The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL 9999J90-AL9 **# ®HAH. t?#»t AW* •* aJTmm«O tN* ##*r GHAOt* or #tl*o C*em JOHHO Aithr*. t» Kny. •"** Nm ! .t 4f 9m ~"ciTY ICE COMPANY. Al/#t#f 4 t mmm ■« 1 1 tkto* (Ml #»»— . « ***** «* •w#** MTftH 999999 ##•##**### »* aa •» ** ** *pm— #• *• f»M» Iwm ••MB* m *• •* *•* PiHPtt* ant* Wfc ■**"* * H** 9"*** •«•# !♦**•> *#•• HHMMMfe Imm m #* *• £Mfe###. •** t**** ••••*• *' | fliiliai 1.. j#*# IM4 »-. * ** It CV* MM «» ho mi rwgM** » «*# * * treats* *•*» *»>»»««■ tog ( r ‘—»**» ,*•** M M IMPNbMh. |MMWM| ##»•#*# wftfV i p 0 gm. M M .« •• H#§9 j ■3u i trnrn .. •• #■#! ■MI « - MH .. .. ♦■ .» .. i. »■■l *• * uri *rm** uiiirr IBsart 4r*#i MMM— m **4*» ("(-If* lire** graft Baarag* Itore *• *» | >|MN* —i— *• toWA •*« • #"JJ An**** •••»•#* rat** . .»»• •* -**• ****9*o*9 MMMt«iI t* •<■**9l mm* flvftM #*H# *•»*#• . •I-*' *' | ***— * *****' .. •> ..Me--** E5»—.... ......_. .... * 2 BBrtre M I*l to»*a As# »ABA* ■ ** ** It****. I* to»>4* MM '**— ••*• ** n * nrr>nt»* p Ana A 18. nt* fc<"«# W'*Bl. • *** A**.., •wM*. (•* In*. O. a . (** Am. ~ A M UWto ***** r«Aut ( * P* »#•*., Bt •*. *«a *••*»»• n A w A p»I OOnpA Ar*** Avl't* A*A IAM*(( AttNMiil*. M ArtfltM . *.— ••• * * rVa*tt#*t''e \ « » •**«!*# .. .. I *-• Or »»!•** tit* *H B * ***•'•■» ■• « I * fcvtlH. .. .. .. .. .... .. •• •••- * III# H H M H « »• e# • I*l M« r. KI«B M » •*»*!«I*« ■ J » « Jrtre f Kins. M Sack I£ i- •• * •'• bilk • M* > * *a ——l. ** r *°* • A |A» *( »m*i. r* A— j* Aiimmot * Aliaallancatt* *r*»4* * WMOAM. poll «rs »v» Nw. A IMA— .. .. J l-l rrait „f tv* law*. T-« »**M* .. .. • » ♦ «**»( 14 lerMa . .. .. «. - •• J »*« CAM' (4 .. .. .. - * •** 41*1** n*4*. *4 .. .. » »•* mo >f tfc* w«n .. .. .. " - n ■** j*u r. KI«A 14 R R **iln»M •• * *'• Jno r KI*A *4 A A akaniaa .. « »-• L*na4ala «4.. »• • *** Jim P KlAf. A-IM* . .. * > • IM P Kl*«. ■ Ml « C M . J»» P K»«*. « A«V *« ■ I*land •• •• •• • * J J*«. ». KIM A l»<-* M«t« • * *•* PRINT* Am*rlr*n thtHlnt* M»A * M Aarrlmark .UlrtlMt. «««• •}* * « Chart»r OMt dr*.a aiyla* »(A f . I l-I W*al)Mißt»a Otia • Altana (hdtl » •• * *'* Rnp** a i-« parralaa .. » Coat** Ap««l AM. P»r Art « Am.nran Indi*' bloaa. M*A .. .. I M •lalar OUa (a*»Hdl WIM * Amaru-an lndl>o bl«*a *I*A •• •• | Imarnational »>l*cha «*« .. .. « Altan a cardlaala *4«*4 < Allan a lrtlonaa *4i«4 J India * w India hl«»* M«M * At Inf la.' I " *4**4 * Anrtha Wnahln*ton M«A I »-( Oarnrr a tadlanlt MxM J Chart *r On ha. • *-* TICK*. * *'* Amoakaaß A C A * * Amnakvag A *• AmaakMC • Raclprorlt* PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill" * *'* Paur yard, good S 2 inch .. .. .. .. » *•’ Lcdl ahlrtlnga * J’} Lodi drasa atylea t**«o .. .. .. .. « »-« Kt Clnlr dr*aa atylea 4 Oeaan " * *"* Martha Waahlniftro fnnolro .. .. S J-4 Mlacrllaneoua branda, light * •••• ** I-Sai* **S laaetta ( yards plain * *-» Thorndike B * »*♦ Han • l ’’ ■ **■ Pelham, U bal Ito box » P. Q. V.. A ball* to box 1* E Q. P.. *b Valla 4® lb 17 *** Muaconea B * f** B 1 ln h 4 1-8 yd. plaida. beat make Wmpaon allk Odleh foulards «4x Pacific mnurnlnga (4x64 4 1-t China allka «4x«4 4 1-4 Slater 3 1-t Concord. 3 1-4 Rome * 1-4 8 1-2 -2 Fifth * 1-4 KKAKSEY'S. Heavy Columbia, iiewvy Keareey 8 1-4 Kincaid and othere - -• 9 1-* LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER Lime ***** Boaendale cement .. •• 81-45 Portland cement .. .. •• 12.75 to .3.25 Loulavllte cement in paper sacks .81.00 piaster tot bbla * ! - * 6 HARDWARE. Well buckets. per do* *3.00 Painted bucket#, per do* *l.lO • HBB cedar palls, per do* .. .. 31 75 j H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 32.00 .Tub* painted, per nest 31-<5 Rope, Manila, per pound o 1-2 Rope. Sisal. Per pound 7c Hope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Naile. wire * 175 ,>ase Nan*, cut Shovels, Arne*, per do* .. .. Jllalll. >0 Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 KlJtvels. riveted back, per doz. .. 34.-5 Plow 1-2 b»stA*. red top. per do* 32.-5 red top root, per do* .. .. *2.50 H* me#, best root, per do* 3«_50 Hollow ware, per lb - |HM 9NM §•# IA mm mmm i tMI Ai» *« o*o ImNA m m mm d W •«N IN mm $m mm m m m m •* * ********* mmm m * * mm* mmm mm Ant mm •* Mi * Mini mmm m* mmm » *• m mi t **** * mm Wm fmm mmm m m m* m mi mini. . - , 4 * •* *9mmn inn m*§ «■« «4 -«# •# (PMi * mm m rn»m m* i $m mm ,««*»* it | mm In i yin, m* 4 pm mm * M i! At# mpmmm*. m* 4 pm mm h M * • f iN mm*mm mm+wmmrnm pm m> m p& mmm «*» • it 14 11 I I r t »ai m% A YY? *4 4# 9*mm w iMmmp m Atm itmpmfm 09* tMMV ** 1 m+rnpim 9 | dir alMh•* »* W bm| i*m*p*m • If* tM «•»*«* Hi m«| >w*B« t 14a IBM ...... .. in ..I ()*«a(*a 1 I ft 1*44 ...Ml ... A—ill tinnAn* l4A*b« .. IA Iti (ft I pdfTß Anpaaaa Eg tau >. ....... AA e*. > am— r# wb* .. ...! AM* at aPa IM „„ n MB M . I Aagaata 4 IPa MA A ... j Angara *a. Itpf ......... Mt ... ! Adnata Pa AM it* ... { AttaMa Pa. IAB *««•«** taa • ... 1 Atlanta Pa IM ........ IK ... | Atk— 4 I-fa. MR •« ~.... M ... J Ai aa*a 4 a Aft .. .. .. ». At .. • | t.Btut Pa IM «, .. .. ill ... j a* ran nan Pa All ..... ~ tlf ... I ha* 4a AM n ...... At ... ! Oataaahan Pa AW .. .. .. „in ... j CtlMel 4 t-rs AT! .... I*4 ... j Maeaaf 4 1-Pa AM .< .. .. „ M ... : Mama Pa Al* ....,.... .. IA ... j nviemktt Mi ~ .... M ... , Chartaataa 4'a IAB ... | « ill a And RAll.h UP HONDA ilmrgia R R A Rhg Ca Pa IM* ...... IA ... cleargta R. A. A Rkg Oa 4'a lAt .. .. .. .. .. .. IM ... CTwAMlta CAMWI A Aa* foe'a. tot Pc, t»A AT ...' oartatta CoftnnPa A An «uetn. »i T». im* W ... j augttatt An. R R. Pa AM.. ... A C R, H Hanking CA. Cdhl nrA Tnaat Pa IAI A A Bontnara ftaltirny Pa. IW4 .. .. Bf M Central of Omeg a Railway, tat ■ onset »ot«. Pa l»4t ... A A • C of a. Ist »r*f w A A Central of OnarpM Railway, Id prof iwrapt—. 1*44 . .. .. It II C. of a. lad pref :a . IM • • O. A. A P . IM at. Pa. 1*« IA 111 Heath Ofergta and PlortAa Id ra »«A .. IA South Oanrßta and K. or Ida Id Pa IM IA ... Or—a Hi. o nehlp C*., let 4‘a id ra im I iat M . : FACTORT RONDS. Entnrprl— Mfg Ca., let Pa |||] . a aa «• a a aa IN Sibley Mfg 6a, let’Pa, IMt ieo Sibley Mfg. Ca. let Pa KOI . IM ... (la. R. R. A R. CW. atcck .. !»7 M aiulhweetera R. R Stork ~ It- id Augusta and Savannah etocft . A 100 DRAIN AND PROVISION*. Oils, white, sacked „ l|l Onaia, mixed, sacked U Corn, white. i ked ~ 42 Corn, mixed .. - _ 44 i Meat, boiled, per bnskai 4TH Flour, commas v ‘ .. ~ .. ~ .. s to) Flour, fancy extra .. I 7* Flour, second patent .. .. .. .. .. 4 00 Flour, standard patent .. .. .. .. 4.A Flour, faocy patent 4.74 1 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks M Fine feed. !00-lb sacks *0 Hay-native, per ton 12.00 Hay-Timothy, per los 11.00 Hay—chulce, per lon ~ .. .. .. 14.00 Hams—choice auxar cured .. .. lOalltt Smoked rib aides 0 1-2 1 Dry sal riba 4 2-4 1 Lard, pure leaf. In tlercea 6\ Lard, ketll*. rendered In tlercea 4 1-4 ! |’i I tinny Fellow*. "Folks dal in»i*lH on habitin' flat own way." said I'nele Even, “runa a good deal of risk In not hahbtn' no one ler blame when flogs go wrong.”— Washington Star. Five-Year-Old- Pretty useful, ain’t I, mamma? Mamma Yes. dear. Five-Year-Old- Almost as useful as n ntntt? Mamma —Em, y-*-». Five-Year-Old I don't mean Santa rinus or God, but any ordinary man.— Harlem Light. She—But how can you think I'm pretty when my nose turns up so dreadfully? He—Well, all I have to say is, that H shows mighty poor taste tn back ing away from such a lovely mouth. — Harlem Life. Sunday School Teacher —Why. Wil lie Wilson! Fighting again? Didn’t last Sunday's lesson teach that when you are struck on one cheek you ought to turn the other to the striker? Willie—Ycs m: hut tie hit me on the nose, an’ I've got bilt one.—Boston Globe. Woman! Woman!—Mrs. Knowtt. — ! Mrs. Stroogmlnd Is gradually develop ing her husband Into an Ideal man. H > does everything now just as she wants hint to. Mrs. Sharper Yes. and when she has hint perfect she will despise him because he didn’t haw a mind *f hit own.—Puck. It is held In some quarters Ihst. Spanish honor will take another nib ble at tha buzz-saw. _ _ , _ thbs attottbta hkr at*d i mmmMmmrnm mrnmm m mmm rnmmflmm 9wmi mmm MHw Hi 9# mm -■**** * mtm mmmmm m *mm pm* nmmm mm : opmtoA m*>++ pi# I mtm mtmmmm l h 9mm mm i#* *•■• t%# ini# rntmm*** ** ikmmmm fKmm «H#»a mm *mm mm mm- mm* mm «mmm, **4 mm mmprnm pmmpm **** 9* j o*tp**o*sif iMNI MM Ml *# (p#** l # ***** §*oH*p **** m m*** ********* m mmm* m mmm mmmmmmm mmm *** *mmwmmrnm WMrt 'he t*A *4< #4*.Mf-4 At | Ha### iimmii# *m** 9i# mmy mprnm *# . * 9t*i'**t if t.i# 9mm** mt 99m < i##» *m mmtmrnm ifi p**iiMM«i tmm* ! I«| #»j>r~ if Hm iff #f *M -ft ##9 mH mtmmm*** mmt9 tm*4 ii# ****** 1 mm#l mm* ***** mi ti# imimmm *9 If# ; tfiiMrt mmmm p*mm* *mm hi *w* *0 % TW M sf s has* HA M*' A Aa * I APkA AA## A VStAMAA Ra CMS** saaAs As MSAA ha* Mk flgwrt a* hf - .srtapHHiee BAhtX the knaeat ftpam *M»« a** hSAAraA SAA «4A*<P 'A* i aSA 4al Mrs The gap* AsatttM IA MP '»tA iRA* th*»*A> fca ha* P»A ! fMHfMNf IS ii r flf iH ; at A ft# * fMPMfi **t *999*9* t Ml IM# *999 ip A fwiiii h#hm. > tm*m M 4 t trnmmp »tf»n##»» Mil mm it fit pmpm $ - #i# tmtm** M r*#4r 9** m** #i4 #t» | M Ml ti# Mli>#, Mi#f* M *t* f«PE#I r##rli## HM ti# fMMif Mf 11 ‘ lll>fi #MMfM#*i Hi tii t M ti#t M* ti# tmm* U# mm *mrpnrn»* M | fiMl # IMt I# ##cmm# Mari Him. t# imp pager, tiaahl* is **« SAW, ssA ga»* ting «g the ram g4Ushl* spaeaha lA ' agtsabia Oa# as Ika Va>l»»t trorheT* <* »*# s gats WnahlSAtaa «ARAIp. R»l*e. ndl ’ road A Ibe nomas who ha* char** A jib* mob lag for a hig crew A A** I who are )*i tag rail* Aha ha* thM taahra a sAM* karral A Roar nt* 1 bread to saf aog#ng A gotalook Vast -eaa. gnrh. salt «*»*. and other turtle!*# th»< ao la AWfc* «P <!*• Mil us ;•*" j[ I The FraolAeAf A iha French Regab* ' ||r boa aavorai liaia* been arcuaA A being ratals* A cartel* mailers A dress or MAuMIe on imgorlsot state orfiNoii Til# Oimlol* *o» nw# 1 * forward with the g'»** rharg* tba’ M Knur* raraaily apgwured oa horaaharh with hi* field gtaaara »hiag oa hi* left side. Instead A the right According i to this authority oaly nraw should h* . art led on tha left stdn, , —— El Norm is one A th# grandest go* pensions In all Cub*, not a* n fortran*, but ss * curiosity Th# damage don* the raatl# proper by our navy could ha rspalrad for fifty thousand dollar* IA consmu tionk and ayiiwl** *r* < wonderful. Th* *r*o# from Morra J ridge t* nmmrfrtss< <4 la Cub*. Our * guard there has explored It pretty thoroughly but R# not yet discovered the entrance to the subterranean toD 'tare rooms. ' "A City A *inc’’ Is the name which* may appropriately be glem to ihe mushroom city of Porlugueae* East ' Africa. Beirn. AH the house*, all the hotels, and public building*, say a con lemporary, barrack* and warehouses, are built of sine. So great has been the speculation In building and so ur gent the need for supplying Ihe Inhabi tants with cheap and speedily erected 1 dwellings, that a city has been built up jin six months. Thousand* of tons of I line from England. France and Ainer- I lea supplied the material,' The un pleasant impression produced by th* aspect of this vine town, la heighten ed by Ihe thought that men have to dwell In these Jiouses tinder a tropical heat Everything tn this strange city la under die dominion of the metal. Even when a person rails HI he Is carried dn a xinc stretcher to a hospi tal. which Is also, of course, made of xlnc. And If he dies he Is laid to rest In a xlnc coffin. A man find his two sisters were re cently made the victims of a thief whose weapons were only roses, Bays The Philadelphia Record. They were seated In a railroad car traveling through Germany, when at one of the stops an elegantly dressed, thickly veiled woman entered the earring*, carrying a superb bouquet of roses. When the train started the stranger dropped her roses. He picked them up for her. and thanking him charmingly, she asked him to keep one. Then turn ing to his companions, she graciously offered each of them a few of the Gowers. Naturally, the courtesy was accepted, and the next thing of which the travelers were conscious was that the train had arrived in Berlin, that their veiled companion had disappear ed, and that all of their money and valuables had gone with her. Of course, the roses had been drugged. The police have discovered that the criminal is a young man. and that, he has conducted a number ot daring rob beries in similar fashion. One must admit that It is the refinement of rob bery. and if one must be robbed at all. the roe* method is pr*f*rabl» to i«adh*A*ng. OASTOHIA.. Bsanlh. A. ft# M T" I coon loci MM HPOtBER Hi ih# ttwat fw man**# •** II HAj <yP h# s* cf. f4*acx*fftk, muff mm. caH 9p* MM f pA* HoUA, fwaf am* •«•%, fRDMRf*I ’ l«HI hfMtMH arvd mIiUMH of IfllAHitß! K«H***»*» AApAf* %*m mr* a rßcomryydHl it. Mi***# of alt In HMtvondng pfißdgf. CcwnUn*«<luA Hy And tiv#Knifty, MtnulAduftd By The Souihem Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. in t»te wiuiwaa 9k*m*9*99*9 ** * *9*99*99* Ml#tt#NMf"# Ni# mm***4 *999*9*9* 9*l*o* Ml H#b 9 > ii4Mii«#. tmm* 1# m# ******** mm** H *MMMI Ml pm ip# MMMBMI. ImM «Nfi I «NNIMi Im# # #lll'tf 9##Mfi## In 9kt*m Pm ***** Ti# Mfl#jl>H> MM#!##*. AM li### 4N#B#hm. i##» i■ it i### #MM# #l* . 1 ||#Mf «RMB#MIMM IM Hh#l 9HMti Ml* |M# M>m ti# hINII 0* tMßiiNlf Mrltf ##4 tHMH Hi li# MM4 t#M» li### 99* Mb HiMM §tg*mo .«f «%> # if# o*99**** Ml ti# *99*o* *p*mm*9 tm* 999*9 ##!#■♦•# I it# ti# Tagßta aw* Riants Th* twwwr W vary nam wkttt* the Aram R may* gA- Irtid aad g* faßai. awd m each * 4 * gr«a Iha* * Raanaa *A*thai>r aw** ary wha had • I hare*#* k*» aktdß* A tiwytkiM g*ytai»iag A iha MtawA*, •a* atr jrrwr-f *a sag th*i iha Taws'* teagsrtgt* hast th# *4v*m*A— A Aaaf A th* prta ttgl toagaas A (ha A<srA thA k * was Aty*4«Hoa* ftha Hebrew, that R had the art Rise A iha Ovaeh, a* wAf fhr aaoelattoa* *e Aar pioger wows* that M waa aa elsxaat had ca gioaa *w Laßa: *ad that R aaa *e welt •gassed ae%*liaa for t*ayiia»*t» aad a*got hit toe Th* gAtv* aaka a** A bat I hr** *•#*!*. #<l ha*» kwl Iwert* maaoaaai*. which |ha» -agrre* 4 iff**- < •ally hy plat tag * AO *ha*e or h#h»W' them They h**g A«ra*d turn Em . i tjprsif to writ* <4# (At to right IA-! ggaa t of from log Id bottom a* thef Immer y wmt# Phßa Watea aerat **■■.. i« mMd tor Rap** *ad aa irAIC Si* tor a gea They aa* wrtthng f«#» j i*i i ii 1 ti * oaty a* they ha** *•*! ggoh* A *rt*ar* or history Th* »rt- * #M»art** furatsh Iha rellgtoa* *«B grtatad la tha tsrioo* diateru A th* Magda' The Utiwi A the Mo!ore** hare a very gleaelag aay A coop**- p,,tiding wWh their frlesdk. They ar ts ng* fl«w«r* A dAer-ut colors tn a bouquet In such a way that th* recet*- er hnderatende by'examining th* **li etlee aad IhAr Aad.*. which regr.wnt ao many rharaatera. wh»4 hi* ft-l*ad la tended to aay to him V 4 MAT IS SM l.Om A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold* and Consumption, used through th* world for half a century, has cured Innumerable .wees of In* Intent coa u,„,, ti. n and relieved many In advane-/ damage* If you are not Mti*fl*d withj result* we wilt refund your money, #h«e 24 ot*.. M ct* and *1 A. R'dd by .C-Kctaiters. T A. Mux low, Andrrwon* tlrug I*t»re. Alex»nd*r'* Drug Rtor*, . Went End Pharmn<M Th* King I’bare J Splay; Retailer*, D#*nport A Phtnt- j \f‘ * The Season’s New Datura. / Tbe new d*nces. like stmost *v#ry jUhng dec, are to have a military tone fhl* winter. The American Society of Ftofeweots of Dsni-tn* h«* »o decreed. "Carpet knlghte" will tw more than *n empty phrase. Tehpslchor* will not ex- f aetly carry a musket, nor trip U> time to "hay foot, straw foot." but she will Indulge tn rntrjie battles »nd moot warllke-suundtng name*. Admiral De wey. who has been sponsor for every thing from towns to top*, give# hi* name to a neb figure for the cotillion. In the Dewey tlgurc. after marching and countermarching, the line# A op posing dancer* carry on a brisk haute with confetti, wtpise colored paper rib bons fairly enmesh the company tn a t great ralnbowltke web. There are still other military figures—the Charge of j the Light Brigade. the Rtars and i Stripes, and the Imperial Guards The j Cadet Lance*. Instead of being danced j In squares, bwotnes really a dlagivtal . dance, with reeultinK figvtres tn the! .shape of triangles and star*. It Is I claimed that the «Ve-step ecottlsche 1 will share the extraordinary popular ity of the two-step. The new schot- Usche is a rather difficult dance, but that wilt probably he one thing In Its favor.— Harper's Baxar. How to Look Oood. 2 Oood looks arc really more than sktn deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the llver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; It your kidneys ! are nffeeted, you have a pinched look. Heoure good health attd you will surelj have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di ! rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good i complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. I Sold at Howard & Wtllet’s drug store. Ri> cents per bottle. Traveling sults For Economical Brides Neat traveling suits tor brides not blessed with an abundance of riches are of doth. A'enetian or broadcloth, with the Jacket warmly inerllned. with the Jacket warmly interlinM. lined With percaline Is worn. A more expansive cloth eostuihe ivewl* *e com- Slxia* wltb velvet an* fur. and with It waul* *# t»*rfi s sWt *r Noth ¥!•»•• if a jackst Is worn.—N’avaraber !•*- gi**- H*m* J#urnal. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Lamkin & Co. CALL tO* lugu* a Bf«R ng Co'4 axeotrr nexa Jj gk* fMPf ■ & T? ' i BELLE O W O- bJ OHOI A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. j AUGUSTA BEER. HONEY TO LOAN; In any turns dMirsd from #ACO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tifne, or on TO yaars time, payable in 4quai annual instalments. Lowest rates of Interest, No expanse to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in Retting the money. Aleiander&JotiDsoD Aara'afir Itob Are.rare Mortgage I’owipwuy, \ 705 Proad St 9mm i PORTNER’S < C MOKBUAU find ) / VILNNA CABIMir / 1 BRANDS OF ( T 1 i Export \ ? Beers l ? ARE THE BEST l S FOB THEM. / It. IJ. MITt ll K. 1.1.. Al-EX MCDON ALD Snpt u. < ou. See- 4 U*n. Aigr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Elsetnc Sapiui**— prakmg Tuh-s. etc., ate- Repairs to sll 5 lectncal sj.psrsttta Kiectric Light Wirings specialty. Bail’Phoae 1009. - - - Mrowger 579. AnOtorr LOW PRICKS. Ij«r*e sto>'k. Also iMPF VAI.VKS and PITTING*. XV- JriVF.k noil X ns. M'Lt-Smsd Rrpairs. Lombard Iron Works <fe Supply 00., xrorsr.4. aa. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1898. Lv. Augusta , .. 9:30 a. m.| 5-21 p. m. Lv. SnndersvlHe . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tenwtlle .. .. 1:30| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.55 a. ra. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p ra.) Lv. Dublin 'l° ;M a - m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 *. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. tn.j 7:10 p m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnille with Centra! R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightavtll* an* Tannt!!# R. R. fbr Duhllji **4 PlawmnsrUJe. ' e. tr Jackson. G«b. Pgt. Pas*. AgL - .Tames TT. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receiver*. CbirltttoßtllCaroHiM siAN4*IJpA«4RAMa* HHpmtmm H o*9 W *** W*. i BPlj i«Wi| I * p mmm fljK* ’ m**9mojjf*mmm #• . I t«#|## 99 ***** I * wßSSWmmm** *** ? *-9m**- | mpm#*- mmmm \ I * **99** m* , . mutt rr~ ■■ - 9 MpM#. *»»»»» 1 t§o9**m*999t9*9**imm{ 9*****&. : , »3mrm I • I#BmMß#l###9#» I I A 4RIW <mT» I . I • 9*9o9opm*9* ***** -if ,«M -99*000 MM##i t sm***j£i+ , a ««*»• T-i - IJMHM •’JMfeM ( mSSSSm**** i * MS? ! [ 9* 9*0099* .a t 2 m*mmm*.*9 9*9*9 : \ uHtmmm w99t* IJNBWMj II ' III 111 1 I * 90**9* »#** -i 9 MNl.«(«*«I ’ l<# 9***9*9k at* i *••* »,. t|m*»Tf«| I I ** mmrnm* «««•***« ; * MIUmhM »«•* }*«•***». ******! *Y*9***9* - ' «*• • 9 9*mm 4 ##H# K&B9*~mm~.. 999 99* IfMI •WoA Mia**.- jHA*uAk *<gpA>i *RN|llk«,« •».. !*» IMR *H>U*ARtow. , I ww' **9# .«**. fx***: w H ■mml-1- - f JAAkAt! I* -fiigipsiHß..i (Atom fyPßmj i •#M(k*|'...<.«>..j |4Ae«S W*-M» f I I *»• At »(* *M*» *wa**re MMM* Akw MAM ttl»IR4» l»* 4M mt B*AM mIAL « ves 11 >*,**>,■* At Acs* An'A Rs Ak •wsv •*( LL N* f.)i APt*«A» mrn* *V*to**M*B •*» *R-el* MW ] *•**•* t>**»•**• ssitows m *wA»r nut «s> s*n aw **•- «#**•* h.J • kt>b ls*» to# Art I X A4t»2|f (t- AHWAa Art f m irtfto u«*«re AWS'UWA (to aOE RIDOK RAILROAD. M C RKAfTIX toms**, ■MMtoRRA. tfsstkss r**l Are** tores toe't om rtm * OR* it»m» Ml* * a **■ * IBr tuy i toma Dty Mr toU Ksl ( toll k. 4 Akt .ni l lACrtva Lree* TM I* rn MR «... AwiXwresw ..m I toll to It IA I IA «... Pstsw ... * * *1 H a to*t t mM4 Ait** * toil a * M 4 tflC... hellstM .it tol. « kit' 7 •*»* tVtrr Cresaf* f 4 All B *J4B; I <*ll Atom'* ’TtAtol R *:4«M •* **4 1:»>4... 'IRNACA « 4 IRU • 1 It ' <7 *s | tfc n Wsau tlwlua * 4** 4 W ftoj... Rr*ttoi'A ...« I *B AM TM ! |L**»* Arrive EM FM No • 9 #*•**•» *»••*•- f Dm Mstls* All notsr Irwiaa from AwAsreea l* Waixaliw tore tight to track mrer train* *4 to* sam* tlaw* movtng tw *>p pnreu direct Mia, sntree at torts urn **to- j lAed by trala ato* Will atoo ato* al follow mg stall «• lo lake ire ** Mt off pase-ng-r* Phia n»y *. Jamea I*4 toady •pun** No. U rotoeett wills Aoaitora fail way No. U at AAdertow. No* 4 and « #*«re»rt with Bcwttol ’. tad way No* II add 77 at Bsreac* J. R. ANDERAON. Bueoriareatowt. ATLANTIC COAST LIRET AMORTKAT AND 4JUICKHAT ROUTH TO THE KAPT AND NORTH. t:Mpmj Lv .Awgista. Ga Ar I 7 U.m lidfpml Lr. .. Alton Ar I 7 »*wm t.ttpini Ltf DvttmArh....Ar | 4;l7pm 4 S*pm| Lv.. Ort*»l’f....Ar j I tUam i'Mpmj Lv.. Burnt tr. A C... Ar 4 2*wm * Mpii Lt Florence .Ar I 34am 10;22pm Lv.. Fayett**tlM ..Ar 114 pm 1 21ajn Ar.r*t*r»harß V# Lt I t2pm 4 Mem Ar.. .Richmond....Lv j 4:Upm T 41am Ar..Waahla*ten..!.* j I 44pm |;Uam| Ar.., H*ltlrnpr*....:.v t 2 24pm 21 :t**m! Ac..Phll*de4bhta..Vv 12 Wpai 2.03 pm) Ar New York—L* ( • KRm Pullman palace buffet slcepir.g rais from Macon and Augusta to N*w Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Aft-, 723 Broad fit . Angusta. Ga. T M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H- M EMERSON. Oak. Peg*. At*. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH, ISM. (80th Meridian Time.) .■ 1 LEAVE AUGUSTA. 'No. 2 For Savannah .. ~1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta * 40 P. M. iNo. 4 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. *:2O A. M. No. 42 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. iNo. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. | No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta *:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations . S:SO P. M. ■ Nor- 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. No*, t. 2, 3 and 4 dally. NOS. 6 and 6. daily except Sunday. ! Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between i Mitten, Macon and Atlanta and be * tween Augusta and Savannah For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., apply b> M. C. JONES, r. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. ! NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHF USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD fc WILLETT DRUG CO. ~ HEMCYED TO 711 BROIdST’ E. W. DODGE, MartMfß«tur«r «f BufcbAi* Stamito. #*«i*, fit«ncil«, Daters. Pads, B*dfe*,*c: 711 ftw#d*ay. August!, Ga. Btrowjjer Phone 20-, BELLE OB’ GEORGIA NOVEMBER 91 RA (l>o* b to-re* Dt-tt-tom S. C i l MtUH CO 9*m •♦#•'## ***99 9*999 9**>mm* i m pS*L *99* ***P *99999*9 *mm m** m*m *mm Hj'%# u a 9mm | YHm# 9* 9 omm9k **m I • < <(■•*##>■*#» 9 #||Nl> I 9* ■ 9## ***** i | *o*9 90 9 99000 m 9*99* W##l - iiM W* : p *mp AJH## \ 9 4 f . -%i#- tr# f-- #■%## !# t to»ii # i## 9 m<*m I 9 * e R-amb air#. 0 ora. tpw 99 9 * 1 .«##«# wc # AfR $9 #" #A # -<#■# #'tOto'dlß* S ###"*• ~ §# #P 9*9 s ♦ »’***■■■*■ 9 mm* 1 9* 0 99**0* H #m#» 9* t *m-+*m9P 9*9* [ I A * 99*0*0 I# 99*000* » A• t m -<• ■ * tmipp ■R * t* #•*• Rk I 9M#H|R it # tHB | • "•#•' ttorttoM >« a s »■»* A tores » * *to - ... * Mare : ** A-*to«. l.t**,, *» *■ grew* k*T"J : koa, w *B«. >< i 1 s* tig >•!>m s u E ft-r-ift *••,** 4* *4 Asa* here Trek CmSeSm ReT-Hik** X, S ,*#.... 4 he 1 * a*tor-»» * Pvre a* fw*wsea atrtre i* Ire*#, a ito* A* *«*re 4 AffwaM* A tores 4 * Upre | A* are*, am tAto* At * Are t taare : As Bea 4 <to» Ato* it Atoaaaa . tAmrei tns s«i-into AI ftortreisw WNB Bto 4*r» ■■■■are *to **k taare to Awtototoa* la mm —taagtoA**! *«gat* * u *• srererta Art# a* tod **■•» aA parere #. R A, 9*tjCto»w. *'*• Art * ret “mt tm ROUTHfcHN railway. - Store- to—.wjtoto re-—to to BAariSe. 7,3 A to* ~ ||. ■;, m Ire"# Amm * iw* i ■ 1 a*a*- "’l,*;; 1 ,?•; 4, &7SC .- i ilfj ll* legirjtfg 111 :fer: =ET-JB ill ‘.SS?—to ' uh» EJW- r?S? : Ttowreo. ' .HR*! I ■* y* r |*m»j *a* 4r ?«grgf:aTT :s: its* r Wm. It',. *• Mtf.j totir. Uxwiwkßkk ibJbm T I*?' !5: Urn Wa+’mp, tm By- k> rep II Da lv Btreresto 1 uMtoj a»nw M~PtovA>v ••• | 4 4*»j *U* Lv Arsresbsru .[ S*t 18, * Cherto«* Arts Hi Bty * Are Rut .. Il'O * smh M 44s II C, * Ttuwskr* 11 As If Ms Ar (eiKtsitwad’tst ft Asa. Id Cr. QwtwmMsCw day'k 1 14 pi Id * JuXssiss, 2Up # •'* * Trsaxto Xtenj *2s* “(ArwattevW* (My 7*7* Ar August* .. .... «My 4 00* Lr AsbenUa “TV* 8 06p L> Spartaaewrg U Mw| BUp Lv milly .... . 8 00 p! ’ 7 «ua Zr i-hsrtestre .1 * 40p It Bis £*. Ooi'kta. FCAP By .. UM■lB 47 a Ssrwoaah id 4Ms Am IsrksssriUa ' I *ip BU* -i hgriNo par 'larlfl Exceltoit dally terewfar rervkw btowssn RlprtiW suit New York Ku. tr sod rn~ a sutungtoa aad ttamhwsetera United, solid Yestli.u cd tram wttk .limn* •ar. sad flisi el— re-hn north of (%arlotta. PwUmas dr.wma ronm stseplng mar. bat» men Tauius Jsckemrflla. mthbm. Washlagton aad Nsw v >,* Putlmsn Stoepta, Car# ttoween Chariot M tod Richmond Pullnisa drawtag room .leeptnf mar* b» Iwraen (»rseashiro snd Norfolk Clow coaoao tot Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arririn* there tn time for breakfast, ■olid train with Parlor rers. between Churls#ton .u.l A*h*vU!e N. M aad SB—P. A F*»t Mail. Throngh pn. ii..n drmwtas room buffet ..ssplaf car. be twtm Jacksunrill# and New York aad Puli Elan .leeuui* cars betwsen Amrustn sed Char latta. Pullman car* Iwtwsen Jack anavtlie aad Colarabia. eu route dally letweeo la.-keonvllle aad CtsctaaaU. rla Aebsjille. FRANKS GANNON. J M. CUIJ*. Third VP A Ore Mgr T M . U'n.hiaatoa riTt'XK. A H HARDWICK, O. FA. Wsshiaftto. a P. A.. AtlaatA GEORGIA • ■ RAILROAD. (80th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1881 Pullman Slaenara between Macon and New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Atm gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..j 7:06am1 3:2opm|lo:3opta Ar Atlanta ... 12:35pm| B:2opm| 5 00am Ar Macum ....|U:l6*rnl I o:46um Ar Athens ~..|l2:lspm| 7;3opm Ar Galneavlll*|*3 46pm| - Ar White Pl'al'l OOpml - Ar Mill’go’to -llOGOamj. 4:3oam Ar W.vh’ton ~|Xo:lo*m| T:lopm Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mllledgetflle at 8:10 p. m Trains arrive at Augusta 6:11 a. a, 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 n. m , and 8:25 p ta. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard, Leuve Augusta, Southern Ey.. 9 30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Ssuthem Hy.. 7:18 a m. Leave Ckeatar, « A !f. IT. Ry 7:45 Arrive Ltoelr. S- A N w. Ry 1:16 p in. Leave Lenolf. Btaoe 3:00 Arrive Green Paik. Stage . - 7:00 pm. Arriye Slowing Eock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. w. harperT c 7 f. h arper. President. G. P. A.