The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Image 5

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HOM9AV moi m«ui **t*»%r» » im«" H««M* til* 1% liIWWBBPi Georgia Railroad bank AlOVitA, OfcOHO'A (o»MSti> ** mm p# I##;* * .*m» h *». •*•»> ,'m 1, I tut % VMfi «'— ' t H!i® * *1 ®'*#*'* ®s-®ta a# "' •■ ••• W *' ■ % e .'-• " w ,_;t" ’" 9s • i ... . * •nnHw m* «#*pt |nk ifllFt®#® *” ®N®®»«MMN| 194®®#!®*'* «t §®»... HiPi.iP » I* • - • f isp TWTWto mtm- OR. MtNMY J. CODIN, " j M®pC tppstWf #**.'*♦» * • | t®W**t ; the nt'tt % 11* t»«rr. <M«tc H»#p<NMi I* *Mn4 | ft#®* I* T%f 4*®*!#** Hi tin I ilttfulf *4 ‘ til VMMttf iMINmM **• W r> Nit H*#**# *®#t* trt ‘®4f®®"® i i®tt#t fwvtißNl I# tin n# *• $ 4# !*#?*## i mtmT9 «.-# #?-**!«.»I * * Hjrrl f IMMUK. *n||i \|i>|tfr *®®w I O'* •♦‘•l* •r. 4 l»w th® Otnnrf* » *«* f la • i fimu ftn ,| |)|n4 f ns*-*'' *i* .. - ~hf N'l rfiiUtd Vttfetnw* For A'f-mn us« CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. I’rMe. TfKbcr-You itiMld #f*»r t*!l wit on, h» t« • liar, bat say politely. "You are mistaken" Jimmy -Huh! Id ruth have ps<- ptp think I «w lyin' than I didn't know what l wua talkin' about. A Sure Slf n of Croup Hnaiwnraa in a child that I* subject to croup i» a sure Indication of the ap proach of the diaaaaa. If ChamberlainW Couah Remedy la given aa toon as the child becomes hoarac or even after the croupy couirb has appealed, it will pre vent the attack. Manv mothers who have croupy children ale-ays keep this remedy at hand ami And that It saves them much trouble ami worry. It can always be depended upon and la pless ant lo lake. For sale by Alexander Drue and Heed Co.. C. H. Furr of Bell Towel Drue Co. Probably Not. •'Ah," aaid the reminiscent old gen tleman, ‘Til never be the husky boy I was when 1 was about 20, ncl if I live to be a hundred years old.” OAOTOTISA. e«r. tb. A »»• lull If Hw Awn 80#t Fine Rich Jewelry! i Watches. { Diamonds, J Sterling Silver, Souvenir Spoons, J Brass Tables, Fine Lamps, Silver Novelties, j Vases, J Fine Umbrellas, Clocks, Military Buckles, .Military Buttons. Wm, Scliweiprt & Co. Jewelers ■ \% \ r *fti tis t*N m Ndtli | f ipf igß.mm tm *in \#«** f*n»»i®®*4 fMI t*#f •MMMlNfta i t®ts »-#m jm - '•* Ht W’9®MMI •mM9## it# ! t ® rf* ®® Kill# * • #4 «*#»«# Ip# # •##■•l'* H#- • 4Hk %Wf ® #MRK # ** ’ ##s§•*# • V*# **t fill M# #%■■ •»» •#*» IN### IRM# sa| |%M#I # * m i,f *«■ > *f % t* *t R # ’ » 1 0? upt?# I; |»#« SswAN# ■ I «#i ##### IJMHhP , w* ?? # T*#!* Ml •## «Bv R*®* I r#li«Tf»thrr mml tiN* 4#l# at (If | "Sa~ I tfo l»<ft *% ‘ a rsr# I# t#ll }u# ItIMM. I t<wM antefe wit iM fh img «•!«! ttf H * r*«iiM Mr. Wy • "Vl*## li# rrrs ptnmiAd (of •* | u*y 0# ll ##f #v wtH Ink,** ►**!«•*< ? tlni tMi, Sir Wvtnaß r® \ fsiml in «|MMUk I* # ®**® f *l It V## I##n*-«»d lint ffe** B*»* ** nKfl Nn® ffTRI byr OvACill to Mr W? irtti * gTAB4fi(Mr ihoft'jf »f* itc tb# for qir •»» pl*n4 I® <*€*•• m®®4 of tb# r#rr»!#ttertiary iir njr at rrmhrtdfp I® IT7# Tb# C«®tt®f«t®l (*o»V bt<b rowiU'loßfd WBihiOfura m < omatadpr in Cblrf of tb# ft#yofntkrti®ry forrm. hut mtid# no *®f*iopri*tU*® for tb# bum® of tb# r®l®nt##r army wbtrb b*4 a®* tbr nl at out C«»brld«r. #«d wh#« \V«#bin®ton toob w.iiwim tb* i®#ti w#r# pnrttmil# ditUtuir Th«*y had coxt fro 33 all part# of tb# roaotry, bringloi with ’hem only th#tr ® tn# a®t> rttUmi for a diy «r #o. They > w#r# *t®’ viti* and »»i»t ht M G**® ■ ! Wavbtnnton to mppl® th#oi l with food, Mr. Wjmbm* ®rat»dfath#f offrrrd 'Va§ hi nylon * !«•# of forty ihoiwod dollar# on bl» not# *nd th# d«wl wa® flprtd. Th# not# w®a l»y Waahiniron aa Ctjft'nsmler In Chief of the Hevo i lutlonary Forces, and did not rail for . the payment of any !ntare«t. It waa held by the elder Wyman until hla death and was never presented for payment. At the time of the transaction the Wyman* lived at Cam'iridjl*. If the note held by Mr. Wyman could be prevented to th United States Gove n ment, or any person or persons, and payment received. It would call for about one anti one-half million dollars —cotrputlnK Interest at five per cent compound It li quite likely, however, ibat It would go to protest were It pre sented. It V 111 .Surprise You-Try It. ! It Is the medletne aliove all others for , catarrh and ia worth Its we'ght lo geld. I Fly's Cream Balm does all that Is | claimed for lt.--B. W. Sperry. Hart ) ford. Conn. My son was HtHlcted with catarrh. 1 He used Ely's Cream Balm and the dls ; agreeable catarrh all leTt him. —J. C. ; Olmstead, Areola, 111. ! a 10c. trial else or the S9c. sire of Ely's Cream Bain# will be mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, 65 Warren St., N. Y. ' ' BRIGHTEST A'D BEST. Handsome Is as handsome very sel dom does. The motorman on an electric car Is a non-conductor. Speaking of fireworks, David was the original giant cracker. The man who stars out to meet trou ble never has to go half way. There are people who actually be lieve that their troubles interest oth ers. Men take opposite sides on the money question, but the majority are on the outside. The French may be fickle In every thing else, but they are always faith ful In their love —of change. Were some people to talk only of what they really know, their silence would soon become painfully motin'o nous* TTf» AUOURTA HFHAIsO. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS Ragret EnprtltNCl at the Prw(rtcUve R*tlr#-> m#nl of Judge Enoch M. Calloway. TH# Frtihif Camhkl Lott Ml INI County Fiifftt Th** Vf«f. 0# |WM IrtfbMMi *b# b#V K W? t IkbltNHM #•%.•> f|hN -#£ 4MwB gkff t I tMrttobMl |M##a m»ml. **mmrn4 C® ■ #Nf#pt' #•». 9®#® Mittrtf®t I ** **Mr*f#4 V®##®» !■%# t 4®# UtM « §37®Tt 7S» r«t i##f \m* fi nr j# tt®i!r**ft*! K®l ~ O* 7® ft. 5 * *1 (Iran! of CHarfll##. Wm Irttf ib# ®ofb of lb# Hoard its CMfHifi, *®4 If 4 ifi It ftolb* TH'* hook# krfsi by Mr. fl. BL tb# #! m#tbo4» pun»«#4 K» i yE-, |u%nrif an I It# #t*rlby i*r* frr to tb# mtort of ®#rr#t«ry Plumb fi«r SmiiHil dftim lf#form®tory. Wr bay# virtH#H #n4 #aaml®#4 (bl# important ba®tlt®t.a® iw loootjr, and hav# hr#® r#r# fivofioiy impf###* «*4 «!th it# myand with li# iMWff for goo*! to tb# r'aa# for ®b w h waa or®anli#4. Tb# bull«t Incv arr In ®#r<t rocdltlon. but would iti omnten 1 pairtin® main build'®®, tb# farm th n abilfu! man#f« i m#®f and #v#ry f#arur# of tb# institution b#am icstitr. 'ny to the watchful rare of ll* ®bl# hoard of wmnngrr# acid ila rfflHrnt giic'-riotentbuf. T»r«ty-thrce colored Mid seven while Inmate* »re cared for end. In our (ipiolvn. the expenditure rs the county will hour better returns for the funds Invested. Wo take pleasure In romrpend'rtg the Institution to the eltirrrs of the ernnty arc eminently wonhy of their active symrnthy. en concngi ment and aupoort. The cfdp for the prvent > <r 's eatintfited at 31 l»!ea ectton, 65# betheli f° 11,0 bushels pea*. 700 gnllrsis ayrnp. Finan cial report of the institution la an nexe A Count v Home. We have Inspected thedhmnty Home and find the Inmates md convicts pro vide properly eared for a* to food, clothing and mcdlrnl attentions. The j quartern for both Inmates and farm buildings are In good repair and th" • sanitary ccndltlons seem do be gootl. • Tbo food ftirolahedseemed to be ample !r quantity and rs pood quallly., D trn#d report rs inmrtf'#. farm, opere ! Mon, #?c„ furnished by the uuperlti tendent la he rev to appended: County Farm. We have mad” a personal Inspection of the County Farm, which during the pre-sonl year, has not made os good | returns as usual on account of the loss sustained by the freshet, iue yieU' of <Olll. for reason named has been ma terially decreased, but the hay rrop 1* perhaps the largest the farm has ever made, aggregating 128 tons and com pensating, In some measure, for de creaalng com yield. We were specially Impressed with the fine condition of the hogs on the farm. The farm stock seemed, from their appearance, to be well cared for and the farm work In good shape. Report of superintendent, hereto annexed, will show yield In va rtoor crons, and amounts furnished to Poor House rnd reed force. Ronds and Bridges. We beg to report that we have given this department close Investigation and with few exceptions find it in good condition. The road from Barney Kerr's store to the new waterworks Is in very bad condition, caved in by the laying of water pipes, and sscond, by extra trav el to and from the military camp, and we earnestly recommend that It be graveled ond done at once. We also hope the city will - join in the good, work, and gravel the street from Bar ney Kerr’s to the-Jfigh Bridge. ft> call the attention fit the pgop, i authorities lo ih>- terrible condition of •%* «g® fb® MRfttattt «M m «# bMMb I ftimi #%##»«* #4Hm| ®bP# ; lb##® #M#i)N® ®® m # urn I# 4 |w* NN Im f® ■ * * 9## KN ® 1 it •** C#®*bl Cm»| !*t>b!k VbooU Art®#r!®l #®4#®t 9*ll v((Hi n»%'#D9 , I'initji in tb# rliy **■ ®!i of vhlcß i nrr #i. on If tb# hi®b#*t fomßfodn * \ whtrb tb# »rboo!# ®r# ro®«liirt#it. tb# rffli li'iu v of tb# t#«« hof# and tb# gn At tn#r#«< Uktu by Hu- Jail. Court House. Office*, and fMfkera oih.-c*'of^t'h*'ordinary «hd clerk, of th# county court. an«t tb# city #choo! j rule. In tr<Hit cxc#U#nt co®«liiio®, well ;an*t neatly kept. | D®r!4«o® OraajOMir #chool. however, j Is In nccl of a coat of paint The walla j (liawnstalra at Ue jail aia In bad «s»n ditlon, ami wc add our revo n nenda j tlon to that of the last grand Jury. , that they be scraped and cither paiut cd or calsomlncd. W«* fnrthci rc cummend that an Incandescent light (a* put In the hall of each floor and an , arc light In front of the Jail and one lln the backyard There are 3* pria- Inner* In the Jail: White. 3: colored. 1 38;* fcmalca, whltea. 0; colored, 6. We found the hooka In the offices of the receiver of tax returns, clerk of court and ordinary well and neatly kept. We have Invi tigated and thoroughly ex -1 nmined the books of all magistrate* .brought before o» and find that they are generally well kept. The follow ing appointment* to the office* !of notary public and ex officio justice of the peace are recom- I mended: i j. B. l-ockhart to fill the vacancy | caused by the death of A. D. Picquet, ! 122wi district. | Francis C. Healen. 600 district. I J. B. Haynte to succeed himself in (the 1434th district. M. M. Connor to succeed himself In (the 1263 th district. We recommend payment of Insolvent cost according to law. Personal. We wish to reiurn thanks for the valuable assistance of Mr. C. Henry | Cohen in the investigation of the as sault on the Jail on the night of No ! vember 2, for the purpose of taking a I prisoner therefrom to lynch him, we ; having been deprived of the able .counsel of Solicitor Davis, who was en gaged In prosecuiing criminal cases In j court. We have learned with sincere regret of the retirement of the Hon. K. H- Callowuy as judge of the superior court of this circuit, and desire to place on the records of the court our opinion, which we feel satisfied re flects tlie feelings of the citizens of this county; that his record for fcar ;leesnesK strict, impartiality, quick dis patch of tiie court’s business, and pre eminent ability, has rarely been equal- J ],,(i and never excelled on the bench !of this or any o:her circuit in the | state. That in his retirement he | has the beet wishes of this body for a ) long, useful and happy life. We beg leave to express to Solicitor Wm. H. i Davis our obligation for the co-opera tion extended talus during the session of this body, and extend to him oy thanks for the service. We commend his for the faithful diacharge of the arduous duties of hi* office. To A. . it «v» «dfc*s*» >snwN is* l ' ** I MW* l*i.*Tlr IMS MS MM**** ******** ! «**l |mw#mN* *• I** **BNMM**% M# ***• im* *mn| Ms M* MMO* »*>s4 *1 *• Utr—X'f— * *8 MVf ****** r 1 ■*•'**» w* ' Ml ftssl 4MS MhM sMMIM *M *•***•♦ •*itt-r—-* i® "-■'%s lb# «NI : I I rtf bi ■* l ">'#>«» Up® » *b# * iJff * i® Hi lift u<i*m** Hi# L11 . r . l ’ m i sm i%® b®M®# - j i m . tW * M# §#mm twN*«bi®t ##®i9ft' l l jggff IMOHI# *rn*m IM® Wilt if® INN® wfbb ' ail® fftt - • - ftj— -MtMj ' •* Mfti ♦# \tji 1) t fit iMMMMi #® iMb®#**®#® ®ni ib® ■ it®m t b® ib® |®w®# ®bo* ®®M| bM® ®Hb ■ ■ : y m ®flH| liNli fb# rilV®# tk m #l* *mm4 0 UrtfMb* m ’ mm *J 5 1 otimtb m* p — *5 3k J ******* i !• Bi*# A# - ► ?! •* r X 9# t- -"• 1 X * B •I I OII# •• I J| "I r * tt !i M It SS X' c I ii it uaa ti z T. m - I 8 S rs« B m 7 k sts ts 3 * a l *1 w c » 3 I gKKStUUS 3* Si M ? Mj Mi< Z, t? XX IA U 3 -fi , BT = ** n ■J o, wh*>ft Jr ?» y 3E e* h-1v» w k rs'ku 5U 2 f C mu Sst- * All »KV #* i o' S VI M “ S 5 : 1« u*« 5 % z 9 . :, *_ u, v 75 e, t • rr ts « _ w; i-l on SSaiSo Js -Z £ 3 kkshksss r*E From above stotement you perceive we have furnished during six months from April Ist to October Ist.: 4,614 rations (1,548 whites and 3,066 colored, costing $2,880.53. 155 burials (7 whites and 148 color ed), costing $386.50. 149 railroad passes, costing $298.30. 76 loads wood, costing $60.40. i furnishing 4,614 rations we used: 52,491 pounds meat, 2,640 pounds ! rice, 10,869 poueds flour, 2,073 pounds ■ coffee, 18,037 pounds bacon, 3,895 pounds sugar, 12,823 pounds grits, 937 packets tea, 2 ounces each. On October Ist we hod 1 319 names [Continued oil Page 7.J A Statement. Sift • )<H Invukf Vfrics Stact Ml tV* o*i. |||| _ •***«* * Ott. ImH m m m m ®J| #9 • •• «fAil Pott|M * * iMtnii Nov >fh V«m* Sfeea an tata M* * Slid In 94 • • Ita* IV*. And not * t*ck <x«nft4tn». k> « ; « yttaul l’i i w< ir fK iKm could In ! * * c • * # . ad n ® j ftidlsK iiM¥ %flh In® i WfVH Vfft<l ZWndQI Shoe, Mum* sijs.a*}df«n'« |i.aa Mdsh i trie Inff iff Im Mai Wmt Mw m j /{i(i/icetti //l! / \ .f. j |>r»*y rrtM*. <oooßslashuno Bunds - Mill Work * Of EVER* OESCR’PTION, Ll'll YELLOW PINE LUMBER MS ,t* WIU I ;,iW(3 V*TH lAlttt iWMIOvtMINTt AHO rt j oQstNi;*' ON t*o<*ou6* m tvttw of pabtmcnt. PLJ ikJ FULL UNE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED WHCtS.CMAIOftUtS*C* krZxJCtf'Q*. Perkins MANUFACTtmiNG G r o Augusta. Ga. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! Known from Maine to California as the BEST * ‘ ha! materia * anl * 00( * workmanship can pro- CASHIH, GCULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AUIi.NTS TOR HANAN & SON. • FRESHEST ft FINEST MEATS OF ALL KINDS, at the lowest prices. ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET. STROWGER PHONE 824. JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NOVfM®®® 9® HMcrMta* W«*y tIMM* l|i Wifi rtMta® i |sjt*| I.lhi* ptM ® ### 4®KMN®