The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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A STEADY OkOWTH— WM dhfffry tin*# UHtay 009* UNdlif, tMII 00*009 tMtftHF *>U» •••* •*••s **•* Mdffl hu|<M** fIMWt 4hf*thi#—*MFß« •**<**• #.#*• «f i ttiwwiwi, mont iaA hiaai l>.wfyi, ifw># f : | *V w mfm g rotarMhg. v(M y egg—#* *«s «Hi lin<<«i «!«• c« 'imJ Your <n»*r»*«» mcm iludH J ft*#* «rt nu' «n «#•*s». Ami *»• M*« ItM.) A §s*«. rtf of Co h >4 ij*lfhl* evwfy |N|#y i fI4OO- *W I tsi yodi Afto fvot yuio to mo H l«r« If MM« «««yw >* #* »» No fabric, paiiam or co-©r that find* favor with fMbiOAAba so k «• miaiinf from U»*i •otlaclion. And ymt w* MU c»»rao«y. frr Nik ) DRWMN IHM.D n* «h ktMMiky to l*N*t> «* o— in l**wa. ■ * Nm faffh, An* W Ha* **4 —' * rmi im —*oo an*** #* mwh. Imm. 01*4* QIUIW W ftaiff*** ♦ w • M *— «f 10— » HIH H»—»• MaM li* Ownn * In t— MOFOM* m iitmiT -ft*#, 4 hm* OMO* •* Watdarf tin —$—*—»'• •*xi*g##ti lllf* 10# mm fctatod ” n are toata# 10m *4— *4 •*# torn** 9WU». K C 0 »**• 0* •>»> t— ft* 10* OM*H *f to# to* omi 4—l—a la #N»a «• #*ad Ttotg—n ta Ah—t* an* nak* m a*- cmrat nr ot* Ha oaa 0— **a*4. art*## fini*ara4 sn* oi*rad a*at at—* loai IMta affair at —atla— ••* #** W li m almyd# an* answutoiag *•+• mi eke a a iMaia aalto# aa toa f «* •aia Haw Tank Ha *#—tied tor da tf a* aniar*ny at«oi to Ca*t. O Ha on at taa awallla'r tnrtaar Haao I—. arffieh ia now lying at tka Hrook- Ira a* try yifi A* a* a**Mtona too ofalMoa a t kta *0llaa« cwMtoct aa tka Mamma ba will racatv* ao a«ia leer* as thirty *ara Teaierday da abtat—4 laata'ta Mart frtaa*a la Kaw Ynrk ana at when* ha* tafi a* btai to 4taa at iha Waldorf-Aator.a The Man who an* —a hi#*— tqr m* ol tha —ttiaat fir I* la low*. withoa rilaahta* tank tha Waldorf-A*tsw I* Ha* ha aw takaa iha pracautt. n to lratal Incognito. ha ml** 1 . have —a btaaa* bp tha behutlfut Waldorf fflrla. lor ihH youthful thief boa a a mala la ao Mlfmrlf b—daonw felloe It raatlp troa." ha waa aaha*. wbll* tha Waldorf-Astoria ban* piaya* on. “that you arara htaaa* bp m I*rta tHtkoat anp .staff whan you reached yoar h >»* ta itrwartr , pyaa.*' aat* bo. • thafa no faha. I guaM thar* arara Jb* of tbam or roora tt war u. trlfiinc r ttbarraailng at ftr*t. bat aftar tha flrai half **a*n kitaar. I baean «« taka an IntaraM to mv wortt an* aftar that I * haaa hwaa* all tha Itittv gtrir In lowa. If I macoanarjr ‘ "(Hit you know moat of tha girl*' "o’all. yaa. an* you that tnadr ti malar 1 ha* playr* ropanhagan an* pillow ami kay* with a goo* many of tham whrn I war a hoy. an* It wa* ilka ranawlng ol* acqualntanrar to kiaa tbam again.” 'EvaryboA* I* font plltnrntlng you on tha fart that you why ** It that you haven’t got ft*' hnvrn’t got tha • walla* b->* Now, "1 rlmply *l* my duty ” raid Da'gnrn. modarilv. 'aa I alway* a«p*at ta do It wban tha opportunl y’otf* .” ' An* yon atan* raarty to kira tha Blrl*- rvtgnan wa* promote* to ba tha rhirf hoatawaln'a mata in racognitlon of hla gallantry In Iha flrrrlmat iffalr. but of rouraa ha ran t attain to a much lilghar grada und«r prarant condltlona. For this raaaon th ~ people of hla na ttva atata propoaa to raiaa two thous and dollars to rand him to the naval academy at Annapolla. In the event of hla successful graduation there, no thing will ba In the way to prevent eis hacr-Miig ah admiral, as he proba bly wIJT. e ASTortiA. B«r. i m Tin Kind Yoa Haw Always Bou M -;• <2LyoEf£ FINh BARBt.CUF. # Will Be Ulven Saturday by Mr. >at. Qlanton. Mr. Put Olanton will serve one of bis tln» barbecue dinners next Satur day from 12 to 3 o'clock. Tut Lovell, the wall known caterer, will ba chef In aharge delfghiful dinner will be enjoyed bv ‘all hi* patron* Mrs. Charles Crawiay Is visiting h-r mother, Mrs. E. H. Harker. • Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. S *!ve .Boxes. Sterling Silver top. 10 cems. SleriiffT2 Silver Comb and Bru-h only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Infrav ng in all its branches. Everything firat class. LEWIS j. SCHAUL, Popular Pric#d Under the Arlington Hotel rum r.vr Knrr»ArT CM ate IHtkM* Oeaw* by Man. W W. 0MI«. Th— in •• aahthHtow in blew. —Ta w.adww n f—-oa»* ntpa «T Mr H H H team aw. ynnHant at thw Hl* Mm»to»«<*rM*« rwanpawf ~ The yi rrtmu to fo* wwrh nf Mm w Ms. Hat my M 4 M Ml agrwtiwnt rapes ■ '*— of n p 0 'twgtapk «f lOM wo« hbwwnt —uleaaaa Mm Mottay a abtll ao an art let to wall kt—ra to bo o <oMn#bio* upon o»* amwy Awguoto bom am 4»rcmt*d by wa— of i«r 'tgaMt* pointing ow diltt pemsohai. meviiom. Mr D F Jock, of oo*amob. to In 100 rtty |g*w # ton. of Hnltla—o la at the ArikHßon. T H Jaan of AUnatn. to at tho ' A flic gtOW A d.tmol dtoproltloa to a rbtlaatoaa Arttogtaa t. H. CMft. of Kaeaoa City. It at the Atilagton. J. T. Dugan (Ms Chicago, to Ot the Aldington. M. V. Goo*wow. of Atlanta, to at tbo Arlington g. rmtabflal*. of Rvhmood to at the Arlington P K. falhown. nf Columbia, to at .the Arlington, D. C Couarl! of Amertcua la at the AHirgtflb. Joo D. Pey—, of Clnalnnotf la ot i the Arlington. T. B. Roy, of Norcrooa. On., to at tba Plantar* $ T, Dun nf ran. of Cobunhua. 0.. <• | at the Plawtaro • W. J. Brradhumt. of Savannah, ta |at the Plantar* Mr T. M MaClenan. of Atlanta, la at tba Planum. Jobo Ratrlon. of Mlddlaehoro. Ky . la gt the Aritagtna W F. Tillttt, of N’aahrllle Tann., ia at tha Arlington Mta* Blanch Rally, of Solly. 8 C., la at the Planter* Mr. \v p Morris return** from At lanta tbta morning. Mi** Maude Walker, of Appleton, fl. C . I* at th* Plant»r* August Kahn, ctf tha News and Cou rier, la at tha Arlington. Mrs. AV. M. Rodinaoh want up to Covington. Oa. P this morning. !,. J. Colburn and W. W. Kfmhal , of Atlanta, are at the Planteri. Mia* Floraeca Barron, of Round Oak. Ga , I* visiting Mrs. B. T Millar. J. Rtrause and W. A. Kimberly, of Baltimore, are at tha Arlington. Jaa, M Barnard and T. V. Barnard, of Savannnh. are at tha Arlington. F. F Grim, a well known tobacco man cf Wluaton. la at the Arlington. Surgeon Harry Brooks, of tha Sec ond Gaorrfa regiment, la In tha ally. T. E. Barksdale and W. W. Abbott, of Danville. Vo., are at th* Arlington. '’l** Emmie Winter ha* returned to Walter, Ga., after a brief visit to Mrs. Davis Thotna*. The following New Yorkrs are i.t !he Arlington E. B. MeCowan. S. R R-!n. W E. Dewey, A. B. Snow, T.ouls Domhalm. R. M. J. F. Hampton E. .1. Farrell and wife and K C. Leughlln. Popular price*—lS to Rfl rents—vaude ville end scenes from "The Other i Man'* Wife." I Plnconnlng. Mich.. Nov. 24. Cha*. Chapman, aged 18. of Mt. -ris. Mich., was Instantly killed yesterday morning, while hn was standing on s stump when slipped and exploded, the entire chtirge lodgtng in hts head. THB AYTOTTBTA K^lTlA.X.r) TECH TEAM VS. CLIUiON EOT:. a—bM amp ts r-pff M fu i fhfk P Mi' v**o t—a M—i MM ***** 4WM (jMMMI %«MHi 9«4fet * SHI WMI Vbo iH* Mp MUfii #*• 1 JH MM* •# iVjHitogaMl fft A** 4 pw* # f%# T PY'% ■ in : Mto <e—gto toe* twwto «w* wgtoae*** t »he FA—a I T*iw wth* awg—l gt «b* ! MM* <•** Dmf 4, M tofnea* : a—aw bw* • Fee* hagwa ME* |pbwf W ts Ewe*— es Mbs TwMbWMg t—at—. A • toms F, N. ] Mfwr'Wt «a«e»: gtoffHt t tP r**w»«eA it- C f**#t IF tt Owe* • t» Fbtoe. gw* I* MM «M to—** M Tew w. , M H—ai.. Ms I Phwh— * t*. fhbab to 0- llwm to M towwtit I 0i * wwweh tb» —rbfb* th* www. **** to Mto hwU path ot* * IF** hwwm' g»ba««a* • AH gs th* h— • apaaik* to— tag'Mto *f to— That *»•** **• »*,i mw oewMNw wwrh totghty to** | *• ai* M *Hw th** **• *w*wy Thw awtwea as the to— a>* «*w**w aa* whb* *M «wwy as the Btoto am wawrtag tha wa—a *>*»> . Atowag th— toba ra— 4*w* I* tba wa— am tba Pftw—Mi A«g—a Vera who MOMO* th# Twrhaw tegtobl t—it— Hewry Btotot Mr | Feme Jaw Ua«* aw* Hear» larbaa j Mr to*—! i—. of th * *fty •** wwa * eta# F*a— » «h* Fa «f «f Genet** ***** a few y— a#* •'* Wf* aa —f l ** M Hto ga— thla aft ******** tor H n Whit— arho wa* a fWWto# toabawi at tha Twtb. aW a« aa a#o* at lb* ga— Tha grMtnaa battle bag— at * • fMlt Tnatgbt tha Tech bar* toll —■**# j —f* ta th* ha— at tha Draw*. <*b— [th* wilt an a— "My t**fto f—a , ! Hew To#* " The— eo*ieg* tea* arttaa* hem at won* ow th# Chwrtetooa aaA VAeetero Carol*** trala Th# t#*» , wa# #cootopa*M4 by abowt »sty tow boat* wf th# abovw aoltoge Th# Ctoto *rw ewtora am pwrpl# aatl wmag*. Th# t#aw to boartoab at th# P aatem Th#y will ,**#* at T:P eeloak to night far ho— Th# Tech* will l**»# at It :M o'clock tonight Th# Itw# up of th# two t*wto# will be Teak# Clautoow Wn! ... ...e Mathew# Pelham . .. t . ..t. g Won# Towr .. ... .. ~1. g Haahey Holman r t. Walker Mfooloy . .. .. .it. Doughty Rrkakto# t. Chrf*th#cg narka . .. .. ..1. A.. .. .. ..flbealey Owe as .. .# b... ... .. ..Rtgg* Hart.. .. .. ..r. b b .. ~ .Kalgl##.. Crawford .. .. I b h... Oeatry Merritt f. ... . Fomytha j VAI'DEVILLE SPECIALTIES A* Eaccllent Program at Opem Houa# Tonight. * A special vaiidevltl* performance will be put on at the opera bouse to night. M» pool# from New York" , will be tb# t)RI. but the ehow will con- j slat mostly o| vaudeville. The Tech, football boy* will occupy the boia# at the opera houae i Popular pfVff* «111 prevail and "Me . [ rncle” will be funnier than ever to night. You want to be there This Is the Iwst night that the com pany play* here. Thankful. Thankful, welt. ye*, w# are thankful just aa thankful a* anyone; Though we've only hardtack and cef fee. W* are glad that Thanksgiving has come; I For Kelley ha* new* from hla slater— i The one who I* tall and dark; With the amtle that ta sweet and cheer ful. Reminiscent of Como Park. And he linger* so long o'er it* pages. So fragrant with Jessamine, And the qd* of love's sweet message That throughout its pages entwine. j- Afid Brant has one from his Lillian— J Mark the look on his henrded faCS; For the frown of the warrior ta hid den By the smile that the lovelines trara; For Brant has a girl who Is lively >o ; And fair as a fresh blown rose. And he's thankful that no other soldtaf. Has sought his suit to oppose. For distance may lend Its enchantment And certainty has conquered at last. But unless you make sure of yotn* sweetheart. You're liable to lose her at last. And eo the boys in camp arc all thank ful, Not because of plum-pudding and cake. Nor because of hardtack and coffee. j Nor the dlnnera their mothers make. But they're thankful for life and its blessings— That the fever siege now is past: That the wing of misfortune is broken And certainlv has conquered at last. They're thankful that out in their homeland A welcome is waiting fdr each. When back from warfare returning The home of their loved ones they reach. ASA P. BROOKS. Co. B. l&th Minnesota. The Templar et ths otty Will ueiAer the illustrious order us the ted crap on threa mih didst us on tomorrow, Friday night, at s o'clock. Th* member* are very atnajau f# b*ee ail flatting air knight* amvng the (toutjut at Owmp Taang attend, and extend to them a very invi tation to he present. J___. TOLBERTS WIN T TO I.EIUF.H S % T*#a km %9tt IktiH N VtliMil Nh Mil Ufh %•#**% Mga—MR I #* ®k#a II fH* ■ *#■*’*** a—a (M*«—h ha*# |*w#i##toF ala > aa»t h#*y# #4 Ft— ***##•*#■ east* ta ib— ••*#* ae# a#* »«#***# ia atogtoto ta aaaba gaav# attb *h#a* »c•gbr—r IF a—w—M ta»f atm #♦■■ tb*b la tb— battota hit at ths— aha •b— ta wa— Mb* T— toatttv • —a# ag ib— *ga# aa—a tba ttogb** saaat as Iwu# tots tow*b*A •*• r> unfTii wf R ft D— #> Dw—ag tab II M aa4 J Ms ft— **• Mtoto awtatie** H*w——a bad OMMb* tb* ailll beta, —a ; 'MMf a —*•*— «* ' yseetwaw v tot twtaw* a* —to* Cbtos* | ' M*a Maattiitog 'V*s tb# gaiseaßiaai y,u aasswad* tig tiei aa ptaaaa*— e*a waseaat — 1 —At#* ******* *b f *«— tb—i to tA# t—t atot be t •Ipg attoapb a# W it, • gsaa the * v*' * * .c # The# aMi wsw’ agree to* toa*# *#*!• jits# aWa* kg tha tefwaw hat attt bwwbl*, to— ba ga— Aigrf#** to *kto# a—#* ( ***** mp 4 atot—e t ft gg aaia tbat, th* i » #» »h* r— *4 • (tototo## eaato at Ma,*jgh- M C *w . firs iitac Mts* #**»••» ■%— ehantod wMh 4rfyiag Pat* to (Ma*a# Csw—rto* esaaee —tag fmm MDtggT—. H C Yh# arth« affl k# t.aa*4 th* gea—4 that aatMrtb*. aa ito—d Ita— nntotonr-r-t *r d—4*. to a t'attad btatea toF# at —4 w— a*4 to f**«s# j •4 #tt#*4t»* *• «h* dwttob da vwlvtog htoa a* a redeeal «• it te —Aenwaad that th* tadtot—• t* has* already h#to» draw* f r n'r gstesa tl to M eeetw-—**#*- « and eeeae* If— Th* **th#r Maa • ton#* ** - IPTHtsTlbo HIM* The mat trail <vl —a ta the world will He ah— a —a a*o» o** 0— U like* be* a— hat A a— teat ha# tnwt b— Jwt b#— fig ggai aad yet y—l* bay 'MI rar (—at toe* and irwr* o*’* •« •»'**■ btoa a naa doaaa t know raoack to mabe a llvtag. hto wif> « ar—ad saying that he to t— b—#*t t» read Ftrna T 0» 4**ll taato be rary —*- artul. since the sacrifice nf* god far m»a ha* got rendered them any bet tor Baimr Marr *«* bat It* uaknowa great men. a* war ha# It# Napoleon*, poetry tta Chenlart. aad phlloaophy Ita Dearaitea Why not secure tb# Marta Ter#** for th# Alger laveetigntton* It ha# a way of going to the bottom ot everything It strike* John Quincy Adam* A man * diary ta i record Id hi* .youth of hla aenll msi ft, Ib middle age of hi# aettoob in old «g# of hi* refactions ; c, Emerson The tegi of rlrllUgtlon ta no ,t th# canene. not th# all* of the rtt i*e gnr tb* shop*, but the hind ot men the country turn# out. Burnett, who succeeded Jaffray aa centre rush of Hsrvard lu the recent Pennsylvania game, ta the original or Little Lord Fauntieroy. When a man # parent* have kept themselves poor all their live# to give him a good atari, he generally call* himself a self-made man. When a girl has been told that she haa a sptrltnal face she tries to put on a dreamy, rapt expression that makes her look aa though the climate wa* bad. The Michigan woman who was nom inated for an office In Jest and elected demonstrates the traditional inability of woman to take a Joke In the spirit It is meant. Baron Munchausen had more actual existence that the fact# of bis tales. < ■He was born In Germany became a colonel of the Russian Hussars, and, fought bravely agklnst the Turks In 174. A crusade against American chewing gum has set In In London. The health authorities ’lssued a warrant against Us use. But what do tbo health authorities know about It. any how? The leading clergymen of Baltimore have been Interviewed with reepeci to [the propev length of a sermon. The prevailing opinion is that it should not extend over a half hour and deal with man’s relations to his Maker. Just : now in some cities there is quite a : prevalent tendency to make sermons deal with 6ur relations with the Phil ippine*. The Latest Novelties. in flue leather goods, sterling silver novelties, canes, souvenirs, etc., at the Augusts Novelty St|>r#, Hit Broad St. Signal Corps. A larg# numbar as she aigaal aw*s tarn glnad at ih& afliagtan katal dgy. They eujoyrfata royal apragd. T-t. M. Efm«. of is at the Ar lington. j _ . i _ ' i THfNKSCIVIKC 41 POLICE COURT Tit tmmmmM *t it» hit VtS •»*> RH 00 TlaHk Fa» a—d d Fa— TlWiift'K l ■ * I #*# m*m#rn*t** Hi ti* wmm *fs ivi 9**±*#*fpo fffkt liwff- »M# , » §oO§o soo4o§ A %*&*"- lit IP M—l tomm *9O 00t0*f —Pt FdM t -000 9&$00000$- 10000$ 90 99 9m fern 9mo 9009 m 99f0* omm %*9 9* 99k fOamtm >i# 'imOM ♦•***• 0001 -m* k*o* 0090 99 909* &0 %m9om ««§:• '*oo*o 990 *O"P 900" Tm ti m «*• «m iFt>>ii»«o W9*o 009 mm Pmrf Itiedhll <ts9 l 990 90000000 99900 9 900 90000000 mp m 999* 099* f l * mm 9*o*oo* m *9O <M 000* 9*'• 9m fMMM 9m *9* *99 1 9990000 0m 9 99 m+09909 99*00 900 1*009*9 00009 990 H t9*o* ■ mm * 90m$% smM 0*404 01 0000*9. 9m 90 0000 9*990 90* fm*o 0 o*oo 000000* » tIMK . »* o*m99 00**109 m 9000 * 9000- 00090* ■ j **o 0000*0 m**m i M§o9 m *9O T9o?9oo****§ 09*0900. •#•1 «%• t *oo m mm 900 i"itl 9 m j —was as**—# ta 0— —«t— of*t . beta «s— *#r a# ga—a ! TV. ear# daMto f to* >**• * “Xe# w p ti a ▼#***##*•'hi. *#* o**» dta «*— «a*d b—# I Tka#* « the tad—, aad de— *#■ 00 The *■***— «# tb* aay aad a#ew| eareve# eat at ceatk H# tube# r aes# , as## ba be mag *•*#—# a*—'# tort a »*• watowta •—. The >»g— • •#« • taa** - , DM —tar grteaa-tt a* to «#aaa-#*ade vgp* a— area#* f—a "Th* Otb## Me*'* Tr*lW" Th* Ray# a# Vau -a— Ft##* *Md A eg#*** # p.**a—t «MA j n# a mb aat •» a wav. .The gattaat bwr* •* bt— taatga* 1 | a • mateing tttoaar# toy. 1 Frftna Feaaeytvaat* * h—Mbt b*ll# Aad tb* pi*)** *# Ohto Thence earn# a part es them that Alt* Th* rawar a* Meat* daa* ft— deer Mlcbigaii# Nat w*a— A— btoterl' Mary'a-taad. He# earn* the brave ta n— tc aannd T# Jftta ib# *beerfal * Then “Ml—er'' baqr* at* bar* F*a haa l *. Fir— fttT ber praalrt* la— . All «*f them t* be mrnUesH tlftW— Tb* Rower of Toting * cowimaait. w* ram* t her* la all our grids Wlta angry word# of hate. Hot «llllna to year winning way# *Md# , |f left bat to nor fat*. Re Invtag. e«» troe and ao hind B’e Unit you *> yon roam; A Waving reminder of them left ne.-.-nd j In our good old Northern home. To turn our eormwfu! day* to Joy Tour preaent w# but need. O, from our gloomy way# decoy I Your words of love to herd! 'o. In this beautiful sunny clime. Would that w# might stay' But not far distant must b# the time When w* shall march away. IWe sigh and dream as that time to com*. Walling F>r that morrow. To he carried away to Cuba's aun Against our grief and sorrow. Then we'll *«y goodbye to thl* sunny rllme. And sail for a land of fever: Thl* country, the grandest, of your* and mine. And sorry to leave her. —A. N WILEMAN. Co. I, 10th O. V., I. For Croup us* CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. rusT ial Verdict Rendered In Case of Ed. «mlth va. Augusta R’y & Electric Co. After being out stnee Tuesday a?ter non till 10 o olock this morning, the Jury In the ca«e of Euward vs. the Augusta Railway and Electric company failed to agree and Judge Calloway pronounced a verdict of mis trial. Popular price*—lS to 50 cents— yaude [ vjtte and seenea from "The Other Man's Wife." SOLONS CELLBRATE Th* House Het and Ad)ourned Until Tomorrow. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, •Ga.. Nov. 24.—'Th* hour* met and adjourned thl* morning at Ik o’elftrk until IP a. m. tomorrow. Basket Ball. The young men ?f the city are very enthusiastic over the game of basket hall to be played at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at S:SP o'clock, between *he ' Browns and a team from the Fi at Maryland. Both teams are in good shape, and the game will be full of snap from the beginning. The men composing the two teams are experienced players and both teams are confident of victory. The Marylandets will ha\> a targe number of the soldier hoys on head to oAeer ahem on t« viatery. and the young men of the aity and th*ir lady driends will be on band to give the hams beyi a thaw. A small admission fee wl» he charged to defray expanses *f th* gAtae ItogMtia: geicae—di te »k ceaato— Jgttd*- \#lie and scenes from "The Other Mail's T ife." . \ A Word About Price. 'ft* to—to - “nr rnirt'r #o 00 IMF* ■ <—M mmofWm m IM O*ot h| 0 gpMiM —A# oto a»«MMT #4towMtoh tkd H—tot ba— * toi mw9 0H09&09 0900 m 0M 900 t9OKS sopooodto lm 90090 &00* 9009 0940060 ’ '4OO 9*909 9*090000) 9000 990 90 IW* 9m ini • 9*ooo* 990009090 990 Mto* toad Ibatoadi «•» «to— to *MM 9m •* M*. *o*o*r #HO d htodtot to— g*# ~ _ 10m* bwdb if I iiMnn *0 • kMi to d dab—t Tbit a— •to— e toto a—t—* « togs* to# d fetoi pHM •• 0 —b**to—to—t* to to —ot The bdto b— * had *j— —dd be •#■< btod —L mt «M **—*#» «#toto to* Mto *ms Vin(*r^ M-to. tot *k a Ktoto • MACON .1 HAS 7,000 SOLDIERS i IRJ \|ON l« Hdbdf ll lVt4 Heran tt !t|(ili(o Ah Mte >i|tn*lt Af* to Th#— MM— -0 tlMf C 9Qoft f l lull M*r#b Ob. Hwv :« AH th* *al dtor* *re ber* to# • etl feglßMtt* v—d wit hi* thre# ot the wwf Immmwp MTlth th* oto—r* ot th# staffs as the .genera:* r—Bto*— lag • «—FA th# Idivtto— **4 th# brtff—#. that# oro la— aeve* th—a— b#— a— the rtty to give* up to Ibe —lHary The Revest* regt»**t ra— I* j#et#rd*y. **d to ***H w#*t as the Tenth • th# With \Trgi***. The North Carolt— rrgin»e*t baa arrived •*4 have their ca**g *•< wee* th# T#*th • tb# deveoih All of th# —- gro reg roetn* are **** to to-rop erly known ti th# Huff place, aa all of ***** art art *« lk« Huff toad, hut a* K w»» *t first located *e«r tbto property ih* sit# will pvtably b* known aa th# Huff pi**# for sot— tu— to ro«g# Rut th# two camp# h*v* h—o natomt Th# alt* for th* four negro regiment* will he known as ramp Haskell to Manor at U. Cot Haskell at tb* •ev en teem* infantry, who wa# killed at tb# battle as El Taney The tuber r*mp, whore th# Third engineer* aad the fferoad Ohio regiments are la ramp, will be known aa Camp For nanr*. la honor of Capt. Foma nee of tb# Thirteenth infantry, who fell ta the chart* at San Juan Height#• go far aa location gn*a. Camp Haabell to looked upon aa th* beet alt*, simply because tba aoll there to more porous and <Fl#a off more puiekly than that *i Camp Fnrnanc* But there will be no difference bet wen Ih* two when the ground* at. Camp Fortune# have had time to pack and gat harder. The fhtch that the c**rp to located on a field lately cultivated makes thla har dening process naturally slow, hut In another week thar# wilt be aa good drll ground and a« perfect atreta In one camp *• the other What ta to be done with the Slxih Virginia regiment 'ta still a ptixile. The regiment re : tnalnt under arreat and General Wll eon aay a that he propose# that they shall «o remain until they know bow to behave themselves. The men of the regiment are being severely discip lined and worked, and aa they have neither gun# nor aide arma they are harmleaa to a degree None of them are allowed outside th* line* and the same strict guard la being kept over the regiment. The sentries are only ten yards apart all around their camp and it is In*possible for any of them to : get outside the line* without attracting the attention of asentry whose in structions are to shoot any man who may attempt to make the run. NEW HILL. WViVk Begun on a Cotton mil In Columbia. Columbia. S. d.. Work has bewi oe guu on another big cotio* mill In this city. The Palmetto Cotton Mill yes terday secured a charter with the cap ital stock of 1150.000. Allen Jones is prefildent end treasurer. W. P. Roof, secretary, and with Ira R. Hayes, con stitute the board of directors - New Shoes For Soldiers. Boston. Mass.. Nov. 24.—C01. Hyde, quartermaster of the Boston depot of supplies is now taking a ten days' leave of absence, which be will sppnd at Fort Monroe. During the next ten days. Major Wilson, chief commissary offc?r at the Boston depot, who was captain iu the Twenty-fifth regular in fantry before the war with Spain, will act for Colette! Hyde. On Saturday a contract fr;' twenty-five thousand pairs of army shoes -vas awarded to Mon roe, Packard & Linscott, Auburn. Me., whose bids were lower than those of the firms in the Massachusetts shoe towns. The ehoes will cost the gov ernment $2.0734 » pair. It ta expert led that Cel. Kimball's decision in re gard to to* Dinars of ttwnaporting th* Second regular artillery from It* sw -1 Uons in New Eafftond to Savannah, Ga.. will be kaswn by tomorrow. MaJ. Sununertsoga*. who is ex*e*ted in town Mto; wa— to buy bgktor# far toe gov etttmrvit. has net yet put is sn appear (KH« at Coi. Hyde's office. NEGRO ' DEFIED A TRAIN £lo*4 at t|r Tfifk it Mikt > FttiatTf They Laretod Haw I* (ataatonato Fad M— I —a# Iha Or—d Mag— O* Mat H A negro oat dta* wa# ran tnarg a— tun— —fatly Tv today at ti—ale. Haa# tottaa Bow M#m— It mat t—t t— trala hear ing a *#•»• regia—t *f infantry frog* Itotlagt— Ky, «• QNmMmm, « oagrth#ra ra— had atoto tract— at Uadaie, an a# to allow th* r—alar paagwagar trait trim At aata t— right of why th# —la ll B**aval of tb* sold toe* baiter— ggrh other to stand to front ot Hto approaching trait t— wake It* engineer atop —• Bw* reaching the topat All of i— soldier* tort —* wtikdrw* frog* their perilous Mtoatloa when they saw t— passenger train would not stop Th# ran** dashed Into th# tegro voiuatgp anidter. throwing him some distance from ! track a wangled corpaa T— enginer blew bto whtatl# and over*— the engt— hot ant to Ha— to wv# th* fnoHek r—ttrer It to cltit—d t—t th* —gm am# drinking The dead •oldie* « —trtd tot he obtained. Tb# body wa# carried to Colnw tots Baldwin'a l.oee. —a Franctaco. Nov 4. A care'ul mil mat# of the lots# amtalned by the Baldwin hot#! fire place* the foul lo st $150*1.000 no which, at the ou?*Me, there wa* nor sanre than $l5O 000 !«- stratea An lonoratice of SSOOOO era* carrlct on the hot#!, which waa a rldicutoualy strait amount. Th# reason lay In tb» high rate charted and the fact that the underwriter* did not care to carry a large Fine of such buildings, built of wood and brick, with no t»rl*k *O4- elding wall and with but one outald# wall of brlek. anTrctic expedition. Perhaps th# South Pol# Wi B# Dis covered. Lonrltc, Nor. 24.—An eappeal ba* beer issued by the Royal Geographical Society for fund* to fit out an antartlc expedition. Mr. Alfred Harmaworth. proprietor of th# Dally Mall and the Evening N#w». has offered $25,000. Snow Storms In England Ixmdon, Nov. 2s. Severe snow 'Storms, the first of the season, pre vailed over the midlands and North Britain, and heavy gales are sweeping the coasts. Trains and mall boata ars delayed. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION FINK LANGLEY BRBAM AND trout, base, whiting, game and oys ters. People's Fish Co., 413 Campbell !atreet. , lost-will the tot?ng man who picked up $lO bill In stamp caee this morning return same to Herald and be rewarded nov 24 WANTED —A POSITION AS HOUSE | GIRL, nurse or cook. A swift house !girl. Can hrlng good reference. Apply ; :r>os Twiggs street. nov 25 DRESSED POULTRY. OYSTERS.ALL i kind of fish, country butter, game etc. : People's Fish Co., 413 Campbell St. j Belli Phone 206. WANTED - SOLICITOR WHO CAN j approach merchants and business men; goed Inducement? offered. Call Baltimore Trade Exchange. 501 Dyer Buildirg. nov - 3 ~ 4 REMEMBER 801 l Taylor’s Lecinre FRIDAY NIGHT. The Society Event of the Week. Secure Your SEATS at once.