The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 17, 1898, Image 1

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TXI •tunm, •a#«. r:r«^gss SOCIAL CLUBS MUST CLOSE ON SUNDAY The Supreme Court Handed Down an Impor tant Decision on Yeaterday. President Alexander Bay* me Commercial’s Attorney Win Review the Decision. <f M mr «—rt Um> «•***« | rlwta t*i—MkMkff •e**’ •" l». .<!«*«*».» *»4 tm *vmm »n 4 «f» HlllW $* «ffi* *** *** •fMMi fc > **■— —— UR#**] an IV R»k—*k 4m'. whara 4k»* 4iMfc# lluM 4 TS* —■#(»— t* iln* ass M—** ***■; nf hi - )*-**»*#—* (Xoftoi t Oab at A—'* **■»—« «* •*•'** *** )teii itt c w !**•* __ TS» 4i-rt»M »a# —4*4 <■’«» *» tk* mmi iwirtii. ox il* er** “* Mr NMT Me—>» ** | ell s* ' l ** |l »ttl k* i—Hffibrrrl IM« at tk* •orikl tlafc# •bo «*M ;NM a**-1 «iri nA The fi*e roe* 4a* wet .. A tn— •*# um at »*» *»«***•* <**«*•! •HmiMmwk ••• *• u "‘ The drrlftri of «otsrs# l#?ohrs ail | the other r!«t» BO fltl? 1* riff. la the State *»d le Oif of l>* warn l*poit«l *»d «xr W*fllU ***•' I KOI. #v.r re—rrad if lb* « Ar*j cor4l»« to >M* 4*rl*l— «Wf* *»» W #n guaday drink* without • *t - j gkim at it* i*w. u«t*w» S*r •* on mxatArnt mm* take H to H*' loam ArroHlac to tkla drat# km It 4<— no, rtoairr * «h »*» coaatltwla » *«»taU<»* of ib# f»w Th* tmmtm keeping «P*« oo the ftabkatk o t a N-'* Artak* u* *oM. t* withta tb* ata - ate The 4#e!*toa U the fir#* Mat upon the casr of aortal cltoto® * hlr’h cottfti*# their Min* u» tanaabnr*. Thn head kotrt follow ■ Coart'* Unci*k»«- Mobsman a Tbn B’itr.—Bt tbr Coart. per Cobb. Justice. I Tb** no* fhet that tbn and drinking of l*totlt*iioi X mi ;o*iy an Incident and not tn« mam o-jccC of the horporatloa of a portal Hab. will make tjte pl*c< "I'** porh liquor* am di»p—*ed and d’ual: arm# the less a Boue* with*!! tb# Bat-anln* of tb# atatbt# maklof p#- nal tbn h>-t»ib* of au« h houw* oo tb# iabhatb d*f 2. a peraoh wbo l* the mttiiip'r and also a member and officer at much a fon'.at club, and who exercise* » X f n nrul superintendence ovnr tb<* affair* of the club. Inrludta* tb; bar from which Intoxicating drink# am for nlnhnd. 1» amenable to the Mgtute above rnfnrrnd to S That "only roetnbnra” art* |>nr tnitmd In Utr room* of • «b>*lal iHtb win not tak* *tirh an or*anlx*uon out rs Ibr atat'lt* prohibiting «br kmpiOK op*n of tippilnk bousn* on tbn Sabbath day. . . JudfTnnt affirmnd. All thn jnatleea concurring JusUrn Cobb in thn opinion Matt* tbn fact* aa follow*: "Mohriran arraigned In tha nity court of Richmond county, charged .. !«h thn offennn of keeping oprn a tippling boum on the Sabbath day. A the trial the following facta were agreed to: t. The roo.n* for keeping open w hich the defendant waa indicted were tept open on the day named in the in dictment. "2. Su d rooms were used aa a ren deavou* There the Grabermax Socir.l Culb did gather on the Sabbath day named hr the indictment and other da. » and diank from a bar kept in the said looms Intoxicating liquors. "3. They weie kepi open with the defendant's knowledge cn the Sabbath day as alleged. . "4. Said rooms were rented by the Grabermax Social Club, which la in corporated, and which is an organiza tion composed of some .one hundred citizens of Augusta. All that is in t*'em belongs to said corporation, which pays taxes thereon. The stock of liquors therein is the property of said club, and drinks therefrom were sold to members of said club on the day mentioned in the indictment. That the selling of liquor on 3unay was only an Incident and not the main ob ject of the organization. “5, Defendant is manager of the said club and receives a salary tor his services. He was an employe and of ficer of the said club with designated duties, one of which was to see that the bar in the club was properly con ducted and keot open for the use of the members, from which .drinks were sold. It was his business to look af ter the general conduct and running of the club. but. he was in no sense other than the above the proprietor or owner of said rooms, nor had he any authority or control over them. He acted under orders and was strictly amenable to the governing board of rhe club. His authority to do ail that he did do flow’d whoil* from hi* mm ploy meat, and only members are per mitted in the said club rooms on Sun day or any other day." ??* tr*t » a THE AUGUSTA HERALD. %fH I Wf %H I "Om th* aluww that* th* |>twM4t*< Ijwalh* feiiihg without * hn » r, ww* *h* II'IWM< (MHt Hi* MUM fa* * .trail M th* g*h*fwl uu* ***** r*Ml **4 h» * **« •’•«* th hat M|f ik*w j Jwfta* ChW. mi* th*« th* «l*t» I #BW -h* V# MBMB IBBm * M* ! YiMNI BKUP'tMi f» I of lit MmH * j tfc# iiMPHMI tW fCBItt BPI^M •MMli.ll*- Ml tifliW*# li **9rn*' f «aii»ll«R#rit whir* II vmaviilpk 9rrn* Iwi * . MW* *m«* jfkt* law tt4 h*» » every »**«*"<* ! w||#rr II <** l* *1 fWMM'i !*» f **' m*. ®r p * ’* if Mil tllf i®4 Ei«§ <B#rM I not t o thf Mil* foot ini M iht Cirtb eus; twßi 111# •uofßf>ii ■ * * (dot* v<mj!4 r#fri#w tlH’ 4frU4r« of «b# im br#ii# roift dotß jrwHtroif ||f f*t *ll*''* *i#F "9BHI rfii df‘Hojt #, ly fNit «Hom# rtut* «UI iMitf to rU*# iNf floom i#ii I Oily orr room of th# dwt* will liav# * *o t># rltwH BAfvi). bi th# "iipitof iOM#.‘* il til# of tn# »•*. w Mr Henry Mobrman mM tb»l^ih* for is li# kß<** fli#r# #** BOlnißf i#»t icf win oo# wfe’.t’h tb# |co%#rf>tif tM*nl bid to hind I# to carry out th**ir inMructloo# Man- rivinmiirh #*td b*- would #oi*uit with r#«td#nt Robb# and #arry out hln < initrtx tiona K AI5I: AN OIDS SPAIN. He Put* It on the Ground of the Health of the limpreas. Berlin. Net. 17, —An ofll: lal lele ’ gr»m received here from Valetta. Is land of Mails, says the Km|wror and Kmprees of Germany have sailed for Pola. at the northern end of the Aalat ,!r sea. from which the parly will trav lel overloand direct for home. II 1* explained that the Emperor has de- I rided upen this course because (he temperature of the Mediterranean had become considerably cooler and the danger to the health of the Empress, by a sudden e.hange from a northern to a southern climate is thus lessened. Telegraphed His ffegrets. Valetta. Island of Malta, Nov. 17. The German Imperial yacht Hchenzol lern sailed from here this rooming. The next port is not known, but it is believed to be somt where in Italy. It Is known thnt when the Emperor pass ed the Island of Rhmi-s, where the Khedive of Egypt is staying at present, the Emperor tecigraphed his regrels at being nrabie to visit Egypt, also thanking the Khedive for the prepara tions made tc receive his majesty. EMBHZZLF.R SUICID 5. President Cross, of the Emporia Bank, Has Been Found Out. Washington. Nov. 17. A telegram was received by the comptroller of the currency fioro the receiver in charg of the First National Bank at Empo ria. Kansas, saying that so far the in vestigation developed irregularities In the reserve kgent'a accounts amount ing to fifty thousand dollars, and fif teen thousand dollars in ca h accounts, and the bank invested in doubtful en terprises controlled by President approximating *150,000. President Cross killed himself yesterday when the failure was announced. Next Tuesday. From what can be learned the offi cer wbo v-ill muster out the Augusia companies in the second Georgia regi ment will arrive hero next Tuesday. There is a good deal now due to the soldiers in the way of pay, and some of the boys will receive as much as st;o. The men will receive full pay for the month of November. All are anxiously uWaithwc the com ing of the officer. The many frined* o Mj . h. T. l.uwe of 330 Telfair street, will legict to learn of the serious illness of his mother-in aw, Mrs. E- Nebhut. TO STOP YEARLY EPIDEMICS TP N*g***i g*m»uk* tmriiiMi IlffM* It litfllk vlMAraiMiJ k *Uw*>t« **•*»» s Iftw*• w« ***wH mm Id* .»■»!>■« MaMtpkt*. Trww. tt«* If * T%* H*< ! IMdl iV|«*«tinai bM tb Hrmiliil IliU ttU# Ht| lb* | vttb lib 4#t 9* f <*bt fb# idjunty Ml tb# »#t# , m |tu Idktljke 'ill t t l f GH fp j MB I b#% #### wMmnK MB M#Bld • Ufd*f ##ft iidiffi.tiit.b'i tfiin «db#t mbmimn* Tb#t# 1 |pb«ftifß frt* tb# JCvdlb. W**t [Mid IUmI. b»t«#f HlMMimtl ttftMb. ' fr '-iikpMb a#n§ mßkf ftp IBP# Pdb#f •■*#*#• «rfv finif pi nitrd by df* r i>t#» M|M|ird(i* - #4 by tb# c t»t oH tboM# Mm*# of ! nr >nd it mi rs tb# id AH# bc*fd 4 , hi# Hu -- s i*!., i Bind #tb#r ’• *? eft* • fb# Ira f t ..mun_ iTm, r»tr-m Mtllfk ##d lfel#b till to d##l W «y “ Udmbitbd bo tb# flttMt* fnm I DVOftIOO of mf#r tor« Obd rObtIKI CM* j tipi#yrii bod ortßpfd tb# dtt#btlob of ; >gi*!diof« dnd •#!#«!tMr ro#n and It I Mb Bf ftMlßMltlr •» tb# p#«tl- I ipntidl d.«#b»# Bp|#«r« or ftap*n In ! tkla ruwtry Ht* for Ike parpam at irrlbßi dl dom# Ittiißi wilbUob of i tbi# iiratikn that tb# Mraipbii rob* [ vpbUob to raikd. ProsttH) d* 1® b j (TbalrMb J. * M#nk#tt, of tb# tor»t ; iriißiltt*. (*!N tb# w»iv«tl<i« to urd#r. Mr. M« ukm apob# brt#ll>. | I^. B, .TM"mphl." , lh.. <*£'> *»4 Upprclwte Ih- far r*»«hW* l«t|*wi*n*e lof thi« aiMarnt*»t*s* r ™ #d|*«M# doc* yrikro pampd ?n#ii. d#i«l# of a« - oit»|»llabln« a yr* «i «»b --)«rt lb** dpffircd end la n#ar at hand. I mm 4 /.,rTi»7«i r m qu<*thm vtully afT#« (- nir »u»t only tb«* ma<«*rtal tnt«*n*ata of •ui rntlrt* «-ountry. B>tat (hr live* and I hat i inr-a* of maby who dr# ! thr#dt#*o#d With tb# onnual vticttdttnfi of d dlp’a#' wbtcb lartifu dlamai and I terror Into #v#ry roitiniunlty *h#r«* It I i#*n#tmi#a. Not only ar# t ommunltl## dMturl>#d < n mi* h occdalona. town# and #itl#a i-mr.eraHly depopulated, butethe rela llon* between people .if the sum «’>n<- | nunity. •* well aw between tlje people lof the state* afTCeJed. twcome un*et- I tied and abnoraial. | "Commercial and manufacturing **n ! lerprlses are . rippled and the vartou* ! Industrie* thnt bring tompetenee and 1 content to the ma**ea. are brought to a standstill. | No such condition should exist as one I town, city or state acting Independently i of the other* —for what affects one part jof our common country affect* the whole. •'This convention I* made up of rep resentative* from the North, Mouth. East and West—all having one object | In view, the initiation on a btoad ba»U j. f an effective national quarantine,, on trolled by the government of the t'nlt erj States. To formulate a plan of ac tion, feasible, comprehensive and effec tual which can he quickly crystallized I into law, i* the wor: to be arcompllsh- I eri by you, gentlemen, representing as you do the Intelligence, humanity and material Interest* of so many states'. While quarantine is the lies! known means of fi revent lon at present, and lire one whfeh oossesses mote completely the confidence of the people, we can all hope that the light of science whlnb, has dlstelled darkness from so many human pathway* will'soon disclose true cause and discover a general r in,-' r,.iy for this unwelcome exotic, thftf shall rob It of ll* terrors and that shad Inspire the public w ith confidence atul faith, rntll that time arrives, h.*lo' ever, our hope and trust must be In an effectual national quarantine, and the country expects this convention to form the plan and point the way. "Judging from the Interest manifest ed. and the character of the gentlemen accredited to this assemblage, I think we can safely assure the country in ad vance that their highest expectations will be realized, at least, so'far as the province and scope of this convention permit#.” Mayor Williams delivered the ad dress of welcome. Temperary organi zatlon was dispensed with and Gen. Luke E. Wright, of Tennessee, was unanimously named permanent presi dent of the convention and Dr. F. M. Rogers, of New Albany, Miss, Miss., secretary. Gen. Wright addressed the delegates, after which t±p committees were appointed, and a recess taken un til this afternoon. Fire in Ohio. ( Portsmouth, 0., Nov. tl-“Fif* de stroyed Dice's livery stbble, the Far mer's Hotel. Frick's flouring mill and t a residence. Loss, $75,000. Ai<H *t A. UA GRAHAM IS VERY SICK lititN Hi« Ti#mM Fhm rwfttriiiß #HI hxtmik H# «M la**4M Mi MM*M Mi nm4m mmt > mail All—i*. N*i it. A uwftsa **• hi btbMbto iwwiißt tb# i rbiMW lllbw# df tbiWit MTHttolb M HfifeiM, b bl# ton# lb lb# till*# bf ItoVB Mbbiiltobb dbMbil flrmbiom bulk b #MBirfbNMlbb of 1 ypbntd bbd »di#bbb*llb Itodb •r# ■#>##> Mid ## lb# •#•##•» to •• ! ##>r» «f fcto fM#bdi m# bb#«#f. •m 4 hm* I* fW bbi rbbotbf « f* *##b« #4 III# ‘#*Mb#b##Bb#bt bf tb# bbi bHb f|b(B o#b##bl Hffcib ! tb r'nßbliirt bt lb# Üblf dbpbrt* mmi. vtib Hi Atlftbtb. »»4 b# ramd# *b#bf fttobd# Ato *-•# | *to wt>t I* *rto##d tb Itobf bf H* #v kmm On jtofdobfe# l ? lb* tb# d#b*rb* ••• r#t»Y#d bb brttbdkr t#b#ml bf lb# r#» iitor «fnf «* brvbnbt bf bt# bb# H# i« mrnb>t g#n#f • nf #nlbbt##f* ** b# H%#b Mitll that iib* INTERESTED IN THI! FEVER. kltki*|lM Hvikorhlri Ar* fliving Ik* T*l«*» 11mif Atlealien Wasklnftna. I» V. Hnv 17. Tk* irftllnv bwt fwwbto»b bb* b##tl [ ib| ##rn#bt b4t#ni|*»b «f tot# frtbb tb# 1 author li i#« toss ynrttrutorlf tb# »«• 1 rib*- h««pNtl fftoi bbd tb# ••# to l*rtfli#bt. owitiffOb tb# iitiisoribbt Bf* rbtoiion# #bfbt»tl«Hb(l wtib (htob bti*l : Mtbbr f###t InfiinW 4o tb# bmith *4 ib# l*ntt#4 Wnn bbd «)*• toftu* of • tb# i■ i nrrunrt «*f (to dl*#bb# Btlttiln | thi# tots is try dutibntb# tot • *fß®fr j Til** purfio## to to pr*-|*r# dortnie Ih# I'fibißK winter motifh* for miHi *n rbrfrni «nnlob of |»mte#tton *rouf)«t 1 tb# roaitry itowt tb# rtsab*-#* of the r#*ib4rodiHrtkHi of ib# fhnb bIH to rnlurisd to th# niltU;au;u At tb# mum# tinn (to potnl* us Intollon In (’dim and #lf#wh#r# will h# m» ttnprov #d by #inltbtlon and bimrd#d by Quarantin** that thy iraln sourre* of .l«ng r will lif r. moved Already the marine ho* pllal «u ivkr ha* begun the work of e»- uhilabing a rordon of quarantine around Culn A large floating dl* lnf.«ling plant 1* In operation in Ha vana b*it*>r and n similar floating dlainfec’lng plant la at Santiago, al though not yat in oßarntlonJ* They are to itafce chqjge of every eh 41 proceed- Ingi ’tu |iort* and put it thtwtigh a thortnigli course of dtsin fbctlon. Similar floating plants will he ei iahiishe.l at all other large cummer rtnl point* and aueh rigid rules put In force that shipping will L* fl»e from danger before it Is out of Cuban wa ters. although the *ame rigid quaran tine at American port* will t>e cont’n ued. Surgeon General Wyman Is going ahead with thia floating diglnfeetlon. although the present laws are not all that are desired to give the officials the right to establish a quarantine outside the country. Owing to this weakness nf law, strong efforts will be mad? to have congress pass what Is known as the Calf cry bill, granting additional quarantine powers. Be sides a quarantine to provide against the escape of diseases from the island, the authorities are eonsideri-ig plans for the Internal sanitation of the is land on a large scale Aa Cube will be under military rule for many months to come,, the war department may determine to carry on local aan 'itation In connection with other bran ches of the miUtsry occupation, An other means of ooplng with the disease is by stationing ,n force of fever ex perts throughout' the Island to report the condition of the contagion and the appearance of any new outb-eak. $lO surgeon general' now has two of those experts at Havana and one at Santi ago. ELLER E’S t EPLY. He Advises Tolbert Not to Return Until the Excitement Subsides. In response to Tolbert's telegram to Gov. Ellerbe of South Carolina, pub lished yesterday, the governor has wired as folk >vs: "If you return home 1 will give yqu ali the protection in my power. ! don’t think it prudent for you to rpturn un til the exci: mmt subsides. "W. H. Ellerbe, Governor." Tolbert's Responsible. Greenwood, S. C., Nov. 17. Fbe grand Jury’s report regarding the re cent trouble hero s2ys: “We are satis fied beyond question that the prime cause of the entire trouble wr.s the in cendiary speechw* made by the Tol berts and their followers, thus incit ing th* negroes to wluleue* and law lessness.” rt further say* that the grand jury finds all quiet and no further trouble is probable. t , ... u THE HAST REGIMENT arrives! (i#i Stx o.#fv al* licittH Si Nmt Tfwf« Cm#. VMHrft— AM—g*4 Hi—»M»g. AM—I «M* A—if, Tbn# tMd #d tto* r#Bi#*##d# * •mif**BlWd ftto l#n ImhmH#* iwimnMl tow Jlwtdtol# t#Mßlll dtBBNMI til# IN *#rflKWl M H#Hht tot Wflll I to# #WVM#hMMtofMI <WUt »• »'•*•*• *1 #%d flfH T Nif indlt «. J *a- t|k|f *1 iu-tt M till# I* 1 • tto# MHto## ms ito# rwriUMMllldillfll wf* THim nf fto# c«NßMkliy nUlrm •#» llnl H«l«Ml»«. Ok H n— m IM Ns). Caps Ms fl—, First Ijnit Oan ttwt j frawid y#m, to* h (An M r#l##d MB *nwtliw#K*ni mwMkk 1 rapt r w O.itt*.** C« C. rate— in Itrowa a Valley rapt 1 A. n o»**i*l4 A*r—4 Meat (1. I. | Hscker, Vtna4 fUtallton I Co. C. ra sed la Mankato. Capi Jo*. Morrtaea Flrai IJMI H C. Dewey Co |. rahwd la Minneapolis cap* P. K Bawd gswond M**< D P. Pause. Co O. ealeod fa •c*m»» pan of the i stale: Capt I. J. Jtelaoa. Klrat Meal. co r rapt j. o Mr—th. nr*i Meut D J Bennett Third Batallloa. Co p, Capt. M W Bpicee Co. It, raised at Duluth, Cap) <1 K Utboofl. First Lieu* T. W. Grig** 5 ,,,,,,,1 |j r ttt (lark Blllotl. quaHer master Third brigade First divlaloß *ri ttnaordnanre officer decottd army Co. A. raised at Minneapolis, ('apt. F J Barrow*. Flrtrt Lieut F P- ' ,B ' cent Berond l.leut A. 8. Wtlaoo. tVi 11. raised In n«»r.hw*»teim p*H of male. Cap). It Dolan. First Maul F. J. Bltnrr. Heri-nd Meut. L.H. H«b- The name of Camp Voung will b known aa such no more a* Gen M.btn has oiderad that the camp be known a* The Camp toer Augusta. *»*•■ til Oeti Young arrives and give* It an other rams. This wn* done by the re queai of Gen. Young, wh 1 did not de sire the camp nam-’d after him <}.m. G. bin is rayidiygett Ing divis ion headquarter# Into ahopc A large force of men arc busy preparing the ermp and it will rapidly b? completed. Gen Oobiu and some of the officer* slept there laai nlgbl. The ordy order issued besides chang ing the name of the camp was to pre vent the hucks'era, pie and fruit sell ers frero grin* In the camp selling their goods to the men. Gen. Axline intends to hold a brigade drill tomorrow afternoon if the wea'b er cud other things permit If the drill occurs it will lake place at 2 o’clock. Camp Chat. Tiie cavalry he'd thr flrft of their mounted drills today. These will take place Bt 9:3*1 daily In the future. Photographer* were touring the camp today. H is probable that all 0' the Thirty fifth Mlahlgon will scon be vaco nated. Thr signs! corps qrc .expecting a shipment of wire and telephones dally. When it arrlwes the work of putting up lines w II seen be completed. Eighth Pennaylvatia. Private Hay of Co. II bad a gun to fall on his head, cutting a deep ga.ih in his forehead. He is now in his quar ters. Bertzcl of Co. E joined his company today. J. C. Katz returned to F today, af ter sick leave. Sgt. Crone of Co. 1 was sent to the hospital last evening. MrCieskey and Holbey went to the hospital from Co. C today. Thirty-Fifth flichigan. Company I is on provost duty in Summerville. Quartermaster Sergeant Reynolds and Sergeant Neis are sick in Co. F quarters today. Nearly all of sick men in Co. A and several of those on sick leave are re covering rapidly. Clark of Co. K returned from a sick furlough yesterday. Farmham and Messenger returned to Co. Ii from furlough yesterday: Several members of H have been vaccinated and are snfr ring from the results. . Messenger-of .ii was transferred to B today. • Major Knox of tlie Second battalion left yestenla; for a thirty days' sick leave. First Maryland. Sgt. Leonard of F and detail went' niff it|lAl» A UA» VMt M*t*AV N*»l If: lAffA DREYFUS RUST BE RETURNED TutMUM B I‘tMt b Tit KifUffiltt. ftw IMS. ImS4#ws W M ffi uwM Al ii* f— He—l, !• tntvl s ••■ ft# fHI fIMB #”% %*•»»-* MM ItlEttN IN Hi ISHI.K*. IM*> Ara Ml Awn—l A—MM— M t—• today j•• llltliff (w-%f I M|> 11 |f ■ 9|tVk> fltl Y# . Tto### |lf#•#•»! •## I J. C*. (lEmi'hili CBtrltoDi 241 #tv# *»«§ A T (tomfrnd, Kit*»wilft# #nd W j tgK&iur \*nhvtll. AimHt jin, \ I? C dirroll. YHfttori Hrr#id. I J N. tofllllK-# Unlr llif fc U«##U# <*t«fti AH#n(# (’'»n«lHu!li«fi. I T J PtriMdi*. iarliffiMfi Whig A It. M—rrtw. HP hmond Tlmra J W Lambert. Nat.hex D—srat. Of Kamaaiion waa *lte ted la»l year la Aitama on the mme general linen of ih««te under whleh the National Pun. Ikahera' A abend* I lon m the Maat and New York Futures. New York. Nov. 17. Future# *tr»- NnvemlM r .. .■ .. .. .. . .t il Dec mb. t 517 January February i ll y March *.*t April 5 » May .'.,*15 June .5.17 July... 5 41 August 5.41 i September 6.15 October 6.47 over to pul up tents at division head quarter*. The first summary court held by the regiment occurred today. Capt. Adams of F has been trying hia hand at gunning lately. Capt. Feuss. Id. Supple and Sgl. Wheeley went on a hunting trip to day. Corporal U-e of L returned today from a sixty days sick furlough q M. Sgt Bernstein returned today from furlough. Hahn of Co. H cut his hand badly on a car yesterday Canteen started running yesterday afternoon. Gougli of D returned from fuilougfi today. Guard mount was held today for the first tluie. Captnin Riggs is the officer of the day. There will be several additions made heie to the lutnd. The mattress makers are doing a good business at the camp. Tenth Ohio. F Douse of Co. F returned to his company today. A Reinhart returned to I) today after a dl) days' furlough Swartwood of A has joined the nten again. Van Norman of B returned from Cleveland last night. Corporal Wakefield of H left on fur lough to Missouri last night. Porter anil Loveless and Ferris re ceived honorable discharges today from Co. K. D. E. Talstcy of the Tenth band is going to his home in Toledo on a fur lough today. First Sergeant Woodard. Co. D, 35th Michigan, returned to canrp last night. E. Miles of the same company return ed today. Cavalry. Corporal Williams of M has complet ed his barber shop and is ready for business. N. and D troops have received Sib ley stoves for winter use. Car. Chase and Lt. Walker L ft for Huntsville yesterday Ids. Tate and liankln* take -charge or their pluc-s to-day. All of the i loops are pieparing for a blgrThauksgiviug dinner. Worr ■! and Burton of II were dis charged from the hospital today. Houston and Trocschcr received honorable discharges today. n******* ffilapN: L* to * to KNPMto I *f#*to* •4M> PLANT*** loan and hAVINCiH •an* •»♦*# am# to to fttofto RRINLEYS ATLANTA TRIP. ll# Kill Lffiit VjillMM Iff IN J«I4W M (Hr, IS> n# M m ki—• la«— om* Ut> • Day —4 * n Tiotoimum \«#t if —■ CdfNL &**• 9 1 >|p#»ll of Ito# to*# <a*«dldß<lli i #imi##i4<ti <#'#• #4 ito# #toll# todto## i iuftiitoii «#4 |«t#r!l*«ilf (MNBtoIMMC #" fit• toflto Ito* to###MMtoMM Ito# to rNN lif Us ItoXltotoNf tto III# Alltotolto IMPtofto )#Mj#* Mf| ftßcitotto tto# fMNNf* NB#tol tolll I#### Mt to«i tin I'toHl Ilf Hi Jfttltotol# (H iMMBto if Ito ttolß and rriii iiim #totll ««iM#ltotol ft Itoto It ito# Till narfi !• aft rftotiiitotoil M MR IU.IINO IIWINOS M IT. Mark I— Bt CMf <— *4 ttwiw at M*» Crap*. Mr Jaira L flraiM ••*«•— m#4 •uil, ihro—b Ma att.wwayw. M*•*#»*. tkiui.ei a fvi*ln «|biws iba Of# Cewtbttl of Au«ta«l* bffr 54.JM9 TV- fUin ia .•••* a irart <4 burl Juag <4 IM# city, neat tMr *44 it* I*ll*Mi l hi.r mn4 <laltna thai to !»*«. T~ (**• btiM. #1 tb* I'am mi MiHrt a mill. ••• . ■•nilauuw* #414 <raa*4 max la IM* IM* trfro.tant <wt |*«| aurru* tr-l mmi ls fra (tw, PI frat *l4) *B4 ts*» * to » fret draw, ] *n.t Ms* | l*M~d a *•! M«r mw -*mr, t I ha: »bh.n lb) Hatannak rlvrr »*• alatvr th. beta hi >f h or U M aa inraaur— at the city Ix 44—. I—t t— • oratar from tb# rivet at Hawk'* 'latlr up In Hie ihliii l*v#t of IMr • anal all 4 tun* ibioticM th* a1.,0 mnuioMd —a •*«*-*ay. under Trig** Mrwt, and tb#n Juan !hr dllrh near tk# GbriwkWl w«rb*. an dil*#«nr do«w *"»r tb* pUlp* land, on toraarila tb# awaiwp. Tka plaintiff furr hrrroore < laima I bat cat— to stop ike hack oatn m Marbwry strwt were tn a laid nriutltlon and thnt I Hi- city iilßrrra fail#d to rtaw# throb dn*n at Ulttra when they might bav# nrttlgetrd the damn**. Tkla Imuarlrrt ondlthm of ill*# and failure to chin* ihetn waa r-ontrlbutlng eauam to dam age surtatnrd by him. Th. claliirlff ida re* hta tlamagv aa fnlptwa: trratiuctkm to hta crop for three > . ar* -*2.Ma. IVrmaaent Injury t« hi* land—M.oo4. . 51 PERIOR COURT. Cartes Disposed of Before Judge Cal loway Thl# Morning. The cr,ar nf A»bury Methodist church v*. P J. O'Connor, »b#ciff. was ordered dismlsard for want of proarcution and a motion waa mad# by Mr. Boykin Wrlgkt, attornry for tha church, to irinstatc the raae. The rase of Willi* * Rountree va U Goldman, et ah. was ordered dlsmlaa rd for want of proaecutioai. Althea Selkirk v*. J. M. Selkirk, suit for alimony, was ordered dlsmlas ed for want of prosecution. The case of Ellen O Cooncr v*. Jo hanna MeAnliffe. having an erder was taken dismissing the case from th# docket. C. C. Burch vs. Littleton R. Smith verdict in favor of the plaintiff. In the case of E. H. V— Ingru tc Co., vs. Fertia ft Son, a rule absolute was taken. The rose of Emma Plunkett vs. the Georg I a Chemical Works is at present engaging the attention of the superior court. Mrs. Plunkett Is suing for dam ages for the killing of her son, wlu> wns enrobed between two cars. The case of .1. tie D. Ellison Is the estate of J. L. Wilson was not heard yesterday, but will probably come up next Tuesday.. n A SON 1C FAIR. The Social Event to Take Place in December. All of Augusta is looking forward with much fngsrrnes# to the Masonic Fair, which’ will be the social event of December end for which extensive preparations era being made. The Fair will continue for two weeks and will lie one of the most elaborate that lias ever been held in Augusta. The dec orations of the hall will be under the personal supervision of Mr. W. Ed. Platt and will, it is said, be something entirely unique and novel. Contribu tions are still being Bent to the com mittee in charge and all express them selves as being very much gratified by the response of the citizens here and elsewhere to their solicitation. It Is understood that cheap rates have been secured during the Fair over all the roads which enter the city. • The great gag of the New 1 York bet ting Was where a man offered $10,01)0 on Van Wyck h>r place—oue. two or three. Hi The legislature fe grinding away again. The important work will come up at ihe fortieth hour.