The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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rmoAY 4 m AUGUST! NERUO au».. WKSi _ •* 1* 7~ I .fjSEm* dree •* rm * •** - *»* MAMi <zcU U w«ai i* tatosc* ■#M*re **.«• MM ■MM” *■»» mm. ******** M*~ HN WWA M*P IHli MMUI M »* * •- HM *«M A*«#M •*♦< HHK' (»»»»♦**’• A* **» treore* s•—** •M *l.«Mmw * me ****♦*•«,. _ agm mmm a< <*> * —> •** M • fsre*k#e-*a *i l*» «%•*»*•»*'• I* f^WMPitb<Nk# A* *ft* * *%*»-*t»S EEpte JBn» ?bpß ***** At tft# M**#* ft* ;.; h» mm »W» assure# Mm**. c*„.|krtf*** MM •*• a*** FX* M»*• >4 «* D## * pi#Mip «•! f-sllri'pßi* * *msm |b fti*** *t tn**** ,l# '•** ** |W * npMI It JPBBBI «•* »** ’*w r » w*i* Si #»*# Ml —* *AIMM WW* |. f dm* nM. " «M Cared* ** l *' S lIM PMMIHMUI. IM' *»a HA •M ba* M M* bl-ad It ••* • )»»<*• mSi m a* Tb* BMrwT'r Mir* t«-*a •rl ■Kjitiiauai »*»■* iw Mttot* 4i» #M ,MM IHlAtf r • bttUlMt *P** '•' ■* • y— < MW Im4 Mmrh#‘i hrererf l«l Cb«« MilM t 4 HMtaMl 4* at tb* Srw ' Gt'it <*baret* • nf (’(Mum* dia»»* that •Ail ltaflU*A«**i< M*t MM* >*)«rtr» *1 I*4 pragi—* <4 IM WN •<»«** TIM ******' »ts fc M*m> H * Ntrar*’ got CIH frMll* Tb* H» t*loß IN* VUI In# tftf «*f * Ftftfet **F IIWKHigh rti UgH E> •fUll tIM Mg UtM 'ghlt«fti«) treaafft“"*aO««re >)***** I" ct, Tb* C»t» OmHMII Of Hotcblmod llmu, Ihm (hi mm'* t an nrdlosnc* pMahlag hr fire* aa<i im|wi*onm*«< Ms ffrrsore «r petrere* «bo Mag fflav or ebistlr “A Hoi TUw l« «•»* <>ld To* a TMiSfet ” MMagrt .>f Ui* Troitay 14**—1 tllal at <*aa lair you WMI la loaf MM*’ pgUratt ~® la** ‘ *TkKxl day air. ion fan nmar b* a «oad«>'io( *—LB» Mr* Oolrii Mal»*l. 'l**r ar* ro« aar* Mr Wctodbr lor** you for ymn aalf aloo- ' Mai * Y*a. l a aura h* do** BUBitii* ||* la alvaya ao r*»tl#a# «h*n you ar* la th* room Chicago Meat* Mr. N«**ly«r*tl (r**tllngl Nottody a*r*r y*t aao a dead mul* Mra. Naarljrwrd who la (hlnklng of '•MBetbmg cla* and la not tlatrnlngl Dun i you think your Ilf* Inauram* lirentinm* ar* a wait* of mono John- i • -Boatoii Journal Otw*rul Wood aut*a that Ih* tia gro !*glro*nta In Hantiagtt have b**n » ! anurrc of romo an I iroubl* »»*r aloe* j hla arrival. ll* haa olf*r*d u rewnril I of 11,000 In gold for Ih* dlacloaur* of. th* Identity of th* m*n Impllcatml lu laat Monday nlght’a diagracaful riot ing A Bouton lan any a our nearest Idea of th* meaning «»f manana la found In the proverb, “relertiy stuiuld be teui liered by ennctatlou. If that be an American proverb the average Ameii •an does apt sp< ak his mo|t\er longue. We aT%«ya though Boston Had a lan guage of her own. ttnd now we know It.—Tltnea-Cnlon Kran< la W. Cuahtuan of Tacoma, who ha* been elected to con grata against .Tann-a Hamilton Lowlh. la • •til ed by hla friaoda "the Abraham Un eoln of the coast,” and he la a breeiy and forceful lopreaentatlve of the I’a ctflc slope, who has been an outapokem friend of the gold standard ever aln.e the laaue was raised. U is a good thing that the amenities s>( politics ao quickly succeed the acer bities after election. l<ast Saturday, Richard Croker and Senator Murphy, passing the republican state commit tee rooms in New York, saw Col. Roosevelt standing in the window, aud smiled and bowed The governor elect lifted his hat and bowed and smiled in return. Boston Trans cript. How large a part advertising la now even of a high toned business is il lustrated In The Century Cdmpan. 'S method* in leasing for this use of the windows alone of the entire shop at the corner next above Deltuuuioo S Mpklpott Square restaurant, and ftUlug these with books and poatets. aud such ll,lug* ’an the flag and pennant of the captain’* gig of the Maine, loaned by Capt. Sigsbee; a putt ol the nipnu script of HobMn'a account of tie* sinking of the Merrituac; sign, etc-, from Porto Kico. Mtl‘l «t tAMt I «Hp 4MI MB- *R(NI! ; Ig__ n| Appidp' *pp -«gp»P'*'Bl 4Wh#i v * 8 «4 t M #i ipfß* * I ###-.*%# #4 Yk Tiigf *♦ c% *■s» ly , ! ■ 100 pq|| «* 00 «#BNP«* %*»*% Ms pi **4 Inw nil, U g ppp *m *%• ■ Bpl# mur'iff HW PPBPHP «P Ppß# PP . I tifijM'i» # ft f~># •#■-*#*• pw P» Pi p###*** • iTZS'Z mthkNAAf^^ I ar«MM* *b* «***•• ***Mb *a*t g»« ■* ' xn br«ir*.ni TXw.-«.Nawhm. mm irppvp MM* Ml Mul #!*** pPßlflfep 1 piptw»- PIMPB. Ml P fpPBBiP «t *#t*. j Hu BnpnmpwpP pM*p »P# {•# B »9t**« **» PpPMBHifPiP | plpt HB illMi «M I trrPi t iriPP«M*MI i* ftpw IS aPIpM Hi Mb Itflfct «i IMP* I ,#| ( r |i>n #r« |>Bty pi PPPIPB- j mppp »fe* Bin i#l* «Mbpp pi Map -pTtpti* mi piptbp pa *p* M«p *M p»f I tip *tttP lapanMßP fplPp «PPi Mil Imp j f riMifapP piipf tip tppplpt ppppwa Ip pa«. ' TIB ptif MpplPPP* tuBPiMPP Rlbp ! TppH t«i c%iaapp Hppm fcppa •4#a4i » laarlaa ••• fp>*t»Bpi Purtap »M pa« 4 #• n» •iiWpKMi Pi M a " t if»P fgff #-«#1 # PP ill#-* IBP i »i*Mi|wf“^••*4 MM trwwmm wsA lA* awß** f'* - * b*»* ! dn*wg *ll thm Ihw t-A »ngh h*m 4*Hng tall that tfc*tr •»••*** ***M gwall Is th* HMn to k**|y *S i suit Ih* ptsraslN Th* **•» “C* **»* ar* as tat**' esgsrtiy thas •sythtsg 1 r«*■!••**tat*d • fas l'* n *l* **t *• j I'StTSmiWirSt hi H»*fl*»<*4 M IWW'ttSg gagsgl to ih* iasaand CSif hsll4**» j h*«* th*tr **tatstt*tiw at» rro* 4si Is ! iin, r*u e«t.»t of what they a** j tde of tarotog out, and II la 0 qua* ' tin* not of co*t b«t t qqmtto* of A*- rent toe* tow*. Th* HemlA Wkt* ts a*ll-h*l|i. B»t ir »* MV going t* gst Atigmu. h-» induatrt** and h*f bt»#l**a» in th* r#«h they 4*n*r»*. th*ra should alao b* *o agrrstk's •*•*! nil her ytopl*. Augu*ia gserchnnu should he among th* moat In th# lonth. out j mill* nnd mscfwhirtr* *hmiM »*m o«tt the b**t gfodnet*. our nrwasapar* ! should h* among th* moat mterprtalng land hn*k of them nil ahould b* the j progl* of Aug*'*ta nlllbt* and ready •to aid In any r»r«n**v movemeui io «P --j build and ptiah forward th* gw A old I toam, Kerry local Induatrr ahottld b* ar , ur* In Ita own horn'* marh*t. not for ' ihe purpom or to tb* **t*nt of making horn* peopl* pay * cr ' ,or ~,,, ** mr •tuff than outatd*r|, but to thr *it*nt that every dollar that •a*f b* eqtinlly Invested. rh«H»ld atny nt home and among our own people. Take a few staple and sample artl iclea. aurb #a hay. grain, provlalona ard flour. How much money would b* jeaved if our farmer* retard th* hay and wheat and not only ralaetl it but j home mill* turned the home wheat In to home flour that found it* way on .every table isi Augusta. lAft the people of Augusta put th* hum* market at th* back of all home Industrie*. For th* more business Au gusta does the more there I* to go aroiMid among all her people. The Macon Telegraph Is on the right line when It say*: ’’How much better off the country will be when Georgia merchant* buy all of their flour from Georgia mills,'’ This is not only tr>»* of tbl« on* brnneh of Industry hut of a hundred other*. The people of Augusta car cultivation Phil Jealous car* of the aave millions that will be reinvested right her* In the city by a consistent ho tie products and the homnmarket*. A NEW KKA IW OEOROIA POLITIC*. The people of Augusta were very mut'h surprised when Oov. Candler ap pointed Col. 1). H. Dyer a member of hl« staff. Col. Dyer Is a prominent Republican nnu has always been. He has taken active part In the national campaign und was u sqaure out sup porter of President McKinley. There la no kiek coming, however, from the people of Augusta. Col. Dyer Is a good cltisen and an enterprising man. He Is a war veteran of the Union ar my. with a military figure, and will look well under the plumes and behind aigulet of the state of Georgia. The Idea In that city seems to be the gov ernor ran stand It ;f the people can.— Krodi the Savannah Press. That Hoti.uoo.oeo syndicate to exploit the Philippine* lias a moat ««u*» ap pearance. if the island* were worth ay imic'b tor twenty-five years, no men with that amount of • apltal would be foolish enough to believe the VnlttSl States could be induced to go him tin business of farming out its sovereign ty.-- Macon Telegraph. Current Comment •ml Clipping* ' jr«r^tlts '■***. H#d>.iiw*a> Bub A ' Mitt mrw.rA - % mm #*-. #.##.i# h»' §■',#■-* ] I fwewa «M> She hW«I#SS *«*»»■» gams* same u—• W T**- .my* »>'itna l* h*» <■»»•* *# *■ 4 We s aen ** am eAa*- .*=-** *** wnmj ! Agrm'cr- t enaWMl *h* g**d a* aamawnt J | Uses fas wSM n*«“ isasw ’*'*<•** ’ I •••*. ni«»*tr wSMI !*> sewwwst <• *•*'■** ' mm. th* tHssswgh *d ggsth < mm *m m M FVaare S* «**> 4f Ih* g< ~ nt, uT iitr *4 Ih MMh r*ntw*» -4**-: j t##e impr ‘ tie— mmmmm I T%* pBIIfNMTMM ffW®** . Hl#gT* MiMMli MAtHfe *B BBiBUB #*»• *• ■ t v*> <!#» t«#nv* mm 4M *** •* ! (••Bi ***** He Ift ■l'-I*4*4 •Mr TflW* •NMM 118 l • ** I f tltla f ■ ttt T* A|Mtt t |'*T : Mg Imß *#"■ t . |««M»< But m* wm M _ M .. . .. m *t.' aw^< *m tMan -Mew T«sh ! W ■ I*4 Si. tmh*4. »«* IM* •saalry wade* MuMtalaj *mw *wt •*! ih* timely fuselgw daswwad hw *wt *wr h'“ v.TTwn Zl"o.r3fCr MMM* f «h* j • i«wd -Haw*S»n F"*t j Ar y*t ihet* la nothing »« ale*w that • Kmperor William has acquired any j supply of hwmlltiy In Ih# la»»d »h*r* M i found Ha gteatoai » **mpMn< * Ibm •« I tb* eenam of tt* m**h and lowly J»wa ! arm- W* douiu whether the anlmua is thla tat# trtp of the Kmperw «s» | religion *4 th* proper #»r» In *•«»»# j May amMtbm got mtaed with m*rhn»wa I and gained th* upper hand. —ATwrtw- I nmt Cummsirlal-Trthun* Mr Quay annouoceo that h* la a can didal* for r*-*t»ctten and he offer# a 'reward fnr attempted bribery. That he j wants to retain hi* seal In Ih* aenal,- I*; [hardly In th* nature of news. The oil'" ; •filet! to him ought t« he strengthened. • however, by «h* fat t that there Is a , handsome reward out for aftempted jttrlhery. for we assume that hta gener j offer la Intended to work both ways.— Philadelphia Press The Independent voter haa become to ire a indent factor In rtty elec Hons, and hi* influence will be art ill more pedent ly eaerelacd tn future eleettona. H* ha* no reaped for what ta known as regularity.” and takes no stock In the. mat hinc theory that to fall to vote straight is to destroy the purpose '»f j the party. He see* that sustaining whatever the party latssea may propo**' lead* to the Isdrayal of the party cause, to say nothing of the party hon or. quite pa much a» opposition to ’'reg ularity Minneapolis Time*. Gen. Gome# may not ami perhaps should not get all he asks for hts ar my. but he lightly press** the question he deal* with for solution, and In do ing this It ta to hta •‘ledlt to note that his.demand for pay of the troops is not made as a condition precedent to any other provision In their liehalf, as of government employment for in stance, while on the other hand the same spirit, it seems, should have have had utterance In notifying reviving In •luatrle* of the lalanvv, vvhete establish ed and a» fast as established on a se cure hates a* regard# means and the steady protection of law, that his men were entitled, according to their skilled or unskilled deserts, to some consid eration by employers of labor.—Dal las News. Concerning the admission of women to the Georgia State fnlveralty at Ath ens the following will be Interesting; “Oxford and Cambridge, as Is well known, have had discord over the ques tion of women students In the univer sity. The College of Wales at Aberya w Ith Is now In » condition of terrible upheaval. The women students there, who ate very numerous, live in their own block of. buildings. Some nights ago, one of them, after dark, held sweet converse with u male student through a window, which, by the way, was well out of reach. Tite conversation was of the briefest, ronslsting chiefly of ’Good night,’ and must have been audible to all and sundry. The maAron In charge, overcome by the heinous breach of decorum, summoned Juliet’s mother to remove her shameless daughter, and al so appealed to the principal to expel Romeo. The principal refused. Then an appeal was tmfbe to the senate. The reverend body dlseuyaed the matter for more thah thirty hours and decided to reinstate Juliet, but to Ilnur, crate her in a private house where Ahe cafmot contaminate hei fallow sntdenUi. Ro meo leas tortunu'.M Wos tustUated for two terms The Students. dte*s*d in deep atui singing the Dead March from •Saul" and WTlih funeral hymns, ueoompahh.'d him id the station, w here thousands assembled to witness his departure.” TBH) -A-TJOTTST-A HKRALD lilt HUM pvt k Allot t tows laal Mgs I Mbs •<** Bat* »**<*> ♦«* j' « *Am> MMHMMtlfl# 4M» is* »***#* I*am % ****** * imp p# ui, [# p# 00 Bhm ♦ v-A* I #4* *>m wiBWiB BB mmm I Tlftii«BiMl bmmi Inp4 BbBI Bm B«B •* ; ' %*t** tijiTf ##%»•» •*'♦'**# Biwb IiBWjBN I ••• i | < #l» • iptwitxi «afHB IWlill* ; I saßßi TBp #BmB IBT® bb Bwbß [ M*#t d s k *-• t**.- tk owmr *' | p«mß % 0 <gniif Bb Cfmlr c UB JB* I «|# Bnwffp «*MK 888 • MB BBBM | IMB Piß • Mi ms ft IMft ******* * • * Hft* BB • ft* Bil l B* bM# tB * iqjgflVtM l I Jlik ttwm ft 188 St ts •» *ft ftßi B# ft * Bftftl tB fftftfß. ftBB MB. **• t#B m* if»4 «f Bn?* B» ****** I fftMHBB ••# •Bftftß#** 4 ftt pfßftß 111 v* ftMEi mm BlW| B-flft BBBHBB M# It m* in (kt# (pta#-# «•! |bbß4, |feri4 mm* 0 * Mil.** *4 ♦*•■». |-s* I* ir* h*ar4 g MMVi eegtarttah** [ tat* Itsg • Maas* l 4 #*4 lw*4y ms' as* * •toss sag •*** M Aagaata hay a day of • are sol th* way MI kl* ship at far aa. arte k Tkts MaM • apt a 1 s maoresadid a • ss*smail*p ■*♦**•! i«a»fa aam PhMI. <M th* Vesyaffs ip qaigtlPP «aIM ft** Jatg, bha with *<*gpy. has HRI»- Orlpkta Tha areal Hay arts **iy»ap*ty hr t tm * treptrat ns9m sad »l»ep (vs dpy* Prt th* preawrr •»****•! <hia4Kt a vast 4res of mm m*4 th* k»»M# of mliUoaaa as frtgn* C** Hardly had th* vaw*et • pm* UP*rh*d th* seaoerd : a hep th* lie* attra- tadhy th* aaetM* fuapa* <4 *h* rprffp hegp* to *»»rm about Ih* 4rek. They*»»h*re«l Hi | great no in her* TV p*awtre'*d th* !at Ir Iter sugar hPflB- That Stacked (ha rr*w pttpgtM th* mra ah* at the , hand* and fa*» t« a frlghtfal asaaaey fur days tha dragon lira eoatta or.! their uaalaught. drlviag the o»»a to desperettoa The* tVf* rs»* •» upeiperted aaotaw A fl*eh nt Moit avstn bird*. tV foe of the dragon fly. rlr> led and whaeisd abova tb* uafor ttatale aleaotshio. thag swooped h *a ) upoa It. la a ahort time th* Wrda had !eternal the ably of th* peats *nd she pr'.eeded oa her passage without fur ther tgeideat. TV Ctrews raid. Cat. Havt*. the pr*aa ageat a# th* Hell* Brseher*’ elrewh. reeeatiy la As gtistp. ta a remarkatdv good story »*H er e*V ts h* doe* mutter and th* On set ret remembers Okie of bis tpkat. which t tblak the colonel bimsetf «*- tired Iff It was out in Kansas and be epkle.l upon tb* editor of a local paper and asked tb* coat of a ftouble-csilumtt rtla play advertise®* l *! b tb* next two ta- I sues "Two hundred and eighty dollar# ' was the reply without a moment * hes itation. •Groat Scott' Are you ereiyf cried the colonel. “What will yon charge ua for a full page?" "Two hundred and eighty dcltare: Just the same." "But how do yon figure It?" ex postulated Col. Davla: “haven’t you any settled rate for space adverttse • See hcre.mlater,” earnestly remark ed the editor. ”1 don’t pay any atten tion to apace Iti this deal, but 1 do know Juat what an advertisement io this paper will rest yon. Ton can have a column, page or the whole Warned paper. Just ns you like. There'* « mortgage of »i!SO on this Warned shop, nnd your etreus hats got to help roe one with It. If It doesn’t I’m a goner, thnt’s all. You may moeerlght In here and run the whole shooting match for a couple of weeks tn suit yourself, but we've got to ante ufc S2BO before next Snturday night. Now then, are you a friendly Indian or ore you a hostile?” All the "date" and extra posters used last season by that show throughout the West were printed In the little newspaper office out In Kansas. Then He Fainted. The Augusta Golf Club Is coming on apace I hear, and the links up on the Hill, when finished, will compare fa vorably with any in the South. One of my friends is a golf fiend, if I may use the expression, and during a halt hours conversation yesterday didn’ttalk of anything else. He’d Just come down from theHtl 1, had lost n couple of halls and wasn’t in the bestof humor, so when X told him the following story he didn’t seem to thiult it a bit funny: At a dinner party n certain young grutleman (uu enthusiastic golfer) started In with the shellfish to enumer ate to Ills pavtner the details of a match that he had-been playing that day. R was notimtjl the pudding Vas brought on that he suddenly bethought himself that he haii been doing all Hie talking: indeed, th£ ytjtmg lady had uotsald a single word during the entire \f« » of IHe World And <*f Ocoffft. f|* ftlßl ft#4 ♦**'»*#£ #* BM, TB*** «• B smse***f AiMNN’B yin *#<!>•• ftßft ft#*B m mm* ■ f 4 jurgiiiiifmt *f IB* Hm*r ft*tft Bb** fHBIkWWB# IB*B*Bf*-. * * rBIB** I jNOMvy ;v;-;.r sl IB * * - ft*r IB# •il*’ rfibs** l **• i * , ’* ! ** 1 **• ** [so mm rhMI ft**B BfBPBNMI ** M*Ff “» ■ **#. K M . : TV fare— «*f IwChlad »*«** srefiNret- I 4 ? fbar f mm 4 •*% *f*il #%t|‘ TM BP ift* K*Bll* «rtft be III* Tspftßft tmm Htta t« hare York. TV** ha* t«»« aa l—no*ni re*»*• [red -4 th* erefftaa—» *n4 qaar»*rreiare [ic** In ME*BB* ft* ****•*»*** P** Ift* S9O 94 Ift* AflWtkttt •«**? *i [flftNft I Ttkf (tttbrttifi in Mi * of til* *•- I f BiißftWßNriit BP tftr Hr ■■fit* n BBMMdftr lu m fntt t*ta*t tnf Ift* I ntt*4 tattlnfifin obc*# cod !♦»» • ni«4 tft*tr < f« nr* vndvlif tft* tft**i Bftftt* •ItriltHß. At rhk ago Judge dV* alter. «f th* t att*4 Wat** etc sit mart, haa ha»4d do* a hi* 4* talon ta tV salt «4 Mover Here hard against the JCathreal tjaa**4 on , omi *av far t twsitrr. TV curt denied a reevdver. KMsrtn A. Km,trek, an lave*tor and •Mechanical eapert. and formerly aoper mtt odent »f th* me* hgnh al depart ment of thr t nic r*lt» «f tlltn.'i* end th* Illtrud* indt'atrial Home for IV Httad In Cblrsfo. la dead. TV executive hoard of the National Fraternal Conference, eompoerd of the aopren >- uMrere of the Knights nnd t-»- Ulle# of the M*'C'*beeS began its annual sesatun In BalOmoce and *lll continue |ln session until Friday next. Padcrewakl ha* l*>ught the villa of Morg.-s, n—r Lauaanne, »r*itaerland. snd with It a cetiat of tea— bottles of nine, and a store of Ktrerh twenty yeara old. The —tate has It* own vine yards and the great pianist wttl own six cows. Rev, Charles Manley. P. P., tate president of Furman fniveratty, recent ly occupying the chair of moral and mental phlloaophy and physiology of the Patrick Military Institute at Ander son. H. C., ha* sciepted the pastorate of the First Baptist church of Lexing ton. Ky. The British ship Laurel Bank. Capt. H. K. Lindsay, bound from Shanghai, for Portland. Ore., ia out seventy-t\ve days from San Francisco, and haa n*»t been heard from since the day she sail ed. My some the vessel has been given up for gone, and it Is satd that the Bn- j gllsh underwriters feel unsafe in regard to their risk*.. Points From the Paragraphlstx. The crew that abandoned the Teresa will not get kissed.—lndiunapolis News These days it Is not the coat that makes the man; It ia his hair.—Chicago News. We believe Emperor William has done everything now but walk a tight rope.—Philadelphia North American. Is It possible to buy a through ticket from Santiago to Washington with stop over privileges at Albany ?—Chleagu Times-Herald. Platt may have bossed the job be fore election, hut he is liable to wake up some morning and find Roosevelt governor of New York.—Chicago Rec ord. When the recent invigorating period of saltpetre and glory first lapsed into the silty season, the Hobson kiss sen sation seemed not at all out of place; but this current lowa furore over Deig man smacks of mush and gush and idio cy let loose.—Philadelphia Press. progress of the meal. It was possible that she wax not Interested iu the sub ject—lncredible, but still possibly. T am afraid X have be*u boring you with this talk of th* aliop.' he said In half apology. “Oh, no; not at all,” was the polite response. “Onlywhat is golf?” With the accent on the "is.” f *or The Soldiers! Regulation Gaunileis Regulation Hats Officers' Hals Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coals Corps Badges Military CUFF SUITORS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms lo Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Tute Apparel. / If Your Skin Chaps / t T tf aut < veresatret sad Mress t l C • -.«. !>..> ** lire —MI aM**» V / / a ft ifift* mi «MMMftft EBft «fn m m 4 BBftl ft*Bß J C Use Good Soap*. ) \ VUa bav* Mare, sad so read as j 1 ss-a< •»,<«< Oar Id easts A *»ys. r \ •ntid«M I sea reads M j / Toilet Paper- / f I are* Parkst Id —A Id* / V s , *Bt> It is tb* but i«l*' Ha 1 S Stop Your Cough J ( la m* H reay aad fc> tww, | I < ir Ter ao<i mm *um c*tm f J \ I To the Patrons S S Alexander Drag Co. I 1 Tb* Mad llristlMat bavng / V baaa rarevvsd IP re our *i«r- \ / bat—Bar niy »b»l* «rea sad a*- f V Molina X t* • >.n I* lb* Pr, A / i. and !*'=•* t.t—area. t / s ~ ini tu* >b<a***4 sn C J |uir*s< I b*fma.*iilbaia aod Cha- / l l.sß'i --d bass aons I f ».*#f Drug* *mar the J J prattriiaioHS »*»' out- Fat- V f - *n now depsod ore ms tm- J \ • s*rxic*. 8. t . IMsiia J > Altiaider Dm Cupiiy s ? wa broad *T. j For Rent Farm of thirty acres just, below city. Dwellings, stores and ; ff ices in all sections of the, city. Several of J. B. White's new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 ,t 2 Library Building. mutual lifflnsurance company OK KENTt'CKY Absolute Incontestable Policies From Date of Issue. Largest Dividends - - - - Isreest Pretalurea bull,iters Wauted; call or write. H. 11. SIKINKII, t"l*'->*! Agent, 410 Dyer Bniltbiitt. EACH DAY IEEA TfIE tIEKALD Qg h_wLr a «T # IP i|jg giTa-*:asj2o^ 2y"|2~a I 2S>| 3 I <££> 1 NOVEMBER 18 tUtnM WHcll Mawit Oi9 yufti kftsnv ttuii Hi a ffONtf fUffaman h im •ferervfftH #f WHffi N*#«* * ,llt ere p ttm re«bf »- fare#! pay m« nM4d mt\ f kdii flg at reiMMit th# mmm tha* li t < NMitJ* urttr • la reCHU * 9yH piu hottia# 2d #eo««* L I. Giroalla. Druggist. CBHtSI lAS tit KIDS. lam x*|Mm -nm \ip. and my ueu#J dm* «f Pr*i ctaaa Cheiatmaa flovc'ld*. beau* ftfui m#ap#f%«4va ih>n#« it a low ran## of prtcee .'**<, 00c and 7*tc artu •». Don't wait until the ruth of the leal week 04 two, Put look around now and make your »e feet tone. No trouble to «how (rood* We ar# a war# dehahted to hav# you took arodnd the »<or#. LI Gaideile. Oruggisi. BB ft*4 BBftPl PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, ;ot 7ifc St. AscsMt. r«4. •m tmt nv rtm n «• mm « «i= «*• ««mw im a *•*- I hiw art xrta mar Sri— «HnW ena w**. FREE OF CKARUE oiu»rii tot r COAL and WOOD . FKt*M THE North Aogotta Coal A Supply Co MHi UlitnAttid. F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT IMJ Him* SUM Mn«fM Mt Eastman’s KODAKS. 0&3 We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ric&arils & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIttION MERCHANTS. 803 FejDOlds St—TelephoneiSta-.::* i little L. aaeo Vt .re* Tiled to New York Ciitago mid New Orlran*. Order* executed orw our wire* for Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain *nd Pro. vision* for t**h or on margin*. Local securities bought »nd sold. Referencee —National Exchange Bank of August*, or MercantUa Agenclea. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. . ATPLV TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. g*T-I bo* to notify my ft-ieud* and custutner* that I have ndd <1 another cheir to nty Barber Shots making six firat-clai* Barbers, anil i hope to accommodate my customers without waiting HOT AND CO LX) BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A; 214 Kighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.