The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 22, 1898, Image 3

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TUESDAY A WOOD DEALER AND A DOCTOR liomii <i* •» *!• H*< S» tiffM, It* |M| *•* rnmmmt AM* «* M* I—l WiM »lfc—l fhp# Ml iMHf #MI • iMMt UN# MMMNKMIIS •DM ‘HMMI IS tfc* •#*■* i m $* tiM» hmmimmi. *«m4 m* ImM • ’ ••* •- « •• 3fc*-*|p» (Ml%*4fc* 4 £,{■* ft# *«* <MM4 |p fc#t* • aa—tt **4 ant *’*• >»C*»i 1 A* |»4l<* ll**» fttaW M*M f'W* ! £•# Um »>tM t«iUn| »»4t tat MM ftßftMMk m 4 mmmmii Ml## ■ s***• ** *•» *"#* * 11111 ** % ** TIM ImHM mi * 1 Tt* ’ l*4'M Hlft yteas «M it* eta* ! jpg pint (pciriPMHM. MIMM HP IM MM WM | •ftlßNf flMft mt f%# ftWßftß"* | •l*» |pf || #fMI § |i#|| iM ftft# |MMV IM IP Ml fMft mT fYf I'TMMI SAM Ml p#> 'pfM * Y #IMM ; # |t«i%Ml. !«• PH MMMmHIM • MMM Y#f * mi 4 I# Ml 4w Ml MM MMMi •!**•■ *f Ml ISM «»NF»* mmmmi, ***** M , r » tiffin mM» ImM Mump •*»#• • l«a«r r r * M#**** .* <••»—»« • j Mb# **■##§ y*p • mill "HImM N ip j i»I1 mat' fMiutM if Mi mi m ; If PM «M tW • UMIH 9 M tfc# vtftlilMi »tt* l»4 Mmmi % «f# f rMM W*rt U«*M* mM iMit •* pmpfMf |f| *f%## MNf • !###••# M 4 Dt i •§p%m MM fMi ftwflft twtW* f«t M*f —* |MI ifcwms la4* Mu |4i |>Mt «Pl Mr WM HIM fc*A •Mo i«i)i4 (Mil iM kt 4 u*+n ml#4 I? flf CTf'ittMMi to iff III# Tool* for her *efc*a ltd pain* Hfc* Is**! • * iton* «r howrvrr AH*>r*«f Ple'tW. roi>t.-a*»»*4 th# «n»4 4rat*r 4nr- U>r *o 1 o«***tii«or4 (hr >m»i**i v try .•ttoraay McC«r4 n»f*d*4 Ik* ■ roaavatkta. On* of Ihr •It****** Wssh Cobra. o4orw) tvs* mM by Mr t* tot «x» to <*»rt especially l« itrtr ffiltn rt**ik»» bvrau*# • (Cobra » •* ** mad with ft**itiO l " rmxtm It* ((Vithifli t m • rftßl »ooc yard Tt« witata* repllWl that be bad Wn Riven a "apadal InUtatto* ’ !• %»«*»<» court and bad nothin* *«*«•’. Chratbam. “Do you boo* •hrlMr iW* old »D --r*aa. Mary own* thr wood btirinraa**' "That old woman * Why. ahr j**' run* to life Ahr Otbrr day. I nrrer bavr r**d brr at tbr yard There waa a luof drat of Bmußtrn! about tbr alar of tbr yard wbl-'h tl»r wood waa Irft In Attomry Htcqum waa vrry partlrutar about th* raact alar, but tbr wllaraar* wrra rar*r I*lta ly lyr.- rent about tbr dianatim* "la It aa largr aa a clly block T* ark rd .Mr. PlrQdtt of a witoraa. •Don't know ho* large a city bl xk la." "la It aa largr or largrr than tbi* rourl room’" “Nrvrr mmaured It." Tbr altornry |rt up. Dr. Chratbam mad* a long atatemrnt md It would no doubt bnrr brrn an all day affair if the Judgr bad not rut blm abaft. Tbr rare took up nnr bcur and a half and to th* rod thrjudgr derided that Dr. Cheatham was guilty of conduit- Ing a wood yard without a license and fined that individual <ls. Tomorrow the doctor will explain why he sella the Indian Herb Tonic without taking out a license. For Atthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Tramps In a Church. When Mr*. Busby, the janitren* of the Preabyterlan church at Ludlow, Kv., enteied the edifice on Wednesday last, to arrange for the evening ser vice, she was astonished to find one of the windows open. On further In vestigation she found that the piano cover, aiso that of the pulpit furniture, had been removed, and the contribu tion box opened, mints rontenta tak en. While preparing to start the fire In the furnace she found the furniture covering on the air box Just back of the furnace, where tramps had made a bed the night previous. Doubtless the tramps had a warm time, but it will not compare favorably with the warmth extended them by the mem bers of the church and the police de partment if they are apprehended No Bibles were stolen from the sacred ed ifice. f - ■ ~~ Roses and Carnations, also Smilax and Asparagus Ferns for Thanksgiving. Can be had In any quantity; place your orders early. The Hubs Floral Nurs ery, Bell Phone 1921. They Wore Diamond* Once. Columbus, 0., Nov. 22. Maggie Horn, who was once a belle in Colum bus, and is the widow of two rich men. was fined three dollars and costs for a plain drunk in police court yes terday morning. She has been living In Newport. Ky.. and but recently re turned to the scene of her formsr tri umphs. At the dedication *f the building need for polls* headquarters tiventrv years agirf Mr* sas rfc« belle of the ball aftd is *aAd to *.*• vporn t.«i thousand dollars ft#rTfc diamonds on that occasion, rn th* same building yesterday she was un able to pay her fine aud was commit- THE DIGNITY OF WOHAN Well Sustained at the Cheapest Store In the city Where the Correct. Newest Styles of CAPES AMD W JACKETS are onSale at PRICES WITHIN REACH OP THE SLIMIST PURSE. M*. 1000 new Capes Starting at 66 cents to the finest at Cut Prices. A Y T-dcT 1000 Ladles' and Children's new Jackets at one-third off regular price. ' v (nk - - New Shirt Waists. New Collarets. New Suits AT SAVING PRICES. Underwear Cheaper Than Uver! Btwk 25 . n, k , worth S.OO. . HjR9 75 (gnts (or pur** L*unh »VV 00l Vestk. Mm » Women * a liaig.nn worth $1.25 1000 palm of .ill Wool Rl«nkM(» at rut price. rAnging from 48c • pair to bent 12-4 at s<> 48 IMEB I 2CX) Smyrna Rugs starting at 26r to th# host in town at I -3 less than any plate in town. 1 40 yards of South Carolina Sea Island for $ 1.00. You get the Lowest Prices in the fcity at P. D. HORK AN & CO’S. IN ASOCIALWAY •ru folly to It* WIM. T<»« war* ihrni rlaMrrtaf on *«wr hraaat. My lit), th* vb*l*l* !>•«*. Two hlaaaom* fall. I tt*j*« them. i*rr*a rt, in memory of you. V I f'HjnO them In an oM worn boifc, IV vM*t* crlep uni drl'-t; Ami dreaming of Ihow day* of Wlaa, Tkmr foolish day*. I sighed. I i Would that I w*r* a fool »g»in. And you toy folly'* prto’ Ala*! how vain my longing. *mra Wi n fuollably **xed win*! —COM'MIHA L. ITHILARY MAGA ZINE. l-tma> Dinner for soldlrr». The KartryUon made in yfdtndav’* Herald that Augusta shall give the *••!- dler* wintering here a Christmas din ner ha* been »Idely rematlied upon, and a number of augeattona mad* aa to feasible plans for earrylng out lb> work The moat practical plan would be for the Army and Navy league and (the merebanta to eo-operate In collect - ing eontributtons. Of course It would not be possible to serve a dinner at the same hour to seven thousand men, but It la suggested that aome central depot be arranged for the reception of, supplies, and that a committee tie ap pointed to dlatrtbute these supplies among the various commissary depart ment In accordance with Ihe *ise of each regiment. The asslatanee of the various quartermasters In the matter of distribution would of c ourse greatly ex- j pedlte the work. A number of business men In speak Ing of the plan proposed by The Herald | declared that the dinner, aside from serving a hospitable purpose would prove of value as an advertlslntr me dium for Augusta. Not a soldier will be entertained who will not write home of the gracious hospitality of this favored hospitality. The merchants, realising this, are ready to do their part, and It only remains for someone, with rare executive ability, to under take the leadership in an enterprise which Is bound to be successful. A Brilliant Audience Last Night. The Grand presented an exceptionally hrllllant appearance last evening, and was crowded front pit to dome. The gowns worn were bright and striking, and the uniforms of the officers added I to the gay effect. The two lower boxes were filled with beautiful faces. The young women in Miss Ferris’ box party were gowned exquisitely in J ink or white, and the box railings were covered with pink carnations and white rhrysanthemums. In the party were; Mis. Sanford Co hen, Miss Ferris. Miss Schwelgert, Miss Lockhart, Miss Dancy, Miss Collins and the Misses Thomas. Mr. Harris, Mr. Derry, Mr. Miller, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Moore, Mr. White and Mr. Toom- In the upper right hand box were Miss Clara Doughty, Mr. Slebels. Mr. Butt and Mr. Taylor. The left hand upper box was filled with officers, while on the front rows were a number of distinguished officers of the highest rank. In the parquet were several theatre parties. The most notable of these in cluded in its numbers: Maj. Gen. A. B M. Young, Miss Youns, Mrs. Or mond Mackay, Mrs. S. H. Cohen. Miss Meiggs. Miss Rood, Capt. Macltay, Lieut. Smedhurg, aide to Gen. Young, Col. D. B. Dyer and Mr. Chailes J. Bayne. The distinguished party wen the guests *f Col. D. B. .Dyer. who after th* play *ereed *r> impromptu **pe«r »t tits' apartment* In the Tarvis- I Cadffdin, HdlAing. An Elegant Breakfast. Mrs. George Brown complimented Mrs. Carlton Hlllyer with an elegant breakiftst tfatnjaay. at noon. THB A-TTOtrsa’A HEKAXJ) *\\ ka( hh aipm fee la ’ikfi |<> ! yt* ah a |t* * I'Dim Itrprs Mr a 4 *srf!nfi, 1.. .;*« -■ aa. Mmf I*. ■■fkiiSS fgK'rfy ifru*** AV tlt# ««-»n » f tln <mm# t(*♦ Mr# |t»**#*«*• ««***• Mr* Hill* 1 #**«« Mr* HA< Htvtith. Mr*. F 19. , * sfr* W A Wrlcbl. Mrs. FT ll Mt* Aki King Mr* Al* tgfl c*m, M - K K*. Connally. Mt*. I m Jifkinfl Mr* W P. IHuitHe> llovt Atlanta Journal. A- K. D'i. Conlrihull'Xi. In «*n# of IS# #nvHeprt. fnclotlni a _ Kvsns in third prtma* Mr*. Howland f*»r the King# l*ugh- I I Id Day Cro*« Country Hiding Club A alight rhnitg# ha* l»«***n mad# In th«* I rngramm- <*f the Fll*-.*, Day of tin* i row Country Itldmg Cluli. M’-tnliera of the club and Jnvltrd guest a will meet at the Hun-Air at 10 IS. The guest* In rariiagea will be met at the Hon-Air t>> a gui<te at 11 o'clock. Should the day prove Inelement, the open air ex errlaea and mairta will give-plaro to a lum heon and dance at the Kumratr- , vllle Academy. Oerman Tonight The social event of (he week is the •lance to he given by the Young Men'* Oerman Club at the Maaonle Hall to- I night. A number of vlsltoi* will be preaent and the occasion promises to be unusually brilliant. Mra.JMlllyer Complimented. Mrs. Van Epps entertain* Informal ly Wednesday morning In honor of her sister, Mr*. Carlton Hlllyer of Augus ta. Miss Badger, who Is wintering In Al k ■(>, and who will give a recital at the Telfair building Friday evening, will. If she receives sufficient encouragement, consent to spend two days In each week hi Augusta, and give lessons in phystca.l culture and elocution. Miss Vivienne Strong, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Isabelle Graham. Miss strong has Just returned from Raleigh, where she has been in atten dance a« maid of honor at the state .air. Mr. and Mrs. John Foxhall Stuivnan, Jr., have returned from New York, and other points of Intetcst, and are at home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sturman on Ellis street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwin Latimer have returned from Atlanta, and are at home at the reK^df• n, '' , of Mr - w - J> Pollard on Mclntosh street. The Chautauqua Circle will meet Fri day with Mrs. Llewellyn Doughty in stead of Mrs. Sanford Gardner, as had been arranged. Capt. John Twiggs has a fortnight’s furlough and will arrive in the city to morrow to spend Thanksgiving with his family. New Maple, New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamkin & Co.'s. The friends of M/s. Tom Butler Will regret to le?t’h that sh» is quite sick at her hums in' Hamburg. 1»0ST! A dress suit between hdbk arid tad -1 der house and Greene and Elbert • streets. Finder will be rewarded by icalling at Herald office. I lMim.l t> NOTILS. IV*4 inter Tafcea til. IttHM* tw lb* Hale I#. j rpi rMI t« tb* H»e» 14 ClpfsM a. C k<>< 2J IX I* m a CDailwy * Dmi*t* t*>d a< at as 4 tool tkw *rw*»** pwtlOb <4 kla aclma.. .(a {a* Mat* fat* aa last. ; rwiatwlaa «• Dslaj aftetmia Not ■ i a liaataa4llMl tk* tor I* seat o eal b*t. th* ratlr* party hod a v*fY pleaao.t trip and ratifiH home la (b* l*a of t >plttle and hanpy aa ma!4 h* w hen I arllb ihe boa* IX H.tSry Is on* a*f ' th-o> and If lhey 414 not late n [ grand lint* It > certain!> vs. not hi* Pol John (Jit Rv*n* left «sn Tt**w | day for Baraanak. kts bate hadM n|» M'* Itvaas *t*< to Colu nld* m at j land th* Mat* hall and JoMnd her kaabaa4 In Bavannah on lr .4a* night Mia* Idle I* Hill, oho ha* he** vt*- ttlna her rotaii. Mini Mark* But !er. tar mane time aa-ni north on Tue*4*y fatr the purpoa* of studying am! mo th- Mim Call ha* a **ry fin* *otr* and bids fair lo make a name tor her •elf In that line The Aahevtile pa per# apeak vary eomptlmentary of her aweei voice, arhlrh ha* been heard In the Catholic church of that rily many Mr. George Error and Mlaa Mary, hi* .later, aent over lo the state ball at Columbia, which was given Tbura da. night In the state bonne Mi*. Kvatt* la very biortrotw and aiyllah. and no doutd waa one of the most at tractive ladle* preaent. Her gown waa of green and yellow .triped taffeta, trimmed with narrow band* of aable lare. and a dash of green velvet, very lieeoming Mlaa Angel Cheatham waa one of the fair state fair vlaltor* from otir little Miy. Mr*. George Baker, nee ML* Ford, formerly of Augusta, now of the capi tal city, waa very handsomely gowtied the night of the Male ball. In a veil blue ailk ovef-drea*. from beneath which appeared a blue ailk chlffon- I covered pettleogt. The over-dress, j which waa cut in very deep narrow ; panels, was trimmed down the aides ' with dttehegs lace while around the top of the low-cut walat an elegHnt | bertha of the same was stylishly ar ranged Mrs. John Gary Evans, whose beau ty la of Oriental type, was never seen j to better advantage than on Tuegday \ night, at the state ball. Her heavy white satin made demi-train and trim med In magnificent old rose point lace, with a bunch of jaeque roses pinned upon her left shoulder, completed an elegant toilet. Mrs. Charles If. Fisher of our city, who attend'd the hall, wore a rose pink taffeta ailk made with graduated circular flounce, upon bottom of which was a pink double niching of «*,b9 same. The waist was trimmed jlltli • cords of apple green vWlfet| and shirrings pf pink mousseline de i sole. A party of business men of cona*- qpence aie visiting Edgefield In a par ty with Mr. UV A. Tompkins. The party la made up of northern and southern business men and manufac turers, and consists of Col. Frederick Mason and Mr. W". H. Bent of Taun ton, Mass.; Messrs. Harper Poor and IE. McK. Ferridy of New York; Mr. James Brown of Boston; Mr. R. M. Miller, Jr., of Charlotte, and several ladies. The interest In visiting Edgefield Is the new cotton mill In which several members of the party are Interested. Mr. C. If. Fisher, president of the mill, took hold with Mr. Tompkins, and they exhibited to the gentlemen of the party the operations of gin ning cotton, crushing cotton seed, ma king fertilizers and stock feed, spin ning and weaving cotton. These op erations all In one plant Is an inno vatio and introduces many econom ics. Mrs. C. H. Fisher took charge of the party, drives with them to town and otherwise entertaining the®. The nj*mb*re of the party .eeoied much pi*aa*d with tke trip. fiVan without th* cotton and joil Mill, Edgefield is ** lßy.r»«tUit pl*v* ta siraager* and With tkas# ad dad flftu.i*. those Who are in terested in the developing niaaafuc tures of the south will find Edgefield more and more agreeable to visit. lUJMH IHfiCWfl. UkMllw Rnwtto Aa*4 *»4 (M 4 Ikb H«t Tttft# K • ilf*» • Mil? M i limit If • fll *••* CNR*** IHn«N irf itMl fkntv*. * A*K4 H •iNir’i M*H Irf* *•* "A# null* ** m t|* MnH a*4 *a *?n* *+* |*f t*fi i rfct* Mr Hi# HtN tlt« \ HMWfUfIMI llilfrf ftftM jlfftf’* A AfM l| • (nr, W*im Oirtf Fit **lkr4 Itio Ink lan »*••* •»* tm fMifllf* mi *li» M*** til# URflfftrith OH# Nil |ml *i«li •*t Irk Tt»### |i*rtl#* *#f? Hr lwi%r KfrioclMlfl ii 4 Mr Hnb Umh i ttr. lovlff 1(44 Judge Bait** kla version of the itMDratty II waa. ”1 have wit a i word lo *ay " Mr Birlngßeld told kla *l4* He mI4 I-eater had called him a “f>— iter" and he had .truck al him. I<**t*r j had broktu a atlrk over hi* head 1 Btringfleid. dismissed i l-*ai*r. li j A Brick and a Knlf*.—lJ»»t afternoon i Jeff Dennis got on Ike war path He went forth on the *tr**ta. armed with v piece of birth and a pocket knife. He „tat(*l to the public—that la. every one he met that he desired a light. No body would play the opposing part with him Herat. Norria waa one whom he in* ; terrogated and the sergeant told hint tbata room awaited him at the Hotel j ide Police, lie registered and retired. It was this morning. Judge Baxter Mid. 12 50. A Soldier Ooe# Wring. Private Thoa. Ferrell. Tenth Ohio, stood at the i bar. It waa a breach of No. It. He |acted badly. "Hut I did not knew what I waa do ing. your honor, I was exceedingly drunk." Hia honor aaid aomething about 12.50. Piatol al the Ball.—William Royal went to the ball al Emmett Hall laat night. He carried a piatol. Somebody Initiated him and he desired to breach up the featlvlllea. Officer Fix did the larirest. Royal. $2. Plain Drunk. —John Bryant had 'imbibed and It cost him *2.25. He was fined that sum a* he did not have the usual. |2.50 and the Judges made the punishment fix the price on Gie de pendent. COSKERY & HUNTER. CHILDREN’S JACKETS. Closing out sale of Chil dren’s Jackets this week. Immense values from $1.65 to $3.50, worth from $5 to $6 each. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ JACKETS on center counter. This sale continues without re serve. Silk and Satin lined from $3.50 to $4.25, worth from $5 to $7.50. COSKERY & HUNTER. In Youth They Were Lovers. Zanesville. Ohio, Nov. 22. N. .1 • C. Bowers, a well known business man and postmaster at South Zanes ville, andi Mrs. Mary Canady, were married yesterday. The former is 72 and the latter 75. Both have been married before. They were lovers when quite young, but became estrang ed over some trivial matter, and after the helpmeet of each had passed away decided to regie wthe ties of youth and .marry, (’ongfeysfnan v*unl \V UmTth Will try and interest sixth district rnsus'ac t»rers. millers and abuses;!lets in tb« Cugan trade. infaDnatiati tv be sup >l!*d by the cuiisials. Lapeer citizens are agitating the question of paving Nepcssing street, I lie principal thoroughfare In that dty. ( The street at present is a sea of mud. , CAkAUtY l:\l.Rvl. l-> Al camp I wai mm Ikialip* tag Ita*. tdinr l q * #R#fT'l#***# #9 •• SllllSfir *#4 , TM* Kliaiilv l«MI 4*9 t reofN A- l« Ji4 i II srlSI Imii# fjvt n#Rii R| *4 Wmr Mmrl'4. Two Tru #9 W»r j Hl««fMi|i<i4 K*?«« Kiirr K* I o n*?-+ T m o 9 Wis Ik Tli# #«#rri«#« will Mr pmwirfly it Hill# o rtnrM sattr« r«r« I*4 • *l## , rUU *rh#4|i|l# Will «## p*tl (HI tlM* %•<>«!lr H#im Mur io irfonfio4iif th# »«*» m#t*r <to*4 vtkcli will 4ovM?m* •!* ' l#S4- Great rt«*-popular yetrea—»«*nurbt~- I lie. Or, Hr. #*■—ogwra H*»ua* toatghl. Act How. | To the Editor of The H-e*l4 Btr; ! Referring to the t nmmunlralkwi of Mr. Kerr In The Herald of yesterday we | urge that prompt and immediate as 11ion by taken by Angutta'a city rottm il on the question. The strike ha* been Inaugurated | Let It. If poaatble. be nipped In th# hud [--In tin r<strep!ton. Let Its further rourae. bringing worry and privation jal the very beginning of the winter Hvwaon. to thmiMnd* of women and t blldrvn. be checked What be-, r. what more practicable, what more efficacious method ran he 'emigrated then Mr. Kerr's? The management etaim that the re duction or cut In wages ta simply and absolutely neeensery In order for them to meet eompetltlve mills In the mar ket* (if the world. * The operative* rlaim that their brother worker* In other and nearby sect ton* are receiving more pay tor the same labor and refuse, a* is their unalienable right, to work for lea*. We underatand that hla honor, the mayor, ha* signified hla willingness* to diarnas the proposed plan nt onee In council. The tax rale will not be raised. The iteflclt as approximately *35.000 in the city’* revenues can easily be raised by other method*. There will be no necessity for a cur tailment or dlspenalng with nny of the rlty’a workmen. In short, Mr. • Kerr’s proposition meets the require ments of both sides; It is timely and it Is wise. Its adoption by council will reopen the sluice gate*, will set the wheels of the mammoth mills along the canal to again turning and will cause possibly many an otherwise cold j and cheerless hearth to glow and crackle with warmth and plenty. I-et council «c: now and »! once. JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY. Hear the returns from the great fight tonight. Meeting at Fenwick'Street School. There will be a meeting tor the parents and friends of the children at the Fenwick street school on Wednes day evening. Nov. 23, at seven-thiity o’clock. , , There will be music, addresses and recitations. Alt interesting program is prepared, and it Is hoped there will be a good attendance. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Lamkin & Co. Popular Prices. Popular prices tonight. My Uncle from New York bolds the board. it is a roaring farce. You want to bo there and enjoy a long laugh. It will do you good. News from the Corbett-Sharkey fight will be received over a special wire. Satchel Not Stolen. The report that otic of the actresses of A Milk Whits Flag company bad her satchel stolen from the Plantei* hotel 'Office wave mistake. 1 lie iatcUal was left iu the room of (lie actress, Whu found ii shortly after she missed It. Mrs. Porter Fleming will entertain the Young Matrons’ Euchre dub to morrow, ... , . NOVFMHI M 23 WHEN IN WANT 4«f RRItftNMMI RR HR# 4*WR St##... otbrftN* MR Atm** mc«- C. H. HOWARD JR.'S ## * 9«# iii i ll»Ml# t fel*%'tfM| JWRI Affbvt #Rlr*r«# *iv| * «t«# TH* (ulilt t* 9JB broad. mi. \% I A I Ml.lf Foma.t tor • hlrty aix boars ending I a m Mo-cgiher SS. ISM Waahtng ton forecast Pot Georgia’ Pair to night and Wednesday, colder. eo!4 ware tonight with freetlng tempera ture almost to cogat line, continued coM Wednesday and 1 hurwtay; wind* shifting to high northwctterlp y\>r Bouth Carolina: Kata tonight; Wednesday fair; cold war*; frewsing it-mperatnr. In western portion to night and almost to the coast tmw Wednesday night; high southeasterly, shifting to westerly, wtndb l>oral forecast tor Augusta and vlrlnltjr: —* Pair tonight and Wednesday; daeidad ly colder , RIVER. The river at • t his morning waa I I feet, a fall of M feet In past If hours t WEATHER FONDITION.H The storm ha* shifted northward with Increasing energy lo upper Mich igan. the barometer at Marquette having fallen to 2*. 21 Inches. The bllsisrit extends this morning down the Mississippi valley to 8t Ixmls, but weat of the Misaissippl river the baro meter has rlaen decidedly wth clear and Intensely cold weather. The ther mometer at Huron I* R degrees be low fero; North Platte, 4 below; Oma ha, zero; while over the Atlantic atatea the weather Is threatening and warm The following maximum wind velo cities over forty miles per hour are reported.. St. Louis. 44 miles, souths west; Chicago, 48 mile*, southwest. D. Fisher. Observer. Ruses qnd Carnation* for Thanksgiv ing, Place your orders at once. The Hub* Floral- Nursery. AN AUGUSTA BOY HONORED. Dr. Frank C Hammond Appointed to Imp rtant Position. Dr. Fronk C. Hammond has been elected one of the members of th* medical staff ni the Odd Fellows Home, In place of Dr. Peter Hooper.— Philadelphia Record. Dr. Hammond I* the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hammond of this city. His many friends In Augusta are delighted to hear of his promotion. Great show— popular prices—tonight Re, 25c. 3»c, 60c—Opera House tonight. The case against Carroll Livingston, charged with defrauding a hotelkeeper at Port Huron, has been dismissed. Livingston was tried twice, both Ju ries disagreeing. Hear the returns from the great fight tonight. Mr Whipple, of Sherman, fell while hunting near Greenville His gun was discharged and his right hand shat tered. Great show—popular prices—tonight— 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c—Opera House tonight. For Winter Grazing GEORGIA SEED RYE IS IMA BEST. WE SELL IT. NATIVE RUST-PROOF OATS is the best for this section. Plant now, WE SELL THEM GROUND BONE MEAL Is a fine fertilizer for VEGETABLES AND LAWNS. ' We sell in «nv quantity from five pounds to a ton. CHINESE SACKED LILIES, 10 Cents Each. HyurlntWSC -Tulips, Narcissus and other Flower Bulbs for spring bloom ing should be planted now. ALEXANDER HEED CO., 622 Broad Street Bell ’Phone, 2075.