The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 23, 1898, Image 5

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WffDNfttftAV 9/9f§ a a (A k*9**M Georgia Railroad Bank AtOtmTA, CfcOAOtA Co«ttt*%*S» MMAI4A MfcWWI A (aid »C va«»al. | ->, m ter BIP a - t fi» a art* it* ***t ****** | 9m 9a ** **9o* *ft wm**m4 flfctt | IN»i ***# **4 4»**#*i* •#•«** #t 0*» |lia» »# 9## i t r* TUI** DR. HCNRY J. CODIN. * *. *m %« ******. #***<«» pw*«»a **4 oif»aM»««a_>M- Mi Mpmuil a* # *»t <moo «MV oriono* Tbo*###* imm LL. •■■ ■■"" 11 srvk tTYtif or mArr. MM Vmm« *»«» "IMM “Va OM %wt CM M Mm Mag*, i|< ♦ <o# #■?♦ t# *%*«** oßamaA Mm tk** •If# t *M*ft #**• ok*#ol •# Mi##* : M*» • *% • f#ff Hm* •»*****-* »| r J ■ ■■•* - -it Iglki M|f# T%# 9*% .* i-- * i luii you imvl4i t do fw tifff par*. i »* Ycmi ••• tk##* I# *«#i • * r * rr * fv m) os#, youn|, U»frl y and irntpol'wl ~ ilk# jww* 1» •• bard to *H j vortb I d Ilk# to but I root. SowJ you. for tfiftMTl. I ran t i*r§*n *® mv you #rhat you art* rmuy vurth. j Hoar would— bow would of rourar.j It i abaurdtf llttla knar would HW • w**i*’k do to ticclt) Mir Tk# nr ■ brtaih. "Vary well. th*a .” a« »be maneger.] we'll *ay tbrar hundred, and Ju«t ■» •oon ns I ran find a part for you I aril) let you know " The young man bowed himself out. Somewhere two block* away hr rame to earth. The true Inward area of the conversation, aa It were, came to him A friend wai awaiting him at bla office. "Well, what did he any?” ha asked "The young man aat hlmaelf down at the typewriter and began a special to The Podunkville Onaette. "Mind your own business.” be aald He baa given up the Idea of a atage career Pekin ducka are preferable both aa market fowla and egg producer*. With good treatment they will lay ten or twelve doaen egg* ye*rly, and by good feeding can be made to weigh five pound* when ten week* oid. Tuggle & Hollingsworth Wit) r.n .hr I.nly MM-.1n1.f E.ruril.n lo Atlanta on Nondet, Nov. 2H. lesvln.' An e .stn at Ta. m. city time. R-'nrn i * nave Atlanta at St> m. Tuea lay, NoV. 28, arrive August* at it p. in. Only $1.95 tor Round Trip. Fine Rich Jewelry! | Watches, | Diamonds, j Sterling Silver, i Souvenir Spoons, | Brass Tables, I Fine Lamps, | Silver Novelties, i Vases, Fine Umbrellas, | Clocks, I Militaiy Buckles, I AWitary Buttons. Wm. Sciiweigert&Co.. Jewelers j €W*t or tWTAf tC*C4L I fl» MMM*w« Ma# «woa sis** «MM. j f «mm4# 00* 999999 b • •##» oaS |«###"# I #**4# a nHt 9mm a *mmm9 to*4 m*-** j jMM i%MdM P*#tß*#*» •* MOI % aOpw* I* If MMMMrnI i%*» M# * • Mki ’ I wNfcMi #»■' UN# mi lira* aa###* Mnl a 1 I MMIMbM *9099 Ml MfMW. MM • I|o MM M MM Mr IMbMI ; I fNOI Mat l# w # irwat MMMI MMIMMMk I fiaf M i# a MNPMiia Mi' oAMMaMMa mmw | wmm# waa mm# •m* I ‘ M#a ' am M## aMMMMM *wmnMi MoMai# **■ i I wfMow #Mlf Ma# f*iaaaM MMpwMI ”** #i ItMIMM: 90 aafti two Ml • **s#! Ylwmn* aaa op* momumi *a #*• wwf“A -A# * M* Wwi*- -mv* ** I Mad M* i , aa flat 4«* aa any ora# aiMaiatw# i • Mii.fttMi« aia Mpommi Tail MMBMai *# >»h#»MwdPt aa PMa WMM ONMi • •%*#» i *»a 1 *• «n«<i «a Mm «aa MTWai itw wai Us-iffor Ml aiaMMNMwI OMa tMa ••M# twwr Vtu TWV It. i Harm m Mrh I# or!# fnt lie *m||! Mir# - .(«am|n|pf g «|« a<M| M t«a Ht 44 (if iiruiiMi T. A Itaataa. p«tft A SAIU - NO” AT THE ALTAR. ntaa Margaret Moor* Tab** t nuaual Advantage oil Uomaa'a Hr vliege. ! Mnwrow . Pa., Nov. 0A marriage ; rltte's rkuet here thta morning by the bride. Him Margaret Moore, refuelne jt.l nay the fateful •*yee" at the proper ' f n , mile* around In tha Pomno mountain reflna the friend* of Mlae Moore and Timothy Toley had aawra lej to aee the young e>'Up|e married The paetor of Rt. Catharine * the ftev ' II Walah. itirot amillng at the altar rail aa the bridal party advanced. The bride looked charming, ft he raa* attended by her niece. Mlae Potey. and the bridegroom's la* at man was Pran't Dougherty. Jury commlaaloner of Ldulu«anna county. Mr. Foley had already made hla aolemn vow and the print asked: "Will you. Margaret Moore, take Timothy Foley to be your .lawful hualuandT" < Instead of anawertng. the young wo man Inquired I “I* It yet too late, father?" Father Walah. though aurprliwd by the unusual question. Immediately an swered: "It 1* not too late," whereupon the bride-elect eald: "Then I will not." and turning from Ihe altar, ahe fared I the startled spectators and walked .low n the aisle toward the door. The priest, the bridegroom and the guest* I seemed transfixed. After waiting half |an hour, expecting that the bride (would return, the guests dispersed. No i reason has been given for the bride's strange conduct. To all questions the answer Is that she simply exercised a woman's privi lege and changed her mind. Place you order for f*tl suit with K. j J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. riEET TODAY. South Carolina Druggist Assemble at Rock Hill. ' Fouth Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso ciation will hold Its twenty-second an i nual meeting this week at Rock Hill. The meeting will convene and adjourn ; on Thursday afternoon. The meeting promises to be largely attended, espec ially by the druggist* of Charleston, j Many matters of Importance and In- I terest to the druggist* will be discus sed. | The hoard of pharmaceutical exam iners will examine apollcants for 11- ; cense: S. Burnham, of Charleston, and [it. B. Loryea, of Manning, are the ! president and secretary of the board ! respectively. Our prices on suits only two-thirds what others chargs. K. J. Henry it Co., «p»t sash tailsr*. Willing to Follow. Pefry FatatUassffm* Utfa ppgg W that «laO*tqpt wsui£ qua JUpOw time to lay down aflft *le*p. Wayworn •sfat*c?|f*B'':*F t» onlf o ll * thing kevps me e-Fn HA.e.nw UfA plan, an* that is, 1 don't Cin cinnati Enquirer. T*tm JWYJOTXrT.A T9VW?A>T+T>. HMtmmt Ft »M»FA loaonoa •’iMh mam da**-* am mm am HIM ! y*m MMMMi *MI ' 4 fsm >ni m** j §990990 * mm 00 H M » 9900* • Oi I *, * 900 009$ 9000 990 090 VI 009 9000 { «Ma 99990 I 9M» Mb* t*Mto at mam mm atm 000 0000 i*la#a 900 990900 IMM> MK j f . m a Ma M %m99m 090 9000090 |VhNM i>9 lapa **9090900 90 0 §09990 00 990 | V%aaa 900* 0099$ 90090 *Ma 090 90- I I *ooo** 90* 009 90 9000 90 99090 a 0%99 00* INH) 9090 09 90 09*0 09m IwMR Uni (kkß# mopm i6 ‘oo*9 90 900 MMM 1 . anat 0 09* 900 0 iian MM# #•*# *0 Mia | iNRH 00000*** 09090*90 900 o*9 *9*o j a# f 900 VfNi ok* 90*0**** j . *m tm* o<t* 90 • MM##' * *- * # s9m I | H •aa la pool Mill ftfcaf fla 90'*99 ; \*9o 9*9 M» wMa 90* 99*9 fl 9 90mm 9***- j [ 9rn*o *%*o I# 90909 99m 0*0990 pfM- j 00*44**0* I* 90* 90*090 00 - 0000 0 [t*a §0*90900 %.*99o** 9*90990* ■* #f*> 9m 90* 09** *909 IP 99 * *MOi 9* 9*m» %mmo** ■ *** * H 90* 99*099090 9*9 900 9m HaP . | T mfl # 990099090 m 00*0 9*mm* a j |«***» **9ooooooo 9i 990 990* m **» | 1 I TOO %M 0 o*4 *o* rn***** 9 9*9* 9* Mm* A 909*0990 99m o*oo §0 90 §#* I ip# 90m 0m 9rn9* :: o*m 4**M * , *"i#'* '* i loaf* o*4 90§m 90*900*099* 99 §oo*9* | YIIMM I# • 099W00 f90900f 900 §*• it*,* i* it r*j Mv %§*■ 9M*9**o9 **999009 9* ■ :■ Y'-htfM * alMal fA* V h v }!«»«* j - * . g-arv‘i#4 la flili #*!#. lb# ntA* j i # M#i if m ral **iaca*alw** ! I w f k }, | k bo# aarrail ulcniut by l*r tfl ’ j lußHti (an BOiObi mm* lliiiioi Motl* t ,ha ajvjj iatHi4 t* 9#«ir# from : i to* •(#*#. *rl fn# *atnl ytara at, | |#aa( la a raemt la«#r%»#« »M« am* , a .j _« , onflftfn! IMM tk# ! || fttikor* of tk# nf *#r faHk rH#4 k#r rarraoi raalvaf of "km- ■ taajr *a4 C’aopatra Tk# 9*- traaa »ai*a<la i*«#r ic* mivv **” n i | yhakt spearv • ph>># which arv wM«« I 'xi vea nowaitays. "A tA'lnter a Tale I and "Klag Joho '* I There nay be another reason for ! Marie Dressier a deaenlno of "Hotel . lopsy Turvy," but rumor has 11 that the tempestuous cosaedlsstne was dla satisfixt. not to aay amuned. becatme . KddJe For gets nil the applause. Any way Miss Dressier ha* resigned snd will soon sail for igmdon lo sopeor there In n piece exported from the On aino. To surer•*ed Mias Dressier in "Hotel Topey TurvV” Messrs Kvsna and Matin have set their hearts nsi se curing IJlllan Russell snd the story goes that they are camping st the pier to arise her as soon ** she cornea down Wine OF 'CAWbiJi Nature’s Way. fUa^Oi^ Men and women make miitake*. but Nature »never doei. Her law* art a* fixed as the start. Her danger signals are always right Nature’s way is for women to menstruate every 28 days. If there is any impediment—if the flow is scanty— her signs of danger take the shape of dizziness, rush of blood to the head, fainting spells, cold feet and hands, pains under the shoulder blades and in the sides. There is much pain and suf fering ahead for the woman who neglects Nature’s cries of warning. Postponing things is almost suicidal. Wine of Cardui is the assistance that Nature requires in her work of cleansing the system. It is a medicine from the fields and the woods—a veg etable compound of roots and herbs, that acts altogether upon the organs of womanhood alone. It is good for all "female troubles”. Its action Is quick, and its benefits are permanent. Druggists Sell Bottles for SI.OO. WirviE OF CARDUI I:\pcrU ttafffcd. i«y Oorno* »f» m 0t »M afyaw liM Uw DiakiriilW ONh |nM» ifhflt 909 wvas.* * f*v (hiONut . * -X PBTwllVUsiCtr tSktP% (ap«4 . I l / \' v RING, PIN. STUn EARRINGS lit MtlllHl $ f 00 ■each Earrißgi Art $2 Ptf Pur. SPECIAL CAUTION * MAIL OHOCRS. % t*MIV , *ya !l t**' |sf|p mmm It 009*^9 fINNIJ •»! Ilsli* fZwmn 4»9t*»*o* i } •; :^ u ± n p i mu mi.m** *9* w«rt»» i* 99mm* n9mn9*9 0 9*o* OPt aat aa rvoratvata*. *«a*Bewan‘ of Imitators. BARRioSBIAnONDCO. f • COISON BUILDING. * 42 aao 4* B*oM) Ntaur. N*w Voag. ihr gang plank from her trip abroad. Tk# part I* Knit, finny, pruprlstraa* of a circus, and hi now played with the riotous energy which marks all of j Mtaa Dressier'* stage work, and there util imv# to b# • toot) deal of dignity 1 1 njtcitii taio It befer# tk# atatii#a<|u# i uilian can be induced to take It. I As an ttlustration of the populsrlty ut the Gilbert * Sullivan operas, noth ing could be so Impressive as these figure*, for wMni Mrs, R. D'Ojiy Carte, wife of the manager of the Ha voy thestre. Ixindon. 1* authority. In the last twenty year* there have been given at this theatre 6,953 representu- Rockv Comfort, Ark., Oct. iff. • I have been troubled with de layed and insufficient menses, with rush of blood to my head, causing falling sickness and great pain afterward. Wine of Cardui cured me. Mrs.W. If. GOLDEN. LADIES’ ADVISORY DEPARTMENT, i For mavloe In cnix roqalrln* «pc- 1 elttldlrssuan*. MdreM, s)’rlng«ymp- W:-t&4ia&£3SZß: Cbstwiapss, Tea/ 1 - _ j I I T r*a 90 90990 99*9*09 (o*4 *•* 9*** 90 r I *o*o*oo 00* * 90000*00 0* **9099 09" \arnm 90 §99 9*009* ft* §9OOO, «i i «vMtiN|*, I* 99m §*99o *9 9900*m 0 ( 9bm**** a* #>?* - Oiif- *ll mu *MtNo * 99 aiiMt *mo99999**s 99*0 99m Mia*** 00*0 [#*w» kaa* 99*00 099*90*00909 »**k*a 90 i tßMOiaaMft a 9 «g 9m* 9900 mm 90* 909*9 I m luAtt vani liiMt 90 *P4*p* ■ *a# *9 o*|N#a A 90990 *0 a*# 90090990 999 rn i ***m B S g tfll J 1 Qg --yrT *M# ; Mia (*«#> *091*000090 99 §m*9 999 m jOO ||aa r ~inmq *a *«a»>4 *N* §909 00 i vMa*t*4 •*••* §O9 *#•*"••• 4 9m 9*o* t:#*ol *Noi * *oa**olo* f*i Aka *909*99* 9*9 0*000900*9 a§tt« %mm9oo* 09990 1» _w m adt nit 1 lfl( lit I* Penny it I RO* - - .«■ J Mtft akO* **| ; h bp 9 J !A* 0 99m*0i Mat KwhtMg M "Wwunsi. * «*• «• I fMMIp *# *a****lf w a*, a |U|e».i.m* She <>*•* (ev the •"•r’ ** I *•*•-#!•#«- • 9*99*o* ♦vaao* *•#* f aaa : A. w - t—n| | Mgp i Mv* t-va* *9o9*9*** mmmwaww wma WW -*-» | h i | Itava la fk# a**taao4 \*o laaak I •*•*#*• • a*S *o* *•* *A* “ NO4 la# ;>iaa imiftqT'* afMpaaf aft 4 m ka* a** 1 I r«*e New fldisl. %*■•« Jar* *O. 1 mm w**9 i*s» la otai* fiiat acae# I I t««4i Ik# a*ao#ir *9 <*Hia»Hvriata a * gj it tnrq. (* aat# kaa k##a ***f ta#*#. f! |Bf t | ka## aaM m**f# of tkt# iqi fttfitif fr-i*»#49 IMR •»» f*ia#T n, ** f for «k# pffTM* *## 9*o*o 9* to Ma 1 inf!*«t*»Wl wt■*%%'** ut of tk# fait fHMilii tk#y ka## It. J. *paatt#karr. I r Ml* hr Al#«aa4#r lira* and *##4 U7c. n. r*rr at Hell Tower Drug A LUNCH FOR THREE CENTS. I he Smallest lfe»t*urs«»« In Baltimore nod IU Bill of I err. I Tltr MniUirt mlMiMl In Bultlmcee 1 1» nitnif by Knrmtit ff. TumMln*"!' I c yrarv. »!■> tftm «*nty ,nr trade >if Ihr i»cw»l*«>y*. iwl dor* a (thriving trti*tnrm In thr**-c*nt lunchea land rh.*p tlcklcm of Ihr palate. The | t rrtaurmnl I* In a email fr«m# room, lalla. hrd to Ihr building »n Ihr weal I xlit# of (Irani atrrri, and la alaml 3® ! fori |on« and a jraid wrlde. Formerly It wa* uard «a a hoot Mark aland. Young Tumhllnaoh neeured perml»»l«n about . larht tiK* mh* a*o to often a aland In (hr place. H*- had It thoroughly clean - rd nnd painted Inaldr and out. and thrn If ranted a amall counter, leaving bare ly enough room to wiUU about. Next he Ueeurrd three ollatovea and then hung ji.ut neat placard! announcing hlao|ien- Ing. The nrwaboya took him Into 11heir hrarta. and many odd pennle* fell | to hi* way. Al Ural he aofcl milk ahakea land candy, cake* and aandwlehe*. but be now furnlahea a lunch for three I, ~„ta for newaboy* only. Including '*oup, choice of lieef. liver or pork. I with mauhrd potatoee iin.l pickled | heel*, ('offer t* one and three cent* a 'cup, eheeae aandwlehe* one. two and three cents; ham *antl»lches, one cent: *oup, three and five centa a bowl; and other Ihluga In proportion. The new*. l*iy* aw ear by the reataurant keeper Iteeauae he Joke* with them nnd often feed* a poor and hungry waif for noth* Ing. REJIARKABLE CASE. A Han Lived Thlrty-alx Years With a Bullet In Hia Heart. Morgantown, W. Va., Nov. It.—Wil liam 11. Hmallrldge, who riled a few i day* ago at Olenvllle, hi (Ulmer Coun- I ty. carried a bullet In his heart for 117 year*. He was n member of O. K. Ist West Virginia Infantry In the civil war, and In September, IX6I, while marching through (Ulmer County, was shot by some one in ambush, the bul let entering Smallrldge's chest at the lower point of the scapula, on the left side, passing thence directly through the left lung into the left ventricle of the heart. The force of the bullet was so broken that It did not penetrate the Inner wall, but the regimental surgeon pronounced the wound fatal, and left Sinallrldge to die. He did not die. however, but was sent back up the Little Kanawha River In a skiff to his home, ill Olenvllle. where he recovered and has since lived. A few weeks ago. while on his deathbed, he asked Hr. G. O. Brown to make an examination of the wound after his death. This Dr. Brown did, and found the bullet Im bedded in the heart. Surgeons pro nounced It the most extraordinary case on record. Large stock new raisins, all varieties, just rec»lv»4 at LamKln a* Co.'*. Had Seed One. • &id y<*u ovA r *%» ** hgiflM you »*> svg» absolutely honstr. ? •'X think I did, Wunst, said ItwWwjv nafcK Bill. feller *hat nt ah#g.« had utolwi the hoes." lndianapolis Journal. mid flour for sale by Larrikin & Co* 4 GREAT REASONS.< .4 I p| —iKm tatty SKot *«4 Hit l riff gnil )or uifhihi Nm tor itv ivaa mm iik. tts%s Wt itfs*"# €909 titiPiifAit* f flu 09§t*§ ttatwr* ik w,s ov4h ,-4 iLgm j Hih Alf. 1 #* M " w 3t4— Wc kmp itv fondb to bmk c«v UMii mtt'i no JtMf Km. 4th Our MMr«iMy In (Unu lot *r»y #■ ( tacts 0 the trump card m* ’ u: ii h* mkof* j THATS our poky. N ifiiifi 1 ti t wlivUn# Ofw tvKK§f‘* csth ****#*v /i mi wmtt Kumi I* ful H# Mtirl a*4 Aa* 99 lAt I*o*l# la* <n*f*tti*» itaal# |wti ft *0 t«* *l#* 1 »-I . *»r fiv# » a t'* f»|*» 9*# «s >ui<i **t aat# *O. aorta* tkai Ik# r»i *»ff#**f to fk# |ialkf. At ratiOH fo4ap 1 .» iircmrtrfftf mm id ikf## f*fw*o*ta &f wMnmmgr* ko4 lum HataniNl I *nr you aaM lk# l»4*a 4* Harmcpi ton# klgk aocnr tlco#*» ll# Wouldn't A#t Km !**. —Mr. Jo# \ j |f #Bol#y a>k»H a rortaia mlmb k##p#r 11||( night to a#t >vn up Tk# aalooo ’ n , , tl ni4 nay. nay Tbrffupni Mr. IV« natry aakd anrh tfilviga (kat w#r# a ' vlnlatloo of tk# #ight##ntb and today at court «i« ttned 12.3*. No Pay for (be Pi#a.—-Martah K*l#a «»• at court and over h#r Aung aa < or (ton ckarg#. Mariah hud sold plea to n certain c« lured man. and aha agya that Ihe , ESTABLISHED 1858. —■ c\ ®oorSv§ as Jl i ano Bun os Mill Work • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LIMBER fACTORY AND SAW Mill EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS ANO ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY OEPAR ™ EN J„^„ FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED --SBS- PRICES. CATALOGUES. ETC..UPON APPLICATION. I?erk!NS Manufacturing Co.Augusta.Ga^ JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory priees. I. C* Levy’s -Son & Co#> tailor-fit clothiers, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NoviMaa# aa * m*m 9*9w**4 ta *at k#f a*# «mo* 9# I ««**# TA# to#* ««t*4 tkas •*# k*4 I m#a Alia jratf gi aM>» ag Aaid *9 Ala fflahrtaaapt aoM Aat Aad aaw«Hg##4 a*#vM TA#a# k# A#» *a*aM 9§o**9\ f It 4 tom at# •§**o*9 ai-M 0*9999 '■ rdt 9 00mt00 tk# 9 akt** atk ***4oo9- At# 10a fMiit« «*# qitt gussttf'*’* Aa *HNi A • CH4 CMkONlrf ANrt tk# r#rotd» rvlfcd Ilf arc K 'VC tk# coOft (idA##ta » m. j il fipfjrgr * tM# #e-m vara Orac# kad t> *a laaattia* to tk# *#*• mat guard gad tk# *#o#aai guard ra* port#* k« r to tk# talßt ( Or*r#, |3 3* Or«l#tpd Prop# 1 #tot Out. —a Mr. C* A * ahculd out Aav# ordered Mr. ftr<i#n tk# proprlttor of tk# mi Mono i Ma in to. out of tk# friar#, but k# did S a»4 #0 b# ram# to court. Mr. firms a Mid lh*l Rogara had pot hie hand in hla baclt pocket *• If to draw a weapon Howsvar. he had pone, na was proven. The I rouble had l»eso that the proprietor had refused to credit Rogers for s beer and • whig key. A #ne of I - , was levied. Bud McManus paid (2 *• for a drunk. OAMTOnZA. hmih fnHwtMgfcVi A THANKSOIVINO LNOACHiMENT for dinner should remind you that your dreas null wal need the most Immacf late linen—not ‘ shining like a ntg grr'a heel." but of the right medium gloss and domestic fltilsh, such as we lay on your shirt, collar* and cuffs af ter they have been whitened by our perfect method* of Isundrv work, snd starched to tne right ilegree of stlF ness. Shirts Isundered here are ad mired by the moat critical. Shirts, 10c.. Collars, 2c.; Cull*. 4c. Hoiti Phones HULSE’S steam laundry. 314 Jackson Street.