The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 18, 1898, Image 1

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mi aooosu mum IAIX. *•*•*•*« < A STRIKE SEEMS PROBABLE NOW Th« Clouds Ars Rapidly Gathering »n th® Mill District® In AugutU* An Important V®®t<n« I* to »• H*»o In W#tt End Tonipht. Timim* Wmi •*« •** matrnm •m Hhtoh •«* l»* 14* «* • «* wi * a H»nM •****!•* w 4 • wa •«* #***fte Wf A> T«rr*n anm te bartki a** s *' •*•*» ir »it-»-t m prm. to* mt «*•* • .mg wilt mnmm't to MAM *“kAa» gorkSwf »u« <w #*«to * *• <1 t» «. IBM *•-* n«M »k*i iter M» Iwnw lb*** M M to to* •Wkkl« •=Cte kM to •*« to M M4l»*aMll •*ik mb ftote «4 Ik* to***w at lk# ImMU Win »Mt • *»»»« M*t -W* wtwrlt »»« k*« mlmm M •** rat w* *#• AtokßMi l*k M««Mk im, p««rr •*»**# M kk» mmb kaa gi <*« kto ■**>**. m »k* #♦•« i.>« mi I wwwkl tm to ampth** t ttMTW I*o# * •faikAOt MWO *"* j * tfc# MfM I** lk*l» rte*h * TIM. As BMW MM kO. MMB tk.l Ik* Mk*# kM'-BMito at tka Mill •*» •> !»« *• Mrtk# IAo ••* know wh*t «*•» •«< An Hut OB* *blk« »• M*tßlto--«h* •**« # uariMi* kin- Th# kibtey Milt kM UM Ik* twt «• Ik# rk*ck •ark. MI»MM MM *k» Ik* MMPMW <4 tka iMOtta #»k*at d« Ik* MM*/* , . . Tkto MM* Mi»»tM#*t •«* tatra* kr another *#**«■ «4 «k* l***ua mill. At Ik* ktog kk A wM**r of tk* King Ml» MT* lk#r* •HI fa* bo strike I* lk*l Mill, b« »k*i • emit number of Ik* tegt w#*f#f* barn notiSed lb* owwm tk*t that •r# iolii to quit. H* mi* lk»i tkl* means that ik* »#•%** n*oM *HS pmrtlcglly fa* abut dow* (Mkn aod .Vtoorr#. Tk* ranker* ar* **rr r**U*M A* y*< «k*r ka»* *fwt»A ao orgsßlts’laa but • graot Many of ih*m at* certainly to favor of a strifcn, If »kat a rnrder nut tbla morning «an fa* takeo a* lb* feel ing ratrtJnc la that dr part»*nt. Tk* opine<m ar* a* determined a* RIOTS CONTINUE AT PANA A Number of Whiles Killed by Ne groes Today. Seventy-Five Armed Negroes on the Rampage Pact. Illinois. Not. 1* Desultory firing from ftriy sect lon of the city continued throughout the night. The terrorized residents bundled in groups which were guarded by heads of fam ilies heavily a. tned. Quite a numDer of families left the city and spent the night In the country with their friends. C. H H'*ath, an ex-railroad man. whose home Is In Flatbam. a negro district, was fired upon by the blacks, and htiraelf and family driven to shel ter in the country. The blacks darn that shots were fired at their homes from Heath'S yard, a statement which he denies. Members of troop B were alert all night, hut accomplished little. A col o' >d union miner reported to the po lice that a white man had been hilled ir Ihe Plntliara district. Officers Smith and bee accompanied by the negro, started for the scene. They Here met by Captain Butlfr militia co., unnder. who told the officers It. was unsafe for the* to enter the Flat ham district. Butler refused lo send a guard to accompany the ofnc.‘>rs. In ihe Hprhtgside district Ed Jones, a white non-nnion miner, was reported shot and dangerously wounded. The report reached the city todiy that 75 negroes, with Winchesters, lined up in Sprlngside to clean out the whites of tbat .-eetton. Captain Butler at once despatched tioops to the scene. Futures. New York, Nov. 15. Fuures stea dy*. November 5.13 December 5.18 January 5.20 Feb'uary 5.21 March 5.20 Anril 5.23 Mary,..., 5.34 June July 5. :* August 5.41 October 5.4-1 * k Twt k»i, 'J k • ***»**. loir *'* * I * ** • (hoi S IfipSE ik* »*»■*#*« taa* *# «teto mm •*•* Wy *m MtkM m ***» • **k n* MUk ikMMtk «k*l tk*#* •«!»••*•** 1 aakioo MHk* n M kk*u m mm m A#m# of Mm »«•«»#*»#* oko fco*# !MO Dh*#mm4 to "MU M •** iMOiiM oofo ak*o. a*4 oM4 lka» tlM* tMfMia* «k#i Ik* artowMi **• M**M**a fOOtMTIXOM Okltk tk** •*» «r m<**a#-* Tk*t mi ifa*» ik* •'**** taaiMo of ik* »*M*mM »*• •*» - ik* **nirni of • *t*.fc* Tk*» to $ ■ afaoat Ikiaoi »a * •*•••**** l« «or «o* *f ik*** a*o*i»M*i Mr* k» **«tatst> k*fs**M ik*f* otM k* k : *l*sk# H* Ml* k* k*wr MO *ork : apmomhmiwo Tk# ** * Wk*4 >|U • kMtfc kttrk Tk** ka*# n*M ik* |Mtki. m ik* imttvmmt akfk. ok*#* tk** * ti kot tM#a i* I mar-1 —r mm M# mi# *k*#» on M*ar «kn Ao ow oiM io airtk*. kol that ik# MA* M an ***«o« Ikat aft otfl fa* «MMkt ta Its ra«* H*Mlo« as Ik* M*#vkoot* T«o»*kt i Tk* M*rrb*»i* <4 W#*l R*4 *•« kolA a M*#tlo« loalfbt •" Ataro** t>»*» io pr****i tk* rot. k*kai *rt»iik tli<-> alii lab* raokoi k* t#or**A. i u *aa «a«#d fa, oa. of «* MK HH**wrt#A Ik lb* om»t*M**l •#► tiigkt. that b# bad Mt*ad*A lo ■*! «b a kMitlM *l««*«l br all iba Mwmaat*. toktac ib* »!’f P*4*u kM M ■»•«' I tk# rm at tbt* iim#. a# H »a* • bar i.m# of Ibr r*»r f«»r lb* 00*#*“™ lo bar* th#lr •*«*• r#Awr*d. bol. bran log of lb* M##‘lßf t# fa# b*M toalgbl. hr had Aofrrrrd bt. *rtio« W«»» J* maid »** *ba« «be ow*i»a« inkt«b • wild brSa* tofiX Wb*r# tk# »#*Uo* would b* b*w would 00l b# *t*t#d aa It M "M lb qol#t" Th* d***lopo»*ol* of lb* »##• *« to Btgbi and th* anion of th# op#rat!vra tomorrow oil! br awattrd with totrr rat. BOLD DASN FOR ItIBERTY As t ronsfqufct'f One Man Is Killed and Two Wounded. Desperate Rattle at Columbus. Ohio This Morning Columbus, Ohio. Nov. 18.—A desper ate attempt was made by two convicts | to escape frony the penitentiary at 8 j thla morning, as the result of which Guard Charles Lautcrbaugh. of Mt. j I Vernon, was snot and killed, w hile Con- j vlcts O'Neill and Atkinson, who were serving 15 years each for robbery, ob tained possession of a revolver, and ! j proceeded to carry out a hold plan. One cov. red his face with a handker- | * chief and went Into the broom shop, j where he held up Guard Lime, and took i his revolver. He then returned to the i 1 hoe shop, where the other man Joined j I him. and they opened Are on Guard ' I Lauterhaugh. who has charge of the I department. Te guard wan shot three I (times and almost Instantly killed. I The sound of the shooting ranched the other officials of the prison, and . jthey rame to investigate. Guard Gump ' I was ftnK on the Scene, and, taking In | I the situation, opened Are on the two i 'prisoners. This was returned, and a : 'regular battle was In progress, until the ! revolver* of all the participants were! | emptied. In the fray Convict Atkin- • 1 son was shot down and seriously In- j I lured, and as soon as the guns were i (emptied Guard Gump rushed In with ' a cane and almost beat O'Neill to I 'death before the prisoner would sur- j i r-nder. The men were taken to the | I hospital, where their Injuries were at-| (tended to. Atkinson was shot'in the I | body. but. was not thought to be serl- j ously hurt. Other prisoners where the j I shooting occurred took no part in the j affair, hut it is understood they stood ready to follow If the efforts of the two leaders proved successful. Previ ous to making the outbreak one of the j two prisoners forced a third man to place a ladder against the ouslde of the ' penitentiary wall so w hen they had fought their way out of the shops they could shoot down the wall guard, and escape. Mr*. Campbell at the Horse Show. The current number of Town Topics says: ' Mrs. Campbell, who was, I be lieve, an Asgusta, Uu.. gift, anil whose lovely complexion, dark hair and eyes ! were well set. off by violet silk, is also 1 a beauty of the [horse] show." fib ilM* A »m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. *«f*e mi. KILLED ELEVEN' ITALIANS ItitMtfAA* IUNM4 AftdnH N*tt J»n#i CS». A Hwmibw h*m »* l%k*A t* f *«m tk* www-vaMk»i. fa#w fork. No* t* »WhA* a *a*o <4 f If-#* -> Ik jAjPfrTf' tk# 4NMr|| WKfkMlI tiw* rv*k«k#fi* ####♦•» * HSW m&mt t owi i*w* twAaf .liwt# w**» rwa A»w* an •«*# MM «w»H#*« aod MB #***• Ml M|W#wA OMr lk»«« i « a»M wo* |ti a i##of t maoka## oak to#* • * #«*k b#n A k#o*y #r# k##*aO*a tk* m#o *iiM «*## own tiaMbwo, itiMo mw* i#*W*f nt» tk* I#OM Wkt#k l*k 4MaO 1 ik* walk**** *a* ik* mom MA>> «•*’» In f**| mat tk# b«0 Mta«'«A Ik# IMMU MM >l*olo*** r*k* Va 4 IIM *#wwA wo* #oAi"»*wnoo a# wok# 4 kM MM*. Ml* trato wm rwa*at M a M*a • at# of *om#4 fc* In On I*o Ik#** *•* wikioo i* «Mtft*d a ww»*a roa M Jo »r CMt Th# r.#» k# hw#w WM i.iwM bod two on* Ik* om* •■** wk*o tk# «apM' oa*i TV# ik# <r*M* *f ik* «*>• ami o* «4b #»•*> mm »• *o#ai k* M llll *l* | l* k> MWOOM Ik# IIO# m * MM Tk# OMt# *•#•■ *##*• AM *•"- aod aM*d tka mowmomi M ororrMw* for ik# M»« .1 IK# mm#o> A iralo paMod n* Ik* on* •wood l*i a a A** Mlw*i#* ! Mo# IK# raMbnmMl train #*» d.*WO tk* a#«« ik* #*** moo ik* *o«o># *4 1 ik# arwlKnwod Hat* oval o**r no Ik* raMiMwwd IMOk. and tk# o«Aa# of ik* W«W4KMIO4 MOM A**WMK#A ik# work* m#w ff«»wi bum Ik# appmarb *4 lb# trata Tk*# w*»* an awai» ibai ik# irate wa# #*#r Item ooul ib*» bad I*ol praitMrd rlobi aod »#f» Wteai ib* #o#lo# obw-b #lrwrk lb# fatewl rvarbrd ib# »v*jMr«**"fai d*m« oi J*r kry niy, |b* «<r* >ral. hr* OO* f*d *llb hlnad prwiw lb* ma '*H»#d A b*r af t»r Ib* #«*ia# bad aMpA#* P** b#d up a band fmoi tb» rnw-rairfarr ll bad irkpw *#%rt#d fr<*a oa* *f lb* »K-ilM*. Brail) lb lib Ua. N#a Yorfc. l« A dtapairb fr»«a Rio d* Jaarlro Mr* Marfard Art#od*kip bnw**a ifa* AM*rlran #ad Hrasiltan aaral *Po**» w»a tfaowa I*M nlgfai wb*a a l*aou*i wa» *l»*a lb*te «br Awrlcaa loltlrablp Or*«oo, Tbr ofbrrr# of tb* Or*««>B and b>"» •rr# •#«J«lMl la *ei*rtalala« far tb* Aotertraa mlal»l*r. Obarl** f*»*r Bry an promia*ni mrwib#r* of ill# dlplo matir rnrp# wrrr prr*rot. R#f#-r*nrM to lb# Aronlraa aaral rlriorl*# during ifa# rn-rni war brought oui much ra tkoataaM THE POOli Bibb IS RlliliED MrDonough Measure Meets Its Fate In the Senate, The Financial Condition of the State to Be Investigated. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 18 The senate killed the bill of McDonough of Chat ham to prohibit the sale of pools on horse races out of the state. It came upon an adverse report from the gen- j eal Judiclay committee and was j adopted. There may be an effort to re- | consider. Thrasher Introduced a resolution | that a Joint committee from both houses be appointed consisting of five from the senate and ten from the house, to make a full and complete in-, vestlgation of financial affairs of the state, so that, the legislators may have definite statistics to goven them in cutting or making appropriations. The committee for the senate was ap pointed. It consists of Wright, Thrasher, Hand, Blalock anil Llt tle. West Introduced a bill providing ! that all pensioners where the applica- ( tlona have been approved be paid as long as there is money for that fund, and if all ae not paid they shall be paid out of the next year's fund before appartioned. Only Whites Wanted. New York, Nov. 18. A dispatch i from Havana says: The news from To peka. Kansas, that John T. Veney, a Baptist preacher, was about to send to Santiago thirty negro families as a nucleus for a large negro colony, caused an exceedingly bad Impression among the Cubans, who are anxious that only white emigrants shall come to Cuba. The more rabid predict a race war Fhould many negroes come from the United States, A strange feature is tbat the Cuban negoes ae even moe bitter than the whites in denouncing the movement. Fifty Five Divorces Tomorrow. Tije divorce mill will'soon begin to grind and fifty-five cases have been docketed for tomorrow.. AMUR of 4. HA CORPS 'HEAD QUARTERS tin A* m ife> 111 I‘w* f APf HaMa 1 u #• ttem t OMWIH boon* ttea tow fa djaAka #r# *•*•« Hl* M«b#* PBte MX*#* Ml k»*WWM «4 Ib* iwm #ki at* •*H<ai a mm afbo 4pm ka- 4 ok#* if tba tkM Ana Aora ftkM* •fa h**« AO ten** ’* ik#» **o4% •#* •aauwr am***nam> mt ib# iim* *ot * * fa teg #%M* rod miter**m OtefaiM *b#«i bM*o ,w#p|r#i*aA» awl M dMHPna > ißHlfa* '* *llll onollawia* *Od Ik* MAM* w -' * ' k# pifatteA »k ik* k#oi N»*f* »*• rwttk »* AteoaobM# teanam •» »b# Tktrd b*l«kA# LuRmXWI Tb# mHlwoA# ba»* tedlA*A lb* #4* «**• IbM Ik* MR ftewAgwan##* »*4 w*«*o note o<b ib# Math Mg*#* mrg* ar* mdw oar #*A will •#*#• b#r# ihi* work Th* rwM-oa •** kAteM lba< AuAOte* wMI «hm kki» #*rw<* **m(pi b#i«*A* of irma*. hot 'ba* • imßmmi #4 *•* airy la *t*n A*aite#A la obm# b*** Tb# f»4k'*ia bo***#r, m» ik*r boon ao«b teg of aorb a *> ■>%» f'mr«wi o*a»A# at* boar **4 al tboogb th* »M»te» of arrwai* fa# Um •orb Aor goiiAa awMter ar* aawi la Ma>rw Baadbctia aad M#j Aikte*oa of lb# WMb. who ar* t* fbant# of *b* proao#' guard* ar# aniv*tr ai arork aod • ill •*• ’bit #i#tytbte* ta Am# lo *#*##%< c nrdrr. In #p*akia« of «h# rrpon* at M*a toaall'og ladir* thry *iat#4 that tb#y woo Id approval* r*rr Much if *«r argb thing wa* iwpoiird to ifa#*, aad i bat ib#r o«.ulA a#% «b»« tb* Hfrrdwra *#r# **%*fwly pwolahrd Th* i#f*fdPte#« at* btea* plar*A an l work don# on lb* #t*ru.* light ite# lodar A bow iwnur fl*s a tr Its fat# urtll b# plaint •* ska camp ai ib* rarlfawt punalbl# dai* r, ftebla will bar* rrrmaiori#* built #1 lb# rrar of rrgtomtita! camp* la dtapoa# IM ibr rubidnh «t ib* camp H*| I not pat*# Of Ibr Tmih Ohm. Ite orlgad# color Lwurr, ha* lb* mall Ite# In good working order and mad* of Irltrra bound for hom# ar* taken down in tb* mall wagoa dally. Omrral A«- lla* baa m.t aryrrai confrdrralr# who hr fought ta haul** agamal during the civil war. Ataoag tbr#« I* Captain Mldgr'V who fared him at tb# battl# of %AIooo« <k » anl for a fate* llmr (ought at ctonr quarter* . TB* captain and gcunral have hud arvrral plMtant ebata dlacunlng tb* old tlmn. Camp Chat. The cavalry ia kicking because an order baa been Issued making them gar paxaes signed by Ihe sergeant, squadron commander and commanding offlr.*r They have neve been compelled to do thta before The Third brigade big mess tenia make a show and remind one of big circus tent*. The Fifteenth Minnesota have extra large tenia and ara only pitching them two end to end. The men seem anxious lo kow If the sun ever shlnea in the aouthland and If it ever get* cold. 1/et them wait un til January. Botnet itm* axo one* of tho raptalnn of the Thlrtv-Fifth died Today his first lieutenant. C. A. Fountain, was made captain; Sec. U. Guy M Howly was made flrnt lieutenant and First Sergeant Daly Smith was made aecond lieutenant. Fifteenth JUnnetota. Company L is living in pup tent* for a day or so. Jacobson. Johnaou. Freebtirg, Wag ner, Swindells, of Co. D. Joined the company here. Corporal Newton and Bugler Hurst, of Company F Joined thetr command today. _ „ Sgt. Preston, Sword. Dwell, Tschnmlder, and iCorporal Snook, (are the numbers of Ob. G that have come in since the arrival df the regiment In Augusta. ~ . , . Thornberry of Co. I awaited his command In this city. Storrs of Co. C came in today from Choklo. . , Butler of M is among the arrivals today. „ _ „ Quartermaster Sergt. McCall. Co. K. and Andersen and Fleming, of Co. K, came in yesterday. Thirteenth Pennsylvania Camp of Co. G went to the hospital this morning. Artificer TerwllHger went there yesterday. Barrett is unwell and lies been sert to the hospital from Co. K. The regiment ia busy putting in floors today. Highth Pennsylvania. Csrp*!'* l McAllister »nJ. Saylor, o* Cn. n, ars n'uk in their quarwr* to-': day. The refciment Yeeeived their first to sae of fttßb ifleat utvki'V slid <*11! set bread tomorrow. w. A. Jones of IT, who ha* been sick since August, is expected today. NONE OF SPAIN'S DEBTS AMMR T* I* Ammt If) Sw I »w»4 Mum • UAIAftPAAL Ate ««•*• I WAM «Maai teuMteap tb*y fbaaw t»woA#tet*4 Tnte, Ap* UM-th* TMWA dtefr* crwuafa iiopira at* Am»lino th# Aar ** <*#» Aid t#te#fday b* A#*mu«*‘*» « Ik Pl’ f*«W#Otef)op bo# th# <*o# d *r» *n of th* Agoaiok •**»»*>•* Wk # th# Aipxirwai a#* fWfa a. a* W th*d iniwplloaa, p May k* wM4 wltbo# ■ iay»n» tb w Ik* owonu i la **at upwk ufteb #*te* ***** <»»*•• Or r#p»*K # to lb* AM#-t»«* if tel te M* #« will k* Rid tefrt* ib* A*** »fd* •Mb a iim# U«*M »** k#p*|K-*#A ■%* pr**l*w«‘r ipdwi#d ta ib#*# AMfaterb tb* At*»H«M AWMlkAlimi'te wf! •mt arc!*# lb* l*k: #4 Am* • 4U cMfarte ha lb# nwAteia *4 Am a ik a*y «bat# wr farm Ik teh*r weed#-, •he Ikteiwww# *lll l« a»»r»b * *»* I ..a > #b hukd*. #•#• IteMgfc Apao. Ml* fat# am t*»g#d m mtmar ifa me rry* of if* Mprltwry lo hr teV-T R ik# f'dt«<d Mra Tb# Am> .'«*«•* •nay »l.« iwqwli* wtell *#*« Motet*.* at Twain ► per par# »k# Anal fr.wtfa a«ten #4 ib to raa*. •birk •*« w*drr> •aod a. Hr adfowramrai WfAfaitor. Mr*, klrblaad Awm Away Mr* l» R Ktrktawd of S» IR K#w Klngirwn, w.w Rod. dted iwh» at ik# teuwr <4 b#r father. Mr w T dprowar near Hull#*'# cr#»h. Mr# Kirkland *## oklr •!»»•« Iwmir yrara »f age. and ter death te# < auard mu fa ancrow anumg ter many frtrnd# Tb# fun#ml occur* mwwrw fiatiß'l Mb. Pune# p R . Sat UL Tbr Man# port Mtnaewaak#. with Ite flnu ragi n*r* and repmom tat lira of tte Red Crow aoririr oa board, left ter# lodar for bom# Conway and Pchwarla of Co. T. *r# Mck IB quart### * | (Virporal lair* «f Co. B <ut hi* artel painfully y##tcrda) on a broh»n botll#. Hgt Prylirrgrr Of Co. i gave an Im promptu dinner to hta lent males to day. . Holly of Co. C amt to Ite hcwpill to day. J r. By of C ba* teen appointed cook tn the rMamtol ho*idtal. Thirty-I IHh Hkhlgan. Hurkl* of Co K returned from alck leave yealrrday. Wesley IHek of Co. II of Charted IB returned hi# ropgigny today. Van (Slider of O*. B an* granted an honorable dlwharge t<*lay. Thom*# c*lv#rt of Co. M returned from furlough today. Pergueon of Co. E returned from th# hftePltal today Hgt. P>ar*an of th* 15lh Minnesota, who esme on ahead of his regiment and has been the gueat of Co. E. rejoined hi* red!ment today. First Maryland. Head Cook Cosgrove of Co. A ia suf \ feting from a badly burned hand. Bugler It. F. Miller left yesterday for his home In Oxford, having secured ah honorable discharge, j Corporal Polaal of l has secured an | honorable discharge. I Cook Lorunt or Co. I will 'd a calf the men have been fattening and the | company Is feasting. Capt. Haupt Is officer of the day and j,t. O. H. Brown officer of the guard. Corporal John H. Dean of Co. E has secured a discharge and leaves today. Corporal Lee of Co. I, returned yes terday fiom a sixty days' sick leave. Tenth Ohio. Co. El* proud of Us mascots—a two legged eoon froni North Carolina and a four-legged coon from Ohio. Von Felde left today from Co. M. for a seven days tttrlough. on account of the sickness of his mother. A Relnkart of Co. l> returned yes i terday from a furlough. jj . J. Sauer. Co. I* left for Ids home ; last night with an honorable discharge. Garber of Co. 11 went to the hospi tal today. Fred W. Raider of Co. B, the pop ular oftioer-barber, made quite a rep utation as a rooter for the Cleveland baseball team. W. P. Scott of Co. H returned from a furlough and reported for duty this morning. E. J. Jones ofVK la Vick In the hospi tal today. W. K. Clause of Co. G returned from furlough today. Cavalry. Trooper Charles Ringer of troop D will be honorably discharged tomor row. A sweet concert was given by the musicians of the cavalry in the barber shop last night. Carp. Frank of H troop Is In the hos pital. Randolph of B troops goes to duty tomorrow. Pratt of n and Docker of V tloop go to duty in the morning. Friesnd u.' IS who as dlsmlsaed ffom the hospital on tile Hill, -relumed yesterday. Xerbe o. (loop a received an honor able dtacliarge tfttta* • The lights were all out In the west ern part of the city last night. '■ ' ’ 1 ’ ' *'« , i mu i«»a*» i »ui .. • -err-ae-r M—l—M imiiiVi •* • HAVE SNUBBED ' M KINLEY Tit MitkMl fUt lAWtofl tßf* %m »•« Hi» te»%<*MMk. *ka . to** ""itef ms# twp* m* wktek has wot temp te»#w fa# ihw i «idw it t# na aw wwtii !■ •»# »b*i • •Ka .a >•*#— ysMdMtg tb* >S| «wwte* w at MaraaMMk fad*, utei dk#w« teWUM* •»«•*» edwmAp (wntands tteMwtete kh . tin t> > tkw rtet te iwrtete Ik* I «#%«»>» aerwr #•#*■ Raw* te the aW.iw#m WM tete steal <b# matter TV.* will nm'kw iqdhwi taw d*wi ik# taps** oat II te ptvtlp a < 1 la te lea# Abate tw* w#ak sop* •• »!'*#* tte * teteadwp I a >#w Ml Inna awd M •** Wte#M Atr*k Th# plan wa* Wnarksd again fag tte ■nnyta at • >•«• TfamnAay alt#twanw. II ngnin mat with swrk uaw** <knt It #%a* dmanod teM tw bate* Ik# mall## wp tn «gp* .owned May#* M»td«im maim that II I# wte lb# eogga 'i's duty tw tern# lb# priimlsai te#*, M* «std m •bp. ■ iimk»nfad> "Ate Ite an ifa# etty in hw mana tpsl ■ spar try m m*a**ted t Aw kte Ibtek hat *• has* ite atek»wtiy •* spa.w I4WI# u«sn fomn ite M#a«wry hw 'te . .nMrtnimwetti at «k# mateAtnt Tte ■ fly tons steady rspamted s *#yy Mira* •am In making proper prwaMMtm far tk# . tump* woo here, and rartteaty ll rwa -1 not to. mn#tM IMI ite aslleultt#* imta fulled to 4» *ll m liter pnw#r ftw tb* - .on(mi and a#ll facing at lit### trtmga snd fat Ik* prtMermlfaai of law and «rA#r "Tte todaifatiw eilsiing tetnaen Ite mtllisry and rtrtl aotkorlttei have team nod ar# <tf th -dial and bar , malow ebarnelef Tte « rkwiw# l« tte . hfarf mantatratr, tr fa# maw ta ka [ tannak. #h -ald fa# worthy at tte brad f of a great people and M keeping with Ite r.aiwtry and h-eqoiality of itnvan- , oak Moaavar a# may dilfee with him politically, te M Ite ITtahleni of ite - Culled Hlatr# sad as #u. h command# I . and re#lr« our reaped. •While persannlly 1 regret that Ite Hly la Bs rmpMlt caps, lip Iwcome the boas and entertain#r. yet j the . tty will gladly aeteom# Mm. and. , #p#sklng for mystlf. i absll en-operal# j nllh th# cittern body In any proper , m«asur#s tlial may h# adoplcl " If tte vtadl of Ite ITeSidi-nt Is lo te 1 made Ibr otearutm of a general rotebra ' lion, should reedy# the «*r , nesi suppjtil °f *'• class#* of our rlt isen The political difference# that #«lat In every community should have no place > In a putdlc demonalralion. I rviatal. j wbstavar tte rttisens may determine to | do. asauming always that It will be propel, shall have my hr-arly support, and I doubt not that of the municipal authorities.” ! Though the aldermen will not talk soy ! publication, tome of them hav# said to I friends thst they could n»l conscien tiously yule ror the rntdtsilitnent of the iTe*ld#nt as the etty * sue*! be . nun# of thulr feyllng toward him for hla appoint mints In the South. They considered hi* action* In this | connection In a great measure respon sible for the troubles that have occur red In the South recently between the races. CONTRACTOR OREOO. Has Been Awarded Contract for Making Changes at Post Office. The changing of the position "f the : screen that separates the registry <le- I partment at the postoffire front the mailing department, which was rone pigted some months ago. will he be gtlit next week. Postmaster Stallings decided that It | would be a much better arrangement | If the position of the registry -rub - be j changed, so that the window front to | wards the east side of the lobby Instead j of the north side. I Today the postmaster received notlfl j cation from the acting secretary of the ! treasury department. A, I.■ Spaulding, that Contractor W. H. Gregg had been awarded the contract for doing the work. The contractor will he notified today. There were three bidders on the work. DEATH OF MRS. NEBHUT Occurred This Afternoon—Funeral Tomorrow. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Nebhut occurred at half past one o'clock to day, at the residence of her son-in law, Mr. B. T. Lowe. Mrs. Nebhut was a sister of Capt. Robert Smith of Woodvllle, Ga., and was a former res ident of Madison, but had made her j home with her daughter, Mrs. H. T. 1 Lowe, for a number of years. She hud passed the allotted three score ] years and ten, but. only in years was j she old, and her bright sunny dispo- j sitlon and cheery manners made her loved by old and young. The funeral | will occur tomorrow afternoon, at half j past three o’clock,, from the residence ; of Mr. It. T. Lowe, No. 330 Telfair street. Mr. Frank C. Hesiin. Mr. kVank <'• Heslln. it was learned today, will be appointed one yf the clerks’ that will be added to tile posl oAtcr force, under orders received from Washington by the postmaster a feu da ys ago. ft*’ MMOAt 1 •tk A.#* ornAk r^.w? Pylno* HAMK •ae tSMII. s*M TOLBERT'S TURNED DOWN aMMkMMBMM T«mi Ilk lik#t*A A) i|» I tiHrH •M litkflM) tdWIL Mi Ite* m m toaSwrw I# a■iqtk ko#w* •ms Rwi ffaaw'i bay khm MSlkinglrm tow* tkvw tk* T*d# NkflU. •an a*wii -*• -* tram ***** | f new in* w*r* st >b* a an# kmaag gag*l t.«Aa* two#fats#» TW www# ##a as- MfttaA M Ite p.#wM#SM OOd #*.|#MMHM| Mark iW fMir* that «k*g An wok tea* tr«a row at ik* .mwlW MS* •fawn Tka# rated at ite ■•<«* fW#.-ra and r#d ta gW—I S* aA#HM Mptafam #a MooaewM R.tek# g Mtp# ' at# o Toitert claim* tkM Ik* guwwf# ♦rat# .«»a# •*» 4 prwlMtlßk and Ml ' try Mi* to am at* tkl# ogtefask t*MB RAH ll# koa te# t##* a-Wa k>4s sa tea# , mm Tk* Totten# want M. opraMk BMP." • %•#■«»• aa# WMMa tka* to* akg# ; thing *to* Noth #a- tte» l*t#«4 !• rwlar* io knatb Cam >na MR pte* Ml • l-w# llpl- n* .farn ilaM h«*» Tfa* >oni#r tte# t.vaia Ik Ik* dtp 'tog «#ak#r ifc#lr c*»*# lanonk Mr itogAA prrwoaaiiiy nMdaMk* item, Tk* stet that Talbert M ill# #oi«*»l pastßgkg# i#r ai McCmwibk, and not tk* goat# ■win mar h«*# ns latportkkl LRfa mg no Ite < ad# IWMISII t* fourth «la** peMM. er« «l# not ■ ■ ’UIkIMA by lb* law a* edkeera of Ike go#*r»* , in. nt ib#y being app<dnt#d and gal 4 by Ite poalmaaler In Ik# (•■•toAlcg ' dapnnmeot tey »e# recqiniggA a* mlsr. iadfatHW .«*»#• l#*l*f—> ' I nit "I Htste* Attorn#* luckrna. (MM Ite TiSterl dt#ir|ri ha* h#M ..rdarwA ip Washington for ronlaranea with tka okfa fail# of ite 4*pnrtMent of juatkA, and upon hla arrl»al h#r# iod«y UM a hole South Carolina »lauatlon will ba goo# oa#. and a tin# of aitloo d#eidaA pm Th# raa* of K H Binning. fnIMA Slate* CoMmiaatonar nt Wlltnlugtqß. N C. Is Mid lu preaekt *on* of tba dial, uiltc* Which have ippcsmd In tka Tolbert <**# and ll It thought tiwtnk# , tlons wll' #oon te given th* fnttwd State* attorney there to mate an o| vestlgatinn of the facia with a view to beginning proceeding* DIED ON THE STAGE. Actress lithel Marlow#'* >udde» Death lit New York. New York. Nov. t*.—With her brvath , still routing fast frmn the effort of a hurried exit from the stage, and the last line* of her part still In mind, Ethel Marlowe fell last night In the fainting spell that heralded her death, while tho audience before whom she had played still fastened their eager eyeo on th* scene ahe had Just quitted. The art£e*s. wh„ had been playing the part of Polly Love in "The Chris tian,-' died of heart disease In tho wing* cf the Knickerbocker tlwattw shortly after It o'clock. She had kept tier sir. tath and senses Just long enough g Inlsh her wuik for the night, ond left i .e boards In a glow of enthu siastic hr. i plnetw to meet in a few brief > ; moments the Tall of the last curtain. The third act of the play came to an end. and theptayers waited for tho •(.urth till after their young cumrade'a life had quietly ebbed away. Then they returned to an applauding audience, and finished their part* with shattered nerves. The audience knew nothing of tho tragedy Itehlnd the scenes till the rur ( tain had fallen at the close of the play. COMPETITIVE LETTERS. Thanksgiving Composition* For the Sunday Herald. There are alread}' a large number ol the competitive composition* for The Sunday Herald in. This is the Thanksgiving Day composition con test which The Sunday Herald has Inaugurated, offering prizes for the six best compositions, two each from the three public school grades primary, Intermediate and grammar. Be sure that your composition I* In Mrs. Ar go's possession or In Tile Herald office by noon of November 21. Be sure that you give your name, age and school grade. Be sure that your com position consists of not more than 300 words, exclusive of name and ad dress. Notice to Soldiers. St. Matthew's Xjuthcran church, on Walker street, opposite thi city hos pital, extends a cordial welcome to the soldiers to attend their services. On Sunday morning. Nov. 20th, the ser vice will be in German, and all German speaking soldiers are especially Invited to nttend. Died at Hospital. Mr. M. Lysle. aged 80 year*, died last night at the hospital of bronchit’s The reniaius were sent to Park-svtlle , for burial. • Still On. The ease of Emma Plunkett vs. the Georgia Chemical works. Is still beinfc heard in superior cpurl. „ . '