The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERUO _____ ■ hi mai p 'rmmttk. 00900*900 CMMftft*'-Mftat IMM i PlJii • #•* 9mm m# _ mrnms Sue »»»»»»* ■*• VOL WIU IIAII me HMUUI to Alto***- *< Mart »*•#•* **A ».._ _ _ . to dosrtWrt**' *> (to l»<*'to •*• •* to* i • *#•• #»*«d .«* rr* — »* m* to-«* m*m*» *»« M«.*t ***** to CNimw* ** **• «•»«*»—f •toto* __ |:‘ |*too^iilka At (to ikr«M*4 o#(rt*(M 1# A** T»** <*Hg At (to H •»«* to* Mr* ■*• nn* <w*i iMrtfc 9%. -*#• tom** to And tor H* *#■* i ** *•*• *m* t*4 *•**'*»(< toll ****** • |a» «* As totototo* tot •‘tot to *tot ftoti Ahrm •• itoMAtoto t*a p* Ttor* *• ** aeeaaw to *etttltrtg# I* Ik* *t t U 4 *U otw *»toto to fraatorrHd to yaad nwntoto tadar Miss'* tow aslsrtod tto irt AH j •to ton At ro« It *to Jabltss. I* *m toH af#**# that ***** toll* to pistol* tolih (to ro«(* if romr tr* la* »H#d (Ml ItMtejr Tliit It a •»*ti day to* *to tor* **i< % gUryaaWtotmim tot* Ml tototvt till Igrfwrlon pe(ai* TA* Hrikut:* pr#a<h#v» aad Tfc"itt««l*»« til t* otort’ A ttol tor to* fao-tail# ttl jf*Hft*-t*it Tto Nm York tort* tto* mtto Uesey, tuft to ftohM**- •*«<• •• » ■Miter of fart. It vat that •to* th* tort* tto* t'tttor nrdlaary rirrtMnat***## a pul ot fhn mature* ar a* to bsgta laying l> Xcfcaator ran b* depended opm for a good atilt* la tto tprlng "tort ort tone tlrlrJ »i|i *ko ■ («’»< itoi tto govrtowesi find* It ctt<. par to bring n penitentiary io At* j Ur:a than to rtvtrtr tb* order. So far at poatlblr five • tot'd va tlaty of food Frequent change of diet la tbs beat way of getting the rhirkena to gre** rapidly and mature »arty. The aoldlera now know tb* real , nManlng of toe Sunny South aa they Iran agalnat the warm alto of tto trtea and road of Northwestern blUaardn. The front Country Riding Club la one of tto moat select and delightful organisations the South ran boaat and their Held day baa been a gala Dera tion. "Lucky” Baldwin la probably won dering whether hit run baa changed breauat bia hotel buroed, or played in the tame old luck by escaping with hit life. Sam Jonew la not a lilg enough man io Ignore the report of lila alleged blasphemy In Macon: "I ant aa unim peachable and pure as the (Sod who made you." The public pause* for ro p!g. MaJ. Gen. 8. B. M. Young la a mag nificent Illustration of the force of pluck and hard work. Ha came up from the ranks. Hs knows every phase of a aoldler a life and hence makes an excellent commanding offi cer. The warmth with which hts old command—the Third cavalry—loves him la the beat evidence of hla ex cellence. Few person* probably realise the burden of public debt which the people of France have to carry. According to a writer In a current magaxine. the public debt of France at the present time approximates 000,000,000, and the annual provision for the various categories of the debt requires 36% per ceut of the revenue, and calls for 56.60 per year from every man, woman ittid child in the republic. The Albany Herald says: "When u l :..n like,. Clay Cox dies the community l~ wbicfli he has lived sustains a se ricus loss. He was a good cltitso in all that the term implies. During bt* residence of twelve or fifteen yaar* to Albany, he had grown upon tto people and become a leading man in tto eoro m unity. He was a good business roan. Industrious. pnbHpsplrlted charliahie utul in close toyrh with the people." tap- tti aa toto)aw# toMhe eta* *to j ttoao toMMffto tgnaAi io u gtoto* see knew IP gmaMaMf* ** Mh» tMwaggo mriM**** of to* tAingnma* 1 gjftftftlNqgpMl 009am* M 00900 900* ft **9* Mm* \m**mn*l*mem* 9000*000*009 m*mm [«§*# tM»ft mmm #•% m**% AiM 90tmt m mm******* *m*m (MigaftMMM* #*NMf t»l *0 4QM| T*mt mmm* | j fkMi mm* mmmnMm* i w *mm mmunm Tto* wfwaaMH «•» MBtoMto •••»•■ I *0 m ****** m***m. t %ap *MO Sewa AMH<4|toa of *to kftoh' ••to ?•*» Mto* •sffkmtotoi to* gtotoed patoofe* ••• a**Mto gtototom >4 awtl >w» to •(••• tokA psto to I LglgiMtoo* fctoo'tof tot *•• **to ■. I • tpa#to fHMRA ♦ttoHIMI MM fMNH ***o mun to Tto* MM* to»*» totof to; tto «a* toto Ctowt if gf*Mto of ttote j tow to fto week tof o Aetof ****4 i Mat to wot Yto*» ow *M>w of toatoWfwMtod aw a»«ai ttototofgMfto afototo iwA ■aatottM tod toMamtoweaweMWlMM to mm wwAtoto to tto toMto** ft 'M tool*. Tto* OW •*• «f totefhwt M •#« •* ft*to tto* goftoA to tot tlaato tto M***t (too took dart a* tto toolt* m<to*to ttot •*» to toetr i «•■»«!*• *!•<* j ttof tow swto* k* ft** •• toaowot »<f atote •*« owtotitf oof w toewtw Boa* atoto apaeiMtol towd Aewetma* too to «wr* •.-«% toao* otH »aaw»w to ti* (kaipa ttoo tow fool toll Bttoi* arttt to tool toto o*m Artda to totmf too ito Mow* tom wtotow* m*y to afaeit paeikto. (toy oxagN M matooe- I (■NiHMt'tif mm* ••ill# ****** •ill bt»t I# *aM •«wa*toltaO* ckkk to** herwma •or. tto* ate maw lw Had aatoe**** tto* to* the* warmth as ■ air own wtorh •wait* tto worthy g*m«r »»***• to** tto MrnsM eatewMha * awedtel mat mw ast hap** ttol ltost may away hr glowni iniint Tit root la wea COM hurt wight sad will to twM eg am '•alghi Wtth thowaowd* •If ope rail >ca ua* • ployed itoce will to wmirte ogfortonltr tor tto prartka cf that charity which ta the graartwt of •II vlrtuea The maw and women who haw taft tha mllla pewdlng tto eg|o**m*wt of , nagea. MO got soliciting alma The* are ntiling to work and. let ua hope •111 aouai be at work owe* more | But tto bread at tomorrow will not relieve the hunger of today. Tto clothing yet to coma will not keep out tto cold i<.night. Among tto unem ployed there are acme who aw atrk. while wonc of them ere nail provided for This ha* not been a glnd Thanks giving tor them. But If the good peo ple of August* will ret pond to tto nobler impoUee of their hearts and ■ send contributions of money, food or riothes to the Board of rharliiw. or to any onr of the charitable organisation* conducted by the women of Atiguata. thewe donations will tin distributed through aurh channels a* will giv# re- , lief to tb* most needy and moat de- f serving. This has been a day of delight In hundreds of happy homes, where those | more favored by fortune have celebra ted (befeatlval of thank*. But there will be more genuine Joy In giving the poor aomethlng Io he thankful for than In all the selfish enjoyment of n dawn Thanksgivings. l>at our cltlaen* respond to thla ap peal with a bountiful free will offering. In giving to the poor they are lending to the Lord at an Interest that ta be yond all cent per cent and there waa never a time when attch contrlbutlona were more opportune. LEGISLATIVE ATTKKDAKCK There haa been In the atate preaa some criticism of the membera of the Hotiae of Representatives whose ab sence last Saturday caused the loss of a legislative day to that body. The Atlanta Journal says: It is but just to the resent legislature to say that this was the first occasion where either House found Itself unable to proceed with business because It had no quo rum. "We do not mean to defend the absentees without, laave or providen tial cause who reduced the House last Saturday to less than a quorum, but to state that the attendance of members In both Senate and House at this ses sion of lhe legislature has been above the average. Absenteeism has been one Of the most expensive and Inexcusable evils In our Legislature. At one time It interrupted the course of business so frequently that t>e Atlanta newspa pers published every day a list of the members who were absent without leave. A good many of them heard from their constituents and there was a marked locr**sa In tb* regular at tendance io both rtausss Th* pouter pigeon availed itself out and strutted. "Klstgff!" oontemytu ously exclaimed the pelican, ‘ryrano de Bergerac!” scornfully retorted !he pigeon." Memphis Seimetsr. ■ra® Jk. TJOXr&TJk. UTOALD TMB Ot&eRVER AHOUT TOWN * ****** ****** m* m* *m mmtmm* ***** f*»* fit **o*mmm***m m****m*o* 0 00 i^Mll*** I ffcjg *•£ gto*.., --- j-f E-ami tmm****o mm* | *omm ***** ***s AMI MP •** ** **& **** *0 *o* o**oomo**of**o o*mm* ' Mrtm -.(m*#* ■Em gift -f t m* * ** **# \o*m 00* *otm***mo* in* *m •» ************ ■ • .. je »%fffi -■■■■*** m* * totodto Sh-**A#' ♦ * %K Woo* •* to tr ' * * • * j Mt» ******** *o* m** mm* ***ooo mm* (h*t ‘ *■■»■#. m* MkrtC toANMMV't 4Mk m* §*t ! m** Pmi *•* Im* mp* m*m mm ** */mt m* ' mmm****** i %#*• *0 - * mm*** f w * 0000 **** m ***** I *os im********* ***** mm ******** ; iUkd* TtodM tt *** o*oo** MfMpi#*** ♦ 0* im* m*mm****m*m m m*mmo***mm* <***** Im* ****** I* *• *****mmm**mi j MMMhtodi m**m ******** rnmm*o mm* ••• 1 00*009* m** m* mmm ** Mm «**t Mmimmhi im****** •*» mmi I'iwi* *m Mm m**m ■ ****** **oo*o tt *m» iitfi mm*m ***** 00**m* Tit* <■# * *o*ol****** mmm Ml jm t mmm ** fittoiM Mt **mrm»*o * Tmm m*hm ** Ml m *o*o* mrnf ' ft*4 (Im !• «••• MM tMMfeMtt MM *4oo* |i«tk paMSt MM O ***** *o** Ami gtoangn m ■» to (toto* ho hoi hem *a (to nnwat % p**ht«g ] aiMtt** to* (to wf— »• tto toto *4 Tn*oda* ntohl hi ?tom Y**k. H-s to mi (tto N IO CtotoM and dtormrn to*^ ml** am< dft ■■•>iina retotod *•» Tto matoml BiamA * fc " tod tin Anasil no. (*torvn*4 im »hd» tlm «M ptfiMM tod a*ft (to |g*te»a«* Ami «a* w (to hot*< adtoa toto** *•- • <t«ng tto* * tod to* ahonM to **«« op to Mt roMO lotas hi th* oftto, **tth tto r-r-* of tto wmo** at tto mil a* anoo a* ti oaa **rwt**d #»•• tto tHttm It,. ta Hum tor a atotogsturttoo apart* Ha an** that tto girl* shat to haa war* an to* oo Vtmad atynal a*n tha prrttMM to’a had tto ptonrne* as toah- j mg at. to a loop stoat, aad ikla jwdg- HMot and taato wonid nloo* •****• huo aa tong sit ddht M# told ta* tint to mpoetad «o to at tha ton-Air on nod «df dnttog tto • ip*, nod if 1 am oat ortataton. a*id M-maihlng iNrt Intmdlog to atotr tto ynttgum tto tray ov*r th# HID golf Hah* Tto garb of my *#• nepwaloianc* waa partort In nvary way aod thor oughly ap-tn-datt Hla acarf w*« cf a eolor that r**n pat to blush (to bn* on tto check a of certain of tto girt* »* had Jnat p#***d and tto era**# to big Itoooar* was almost aharp »nongh to ml Tto He*• aid'* nag*# with liy fr end (to old aport. I* all right* Rgcggr nTximoiu Water ma he dtctMled tor k«u*W4 ua* h> mrsiH «f an Ohio man'* device m which a kettle I* Placed on (he tire (#* generate ateam.whlch paaae* through a pipe In the IM to * receptacle below, condensing hotore It leaven the pipe. j Bottle* and other «In*awar* ran be an r<ly pached for ablpplng In a new crate nhtch haa *prtn« preened parti-] Ilona edj'iatahly placed Ineld* the walla to pre*n agalnat th# aide# of th» fragile article# and prevent the reception of sudden ahorhe. i in an Improved strainer tor coffee pota a p'c<-e of (In I# perforated through the center and the edge* bent to form a pocket In connection with the aide of the pot. wire springs holding It j in place over the outlet. In a newly patented hitching poet slots are cut on one aide, with reeeseea at the upper rnds. to carry plaice for use aa ateps In getting Into the alota when not In use. Ihu* leaving no pro jection to drive against. Coin* can he securely held In packag es by an Improved holder, which la formed of a atrip of tin rolled Into a cylinder, with scalloped enda. whlrh are bent against the end tjolns after the package Is filled. Th* Bird on th* Fence. A turkey sat on « barnyard fence. Ho, for the glad Thanksgiving! And he said to himself, "Ain't this Im mense!'* Ho, for th* glad Thanksgiving! "Not a blessed thing to do all day But eat and gobble and strut and ha gay— It would seem that things are coming mv way." Ho, for the glad Thanksgiving' The turkey grew and grew and grew. Ho, for th* glad Thankagtvlnr! Every day he ate a bushel of two. Ho, for the glad Thanksgiving! The farmer saw and was satisfied And hi* chest bulged out with worldly prld«. For his bird waa the boas of the coun tryside, Ho, for the glad Thanksgiving! t 'Twas the day before the glorious feast. Ho. for the glad Thanksgiving! The turk looked w-est and the tuck looked cast. Ho, for the glad Thankagtvlng! Then he spread his wings and he jour neyed hence. For it chanced that he was a bird of sense — One turk In the oven heats two on the fence — Alas, for th# sad Thanksgiving' Fros Baran has beguaathsd to th* Slip as Aarllh th* safn *r 4TO.WV ibaf't* to fsunft at ttduaationai ihstitutlan tor children. Io whloh they as* to b* reared on a stflatly vgg*(prtan dist. It is un certain whether th# cotpm*h oouhcU will uccegt the bequest with thla con dition .as the members of that bode are nearly equally divided in their view*. | ft«tr mm* • am m*nrr j 4 ■—»»'» a— # m Ss~|Cjr== j MMm *o*s o*o • "'MM 1 m rnii< tiwfr «# §• mm m ftui' 4#*-i Ml IMpM’ ? mm, I** ••# • m ••toft'ft I <tdft * ft# #mmm mmtm v<ft * - ♦ - • mmmmm * . *oo* •* <ft*MM»NM m ****** *m**#m j MMiml mm*mom~ *m*omm . mmmma. *mm *•# m*m» | ! 00m* Mm# Cl*#* mm 4 * *+m I *4 m nr# r*mm* #*»•#> •# 0m» 0000 mm mm J A *ooo**4o* ll#MI «#t#t ' MrrftM*# A#*#* <>###lll. ** A#*j Mi#iM #lm * *mmmmTm**m *mmomm mm* • •*••»## •€ 9mmm m—rntm C*m*m* Ptftttpft tNMMMMMMIMMC# 0* *oo*oooo Mr*** •ift* J|« M IH J. H « *ft#9M»f VftftftMMft Oft**•# *#M **» A** .IftfflM I# Mil# MM ftMftjfft <4 **m #Mk* M# | ft# MftM Mjftnnt mtm* ft ftM^ttMio* *m IM# | arrwtapt# as tt H* Mr CwegwHl la '4** awwd* tomtatod hr a ftWYto*«j mm*m*m 009*0*00- Mmwswtm TToas* H L Martodtw «4 tto Van* < Mat** padwtac hwrww* arvtt-, •4 a (to nty Pas Hj auk* Aa #*4 a# ta* pnrtaaswi tiwwaai* M* h*. arttrss Mr Martndis will twgtrt aisoth-1 ;#tr *wrv#y «d fto. iMytart ww*h «{ ta# war Chi- flkwdrwa* rmaa* that a# now ha* twmtr-d*# tom «*f water *• ta* ta*. a»d ihm sarttwr to# torn *au- ] #4 fog (a (rtmatar that qweanm It I* ta# at***** 1 optaßhi ft pimiw, aad oth- ra toaaliiar with ito *wr. that (to *«**##>• or* will to*' aa trowel# in (itrovntai. est. Oaodymr'a ctatwi (a to rorrwcf J Atlanta psUca ar# wl*r*n»l al th# ’ number at craay p#cpt» ta th* l Ht(*a population, aad aay (toy tott#v* a* *pi* I d#mlc of lunacy » pr#'atline there, j Tto hat mr of tto t#cwat ad# of ft. A. I Phnchi#r. Who hilled Blah -p and ##- rs.waly wmund#d Cat * Tkoai*** *** IHe poll-# departtweni called ta mind, j tto fad that Flanaatm and Law la, now ] • ondned in the tower for horrthl# tuur- H#w .acted very much Itha rthackl#y (Mnc# tto hllllaa of toahop a number; of , were nav* been handled by lie po- ) It#*, and In almost every tnatancr tto parti## gave Indication* tbnt they were | afflicted with that pet ultar brand as Inaanlty hnosn lo Ito medical Bat*rnl- i ty aa paranoia, * form of mental ab erration In whlrh ito palimt Imagine* , that hr la bring p#rerouted In Ftwna- i #*n'a raar hi# defense haa been that to was suffering hwn drtualnnnl Inaonlty When to killed tto two woman In LW entur. nttd tn tow la ran*. It ta said by | hla friend* and relative# that (he ahot j and killed Charley Haynes because ho, believed Haynes waa unnecessarily p#r arcuttna him. "Juei now." aald the P"- j lice captain a few day* ago. "our pa trolmen have to krep on the lookout far lunatic* with *• much vigilance aa they watch for thtevr# and drunkards.” •niTimi. Foote. prnlalAg the hospitality of tto Irish, after one of his trips to the slater kingdom, a gentleman aaked him if he kail he-n at Cork. "No, sir.” replied Foote, "hut I have seen many drawing# of It." At Klllarney every visitor hears some laughable stories. Here Is one: A number of boatmen who were j quarreling about the dlvlalon of "tips ' j Indulged at the top of their voices in a good deal of profane language, which; the marvelous echo repeated verbat im. "Arrah, look at that. now. for a scan- i dal." said one of tbe’party. who was of • pious turn. "T'achln' the pm>r hnrm |gsa echo to curse and aw ear." TThe construction of Prince Bis marck's sentences was freqently por tentous. On the occasion to, which I have been partldarly referring, says a writer in the Century, my companion was Impa tient as only an Intelligent woman can to to secure the Intellectual treat be fore her, and gave minute instructions to tor Interpreter. All went well for a time, ns the low voice of the painstaking translator ren dered with some adequacy the thought of Bismarck. Then there were short pauses, follow ed bv rapid little summaries of what had been said. As these grew more and more fyrequnnt, the lady became irri tated. Finally there was an entire cessation on the part of tto Interpreter and yet Bismarck was going right on with ev er-increasing vehemence. There were constant call# from the lady of “What’s he saying? What's to saying?" and an Increase of Impatience In the box quite proportionate to the growing violence of th* spaakar. Finally th* wrataha* lntarareter cauld ar.iar* th# ttrtlln n# ianger ani, tttfplhg With a gaatuf# *f fi«rc* raaant ttiant t* his aaelted'Vnplsysr. he ftiaa ft: "Madam, I atft waiting for th* Hrt!" ;> . A rasn often hifv more respect for his servant than bis servant has for the man. nEfrmnissißi I ftftt # *•*&*»■* mm* *mm* 1 ift Mft** ; ft ji no ft _ft lift ftttrt m- * ft« t '** <- 4 3ft f ftft : I ****** tMMNi ima mmMmrn*. *m# !A. Ort_ .4 M #to iftftl feft ft ftlMNkft 9ft ##• 4JMI 0* Aft iMftt ft ftft -ft Aft fthMNUft ftft Mftftftft j rTimur is mmm 9*omm mm*o Mr #*•••♦* o*oool VftwiH TMtft Im MfttM ft 1 iff 4 f%o*mmm Mfftrlwn mM m* 1 mi■< null if ft)* aftftftNii f«f 4»ft*|*»,y ruM* i«in* a |dc((w» •* a i»**kwa chat*. j ft iMifttM* *0 M*>M •• tM TWI if!nftr4M>4ft miftlM pftftft **mmmomm* MftMPft Httf ftif M tMft dWftftft, I TW 00 ItTMftt I* mmM tft l»# »ltn4i*y ttft piMfr w Mft mm» t trrnh** tnmm mmtn mmmm** | Aft#r ftrbtdf hft4 *uiV4 Ito* mmm* j Mrl It »ft* Mft* mmaH* iffuW* tmt iM wftifft 1# tofttiftt ilm Mftm ***** *• MfMa I'sder tto head of ctarvssrt Uteratura Ift bruiwrtv Ad (MftMdrt* paMrt* loatfoc ttona toy oMktng a cjsap Otsdlrlnal hat tstv. Vt’< 1# sortie pcotds •* tstk at only I what (toy realty know their ailenca I »c‘*i|ft ftftftft MeoftW 09*0*000 MftMft* * mt* >«MI t*m*f winter. US’" "Ye# my «If* h*» bm(det-1 rrd-pluah cover off tto anew shovel ” : Thai Haw*** woman who ha# .ntorit ed |hM.*M. t« to spent >*n her «iu*fc *i education, haa a tuneful JamVHes coming. New York want# t« send *n orator to tto I’nltsd Atate# aenat*. Ju*t as if there wer# not too many uratots In that tody now. ••That woman neat door went and got a hat exactly Ilk# mine.*' "Did you j make a fua. about Ilf' “No: I f***>; mins to Ito cook.” One nf Ito New Torh paper* an nounce* that It will print tto real truth about ito »ai. Let tto killing of the calf proceed. In China a wife l* never seen by her J husband before marriage In this coun try some wive* seldom tea their hua ha'nda after marriage. In a little Pennsylvania town there I* a rate war among the dentist*- There , will to no great Joy when theae tolllg- i erent# sign « protocol. Still, If by remaining a derelict Ito ; Marla Teresa can be kept from ap pearing In the magaxine# the people will try to he satisfied. A “Dewl# Ohrroll" memorial cot has] Just been endowed In the Dondnn Chll- | dreu's hospital In honor of the author of ] "Alice In Wonderland." "That furniture store gives pocket knives with every aale.” "Of eouise: that fixes the small boy In the fgmlly tft'whlttle up the furniture." Yale has heen resting upon her hon- j era In football so long that It Is some- . thing of a shock to her to wake up and , discover they are worn out. The Wisconsin will he christened; with wine, hut the people at home will continue to look upon the Milwaukee, product as a vastly different article. j Another result of the war Is that those persons who have been winning dim glory twisting the British lion's tall will have to do this twisting else where. Admiral Schley, after having heen embraced and kissed by several dosens of Maryland college girls, was sure that there were enough kisses to go around. Sir Walter Besant celebrated his 60th birthday on Nov. I. The event calls to mind that he has never suffered any of the hardships w hich were the lot of so many of his contemporaries in fiction. Front the very beginning he has found a ready market for his wark. Admiral Them*# -<■»• Aelfrldge. v?ha was dinoat th# only -mao to eacaya fracQ (ha Cumberland after bar Battle with "tha Marrimas, and who Ha* Just passed, by reassn of aga. ovw.X* the navy's-vetirad h*«- wUI iva in Wash - ingt*n*wfth hla family. "I have bean tn nearly every part es th? world, said recently, and now. I uni tired .of trav eling.” For The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers' Hats Flannel Shins Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 “Good Taste Apparel-’ ) Pretty Whitft Tftftth S i Opt Itflrotot T— — > * -•? t**r* V c J J Mtktkr aad dm Biaatk asm*. % j Asst You Think In# \ i # tftftl bftat fVftM* v ft Of t|lft Id* • I M 1 * rtaftMftM NtftftlkiM Aft* 0 ) •»«*»*• 9 / f Us th* t M CftftftM ftftft OMi 1 I j 3 % «>i rat m a Ifn *%** * 3 \ ftf-if*ftM ft ?ft»ft*4ftft ■*' Mi*#** J of «Uettr IN* toftt TwAli UftHkef f V• • \ M O' - titfl rtoMM i’rftc* f j v• * \ 1 Of • here Ikttred PhiwrAu j f • C \ • ’br Mil a«li|hlMl Mftft * w F ton nliti ftiuft Cmo** ft KM M j / j fftd CrftMftft M ftft*ft * I / Com® to us for them a 1 and further In- c \ formation. / < ilnaider Dri[ Cmjaai s / IM AROAO rr. V For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A * Library Budding. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KEXTCCKY Absolut# IncoMsatable follelc* From i CM to of Issue. largest Dividend* - - - - U>w#*t Premiums (oliolior* Wanted; call or write H. 11. STKI.NKU. b'peiial Agent, 410 Oyer BnUding. lACH^AYbEEi THE nEKALD #p(iOWij.j j <^Tirtid]iwtlwtplTHu>ai|SAT foT Vs » ft IQ I I 12 - ' "i There Hvas In SagaUa. ir#., aa aid geftflamah wpo was tutor to th* late King Alfonso XII of Spain His name; is Col. Van B. Wisker. ail American, horn of English parents. j NOVEMBER 34 fiftirftci WlUh Mini 0*» y«U Ihdl thftgft ft 4 §MNSI diWsfotw ft H IM alHMldlfl fft Wrtth Hftffti f j kgait INI (ns*y nut, yif* Itngf n%on> «m i m i «i( Hi I lIM (dffH tt .at IHft Aftof II Hie dk k| sAU« i t*fi Bin twgitMMi j|ft oentßs L A. Gardalli. Druggist. CfIRISTHAS ODD IMG I ein oeentfif up, end my ! hops, 4n« of viftst c rttao Christ mat novit*—, b*#u* lif ill m# a iNkAtotm thing* at I low fangs t*f pr« »s SCh end 73C gfikft*. i>m i a# e i until th* tush of the id»t wftftk or two. Out look eftound now eno inokß your *'* No trouUM to (how gottit We arc ciwcrt *i«*i-yhi«»i to have you look CftouNl the •tore. 1. L GardeHe. Druggist. 00§ 00999* 99990 k PROF. P. 4 WHITMAN, tot ra a. Aut.ti. a* miainiemsdM,. Stahl, g»«s4* Mks (ns*, atmmm *M SaS atvt. rtwss Lewi*. (*t awe saor he*** ehk frts taait, FREE OF CKARUE w-wOftllll COAL and WOOD —-ftfttiM THE—- North Anfnits Cod k Supply Co (luaaUty asd was Iky bianrtwi F W SCOFIKLD, PRESIDENT Mi Ifbam »ed Mn>«gsr M Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wanta- We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MKKt HANTS. 803 Peysolds st-=TH«kaiiaA.s a 1 mat* Leaseo IMres Bisect to New Vofl Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire* for Cotton, Block*. Honda, Araln and Pro, visions for reiah or on margin* Local ae< ur'.tie# bought and aold. Referencer —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agenda*. Monev to Loan REAL ESTATE. ArPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gtt* l bee *o notify mv friends end customers that 1 have add 'd another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, slid 1 hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A 214 Eighth tit.. OITOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.