The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Oal» IMkm » Tailing Club *"aa ## a aNMawiat# *#ft§ *m tua 9%«t *••*.* " * " * * t:** <Knw<jr'*»* pp§V m&m*: fc* #*—• ** jn a n aNMb a■ * - -.1 ««*<a»*T V •* apw# #.*, ii iimmiin"itatryiii' an si** #•# »!*• a w *» —* ail •** tin ■»— lapn i>i ***** ilk# mm a «nm«>' its** tiprv —a# i— *• iwii flam #———l*l ta** naH an Ha Hw te**aia* «fc. taata •** *— ••*• •*>*■ , k»ta*' ll *W4 * *•*•* I' l aM m mo\ m ffefa«n mfrUi v%* aiaaa 4 —*• —4 !%» # iMMk# 1 * »• *H a# *ta* -am t— —*» M t 4N »<#—*nH —a. *l* * MM WMX «m B-ta tw ta* mMM'M*' MM ftasiti Ml tta* MM 4* **' wa HM* HfMtMt MM »*** pwrt tta MM'* mm* YBu* tmVWMW 4taf M “UN* I —*•» th® <4M* MM #1 M»MM» - 4t MM* <Mi M «M •*■*♦ MM mM (M* ft »M» • M* 4b* <MM MH* * **• MM’KI Mb mmbMBM MM »•*»'—■ ypi* »*«4 *M MM •* MM, B* Mm* *' MB IM «MMIMI *M» MM **MB4 #•»*• Ml* *!• 4*4 l» MWI MW M l*M» bmum bm4 *#**, Mb fas— *4 * <•*•*■ I****, _ two*#* ABB #b4 14e*v J44* IB* f“MB * V*«w MIH* •**• IBM* **MBB*I* *— ! 8884 B# BBBBt, Bftßß **tay gwtay Pttß Hl* U*t a a***' , Bmbb »mu» BMirM* *B4 B*f aill-T **•»** ,J»«w* PMM'IBM* M***ri »*r»B*» mi® i BiMib *a4 bmb «b a IBlti’B* *Mf*ai *4 |M* MB*- Th® t"tg4B4si ******* ***** Bfi*B Ir* mtM i, *f* *• tta* fmt.Bt •—f kr-taa ipat H—w aaf» —* ?♦- It - ina * inatavaV' la . t**< aa-at *—SMMfcftii ! aful a til bna*n Ml) jb|»j **•< la a sfl—w «* «av m fa ~tnfcttr> a# «m— saMM—t . HlffM. 4iab Ha*» nNOI ———Kl iwava %ft*4, §'t*y #?** awl villa j-*** •*'4 at* jpm «i«| bain fwtatal f Mk* #4-- fn a *4 bf- fnn«4 *>f aliit# fans, ateti* liwit i*ai (<««• «at tavanaMjr fMM Ml iff i&» aa# anna raum an ***fc 4am* aa4 tavlimn MnHI la aim» (a I«n4*t aanf iM -4 ilm iiM a liana #ff*in»n|i« 1 a*4 »Bb wMm* *** *■*«•» altß*lM4 »®j Mr* *bb* ■!*’»: * Bit* <B* a**rtlt a** *4 B*4 !•*! M »»rC‘« *BM In H» *ar*»a« MaaMal |b*4**bm4 B* tß<* *aa»* •ft tart® fß>tß la4t®* Bb4 Mo* If ittnM tta® : außKHrit <»f ** rnr* »b 4 **** 4b»t®b<- j ta# l*(o tta® a®ar v*ll*f <4 94, b*t tta Hr **r® 4*4 ■■ nr Imi) Ann *a» k®*>« aa4 alrrt, t* t»* *wi Marta aa «o-4Bt* n *n atm* *f*r p .•. M«t*tß« tta* i** l*BMf» at- ; I Mur tr bar B*<lm* ®ft**> «bmm4 an • Mrm l n« p*n*nto* «4 anrißini t-B4 tavr Mat* immr *•* r®Bita»M*'*«t »n natata, and a bm tattrac «»rkrr but sum®dm®* a rM*at ®u*< ®» t Mt« of •****• Hurina tta® *auff-takin« |irM«tt * >utH !«*-« l|>tr*t* tatttnc-oßut tl® *«4 alt <H«ar a, r«aa tta* moat, at *at* If l» !»«■» AKMMStW* i'uwMn WtßK>4 K|»Mt) tte# ’ tVuinir ortott* lb# »m#ll Mark , •tintlt# vm> iwtftty ftn anl (Ml of ih vtitta )ln» yi t hrrtiil aa *f» * ai*#**rt«#d Dmiy Ana i taw*, tb# r#*f of lb#i*i ’ oni't In • white l haiArding • t#iOAfk or. •**m# small informal km of ihHr own. Th# fkw»r of ih>* old sit tin* room bad I *#n '* aihod and M* | lab •<! to a romarkibte d#itr##. in honor of tht sxgMtfted lurati: tb# hflhted rac rtift war* wit bout i •«f dual, 1 •vary piinkd w(mnS#h rhtir ihoib lib# j fbooy from th# gi(i|hwm apron duftmc Karofdilna's hands hid iivn» th»*w I whll# b#r own nown of frrohly Iron#4 j brown nllm, ©v#rt«'t>§a*d by an Imma#* I ulai# whlu apron, proved her the v#ry I pink of nea 1 boua#b»*t*rorw. , Btisb little MlttU* May. whom Omiatn j Strephlna always hired to help on club j or anniversary days, coxld bo heard j •tejpln* around th** * neat-aa-wax’* kltrhsa, Intent on preparing a savory I tea. The tea table was set In readmes# to one side of the sitting room, whirl j also served ss s dining room; the steel knives and forks were scout»d #o I brightly. that their fairly put the few .liver articles to shame— the*? few, ronalatlng of »#v»B very ancient and | worn tea-apnons. and an antiquated silver tea-pot with * much top-evident dent In one aid*. There *at, also, upon th* snowy table cloth, a blue'and white hew l, containing a great cluster of gol den and velvety purple pansies. which t cm*how covered Oja the eoaraeneaa of h- cloth and napkins, lending an air I f festivity to the hoard. Druxy Ann was the only non-tattln* member of the cluh. Her fingers would pet »e entangled in tha thread—and then she never affrted anything but tillk patchwork, lly degrees this same <iutlt had acquired the name of "Druxy I Ann's visiting quilt." and wag aa much J a part of her calling outfit, aa her In-1 writable black allk work-bag hanging by her side, watching the texture and hue of her apon: the** last two articles Mary Jane wore alao in counterpart, riruxy Ann rattled away vigorously, alternating h-r discourse with sundry stitches on the gay patchwork, which, for ten years, had slowly gained In structure, only through the few stitches Druxy might take during her rounds of visiting. "You balnt heern about Ellen Eliza Simpkins hev ye?" she queried earnest ly. "About how her an old man Jeffries fussed last week? No? la sux! I don't apose It wux an hour old fore I heern on it. This Is how t'was: You know the ol' man is so mortal stingy—l (le ctor to gracious! I believe he'd eat the tater parins In order to save em, es he could stummlck cm. Well, he flew up at Ellen EHza Ter usin’ a litter butter on some I mashed parsnips she was eatin, and she rebelled at last. You know' how hard that air crittah works, well that worm turned, trod on too much you know'; It tlz right up an • assed him good! Lark! wouldn’t I hev give a button or two, jest to have beeid ), er < Then, I.ord-a Massy! what do you suppose he up an did? Everybody seemed highly interested, and looked the question— What?, Why! He jest up an slapped her face!"—this, In a ; falsetto, that fairly cleft the time worn j celling. . The club raised its hands In horror. and stated steadily at the narrator! for f\ thii startling d-tails. Pain killerJ 4 a»tawa*i» MH at ***aM —MI *4a *4* <4 Mr*• tautta B»« tntat* »a 4 a»BnMi| * |W*4t ta*>* ii riitHWa 4 B®» MM fBMB> ti*M *® * 'arttaW *■' l ai a *******. B*«®* I *■**•*»**»* ***** -®a»>* ■•*•*«* #***••• • 4 Bn* twaa* tB MM BB*M *m4 Bb* |**®*a*^®a -VB MB* M4a* MM ** '*M BM* ta* IB 144 - waat 4*»* Mbm B*» *B* 4 4a* I **ni tBB ta* 4*w*Mbb ttata®* '*4 aa®' I ? 4|Hff| «ftw * It' | Pta'flWfK f Ibmm* 4 «n 4k i ilmbh jn %•** i>mi * » ', aaaa* bib* MB MB 14** f «*a **'4 Maav Ba, tß*®• a *®t* ’ ta»M*n * 1 *'* ' Slat* 4atat tat* tart******** ***** **>■ 4Bmb tßata* ®a* aa *•* bn t®» b® bm •a B***t* a Mit aa* t aa t • m®* **aa*iß *t*4 i*mh®4 aa*** *t* aat M *nbm4 9*®a Mb *n faa If Mfßßat * tIaKBB BaM 9ta4 *Mb »itißMi. 4*aaßMt *4 taMty a****. , M*tt* MB* mb ttaa* Mb® BBi M*ta BM ' at®* *B* r «BB ■* * ***** aat tlaa tß4a®M bjb * aa *f *a®» b *4 Maa* a**t mb *• " Baa Mb *Maai fan I b«**b BB»**tM*»'l IttMa aa •B* «B**a»tlf MM ta** **>r ir*a«M Ml • rIHMr *Bt*a taf ta** *44* Pr®4 K*i**>l f B®4 4*M IB* Mm* * «*4n*B HIM fttalft ' m »iM mb. Bat ita®y taaat t Ma*ta aa »*iBBI j IBM Man® a* tta** vaat. B®>» cbm bb4 : an aat. It 4®a i aat •*• Baa ®*a »«*a faa aaaa ta® Baa laifcta a mat i**u.»# *®4 I B**B» BB" IB* I*M Mrfl B B*tß fill t» k ~,, fßua*r i a B*«®*t ' r«Mta Mala** t*M ibmi f®*, *® I •%» ha®, ItaMaftai t n ta-a# tafhlß' B*ta4 1 1*1*4 4tan*m » t*ty aaa4na, 4®*®a44B®. I fmm ham* Abb Malta tJM, B®* that <*•- *4 la* ha 4«ha Mat®* a «t44®» * 4'*4l * ata® *4 tta* MU nf tta® *rta*A® * HlM*® i 4ta» aat®® i®f 4r «a® anß®* lita®. bb * ata 'a m*Hi*M> Bmß, ®b *Ht® <4 B®* iMa rxMtatMV Bart aov tta® • bm i 4 mtaia mM bußtn r>.aa4 HB» 4 (®» IM. i®>t<4 a* ta MH* BM • an H» < i>.n® aM fM-4® r<« a n®niit» Mb h- • [ t®* Bai® »a all® <*IM ®M. »a' a#4 tin’ nMM aa an*, ata "a taa» BaatnaA- **■«» maaS ta»'a ta*r laaataM, a*»a tainita-- >*•*l* a. m® Baatara' IB® 4MB«a. aa' n»M»4tat* tta® MB*.'* •’Aa' *B® a-Baltla* <m a»< B atrn,” ; ant* In Mart faa*. at ißt* tmm- I»t ! 'A 'art! trat la IB®r Balt, aa’ a rat laiaa atattalf*. till IrMII* »at®® la it, tm III® 4t«tn iwmb lata®, a®tta r**t i® ttr-tasaa lar® rartln® at itan part >r wtn<l*r. aa’ B»M M'tlßg ata»- tn> an 1 Mt B®ta®tf a *hitr oa air f®r B®r ii®«ir*nMt. aa’ a Turk®*'* tatat Wrß -ktrara- Banr® I *»*>r n®®4 la all ajf Mf®. -|tp®«kta Bout tarta*r» tnt®r»aM®4 I iiuit *1 aaat ita®r a lint® < l*B t*r ar- | tana® roflttat' t®r oar Boa*® f®r Thanks- ; ilt*i iHnn-t .' - “W* will. Iluinli foa”* *lKoit®l tta® ,-tub mrmtmn pr**«a*». lat« ita® 4®f*tß® of «B® ®af ItuMtwt. -Y,-« know Mi** I'nklna. ®mi-l#Hn®4 i tump Mr* l**n*. MrttliMl a*a* a* If ter Hf® 4®t*mM on It I “Tea," < boru—ta ita® rluh. • Wall, *h* II allua b® an «l.| autata 1 niia- lart chan®® ®»®raall) B—>*- f—r !ak*'a «u®n mini Hank® Ik® minlnß " "D* i#li!" murmurwta Ik® au<ll«n< * • You know b® ha® k**n cwtrtin' b*r barta <m t®r ®i«ht ywsrw «-N4n® lhi# fall: an b® n*h«l h®r far Ik® fu*i Um® Ik* other nlßkl la Irt him hW* b®r. anta *®a ah® tallai Hanks, I k»w no uuin <m alrth la b* famlllartly wrtih m»" Tb-n h® Rot mart, and they up an’ biota* right In Iwo th®r and fhan. and ha In l kin nigh rack »lh®r a®nc®.“ • latwaa-Mamay!’ Brttanr.l Maty Jane —"and It wu» k*r lakt rhan®®!" P-nelop* tabiut »dgh®ta Buillly. but a gleam of hop® lurked In her lm*4ii, for ah* ha*, admired Silas for yearn. "PoaalUy," said I’enrlop®, "you h. v all h®em haw Phortw Kmma Ehttag® b»*» her ii •au." Th*y all leaned eagerly In Penelope * direction. "Well, tbla la how 'twaa: Phoelie Em ma, you know, hea a ravin’ maniac fer bright colors, alius drears aa loud as 4 circus luind wagon." Per Heaving » sake, ymt don’t mean ler tell me that she haa gone crasv.” exclaimed Druxy Ann "Why wuan’t I told s,«mer, but it Jest like you Penelope t>:mg, allua hidln a good piece of newaf” chimed In another member. "J didn’t say any sirh thing," shout ed Penelope. ••gha said Phoebe had a maniac fer red an' yellow an' blue." screamed Cousin H rephlne Into the trumpet. • Why don't she talk United States then?" grumbled Druxy. Just her*, Mary Jan* gave five vi cious sneezes, which projected h*r shut tle. fhrcad and ail. ' a* If from a cata pult" clean across the room. Serephine hastened to pick it up, and peace «ti a train reatored. ''Weil,” resumed Penelope, "Phoebe Km mu insisted pon haven a hrltrht led silk for a weddin 1 gown an' her beau hates and despise* It. You see he wui gored by a bull once, weth a red shirt on an' when he wus a lltt’e boy, an’ ever since then a bull or the color of red has e'enpnost sent him inter a conniption fit." 'Who ever heam tell of a bull weth a red shirt on?" snorted Druzy Ann, indignantly. "T didn't mean the hull.l meant Phoe be Emma," corrected Penelope, In con fusion. "She meant to say that the little boy wore the shirt," explained Airs. TjOitff. And onee more harmony reigned. "Phoebe Kmma had it all tiimrned with ribbon and lace," continued tbs speaker. “What? the shirt?” queried Druzy. "No! no! Phoebe's weddin’ gown, an' oneword ran Jnto another weth her an* her beau, and they jest split their en gagement clean across there and then. It v as sutfiniy heart-rendin’, for her mother had Just put a new croquet car pet on the parlor floor, shinnilly porters whar ther doors should be an' new tay pastrys at all ther winders. It wuz sut tiniy distractin’.’* ’•Tar.tin’' ’bout pastry,’’ irtarrupted Druzy, "thet young thing out in the kitchen kin beat bail us old bouse keep ers makin it, too bad her mother is so flighty.” Here the club looked askance fit Cou sin .Serephine, who blushed, and said TKtHJ AUOUBTA HEHAI.n W**4*«*m #*> Ilirfi; |pn mm* I # tta* fn« t <Mf h—■* I fM-’'# H-'* i -Hki# Hiwt nNn# n* i«»-—n## * mi I Inm nMp ijßpnipn * ■ mtffiiK#- Ml ft* s *** fniicMMi. ; » I ‘—ffljfinrr- ill # • « : r f.| pinpKiiP -4#^# (pt*> Mb*—lnvlw Hi; | : n4Pit», w - taf ftnif 'ffi "fr’i ■*♦*«# | k mm • tfpbm mnib nf Ho— —mi 1 '•«! wn *— ##n- i——n nil —if *—n i *n——n i— ♦m | I «•« *«♦* —a* ts a Dsn TTif W— | f ■ jfiii'T *mi 'in- #—# «# i— pin—n ’ I «4t A#«tfi' •—| pis -fl —M«K —| ’ ' pmrnm «»taN»<t i#mn —n—n. **4 —• | nn- *-«— i— ts—n *— i «m»» i —m | "I—% # n »—>n * * ■fiMf—l tjnpt ' in—- ' lb— jim rs-ii tif xiwi mi mii nni | cm**: tm—- 1 m— • !—mf tniii—n if— —A t— ——t ? * n—l ——Hi ' Jm* ♦« fff—f f , i"i—r ——t— «m #—b m ' I #«i m > i«n n M-pfM t'—inf I banm*> |— *4 Minii *> ft— « - *4* * ttMMiM in— tm* *———nim®** '"IM •§* —#4 l#—n nun n #**■— —ml m Ma—tit t— •—« «—i | | *«— ii— i.— ■mm —m** jb— —t. M‘ • * —m' ——n mm# } t a— • t* m—n nii ha t— i— f—Ni *» am**' ««ta a 4*>*A»4 *taik»*t •* ifc* j,ta*a N*t *t***a®4 a*a* ®a*w »•*• awn* aa bm* a® Bn4Hi®4 a a<’»»®«a®B»v B»* «4MM Bad B*44m> Ita* taMBMt IMMa ! *®4 Mkt> *4 ltaa*li4N • *•« t*a»» *• B* Httty u tk®* l * r>arw faaawtt* ai* a*a iwfMtta# ta* ta®* MB* aa ''lta®t y*o*a4, <b>w« tta** 844 Wl’Mlt *»*• Mm* *ta «■ < * fSattiMita* Mtta* IM-Wta I •* ta** a4traa,®>4 «»-****** ***-»4 *t 4**’ar* aa*4 M*a lew—- * 1*» a* • • f tap® Bt ita* nata*ta®M 4**t at f®tri I »** *T a®Mk aat *• Ita® iMk® a*® »• m ®taa ,* *an I® ta® fast ! * tan 1 m paM the ttaa®*~ n*M Mart | .Jan* n Minin lat it. j Mat ttaNMta tat ■y»Bln® kaM«a®4 ta>, >H®aa tta* cart aat tarta anon tvantaap*. '%a mryaaa Bom Maßi « t tta® Ban* ta a*u. .* *t'-a |Vml ip* taMta ” romainnlnta OaM ta®r®|tatin®. B*att*. 4o ib® p«®t®w*. Mint an B®r tm anta rtaaptaa B>r tata Baatan. *»• tt*4 taf j % oat ty anta l*'My, tat a B4**i «•**! IM. iß® foßontna ItaMtwrsnrr Hnt«M. lira ~44 aata tatmta H®a®atß thta Moan. b®r |*M>r Mta r..nta lic,«fcan«l. 4o not B*®|« anta V«u'D |nta 4®Ht®taac* Bp anta hp. THr aehtaarta taarmar of •intalM I sparrvta tß® po®t®a® «B l«. a |n«t fr**4f. J aft®t tta® r®a<liito»t of t hi® • •ne.ltna a* J Itapß. anta at IWrptatnr a futth®, new tap, »h® tat< ' loot U»® f®t®M*®a *>f B®rj 1 y Int a thin® 11-r® «4 foolptap. i Tk® t k»»> narM aot®mnl* anta rarr ully. wfcll® tk® laureat* r*#ta— Tk® Mar* *®r® atowtna In tk® plonat.! I **t «nta *tak®<t wltfcln my iwm. I IwAtta up to tk® Marry *k> Ami *»i> h®.t tk > minim aali up on Hi alt I worn!®, -ta If nty lot® wa* 4®ad M’hor* upon ®artk lay kl* tarar bewta I loMird Hill upitn *B® (4). IVihai® my It®, up th®r® ta'.tit Ay— Juit krt® a d<ta®r«l veil®® draal®ta ilowly "Doth fc® aa I. oh m®, oh my! » le.oK for a pt" ® of that custard pi®#' Then < am® a butwt of laoytah laua# ter. a* a younp man vaulted Mb><Ov thrmißh tk® low window. / Arthur, you good f.o notkina boA" ®Ja.-ulat*d Aunt tbrophln® fondly. J ■ What a thla?" ®rl®»l tk • MwoHDa', Bally. ‘'rlalhrrlnß of th® elan ? Ua Oyhl? O, yea! It a tk® ylub. cla>l to nitart you.” , / Hrt® h® bownl roßUiahly to each al mlrlrt* far® / i "What'k uti? *v*rylwNly tlrnd? Mlba f*®n®loif'. thoUßht I hoard you readlmr : anoth' r n®w epitaph." Penrlop® wln. ed. Her net* lov® pn*m rlaaaeil with epllapha—awful! •Mu»t aa," laid Arthur, breeatly, ‘TH hav® to yyet you to writ® up « weddlna | poem, Mia* Penebm®,” "Weddlp* pwni!" t-x'Halined th. club. aimuUaneptisly. "Yes, ma'am, my wedding. Matilda and I are to Iw marlred next Sunday." 1 "Oh, Arthur." moaned hla aunt, fall ing back limply in her chair. "’Not that artful designing widow? Why, she's obi 'nuff ter l>e your mother." "So abe will be,” cried Arthur, cheer fully. Juat ax fair blue-eyed Mltlle came blushing and .milling Into the room, bringing a small jug of yellow cream for the t?a table. "Respected club," said the young bridegroom-elect, striding over to rnse ( becked M'ttle, and graaplng her dim pled hand firmly In his own," ynd can raise your teacups and drink te our happy marriage if you like, for here stands my aweet little bride to he.'" "Mittle May!" exclaimed Cousin Ser ephinc, giving a greut gasp of relief and joy. "Those blessed children,” murmur- 1 ed the romance-loving cluh. "She shall be one of Oalt Hollow's Tatting Club’s new members,” said Cousin Serephlne, as she kissed the two young faces warmly. "Why, I had nev er given a thought to her being al most eighteen!"—Bertie Emerson Tar ver. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wll let, who spare no pains to secure the beat of e'verylhlng In their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that is producing such a furor all over the country by Us many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec tions of th* Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10s. or a regular size for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cur* or price refunded. Weigh not so much what men assert as wbat they prove. Truth Is simple and naked, and necrls not Invention to apparel her t’oraclkxws, —Sir P. Sidney. CASTOR ll na Hiatal Yaa Ma*- **• • bat tm mbp |br »***»♦ 09 )»fh Na* i®»« IM* —•* M 44440 ItaM M**hß MM 4® 4M*®4 N»* 9 . yyff*.A awntai *ai*rtiiia> iMr* Wi iwMan. C4C4 r<n£ r«*. ta «4 i Altara •• «M® «a 4>»»Hta |M» Ml UMm am (YaMiiM4lß4ita lill4t**ta>» *a4 MalataMaMaa aaa MM p., IMal irtA* atth «a 4 »ai4a#®4 t*» *-*»•»• •* tafa—i* aa4 nrtHfwa* lUpitkAM agaiaata litjarMaaml* What is CASTORIA (la.iartai la • —WMiiai® far tmmtrn «*«. hnwiMlr, mm 4 r«i nt 11*114 BfMfa. If »* Ifanaf®*- aa4 VtmmmmU It y-atalna a®na®* Oytaaim, war atfcar »®r®wtat4 aataifawga. lia a«* la Hm rmaraafna. |* MraMafa wtariar •ad klkt* t—rwrtaiiay’M, It rar** llarrßir* »mm MM rata HVhetr* TntaMr*. tmtwm I na<«l»mllaa a*,ta PlßMlrar). ll a-IHtalrw Ur I bM, r*4Mlalaa IN aa4 HaMtrla. «l*la* *Malita» awl aafarwl «trr|ta Tta* rtlwrTa * fitaaraa-TM® llaf»Hr*a frM«a4. GENUINE CASTORIA yf ban the UfUifK •( The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Ovor 30 Years. (RoORS.SASHANoBuNnc Mill Work or EVERY DESCRIPTION. UW YELLOW PINE LUMBER r * - fAnerr*hD»*» wti iou'P«o iwth i*tist typawrminis and Pi OMAMIZAT'O* tHOOOUfett IN IVtft* Of PAR TMf NT. U Laif* FUUUNf IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSUREO - * PfIICfS.CATkIOOUIICTC UPON AmJCAfION. 444—, Perkins Manufactlirihs Co Augusta Ga MiaMmlMWtals Thai We Vai! to Get Oil of (to Vay. (4 ClevHands at sl2. $ 14. sls, $ 17. One of these is a Ladies. 1 Gendrorr. at $ 1 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Steam’s Special at $ 18. 4 Models 40 Coiumbias at s2l. $22. $23. $24. I Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $15.00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at $1 5 and S2O. I Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEY<HOOO£CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. j Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in, Chinaj Pottery! and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. HUGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Egg, Nut and steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephones-,, j FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees, Bell o—— 0 —— tfo ( CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 Jackson St READ HERALD’S WANT ADS SUNDAY’S HERALD "A Newspaper For Newspaper Wm' Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News (letter News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a triaL 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. * Augusta, Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get I The News UNLESS YOU EE AD SUNDAY’S HERALD. \' ~ J J K /V FRANkCIVCS. I/ \ / \ famous j/ \ / \ 9 C'uahipDJ ! \J \ Sbof/ 1 / y Poasible \ / \only to O \ 1 / \ hard Hitter.^, y \ Centre Ball\ (1 \ Very fino \ f. \ WightTwi»t\ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS ay JOHN A. THATCHCh Cushion Carmii Clniinplon of Ohlj’St •Ks, winner ~t m. I.oul" Handicap S 7, the lowreht loiirii.uiipot oa rsoora. *nd the only Who ever \hj* Schtipf' Slofßon, und Ire* In (he name tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENTS. 100 DIAGRAMS OF 3 r CUBHION SHOT*. SCHAEFER’S STRAIGHT RAIL NURBE. EVERY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURBINQ POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMEB AND international CONTESTS. LIBTOF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND tournament RECORDS. ETC. The mithor (rive* mnny vnhmble migßciitlonii to novices which Nerve to ri tulcrclcar the methods cm ployed by the world's experts. It will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth. 75 cents. Flexible Leather. SI.OO. IM4 page. Sl«, sxßKlncb«». Seat, aeaptlU, to tar addreia ua ’ resuijrt «f Aii£osta Eveiim Herald 7