The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 16, 1898, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY AN ATLANTA I BELLE'S HISTORY IN* ' »<«feg ft* • #•»■ Ip * Hmh (>tt hw t at MN *«■ Mtf t%M N-okoo Sana* at **mm • ftft* ### «Wt Hft>i#Ni#t iH f#ft 6Nft#ft #f t## t##* #**# #%nn# *#• i§ *#nm*4 ## m fin tin# ?«** fwnii *in#iflN# #<•* ftMM6%®#6 4 #ft4*ftft#l fts##** ft##Mo ## ( Ift#***# Ham# r" ■* «f tin i# «K*4*i» ***** <m» #•» # fftn ** # j ##*##• lt< Mwp»l« «ft#i «#* #44 # 4. (I i«aw« • ttt* tainv i* m# m* <!• kaoaaffW 4NIHH *# *k* to*W rtm 4 hm y —boo at i—ao*** TM» mmmm Imm twww-o mwm Him Hit «k*w Ml MMIMIMI o*4 MN; tOflw Ml iMMMIII wot *# Mu o*f—- ikO* Ml MMT Mlu'l M MMff. *k* tm— * mm i»<*«> mm «.«■» v NMMNI Ml «• It IN*• »»lkg • #•«* ‘MUM k* Mai On— •MMW Mil Mm MiMlilww of Mm *M—I Brtda. r» i|M puiMW O*rHN4 o**4 IM Im i»M ahwUl Mm M«*W* So 1 Ms •MM Mm M tt»M# fvlt't Mil Mar on* j IM* IS • IMM Mat* frtUD XeO , Pm** ff—OkOO Ms» • IWM't am mm oMevtaff* koo mm Mm h MW* Ml f*oakt9 M IMM of Mr M*Ol 1 k—ow— *M MW* alt aortas <!•• fro ] Mm talk *0 004—tffkk— VMI ftooal •onOt MIM Mr ><*• ffOSOanni • Mu all— as hr* no— IMo 'IIOIm* IM a—rto* - HOI o«M Olffkto loin j nmHm* I—4loo to tk* tWM of 10*: CfiMM* §#r •#!*# *## Ift 4nw# > sflnr (Mr t oor ot tk# rl.i* oof. K*i 1 IMO f-rokaa orol l« Off 800 ffOM *<• •«>«•> t*4 lo (M iootm of o inn* * of a —staff" 1 * tr*t4*o— oi IMuigod k—no* (hWf foofl— of Ik* »*ff— * 0001* H« 004 Hi »w« o ktgkt? o—aoi' p»m wxuao MM liw W ‘ |MWf 000 okro o*r 'Jropfci—» oor* 01. OO 00* to go to arOooi *k* lonO llto 000)1 ('OO OleguO *O4 OMIM4 10 liOOM Tk*e* K oar that Foes* fttrokoo *k* v«—o#*r of Ik* daughter. tker Motor 41*41 gvv» to oaoMMikomt H*f«, «or 0 —eety girtbao! She woo as * ooiwr* lo k* kn*4 k* rwiMi Vim ok* oor Mil! o rfcild noaMi rolled k*r Pit Tk* MO* rim lo Mr A* PM sk* heron— 0 —I> wronger. adopted tk* koilkr («m of •Mtoor P*i ktroboo oa*arloi«4 wttk Ik* trory ’ Mat (Kflf* to a town not*4 for It* rial rkiro ao4 diarrlmioottiM. Hh* MOO Ik* Mol rnd Iko l**4*r of Ik* younger *Ol. H*r »* «-otoj»li*t»:twni« wr rr mani Oho would dance end atffg 0»<l *o|r mmv toittjr tklnm And Rhit* ok* oot MMB* of Ik* roo—otlon t •litl SI <t*ftOß do oa* »<niM bov*, d'*oa—4 of hreotkloc o word Oooloat ft* fair ha I rod dauchtor of th* Or**on rkt*f Juail— Chief Jurttr* Otrahan 41*4 In MSI. and hi* toautlful da<tcbt*r oaM a Malt to Or*c«o to tk* funeral A year or too aftortrardo »h* and her j oiothfr weti! abroad. Thay ap*nt Month* In lxtndon and to Porta It •raa lo Port* atrnrtUag to the beat aeeounta that Pet >trahan en>oun t*red William A B Moor* Sh* atnuaed ter friend* in Atlaai* by te!i> lug ihetn how peraiiteot t wooer be had hwn It ta certain that the thought him a tingle man. Her mother was with her. Th<y had no leaaon to suspect that there waa any thin a wrong about the man President Mc- Kinley had appointed to a consular agency. Fayne Btrahan w«e not married to Moor* when Mra. Moore No. 1 en countered them together in London, after Moore had deserted her He was them eimply her admirer, so per severing In hi* attentions that ahe at first laughed at them and then yielded to the n. It vas after she and her mother had returned to New York, the love-smtt t:n Moo e in their wake, that she ae ecmpanied him to a church op town and was married to him. with never a though of a woman left, In dire ex tremity at a London hotel. By what prooe«* the lighthearted Fayne Stra kan developed Into the adventuress described by Martin Mahon in hi* nar rative of the affair at the hotel Gre noble, there Is no means of telling, for on that part of the history of the chief Justice's dsughter nothing has been told. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin de»T, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you. have a bilious look; If your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look: if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely , have good looks. “Electric Bitters" is] a rood alterative and tonic. Acts dl- ; rectly on the stomach, liver and kid ney*. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. I Sold at Howard & Willet's drug store, j 60 cents per bottle. An Ineffective War Record. Not even his war record could save James Hamilton Lew.a, says The Springfied Republican. He it wa.s who claimed to have forced the war u,pon the administration by his attacks In the house—and even after war was declared he went Into the field a* a civilian patriot to help down Spgln. The defeat of James Hamilton Lewis —his uihlakara and'bis troaaere and his epats saoli 6 wwrlUos *»d im perial stave a* Wsahlugses, rather M set* Mr. Crokero theory with a Cuban war record this year, could have won. . * REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS nm VtilM fena* *■ HMJn I fin #»#«§* m'§*m «# nn» fni#% 1 # Vi t# |» #i> •«* . m fin Vi 4P#>nii amnl iflMI # f## 4 n#i|i | I# nm#i i# «<t #m» wmm* nf n# mtifik ini t l^*1 %<>—* if i # fin# it ii# i> <n» n#|nf *in n*i nt f uff tiifrnifc# i jinn# 4# ft# f# # ’ nil ftnnri tin ftn#n # fm tin ### «#4 Inmim# <it» *m<i fin 14# ##m in tintNii nun i i# iftn ft#i i## | In tftftfifi van fnfnnf i««« fm »i* l «"Mi# i n#' mi m* ttwm ilMMfti t%# « «nk#‘«n4# out k* m*—»'i« to ftokMo to torn • tarts M as War Maart* Tk* MooMa of fkta —uoiri* or* a* tonwoo ttay— —a paoliartior* Oeport a—o« I too* ] aofartot** Mot* *o4 rkio- tro. ~ . »» .. tooaa 1 Was— of m>oml» ao4 ot'k*t *Mt^ j 9 ... .. .. .. .. MM prooapaadot ■ jaoo , WofotaMoo** M **o* *e f a or ••• If M faotMO I It* pr oo .o— m» hr* —oreoer* at* ' roodr mod* otn to fit* M* ao h at* ha added (ho '*»— t*«to tk* *»- | s r*oa of I kto ok' 4 -kt4 , *at 3 ' a I *h»o •»** Mtaod tar Is* a** Tkto 1 make* a total mown of 1 dart lor tk* fetal dkpaoa— too*— a k*t 'tooro— of WUW AP*f tk* fartk k*rdk*o **lf-*aoto»o‘ •oa H la »*i*«J*J to ha ao tk* y*o* jlkM tkOi oart iif im »M*o**» —> I | M t*d at llJ.o— am ko *!’•'»* *4 I 1 *od tha oat lorora > otlt ko—ao* !'*• ’* lain a f«*oo»ad*llaa. Tk# eommuo a awifc— ifct* to»#ort •ot r**monr.. mms— to tk* l-*df • I ION: Th* roanßiwco t—p*- tfuit* a**to that o 100 h* paaeM by tk* o*o* Urol Aaaamkty requir aa alt rtwat* and Otalrlytl rrrprra*l**l aod aotkorttlea in eoorrrtl of atot* tootltotlooo pt 1* •ml qoallty batoa —I ,n porrhaa* from tk* atat* ffkrt —MI art'r!»« a* • ran to polled ky II Nr Ik* puhllr o— to pwfrt— to any O’her bidder r», | rjmpMltnr Tkia i* tk* pr—rot la* «d | tie Mat* of N*« Terk aod kaa beeo ] fooad there after rartoo* eiperlmenta. to be pnrtle*! and <m*e 1» Nroirti.a I ' • mployment frr the etotlet* at frooo* , erottve yroltt. and uoder It th# privna , of th* • •!• a— rtipMlo beeomloa a*U- , .supporting '••Coder *«<~h a low o Oeorala. »* beretofxe a«*r—ted tk* rlotkio* cf • al! felony and m'adem—nor (mrbtt I [and lomatea es ctUar loailtutlona rould to furol*h*d by the prla»a ond a oum ! bar of the rootlets be encaged In prnfltabl* «orh. “Other Industrie* of a atmHar na ture, maaufaeturing ertlel— fer p«b --.I e use only, and aueh aa are not now made in fhla Mate, might be ultimately established upon a paying haala. - * What the Renort Show a. The ret>«rt *bo*» a of flfty-one death*, whleh la about X per cent, or 20 per rent per I.OOOt the arrrage of eltl— In the United State*, and la** than the average of the ne§roe* in cKlpa. i The rommlralcn *ay# that thi* |a less | than the mortality In United State# arnrr f*mp» * The commission reporta a greatly imprrved eonditlcn of the misdemean- Ing eonvlcta sine* the enactment of the law placing them undrr supervision of th* penitentiary department. The commission, as heretofore indi- j rated by the press, ssks no approprla- j tint), but asks that the n*t hir* of con v'ci* be made evsllable to the com mission for building up a system which will! eventually pay • large rev enue to the state. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awoke and enterprising than Howard * Wll let, who spare no pains to secure the brat of everything In their line for their many customers. They now' have valuable agency for Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Cough* and Colds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that Is producing suclt a furor all over the country by Its many startling Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all after- j Hons of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. [ Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular site for 50 cerpts and *1 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Augusta’s leading R«s •aurant, the Arlington An nex, five doors below Ar lington Hotel. A petition signed by SOI I persons has v»een filed with Ordinary McClendon at N'ewnan asking him to cause an elec tion to be held to determine whether whisky shall continue to be sold in Co weta bounty. Judge McClendon has called an election-for December 14. The county was for awhile under the local option law. and tried the ’ permit'* sys tem. The local option law was declar ed unconstitutional a few years ago, whlah placed the County in the wet acl umn. There are only two barrooms in. the aieuncy, both being in Ntc mtn, and rjiar «a*h pay into th# <giy treasury the •am «t «.& anneeu'y. The omAller In* earparateg oawno *f ig-e eoan t y have planed the license so high Utat it is Impossible for a barroom to exist in •to a at thchb* .• *. o^4**.’- THU AUOUM'A FOfTTLA X^D IN ASOCIALWAY (Pi \f t I My f%* »**#«•# m*%mm 4&-** m i#•# lit I 4* 4 -mmr* NMi *#4 tt»* #VHmK # Iw j f%*m »i» ### nw • iMMifNt iMP# f YYk* 4*f #wliiWA #i I## i iWv## tHMkI ! # |»m> , ** 4NN#fRiL #Mi f%O ini »y%t | iVfl ||» #pPkl» fjdkk i m ijp l * I % i#t jfW MMVMfIH ft* *#» m*** * ill ll«i«*Nli'k mm ' i***4% i !l# •••Hi A«4 *•*«<*«* ##*t *•«# 9%M% lt#9 (*i**V •*»*»• ■>*«» ll*» #•<* Ytrifc **4 |#4 f»«#l i<au|i*firt 1 4 »■<»* |p||ff • * ftftMMP#* f 41 I • I -NAfKHVffctM II Iftoflillli M #•§•#• ii Im ♦ * •++* (siitNdrCaaaar. TO* koe—4 M art ebo—O WOO Ik* la i«4at ot *— •» art lop— a, ika* wOtrO oott*4 In WNMt • i«gv Mi— Mamix OC —owe «M Mr. I I>l ward t. r—dA lb* Bn. Talker I Butler aflkMlMa* *1 I TM -h*H h Ha* o*— r beeo Ibr**Hft*l than ta it* »*o*l»it* It—wt 4*.orott*ns as mww-wbHc I e kry—atkewKiWM aod —o w*— rr—l 4*4 tk* eoiltw fiwot *f tk* rhatch ••# |covered *HH trail!na PnutMrO saaitaaj • rra>>o*4 Hi a wte—i like e4*Ht through , I* hb b gl*ain»4 naawy raw dies A I'm* ih* altar roll* »*— om*o*4 the ap«t-| le— Mo—Om* above a b«i*e of polin*, ! iM fern* A Jardlnlei* nf paint* «<n ( I cither aMe nf Ike middle alM* marktog 1 tk* 4lvtal. n —'rally diet log tricked In | I whit* rtkhno*. Pftn.ialt at noon tk* strain* nf I Mendet—okO'S Wedding Man h ployed ' .0 Ml— Mulberln. heralded the rnOilng [of the hrtdal party The uokei*. wear- Ung tk* rreolaften morning suit, nlik whit* t uff tileo. pole l*a glove* and aln- Igte large while rttrysOnihemtint*, eo i tered dr*!. Mt T J. Hhe—n with Mr Ix.fp Wal*h and Mr J. Mullarky 'with Mr John T- Mulherm. nu-eiing iat the nltnr the ir with hi* he*l : man. Mi D. O. rngatty. The bride entered with her father. kh» was > x<|ulallely gowned In tan < loth •«ith teat nnd of cer—c. ant r hem la— of white —tin and ran* inee iin which n—iled lb* gnwun * gift, a 1 diamond tdh-Tb" hat *<comoany the stylish going away suit «•< of two, shade* id i*r—e vetv*« with cer**e ! satin rosea. A mas* of NVpbetos rose- j bud* tied with broad white salln rib-[ luth* conopleled the dslnty tollM. and' ilenl one mory i harming touch to the lovely pi' tore made by the ynung bride. A* Ml— O'Omnor, Mr*. Costello ha* enjoyed a »td* popularity. She la per sonally attractive and ha* many love ly tralta of character. Mr. Cost. llc I* one of the most prom inent men In lb* city. He represents several of the largest Insurance com panies In .the Union, and rounta both hi* hualnea* and social friend* by the ■ score. fpon th»lr return from an extended Northern tour Mr. snd Mi*. CoatMlo will lie at home In their new residence made doubly beautiful with the many gift# sent by admiring friends. Stoughton-Ralclllfe. Today at two-thirty, at the First Bap tist church. In a scene of exquisite flo ral loveliness Created by skilful hand* with palms and fern*, candles and flower*. Mins Carnhelle Flatcllffe was married to Mr. Oscar B. Stoughton Th* ceremony was performed bv Ibe pastor of th church, the Rev. Dr. lancing Burrows, with hi* usual digni fied Impressiveness, to an organ obli gato, sympathetically played by Mrs. R. C. Goodrich. Preceded by the uahers. Mr. T. G. Bailey, Mr. Tom White, Mr. Jack H ill. and Mr. Polar Baxter, the brldema!d» op tered. They were. Misses Helen and Asjefe Macmurphy, Miss Ada Cherry and Mis* Mary Acton of Hephzlbah. Mis* Alice Stoughton, maid of honor, entered alone. The maids wore street gowns of grech. blue and brown cloth, with picture hats of velvet trimmed In plumes They carried pink carnations tied with pink ribbons. The bride entered with her uncle. Mr. J. W. Hillls. She wore a going away gown of cadet blue cloth built on SWEET PEAS f-'hrul'd tie planted now We have them in bulk, 8 varieties Wbdiec ene ounce 10 Cents, 4 ounces J 6 Hyacinths, other BUl**. ALEXANDER SEED CO. 012 Broaa ttreet. Bel! Telephone 2075. !ft » *mmmm *# #** m$ #>*4 «m»4M 4k4ft#* ftiii»nfi-Kw4 *+m I ••» fti #w m #*« I ft**# 4 tMMMk ftNft# ftftjfttfftkMMM# * ftp IHMftftft j | !■»•> #* <#%V # V* •** 1 ft##** -:####mm4 ftM»? ftiij #ft4 ftftftmt I «ftf *4 4 ft# §##•**« # ft4*Mpftfta* 4k**ft# f #441 Vft* ##mm #*4l 4##*ft*#* ft##M4ft# *##**#• mmm *#• ftftbft ft#N# I mm IftftftH## ftft # *'*#ll4# ’ ■*#•# ftMiftftft *#4 *■#* mmm- mimm# 4 - * ftMlJ#fti#, ftMftft 4<ft##i#M#oVft«iiiMl '• at k9tw<| ftft «#» ft *P» »«wft Sift HMflitt* »«w #ftft#l#f iftftiiftPi# 41 v*-' %||t ftg *♦ *lg 4k :<*#% |dk mm ift •V* ftft«4#ppt iftsidr ftftl#ft||| >'». •MtCikft 9f ft->»i t %m #f4#pt eft# ftfftf *i fttuff #r ft#i *##■♦* ftM *#» m*mm Oft* #»•# lift #ftfti ftiftillft ftf fftft |ft*TMk •Ift# ft## fM# mp ftftft* # ftp# mi lift ftftftmft# *ms Viftf# ft# »-p#ftft ftf flHft j ftl#4 «f ftwrt # ft ftMkPtp. it •v# %«n| #M# in IMffUl# «lft «ft# mi Vtft mm I Am# Ifttv «Mft Vft «# # •»« AwfftMi lift • ft#. ### ftPftMift— tftk'PftM fftft a ft# ' ilin tiMkf ftft« • iftftft •••»■ #> 4»#f Mft ft ft## l««4M#pfti »»4 ftltft iftm ft# |4kl<« #ppMft|ftft # ftftr# fttnlftKHi •• #ftft #4tftpp# I# ft f«4t#ftf ftfftlrftp I Jftft# ft* ft ft4ft4 tlftk* Nk ftftftftP ftftt MirftftN •Mr ft ftftt 1 ■» •■fttwrftp# 4Niftftft aCM ftftllMftPf ft ftp# fM'ft ftfttft- KUiftAiMl ffffttft |f Ift# IftKftrft ll# Vlftfti ftftt. ft* lift#! lift ftfVkftrfttft fftft Ifftff tMif fH* jtftftftl f*f ftiltlr 4rt#|nfftftl f-ftwr ft# ftfilll ftf Iftflif« l •*«ka«4. |f lift |4ft#t Ift ftftfiirl I# lf»«# l- l#M ##• NfftnN rftftl f»*tftp V* ! *• iulft ftf lift i*t mi ffftr p#ft< > VttMft ftft ftffft** M f#lt ft#*# ftft I# ftfftiftft | rr««#» Vft# ftapftf **#• ftiMi VMl* ft#|r# *‘**f4»* 4- ft ##*ftff» ftft ft growth <4 bfO—h** m#4r mat spitog •ki—td be —oo*4 W». , ir*«» f'lftiiMftfl* tit • t«N» mt Ufeftft IM «if lift ftft# #f 4«» l» i Mt fMMTfMft ftf fttflllA ft #ft# t**ft ItNftf**. * . in 4 • it mm&h 1| ta an egcwlHu i man tw not ma* , | tiut? ftHUftt ftti #f?#ftrft**!#* In fftlt It ftAt ««Mfr fnrvttft#«ft • ftnrt nf ff#N 'iso, hot It* fMflUatog rewpwrti— are free by fall Nina and are absorbed Iky thr sell in the t»n*-fli <4 Ibe plaAt In spring, w hat I* left con b* duo Halo th* soil llant* in ih.- window awrdeo should have Ik.- I*—t of rot* ot Ibis araaon. for It l* a rttiMal iwrlod wtlh them Aim to keep Ik* IwtOfeHlttirw of Ike t—i low . and lo the them all the fr—h air (■•MM. Be loreftll ahwul ovwrwfatertn* and dive no fertiliser Avoid an 'nr on p»—Il«le anythin* that will have * ten- [ den< y to wxrtt# irmsitb at • time whwn i.mdllk n* ate uufavoNhle for It. Kui helae will have completed l heir truth for Ibe season, and should t* dried off aredually. to yet them ready for the cellar .to - hl.-h Jtacf they ehouM he lakA'by the flfsf of De cember. to remain until Hit- tfrwt of Mo—h. Give le*e and less water while they remain Ufwtalr*. If Ik* Nlsp ’ limp# the plant* will not millet - riant* I nut-Of-4 drqn. Ihett leay— In fall. ! and you are try St* to treat sour fua ,'hl.t aa nature treat* them tT>ry**n thntiums should receive the time tr**t m-m. tin over the window* at whhh plant* an- to be keel *nd *ee that *ll mr*'k* and cr*vlre# are eloeed aoalnai the ad mission of troat An ounce nf preven tion I* worth a |**un<| of rure. remem ber.— Elwn K itexfoijt, In Harper a Ba zar. Confederate Daughter* Elect Officers U D. C. The election of nflb er* of the United Daughters of th» Confederacy took place Saturday ot ih# annual convention nt Hot Spring*. The flrst nomination »a* that of Mr*. Currie for president. Rhe wa* elected bv acclamation. The representative* of every state and In brief and touching speech es expressed their love and esteem to their worthy and much honored pre*l dent. Many nominations were made for Arm vice president Those of Mr* Forney, of Arkansas. Mr*. Weed, of ißoplda: Mr*. Plane, of Georgia; Mr*. Sellar withdrew from the nomination m #* v ‘ or of her atate president, Mr*. Forney. The sufficient number of vote* was not secured to elect any of the pieaent nominees, *0 the election wa* taken over. Mr*. Plane withdrew and only Mrs. Forney of, Arkansan and Mr* Weed of Florltbi wareffn nomlnatftm. Mr*. Forney wh* the successful nom inee a* first vice president. The next office wa* that of second vice president. Mr*. Roburt of Mis souri and Mr*. Plane of Georgia were placed in nomination. Mrs. Roburt ask ed the privilege of withdrawing her name and Mrs. Plane was elected by acclamation. / The election of the other officerH re sulted In Mrs. Hiekman being chosen as recording secretary; lll» Meals of North Carolina, as corresponding sec- ; retary, and Mrs. J. Jefferson Thom as, of Georgia, was re-elected treasu rer. The Hot Springs Dally Newa of the 11th lost, pays this compliment to Mrs. S. E. Gabbett: “Mrs. Gabbett of Georgia made a most Interesting, and £eautlful argu ment of the cross to lie ‘conferred ut>op all southern soldiers and sailors. Her remarks were logically strong and rhe j turlcally baauti.'mi." And wf Mr*. the. *Mn<s paper gay#: •Mn». J. Jsfsnß flthcunn*. ut AiJajv to, weorg . lovaiy tadgy sant tu Vr dwi'irgr th* T. t*. iff., csrivenupfi, aj H.jt ipririg* . ft predentr.U Id lier 0 f Mt. WWilgreen. sab of Cteiiqio.l tiMii green. who fooght"<wi the southern side. <ind a nephew of Admiral Dahlgroen. who fought OU the- notUi'-rn side.’’ VIM! VIGOR! VICTOR!! ■ IS THE CAMPAIGN CRY. Like the Powerful CuTftftr* of Natmlft©" ftt Au«tPrlH/ «r d Mpr#ti«o. theft mftt. li'pp* cm** thft of unquetMtonmi *woop fowj# an# ftltlcKt armft*. of rrgulpr MUTflt on the ftg* *,*?,” rapid cat# buy»n«. quick fftp.d mechinp gun cat*[ Mllng, ore cutting prtcop nlo mtncomPAt boro, and filling our •fo™*** l * gremV buvting throng». world, hut h* got too Pftlf-confidpnl And fell Our qujc k. cftiih. Mort profit tactic* *r« mvolutlonl/mg the commercial world m thia town. We re not going to get too aeif-confidont. becauae we know and ahall Z* for-! fhaVXve mu.l alw.y* *4l the best end value. If w. ennect to hold thl* great and ewiftly inenning bu»ine*ft. Winter ahoea. onormoua *«of k« of them, all marked ,l lhh profit a. are on aal# for ten houm tomorrow. Read the Dynamite Shell* ' below and you'll aee why our atorea are blowing into aplintera tho buaineaa of the high-priced “upper-tennere. 60c. Mitaea* kid patent tip V fin J? Hutton Shoea. pieced 13 to 2. go m thia aale at above figurea. other dealers charge 75c. for them. $l '<iß Miaaea* apring heel ahoea, plain toea and patent tips, sell regularly for $1.75. and are a very good value at that, will go at above PriCe * 76c. Youtha* satin calf spring heel Lace Shoos, medium weight soles, and all solid, quick sailers at SI. the above ia our price for th.s sale only. ft t .60 ... Ladies' firat grade Dongola k»d Lace and Button Shoea, stylish tips, a line we consider equal to any $2 Shoe aoldjn this city. Ladies' very fine chocolate and black kid Shoes, Lace and Button, with fancy vesting tops, good values at $2.5D* sale price above figures. RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE COMPANY, TWO 834 Broad Street. Name Aerow Sldr wtlk.* STORES. 722 Broad Street, Oppo*it« Monument. STOhL's. V. M. C. A- I strrtslssKM. ■ h the Y M. C. A. -a tfrtalnmfflt l**t rvemn* ■ Am* ok number*. *ll of *hirh * rrr p)#»nfHnfffv ft***!** MtlM r.y Mia# Mmiili fV**r4«*n a*4 Mr John Wb*can*f: * vnril <lu*t by Mr |»*| t mhl Mr. Haltl#. * voral #*»*« by Mlm Wall. niMMlaU* by Mr. 541 giovall, Mi HutitU and Mr Wal let*; * vorftl dual by Mr. R*ttl* and Mr. AW*x»nd#r. and * vocil aob> by Mt. WcHua. Aftar ih* drUla undor Iba direction 1 lli r |ihy»iral dtfartor. a aorial half hour waa #*n|oyad by tto* many iru«*aia prewnt. Euchre Club Entertained. Mrs John Willis rharnitngly • uter talmd the Reynolds Street Euchre Club yesterday afternoon. The prises were won by Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. .D* Vaughan. 4 _ Owing to the Serious Illness In the family. Mrs. Frank Clark will nat. as has been stated, entertain the Thurs iay Reading Club tomorrow. I Mr. anti Mrs. John McPhall. Jr..who have been visiting friends In the city, .have returned home. Mrs B. O. Miller left Monday for Macon to attend the Christian church convention. Mrs. Clarence Houston of Atlanta Is the guest of Mis. Katherine Houston Fisher. Miss Isabel Graham has returned 'from ft visit to friends in Atlanta. i Mrs. William Law has returned from a visit to friends In Columbus. Miss Dede Carrol! i» visiting Miss Milledge in Atlanta. NASAL CATARRH quickly ykdds .to treatment by Ely's Cream Halm, which is agreeably aromatic. It Is received , through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses j itself. To test 11, a trial size for 10 cents or the large for 60 cents is mailed by , Ely Brothers. •'.« Warren Street. New j York. Prugglsts keep it .A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which Is drying or ex- ! citing to the diseased membrane should not housed. Cream Balm Is recognized as a specific. _______ DelißhlfuTHot Chocolate with Whipped Cream. Ar lington Annex Soda Water and Ice Cream Parlor- There has been a lot of trouble in’ th« past. In Cuba; The siamnWS «*f (k* peuyle UaVe bsett vast lu Cuba; AJJtI it Jat'lCK Just utfW »• Ikiuugb flings Wllldjeep uu bMae -• Till the hammocks have to go From Cuba. —Chicago News. • 2 - 79 . Men's winter weight brown box calf Lace Shoea. on one of the new wide coin toes, a full $3-50 value, the above iaour figure for thia sale. ftft. so The "Regent** Shoe for men at above price should be seen to be appreciated, these Shoes are made offine vlci kid and calf-lined, and are the equal In fit comfort and appearance of any $3 ahoeonsa.e in thia city. M 61.60 For above figure, a first grade satin calf Shoe for men. Lace and Congress. We guarantee $2 worth of wear and satisfaction in this line. Try a Pair. , Oik line of ladies’ and men's high grade footwear is surpassed by none. We have so d thousands in the last five years, so most evry one knows of their superiority for fitting, handsome styles and de signs. THE WEATHER. Augusta. Ga Wednesday. Nov. Id, UU Oglce located In la I ted States ooveramrnt building, telephone 1672 Forecast for M hours ending ( p m Nov. IT. 18#*. Washington forecast for South Csr ollna: , Rain and warmer tonight; Thuraday rala; fresh northeaai winds. Wathlmtlan fi recast for Georgian Itain and warmer tonight; Thursday showers; fresh, easterly winds. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity: Rain tonight and Thursday; warmer tonight. THE RIVER. The rlvrr at 8 a. m. was 10.8 feet, a fall of 0.7 feet In the past 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather pressure has sullen I very considerably over the entire | South exeept Florida, with the highest I barometer confined to the upper At lantic states. The storm yesterday in the upper Missouri has shifted slowly southeastward to the middle Missouri vallley, but so far unattended by any filling weather. Rains are falling generally over the East and South Atlantic state* with' eleur weather extending over by far the greater portion of the country west of the Mississippi river. Augustas rainfall this morning was 1.27 Inches. Temperature rhunges throughout the country in the past 24 hours were un important. a slight rise being noted for all sections. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Did You Ever Thinl.i* That a kind word put out at inter est. brings back an enormous pern nt age of lov? nnd appreciation? That though a loving thought may not seem to he appreciated, it has yel made you better and braver because of it? That the little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness day by day are really greater than one immense act of goodness shown once a year? That to be always polite to the people at home is not only more ladylike, but more refined than having company manners? That to learn to talk pleasantly about nothing in particular is ij great, art, and prevents yon saying ihingk you may regret? That to judge any body by their personal appearance .stomp* you a* not only ignoiant, Iml vulgar? That to talk und'Ulk and talk about- yourswlf, and your belong iagx. is VelfV tiresome lo people listen,? , That- lo be <VUty at tlie expense of sqmsbwdv vise is positively c] uel at t>Unn»? That personalities arc uOi always interesting and are often very offen sive? 1 That the ability to keep a tricud is NOVEMBER 16 Our Engraving It ronrtdM lo bo ti ft no u I* 4oeo anjrfrboro. and for (hat reft* eon wo a*«licit jour orders for Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc. The very latest and meet % correct etylee assured. Order* ex* eruted In 24 boufe It neceaaaiy. The ewelleet correspondence pa* per In the eouth. Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS, Hit Broad Street. Augusta, Da. THE DEPARTED ONE. If It !>e a. front tooth, will make n lot of difference in the appearance of the mouth. The rosiest lips are spoiled without the full setting of perfect teeth. Permit us to correct or -supply any deficiencies of nature. Filling or ex tracting of decayed teeth Ib carefully done without pain. Our artificial teeth are of a superior quality. Mounted on the best material. They look and act Just as well as the natural teeth. Prices reasonable. THE AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS SIX Broad St. AUGUSTA, GA. DR. CHAS. C. NEEDHAM, Proprietor much greater Ihan that required $p gain one? Thai, if women would al low their friends to enjoy themselves In thir own way, there would be fewer stumbling blocks In life? That if the girls all over the world were ti\ forril societies a» one. such being her own president and house committee, and entertainment committee, and secreta ry and.treasurer, and make kind words the currency, considerate actions the social functions aud love the aim, that the whole world Would be sWeMtd* and perer?- . - . * • For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT,