The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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" %ftii • «a root • j tiki ***M# »«*■*#> ***** 9m. niil f« imp | e»efM»#<n IN# «* #MH-*M SPAIN IS STlltli FIGURING Mr Hi* Ni tH Uni I IM* Fw I MlKitfi ll li MM IM*.*d Nm*i«, UNM MM MM ft**. Pm*-m f M##, H T%* ftmwfti Nilifttowtolftft *4 imurm toMtot to#4l to#t (ft##*# ftf### A 4to# (ft INMMMPI t*M#ff ftMM►? •Hftto*## I# tft* Aipillfil i'll I'KHiauiMMifl 1 uil|i« to*i m*m m»u Hi ift*### %«ft to# in* I 4#fr •!#««• MMI TM* MMrilMliMlß (fttolft# m*-‘■igriiJl tNW tto# fMMMNMNIM #Hft( (ommmo ? §to# #f Ift* !*•#(## ftttot#to A t *•- *»#*» *4 (tot# Tft#» *4 tto* *ff toftttoftl »ft* ito# I MUM* A ftr.nfttofnr-4 . *9 ftnMir % lt#ff# ilia.. #4 *(*# flftNMMftft , ffetottMftNto Imlii* ftotot ttofftT «l|M«rt#(| | t* -—rrtorrr MPT# « flMfftoftftlM toftMh I •# f*S# toNTfifftfi «# (ft# fIMMMMiit «p>l» : lH(plifl_ ftoNtomr «*|* 4* 111 t#4## ito# B i#9if Hf ftWttffMNMl to# #(#4## MtoPito 9# ■#jn»*i>f ito# !*#•( mm**m A toftfPftto . *4 (to# jLWfti 'tfttiri CS#*# •#•»* 0»& Ms •).# % tdßtoftft t* ! to# #91911* t#nl9RMt '--fw toftofl# Im* (felt (Mi l*to%* ft(W4* p itfi "*f #%>§Mft### to # # ||! A# to#T 9 tod* i Wtoy til# ft|MMkf#to sci r M 49H ftft||ft4, *H ft#* AfltMM) **#*!< #H l 1 I pn #i(itotoftt |r#!Tf |rtr ft (#4rtl#to ftC tit* Vftft# r.nrii. ViMlt Jftoto 9ft Sit ##r|ito# | |# *mtf l«tl|t|Mft# ftftl ft til Mtftfl V ft* ffftfttp ft till tit# (NWTtftt VAftl yftft A** ft# #riAl f fit# I f *ftl#f* ft « ftft«#r | Wrti. It <t*a#ft jwMtft ttoftt tftr#fkfi' tMt' I liftft# ftp# ttot %'#rjr *ftHftfft*t«rf .** Tilt# ft ft# tit# IMMftl *#% ftftttP# 1 MUNtflMft Itt ] wtilrfi th* f*|Mifit«tt <ti|>lo«ft«« iwwfPM | Vlt# ft #># t loft» Tti# ftft##ttftiH*f * oftttft»#A: Tkci) it Im# hits tfltffM iliftt ftftttin * m> 111 prfyft# I# Mffl lit# tfftftty, m 4 A#* «Im# tit# mottey r>##ffti— I# (tost tit# vnoftt itk*!v prtftlt V "W# iot ftftll Iffttln*. ft# *Jtoitos4 luioft 4«r #*f fthftt iftfHftft# #*r i Aftd #o ro« #nttr»Mftl# • forfnifht iiiofft of dftilv d#v#toyuftftftlft Mft* Vm .ftfor tnifti ivrtiftfft ftftm# »f- 1 fftir# trill h# fttt#vwl#4 to In Ihftl tin# ** I THft nktft tvttif (fftjr t# < lk tM, ft#t till Af#ftry* TV l*ttlt#A IlfttM p—## row inlft#lot»#r» ftr#f# tit# futvCf of WHH* 1 * . Iftv R>id ftt Tl)tnA#ific tng 4fty ttsfv Ft- ! roll ftt til# Mot#!. OEirtAN NOBL*i A ftt RDERER. j N« killed ■ ConMaMr Tar INsparaging the I alherland. Cktraga, Not. it—BUM C, E W. Von BiidrrMd. a <!*rman noble lltibc mi this city, etiot and fataly wotindrd I Chariet A. MrPonaM. a eoealabla. In a saloon at (3 East Jarkaon Boulevar-I | yeaterady. McDonald died M (be Coun ty Hospital three hum# Inter Tb« trouble was brought about bv a remark dlaparaaißK to the German.'. Trhlrh was made by McDonald an<l j mlalnterpreted by Von Biedenfe’l. j While MrDmald urae explaining ilia re- ! mark. Von Bledenfeld drew a revoivev j and Bred three shot* at the ronatahl*. j One of them struck him under tb* left j arm near the heart, the acennd cotecetl tha left aide and the third went fltle of its mark After the ahotlng Von Bied enfeld aurrrdered hlmeelf to* an ofllre- i from the Deaplalnee Street Police Bca tlco, who was In the saloon. Barcn Von Beideueld was the object of conalderable goaalp lo lW2wh-n he the adopted daughter of the ; late Columbt s R. Cummlnga. who was j cue cf Chicago'* wealtbleat men. Mr. Cummlng'* objected to the tinlm, but J in spite cf hi* protest* the wedding or- I errred. The fcuple went to Europe on ; tholr wedding iour. and upon their re turn trade tbelr home In Chicago. Von Bitdenfeld and McDonald had not been friendly for a long t!W. Von Blenenfold claimed that McDonald had tried to injure him whiln the latter was connected with a private detective 1 agercy. The men la*t night were die- ! cusalng the fighting qualities of differ- 1 cot nr.tlonelitiea. Von Biedenfeld claiming the German* were the be*t j fighters on the earth. McDonald, who •vas an Ir’shman, laughed and said: “Why, the Turks can lick the Dutch." He used the word “Turks" in a slang allusion to the Irish, but Von Biedenfeld look it to mean the actual Turks end bormne highly indignant. McDonald was attempting to explain | his remark when Von Biedenfeld shot j him. Six New Liners. Glasgow, Scotland. Nov, 14. ■ The Herald nf this city sevs: The American line has ordered six Atlantic twin ' s-rew linen*—two of Hawthorne & Les- • lie. Newcastle, and four of the Clyde j Shipbuilding company. They are inten ded for the Belgian-American service, and "ill fly the Red Star flag. The vessels win he built at Newcastle. Two will he cargo boats, 530 feet long, and th other four will oe passenger ships. 560 feet Icing. Duel in Buda Pest. Budapest, Nov. 24. —A dual has Ueeu fought between Minister of the Interior Perozeel and Deputy Hutto, a member of the lodepaftflafU as tha out come of the minister's spefeh In p.ariia mnt November n, in which the deputy ; considered himsetf insulted. T}:e min- j inter o* th- mreviar was -••«au«i!* . , in til., fnrcht—tl is the e ohd 4 , «%» muni ft*# tfM t>M» A ft#|:A t pp-c* i»ii—" THE AUGUSTA HERALD. a_ . tut ItMH) Mil *t •*•• %rtt **r in. ai. WANT I TO BE ANNEXED Tftt h lilt • IffMf|i|Mtf ft llt fiHyftM t#}\ Mb Own Ineili »u* *#*»»*« a t ana ftt ft MlftftMMl (DMUft# • Hftft PVftft#'ftftftr 9Aft# 34 "*•* fAftft Alftt mm Owwft «Im» ft» • #f iV pftftft ftf ftINMNi Ift %%%• «H# Itrfiftf. «M ftW #iftlftM I# *ftft#§lft lift# li#W'ft ftftiftMNlpi F*#' lft># : Hftftftlftft |f lft# tNMftjfft.* #vf tftir *ftHftft * : iftft Vi##f ftt *lftft#4 sty >#ftft4fftijv wiifai ift# fttft(rf CftNMWIf 0»ff(l ft! ItftlMl ICilft (ft jftftft Iftftfttfft** 4 «*#t## ft lift Ift #1 ft#*#) [ r ftt ift# ftoftiff ft( Ift# ft## till# ft ft# ft(#* I iMMprtftftfti <n#<4fti iftftiiit is ift# PftM* 1 ftnftlft# fftft #ft ft#(ftt|fftl #f fft# •# *•### ill tft# t iiii## Mat#* Oft <ft« Iftfti, Do# Mftttlft#. ftft ft*ft#if of ftlft [ ftnMH|f. (#ftt ft fftft4#ftiftm tfcroiii ifti# fftftmilftt# ift fy##|ft#ftt Ms Klci >v ftftft* ffttttlftft hit ilWfftff* ftft4 ft*t tftf f®f rlUfttftiftlft Wit ft Ift# Or<*lpft«iftft of Manila by Admiral IVwny and Ganrtel ; M*rHit he pinned all kte paieeaa and bcMHtae at the diaprwaj nf naw rntvan. and (bay am aww Mini amipiad rant | frsa by amt fWtaa Marrlt. arkbow! • . added • great aartrim rendered 10 amt [ farm* both ta 97 ptraanc*. and to bta [ anreeeaor. Gan Gtt* la naxy other I way*, aaeb as glvtas lafoematlmi. tbe Cart** famil* kaa renaAamd Invaluable 1 aid to oar p*opl# I beopeab for P#* Maxla»< aad Dm Angel Cortex the Madly eoottaay of all Awarlraaa. and nay atta«:k»o *boan them by my ; friend* will be coaeldered a paraoaal obiigatio* * Up raking of tbe aaptratloaa of hla country m- n Do* Maximo today •aid "Naitber I nor tbe H>a<tteg people la the Pkl.lpptne* tbtaV much of Again j aldo la tbe coerae he baa receatl;- been i taking, nor do ws of Agoneii'o. bta rcpreaentaUve who pimMi through bam «* bta way to WaaMnMe* aoana [time ago We do not wish indep-o --' dance, but annexathm It ia for thta. ## ill# of th# irMftlthjr and educated rlamm. that I am going ,m> am Fmnldeat McKinley Tbe real : aentlment la In favor of annexation. | only a few polltira! Insurgents arc at i present talking of independence, IOLEIAS IWASH. NO TON. But the Snowaterm keeps Him From Going Out. Washington. Nov. 24 Dlaagreen | hie weather nlth wet enow falling in ! lorferef. eoneiderably with th plan* of Carter, the president - * repreaenia -1 tlve for the entertainment of Pre*ident Iglealaa of Costa Rica, and owing to the *now*tnrm he apent roost of the day Indoor*. Col. Carter 1* making arrangement* for a aoclal meeting of 1 the distinguished visitor and President McKinley, the calls *0 far being pure ly formal. Tonight the visiting chief executive dines with Minister Calvo, representing Costa Rica at the capi tal —— an unloaded pistol. It Get* In Its Usual Work at Haw kin*; vil e. Hawkinsvilte. Ga., Nov. 24.—Mr. T. 1 N. Chancey died at his home two miles south of this nlace yesterday. His death was caused by a pistol hall which va* accidentally discharged from a 3*-ra!ibre revolver, which Mr. Chan | cey was reoairing at the time of its 1 expiration. Mr. ChWicey said Hat he Old not know the pistol was loaded, und was at work on thp main Spring when the ahot was fired, and the hall entered the left side of the abdomen. The Interment took pile* at Orange Hill cemetery of this place, this morn ing- SEVENTH ARMY CORPS. Charleston Ladles Banquet the Sol diers in Savannah. Savannah, Oa., Nov. 24.—Every sol dier of the ssventh corps was made to ,*»»! that today was Thanksgiving. All the drills were abandoned for the day and st two o'clock each man received a ration of turkey, fruit and cake. 9 vfcr one thousand turkeys and several wag on loads of fruit and cake were a« nt out to camp during the morning. The feast for General Lee's mn were pro vided by the ladies of Charleston. Dartmouth and Athletic Ass’n. Chicago. Nov. 24. The East and West co’liticd on the football field to day. The light but fast Dartmouth college eleven exchanged courtesies and punts with the team of the Chica go Athletic association. The Dart mouth. men are still tame what sore from the struggle with Brown last Saturday, and tired from tbelr long iaairnay. slid i* na, in the b«ii condi tion. but. nrver'theV.*-' ace confident of THE CSfflP HAS BEEN NAMED It 11 tit ft(tfti it# laifct 1 V'lrttA Mow Ibasahtgi*tog lUrbwHMfuM ftt (ft# I 1 ...ft## (ftftftft. Al tftfti ft flNMft# ft## ftpwft jjHVftft %m lift rifftpr ft# »»»«* Oftft4 #««### ft## N# #wft|r t|ft»*ft<ftft Inftftiftft (IPt Fftft #1 (N9#fpft( iftiHftft #»4 mm Fti#* mm ft### t###i ftftjW'it #fv#f r 4* ptftn iftti fVtv#. fftt W?mM< Iwftwn ffti Hftftft#** ##4 ft#ftHf ftii tft# ft®#**’* ftitift fti tft# ftftftH* vrftf, ft* tft# fltiftfttfti m # mmtrfwmm ft l» tftA* ft# 4(t#tr* t# a#w# ift# r tin# ifi *t . ffg ( fr># (fltjf # ##4 f 9“ * -4 I# mil III# ('ftlift \#«i ill *** #|# |4. ’i#!4 fl ft§T(Cfttkftt# i Mft4 I r aa, ~ fftk# c'MMtk dill ft# tft# AM a , | V - igfk J*M- grdfTll I •Uift ft### V* li lottM of tft# #«■# Mt**4 er (Parcal Koa.ld n Me 6 mm* b iff || C»roll (Mi. PI #1 ?* to* Rl |R€ia ill# fltfl Wftf #• ft Iftlw fto!4l* % If# 4hM only ft fi* F*M( Wli#ft util todft? o#e#ffti Tw»w ftt a* I*4 ihftt •Ithouih ft# (#O)4 not i* l .bea th* iioopa WanoasM here * ».U be irdeyed away W was bla pe.*!'«a*l oplatoa that they amild leave before tb. m.ddk of Janaary aad »h»t a* would to< be surprised at orders t* Lie*! T R Rivera, ooe of the pop ulrr aide* of tbe general, who served with sorb bravery nt tbe ba'.lea I around Santiago, baa received s pr:>- motion to captain's place. Tbe pro _ i. OD . ~n tteeerved. bat lb« ! irival of ibe patier* la a pleaeaat sne | prise to tbr g-ataman sod tbe 'act la not ko r >*n by film Last bight an order »*» recetvet* by ! all rrgtment to suspend work today aod tbe men are thoroughly enjoying | ibHr holiday An ordet issued by division head qurts la gladly received. It state 4 that the usual deser.ptlon ll»t* of p.n'U-tii sent to the hospitals can be dispensed with. | here ll*t* have beer a feed deal of trouble and all are glad to bear cf tbe onier. Today at 12 o'clock. Juat before mea# call, the m mbera of Company C of *he Minneanta. presented their aeeood lieutenant. Murph-v. v.l f h a sword. The band played and other cere men ice ware gone through w^tn. The FI rat Maryland men have dec-, -irated tbelr at reels with evergreens and they preaenl a beautiful appear apr?. The names of the companies 4 tf suspended from large evergreen archea. flower gardens ate laid out and many other prfity designs. Royal feasts were prepared In all the companies of each regiment and n de lightful day was spent. Probably tha feature of the d-*y and the event that attracted most aUor.- ion was the field day held by he 'av alry. Hundreds of people watchel <he events and cheered the victors. Tbe events were counted by num bers. First receiving twe points and second receiving one point. 3"ie way the contests came out this morMug was: First Event —Dismount 'd relay rae\ Won by Troop L. Troop B second and Troop A third. Second Event —Dismounted tug of wrr. Troop A first. Troop B second and Troop L third. Third B'.-exi.iv Mounted relay race. Troop A first. Troop I. second and Troop B third. Fourth Event—Mounted tug of war. Troop L first. Troop A second an I Troop B third. This afternoon Hr* final event, a team tug of war. dismounted, wiih cleats, will complete the contests. Camp Chat. Capt. H. Frazee. of Co. H. of tbe Tenth Ohio, is officer of the day for the First brigade. Capt. Gibson, cf Co. L, Fifteenth Minnesota, Is officer of the, day for the Third brigade. Tbe Eleventh signal corps, Capt. Hartman, wiih officers and men, dined at the Arlington. A finer and more agreeable set of men would be hard to find and the occasion will long be remembered by all present. The officers of corps headquarters have their horses stationed in tbe Bon- Air livery stables. Many of the officers took dinner svith friends in tbe city. / The fcctelß and reitaurdftti r-oulu scarcely accommodate the crowd# to day. -e Many of thftsoictyr-.boys are enjoying thsir first 'ToajftksaivlWf any Spam out Of the borders ol 'their native 'States FiiteehtH tVlinneaota. The chaplain h«id*TNnik'«ivtng ser vices today. in-lesion of Col L received «n hen- CIVIIi | SERVICE CHANGES Tit fwftn t \»* ot#f #hi tow to Ftormt. ra»»a »Mt »* « tkMwaat MaMag If ■ 1* pf • ift fft# • «#ft j Imm m s tft# •«i ***** m*m #f ftfl ■ f*r##«ft#»» tlftft *■* to### ft**4 *• k 4® Uft# ft>i»J *hm i# ft#*# ift# ft«Hr y; «l*#ft#iift#iiiM rlr«4ftftM‘»4«i»<ftft* *## | «#lil#ft ftt tft#ft#tV*wt 4ftto*ftft#(l( Tft# ftft* f vflnftttftftift ft*#, * toft' M #i)t ft# MM 'ft ft f«# 4ftyft Tift llr##vWft* 4**ft####4 Mftl J t»ft#fft» p nftft of tft# forthfiftftlftft ift* ! rfwr«f towft #l'ft Ift# ft|#ft|ftf H #f ftft# *#l* | KM4 ft## <vlft*r* ftft# «ft#f* ft#% * ft### I ft# *#f ftl tdftiftllAVftft# <if Ifti# •«**** It tor #e(i#mft#fttftl 4*#r i# 1# Tft# 1 ((#• ftft i ftft#** in«ft#9 ftft#ft#vftft#4.- t#* )*»*"♦*! i"'] /s't l« # , Tr r -#to ftftfMftftpi rftifti tft# ' iwrkt ia tb* gew'tal laa t <>M<* aad j ftftlftft# <l* Hfff tft Aft# #|ft(ft ftf iftllOt * I i ift tft* f4ftr#« of tft# ftftriftynift «#•#(• V | «W»*ftr n#riift of (ftft fft#tftft ftftk# ftf# «aM te be siattd bar waamptiu*. and • a few steal i t tb* poatal a*rvtr*. la- I rladlag nab Iff* aad other* ia post * I lift, es for whose dat*aa ptaataiaateru af* - geld fwraamally reapraslhle. at* to be i leoiuded Tbr prlvai* >reratari*i ta itherh'rfa of h*r«tMta all! ataa be l»t *» jowl of tbr civil aerrice but tb* A 'f Herks and Halrfa «f *tt« sioos will atst I ft# ifftolMi M IT TOR Jl.A7S.'**®- 1 Itigallnn I* Nt. Loo la Over tb* Sail aad Mire Trust. I fit. Loots. Mn. Nov. JL—late this | afternoon Garrltf H Tea Mroeck a ! prominent at tome* rtf this rlty. Bird attlt in thr elrntit court against John W Gate*, of Chicago Attorney Awt Broeck alno represents bla aesnclatea, O. K. Wolfe Goorpe Cook, B. 8 {Cook. J O. Ladd and T F. Park* if Idt Loulg. In tha pcutiasi It la net forth that all the parties named named had or ganised a tempany to buy manufac tot res of arlt • nails ;.nd barlieil wire, and deposit Ihe proflts of tlrelr open tlon with J. P. Morgan A Co., of Nrw ! York, who wrre lo divide tb* profl** equally between the plaintiff* and tbr defendants. id .The petition state* that wh«n this organization was about completed the defendants formed a mmp»ny'«lf their own and carried oul tbe eoheroe. shutting out ihc plaintiff*, who now sue for alleged damages. Chicago ami nicliigan flame. Chicago, Nov; 21. For tike first time since the annual games were ar ranged between the two universities, Chicago and Michigan met today, with tbe western foothall championship as the stake contended for. Tbe day and the grounds were ideal for fast, hard football. The thermometer is linger ing around the freezing mark but the sky Is clear. oralde discharge yesterday. Lt. Mitchell of Co. B Is uffleir of the guard. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Capt. Gillmati of Co. D Is office! of the day. Lt. Benjamin of Co. H Is officer of the guard. CVrp. Owen Hughes of Co. K went to the hospital today. Moat of the men ate id"ased with the numbers that vlait them at camp. Light hlPennsylvanla. Junior Htewatrt Campbell of the hos pital is sick today, The regimental hospital Is empty fn day. The ladies of Augusta sent out deli cacies for the sink today. Hoops of Co. IF was sent to division . hospital today. McClusky of Co. A, Tate of B and j Fat. Cron - of II were dismissed front hosiptal today. Lt. Seldenstricker of Co. A is offb-er of tbe day. Lt. Pair of Co. G Is officer of the guard. Pv. DsCosta, Jr,, is suffering with • rheumatism. Wls eof Co. L has teturned from sick furlough. j. p. Gashal of Co. A returned to the camp today. A discharg* awaited him. much to his surorlse. as he had not asked for it- Lt. McOOy of Co. A Is officer of flic day. Cushman, Co. K, has teturned from sic!, furlough. First Maryland. Capt. Lewis Schmidt, Co. M, Is of- i fleet of the day. Lt. Lechrwi, Ca. R. is officer of the guard. The officers cf;third batudion save a dinner to some * tuning fciarids today. Nearly all loe ukmkany streets were ; decorated beautlluily today. P. okouaki oti Co B returned rodav ; tram, sick furiough, Cjapt. Straub of Co. F is officer of ( the igt v ].t. Me Ha in op -Co. 1> is officer of tile guard. ENTERPRISE FACTORY RESUMING It* ftyffftltfff* H TlM< (IN I»fl4 Mll| IHIIIIM lb Issi Mmp alllw I awapluii «o*h hart m mb** mbs. i Tft* < dp##*tin** #9 ((ft* (in M(iiiif9«» fm* I tftfft •## ftfft##•**# ft*w#»»# toft-f to l# ft‘#fft [ Tft** #»#f(*!##„ ftoMftfft" #n If ft## #4 Id# [ •#**• I# 111 #fpN##S|ftM Ti**- tKlftft. ffttoi# f, I fto -(*»• •l> mm -*if | ftp. ftilws T a|ft> ua-g. \ *■##♦'* fftl#i Iftwift •■(# AN# ##ArftflM (ft# f#* . (ftffitoftl %## Ml I# ftftl ft to## to #ft#to ft I fli#tt»fti» »ill to# ftii#<toftl»# fti tft### fft- Tft# rfttotft MPftling * . ##ll ft# t##i I#f ******** Ml Tto* Nr# *W • ftft Ift#'* l##(l«ftl **•«! > to»ff Ift to# ftftft# ft*#* lift toft . * «#«•» Tft#rv » ft ftftoftl M <1 . fill* $ lto#f «ftftf#N ft#t(ftr ift# Mftfttftllir## *9O I ftfti #9 (ft# «4to#t v toftrtoftft# ftf ill# ft##* - j rdf Ift# 94to## Itoftcft# ll I# Nftfto## I Ihftt ft *»ftif##Wl(ft(lft# ftf ft Oolftltotolft ' fl, |! p|| ift I to,, fftt# v*' MiP#4ftjr < ftto# | Ptfti## Itoftl (fifty ftt# t* (###!## ill# ftftfti# • age* they ewwlvWl hn. »•»-* «h* I cat was made Mr Tbuota* Hat ret i. Jr. yeateruav made a prn|u»<d«l«a to Mr Olevev. at* •a* a member of th* letlltosuu cctai mlilee to coavrett. ihat he would ter Mr Glover * eaprnae# to gpartaabur*. | g C .or Kelgrt, of aav o4h*r a.Hith Carolina raltl. If he i Mr. Glover 1 would , go to no* of thewe aitMe and Bnd out lb* arate of wage* that wa# la fort* lat nald mill Mr Harrell says that the Augusta mills and the leingtey and 1 Hath mill* are now pavtng from « to I# let teat more than the mill* of baih Carolina and North Carolina He says that he Is favor of the laboring peo ple organising Otaaniaatioci I* the greatest thing on earth, and la a aolu , tlon of labor difficulties, Mr. Barrrtt waa iierfectljr -audid with whom he talked after the meet trig of roam li jrealerday afternoon Hla j mill had not made a cent since 104. They had been waitlna for belter time*, but they (ailed lo matorlaltae. earl It waa impossible to run the mills at the ' same scale that they have been pay ing. Mr. Barrett said he waa perfectly willing to cut hla salary in proportion Ito the amount that the operative*' j wage* have been reduced, anil let llie sunt accruing (tom the reduction in hi* wages go to the operative*' pay. liu! be stated further that organisation waa ‘ the real solution of the aroMMB. " I . would not dlarharge a mun from my milts hers oar he was a mem bar of an organisation.-I believe in organla*ti«a. Juat aa smin a* the operative* get the mill* of South Caroling and North Car olina to raise wages, we will guarantee ■ to go over them S per cent That'* the kind of stuff I am.' Tills la the -vay Mr. Barrett expieased himself to Mr. Glover. Mr. McQueanr. and Mr. Higdon Heath, who talked with him yesterday afternoon. I Mi. Glover stated that he would ae , cept Mr. Barrett’s proposition and would go to aome of the mills of South | Carolina and Inveatlgate the wage rate : there for hlmaolf. A Northern View. I The Boston Transcript says of the Augusta mill situation: “Some time a-to aiinouncenient was made by the Southern Manufacturers' | Association of a reduction In wages In the Augusta mills of from eight to thlr | teem per cent. The operatives held I meetings and took .step* to organise. - with a view to contesting the position taken by the mill owner*. One or more 1 representatives of eastern labor unions i appeared to advise and encourage the mil! hands in resisting the proposed re i auction. The help presented a petition , to the Manufacturers' Association set , ting forth their objections to the cut. President Charles Estes of the associa tion recently said that the Auausta mills wen- paying higher wugca than those paid elsewhere In the South, and that the cotton business generally has dropped to such a low level of prices that it Is impossible for them to con tinue tiie hirrhei rate of waxes v"d compote with outside mills, He also said that so far as the -bosses' in ihe mills .were concerned Augusta was pay ing no more than many ~th-i Southern mills, while the salaried officers - ere receiving considerably less. th< excess thus being In the wages of the opera tives. 1 Augusta is the only southern city In which a labor organization in connec tion with the cotton Industry has been attempted. “About two yi-atH ago Mr. Howard of Fall River spent some time in that city and left behind hint an operatives' un ion in an apparently flourishing con dition. but it -oon began to languish und In the early part of this year was in « moribund condition. It has been P vived. Apart from the particular issue of the moment between Ihe operatives und the manufacturers the labor movement in Augusta will be watched with much interest, as It may prove to be the In- : lreduction of a new factor into South- . ern textile industrial conditions. . VY\ ‘ Wande-lng Willie. Afur.jt-h Nov. 24 -The fimperv.i i.iyd S’fppress of Germany, arrive 1 today, and were met at tto railroad station by- Prince Lulipoid, P.efteht of Bavaria.and tip ministers. After pnrtntftiiw ■< tun- i cheon their majesties icsunutd their Journey. THE DAY WITH THE . MINISTERS I (tori }m*mm kfattat ts tto ( NmMn I mUibki f Hffl faaglw >aail w tha OMnwh Cm** (QNtoitoft (ft (to# tntoftftft•#*■* ftfcft m* toftiftft #1 ftft (ftto# • ft 3 toi# Itofttotofttoto 1 *%# ftPNftto# 4ft* # MiftiMiftai ftf (Iftt V*#«to tawi* wgboaw Fib* MrtMM * tofttvd HfttonH. to### t-atflftii* j f# ftw# ftft (li# (to##t ft## # toft if % ##•*«• 4# UHlft ftft# #-«* s #i|>4 j *i#* «t ftftftoto# Ift# : MNMllftfti ftf ft fftft fftptofft# y to# ft# Hi jig ftf tnto# Mmm #r 4 ff#to*ff fmitiftff miftfto ftt ft (ft # r fft# fwaftf *0 Ift# I gpftttMM fttoi Ift#lift ftto# Ifttoft ftft M|(#ftA# IftlMff# iffk *tog ■< «WfV#"*##iftto# ftf ’ to*‘l fttoftf-rto H#.ftt- #»f tftrftn to### mi ciufti fftft •tofttof •(! wfttofl lto# fttofttoft# ftf YrtoH)#«toift# fiwiri| ig no* ft f#to ci •fftft###. kir!> mn ft##, i tot* g»ft#f #? rftdft#flwoft of #ft# ftor #toftft<# doNift an# Ifttoontic i« tto# Hto#rftt# of fto# Lor# Root lav 8 ocV This aioialaa * ssaaioa hsasa aitb ib* ra* tag of t!a* hymn I Isn* Thy Chttfvh O God by tb* R-v J. V, Morris who tbs* W ia praver Tb* minntss of y*st*rd*y srerv read sod approved and fr Bowing this those C. F. March man. to Kt lamia D. H. Groover to Arkansas. John R. Jon**, to IJttle Rock. D. F Riley, to South Georgia R V Atkin too. to B»'.timer Tbe report of Rev Toting O Karri* wa* read and referred to a com mittee and following this the report of tb* Pleil»-«l Insll'nte was read by the secretary and refereed The annual report of the board of (fu*;*ea of \V C. Adereate «r»a then read by Rrv W P lyivejoy and r*. farred lo the eoromittee of thi W. C. A. Request For Division. The Rev. C 8. Owena then nroae and introdured a resointlim asking for n division of i hi* ronfsrenae. the paper , lieing algned by C. 8, Owen# and F. P. Hudson. The Rev. W. J. Cotter moved to lay i 4hr reaoliition on the table, which wa* , adopted by a vote of 10*! to 9d. Bishop Duncan then announced that the Rev. Dr. Y. J. Allen had aceept ! mi the iuvita..on to address the con ference and tomorrow morriog at 11 o clock his apeeeh was made the or der of tbe day. The twentieth question was then j called The Gibson Ca«e. | Following this, the name of J. T. 1 Gibson wa* called and the Rev. W. F I»veJoy, his presiding elder, r,ie*ents*l the papers prepared by the omniittee nf investigaticn. It has been expected i that the investigation of the charges against Mr. Gibson would lead possibly to somewhat rancorous if not sensa tional developments, anil tltelr nature und extent. It will he remembet-’d. were fully covered at the time of their preferment. Th Rev. Mr. arose end desired to know if Mr. Gibson resigned or was permitted to resign. IT th- 1 charges would he quashed and dropped. Mr. Cotter » ated that he asked the question simply for purpos s of infor ! motion, and Bishop Dnrean responded i that that wes Imp issihie. The following were appointed the I committee of trial In Mr. Gibson's cese: .1. H. Merah, chairman; A. C. Thomas, \V. T. Hamby. B. F. Fraser, ly. h. Wakes. W. R. Branham, and J. <J. Quillien. During the brief mottling session Bishop Duttcan was in particularly good voice and his references to sev cirl important matters in church work end pimminent ministers evoked rip ples of approbetioo and satisfaction. Asked to ' e Excused. In die appointment of committees the bishop took occasion to remark that he had found it so far quite a difficult task for the reason that so many of the Intended committeemen pleaded press of work or previous en gagements and- asked to be excused. Bishop Duncan said thet he hud ul -vavs thought that the one particular thing the North Georgia conference was blessed In'was in men—in tlw numbers of men. but that from his rc cenr experience he might possibly he forced to change his mind- Bishop Duncan continued, as another member requested, to be .excused.from a certain committee: Here's another one “ and inis remark brnsgbt out a slight wave of laughter. * Bishop Duncan then requested the gentlemen charged with Hie ditty of ushering and seating the congregation mn ii—i *>%«*! L f (tetaa. tes*» • t M •**•**] lto#M •4*a #LANTt HU Loan and lAViNCtt HANK **ftt»jft(»* to ift*# GRATEFUk . TO THEIR PRESIDENT Tto MaiitHtfM GfffftUm H«4 •M .!## kfMiiU#t m4* to ■ wf*>ftf#tN. «#»•**«** m» «i r t ((•«# ftl -<ftft IVftto#t **mm*~* ft tto *>**>*mm§ ■f m ftf til# « ft#» |#ft#il •* "4 •* mrr ft li# IfftftßMftfF ftftft «*44 #*#•» M#m ftftat m, •* "• iif f 1 #MM|(|I »##lft#. Ut r #4**ll It# Mil #•# m*4. im -r-*#, »«ftf ftto# ft# »#4 Ht gl f* litiftlft s'ftlto# *tol - 'Hv-jssr.'h^.g - #« «' r * 4r*Mt ft-ft# iMRH trtofttoft*## ftftot ft C *<Kft Ilftßpq toffsa ftaFfti jj .ji <far toft (ift# „ If, I <** f | |ft«|jwf*ff4 J J, Tlltoft H ft Hftt4 ft C •!«!§• % jfll ItoVTICK M nmM fill iMT* VII t 1C Mil I aft II II HICK MAM »*»:! *II»KJfT ft'Vftiia, ft>. itoe ofiffriUrtt la iH# ••Niftier •? I to# Urftftlt#rtll# *npA«r*ft ft"111# hii ft Iftfffi mtv** blflilf ffttoftPMßgl ««# ftf# tti* i*i**##lii«ft *hn to n# #r»4 our ftm* UIKS Have i.-u rendered Happy and f 'toil#111«*t! #ft#. \Vh*ihi*'##!!!## »f» ttoft frtiH# «>f tto* # tft# ftd# fftoilful m#AAto#« ment on the part as the pre*ld*M. Mr. M. ll tliikaian. both in his atten* mm tn th» .ompan) a l ustneas sod la Ms judtctuu* .election of official aa* sisiants. rorn wh« are ant only stien nut are its<> mindful «f the need* of thir Wih.w worker*, provtdtn* tat their |,leisures :*■ • ell us to* their HP* forts, and. Whereas. We have not been subjected In the recent reduction In *'*•** ** have many as nur more unfnrtunat* fellow operatives therefore, be It He*!lived. Thai we express to Mr. Hickman out sincere sppreeiatlim snd profouad aiatttudc for hi* lonMdara imn nf us and our » , .fare. That w# are most gistelii! I*.- him for the very lgenerous mid humane stand which bn - recently took. In nur behalf, on iho " va«es iiuesthm." Itaaolved. That the foregoing pream bles and resolution* be engrossed, i-lai od In * suitable frame and preaent ,-d to Mi. Hickman as w token fmm us of that high appreclatlun and es teem In which he Is held. Resolved. That u copy of these rcao lutlnns hr- firnTf.'* the August* paper* with the request for their publication.' THE LOMBARD SHOPS. Employee* Were Olven a Half Moll* day In the tf'ork*. To Dm Employee*: We cheerfully grant your request for n half holiday, 'closing our shops at 2 o’clo-k extend to you our sincere thanks for your c heerful willingness and atten tion to your respective duties, to the i.aie and Interest of our coupany anti patrons. We ask that you be on hand for duty promptly on Friday morn ing To our customers, we extend our sincere thunks for their continued pat ronage and ft lerdship. and we with ; our employees will continue to do eve rything in our power to merit contin ! nation of same. To our Merciful Father, we return out heertfelt thanks for the mans* blessings bestowed on us during tiro pas; yea. With kind st regards to all, t k vnalu. Respectfully, Ueo. R Lombard. Ptesirlent, Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co* Nov, 24th. 18»R. / At Huntrvllle, / * Huntsville-. Ala.. Nov. 24. Thanks giving da- was obsetved as a holiday. No drills. Only the necessary duties performed by tbs- soldiers at. Camp Force. The Fifteenth infantry win probably leave lomorvow for Sa vannah under orders to join General Carpenter ai Nuevltas. at Cuba. Jas. L. Goney, private in Co. K. First In fantry, was dishonorably discharged for committing a misdemeanor assault upon a comrade. Reinforcements Arrive. Madrid,. Nov. 24. - An official dis patch from Manila says reinforcements of American troops numbering 4.000 ,-en hove landed in the Philippine !s --landfc -hat was rapidly Ailing the church aisles and galleries to overflowing for Hit- Thanksgiving services, to prc«aed, and the choir opened with the hymn, M\ Country, Tie of Thee.”