The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 19, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SATURDAY COAL-COAL-COAL mum ir t Mi r Aim in tam msm i*#k M AiliMim THC #I*T GKAOIH OP Hi a* CkMn J»n*oo *■— QQA T < ** ! *#* #£js *' - f IMA #•***• |j6 4 n • • Aw# NMM Ms fh*> CITY ICE COMPANY. ammi#Y4 aaMUTYA iMif 99*99 ■ «»fi ito#****® |H. f t ftft |#**, # #9 «•«»•• •• f*«#ft «#«•»* MjfppMMf ** §§** ** *• ** • * I piiriT'A *»# rot*wr»T maui"* * ■pi #*#•*««•# t**«tk IM4P m»* »• *• MMt I***,* ta*»FM M « H *••* •» (#«•!• o*4 WI.WW *»»»*«§* ***** •* BPhtßSsss** gee fe**4 • * „ «• *, :** •*- |So»%'« 44 9 I —il«W .. «... I 4 *** Vi;|W> |mM* * * *•* * * IMWA CIA *ta*4»* ••*•<•« *# •* IMHM AMD# a t> M « •• I ** "* (Dll) I ■ «a»« F-a*»4* **#•*«, Cl MW* # |WTr» fatal *■*. AWWC » u .... ***W ■»•»>•« .. .. .. *.*» •• »»•** •* Am* •*'■*«—m #* »• •* f?64Mb*e,. hfw .. „ .. „ .. .. I aiS ifllMC .. M *» *• •» ♦* M M .« tow** ~ .. .. .. »»»•* * Urf fCDCK MAM« AT Heavy <6,*f> («MM* 4* •*#* t («*•** •»•*» #***•*• ■»»— .. •• B •* 1*,,.,* (■»»«» la **«*• ...» .1* ** gSTf**** •*•**#• ••**• **». a*. 66 ** M***a». .***•**» m *••** «... *'"*** 4'b#*4» ••**•#» ***** ...... «. •*“ ** Mala* IWW MM*»* $* **» |*a<»t •*•** ******* ***** ... .* # h# >■■»■** .. .. .. .. .. •• *■ * Ma •* I* 1-2 •»*•* MM HMW* •* _ M **■>*. ft* *•**• M ••*>*• • »• * *** CNvrmwAMM MM IM* >*«* 4**t4*. • •- •** **• *; Kw*4t»<*. CM M**M. O. O . •** A** II n ift### ft*#*# ##*l#f ft ft #*• #ft*ft « C M. •#* M-fc*»* *1 » 4« *B D«? OOOW Hr**# W*ri*t* cm «*►-*<*«* flr*M4**UM H AMl** * 1 o»*MU**»*>'* % * A cW"** .. .. * <Vann*»Ui. 11l B C *M*<t*« .. *f* PrU * .. * *■* lt* B tt*.m* ♦-« M M M » »•» Mi* r Kim* MM *MrtlM . I» « AM «• KM*, a MH» K r .. . *I t •root. ctt»K CMrtMvtn. IW re* *• *»M. 9" <•» * CMtMli. C |M I* cpcaU, pa* 4**..Hj MJUrHINOI PWMrtMBw.. M»M» * •* ,l vkkum Frvlt *1 «>*• M. M toefcM .. .. • !•» rr*H at Ifc* I****. **• l**A** •• «• * *•< C*Mat 14 HcMl ■ CMM» *4 .. * *■* Aipin* R<*». «*♦ •* •• *’ •• *• ” " ! . Prt4* rtt ll# W**t .. •» •* Jto r. Kl*s t-« It R rtiriM* .. I M Jnn r Km* a A »fc**|M« .. « *-« 1 a«*»*,U !p> A~4 • •• •• •• •• •• •» •• •* • Jmu R KM*. **-l*fh rt*i>r*l» .. .. I M Jmm r KIM. M Ml K C •*• !*••' I . •• * I ** Jmu P K*n«. M M*h Ka ••* t*t*n<i * **; I*o p. KM* M M*l* P»p*rl*r .. S l-l PRINT* Amanr.n *litnMC*. ♦*»«.. .. .. * M M*rrim*>h »hirtt*a*. ” J ?*? ( h*>l*r Cl**k 4r**» «»# *°i* .. * I-I VciMM'i* OC# IhlO'l * All**' . <f*i»ry* •• •>» •• •* •• •• * * ' |M|*<*'i M pew*!** •• •• •• •* •• * Co*(»* Cpool fotton. p*r <lo* It American Indie Nw. *4.« .. .. » l-t Staler Oil* (*oll4l M**4 * Am*rlr*n l*4l«o till*** •»*•< •• •• « |*t*rn»ll<M«l bl*rk* M»*4 .. 4 Alien'* r*r4ln*l* *l»*4 4 Allen * Lalona* *4»*4 4 India blue .. .. •• * *'* India blue «4*M « Ktln«la*u » *4**4 . Ilirihi Wa*hMi«ton M**» * *-4 (tamer* radiant* *4«*4 J Charter Oak*. * TICKS. Jlampahlr* .. .. * *'J AmMkM* A C A » l ARinekeiC A , , . AKlOftkeax I J** PL.AID HOMEBPUKF. City Mill* * I‘* Four yard, good S 3 Inob 4 Loili ahlrltna* MxM .. •• •• •• * *** Lodi dre** *tyl«* M*BO * I * Bt. Clair drea# 4 Ocean aolld* •• •••• * Martha Waatilngtiai fani le# .. .. 1 *-* Mlicellaneou* braada. light ** l-3*l« J-S J»aen» « yard* plain * ' * Thorndike •• * *** Hen 1 *‘ 4 * Creacnt ‘ 1 PMham. 12 but Ito box lb F. O. F , JO bail* to box 14 E O. P . 3b ball* to lb V 1-2 Muarogee B *l-* « Irih 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, bent make ,V .* 4 3-4 ftimpeon allk flnmh toulard* 44x 44 4 *" 4 Pacfflc mournings *4x64 4 1-3 Chin* allk* *4x44 4 1-4 b *"* Slater 44x44 J 1-2 Concord. 3 1-4 Home s 1-4 Eduards .. •• •• 8 l" 8 Keystone 3 l* 2 Fifth •• 8 t-4 KBARPET'S Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearscy S l-l Kincaid and other* -■ 8 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 7°“ 85 Hotendal* cement 11-4» Portland cement J 2.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper Backs ..SI.OO Plaster ki bbls t 1.76 HARDWARE. Well buckete, per do* 13.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 3 H R u cedar pall*, per dux .. .. 31.7 b * H B B cedar palla, per do* .. .. 32 00 Tube painted, per nest 31.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. JWoallc Nalls, wire Ft-" 5 bass Nails- cut tl 45 base eiiorjslß. Ames, per do* .. .. 311u311. b Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. 34.75 Plow blade* base Haines, red top, per do* 32-26 Flame*, red top root, per do* .. .. 22.50 Ha me*, best reot. per do* 14-50 Hollow tv*re,‘ per lb »* * •>'* bail wi«*a pm • * » « mhn 114. Be* AM *a* b-w J; M ivaaben M**M : fw* I* „ H «*»» *• < "ft 1 *- k iMf 4irt f wt; * |f»*MiiM fMMf i ft ft | ftrfniT ft*** ft# | pf m ***** m «w ft** 1 9**+* mm ** *• « ft ft ' Aa* M*4M K» lM*4-„-. " Atom Pm giuMf-'t y** Cm*. .. Mail ! Warn adwaa* gf--rrr—l pm M •» - MmClmi, *•*•, hAlMttbttii*, IN*>M ##4l i*sb#j|# | : #9 ftf #r%H 4ft |Tfliift#> ftftl Mftl J #*'# ftftft pp »•*#** ># , all® *»• I t ******* # MT# ftftt HH M !tt ** I i ******** % lif t ftft *• .. .* tft •**] . <hm**** I 4,-fft. ftttftft a***#.** ftft aw a I flftvfli <3>fftftH f Mft» * tit tit, rtr? ftHDmft* ft Ift .4 4. b. H a. Ift ••# 1 Am*w*** ft t«t •• *. •* Ift ••• I Au f <- •"# t« MHft .. H»» Ift **. j *»•••'# 4 IT# MM3 .... M M ... ■ (n|,n t r* |ggt t*i ... I AI Mat a fa 1*44 .. IM Aitea'* fa IM .* !! 1! H# ". { 'A4b*at* * ».fa ItU M ...... Mt ... I A4MIMC r* tart ... I WMNSb l a l**a .. . . ttl ... | n-ii —it*- 4 a tett in ... Maw. I* IMI ......... s•* ... I r ataaabwa Fa t*** .. .. .. .« I i ...; icuigmk*** I l-P* Iff? .* .. t*4 ... I blaeac I I *f. IMI ~.... .. I*6 a*. | Hum Fa t*tf .. .. IU ... HVlwaMi fa-f* . • ... CA*rl*ai*M I A ... I i »—OrgCad. railk* up bofi* Itrargta R. R. A Rk* CM I FA t*M IU ... OMt|U R. R. A Rkg Cm | Fa If* .. .. IW ... r'kartatt* CnMMtita A A*- I gaatA tat Fa IM I*l ... 1 | CWrlett* Columbc* A Ac guata Id f«. IM* 11$ ... ! A*gu*ta A* R R . Fai I*ss.. ... M [c. R R Rankin* CM. Collat i era! Truat SA 14*7 ~ „ , W St ftaulbar* Railway t'A 1*74 , . . #1 M trntial of Oaaegt* Railway. { I*4 raaaal luort Fa lf*B ... *4 M C of ti. tat yrvf M $f 4* Cartrat of Oaorgta Railway. fd prat larome*. 1*46 , .. .. 13 14 C. of n lat pr*f M . 1*46 .... I • n. i. A F . I*4 *. B*. 1*46 . MB I*l [ South Oeorgt* a*d Florida. ! 24 r*. IM 102 South Oeorgia add Florida I td r*. tan .. .. iob ... Ocean llPtmAlp C*.. lat i'a ) td Pa MW 104 ... FACTORT BONDS. Fnterprta* Mf* Co., lat Fa ! HOI IM Sibley Mfg Co. lat Fa l**s .100 ... Hl,ley Mfg Ca.. lit Fa. IMI .I*o ... am. R R A It Co. Block .. I*7 2<d Seuthaeatem it R Stork .. at mO Augusta and Savapnah atork . t$ IM GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oita, white, sacked ~ 31 ousts, mixed, sacked .. 35 I nf*, White. Backed .. .. 62 Com, mixed .. ~ ~ M Meal, bolted, per bushel 4714 Flour, romnion .. 1 60 Flour, fancy extra .. .. 2.71 Flour, aeiond patent 4 00 Flour, standard patent 4.25 Flour, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-lb aacks so Fine feed, 100-lb parks .. .« .. .. 90 llay—native, per ton 13.00 Hay Timothy, per ton 16. M Hay—choice, per ton .. .. .. .. 14.00 Ham* -choice sugar cured .. .. lOallH Smoked rib aides ( 1-2 Dry aal riba 6 3-4 Lard, pure leaf, In tierces (44 Lard, kettle, rendered in tiercea. 4 1-4 Three significant functions. Paris, Nov. 18. —There were Ihree of ficial function* here yesterday after noon unit evening which aroused con siderable interest among the American peace commissioners. The first was the bestowal of the order of the Golden I Fifth* u|on President Fa ore lay the Queen Regent of Spain through th* president c*f the Spanish peace com mission. The second wae n dinner given by Faure to Scnor Moutero nnd f> *«v commissioner*. Finally, it !l at night President Faure received the Airtcrlcancommlssionersat the Ely bpp palace, where there was a continue opera entertainment “in thoi r honor. There was some surprise among ‘he members of the American colony upon the bestowal of the decoration upon the French president at the hands of I the Spanish peace commission at this | moment, and others are asking them i selves whether the entertainment ot the Elysee palace was to be regarded | Ps a sort cf compensation to the Am \ erican. whose sensibilities may have I been wounded by the bestowal of a j Spanish decoration upon President Faur« oefore the conclusion of peace negotiations. Robbery In Cuba. Havana. Nov. 18. At midnight last night a car on the line from this city to Jesus del Monte, a -suburb, was held up hv a gang of robbers close to Christina station. Every passenger was forced to throw up his hands, and the thieves took their valuables. Af tre tlielr work had been accomplished, the car was allowed to proceed ou Its way. The place where th* robbery took place was a dark and deserted spot, and was well chosen for the crime, as no police were on duty tlicrc, . . THB: JkTTOTTBTA BHIfLA.U3 AJM| AMI I9> i Tawwf At a ****** *•**« «aan f*W l • j etwaa* mppm is «b arm Hfoae <Mf * I upftt ii if a bmm «** 4am#”** tdMQW taiibg* t 4AM# * #•* A* »«M~ *» BMW «BB «l MM* I * IMI ***** |h#| ft Mil 111 ftftlMftlM ttlftTftW# 9wf: 9*o *mi**'* *o*o* *9 o*w #*#ft(RP MM iMfttftf ftftft IftftftftftiP Mftv ••••** i | t ******* 9m ftft Rlitfftinrif H# fti** ftt l rnrnmm *»* **** *9* «ft *******v** m kSmmtt* IMI ftft **** ft* flHft fi*ftH iiiiiiwi iiwiintrftrrt Thi ft ftft <ft| »ft* - ftftl ******* tft*t ft# ftfl msm ftftt tit* ftft «»fi m tftM«ftft ft#] ift# m*mmm* *9 m *m mi -** ft»#f ift# Hvtftft *******lo* •’•ftft **ooo9 •#4 «f#ft4 tftft ftftlMft# m ftftf ***** lift## ftnft 9*9** *fo*****o ft" ft® ft*™-## fti ftfft#' Ifftft ftnM ••ft#* tft# ftl tftfti rywftliir tNMfti ftfttft •• *9 ■•9«ft# *ft, pWaae mar It***! lew* ***Wt—» . mmm *■* ArddtM«d •• **• *4WM ***_ '*; bo lb* **'■•"■ ■# *• R<•«"*• j . IDI- * IbMtdkM# WiSAMBT* *«» •# bd*e RBA Abddl a* raid* wwtwdaoa tat RtAlatb* *4dMd*rA» * <*«r<aia * Ml. Rf*»ba* til At de#t'*4* the# # wafA a* meat 4* aaf K'e da a*d» aWj mm mt aa Awrb. bat w* an tt ** Itao li. tboiwfoe* wa at* •$# tuaa • ( eekwo. Wbw VttMMPF •****•# eolvw* that W tha wh# *#' baar aad baod. #» awmW hr lag akaw* ft fiVfttttttni In tortXf that wowldertt#. counting house* <»«n«r* a*4 abttAt I and the Hi# »#|t*e*t»v* «#•»«*•■ | would be abolished sad Kdea agaia kb ordalaed No*# ebon Id he ywml'fed I* that re (late of MlverttAl beatitude la attr abroad *aa«tlr*d la the fiber fabr r* ~f Ik* Wvwn we **btlewien should car- . ry the aauFkwa. was aboold a#. | each man should be a katght areom-1 p'lahed la icmraey hi* lady'# aarvttor, and ktag Vt'a would not eouaael women, hat ador* them Aa4 frntl nine prototype* ebon Id sot aMde la hook* hat ia maa*l«f*» whose to;ch | atrln** would respond lo our aoltall* [ lag We should talh to veritable Oliv ia* may bap woo them 1 hi least not Rad them only la dream*. In books, In wtntar embers. In aantmer ime»at*eains In the baleful fire on confidential cig ars on the fair border* of mountain tops, or In Ike shimmer and sheen pf covert stream* which drift through A-1 hence and solitude to the sea Hut we 101 nst take women a* they are And hf we would encourage, permit them to i entertain the state provided for them IF nature s ptaa. theae inconsolable, fantastic dream# wouW merge Into re alities. How far I have drifted from that in quiry! Agaia let th# word be repeated -amiability Be# «»i»b that which !yon would rectify and reform- bear, with It to the end It may reach at-j talntnent ■omewhef# along the deso-1 1 late, despondent way. If not. It were belter anyhow to love in anguUh, in despair, than lo lack that aole com ] penaallon for the heartache*, the grief and glyom. the endeavors and failure*. the\nn*a»lafying aueceas that i-ome like the play of "Hamlet" with no Hamlet there better all this than a barren heart Better a blessing that a re proach. And If you lose happiness, geek It a* an unwilling fugitive, eager to find lla place, bewildered, but be nignant still. Brutus. 1 he Beat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and Ixiund on to the asserted parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with pain In the cheat or aide, or a lame back, give It n trial You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It afford*. Pstn Balm la also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale hy Alexander Drug and See Co., C. R. ran of Bell Tower Drug Co. Love's Disguise. Dear, It Is not love, 1 know. Only longing, let It go; Longing nnasenaged will die. And Us requiem be a sigh. , Only, are you sore your scorn Is not love obscurely born? If you loved me, very much. Love might waken at your touch. Love is very hard to find—- If you only dared be kind. Longing you're mistrustful of Might so quickly turn to love. Give your hands, then, and your lips, Far away the whole world slips, Ixmgtng?—Ah when four lips long. Joy's the tune and Love's the song. Pall Mall Gazette. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the XTF Signature of ! COMMIE BIKING ■ POWDER la |fm thikßt •• mAh itm Any h tful t*t ##4l, hug wti A, muffdki. CAllwa of I*"** HttlaX Paalgpi got * IMMAFA*" ■ f\g F*€H»*avU gfwl ynlßMtvfMi cvf iHlgHi'af* (i H(*M» Ah#AgjAf a AM# RfWI f #CWfßssfAA*A*e 8 1 pftpfiaal of am in pf'Adef. CFMTItFinA# tttW# k Hy and qtiinuty. MunufActurwsl ftp The Southern Mfg. Co.* RICHMOND, VA. CROUP CAN HC Cl KI II AND CAN HC fREVENTfO ik ftif m Ift 4 rim ft t#iTf r UfttH ft\ft fiiU* oHT IV R. H. LAND *93 fttll!N ilftMl WILSON'S IMPROVED 9UR TIGHT rt£UEBS * * .I | I**# th«n I**# f?*#t ! #sti#r itoir* to n##t yy«f «w»m, Jhlff ls f# lllfkr# Il finrmU Rl It will I*4 I*l i ; fir * iMflf 111 hour# ind with 9*099 {«vt uld h#v#r ffi oil. WIH Ina# Oilpi. jrth?4»‘isift h*rk. fiootß, Corn Cot# bur C ed AVoud. and gtv# m >M h-at in h*9 tfttftdO wut retain It lob*#* liiß mt) r(vve ever made, ; j For salg By Th* iGEGita Mast;! & Sapply Co. _ , lienrrsl Build*rg Supplies, S3t ftrosd Bt.. f Auguet*. G* } D ,i“ CAL CATARRH A Climatic Affection I Nothing but » lo.*' Ok ftWi Mtin I remedy or eben. «• WMBfCVEk ! of climste willcorcßb^ a well ktinsn I^ ■* I Bpecitlc, QtM _ 6-0 Ely’s Cream Ba’ra sorted, ’a™ He- COLD *n H EAD lief stone* Opens snd cesnee* the .\s»* Passages Allay-li flammstiot). Heals and : Protects the M> m'rane. Restores the ■'•etis.'S nfTsstsend htneli. No Cocaina, No Mir -1 cury, No Injurloua diu*. Full s /*soc: Trial sit* luc st Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHKRS, Ml Warren M., New York Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO / OAK SUITS <>! IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEIIIIGMVLES 904 Broad Street. C AU. I OR f ugusid Brewing Co t |XP*OHT ft#lC ft n #44 ,tft l(® 1 BELLE OH’ OEOBOIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. .»>rAU fiH AUGUSTA BEER. iONEY W~M In any turns desired from SROO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay In getting the money. Alexaniier&JobDSOQ A|t«'i Hetliiib Aui r c«a Motif*#* t untjAuv. 705 Proad St PORTNER’S HOPBRAU and VItNNA CAbINL f BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST AJ-K FOR THEM. B. R. MITCHELL, Al EX M. DON ALD j «upt. a. t:«u. hec. A Geu. Aigr. Augusta Electric & I Construction Company 212 Ml lntbSh Street. Electric Supplies—-peskiug Tun e, etc., etc. R.'psir* to *ll I tevtrtcsl sppsrttius. Electric Light Wiriug* sper isity. Bs.l'l'hon* ltW2 - - - btrowger 67ft. M ssSS^ ,a 11 And very LOW PRICKS rj»rge «tn-k Aleo riPK. VAI.VFS nn.t KITTING*. K*- (iINK*, ItOt IFRS. H ILLS Slut KKPAIRS. j Lombard Iron Works & Supply C 0. ,; — | Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct, 2nd. 1863. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.| 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersvlile . 119 p. m.| 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:2J p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p i».j Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m. 111:53 a m. Lv Tennille. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvlile. 5:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennndi# with Central R. R. for Macon, and wl.h Wrightsvlll# and Tsonlll* 'R. R. for Dublin and Ha.vklniviUe, C. TV. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James t!. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Eeceivers, l' ChAfltrton t ft Carolina * f # ftftft € ft #tt ft#### tft tftft# ft ftft ft t rf-fi 11 ft# ***** tft# tft# *39* \ & *O9/K99999oi9*m**m** > * Nftfftft £ j 9 ** 1 [ b Aj, gpn, ~ MBHft j T~m^ n x ~, t? ” i ; 7##ft| • * t|# ate -«.if t--f W i q 6, .-, »$ 99*** 9*99*** #M#### 4M4HM if 7 «4<# • m f*** * _ _ . |||M . ft ***** I a a I l, i int 9*** ;Prm- ff. fpftftßk pwa 2 v-a j 9*9 ******* A*A*» , ftt.tNftft.-AAM# AbA | * §*09*9*99999 flMMfc A *■* *«♦** I tftHft »-«#•#'«• j %-* km***** - »•* iifTT *f 9 4 v-**« AAA *I t ***** | ft# *mmm9* *♦*•*♦* *♦*#** \ * fftftgftftß •#*» |4|»ap»| Mjft * 1 ###• . MtttiMtJ ftftMM# t.'ftftHi I * ■plffcp , T AA«« *'* ** •• * ft®*# *fHi H#.,. .. ppm**** . 9*9**** IJftrft 4 tftftftftSft*.*«va 6W4G.W4. tWeti * CftEfttftjjtl Ift a6♦a aMM » |7lv ***9* 1 «*• i*X K+p* >**4 | «* iffftgf#. ft,. , wt „ •.... 1 * omm *js ini "f>i y#o ~, m. ! I 9*9*9* 9j9*m 1 **•# »* ♦»*«*l ftftftplft tft 00 ] * Pftftftfte. —.A.*. *a <*«••*• »«W4Nlft j * ftlMMftiftlftams, —as HtFtn pppP* %% 999*m ft# Hr*ftw..iws4. i.-.. »v?.' ftjPH* t ftft a • *ft# 9mm **99*9** ftttßft 9%m m* #i#»t#s# •«<•#•## t. ft 9*9 ** ***** *99 ft ft* I !##» «r#iM#«vft# #* ftftftMMft *99 #~ i#m# m 9 t. L «# ».l« *** »f#«### *y •Hf Hr *9O HjftftjT , t#v ##• h #«#.#*## ftftftiy## •# m*mm f##p# #B #«U#b 4## tftfta, *099*99* ft#. I Ift ft -** It# ftft I li. ftofttlt ftfttwwtfta Aft f. M ieft 1 ftj# *N 9 *#ftw »*!#• ft###—# ft# BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. It. C. kUITIg Rnce.vae I KaetbewAg. Wernbea * r-.M 6w4| fbe aerß ' t as, • Ctasn $t A-tsas Olbaa Hi*'# g Hit I ray My ; Btattm J» 6t|- Brgß.l * It* 11 M*A AM Ml I l**V4va. Lea** M 4 ikBB I* a I as* A, m A.taoea .a I BFH •* |i II t * R .e Dvavev ....B » «•■•* ** 6» r. 1 satb .... Aatua ».,B $ •*s* • • I* B ;*l* ..*«#A $ s•«.:*} •;4» 1 M 14, i>ir» t'ratafg f 4 *• H 61 i 6*42 s.** !• tOa’* leWl i 4 14 U *4 »86. I 16 141 . IKNACA ..A 4 nil M • 16. , j 4 # (.464 W. Wrtti t’etea a $ **: •Mi H... WalbeUa 617} AM Fk ILeev# brrtee FM FIB Moll Me B bell Ms 6 P ReFU'vr P tat toe. F R*l *ta tie* ! Ait retHar trains fr«M Anderaea t* : Its.hails bsve right t* irsrh ever min at the mim Gaea moving in op posite duvetMA ualeas eibmwls* apav IM by train whit •rut sum atep nt following atatim# to take i« N let <4 psneebgerv Fbla sey'A lanw an# Manor gpnnga. N*. 1$ rentier I* with gouthem VSll wey Ke. 1$ St Andemoa. No* I sod » c*n«.et with liMMh railway No* !* end TI al IWrm-a. ! i. R ANDFRbGN. Fupar'aieadeat. ATLANTIC COm LIRE. gHORIBHT AND vrit'KKRT ROUT* TO THB KA»T AND NORTH. s:64f»mi Lv..Augu*tA O*. Ar I T U.m 3:o9pm, Lr.... Aiken .... Ar | Mtam 4:l7pm Lv p,-nm*rk....Ar ! B 17pm 4:64pm Lv... Oraagfg ...Ar | »:4«*m 4 04pm| Lv..Sumter, R. C...Ar : 4:39am l:66pmj Lv....Florec.c*....Ar I $ Siam |o:62t>n. Lv Fayetteville Ar j 114 pm s.3lam' At. Feterebnrg.V* Lv | * 12pm 4:00*m; Ar.... Richmond ...Lv I I 12pm ?:41amj’aehiagtoa..Lv ! 3 44pra t;B3*m| Ar... Halilmore..,J.v ! 2 35pm 11 ».m Ar Phllsdetphln..l>v |l3 09pm , tiilptnj Ar.... New T0rk....1.v | J.JOsm Pullman palace buffet eleepic.g cai* f.-oni Macon and Augusta lo New Tork without change R. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt., >23 Bn-ad St.. Aogusta. Oa T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gtn. Page Agt. U !. LLE OF GEOHGI A Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, tS9$. 490th Meridian Time.) . LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 3 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8:40 P. U. . No. « For Macon, Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations • 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. . 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta *:25 A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 5:36 P. M. No*. 1, 2. 8 an,, 4 dailv. •Nos. 6 and 5. dally except Sunday. Nog' 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleepfng car* on night trains between Mlllen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For tur [ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M C. JONES. C. T. A. W A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. j. w. NALL. Commercial Agent. next”time you have A HEADACHE FBK Land's Headache Capsules Made Only Ry HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVES TO 711 BROADWIY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seal*, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,<&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. gttpwsei Phone a*S-, NOVEMBER IB •MkttetNGMfct* ba-at*4‘t*tjkk S. C 1 1. MIL HIT Ci ftft ft ft# ft§MMMtftft * *994* *999* 3*o tM o*o* iftftk 9***"' ft■'#>•#* ¥*### |« a «*# •*** #* ♦ -e»#4# *4MB M ##- I * * * ftftNi ft# 9wo*'*** if o**» ft* ft | ' %im !--•.«ft % '''wfto Iftftft ITmIIKmp# irl l-fsiijiyTlt* ftbfjbpft Jh# f ***** .I # * 9*909* 9***** Pi ft !PA 4 #Bt% * |< g «-g4 tpp app m,9*om %»- x *-# 4i# i’T Imtlt t #■###s « 9*o a# ; ft# * «MPft* mm**- ** 9*m**mo^9mm | * ft ■o**m** *o9* m t * T *j*mm isi #*«*■# ft •>#■*l# §99*9*9 ft fti ftft •« l *** ' * Yftuftk *3*9*9 ft #*•#► ***o99*9 I |t'V ~ V **** ft «m# ftlTlft# .. • %**m #* # ♦■#•■ ..** |.v,#ft tßb ft# * *0*099 ** lift i-Uftiw 9% **«» s #sof#• i# «»• «*#» ## 9'*o9 £ft r T«pii#- ##» f « ft-*# TdwftJPHM# ft# • - : ##M4 ,»., #N# I# ##• "999*0- 3*0999 • # nr«b4M##ia #1 •fftyldt |##<*i *»• ft * o*9 #4 f * fM» "ft ft *«# I*l #♦*•s ft * ’•!# 41 ft# ftliflftftai# *####» A# A AM# * ’• •### ft# ft## \ ***9 *9*op *9 *9o*9*9* <■ 90*099 1 00*900*9* *A ‘ *.##*#•#• ftftft !*#• Y % « ■ m#if> #.«#• •»A ##i»® ft# /«k*ft#Mß ###• ftftt" ## Hfllft '. .* - *«##■• ##« «•> 4 * . •### l#ftMl iftftft ftft inß##ftl j M |,A Iftlfftft ft/ft' ft#* # ftft SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ‘ IM"* '4s *** . Cl 2a • arli, '!l 4ftal 4 in# ff f .■ * I it*a«. It A y A# BmmUi -- 4*fl aU t a£=r~” _i*sf »Bi F 2S3M-* . IB i-i C~Aagn*ta t» *T- - I 4*a : fe. i !'E ir: li:: |S]i| • tSTfag TIB tfi* g SSSU ~ #SB MBp CT«. ■■*■»'.»* jitf Mkame , . > »» "j! 1 •* A. jmdmaaaß i *#*| **s V"~ i»r*••>»*««* l . l ”’"T ' * *•• m irwrA Kb I 4 5* • Kuadetnbla hi SS ia! » Nee Vet. | ” * * . ... . . '• at a# ueii, Hear. L*. Fee t'-efc.Fa A A ! IS, bUH PhttadeipSie . ..... | (44*1 { M* * he (Imefe . ..... I fate: *SI a le Wan u n* Ky_ j A ate It lit Le tabweil | Itkwil It Mm L* ImaeUle { 6 t**,! ” 14 a Le Xorfatk ...1 tWy ~ Ar. ftreenebee* . .. I 445 a . D tamenaboro j 7Me tMy " (WWn ..... .. ........ 4Ma 10 Alp * k'-'k Hill . | lo M* tlieiy * (We I 10 ftft a 11 tip • IN’ lait##GF" | i i #3 • l ’ * ft RlwM f 4 a.ft# tft>, 3Si m 9. Ct>t##iM# I'a d#p’t» { 1 15 #| 490 m m MmMM. -1 I Mpj # «** % ; * Tr«t<M . ..........,...1 & i#ir{ #A# “ (>rwti(FvU# 9 #*p| * ttf • Ar An*nmm . | • ftft pi ftft*# Iw AmvOA *' 1 %m' : rJ* «sfi f.-■‘l anatit »rs |II •»#! Dp Lriwti i,r•(*if,.. *oopi Too* ir <liM ' a | 4 #wpf II #>• It c#i : N#. r c.4iip.ii7 111 **# u 0 • ** h#r«xm#A ..{ 44< p 9mm Jtj'kmwrV.rn 9 Ml M.fcsFilfSt C AR kIRVH « d#*ly pAMBMB#f#r mrrtcm bfwmwn |U niti and R## York ft - ... and ft «wbißff<Mi##4 *AMfcw#«t#ni L!n 'mi Kilid T«#tlli«T»4 *rßi«i w\t* dmln# •itr* Mini tUwi e'mm «trb*« n**rtk nt Poilmiu Iftwiai roori. «jwpit»4t o#ry» b#t m I'd*:. T»ifii * JftftUMni)# hßßranUAtt. VMHBfIM ##d N#w v^rk r*itit«n»R * Cftr# Mwwi (M## #r.«l RVhmond. I*ui.mao Armwinrroam p'.mpio* »mrA ##• tlnti at Norfolk Cor OLD HMNT COMFORT. OvriTittf th +r* In tim« for br#»kfAAl. i (polki train. w:tk I’Arlor r#r», hmtwmn Cbß' iF*t«n And AalmpyUJ#- And •—T. R. MaII. iwmfb I pti.tman drAwinir ro#cn buffnt bl«*rpUif c#tm b* - j twrATi JAt’kannyill# And N#w Y*»rk Aud Pall ‘ man ai««ptn# >'Ara Wc» ftri Oh*# lot <•. ruJtman pimving rmn b#»w«M| Jack !*r» vdl!#* and Coium'ot#. •*» ronty daiiy *#tw*an B4'kw>nvillc and < n -Innati, via fLfi \K s (4AMKOK. J.M.CVLP, i Thir lV P « >*eu Mgr T. M., Washington a t Tl’BK. 4-1 HAKDWK k ' fl f A-- waoklagton. u r. a., fttkmrn GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th alMldlao Time.) Schedule Effectl'e April 24. IB3A Pullman Bl.*n*re between Macon ab 3 Now Tort Through Pullman Sleeper# between Au gusts and St. Louis. Lv Augusts „| 7:obam! J:2opm|l«:J(>pis Ar Atlanta ...il2:36pm| B:2opmi b:oosn> Ar Macon „..|D:lsam| I «:46atn Ar Athena !U:lspm| 7:3optn| Ar GatneevlUe|*3:4spm| I Ar White PtSi*l:oopm| | Ar Miirga’l# ,;10:10am| I 4:3osm Ar W v-ll’ton ~il0:10sm| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves August* dally except Sun lay at 6:13 p. m.. and ar rives at Ml!!“dge\llle at 8:10 p. m Train# arrive at Align eta s:l* a. wu. 7:45 a. m , 1:20 o. n> . *rd 8:25 p na. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 8, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 P.m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Cheater. C. £ N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. * N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Siege 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blnwirg Rock. Stage . 7-30 p.m. gTwTTiarpeh, c. f. harper, President, ... Gi A ' -