mournings 64*64 .. .. .. 4 1-2 Chin* silk* •**•* •• !• *••• V •• 4 1-4 Mlddletord .t A'.r •• •• •• *•'•« * * V* Slater 6**64 3 1-- Concord. 66*60 * l* 4 Home 3 l -4 Edwards 3 1-3 Keystone .. .. .. * 3 J" 3 Fifth Avenue •• 3 3 ‘ 4 KBARSET'S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Hearsay 3 1-4 Kincaid and others -.9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTEIt. Lime 70il8B ltoaendule cement 11-* 3 Portland cement 12 75 to 8 25 Louisville cement In paper sacks ..31.00 Master in bbls *1.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* *3.00 Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 2 II b B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 31.75 3 H B B cedar palle, per doz .. .. 32 00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 It ope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Kr.pc. Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nails, wire.. 31-70 base Netis, cut *l- 4B base Fi'oVels. Ames, per doz . .. *llaSll. o Shovels, diamond, per doz .. .. 37 00 Phtwels, riveted back, per doz. 34.75 Plow blades base Haines, red top, per doz 32.2 G Haines, red top root, per do* .. .. 32.50 Hamea, best root, per doz *« 50 • 7* •-** RMpBR *o** ** WIB# RB BB 9 RNMRR ¥** ** m *>* *» m#* ** d (MN lAlMiiM* RiMlMk pRR *o** RNN** ®l' ld j ***** **mm *m ***s ♦# »♦«•♦»*% m m j * M nurßMTtti 1T |MRt N f| w K w m* ''ft*** f««f Am *o* 9* 9MN h Mm** RMmRNR **** *f* : **r m s# ** *mm m ' mmm flMm **#> I pm §mm* ** m *** Pm» - T in j «p **■»'*• #» *■»+*>•** * | Rinfi pm #m >t , v M n 0 * It Pi A*** ti**-A’** *| pm Pm «* * tg# m i mut* ■bpPPmr vPP* p **** ***m #• ** i A## %- i: #« # - • §M# 0 ~ns m at am a»*m pßpp* 1 #- pm pm. >»« ***** rn* i hp«m #*i:#*#b*b4 pm IP . m ) rnrmm pm** n h i m. t • pi, %> * ** mppffi mutmm **»«*• *kßwi PumpPr pmspmp «p pp $* rkr rP Immmt mm am»< m*m*m** *%, *m » ««»»*#•• <hi & . | trnmußppi iin pmt *# ,« #». %m **»{ HMfgii • i |h§ imp *4 ** «m M s! i I -r*.. tVPft , „ », », mi M * * PNMMMMI i P-f'A. ml »» „ ## MS •#» Ipwamp cSRRRip»R # l pN» », Hi lit »*ITf iPfifffm A—wa r# nn i** A##•*«* fa »*w IV ... A«Mlwa«k fa, Mb ... Aa#v*«a (ifaMß» ~» M ... j Au#v**a 4'a MP mm .. „ tag ...' Aft 1*44 ....... IM .*• ; All**'* »* tuff „a. M M **• ... aiaats i i#a Mi ........ H* ... * At*a4bea •**.. MR , .. „ .. .. *•■ ... j inttaA f a tea* .. .. m ... »ssw**k la l*U ........ HI »• j Raws* f# tftt ». ...... M» *m j INRsaabss* t If* I aft .. .. I*4 M. - M»•-mI I T* ItM .. .. .. .. M 5 ... | ,KatV fa t*t* .. .. ~.... .. Ilf m ' . *4sa|mas*a Fa-C* ...»• .. M ... 1 (banmtv FA IMf *3 m. I *-4htM It4IL». >*D KONTM (KwtM H rn * M« Ca • #A I*** .. .. . ...... Ilf ••« | ‘M**>#ta R R A tu( Ca. fa tta .. .. .. .. M .. ~ IM | ('harlot la. folMbti A As. : cuts Ist fa IMf ... ..Ml m. tTiartoti#. CalstaK'a A Aa , *u*'a. 2d fa. ISM «• .... hIP ... Ausuata Aa H R.. Fa 1*24 . ... M C. R R. ftaakin# Ca. ttßal seal Trtial *"a IM .. ..f* M AMt4wt* Halfway Fa I*** . .. fl M Central of Oeocgt* Rallaay. Ist csMtaal a.ort FA I*4* .... M * C. of Q. Ml prat In It * Central of Oaorfta liaOvav. < 24 pref laronwa. 1*45 .. .. .. II II c. of a Ist pr»f IB 1241 . .. * t 11. A A F-. Ist m t‘A I*4* .. Iff MI South il. rs« sad Florida. Id r*. IMf .. .. .. Ilf ... I Abulb Ueorfia and Florida. I id r# i*m im ... Ocean Ht. Mou.bip Co., Ist Fa j td I*A IMf IM ... rACTORT BOND* Eitti*fpr(## M tg Co., I*l ft IN* I* ... Fthlvy Ms( Co., tat ra, IWt . 1M ... I Hi.toy Mf* 0.. tat <■. IMI .1M ... 1 Oa It. ft. A B. Co. atock .. I*7 too HoathweMvra It It Stork .. M cat Augusta aad Savannah Hot* ** 100 QttAIN AST> PROVISIONS. n..t« whit*, aarked .. St I hast a. ml xti) aarkod .. ~ .. 3S Corn, white, aarkod . ~ ~ ~ S 3 Corn, rolaed 4* Meal, bulled. p»r buahel „ ~47'a Flour, .. .. Floor, fancy extra S.TS Flour, aerund |>atont .. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 00 l it or. wtandaid t>*i*nt I K Flour, fancy patent .. 4.T& Wheat bran. 100-lb aacka *« Fine feed. 100-lb aacka SO Hay—native, per ton .. .. .. .. II 00 Hay—Timothy, per ton IS.OO fltay—choice, per lon 14.00 Hama-choice sugar cured .. .. lOallVfc Hmnfced rib aldea 0 l-S llry aal riba H-t hard, pure leaf. In tierce# .. .... 6\ l.ard. kettle, rendered In tlarcca. 0 1-4 Stopping One’s Paper. (From the Newspaper Maker.) The greateat surprise which awaits one In life Is that which cornea to the fellow who slops his paper to learn after a month or two that It continues to come out regularly despite the with drawal of his patronage. It la the hardest thing kn the world for one to realise that the world can really get along without him. Incou ce!cable Is It that the sun can rise and set. that the flowers will bloom and the zephyrs blow after he has passed Into the land of the shadows. Harder Ik It for him to understand how n business with which he was connected, however remotely, can pos sibly get along when he puts a wall between It and himself. Subscribers have a perfect right to cense to subsorlbe when they please. Some do so from excellent motives and many from pique. They stop because a single article displeases them, or because It declines to give free adver tising, or for any manner of frivolous cause. Newspapers never expert to please all tlielr subscribers. Certainly noth ing is further from them than to sup pose that every article in each Issue 1 will be eagerly read and devoured by every reader. It is not thought that the preacher will Incline to the sport ing columns, or that the young women w ill go Into eostaeies over the financial news. The aim of a good newspaper Is to give something that if good to all. The tastes of its readers are many and varying. Subscribers who do not like a paper have the privilege of stopping it. but the paper will go right along just the same. THE ATTOHSTA HKRALD M% Ft * FA frtvi A. * fvvaa *> fiv mrnmmrn I ta# mms m§ *» fc4 ffY** * I •**<**# Mas mMMMAMKc Agf fcw a ' Bfn«* ASAfa*** 4M Mb* AW* 9t Mar* l f|fa Mfd <**v *.**«*• beVt, AH AM 4k* 5 ■)ihbir>. pmi ******* rmmp I« m**# kp# t «mpi Pm pppmf fmpm imm I r-ppp mm *** i «mm pimf»iMm pm Pm pipbpppl» . | fßjßftr* ppm )Pm flPpPlliPMHl mP mi ; -*fIP M. PaBNRB #pßßfcMfm% Pi pm [ ipm ****** ***** ***** ppmppm imm m E ******* #Pp iPR Prrp PMI Pi PPRbR PR- I ■ ißjritt m»*mm*#**s **** Pi RUmm#"* %rn Pirn 'f* 1 m>* ******* %*-*■•* ; mm** ****** <MPmm imm Plm mm* PpHpR<BRR RP tpp tdk IP PP ipmipm m Rmtempm* mm mP iimm : ' p«m i«m mi ******** mm | ipm mm* tiRB >mp pm Pi i mpp ppm Pm U*u* Pm fPm Ppm-m: • mpipm Ml *9h» tpPmNPtp *$ *** **"■ l nmmm Pm Rpwmtmm PPP *P* pmim. •pm ppm ppmßp Pi ***** : ppßm ; it mR mptt ppmPPmmi m IMm mm* , mi ifpiipri Pp Pi Pm Pm tPm *Pm i tm*mm p * ****** Mm ■ ] tppl mmmmm ppi PPPm IP* ***** *** j m-itir* mppP* uptyt Pi *m* * ! mm ******** m*m* Pptm ***** *mu* j | tm* puppmmPPi Pm m* pr p m*j** j «i j if P pm ppffipmit Pm* p» j ppf 4 fpm ***** ** mil R*PP . ti -—a*- cmmm«t *i pm**** lit*! tfpmp trmm m i» <pr *• p**m«p*RP .#»' i« pm um * .>) |bb— m tpi* ihvp w* ' iR pRfM PtfppPP Pim «4 ymimPUpPr I mm mm* mm* p 14* pr RR>fp*pPm» f ti ir IP* vplm ms tPm pmn Pr ! % m |pf *mm Um ppYttf—mpf* ippi m*m*r*mm *mm pi *** tPi^'Rpmp *4 ppppMlr Mp< tpm M pm rp •m* asf a<rr iig- iFßtpßßim pm *m**mmf*mm | film* Pm ***** mm m tm******m f As- 'I ytsaes ftr fcCRtPR *t IP* < 'Qpltftfrtl f * ' tpi rp pprPi? of mPm »«• P minr Im im P*Ri-Y llnii‘l tfgßK*# ft rifßiiiifp mm tp* PM ml «MP*f •M fowbcv. Urovj MFB» yffAl ft a4M IP# ppprfttlkflf mfBPF w ■lealrsA ‘Aw h.e react*» few Ufa t«f» fallara IM, by dssyriadsacy l*a| «Mri* W AsAetrd ntAMt Val«a| life ad fur It anil Mrt A«r lha aeKtsve-j meat* y«4i rmA gal lam K He ant aeM taaparlaai Aar self a Ivor bid lt| Iks >.pao that yos are all la Alt la fnsmtf. but aouriak tbit pride nf •»- j diiidualtty IbAl laaplrea saatfy aad lb* fsTf" 1 * mda sum* worthy thiac. whlrb will aalAblisb you a bora hiferl-. orltf. Han** yourself aa scmpoualy as you do oib*ra aad you will ft ad tntHh to mend Which will be n t large ad rant ; age What A world of u* conceal grlayoAS (sulta fruni our ova rnn arlouspeuA Of recngAltllM them de fer the mtndloK II U well to slew our fault* aa luxurKw—crudly lukutisaj 'which w* should determa# whether lor not we can afford They are Ilk. imposts levied oa a horse whbh often) him to loan the race. lift at j best ha* haadlcap coadltloo*. but It la Folly to assume penalties of our own choosing. It I* not dlfllrnll 10 discern the ob struction* of a good pttrpose. and dis cerning, to avoid them. Prurrssttn*- j Hon 1* the worst foe of purpose j There Is a vast difference between] purpose and Intention. Enough time, has been (Anaumed In Intending to doj undone things to constitute a sery re »pe< table eternity. We are ever j "thinking ahouf’ doing this, that and the other. It Isn't necessary to think about any courae of action very much. People who are constantly complain ing about not knowing what to do show an Intolerable lack of flrmneyw an Ifldlrlslveness of character truly pitiable. The real trouble la not in determin ing what la beat to do; It la that we defer the doing. The vast quantity of energy lost through luck of definite, fixed purpose, could It be consolidated and restored, would well nigh accom plish the millenium. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wil ls!, who spare no pains to secure the heat of everything In their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wtmderful rem edy that t" producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cutes. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat. Chest anil Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. A green little boy in a green little way. A green little apple devoured one day. And the green little grasses now ten derly wave Over the green little apple boy’s green little grave. —Cornell Widow. A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness In a child that Is subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy rough has appeared, it will pre vent the attack. Main mothers who have eroupy children always keep tilts remedy at hand and find that It saves them much trouble and worry- It (*n always be depended upon and Is pleas ant to take. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Ether was known to the earliest scientists. I SUOh LOCK IttDr- POVDEB S a tt*o I»s*al fftf mgk >ng Any || I niff of hfaßtl, IHAfyiH M muffin*. 4bb4rm* *** !**•» Mtdgt*. lAVtAufAfllK bOilt> ng houtMtA gnff mutton* of •nfolliftonl houiskaspoii uaa «nff roenmmond it. HttlttOAl a# ntt in hwv*ninff jgiwffx. Cnmbinm* tjuA‘Hy aimi OMttniity. M # nut*c * urtp«l By The Southern ilg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. DO YOU WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE. MORE PFOPLI. PURCHASERS. PROSPECTIVE BUV|3RS f SUNDAY'S HERALD COES INTO THE HANDS OF THE READINC PUBLIC. "Tie BEST to ike CBUPBT EAGLE BAKING POWOER Savn you money. Makgti htffh irratlts Broad. If you valua your stomach (» don't put a IO cants « pound Baking Powdar in It- II if ff you valua your pockat don't buy a 50 cant* a pound Powdar. Eagla Is 25 cant* * pound. 25 cent* I* tha corract price for a good Powder. Tie Hswiri I Uriel Cm Cww HaKK rr. ~ Vkhal 55 >uW Ms Do? It dna't seam to aa that the South baa Wa forgot tan | When wa look d«H* n lha atraat at tha cotton, ndiua. cot low; | II I also platss that the South la getting bigger ! Whan wa look up the street at tha nig- ■ gar. nigger, nigger. And if (ha Lord I* willing, as think wall gat along With our niggers and our roHon It our will keeps strong. - The North ran boast H* syndicate*. Us millionaires and such. ! But as to winter sunshine It Isn't In ; It much. Tha North has gm Republicans .per haps a few to spare; .Tha South has quit« a few with short and kinky hair. "The I gird said unto Moses,*' yet Moses smote the rock. And tho' we warn the nigger. It arems that be will mock. t "The lord sold unto Moses," you may view the promised land. But on Us holy shore your foot shnlt never stand. It matters not to us from where the nigger came, It's a plain and simple fact that he got here nil the same. Here's the question of importance, and the one to look Into— If It wam't for the South what would the nigger do? But they tell us from the North ts It wasn't for the nigger The South would hare a blank on which they’d have to "Agger." Hut as weeuld before. It’s neither when nor where. But rather the oondltlfm that's needing of repair; And now we say again, between me and you, If It. wasn’t for the Squth what would the nigger do? t He won't go to Cuba. f»nd the Northern people say: "Our climate is too oold, you had bet ter keep away.” The time Is good and ripe, the .South has got to act, There is no use to simmer before the burning fact. So let’s talk It over between me and you — If It wasn’t fnr us Democrats, what would the nigger do? Do like he’s been doing in the Caro lines. Tom. Brown. Augusta. Ga., Nov. 12, IS9B. OASTORXA. Bmw ths Kintflraii Have Always Sought T* In mounted inspection today, troop M ran into rough ground. Three horses fell and trooper Hamilton hurt his knee. Private Hill had his gun broken. CALL FOR lufusia Brewing Co's EXPORT HE Est SBSXgLS] o IT GEO RG TA~| I . ; J Our Draufthf Beer Has None Superior. —CAI4. ran— AUGUST A BEER. MONEY TO LOAN: In *ny sums d*sir*d from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years, or on lOyaarstlme. payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&JotiDsoD Agsnitße dtlah Amcr cas Morigsg. t,ss|sny, 705 Broad St. ? PORTNBR’S j C MOI BRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / i Export \ j Beers ] ? ARE THE BEST i S ANK FOR THEM. / a n. MITCHELL Ai.Ex McDonald Supt. of Cou. Bsc. * Osu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Supplies—awaking Tnh-s. etc,, etc. R.’P»lr* to all Electrical spisratns. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Heir Phone 1002. - - - htrowger 676. And veer LOW PRICKS t arge *ta.-k. Atao VIPS' VAt.VEW end rtTTINGS. S.N -(IINr.S. KOI I NKS. MILLS arid It It P A MIS. Lombard Iron Wtirks & Supply Co., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1993. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.j 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersville . 1:19 p. m.j 9.09 p. tn. Ar. Tenntlle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.j Lv. Dublin '10:90 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:55 a. tit. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. SandersviUe. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnill* with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightsvllki and Tennille U. R- for Dublin and HawkinsviHe. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson. Joseph U. Sands. _ Receivers. ’ f*<S!SKt *BtUM»*t» ***AM«**UBI ClMfltklon t W Carolina •t* MIR ft *•*»♦***♦♦ *{** j»* m iFMu% tR> INNER A *#• *** **** [ ******* 1 ** m MMM&hr* I tflf jfiS ] § fwm m*mm % w****m m*m***mrn *■ *'■***' n I 'tmmmmmm + -<*»** *********** [ * *******.«-mm iftii»*B »i & ***** »«•»* AN** i ♦ **m*mm - ; # mm* * *mim**t tr * -M«MMB**v *' Mtftfttt I fMTUti rifcd -i 3 *«* m+* ; i *C ■'** | m JSETS+ !! t«Bft« |hS pt I * *mmomm**mt .... m; ,,, s |; /I^ s fripii * mWHPhl «'**•»■»•** %***m * I * wtmmmmg. •• «s•**.*.' ***>* f*~— I fy—y- 1 5 s ■* ***** M * fttiji ißipft Wm*k&+m - * rßmpb #♦# **#« j A * ****** •*«»*'< a#a # I t rPtt »*•« *** | * (avMI **«• #**■*•****» I f **• j ■* Wmmmm »**# >« •*-»•«« {%mttm *** *•*♦* ] ♦ 11mm—ii. —» »• 1 %S*mm >■. r»», I * ftpMMßMMtta**»« mi f *MI { I »«**l' ® **m I * smm*f**J&*** »«•••». j iff»*#* J f mmm: "fiilhiiM. 1 tmm*: Mm ************#*#*»•■••-.* 1.-tftfßft • • Rttft .. I %**ofm E ftttftM* j 1 FA4*S«T-. '....... “> ’*•* #• <l»iS|, .......... 11 t* | * t f iffrtft #»» ft ARftiHPR ft fti— **m | | ftft#»#«p*ir# Rif 9*mmm f rWi MR Mi pbbW* , iMkhl, 4 few maf —~ iar •• 6»»»»sA»ia< pw A* -- a.a 2 g. | »a • a*• *••»»• S#a Agth kssF »*4A ttfAMt# j i*> vai aNaave aksw At wws ' ns* whaWaa* s*s. sriMwsa ».| 4 KgM» Ms* Is* S«* B.ft, *n:-lF * As»Aat uk f, it gMlLcofe TvsMkt Asa**— AfetaMa. 4*a BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M C MUITS& Mm**** Mmmu**m*, ms*m*mm * fail Ah • 0 FVti *#cff Ota. rha F Ctaos D*a M(S*4 • Ml* 4 My. My s Mstha Wy Bf. NaO Hal £ Mail j AM IH I |AfTI»a Lsaws FM iAM HSi is* ff.~ AadssasA *. * *»tt « ti li I M R..,. Deaaae ~..f 2 4211 II IS *: t M2* .... Aat as .....ff 2 Mil M Fl* I .*I3 f a lfetM . A 3tSt •: 41 F»2 I *FI<! chtt OfMffff f 4 • 11 •* 2:42 I 4# It A4L*n »Cr AF« ff 4 14 tl M j lb I 1524, .. '2KNACA ..A 4.2* 13 4* *l2 , I j *'*ff * *f (Iff. MesU t'ctOA a **F I »i (24!... AalhalM ...A I t*' AM 'FM I |L*at* Airtw FM FM y* U lt*4 KaJt WA » • Reg*, tar SiAlloA. F FVsg Mitts* Alt rag Aler traiAS fram AaAasaaa ta ATe,halls have right ta track aver tram, a* Me ram# class moving w op yostt* direst MM*, unless spec- , ined by trsts arders A'til alas step at wlr* *tstt*»»# ta lake is as Ist off reaeog'c* Fhta s. Jam** ang Kaauv Aynas*. No 13 crAasr ta with Bouvhere rail way Na. U at AAdcrsoa. Nos t and * e*n*»»ct with Souther.. railway Nos 1Z and It at Aesaaca. J. R ANtIKBffOM. Auper'ateadaat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. AHUKTKaT AND ffUICKMKT ROUT* TO THE KAtT AND NORTH. IJUpni' Lv ..Augneta, Oa. .Ar j TU«a 3.s*pm| Lv ... Alksn. Ar ! 112 am 4:l?|vm| Lt.. .Denmark....Ar 4:l7pm 4;sopm! La.. OrßAgL'g....Ar ( ( tosm 4 04pm| Lv Sumlsr A. C.. Ar j 4 2*am I Stpir.! Lv Florsrua —Ar 2:25*m 10:*3im.| Lv . Farms villa .. Ar t l*pm t:2lamj Ar.Petersburg.V#.La l:l?pm 4 Miami Ar Richmond ...Lv | I l?pm 7:4l*m| Ar..Washington..Lv I I 44pm 2:#l*m| Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 2 SSpm 11:25am Ar. |l3.o»pm 1:03pm! Ar....Nevr York... Lv j l 3Cam Pullman palacs buffet slceplr.g cats from Ma< on and Augusta to Nsw York without change. R. A. BRAND. Ocn. Agt., 723 Broad At.. A Brunts. Oa. T n EMERSON. Trafllr Mimager, H. M EMEHffON. Gan. Peas Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 139*. (90th Merldloa Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah I SP. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta S 40 P. M. No. 6 For Marnn. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. S:2O A. M. No. 52 For stacon. Atlanta, and Way Stations 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. I‘4o P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta *:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. " N.-«. 1. 2. 3 an:l 4 dallv. Nos. 6 and 6, daily except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta nnd be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., j apply to _ . M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. NEXT TIME YOU HAVF A HEADACHF USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only K? HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. RFMCVFD TO 711 BROIDWIY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals. Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strowger Phone 262, WELLE O 1-’ O Ri O R Cl ! A NOVEMBTR 14 ttfftlittl'fftt WMtpVhffa S. C t C MIUMI CO • » * %+ ********* +*** rtint ***■ urn* h«*m ******** 9m** ftaMftl t ) ft A II ftft* flffft ft | I *Smm*f'*‘*mom**h vIMNi 1 09 t.»fUflu twin m Wjp' I# >ißftfti *** * mm** i $ * * imm m* w '**** *$ * ift. t,**mm | §+** ***** I 09 ( i jggffn t'lUftfr' iff f • '**4*o | ft* ~ ft-ftM. ft* * f ******* **'’**9** i M **mm*#*m I* f****m ****** |O9 « ftftn riTigfft .ftffftftffft « » i ♦ ***** It * < ********* t- % f*o* ***** f*m*9 ******* \ %* §-*****-***mm (U *m* < >■ ****** | ,i 0 £ss m 4 lilt 4ft *"%•» nft Sm fft ffggft* # ffffftftftf |ft 00* Rkuftft * ft# % ««R| a ft ftftiffffMflk J*o**m* I • pmmb * •o*Jit*mm I *9 *****99 9 9 J*o**m %0 ***** 90* ft &MMB ! ft* pfcftftMMft- MUft * • m **mm J ft* f**m 4 ±*m» I * ***** ft * itm* > ft# fttMft I*** ,Xj*m*o in ftiiMfc t ***** | ft# ft#* % ****- ft# ****** t***m 1 00g0t*0mmm aft 4 %*om**m mm* **** I %*■ * •ffg»»i«fft o*m». •ftft »*<ffiiift»fftt m l /»tffn ftf— ft ft »» *<M ft—i. ft ******* mm mm tip. m/m mm* m*m m*m aft s*mm ft mm o m* mm** ____ 11.1* t ft s***m<rm ****** w**t****k iSßp# MRCpftl nr *m«*m** SOUTHERN RAILWAY. -CIL o|r iMlti'M tftftß* *m**o ******** *** ft w* ff .Jj3;j J SS g, S'"— . .. 1 »*») «■* sWxr~ T ' -;l • -fei ahd *• tt r I *»»,— * t'&ZZ.'f*’ : .1 ISht ftp 4 * n3's mrnf* V?v •♦♦■r- 4 o« 1 |gr£ is! Ar SUB . I J gfl ftr iiffwff#a*impi \ft #*, **« _ ■ LJljljji..— mtmmm^ • jj—pulp * ' j))m3 imp Z m+~~4 >a> ) A# W—irtiiftiff# 1 ? fa* -J * J a it. ..... I ••• M ftj • tmumu *mm *'•! SMa Si?s • jfffP 4bSff<L a...| U * *• 1 HP- M Mp4l f lapllr M. Wfpt" Ytvrft. yv''lft-ft ... I | Wpj 11 Utl • I vs .ft# a ....... I I iftpf ttmm U ft tti* imp sty. lump, M »» Im mmmrn* ... j tflteftj t»otm L* DmvUi# -• • j I >i>j I lip 1 Lv ' BorlatS I •«]* * Ar tir.»a»>ora i * 46 a, U BrasaShcaa t Mp • ibwaw 5 14. iv Ay • It.-a RIU ... . tv Si. It Wy • owm tea*, it try • b l»*»h»n» . tl «l . 12 -it s fr Ool’kl. Aiw4'i M t. 11l v. tkfeah* f. ,opt i 11 pi I - j..»,r..*MM I f(SS| S4OB : “ Traalaa 1 ISM 48* * (iranttavtlls,. . | a®pi ;g* t r *■/“* • i-*f § Iw ,>dalilil*. ' * a»aj I tty Lv Span aa oar* It ai. 6 Iky L* OW Va. At-*u By .. I nip leva Ar Ly Ourkta. VCAP By lit*. It g * * r.vHan.l, 4 47* IS* f - .»(, v li. si htriVfl CAR •ERTirg gi -.‘tleiit dMIy («-*mg#r mrvt.a baCavm Fk-rot. .rd N.a York Im K SMi it. W ariuagtaa and fe*fe»«Wft Lin mi hoiid VssUbu.-d train with diumg an and drat ntaa oarlio aorrh nt (TtartMta, PvUzuan drawin* roMn ulmptng ear. b.twma Tainna, JaekwanUa, na ran nan. Wartuagtoa aad Saw work PuUrnan fiieapta* Car* t»4*"ii Chariot t# and Kirhaiiad Pullman drawing-room »,string rara b» twarn (fra#aat>*>ro aad Norfolk. I lew <•. -anao- Hon at Norfolk for 01.0 POINT COMrOBT, SiTtODS there ta tuna for breakfaat. K-'lld train, with Parlor ran. bat wee. Cbarlckan and A«ha«U e I Boa 95 aad a*—U. 8 Pant Mail. Through Pu.lman drawing room huffet alrojitag can bw tween Jaekaoanlla and New York and Poll- Can ■irei iac < an between Augbatn and Char tte Pullman »'*ep'.ng <an telwwo Jack !r>nwtll* and l olumbla. en route dally latwaea . •keinvltl. and i inodnuali. rla A.havUla. HANK C HANNON. •> H.i'l IP. Third V P * Geo Mgr T M . Wa.tamrton. W A. TURK. s H KAMDWICK. (*rp. A Waahtogtaa i. P A.. Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. IS9L Pullman between Macoa and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Aa gusts and 81. Loula. Lv Augusta ..| 7:obaru| 8:20pm|10:S0pto Ar Atlanta ...:i?:3spm| *:2opm| t.OOura Ar Macon ....!ll:lsam| I «:46at» Ar Athena ....|U:lspm| 7:3opm' Ar Galnegvll!e|*3:4spm| | Ar White PI s *l:oopmi | Ar MSll'ge le .|10:10am| j 4:3oam : Ar WAsh’ton ..|lo.Toarn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Suc.lay at 6:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Millcdgevllle at 8:10 p. m Trains arrive at Augusta 6:l* a. ov. 7:45 a. m., 1:20 ,r. m . and 3:26 p rn. A. Q. JACKBON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P- A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:13 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 Leave Lenoir, Stage * .. 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. g7w7h ah per, c. f. harper, FresidenL ®- *■'