The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 7

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u \ < %smsn\oh&x f|'.af% %6 m y%“ % M *t^Kf“ jm ' vs CMP | tr-rmr-ff mmm fw# i tai J T«~t tui *t» 'Mu ffthMl | PMI rppwi i j -ynr t pMf CMC IMMC 1 *VI 5 **• *r»--4 *■- ■ *•*<► ||mi • IM#* Ih# * *M* | ii>ti| <4 vMMMtm ■■■•!» «M» !*•» Cutv* **< * *4 #vt # 4 i * *n * tf-fMp. «»<. V£ VP * - Pi rAAkIUf »• • *W§ ►.* •’4 * *•* P * * K ’***'*' W "«* # *WHI *« i im v 1ni9»49 4 fyr ««riivi*i#9k4tfip ift# I **4 ||| tf - pi; t'-ght *• Hiy Ah ( rtf I <)«t* m>i*r** thmt «h- n#>« nptir# Nir XVI It t» d»*id«*4ly rmirf h> I In Uhnw rHffm tln* moi*. and to are lh*v |a In* iN<«r. With a PnicM nui ] Ita*. It wtH he dim* ult ta M* form th I tar ttrw fa«hl«m «rlll h» a »-*i*ui«r mn j I<%t the mot!* to Wuiiun * |A*t of liNiait U IM* th* flpurr of thr \V««» dr Ml la. | and an 1*» ln« ti »i!»t » . be**.. ,pr« !.n, Oh> >,>***' wZ* M | hoshsnrt al tbelr lodge In the Ovuium 1 THe LATSST FAPS IN WRITING POSKS. The one distinctly lilerary <l* rk has become a part of the of uou, sillily, .li-nvlng room, sluing rooro or bedroom—ln fact, no modern bouse Is now quite comfortably complete without something of the sort, a cot) corner for the afternoon devoted to the correspondence of the head of the house. In these days, even with th* most restricted Stoclal connections, the matter of attending to all the noses, letters and invitations of one sort or other Is a matter of time, to thut th dusk has become a nee ‘>ity. There uiv lons accounts to lei cast up, settina rorth expenses which every h-us ktep er likes to keep in order to h.'.v ..n adequate Id* aol the way he f nd r being spent. "Ihe numerous Mir arid receipts* ;.re likely to be misri d u- I r placed in seme part p c fc • afe keeping. Tlie modern dork, -r fir - tali ", is i. ori os * different l «* the cumbe.. me. sir, #re n *..o*h covered article of [uihilit.v vi’hxii it was In the past. Ihe ni w desks comb nc s Vera u » s. Pome of them are pait cut .. md nd part bookcase. The smaller ones ere dainty and ftrtini In ell■ * I ant. re ornamental even .n th rotti t *v lng rooms. Ntth ng a p “rr or i. ore approp. .ate v.''.. I'' ' t for wife, sister or mothei 'ha* ! » these da my desks, so d tq.ct.r y o of the develop, i nt? of n n '. ■ id n tury life. The y ung cod* ;' n n ;* or woman, too, ca. nd nothin ■ u- - ful than a desk to t ■ n•<* k *0 ne little d‘ rmdory room aider to v ■ att n Is over. For purely ornamental purp s ; noth ing can be prettier than s eof the new desks of Inlaid mah i.y. with shaped frond and five em I drawers. Such a table s c, tore Costs übo t t ■ One which bear? the patriotic nr: . of Dewey, so called n honor of tla gal lant admiral. Is a combined bookcase, cupboard and desk. The bookca e oc cupies one side with a wide g art door. The cupboard is. located beneath th<* writing table, wit ch Is a slngl • piec of oak, cherry or mahogany let down by a chain from its position as covering for the tiny shelves and drawers that form the writing part of the d- sk A shelf above it accommodates a small shaded Dresden lamp. More hi keeping with the revival of interest in colonial simplicity is a high backed desk, with broad pieces of bev eled French glass as a panel for the back and an ornamental railing at each oide of tlv glass. The ll»l top of the <4m iNPa ta^ sS t *4 mp war #**4 a* X?twi»i, fhflMi Mi a hanky twa §*♦§ at / t; 1 jU / !n EAIH.T -VIKTIO. VI-ITIMJ (WTI Ut* t desk Is hexagonal in shape, and tied r neath is set a small ch»*at. opened, not with « lid. but by two dainty doon In ' the front. The m*».d striking of tl.t'e lire rnad" of the green wood that Is being so much used in the furnishing, pot alone of summer houses, but of win* ter ones. The suggestion of Ihe lotus Is very f.nnt In -nr of th< pretty and com v<*ni#nt cteftkfi which b«am the ntnie of th* famou* Lib*rty and I* fthown among: other nu< h uovcHum by thf'lr New York agents who have an e>*h.bitten room iwsur Fifth avruti** 1 ahap#* of tfte long columns tint u\> it the pioce of wide molding about lb head and the I«sm of th< d*»*k ma U Nome what the pictured pillars of in fst..iOU» ttmpic at karnak. The ba k ie net vrith a pfm»| o f ftet**', an»l he is well rupp’ »*! with drawer* and jej". ywg. tho !•-1 ore fcc* hto »• an v: i to •" i p <• for the Flow In* r ' lV td end."’ of rorr *; i* *nd en ** t * t v t' t. Th r* t» - c e ! desks especially de» il fc-;- roll* nr. One, the Har* vn ri «| d a with th «tyJ~ of furnish n-.Ts suppo f, l to !-•* appropr in a h i 1 * ov. re and erudite Bh ton. Tin-* d-*«k !« com modi otiH. si» ; her* is a trio tion th t the roll* of old l-ar* vard, iri irlrfjften to being nup j,s with !)ia r». ■*<* equally w <■ 1 rn h >tvfd vh- n t c rv i° tensrth of b b. i wcilbl not th rM of pr<r* nt r. a . :rc nt 1 atrh-ulat ’■ fit : cobJrrihiß. Yah or Prfm--»nn with ho •i ie roon-v d* c k which one w u d «* - ' < n • dust ’I he f .-i t "I * " ' f rt vor f fi• nt • • - ■" At II rv H OIK I vejs il ra-.0’.: •• "I? of t!:e pi- F .it!,- . - At Ya'e h re Is ft Mff ph ? o p i**d of ..... nl'il "• ir try?t 1 i cd Into a o' 1 t i e. r i he more >o • o leges are rt-r ly mod m In tb». . «’ what is pleas ing. and the stud • < who reside <* th r in the college t,ir or In the town ' as a rule follow the traditions of th? people who surround them. At Co lumbia or Barnard or any of the ere t New York colleges the student's room : will, if ho or she be a poison of Wsre I and imagination, strongly suggest the Dutch colonial period. It must be noted that those who are au fait as regards taste in furnishing, which they say Is merely the harmoniz ing of the useful with the approprio'e, i will tell you that what will do for the ! college girl's brother will not do for the j college girl herself. The Vassal' maiden ; Ims a desk especially designed to me t THE AUGUSTA BUNDAY HERALD. i watm aAn# wa-Mai P%n vmv v* a unmi i *••*** w# aa ami a'-ah hyM* m a**#**' 1 imm **«® rim fMc - *.*» amr taife vm %pn**** | ftl | ptr* a»«r# o dk* a***% «hm% * %va| «d #**■** ? ppaa «Ma Imm4 ♦«*% mra- I* ftniuf | «ar ■■ * #<a#a %*#*■* •Ipo'-.v* NMMM mV *Mk f lam iMdVP a ipw®i w*m m E , ■- ** *a»i> a*. a# a a**** # shiimin her supposed requirements. In so n* HD* ihr adjust tbir side pores sugge t might b* used a sawing table Oita feature ->( thus* col leg* I -ska whWh makes them uulque I* the chstr. *« Uf r<l in the mbit* by incans of a net on Vhleh II swings Imu kward and for**., d. II is supplied with » comfortable c.ob i,.n and a low support for the l.iuk. these (hairs, which form pn-t of th-' .1. »k. nr*- shui-ed to bring th* v.- >*• closer to ih • tabt* than Is imrslbb* wlili ordinary gtudetit ' hairs. Moreov r. ib y ill in Mlih th** disk. *<> thut lh<* entire pl.-cc of furniture when purkr-l b- I ght and compact. KRANCEB HTPK. ' ’«> .-j || / ■' . 1 iiJ J \- iiiiilmkl *■ /; ! ■".» , !\ , jb- •-s'ewT L A : 'S\ • M ir2i£.!isife-!S y i'S" '-•* ' // «f •*- e. W £ I ' '■;=s, iy-WrL \ ; !►-d n 'kff' *'>*•.?• e'4fe#- 1 Rl m ! "fr 'l&LsJt / / *** »«M»% «a «h* «ts *##a% VhaVMi: fw mi mI ffA «mpa -wiaw* a »'tnjwMl *4v |i # an ha# hwiii^^i his 9J*****" *** t- '!^?22L d^2jrtu f^*rs*sf? ■ti** «t«*P»».r*** -»-•■’* ***■»•■*» mvmmn adur ir*»'* *■ V'* a a*Niai tawi «**nv*a > s i jf-T % tip a»# • vflm aph Vvha uT»*.# »• «**'«» **4 iT I , pul* *tfi»»#M Into IM# m«*» «••• frotn tnoM finllttUMi of tti<* fntii* j . Ih# . pr. «ul* nl of tit** rvpubiii , nho ui*«4 to ti* f%n*oftto«a ARurm »t »u< ti •rrvli ■ At laOfM« h»mp*s «rMi» th# • (imml f*rlx. oih* »f th* |rtort|*«l mu | juhiu r,,, . t*. irm run. th<* F«uri*f «rrv ( notMhlv nhft-ni Thm m-ny nr may not i , H . i (tw-enift Fv*ry niH- Ha# of Km ial in»|»or» j turn, ail ended, howcvei. among them 1 |h „„. mait,t.iines whose adoption of an HOW TO b\*Kß A AAUSIC RACK. No»t 1 fiat It If* *1 util'- -i. il « u**t«>»u to ji wx , 11 |ii-iivi fit on tit’irlght «»m*l linv out In th*- room lnvt*n<t <»f ho- Inc Mvalnut th** nmII nk ol«l. th<* •in ** ti*»n “What to do with th* back ’' hn>» cvorrlnM the* rnlnJ of tnvny M *»n unH in th* houvo.** 1 lilt* Ir a* 1 niCiiroPtion With h v «l! u*ijh »I to i.ii*»4- nh< hava to, u** | f ,l t . v , r . (tu b of room ♦ *f|Mci»lly * *» th«**o rl \n of flat *. wMtrh nr«» f?on< rally 1 , <M> fonint'il. It lr to *« Huh' I framework or bamboo, whl. h- an b fn - 1 ii-ncd al th** hack <d the pi.u . and so I&EA-L. college desks. i contrived as to hold a lair proportion of ! the music. It would be a great boon to most liK'if' !v<e to be able to kerb | the mur o- in sonic sort of order, that •'iiin -1 nit ia aNavv m i m-it imlPiiNMl Mm igymmima #a» ami MmMMMVhM *n tM **> «■«■»>'»* I* •* ••"•I ' m #•'♦- •# i%tt a#a iMM>v a 4PMHV pi, m i*> i anw apMt VM«*Mh4 pm-- «vm mVnm Mama Mi MigVv mm! Im * t *hf rt . *m9o9** a. ***** •»»« a-4 MMtmml • mn»iiTlh»< -am «wm «mm* tm am dh*MV*t j . Ipp. agat aMI «*r -ppm I fit Vw 4, M-MMMMk »** aww *%*MhM§ .* * V-i.* % » Imli fOi N pt l ■* - 1 j/m ' '** i I* * Ito pstfretl-ii An el*borate esnggsM* r» of spppque aai-n and steel covered lb* • timed ak*'■ the ■ osage bving contM* t*l tuyb lb*, skirt in redltvai- outline, he Ibi. d'l'ses the and -miling. K ulbd Ihe ryes nf IM er.CSil who •vr not rank nor wealth nor taatr, la M ,,,* 8, at r> »#<la »loth thk-kly t»rald««d | , ■». laaUM _■■tll »t 11 >lrr(l (qu| uptnrd or*r m wxivvrovt of vrtuvh wv« *>mhrtMdrr«Ht in cold Thr wlvrt with an vnll*iM |MfW bu« kl** **l««f* I thr f*ml «!»«»ut th«* wnl»t Thr Conttfi**# d‘Mi*u**k»n%ill* In v rVaitnlikf rn*aii v vlolci vrlvvt* ww thr WRlvr of **»» ud mliinc drck*. Nrr cnirn wvw v drram, thr vhort ronn\l«Hl rl<»n rh»iprd Jvrkrt ha vine (ilftfWMv rmhrotdwril rrvera rut tit u< ft ut my lit to alktw a tlrht ftttlnc cloth vwt of white. Th«* flounced wbrfi a tmrtiruhir fVerr lr rr*iui»rd « . ht«K»* bututtr of old rmi*h‘ hna n«»t to hr looked th you** hvattlf and In a bad 111 httvmf th * frantfwvrk of tuimhoo thr? • ip oothlnr t*» alt I l*i» pound rtr p|*'»ll thr t#w of thr InaltumrM, foi the I muplr lt*«#4f. standing uprlltkt nt*d ban- I Ink ou* wind utMiiil n**t Itttrrf* t** W’ith thr frrr r*rf P< of thr pound. Bemboo In ho evilly workrd that ntnnv rt•adorn r<>iltd rontriV' th** frame work fn thrmfH-Jvtvt. Ujf* ►;j|it* of th >m who hnvr »t*it work I In it bam’*** 4 «'*n In* i»uirlia>«*d at tiu« ' ntorrn In vnriotin ihlcknenaen at ah r <h* a|> rat,* Tht hamhob for ' the whole of the piano back would, not ! cost more than a couple of dollars. Three thicknesses are required—the | large. t fur the upright*, which luive to Ml mam munin- fiph Mm 4mmnmmp mmmmi tv a ami as "tv* t* n*i» *V» ’VMMMBNm** *-d '**•* PMNmV mim 4 ■•Midi amA *mA Im <Mv » * t * ta» #m*h' gfMpMKp Ml jmnvni MMM pr*-* mm v VMimpm AHm * *♦# ««mm mm* mw**** *mM VNV**a %•».* (pMv* *m <m ** ♦ %#m*p «nm* M In #*•*• ♦*#% MtUmaMV M gP'.Aimlp* ***•» **• MP !»«* Mi Mmaw ft ifli m -■*“ Mv-*«****»'.■♦ im Mm apm a» I* pm 1 '* mV* *♦*«*.#.«♦* Mm nr iiijwlwt-Tt «mV n«MII VmMmt tlm* m MV* mmi ft* iimvitMi VMmmv mam ; , vs wtntr «*wl • «rtn«». with • m*n««t»rv 1 hr.*d rs thr Mrd fWfcMrd in«|UlM»Ciy JU«! over Ike wevrrr» forrhrad rum. A not he • woman, wfco wrae *a»d to he a thi mil a 1 etnerr from the F«lier nrr v«*rea «aa adombb In a hat mad* **r»tir« It of rorke’ frvikrr* and very mtnh turnrd m* la th< front On the two cocka* hvada. Thr hat waa in aft** many fow»a had be**« «la»n to temkr It* Ctorlr* noekiide Of * outer, with •*> •tattliim a hvaddreva. madeith'iae*!# w.»ro a coana warranted t« Us thr eye pho*h* *«f * |.»th, w ith a boh ro ja< k*t that »|*rne*t 'iver a wraiatmat of marron with a collar and revet* of chinchilla- There were to la* *rrn f(*«n* c«|Uiilly 'Chic worn by less conspicuous Indi- I, :t rry Ibe crossbars. tb«* next stec small *r for t tics-* hurlxopial crosstmrs and a smaller stke *llll f»r the bottom* and i ,|*e* of ih > various divisions. Tbs frami work n ay h> arranged *«■ lake ihe innate lenglhu-ays **r It might be mad*; j t i i»k<- three or four piece* standing upright m e.ldih and two row* in I i*■ ght. A* pianos differ In sife. It must I l c left to the individual to decide this. Tin best way to put bumbo** together ,p* make holes In the larger pieces i-iid let in the smaller ones, gluing them in |» *lt!on. The holes can he made with a •■‘•■enter Ml.” using "blla” ih# ‘ixe* of the bamboo you are working Tbo:-. wh" cannot is.rrew a "center \ bit" can pink ■ th ■ hob** with a reilhut ' iron. In doing thl* is* careful not to malt • them too large, but rely upon shaping them to some extent with a sharp pock iknife. Jk- careful, too. to murk in * (irately where the holes should i. mad ■ with n pair of divider* or com passes If you g. I out all four uprights ' nt the same time, you 'an lay them side by sld " and mark where the holes come 'without trouble uml with great accu ! raey. In sawing your bamboo into i lengths, use a fine “tonion" saw. Thl* will-cut clean and not spilt the bamboo. For the sides only a few pieces will be required, some three inches apart, and these will look bettei let in, but they may be tacked on from the Inside with very fine naiii. For the bottoms of the divisions it will he enough to lei Uk a few crosspieces, or tack them on as you do the side pieces, or you can tack over a thin piece of v.’ood, such as la used for baekboards of frames. The whole of the work should be got # »M>V MwrNM im««V Vw •• VMNVINM f; fN'-ANMm Vm mm mMdMpMm | mti **## mm vmllMpi a «,* a amm»< a#i vmVMMMHIM r - ■>, a *«m% M am# If I pam* #m Nk. va* *# ** Mi a*■* i itiiimV mMMMMMI an aMNm Mm mmmV a MpHN t aia’*)>#«** mV »#’m ♦ f a^i| tr#aitf f|v ,4u» <*»]» fi*» mV m % a *ll «j»(*. vMvm Vraai a Mhlfl «#»■ iy-ii rt y imr a ammlavm Mm •#*«»!* f|i «m« # ***** vs I «a» r*'«m* «arnmimmMKß9Hi #M mvmmiMMf.j I*m <*>a<i* ri mam mV Mm mMam* ***Mm If ■ Tiyif rr| a* ml t>» J a ANhM# 1 * *VmMPmP piMMIV | At fa »ta*Mi ♦%**-■« MV» #*Mt Mim, la im* mmhi at a mhadm fmvdVVMMfl I #n # vmmvn auNN# jpuMMI aMm # **liamiM «m#*A *u« ft« I r> yf—r |way «# a%m» n«m aMM mm | v«m|vmia Nf #%a a mai» n> Mr i r Ml as Ml Ir # pat ***** at tmwmn IMft lat - iNm a a«49 fMiMvaai f %r Ml fill MW i a i nt-r ***** ml lam* mm m «*m . rtif- as f*• y—r%- «n iN >fc waMlriV, ( «n**V ,«*•*** *a4 «iMt mml M*MI 1 I imi | Urit ifyi APfA nmtr #MHI MV MUM . »r| a a*, a a«a mat* It an V*#’••*» . - u -a tay #t*l *n| a **tm mV VMM ffVW $ 1 m*ma# aad a mmmfl *f vmi r j *»>m tvi r# |*m *mmM tmad Tim #mv rna* at am aMmui* laav a* avNMm «ag| *«• a**** *tm „ r . tlril i , t «a # matrmm mar pi mll > imm. : <fm# a***ahlma mav P**r4 tm <M fmmp tam atm ami tmvftp rpffMdl ■■ *nm itfTT —t fp%“«w ami •am* •*••# mnf* «|M> h«w4 •<*» —MOW l'»* i *.* <•>■ »*«m ••• • *%*mmn* «f (MN i mi •*>«•• »»% ,»»«m4 »«* • » «*> p*» f| * ' mi m4H< riTNRIIMII T*Uot V*rm»iiv VNrr atria Lmtm fttm aaw <*l*l4 MwaMm mmm - < tamra a# mi a* limit wuPiinPf ThP \ lyravi i« |M*f Hr fcrmca. »athr* map I __a -§ tnir t ana it m| fHi lirn iIMMPt It Ml ' f|ttr*| at llm i*rt at Uhv tMmh ami t-*V * f«t imt* T**' *a »« it »«M| VMKM& 1 A fiftlf «r«ia at Ihm aif ta *aV f»# im- tyt rimp i! lin nitd aMh MUM MamPP at *h* «a*m' o*-*tr*ivl TM* jpaiMp "midi -~ trrfw md v*ff a «M» marts* pT * attd Iftpht ptara | sos i'"lf rafpli 1 S%J lr | 4c«* a IP* front «v *ar*i mdv «f if** mat<lt* fciiii imn tm v va>*r m frtlltap «*# IMr aarvh * t*«*>! »lIM tfff 11 ir in vnMi ttm TIM vat I*9 •iid tw It •<n . f a Pltr v’^mpTalP* I . tyi «*f itwr farhrt* fat girl* Vrr P*M* liv «M «rr> ut iwlpi rUth iTmdrftt nammar <o*rr Iha altar and j rrxnr *»tlh *httr MUbrwlifty or pul* c«r> « hi- h ran mu-111 hr r»—avrt « h-m «*»itrd a a**' , d pmcattfUMi with th* faah« ! tom of i»Mt(**d or tamtrd half faJliMi rnrrp !•»*«.d‘d matartal* art Mitt tp rrwpi « farm for Ctrl*, hvt not In i«rtMM linta. Th*- oitufv arr mind and sitrnvatvC I ,% roftihittatkrti *f nood roht mfth |*mi nf hltt* hi off* of th* j*r» tUrrt. HM I df 7 or i >*atf old th* HodUm J aU( .i^n|,(f. f|, hi tht» pktrt 1* fimfarrrd. A at>h' ** that of th* Hodlr* rrrhnp* ! >t tti Mnth**rr at th* t**p ar> a* ta lima* I | t |, • yofcr and th*n vatharrd apain at < ?b* natart. f*t*tn. ththt alravrv at* ■rn> 1 -rally iinh»h-«tnm, to |lrl>. »i*4 II la IMI to ha- t raihrr full In Ibf up* i-rr |«h>i nM nm 100 rllnflnt from •!- i H .» |» «rM Th** <hrp . n|Ur of ria> -•roMruil • ntniirh o yulpurr d art M It,, lorlllmf inmmlnc for Ctrl*' frock*. Hut* arr ramp M-ll - hanaod ta «hnpa i mt< 1 uni».araro-t from tlioar of th** rum* -nrr No Win aiarrta or t n-rrlnif Inn ~* r it,|ion. fraihrrn arr laid low aid lron|> al ihr bark, and ftowrra are put 1,11 :n clow nm*am. oflrn vrllrd ovar 1 with lull** or lai r. I out and lll(***l lojrlhrr l-rforr you mart ululnp. u> ttir .nn>r plww muat b* «lu***l In iwfora thr < roraplrcan are 1 r|tint luto ll»<* up t«hl«. for II l» obvloua , that, if you in-aa;. with Ihw lattar. you ] Mould not b* abla to art at thr Inner ( ,(r.*. ft**** that your mlur I* frrah and ! Iniillnm hot when you U»r It. Thoae who ’ hav« not n Blur |-ot could melt n llttla j In a nmall jar h/ mandlnn the name in .1 NMurepan nf holllnm water and keep- Ihk it Imlltns while thr Blur la belli* nurd. Ihit thr piece of mlur In enough Muter i>> rover it ail right before boil ing it up. The framework ran be fixed to the back of th*- piano by putting fine arrewg through th#* bamboo into th*? frame* uork of the piano. Bee that the arrewa are long enough to go into the piano. Turned knob* ran be glued into the top *f ihr bamboo uprlvht us u ftnlah. and rmilll bln at* plate* with a hole to re i e|ve a screw could lie screwed on to ihr end* of the bamboo and Into tbo wooden knobs and then screw* through these plates Into the piano back. Instead of letting the rack be seen a,line thin pretty colored silk or other niaterlul might he tacked on the front of each division, either plain or plalt ,l, but these and many other ronald .•ratlons can safely be left to the in dividual. Helps For the Cook. To M »ke Kssencr of Vaulin —Take ball pint, of spirits or brandy, half ounce ~f vanilla poilo. Cut up the vanilla very small, am'- let whole remain torn month irt a temperate place. Cssener of -linger.—Take a pint of | spirits, eight ounces of crushed ginger. j <1 uarter ounce of chimed* bet the I whole stand for a month; then strain, I and it is tit for use. l'ssenco or Allspice.—Take half pint ul spirits, an ounce of essential oil of pimento. Mix, and it is ready for use. Freezing Mixture.—The following will be found useful for ordinary purposes, such ns setting a Jolly, etc.; To every quart ol spring water put an ounce of saltpeter and a pound of common kitch en suit. To set ogss quickly when poaching t.h«*m, a little vinegar should be added to the water In which they are cooked. When boiling cabbages and other green vegetables, use a large saucepan with plenty of water and two table spoonfuls of salt and let the lid remain off after they have once come to the boll. Cutting New Bread.—Try heating the knife before using. You will then be able to cut It quite smoothly. How to lie Beautiful. The secret of a good figure and etc * complexion lies In pure blood, to obtain which wholesome food must be eaten and the vital organa kept healthy and active The following are absolutely necessary for cur physical well being. Perfect oleanitness, abundance of air 1 ami sunlight, ex- rclse, rest and sleep, j pi*,,p -r food and drink and a good tea ' pvr* j