The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 23, 1898, Image 8

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Do You Eat Turkey? |0 ( nt« >mm 1 1<4 7 Of #r# trou #«»<♦'# **» tall* th# < li*«i «•» < ♦ *w * »•# »<*•»'« »»'« ‘ ' »owr tum»tr»g f TMaM ■#f#ii * B*# a#* #f H* t*»# *#**. ##•# •nowm ••••( fWMhMtC to WMUT *NN* |tl * owoi of ouf •k»##tn##» t* and ■■ ° MtOtlM took o»#f #•#*. If I •fa** • ►»**'**“ wnw ti* in th# drtiWf d»k«r*r rot ll WJ (tor* wl |« 0o«m iO PORiIR’i «nU «•< on« Gw* out |roUff i#r»R##i •hlfft. if <foft*f jfcMit mu you, or jrtn***# worn it !«**> many hit***, m down to Poft*t * •f'O i* on#. Carefully •■•mm* your <o * f • * n ‘* cuff* i to ru i'D tooy’ro tto *fo*w tw»>ii; If rot go to Port**** and gat tone ih#i ***• Now, kr>rg forth your iu*t ook it ov»f. So* If tto irnuaort twf at th# In## par tiru ariy fiotico if any of th# tiuHon* ar» mi##m# of If troy *f# too wW# in tr# *•# to to atyliah. Mo d your Coat up anJ if it thin#* acroaa tha hack, or if it* too to to m faahHro**look tha whok thing «v»r and Imagioa In your mind juat to# •• look to othoro*- mayba your to*t #trs-*tr thara'a a itodow of a doubt aft*o* go to Portar'n and buy althar a tan. fiftaao or twenty dollar Suit*-than you a •• b* r ght How about your Hat ?I* it rt#ht ' La*t, hut not fast. gat out your Overcoat, Stoau it Hi what othar good draaaar* ara woartrm. Saa If th# langlh i* right, Ba* if it fit* Y ou good —if If* up to data If not. go to Por ter** and gat on* for tan, twamy or thirty do ara that i* right, and a pair of thair naw •tyiiah Ok>v*»< than go to dinnar. AUBUBTA.OA. PRIV.HOLLYDAY I DIED LAST NIGHT PimN A«i; ti 9 O’clock Fch* AppaMiriiK niuuiy Unkn •« St »*•«•* • I* l * AIMMM. Co, H, nm Maryland, Ca*. Hsupt, Third bolt Alton, li Uowt 4 In ift*l w - I ter On* o< lb* Seaat ot th# young f n*n of the rnnunnr Al#**®der Chan- ; barlhin Hollytey. N tend Funeral Hftlm *»N halt) Ot Paul'* caurrn Mtef at 1 t'rtock, Co. H attending •■A paying trtholo to their teloved cos rote to arms. Tho bodj of *•>» a* canard aoldtar ha* horn takan to hta bum# In Ualttmorr Th* funrrnl and Interment arllt b* bald at that point. Thar* la mor* than ordinary regret at thta death Private Hollyday lived la Baltimore and was mustered In In that city. H« araa on# of tlia finest young fallen* In th# army. Ha »•» * farortt* with the other soldiers. He waa. In health, a Jolly gentleman, hon orabla. '•ntlful—a splemdld young mao. Private Hotlydaye family I* from the aaatern shore of Maryland. He waa inhen 111 at Camp Meade. On the trip to Auguatn hla lllneaa became more marked and I* waa aeen when be had reached here that he waa a very •irk man. He waa carried to the city hospital, where every attention poael ble waa given him. It became appar ent that the young man waa Buffering from appendicitis. The operation for that malady waa performed Thursday by Dr. Thomaa R. Wright and Regi mental Surgeon Claude. The operation was successfully per formed and the patient seemed to be getting along splendidly till last night at 9 o'clock, when there was a sudden eollapae and death. Since Private Hollyday'a illness Rev. C. C. Wllllsms has been a constant at tendant at hla aide and has done ev erything for him that hla kind heart could suggest. When he saw how 111 the young man »va*. Dr. Williams wrote to the young man'* family and his mother arrived Sunday and was with the soldier at the time of his death. The dlatresaed lady, In her grief and dlatress. has the sympathy, not only of the soldier friends of the young man and the officers and m of his company, but of the people of Augusta, who have learned of the trou ble that has come Into her life. WHAT IS SH LOW If A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has jcured Innumerable cases of Indolent con sumption and relieved many In advanc ed stages. If you ara not saltefled w ith the results we will refund your money. Price 25 eta.. BO cts. and SI.OO. Sold by —Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson’s Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy. The King Phar macy; Retailers, Davenport & Thinl- UNDERWEAR! STUTGATER AND HARDEFOLD. J. MILLER WALKER, 736 BROAD STREET. THE CHARGE DIDN'T SUIT T# <Btttk*N Cast RNrleft B\ lVqwi’k DfMamr. I* Or. Lbttatbaaa Guilty of MoUtlag a#> City Law? Or. Tboaaaa Cheatham, charged with practicing* without a llrawa* That * tb* way tb* Cheatham eaa* rrada on tb* poilc* docket. dealer itar Dr. Cheat be at. <tbo Is colored was fined for «>adueUac a wodyard without a iicenae Today he faced Judd* Baxter oa th* charge Brat meßtlonad. Attorner Plcqurt represented him. Attorney McCord waa present aa pros ecuting attorney In th* ma*. Th* wltneaaea. n*v*ml of them, were ready to testify when Attorney Plcqurt presented a demurrer In th# cane that caused the court to decide that tt would be beat to cqceult tha etatuea before th* charge against the doctor could be proven. Tbe case we* contin ued. Dr. Cheatham ba* bean sailing Iba "Indian Herb Tonic.’’ an allilr that la elaimod to cur# almost anything from a corn to a broken foot. The doctor ha* been going from bouse to house, selling th* tonic and alto other medicine*. It la said. Mr. PiequeCa demurrer >va* that If be (Cheatham) had told (ha medicine, or, s* tha charge read, practiced medi cine without a license, ba nad violated a atnte law and none that came under the jurisdiction of the recorder. After a bit of argument, it waa found that the charge could not lie one of violating any city code aectlon, unleae It waa changed to peddling wtthout a license. Lieut. Cartledge. with a merry twin kle in hie eye, auggeeted that he (Cheatham) might be charged with violating the eighteenth—that would ccver almost anything. The court thought a bit and decided that the mutter should l««.lnvestigated. Thus, the case «vas continued. A rath er neat question Is Involved In the matter. A Sure Sign of Croup Hoarseness In a child that, is subject to croub is a sure indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will pre vent the attack. Mtnv mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that It saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is pleas nnt to tnke. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Emmett E. Levy, one of the hattd -1 somest and most popular traveling men on the road, representing Elliott. Otlenheimcr ft Elliott, of Baltimore, well known cigar men, is at the Wind sor. THU THEY Ftttt MR. KERR'S PUN | lit Miaiwa i*| Vi Ohm Ftf** flrgartv** to If® ftßtottto I fry h##t* • Haa Par a neari t% »*■<. 4§MB|| 4(Bs# to# tottototom | s§§'*Bl4 B NtwH* wa« i %l* ; #»#»# m§ m tom Wm-m tow*** mi ll Hwtmm (8# Wflthft'ito##if (Bn#4(A#* *'■+ IVtoMU #BfB i> ; ##( gtoi i #<•*# * dN®a *m# (•toto® '•4 44® ftos IHtototoNl to* *B*#* •toto •MtotoMl A®* to#*-' >a H*gi li iiß# Mifk# #ai*va» t%a 4 tP*®ll s#*B4 Mf ( "• ft®## foHfßto#4 Wl l|«|ll*ta • %!*•• 4 |»itil i 414 a rttr toto ll#* 1 Hf %(#♦ |' a tot » » ’ «*# . tofejyto W%* s ferf Iha r* f 4btot li® t»v*rtol t*# |l« •* f*4«**' m*r B® HI mm**%lm* **• *• Brftl |lif# 111 IfHHIfH " • (to *** t ltaly tflV 11»|fff lIM 81 p?to* (JM BMHMJ ffO«» I®*® ll* *»HHi Ms I® lm* H !• i* l * fir. a. e. mutt Mr a g attuai Ullwa iUt «*»• e’l ran nlm ♦*• rtUMRa *U tfeM Uiry WoUd >•*• hokt of t*r ■»»« •t i«n. H« mr* ••I •• ia famr *r rmHI tahlaa a** tine a«4 •• aaA Ml 4rrl«ta* am* bums l« •»*« «** »*'l *** art** that to m* »B, I ball*** lhat It ran ba (oh. I **•* ronnrtt ran *alt afford to radar* «»t*» *aot*. not an riu> h at a ro»r*o*lo» to th* mllto m » maroaatea to th* latarlM prop)* of *"*«#!* Amnata’a mlt hanila ahotild hav* th* hliliat ••*** Ipoaalhl*. •Put Anrnat* ®t!l aa»r*am*ata oa a par nhh other atat**. Rethir* ntll aa araamon’o from alxt«*a or *t«htr*a to Xtht tlollara per antndl* and then let the whole people of Anauata Join with the mill hand* In demondlnn that wane* be rewtored Prom what ! ewn learn, I bettor* thnt It wilt be done But eounrll and th* fr'enda of th* mill band* muat art at one* popular price*. 11. 8. K. Mr. tonlaht. the pmh.ophronean circlf. Met tut Eveutnt With Mlaa Vlota May. Th* member* of th* Phtlophoneau Cirri* wore the ittieat* of Mlaa Viola atoy laat evening. The program w»* one of the moat Intereating and enter taining for some time. The aiibjeef for the evening wa» "Humor." The meeting op«ied with tiumoroua quotation*, followed by an "Humorous Reading." by Mis* Lil lie Mayer. Mr. W. W. Tommln* read a wall prepared paper on “The Most humorous reeltstlon." Of emirs*, this distinction was claimed by the home of Pa4ck. Mr. Tommirs entertained the circle with a number of Pat’s rtoh jest Jokes. The program continued with “Something About Humor" by Julian Zaohry, Ksq.. and ended with » reading of Mark Twain’* by Miss Stoy. Popular prices, 15. !5. 35. 50c. tonight. W. C. T. U. Tha weekly prayer meeting of th* Woman’* Christian Temperance Union will be held at the residence of Mr. W. C. Sibley tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Every member Is requested to lie present. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Respectfully. MRS. W. C. SIBLEY. Miss E. Stoy. Sec. Pres. Popular prices, 15. 35. 35. 50c. tonight. Kun Tonight. Notwithstanding the fact that all In terest centered in the prise tight, the continuous applause and cheering that greeted “My Uncle from New York" was tut evidence of a thorough appre ciation es the work of the company. Popular prices and a great line of spe cialties ought to test the capacity of the theatre tonight. Popular prices. 15, 25. 35, 50e. tonight. Kebarts’ Heat market. W. I. Rabarsa baa Jlwt raaatvad aa •tjkat si>»!y *r draaaad Utrkar* a>* •hiabaca tar Thaahagirlng, fUud hts qgvamaamaat »»< >h*n* year ar*#r. Rabtutxs prices are mast. r«*ioaa- W*. Popular prices, 15, 25, 35, 51K-. tonight. ptiratihAi or**!»%, I i n nil tnßii»i#-r m tbmm to l§ ton* Imt I | | m tun i ttoipMi m m mm Uni to to to* i Mil to to [ 4 0 omm tol mto tom **~ [iwMn % * tototototototo fIkWA tot Tito Jn®888« n #t tommmfmto tom rvt*f**4 B<i«* am m fkmf ngl tot I*lß# 9vyr rwmmm n it tl# 0tom» Jfgfrh A ijfOgftto. (Ks iitufuff tor Or mu to fffittffr4 8t III# ff#* I vr e, Omm atwt r M Barber of ißnatna ar* reglataved at >k* Planters [ R A. tit *war« rvpriiaatlag th* I*rt«v Papal* Co ms Y oak era. it at tb* p I. to Men**, am* «t mart proml**st rm**w*. to at tb* plan*era Or W V. Irtffto **d R*v " W Roger* of GaHMwvtlt* ara at tb* Hr®. Tlobui H RUfnH rttirewi thto morning from a* *it**dM vtrtt to aorthera iwlatlr** Mr W. J. Morrtang. ragr***MUna a Naw York to* company, to th# gu*rt of Mr sad Mrs. Wall*?* Barn** Mrs B. A. Ora*, wif# of R*v. B A Gray, formerly pastor at «h* WooA lawn Mat bod tot rhurrb, now of Atlan ta. hi tb* gu*rt of Mr*. R. L Swan In Wood lawn. Fo r Croup us» CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. BASKET BALL. Hoad flame at V. .*». C. A. Tomorrow MgM. non i forgot the gsme of baakat ball at tb* Y. M. C. A. tomorrow night. A picked Y. M C. A. team will play ’ a iteam from tb* Flrat Maryland ragl ment. and aom# excellent aport to (looked for. There to no admlsaion ‘charge, so there to no reason to stay : away. j Go around and watch the game. La dte* are eapeclally invited to be pies ent. MANY A LOVER : Has turned with disgust from an otber j wise lovable glil with an offensive breath. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by ita action on the bowels, etc., as nothing elto* will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton. Anderson’s Drug Store. Alex ander’s Drug Store. West End Phar mney. The King Pharmacy: Wholesal ers, Davenport A Phlnlay. A HYSTERIOUS MURDER. Chlllicothe Is Stirred Up Over the Recent Tragedy. nayton. Ohio, Nov. 20. Mr. A. E. Kennedy of the former law firm of Kennedy ft Katbfus, i was seen by a correspondent conce ning the murder mystery at Chilllcothe. Mr Kennedy says he I* as much in the dark con cerning the Identity,pf the /vn who was found hanging to a rope. dead, as the detectives who are working on the case. He Is Interested In determining the Identity of the victim of the tragedy to the extent of prosecuting another matter that hinges upon the Identifica tion, and recently wrote, he says, to Attorney Charles B Doll of Chilllcothe on the subject. He says that the subject matter upon which he is en gaged is as yet of an eutlrely private character, concerning which he Is ret icent and not disposed to divulge. While he admitted that the persons ' in whom he is interested reside at Ea ton, Ohio, yet Mr. Kennedy professed entire ignorance of the identity of the dead man. SICK HEADACHES. Tbs sure* at avsrwsrkag wsmaakiai ur* galskly aog sartor *or*4 ky Karl’s #lsv«r Rest T«e. tors *raa: kiss* part ner and tissue toailgar Msnar rsfwrt ad If net aatiafsttary. prl*» M *ta and 5# cm. SoM by—Rstaltto*. T. A. Roo ms AJnAarsan’a Birug Blare. AJeoand- V"s JPrag fear*. YTegt'fci Pharmacy, Tbe King Phanfmcy; PTholeealerS,Rav en port & Phijuay. VT JUST BUCK 1 FROM CUBA Iff ( fi&ti (|i prtlHiiltti t ito tornm to ■—lit i rtoti tom a® touMi mm§ to 9 mto tomtom Hi a##' ’(H# ™ i. vhwthi .a . # alto I nf Ltj fN»®Y#lßf ptfHMHk Hk 88 to. toft. (#Blßlß*. VIKV PA R SHOW Al Orßfß Itß<Bif iJtol toi 8 |«r|« 4g|B<k» 88 Ht#4 89 t?B#t# fWBB H#V# T#fi 884 Ik* t+ptm to tto prto# f*tßf »8 tow tmk BUrßrt#4 WAf 9m tto tot* tomm toto n«itif Tto ikot W •tor Tto B|#rt to tto prtt* ftflit n* —|ay#4 fi«B tto Ato ; ißi gtt— 88 tto r#tßTß# rmwm *8 It mmf to to —to tk»i tto mto&rtty to tto *«- Bt—up# BNB# totototom !•#•■ ®r I.*®—# |T«II to 81 tto ttostf# •I <8 r—t. If yoB toktom • to*to so—B. A—ftjr |B h. 88 884 BHIA# tto B®* fintnuntf of Iff Hr—i •Vmrto foHitfir prk*## li. SA to. ••#. FIRE AT LAUREL. Deslrwctloa •» a Haodsmw* OM Mary land Home. Laurel Oa. Nov tt Tbe real d*ac* of Mr William R Valk. oa Waablagtoe avenue, waa burned to th* ground at 4 o'etock Bumtay morning. Mm. Valk and her four children es caped without Injury, assisted by Mr. | Jo*. K VaSb. her brotlmr-ln-law. bat 4b* eoatenta of tb- boas* were des troyed. with th* exception of a piano and a few other article*. Mr, Wm R I Valk. who la an ofllrtal In on* of th* department* at Waablnglon. I* tn North Carolina on a gunning trip Th* bouse was insured In the Royal of 'Liverpool for *I.OO It was owned by I Mr* O*o. H Clarke. Tt* total loss I|a about *6.000. The honae waa for merly tb* property of Mrs. Annie E. Barry, now Mr*. John J. Mahon of Baltimore $75,000 SACRIFICE SALE. Slaughter sale fine and medium class Dress Goods. 20c. goods cut to 10c„ 40c. goods cut to 25c. 49c. for goods worth 75c. and $ 1 per yard. Novelty suit pa .erns about one-third price. Blankets and Com forts at three-fourths of regular value. Cloaks, Furs and Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts. Perfect fits guaranteed. Quality unsurpassed; prices below competition. Good warm Under wea,r for Men, Women and Children, Isc per garm* nt and up. Calicos 2 I -2c. Good Check Home spun 3c. 30 yards 4-4 Sea Is land for $ 1.00. Goods in every de partment at prices. JAMES DALY & CO., 820 Broad St. straw Burning. A pika *f s«rsw burning in Hiakar's •Mam Fastasy. aaruar *f Kallaafc am* Hllla *t**ota, laat night akaut » •'rtsai oauaaft an alarm to h# saat i* acA th* Amman so saxpauft The fimme* wer<» gstvjkly rtttkaguiaftsU Popular prices, 15. 23, 35, 60c, tonight. tto §otos to* ftom to mmmtotoig to fltoflpk (4—B to tom mtototo to totos Bhrv# ■md tom m • §mto to—g to tom torn #toi totom toAk 4At mm ttttotof t tom to—» TBOMB IN#. Itg#«<h 8888 8A(8 Bto #N4B • A#» #np #Blß# to 88MN to 48#l —Hi (—4BBB #to mm AH I— to# Alto it® tommm toto toto —i toB a»4rtffb« bafaa m SMM# gmlNrt# Bto4 18—4 k to 1(41 toto 4MBg #4— toto Oftbrt #| (®8 (Mbb *##B® 8 B—4 W 8 top 4m— tdgto to BNt toto toto vßßßtoto to 8»8 B—to. to Hhtototof totof 144 totolpto •8488 8 toto Pi t#B #R»'4P ■&*■*&£** fto* —8 —BB## BHto *%■ T4# mm hi tot ®h tom toto *to 8 «* «• |. |g*a| Tha #aw b b • aa#«ym>#»i<rf#Ml#», Cam< mrttab Bert M* y, •* 1 T ’ # / - V 7 IVj T—ft Ci towmtom %4 Al t' ttohb H2ITO * HHnfiy- lrT. A « •—A to tto rit to toto— IfHM(*# fmtim r ft#®, ft TtM tom- j •81 —# Bto B#M#MlMbßkf **f #MBBf I IHi tot— 8 B—l Btoß pH—*——B. 4N® i I —if it to # to# to 4® *B# < i# t%BNM ; 8— tol totof WlftoHl 18*888 B#B rTB#B i| #BBBBBBB #BB M* ll## Hu— (8 18(8®—fwtfcp B®### urn* toto Bto . tgtitii ptuffn® t twm B## to 4 8# 41#» ®B##f Bs# Btottty to fw-tf «riß to— Bt tßi«Nf# It m 8 Mtot fi—®Tß pytidpu to ft? ( toto#tft tß#i to tto I*BB* tto to tto ftfto t—t#Bf t #®4 to tto 4#fß ttof ' lilittkl Bt# in tto ftßßt B®4 (Hi* ' lot If w 18# »»<tof to • aßtofw to#*# j 1 Auto tor —toil®# to (Bft# —Jn4#*# mmn ; t# to fmi ntoiH »Br—#B Ms —ft to 4i#!#tf rltof «p ##4 im# # 4r— to —- a , m ivT^r a^J STROWQF.R lAI. BELL 179*. Just Call Us Up « hast yoa need coni and wood. Your order will be filled Joat as quickly and satisfactorily *s If you j had come la person to order IL The beat of oak and good, dir pine, long or sawed and split. Just as you wish It And the coal will be Juat as good coal as ever esae out of a mine—clean, dry and reliable. Doth phouee. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG. Office and Yard. Foot of Macartan Street —— I blood Issues. Thta la called a state of anaesthesia by the medical profeealon. I Another feature of which this pheno menal man speaks proudly 1* his abil ity to put any part of his body Into the cataleptic state. For He ran cause his arm to become a«> rigid that two men cannot bend It. During his state of complete catalepsy he ip in a seml-eonsclou* condition. Qandall's pranks with h's h- rt are sufficient to make the ordlnari- man shudder. While sitting In a chair he can cause his heart to beat alternate ly slow and fast. Then with a mijhty effort he made the vital organ atop for an Instant. This cannot he verified by listening to ths heart beat . for the gurgling sound caused drowns the beat. However, by feeling his pulse the phe nomenon can be fully appreciated. Gancall Is 24 years old and Is well known In this city. ll.a wonderful freaks of nature are interesting to the medical profess n. before a number of whom,he has exhibited htmse’.f. Popular prices. 15. 25. 35, 60c. tonight. Ho'tn n’s Meat .Market. There are a great many people In Augusta who have not ordered their Thanksgiving melts yet. They can be accommodated * this evening by ringing up Holman. He just re 'eeived the finest turkeys and chick ens dressed that have been seen In .Augusta fir a lone time. Holman is 1 hoted for fine meats. Be sure to call on him. Popular prices, 15. 25. 35. 50c. tonight. Libisary Closed. Miss Campbell, librarian of the Tanag Mama library, aeetrea it state* that th* library will h* alasad temor rww, as aaawaar ot t» kail* Thamka giviag tef. • ▲SVORIA. *1" TltA UTheMftd 'N*ho Would Buy / >of l« s « / Jw\ vJn v U I X J t\ t N .Tto*—*■ Jr THE (DfIRKEIS I } * | |4 id—4 'Hr# —rs •• ** .* .« #•##•># 8-14 iHtftto fa**! —r» a* m« . I 814 !B«r*rt t##k 184441184 ** *»*« feXrtVl ,**4.4 8-14 m a #t# 191# . .1 (L 14*8 14 H ft! 8 . »• • s t t 37& #* *fSB (Wflotoaft ',HB 81 m PPB OVIC4UR ItErCirTP l«8t IMB [X#t r#r#tto# (o4#f »• 1984 Oroto tM«> .. . —»»■ I*l4 fTOCK-RKCtI PTt tto? Itof Ifiterk to Aufiii‘l .. ... (!.tto 184 ln#r#lpt» tour# toft- t . Sftto* 1834 CIHCAfIO FiOIWOMI. I WHEAT— <v«, n<)«#, n#r#mtor - to | Mmy *• 87 **% max— D###mtor .. .* .. .. .. .. # »H | M#v .. to\ <S OATH— Tft#r#mb#f .. ?#Ai to tos to *4 PORK— nftnbffr B. to 7 to January .. .. M .. „ B. to 8. ItH UARD— |P#€®Qftb«r .. .. s to 4 to I January .. •• •• •• #* •• * 124 S 07*| PIOEH— Dwrmkpf .. .. 4 MH 4 M January 4.7# 4 to*4 NEW TORK COTPOIf. January * to ».ff Erhruary *• •• •• •* ** *• t-U S.IB i March 5.34 S.M May 5 44 5.42 June •• •• •• .. •• •• 3 44 5.43 July * *2 * 4» August .. 5.54 September .. .. .. 5.53 3.53 November •• •• .. .. .. 3 25 3.23 December 5 14 3.21 Tone —Stea<sv M'dUHpg 5 7-13. NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 122% 122% Tobacco 13* 137*4 B. R. T .• «»% ** C. B. O I'’ l * H* Mlaaourl Pacific **% 34% Lculavllle and Nalhvllla . 41% 41H Manhattan *3% M% People'* Oa* llh*S 110% ‘ T'n'on Pacific .. .. 35% *S ' T?< ck Island Irt% Irt% Ft. Paul 113% 113 Southern Hallway, pfd .. 40\ 4«% Western T T nfon 93% 93 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and T" ury 3 °4 3 01 Feh-aiary and 5’ srch .. 8 O'l 3 01 Mirch and April 3 °l 3.01 02 *-ril and May J 01 3.02 01 vtnv and June .. •• ~ 3 01 3.01 jvne and July 3 03 3.01 July and Aueuat 3.04 3.04 *,ii— and Prnt. .. .. .. 300 3.05 ■S' nt. and Oct. .. .* «• 3.05 3.0.. 04 Oct. and Nov. ~ .. 3.02 3.02 Vnv. and Dec. 3.01 3.01 03 Dec. and Jan 3.00 3.01 PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 189* : Oalveaton .. .. .. •• l''3"3 22254 New Orleans 13827 12798 Mobile Isevanrah 3322 7854 Charlealon 44*5 Norfolk 6667 5540 WANTED SOLICITOR WHO CAN approach mc-chants rnd Smalnes* men go d inducement* offered * all Baltimore Trade Exchange. 501 Dyer Building nov ' 2! 24 LOPT—BLACK FEMALE TERBIER. with white on tip end of tail. Return |to Jo*. J M. Tice. 2014 Walton Way, and get reward. nov 22 REMEMBER (Bell Taylor’s Leciire FRIDAY NIGHT. Th#, Society Ev#nt of the Week. 'Secure Your SEATS AT ONCE.