The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD Ms . ■ ■■—■—. •“ HKpl WH 'Hm *1 A .*• A fbtto* - ? *•* aw ran—- ———» m fb» iSss!r« < tSa a M a f!p* •*•- **• tw«MH cc|jj£^> •***■*» iMI. Him— nuiAi n tnu^Cfc .«*• p* vo* waj. mno mu muAUi 4k a«mp**" *• *"*** »'***• •** tta|MM ** IMA *WLm» ai ta» A—* n«m» «M Mt» Ma*"'* _ _ . »* fMMMNA «• frnmmmmm |ar itwiii “i -At **» <*mu OmhwM* to AM T-* ‘U* A* »»* «P‘ _ jfc —wp*to. to At mvf >1 n|| 4PMI rW , A MIMA—^ tou.» MW *• •**• TV. H»nM • la*— Ur »*.pw«tas to* Aka t» *••• nm mrti ir— to ftto MmMi rrtawaa •hi to taead aa*—*t* at tto rtrtba town" 1 « »br*» of tto Aa*—ta win* thta toarata*. Tto earttartaca «t dtacnal ru* rtklra tor* fUtad tto air tor tto Mtt tor •**»* tot* tab— aa M torotor MAt •»* tHH ratnia -. Ml tto atrlba ta a*. Tto Ansi ftaat t«M o( tto m»*H (to Hi «mut~ Ml —#■»»« M* —waattp. Tt H tto PA ttonr ttf CtoHA) aad 14* ||f Cw«ll rlalaaag Ito a**<—lty «* )to*( Mto— Ito • Air »»d toC>U«M<« 7 * Mirra upon Ha ia**»t»rrtr ah 4 Ito tor « ragtime rrttto alr*ady had»r I—4. rabVllng at tto dacr—aa. Tto It*raid tnnta tto atHfco *UI to atoirt. L*» tba artaar art older baada on hoi a •tdr* com* u«*»lh*r, Ito tbaw dta ca*> raiailr and diapatatotmialp Uw thcr. aAt mar tto bum of whirring ■tori* to aooa mu mol at tba mam aroih 1 mil la along tba AuguaU ca aal .to , Th# typography of Vogue 1* bum# than #xr*ll#*t. ft «m ( 4**hM>dly "dr*" flay at th* rtun* jHMtardjU'. Tbs p< Ivatrs are now having thatr ianlnga before the InvcttlggUßg boar* Miss Bayard, daughter of the lata MbiMitor, an burled on Saturday, at Muitapba, Algbra. Lika all the raat of tha world, tha offlrara aay tha Augusts girl* arc tha prettiest thay have avar seen. Yesterday'# New York Ilnrald con tain* a two-column broad picture of R. R. Tolbert, who whs run out of Green wood. A Missouri youth has Just married the mepnutthcr of hia stepmother. Figure out the relationship maie to «itk poutaalf. “The law gor* that on the death of tha Kiaperor tof t’-hlna) ha appoint* his mtecessor.—-Illustrated American. Queer law. that. TJUIe group* of ofßcora and private were observed strolling rlrerward yea terday to take their first view of the historic Savannah. “Henry, how do I look in this drew?” “H'm—the dress looks very pretty! on you. my dear... Chicago Trib une. "Chins fired on Saturdays” Is an ml. In yesterday's News and Courier. Chi na Is fired on other days of the week. In Augusta, it all the reports we hear are true. Librarian (recording the damaged condition of a book Just returned) “Page 63> a hole.” (Turning over the leaf)— “Page 64, another hole.”—Bos ton Globe. The pith of the kaiser’s talk at Je rusalem seems to have been that the ministers while quarreling over dog mas were neglecting their duties. The first Sunday since the urrlval of a)! the troops at Oump Voting taxed the capacity of the electric curs. Many acitlxeu was compelled to forego or postpone his'visit to camp until later, by reason of their crowded condi tion. §*,, ««* * rgSpp' » ♦— to ■«» LptoMfet Uto* * ***Y mo,l> * *** man* to *t*V •• "XTSaratoa «ae*ae |a—— ■*■ -*■-»>-- tfeu-aua *■— HAJpi BMPM to* rt'flW’ryr v*P PA* Ptoto -•owtoWHA tgr« io twwrr a#** «to a«*» a# <A* a/wTato Mai aa"—* to- to a Mto* *tf HP *•»* MMML » a »#e I—ra io a* aipwy fPWP*' w f •a.a Ito Maaato tnto«« *•»**«* —4 •« e—U a* aeplb *»-« to dapA* ‘aotoH^ ■0 of foot pwpatty. It. toorrrtf. tto •rtarto QMaaftotorrg ataroArto totta tary •»* tot rat ato la Arri—y ptooroliy 004 rtgtotoiir to* tto p to lot Awrarfaa* waaatotot ttoua lam | tot aa bat* a part aatf to aa. to m r« mll It* toaar poaror. pautmtaa IkMRM * The Dotth* low? - legged heat* Ml to Ms «or»*«4i<*l by th» twody—sil mm at U»s> IMbns (pur Oar4«w Tha i hor*# a bow »• to tw follow#* tv a si* * <l*y Mlrprta rw*t*al.. - - «ortiiEm vtißi luvmn At •» u|M o»rio«i* t&4 «***»* of f%O ftvffn rtttaaw* of New York efty. held at Cmper t'n.oa '.apt rr'day alaht ta pit teal agaW.M iMa I .apt rare flMsrtiflikrea la North aa>t I pnwth Carolina. If* BHaaheih R i fir aim ia. a whit# sums*. the srattebl)* 1 prsstiteiu. w bstleve, of the aow de fuse! (b elei r for the Mronxuloa of ftocial Parity, aroae and delivered ber ■ self of the fellow tog | **l am here tonight to Ml a word to I behalf of womanhood." began Mr*, jflraaata. “Not only of the woman • hood of the North, hot at the woman hood of (he South, and I *ai only here ftu represent womanhood. Now. we all know that the white women and white glrta of the South are fall of colored blood. I stand her* for colored wo men and colored girls the same a* I do for white womwt." Ae the speaker was a woman we take off our bat. In our comment upon the above, a* a defer**!* due hat *ex, bid we are free to stalfl that 4f tha lady were the aole rcpreMWUttlve of that Ml we should letmsi* covered. Mr*, tlrannls has unwarrantably, maliclonely end lafamoualy aland*r< >1 a portion of the ftepuhllc’s better tints. than which port 100, famed In aong and story aa the posaeasors of all that la gracious, virtuous and lovely in wo manhood, the very eaeenrr and embod iment of feminine goodness and purity, there In aone to aurpa** In aueh attrt butea on God’a footstool. We advise the malevolently menda elotta Mrs. Oraonls to remain on the other aide of Mason and Dtxon’a line, when Inclined to irttej- further Ilea ami slanders In her false charges, especially if she were addressing an audience of Southern born and bred adult male*. SOCIETY WOMEN AND THE WOE KINO GIRL. Jerome Jones in fhf Journal of La bor pay* the following tribute to Mrs. John Jacob A*tor for her Interest In the working girl* of New York: "I tip my hat to Mrs. John Jacob Astor. She Is not only the queenltcst and hand— Konii-st woman in tha land, but tbe no blest. of God's creatures In the world. These extremists may root all Uiey like, but 1 tell you the world la getting better, How could It help but Im prove with such a noble woman in it? Mrs. John Jacob .Astor will not wear Clothes made by the sweaters, and the •400’ through her influence refuse to do the same thing. All on account of the strike. This good woman with her friends proposes to raise fifty thous and dollars for a co-operative tailoring shop. This »A>od woman Is now tak ing up the fight of the Woman's Tail ors’ Union. They have made up their minds to close the sweatshops, and they will do It. God help this noble woman. Though covered with fine Jinen. and purple, she has a heart that can be wrung •That,observed a friend of the family, "la a very superior woman. She cuu converse Intelligently, I be lieve. on a thousand different topics "Yes," sighed her husband, "and she does.”- Stray Stories. Iffp TUI tltfaft# Ip^fppbn Mt«t iw» hwti (to* *aa itaabto m ito aawan tpap 1 Haw Ttob. to* «to»fto towaai to* ■ ««to# aaat*' at Ito ■ mo uwn«* atfb 'tar* at»«* *4 ito *#» toatappaMPC < * mm £ toawa tto to»* ta "7* .* oa* •*«-«* •. t- a .< •tomb pp «aMp laiap «pi "■■** to* 'bap tto pa a»in iUP I Ito aapbaaa iaaotf roam* (toatoa P Kaap* toto tar to Uraa* tapaatt* Ugptoat AM* »«* Tto* ftaMt. lMa*ao. CM. Kaa, ll , aanmptt tmpa»«aai« bp tto tattmtlaa l npafH tpbao tat* at Tto Aar*at»*» ■■HUP to* o*4 Wplafa taittoap *«*• ' art toat pal ao4 tor »a*rb aaaw'i »»• pt»Wl rtfPPto, ltoP>»totoW aaaitarm— 1 * r« ao4 awPii’al PaCa *tor mao pat a* attaint* *'■ t oar •f*to4.r* aotfaaatf CrWaal aaptltorp aagtot «atf HM«topaaap*y la tto ptaraararaai. • ar* aa4 baataaatfltn atf lappHro. Ma tap toaa tto toata pa'aaatf, ara rrapna aiM* toa tor praataa aaortalltp aa4 ml fraaifl ttoaa aaptoaaa »Hb ito to**** *o*a»r Ttoaraa M Pol tart— MHar Rorap Mraaatala Haora. Hlaorrr V ilaatrrr Oftlcan. Nov . ll- To Ik# Rditor of (Mo Jt umal M? ronelaaMm* fr»sw (ho teporu of 'b# oar latest igaibsi (ho* far ar» to tb* «**#( (Mat «mr odd lor* suffered *e».i tmadr Mi many low—r— (MnaoskaM# igaorsnr- on* MtOM|i(■ r f or «*fs kmamo «f (hr volooteor rJbvt* Thno I* wn qaestto# Mi m# mtod of suffer | lug. ltd a great deal of tl hut t ferl equally rectal* that iMe mjw part of it was due to tha <io“» shove asen > wned W K Hash ell. KdHor of th* TrtNtl ; Says That ntstafcaa Wee* haw, kgiiti (Tty, Mo * Nov II [ To (he Rdilnt of The Journal The nuy lavutlptioß bii aIMHIB that conelderlag the country'* unprepared ne«t. tbe conduct of the war as* rr markaidy free from sortoae and espea slve mls’ahee Tha mtstahee from which our soldier* suffered were ; nit oily those of offb era ami suhoritt ; nates In toe field, sad cannot he prop erty charged against the war depart ment. W. F. Craig, Editor The Journal . Tales o 1 111 Treatment Proved. New Orleans. Nov. I*. To the Editor of The Journal: The war Investigation ha* shown beyond question that the American soldier* were not well takes care of. and that most of the stories of 111 treatment told were well founded. The truth In these matter* ha* been brought out. In spite of the fact that moot of the witnesses are tn the army, and there for* In a position which render* It very hard and possibly dangerous for them to speak freely. While much of the testimony obtained I* of Hit)* val ue, there ha* come out uncontradicted evidence of incapacity In both the medical and military department*, from which the soldier* suffered great ly. But the witnesses when pressed have declared their Inability to say who was at fault. There can he no question that the Investigation ha* disclosed great and unnecessary suffer ing on the part of our soldiers, due to the fault of someone tn command and Incompetent subordinate otfl-, rials. Page M. Baker, Editor Tlmes-Democrat. The Cotton Planters. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. It look* s* If Torce of necessity would drive southern planters to di versify their crops, and thus put It be yond the power of hail cotton year* to spread disaster. The cottou crop I* now so enormous and the crop ha* so declined that the crop ts an unstable reliance for the prosperity of a section that hns nothing *lhc to rely upon. Planter* and farmer* who raise only cotton and rely upon the sale of cotton to furnish them with everything else, are In a had case when cotton I* un profitable. The time Is approaching when every wise southern farmer will devote only a part of his land to cot ton. and raise corn and live stock enough to keep him independent when the cotton hnarket is flat. The Negro as a Soldier. Louisville Courier-Journal. The negro regiments are rapidly try ing to dispel the good name the Tenth made for them tn battle at Santiago, by their conduct In peace, both here and in Cuba. General Wood says ho has never reckoned upon them as an element of strength because of their lack of discipline and thieving habit*. They have killed, fought and stolen wherever they have been garrisoned, and it stem* that they are only valua ble in battle. Courage !* a great thiug for soldiers, but It will not wake en tire amends for insubhrdtnatton and theft Hi camp General Brooke has been instructed to break up tbe Porto ltk'o brigand t sro. TBS -A.’UO-TJSTJb. HKHALT I III: nltsi HV I K AHtH I IUIVN totoMtoptom . iiatu li arMMPWwa a» *to jttop Taaaap ap ton bpato *aato »<rpaMM pibil' MpTlpipb rtf touoro •to pnabatoM aatfWba* aatf a*a ■»*«*» {at * *bto to tot *«*»* Tbaa* aaa ♦ n*»*o raoia* m to an »"■*—** I v»*a batotot. ton OM atbto rm ato P*aaa 'bn* an <•»■«"• «►! Oto»a toWtotoM «f tto raapa a tto] ‘ itrta* «o ataa* watown IP tto tnoaib owe* *«*pa • toa an a-uja * apart i . ltd pTSSS tototoi a b*a to* t awntto a# mM tbn aa* j tap toto ttoaa bp a awtoa at b*» pto s | bad baap aaunap pm* nan *’• ‘to I mm* opto audap top la map »**•*» atrto Md •••*%»*» *n* *ton «a» «b ■at bnPad ta tto aapnbt I uaarfAto ta lpaMtpoaa> to* M to* ban an an > Wrap tto otoMapam aatatof as art din tor* aa Ito atrauda aad ta ibna *<4 •• ato ban aa* baap abtr aa »* to an ato ta tto wratp aaao. Mto at Ma giapaf ft-fr and ito Mata *d artitort ,toa •* pMtotto bp ito to«. told aw I ana dap, that bad An awa bmp aj enapaap at* ftaam Man at • (MW Tto imp rapptotp aantn M at* j bwodrad pwa. aa paa too tto Pro p*f e*at on a wap tma rasp Ttor piaaa a tlitl* oddtttmal tdto at tto ataoll •Mp at tto aaldtrr* aan ta Aapa* to Tto Map a tJto (M Tto atptapi at qaail aaoagbt lata upra bp Ito pat trtwr ar apamtatora •r* gladlp gnbbM a# bp lb* r*ata». ! tact attapn ibaaa dap* Tto an- j tb*ra aoMt*r twpa <«a»t*l*t ttoai a] find dattrarp aad I a toM that tto Mr da ant to tba aabatgattal aad All* In* toatrt*ab. «n tort «m tbatr ar 4tVA lloparai rtf lit* adbna ar*. ftrtrta ilpalp. It an Htaurtlp, labtaf tbatr, rtopa *»d aaaHlag »itb aaHnpMt awatb*. aa aauaaol bnaat tan t* t tbaai oa* dap tala tank rate ta to to • a mall aad aatact aaaptt at which tbap ar* to b* latroducto to nittta balrp Oaurcta ptpa ' »• •- '!*•• aum arttb atrrto lot.ra Tba Ut*r«- bra adttaa, opua ito ooaatoa t«f tb* •prrrd li. aot to param appatlta sad not *ll* run INI rrHb dtacratloa. alar I pn.phr.jr. tb* doctor*’ amtcoa wap b* ta ilraund latar ta tba atabt. Current Comment and Clippings. Tbq republican# wilt he responsible for whatever of good and tt#4 tn done, and thay cannot escape under the shallop of a divided senate Brooklyn EM/#. The g, o. p. already begins to talk of: cutting the tariff. That la the re publican party all ouer. It la always ready to forealalt democratic reform to kcSP in office. Boston Traveler. Protection organ* have shouted themselves black In the face about h«w protection built up the ttn buatneaa In America. Juat time they are audibly Mlb-nt on how protection I* building up the tin truat.—Ttdedo Blade One of the resulta of tbe late war be tween the United States and Spain will moat likely be the abolition of that | form ut naval piracy which And* It* justification In prl*e courts. In the mil itary net-vice of the civilised world the principle of looting conquered territory ha* long since been abandoned. Yet. through that strange contradiction which ha* noe reformed the navy Ino same ratio In which the army has tieen brought under civilising Influence* car rying contraband goods falls a prey, but a valuation on the warships de stroyed t* bound to go the officer* and sailor* nf the ship* engaged In the tight ~eAtlanta Constituting, It la evident from the tremendous rate of growth In the Federation of Women's Club*, from the increase In' membership from year to year and from the amplification of the work un dertaken by the Hubs that these or ganisation* have moused widespread earnestness among American women, and that they form a new feature In American lilY. The Inqtortance of that feature will g%->vv plainer tb the general public as time goes on. and It is worth recording that this club development has l>ern accomplished at no loss of true womanly sentiment. Ixit rather with a gain In the shape of an upbuild ing of character and a decided quick ening of moral perception among the members. —Boston Advertiser. The Georgia farmers appear to have learned something. The Monroe Adver tiser says: “The hog and hominy rais ers are not worrying over the low price of cotton.” The Arlington Courier says: “Unless, the signs and seasops fall, there are not going to be any short provision crop# in this section in IS9S." The Irwlnton Bulletin says: “More wheat will be raised Yn Wilkinson coun ty next year than during any year in the history of the county.” The Gibson Record says: "More wheat will be rais ed In Wilkinson eountT next year than during any yesf in iK* history of the taunty. The Woodbur Massengar says: ■ MeCflwsther iwkplufltlng wheat and lots of it." Wk* reports eolfie Item evtfv part of-the stave. All the infli catlons are that lar&clt wheat crop in Its history will bp grown in the state next year and hay and, corn In propor tion -Charleston News and Courier. rue sew.* CONDENS6U. - tfboaaa atanpa to paMNard at cPn* two ** *** pamid an tto p*ad to* baaa •r not*** dtoaat»«( Map A#m» a* taomaa lad Mo to*p j tod'tor XL”* * f Mom* • to non a tnad toa » janaap at amn ! ttarth v. totoMf to r.-* a* aaa PMHtoAto Pto torrantrtaaai rbaoad ftowa naa bPMtaba ■Mppibad or Aaaaaa ftap. lapaa a aan aotoadoadn baa ,yw ap tto awat trtortHp aaatwaaart* In to. ’ Tto r m l - *tf tto Antb mat toaptfa. M lb. Ito.itna totawa* Mrt An f */* I Tto rwpp baa agn-rra* «d tto i - rot* li »l a — at ito rttorrb to Ato The i*M»g it daertsaaMt* to* *«*•" aadv ewsvSwrt sff toe aeffina sosdssaa la , OsM. TM* |n *rr esasatalael*s»*#i ae* RtffMta vtitve tM**r RaaM inmiiiai* t» the t"into ( pWe qweHH. Meeyksa-t t* to sett the ftiiwowa CM*#, apeak* asut < At* raw*!. *N , I eeaa *M* •Mato MMMMt. i T#» Mw»df«d aft"*** la site at* Ml IMP taeosi sm*4# iff to# IVeMMt aailc* • tut pah*v ptayirg I Admiral ttritey feacMed TYv4*rte. , |M4„ MM! the wMsd* taaffi farmed to inH and cheer Mias. HotIV Uftaa, least *#»a»*t*d from |me hsd«*4. ks Pa* aaratag Mtm i through a eertma* Distal. I tleaeral MIMI flatly owltslWmt Rer- . j rotary Algor i»gariling wertt ream ; - pet*» aaiwrs ta WaekMtgtun j Admiral Iheieey he* rnelrsrtel with a Hong K «i Mtsiesr to rale* thnm of the ppantsM vreeria -oHk May I. fa th* locisslss of ar ti sanath. King ItMu ar <>f Rwr-dea will ft i -hrai* the lath I anniversary of hia entrance Into free j masonry. I Albany # hap day carnival ha* been postponed on account of Inclement i weather, will open <m WaSneeday. No veaakev it. The clipper ship Atlanta Ilea broken ! ta IWO on the rwks »< the ttregon ■ oaat Hhc nailed tnim Tacoma sot Cape Town lest week. The Parts Pntrl# aay* th*t “Lord j Chamberlain” has returned front Am- i rrtee with « dmft «f n treaty with th# I mi ted State* In hi* pocket At an auction of old coin# last week ‘ In Frankfort a gold piece on which w«e | the portrait and Inar-rlption of King Ptolemy IV' brought I.KfO marks. Kaiser Wilhelm ha* presented the po lice constable who a few days ago sav ed Count Areo Valley from iflurder hv a mad man with a specialty engraped i watch. In the neighltorhorid of Chamber#. In ; Houthern France, a family . onitlsllng of hu«band. wife and nine children ha* been found, alt of w hom had six flpKev* ; , n each hand and six on toe* on each foot. Notice l* given at Blakely that a bill | w ill be Introduced at the present sea- ; sion of the legislature to create « city court for Blakely in Karly unurttv. Georgia, provide for Judge and other officers, their fees, etc., define Ita Ju rladletlon and power*, etc. The Grand Puke of Meckle nberg- Strellt* haa just celebrated htn T9th birthday. He Is five months younger than the queen of England. Next In age come* the king of Denmark, who Is *0 year*. The grand duke of "Luxem bourg is the oldest of all European rul er*—9l years. The poet Catulle Mendes hals written a new Medea for SarAh Bernhardt. At first Sarnh was not satisfied with it and doubted its sueress. but after sev eral Important changes It flivtlly pleas ed her. and the production is looked forward to with interest in Paris. ~lt has been discovered that one of the largest forests In the world rest* on solid lee. It is situated between Lake t'ral and IJik,. Okhotsk. When recently an nttempt was made to dig a well In this region it was found that the soil was frozen to a thoeshrdl n the soil was frozen to a thickness of 350 feet. Battery P. of the First Slate Artillery —the command which ha* been station ed at Newnan, Ga . for tthe past two month#—bAs been ordertsJ to jtro*e«>4 at once to Jack*onvffie barracks' the post of a few ihtlss soutfc of New ut leans Battery D was otAered to Nett j nan. <sa., two months tjg| J at the timy yellow fever was prevalent on the] coast. The battery has been at Newt nan since then. ' For The Soldiers! IQ— ■■■ .Ill* Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hals Officers' Hats Flannel Shins Woolan Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments * Uniforms to Order , Overcoats to Order DORR'S Mb 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Tasic Apparel** - ) Pretty Whit* Teeth S f ■*» nraorrt T*»Ui W aab paago \ . C J ) \ / V aWM tottsa, I X Arp You Think in* \ J to ik* to.l totor* Pcodf * I to tto rnapa H uoibdd Ato I j ■ pi • > f ttf u>* * on roach aod Card C 1 j «o»* ’ J j / I toruMT a Hot »ar*r tog > \ of tafia* a PoartMo toitaa** m f Of a tor. Ito ton Tana Hturfc** f . / Of uVt* oly l »«b rbwa Draw ? j V ar* artd 1 N ; J or ator* to—*ad l Urachu # . C pwpew yaw fiuiiMP ei ’ C \ |.r otof* itoannddpotbrt H«* 1 j / ■ -.ohita act r 'odaa wtta • / W hi I |toi truow I* —4l 1 / Come to us for them a j and further in- c ■ 1 formation. f < Alnaider Dm Cinpaif s / 1M BROAD BT. C iFor Rent j Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings. * stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. , Several of J. B. White s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 & 2 Library LuiMin*. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KKNTrCKY AtiAoluU) laeonteatalito Pollcki Fr®rn of l*ue. I Largrret Dirkfendt # - - - l>iwewt Promtum* Solicitor* Wanttp*!; c»ll or write. H. H. BTKHMER, 9p*&al Agtift, 416 Dyer Building* r EA(it'OAYTEES THE nEKALD feoiipWap j INWA'TWbTfj-VTHwIf efsAT ■ i sci 'T [ 9 9 |*°i' * . «ATTZtistioTitjiaT <? |o ai | p] ■' 11 "*“**"' ' "* ' ft would hardly do for grstun? Gran < jiiss to utter such slamler* in thv poutU as she'did at the Cooper tfnlon the other night. It is l>est to ascribe them to seuile dementia. NOVrMHER 21 l.kinut Wluh ItMxalL On rtHt hmm «hdM iNrti JlMbtaft <»«d» warty bddt. pay mu m«»#p *n $ apttMH *t • trt»w| the apmp IKpt Dm MpMpgmpy npita w ta optai. Pm* pel hotline 24 Cent a. Ll. Garoelle. Druggist. CHRMTnAS IMK)DS. I mm ocwntn* up. unU my u*toA* m« of first cieae Chr <aim«a novetti**, bweu* tifui Ihtdbpb At « Mm fiMt ff pfltfMA aSc. 40c *nd 74c ftftlc'-dMb. Don't mAd until the twbli of the mum wtppk or two. bus look Around now apkl make your MSecHonA. No trouhfA lo show a«k»4*. W* Ato A wAyb dtdmhtpd lo hava you »ook Around the store. L. 1. Gardalle, Druggist. atf tan rtew* PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, *O9 7lk St.. iHStlt, Os. grot mi m run ♦» an « a#vi gniifli to* i*v«» *,>*»■«* aas m ato «»#»• aw tissues ns was too* #t<—* aktls fwm veto FREE OF CKAftiE IXS aka» » i,,t a COAL and WOOD —— r*«JM THE North AnpuEta Coal * Supply Co QaaeiMy asd QaaJKf lioiniisd. F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT WmU i tM«< SN MMfw M 1 - _|gi[irr t Eastman's KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply yOur wants We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ricbards & Star, 827 Broad St.. City. Paine, Murphy & Co. • COMMISSION MEIiLHANTb -803 Peyßolds SL=TeleiiiiODei^w.n j hntU Lf«w) irti I‘iifrt 10 Kt* York Chicago and New OrUeiu. Order* executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stock*, Bonds, Grain and Pro. rUilon* for cash or on margin*. Local securities bought and »<»ld. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agenciea. Money to Loan __ u S REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! iyl beg to notify mi friend* and customer* tbat'l have add-! another chair to my Barber Shop, making six iirst-class Barber*, and I hope to accommodate uiy cuittimer* without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 1212 A 21+ Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.