The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Image 1

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TUI *,k *» Atom a. * w# rr lurntt# *•**•* THE POATUND WRECKED ANO ALL ARE LOST Savanty Uvti Including Pftfta#n*ar» and Crew Hava Been Lott. A Hundred end Seventy V•••#*« Were Destroyed Along the Coest #■— t j ||gp| m --■ A BBBBBp ] fe» Vise JliijUl Vfl'i** «*t# ] iße •*mmw see B§ <MBa ffc*nH ! LAST KOLL ( ALL TON 01 ROW. Thai till »# feMirr* Lrtta tH Kuka. TW l ti> log Oncnt Pleasure. Tl«|t< WMk Regret. Tkf lulf li (hr mustering (MX art (| omyrnfri C! mC K AamaA Oorfli rrg (rest room I xr.orro'T. For a we#k lit wi haa bran going ca The parmaaiar hat begua hla arork and th# mi n will bar* t*r*i««l what ia due them bjr acme tin' tomorrow. Col. Oscar J Brown, who *a» hen yesterday. taking a last look at Iba aol dltri of Companies C and E. last laat eight far Atlanta. H- will attend the mur taring out of th* otbar rompnnle* of the regimen, that arr now encamped in Alieata red *rho will ha tnuatarad out tom arrow or Thor* day. Cape Fry, Lieut* Baxley Hanrkrn and Hryaa aprnt the greater part of last night Id iba armory at work, hav .og brae apnr ntaii an ooard far tbr metier out rotla whirb had to ba minutely inap t- ad. The dtacharge paper* from the **r vlra will ba handad tha man whan they answer to tha last rail rail tomorrow morning, It we* learoad todej. H'"f**r, tba laa- roll rail may nc*' ba until ti morrow afternoon. Tba boys leok with p »*sur* tinged with a Ml of Badnaaa a. thalr going cut of at vlr* They have, alt ce cnliatlug ba coma banded together and arme very alnaa friendship* hare be on made, Mow that Ibe man are to leave the nrrr;% they (that a many cf sham) will ba withort positions. II la hoped that ail y in r?on find cmpicym-nt again Tba try* of the Second Georgia con ducted themaelvee well. They made splendid eohitra and Augusta is proud of them. As iUsy leave the service. Ist every one join In saying: "Well done, good nnd faithful soldiers." lecture at y. n. c. a. Hon. J. Henry Eagle. of Houston. WII Lecture on “Grady” Dec. A. The lecture to be delivered at the V. M. C. A. rn the Bth of December by Hen. J. Henry Eagle, of Houston. Tex., ob • Grady,” will be one of the most e’oquent end interesting lectures that has been given in the city this season. He is f prince among men, and his lec tures sra masterly efforts. Mrs. Grsdy s *ys of the lecture: “I am delighted ufih th't lecture. It certainly dues correctly reflect Mr Grady s life* thought and life-work." Every Georgian is proud of the illus trious Grady, end the Association audi tor, m will doubtless be filled with people to hear the great lecture. The lecture is free to the members of the Association and c*cb member will be allowed to bring a lady friend. Nor.- members will be charged the regu,.r admission fee. .1. C. Llghtsey, c- Hartfard, Conn a at the Commercial. M e. ,\. H-irne and child i ‘note on. ■ visit Mrs. A- Dorr on Groyne street. vt*» a »m THE AUGUSTA IIEKALR wti *f %m. | W 9mm9 f# 0 ******** - »#*# •%* *Wt*w4 f| mm fN#***?# B# tp»#A« < It mum Hwt IB ** f>*4B BB I 0 mu|{) anil mamswFfi *&* HA 9B# %BN#* j ! (|«*H Chh tsmm n** M -*» *«* (Mi firm i niiinn §| fg 4if|( «H Hi I IB# tfft a J r»4 3lf *B<* IB# : bhi* •• »B*p><— ilßßi tß# *m& m rHftlHl 91 iffMlft IB«I IB #44MBW **» pin Inti of li# ifOBK* 95«1#184 #1 j urn*' mm*#* i*fß BBi* ***** {#f#«B#B •* (MfBVBBt |MBlBl# fMBB ' j ißii# ib %*** H***m Cmmm ißaftfr. Bi# TH* W •HB 4B#Hiß# tß# ißlrtf ##•*#!• itfl*# [ «B*t£t? Bi PHHbBV •r*#Bo4 Hi t ffWP #fß Hipßvlßß «•'*' ' tß# Milrfiifllt *m*4 i#»fi#f* tf*l*P*w(A HO'H rilrfl % BNpßw l**»w «r 4 9*l®* UdAli O#© * flATfw’# |l»»*In*» •*# •pHNI iß# •* *!*» |eame4* m COFFEE IKD SIN&WIfHES. AH Plviit of Them for (bo Soldier Eojfa Al the SI- A a draw BrMhrrhood* .VMlff*' Headquarter*. The Hold er* of Camp tk Kentir bare found a drllghtful etude**- m» at the reading room* wbtrb bare been Hired jup for their u*e by o*. Aadrew * BrMbetbord The soldier* have bow I been Hi our mid*l there week* *o«i the ■ Brotherhood I* the flr*t organ I onion which bp* offered them hospitality. They nave aecurrd two loom* In the Ch»l* Gray building, whirb have been f converted Info a reading rocm and cof fee room The former, wh rh over lock* Bro»d *treet. h** be.-n comfort ably furnished, I* wtll lighted and I heated the variora perlodlrtl* are to tw found there and it I* understood that th# loral paper* will alao be on Me. If anyone havinr periodical*, with i which they have finished will kindly send them to the reading room, they will be very much appreciated by the Brotherhood end enjoyed by the »ol- ; dlers. Here alao can be found ata- i tionery. which will b? furnished the soldier* free of charge. The second form is fitted up us t* lunch room, which the ladies of St. Paul'* church have taken In rharg ! A competent person has been placed jto charg* and any soldier who wishes to can get a cup of hot ctlfce and a ; sandwich for five cents. The ladles r.’gtet having to mnke i ven this small Vharge. but will be | ; obliged to until other arrangemenu ern lie Today lunch w«a served free. I The rooms have been well patronized I by llic soldiers today, and all ate loud !; n thjir praises cf this move on the p,rt cf the Brotherhood, and their gen tlemanly behavicr ahowa their appre ciation of the courtesy which has been extended to them. Hemember the place, over Chris Gray's old store, corner of Broad and Mdntcsh streets. A cordial invitation !« extend'd to each and every soldier and a warm amt hearty welcome will be extended him. Hephzibah Note*. Hepbiibah. Ga„ Nov. 29.—Rev. Mr. Stevens, who is standing conference occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church here Sunday. Beth sermons were ex pedient. He also gave an enjcyahle lecture hefore the Rstibath school Sun day afternoon. Prof. Jeckson delivered s spl-nc d lecture before the Baptist Sunday school on Sundsy morning. Mr. Luslen Knight return on Sunday from Mcßean. Miss Florine Lcgue came in this ev ening from Gibson. Miss Rosa Mims returned from Waynesborc on Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Knlgbf. Mis* Sallie Knight and MiW Gm;ude Mlllwf. of Muß«an; *nd Miss Gr«,ct« «-f fWAltgr, C- wire ib the vi’ltgt last iuedsy. T|* w**tk#r. is very cat*. The >her momctcL indicated .12 this morning. i <MAi rnifrin .ftgit iiM# li m> fc* GEN. YOUNG - RETURNS FROfI)TRIP Ktr| hi|H WHI 111 t Map NNk '*• tkMMsrai s»»« «r k a wap rt»» 1 B #*#* ■■ Imn# h 9 HBWpiß'tßNi Bnhk bbr* I #HI*. IB»iM B* <t% IwMMBtB ##4 B* 1 .ft «*# • m+# B J## Ist llm# • *mm *# imttt* f%* ##•#*#“ «Bf# B# I* mb## »888 • pApßj#'it masb «B# * unbimi %it *•,## Hi B*‘BKf «#fHK *#4 1 1 f* * f B In % «I#Alr*-4 ##• tsm TH# #• A?B#M# #»4 U*##M«iH* A## MB## * »*t . | %*•": ‘hw.-f *%* wt 9 #1 C«*lBMiBMl Bi P#k*9*bMl(' IB* i##* ti#*c. #l#li m* Bi« «B# * #Mlfl #4 **■ '■* m *b4 r fßfakf-til *' I* no ro!4#r WBm ti# ini iß# #r« «ntl fAVArtI mrß## tBI#B Tkiff ts!- dtEtr from RtilTa * 9§t] vi»nn vpoii* in I Hy* Y#B*r(Hy i lar|t •hipw#t»t «»f un! U r rok. »»fi*l*rrl,nb#*. Hlwkft*. ibifti |i4 Mrmtitm* oth#r tbing* #r frr tb# Cifdry. Tb# m#o »r# isrftght#d to rtfiv* tb#ir new »u|»* p!,#» ' iT^ Tb# followtnc 4##w of tb# T#n*b Ohio Will play the C. L. A. team In basket bail uw Thursday nlaht at St. Prtrick’a Hall: Hrivatf J. Belcher. Co. A; Private K De’.Vald, Co. A. Sergt. H, Netta, Ca. K: Private F. K. Haugh ton. Co G; Otwp l- Loihrop, Co. H. Private H. D. Hart. Co. B; Private E Zcll*r, Co. B. Private H Feasley. C. L: Pr'va eJ. M Fergnaon. Co. L; t’orr. J. F. A he. Co. C; Artificer K M I Freneb. Co. B. Camp Chat. Adjutant General Reirhmann leaves inday for Huntsville, where he goes to tie txamlned for oromotlon He has a .host of frlerd* vtho wish him sucres*. Lieut. Hrwe. of the engin*-er», re jeeived news teday that hl» father t* seriously 111 and left at once for a seven day’s furlough. MsJ. BeHs. of the Tenth Ohio. Is di vision officer of the day. Col. Duvall, chief ordnance officer. I returns Frldcy. The brigade bakeries art* iti working i erder. i Cspt. Nelson, of the Flfieenlli Miu ; nosois. is officer of the day of the Third brigade. Ccpt. Samuel Riggs, of Co. K, K. at Maryland Is Firat brigade officer of the day. Lieut. Wm. W. Inglis, of Hie Thir teenth Pennsylvania, the senior side of Gen. Gobln. has returned from a thsee months' aick furlough. Wcrk on siables for the officers’ horses hak begun. Richards, of Co. D, of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania, has been relieved from duty at the brigade bakery. j p\ Corrigan, of the First division hospital corps, has received an honor able discharge nnd leaves for Connec ticut tomorrow Keasey, of the engineers, has return ed from * sick furlough. Fifteenth Minnesota. Walter Geer of Co. I is sick in the hospital/ T. Kreegan of Co. K is among (he additions to the hospitals. Corporal Keenan and L. J. Doan of Co. I have return: d from sick fur lough. Thomas Lewis of Co. M is sick to day. Wagoner Brand of Co. D lias return ed from sick furlough. Lt. Dewey of Co. C is unwell to day. fit. x. T. Nelson of CO. V lias re* ;urn*., front sick furlough, hut ba. not yet rsppned fc*r dU. Capt. 3p tear'Of Co. Dis officer 1 of the day. • Lt. Porter or Co. I is officer of th* guard. AlfM »«*, t)g PUTTING PEACETERNIS IN WRITING Tin NNHWiflt# «f Al fililA »!*%**« lit II V 19%. Bb»4 «M» Bull Ml IB# *rn %#m INmbmbi -- MN# «B# f*l i« a'i <*f !*##(** i- 1 *<• t«# 1 Witnath Piaatili tats U r,w*+ nt ( , *i Ha# »»■' n |g4| frnen rhlf lfflofi (r | -rr» - fi** l i|Mk Fh»b Tat# of Co n tea hasea 4l«> MHI'*I 'twill!*an of Co. D ha* frto.ned fmrn u«ii in# t#rt##4 4 u|uMii #bW*« ~ u|g» (0 Imp rfloFn) 111 mnk# TBt 'Man* frlv(Ml» of J. 9B*»#n <4 Cm, D atr# Forty to Nn lb#* bl# #t#t#r l« ft-rIOTOh Ifi ind tßs* h«* bo# tw#fi lu'V* NNs (AttilntA «fc : F*T%Rwftf fr®K lb* t #®“ lm<mar if th# dd( >»!>ht hoipstst #• • irrtlay to allow thr koapitai to b# i Atewsid ttp##r was sent to th# city hnsrilal jeaterdav (tw ir**na#nt u. Biehoff Co. nl# t.ffic#v or th# day |j Buw#rs of Co. C l» officer of the guard j rim H. W. Kaatner lia* b#c* pro ' oiotml to First riergeant of Company H : Cot oral Frank I-new haa been in mooted to Ftrat riergeant of, Com j pany H Charles Kline and John K* »ter (tav# h#en promoted to corporal* in Compa ny B. ! " Thirty-lifth Mkhigan. j Acting Hospital fiteward Springstes.l ll,aa reported for duty after a short III | a *'(»#. Cfonenweit Of Ca D arrived yestet;- I day from Michigan after being absent lon sick leave The moving of ramp has beet un der way all day and is practically ootn pletetl Sgt. S A. Ciaue of Co. B. has had his furlough extended Lt Howie; of Co H t* officer of the I day. First Maryland. Gold burg of Co. A has reported for ! duty after a short sickness Sllmau of Co. H has reported from ; si k to duty. In Co. B. Sgt. Frink, Sgt. Beaknell. I nod Corporal MclTlhenny. are sick 10- tlay I i [turns of Co. H has returned front I tick furlough. rtfckwlth Of Co. T 1 has rejoined his regiment after sldk furlough. jonaa of Co. 0. Downey of Co. T and or Co. M ate among the sick lu quarters today. Vance of Co. .\1 has returned from sick furlough. Sgt. Pearce of Co. A has received honorable discharge. Capt. Wright of Co. K Is officer of the day. Lt. Morris of Co. F is officer of the guard. CUas, A Hatton of Co. B, G. S. Reinhardt of Co. G, and D. B. Snider of Co. F, were sent Lethe hospital to day. li. G. rieiglw of Co. B has been transferred to the band. Tenth Ohio. .lames Molion of Co. (' is among -lie addition* to (he hospital. I Capt. A. J. Fish* df Co. A is in the hospital suffering with malaria. li. oil a fee of Co. F has be.-n return-: cd to duty from the hospital. G. Stafford cf the band haa L''#»> j sent to the division hospital. Terek of Co. G and Brock of Co. ■ D have been sent to the division host- ] pilai. The hospital kitchen has been estab lished and ia cqoHfrpwti by it* ganm liiahinaa. Fatty uKesf, übd Par.. Garidiwt) Hospital dteWald Jones tie- been sworn in as Uwaxenant and aSsiaraat surtiean. Luster Smalt of. Co. K John Mahon PLANS FOR THE NEW ARMY' Suit ft Mat m frn l M Mtthat lift UiMtladM trie *.iias»■ I «4 •effwtm *»m»«W»*,e«. Hrrt- WHlt earn*# ft«W. W'lMWlt I* It* ,«* «( iwiaoriiM till* P*t W# »l BACK iwn THE EAST, Capt P. 11. ffke Katun** I ram th# I satern Aha* Market t apt I’ 11, R e#, rtf th# R*e g Of ■' ( ti, in !*•» i* ff *lii IP^ Kaetern shoe market* Mr Rh# aa# ’y ktffl## ’ t t **fi ph ipt 9 premia**' ,'lh ituQi'fif fff#r wm* la i’^' 1 m wntiH B# ra#bl#4 so bn% nnb iMii If Ip* iifith pi v#r% '«*# sis »;fF» 9<i cfli* rTMilcii ti(| tiiat i||« m<mißi H* •tpt## iß#t b m (rtf* «•> i |»foAi9Br op#, p« Hr foaad air.) 4*iln»Wf lie#* of p||#cp at (Bit fprcor?. #ad pH tb# m»d# tin goorip ftp b#a<l at ffrertly m*ae#d prh#e Tkew goon* am## (hla week end he aay# that «h#y #ill be acid at prir#* that will mak • th*- she# hue>ness lively fm the month of December The oj»p*>rturtti#« M frred hy th# Rice g O'Ccnat I ribV# Co. are alway* appreciated, a* the crowd* aha visit their a.orra testify to ihelr • merit of their offering*. IIV. W. S. STEPHEN*. Died Suddenly Thi* Tornlng In summer* IMe. Iff, w s rite, herfa dl* t> at in* name mt the Hill this morning Off For riacon. Knoxville. Tenn.. Nov, 2*—The head . I tie ret * of the second division of the . Aral corps, which hue te-cti here elm# j 1 August 27. will li • bro'-en tomorrow ’e-.d g<> to Mscon (inly two legimentsj | noe letnaln here, the .list Mtchtgsn arid the Sixth Ohio, They are under order* !io he teadv for ileuarture to Cuba- 1 ttwine to conflicting orders the fourth j .Tennessee did not vet auny till late ! iHSt nigh', for Savannah Major David Hemphill, chief quart trntastet ..f th {division, has been relieved of duty. Uaterhary Coming. I'aile, France. Nov. 29.—A dispatch [front Brussels to The Journal affirms the ie»*ort that Count Ksterhasv has I eailed for America. The dispatch ns-| Inert* that he embarked at Rotterdam. i | Tltc uitlc SOB of Officer atvtson, who! ai'cld-' ntally shot himself the other day. is getting along nicely now. He has had ! very high fever for the paat few days, taut Ills condition Ik very much Ini proved, to the delight of hie parents and ft lends. J —y .1 F,. Hart of K'dgefleld is at liie Com mercial. Of Co C and dorp. A. .1 Fisher of Co. A, have lie'll sent to division hospit al. Capt. Fin/.ee of Co. C is officer of liie day. Lt. Schelllng of Co. H Is officer or the guard. Cavalry, A. Wangers of Norway was assign ed to 11 troop yesterday. J. W. Warner is a recruit for H. troop. George Sibelt, an Augusta rccrilH, who worked for the Perkins manufac turing company, has beu sent to the hospital to stand the physical exami nation. Zetbemuauni, u recruit, bus ben as signed to M troop. Com. St. Klmo Vuughun of H trooii went to liie hospital today. Baldwin of B Hoop was die Hissed from hospital today. Corpora! i’gtleraon of troop L w;,s sent to quarters from hospital today. Brush of B troop receives an honor able disaharg, totnorrow. t Co:p. Fa.t* vui -.etii to quar ters pda/ fro’li lioepiutl Foiir -nien of tlhr r.oapital corps have been fiewdled’fbr'the ouValry. \ g’An w(tad'll kirtlien and men* lent Is un'lci construction for l» troop. »#f PPM AP# A tfAft IlffritxAf. Mil a* >V THE EAST DAY OF CONFERENCE B 0 *l| f|( tfti tt| ‘N|#f W*. i f* |i | - | % litfli Bpiniw wm ftm |HI BBi gpiilßP j m**» «•## *mvm*w* mm ******** TH# M | *M9*wm4 ¥s* mm** «ab# • prPß«Hb#f Bf tß# B«a4 n 4 Lot dNtti}»ptf my rkit h pb4 I pH#!! nut LftHi'’' •*» c#fl I finWHHp## A Hrmpfßl 1% («4«». i t«i «bo itied mm m C v br:*. toil nukrtyf The sum of $32 If was raised. . . t Cffitfn bt# l#f>*ib ..prrrli bv tbr bUtibop Mr Muon rr s{mbN is m frpJin* #n*l happv nun Tkr rlrricii »• #kn ww iw# •#* i»r«ui#d for • Bitl wbirU j ... r s-..led over bv th. Re* W. r. I ook. Tb*- R»f». J. F Mlx tn h*» lw *n th - be|>vrd precidtrg elder here In the Au- | gesta district for the P*»t four jrqfftw j and It la with great regret that this * there of uacfalness la now to be in a j different locality The business of the eonferenee Is j living rapidly disposed of and by to- j night the par* ng cn the t haracter* of j iihe Incumbent# of the pulpit* in the | icgion over which this conference hu* | ijurladiciiou will have been completed Many of the mlnlater* a* the‘ r ,{ names were called by the bishop. «r(J*e and gave an Interesting resttm.' of , their labor* for the past year. Kev. F. W. MtCiuskcy. The Rev. F W. McCluakey. of At lanta. In u few words feelingly sahl that he gave thanks to God for the op iportunities snd the results of Ills lasi year's work: ke was much encouraged and should go on. It Is understood that the bishop in tends io read the appointments at to night's session and the conference of I Silk will be over. The credentials of Rev. W. L. Glenn were restored to him and it is thought [that he will resume work In the Souin |r,eprgi» district. A Division Resolution. Ft Bowing this mailer, Rev. TV W. Wadsworth, who Is oue of the fore most workers on the pro-division side of the conference, arose anil railed up arother resolution, which, as read by Dr. Heidi, called for tin* appolntmrnt of n committee of thirteen members, live of whom were to tie laymen, to Investigate the division question, and, If a division was thought to be expedi ent. to formulate some plan or line whereby it could be accomplished and : report at the next conference. This | was signed by the Rev. Wadsworth. , Rev. Owens and Rev Lovejoy. Then j from all parts of the house name calls for recognition from the bishop and .here followed a maze of amendments, subtsiUitlcr.s. etc. it appears tlmt the conference Is very evenly divided on tills fiiiesllon. The Rev. S. P; Ledbetter arose and spoke strongly against the resolution. Tin- Rev. G. G. Smith, of the Macon district, arose mid argued against the resolution. The reverend gentleman who was ordaired In that very church. St. that the resolution was almost tanta mount to an expression of approval of tiic division question, which was not (l,o tense of the majority of the con ference. Amendment s. Then ether ministers arow* and | moved amendments and sub-amend- j IneOLS. ill , ;o- guile a'.PWVg slid , .-niphhliu faiifcueee b«iOff. u-ied, atul a | ICTI2 dj»wn OJ. squabble appealed ini ru - net, I The titshap remarked ihiit wldl-- Au gusta \v,|K fin exceedingly fltiiightfill („ remain in." yet business must »«** lOANAND KAVINUP Bank •*4MB# • •• MPiß*# te IW«M#K | A. «*mM* | • • •*«**♦* DECIDE MOTIONS IN 30 DAYS i*4s9 «f rm shd Aigppftfff«ami i$ Drti#. Awffpaw IHR StMUkk b|9MM«#t |»t t%» M at •W| ***** mm** w*mt*m*4 TB# Bill M- Mnmßi m* * **** * ■BUrtBM «B# , 0 f *mm**9m* #B4 tfHf ippuffi %m dll Bm#nmb« *n*m*m ***** 4*t * ***** r*m*m**4 b# »#b#isidiß I** ifc# cmmm***#* TB#f# wm* m ***** ' w***b ******* TB#- Bill wm* mmrnm* b# * p *mm*mWt mt «h b ib# Bwbbp t* «f|f ( B# pi mmtw < -p#«Mi tt#4 *m t%* ***** In tH# bmmmm# #b BBPikKB mt Mr |W..*» th# «HM«# tefknani M» •e«#4# ft*** Ma a»'*ri*ww ••• the »*« risk mt «#*!#*# Ib Tm|vop nt&mt*** pb4 BmMMMT - - twfpp tß# pirbwlßßi# BI .Bl TB# ■at#l* 9m*! ********* *» M+i*mrm la ib# pt«4k • fid#Bra# «b HMNnI ats4 t#r#a««4 • BTPfB (Nl-Kfffwfid pb4 Btlaß* • •liar • i*» sp%r«*i#pi# ib# <4 m *th *Apa o**l ißt « *«ffi i »d»i* «nml4*'*b* «a 411 wm* «ww*%#4 i# Mi II Mt dip#lß 9a# »t»4 •Hvanrikl p oii**n* •tiPaBE «* p w ittar* f •#* MHB. Hr*. Mt, Wp4#»ottß %htm ##l4 tftuil | H* r#Bratftr4 tb# I 881 Tb# iwiphof) tßmi'knl tH|kt H mm* m Ml* orcaftl-'ib# ic -mlirra .19 t«* itMm, *b«Hi»«t not mm m*** Bnfiias* Tb# mi *a*tn if»4 c% l*r» j HcMi #1 Ibk »#<|»4#p! «vs Mr. IVp4*“ ipwrtb fßptls' ulP*lr 4b# f-r»pif>b|p j '*Berra* It H«« loon fhfi«n by i vat# H#nly #l#.. ibßt ft fibiri *H<s Hit* *h»»ul«l tut rv*wMt#4 *#* it tb# iit »tr» Hr pi tft (ilk rrrMP BBr «*bn#« tiait nx>n, « ih#r# mi • »honw j tsf l*«v#i>i * Amrn» « in# A rtainri vote «»* Ibvn r«Bt» #B tb# -*iuraib>n of la v tit# tb# r**#olu!l<m on ibr fit to ilk. > t'lwm th. .lauding up wf th*ew- In f*• Am of tabling it. Or. Ifetdt annunstsl Hi't be . tainted HI mvmbet*. Th autln then *t'a>d UP and the toll showed ll« against the i<ii>p.>«lil<m. i Another amendment was then offer* !,. ( l tn .,,n- the wotdtng -"to.take ln- Ito . onetdeiattnn the « nitre iU» stton ! sMfcer a dn l»ion I* ' ete. 1 The Rev. (•. O. riatith «ro» again and said that it appealed to him that {the calm deWberstlun of ihlrteen men , n th,- sul.Je. t »«s prefetat.le to the ; onickly spiun* reaolutlon «f * few of the minority. ■ Wldle Dr Wadsworth hadjslaled >)V 1 gives hi* i. aeons for the uge of the I vtord "stilfe" In this connection, yet I ha'.tkfr Rtiilth). w hile un old man. liad * , mntned rcgt«*d on the deliberation tie younger men'on eeituln quegUolt* be ■ fore th. body, hut now he fell elrange- I Iv and knew thot such efforts were the . ause of nil, nation and bUtcrnv**. Ju tgc Mantmuml Judge Hammond "t Allanta then aio.-e amt moved to a\vote on the res olutiun. with this addition: "Provided that nothing herein con iallied shall Ih- construed to commit the conference to a division.” ricivial members exnrgsasd their Ideas that th< Judge's mothm "«» the correct solution or extrication front a pnrflitmental's' tangle, and ll was s. c onded and passed almost unanimous!*'. Dr. Heidi then moved thai the con i', . adjourn to meet ut S o'clock to nigh' to rec'dvc the appointment list, and It! 2 o’clock the conference ad journed. The appointments, which will pr»d>- altly lie ready for tie) night session, Will , n,i the woi’k of the conference. City Items. IT. C. Haycbt of Allanta Is at the Cmiim-rclnl. I T. H Francis of St. le,uls is at the ('ommerclal. James Dnrun of Cleveland. 0., 1s at the Commgrclal. t J,. A. Bush of Martins, S. C., Is at the Commercial. I; M. Clutch of Philadelphia is at th" Coimnormial. li m Dumfrey of Columbus, (ia., is ut the Commercial. I\ S. Johnson and .1 P. Crltchton of Vlk n arc registered at the Commer cial. Mr. It. C. Hunted, manager of The Heart of Maryland company was In the city today. Ml . and Mrs. K. J. Costello have re- , turned offer a delightful trip to north ern cities. Mr. A. T. Rogers, of Thomson, Ha., i-.vus in th.) city today shaking hands ".-Rh hi* many friends. V\ C Toinv.kbu?. T. P. Black .Veil. D C Weel)* siiui H- .JUgufl. “ l Ne.t York, arc at- the Comm sicial. - Mr*. L. ft. Kilpatrick hem return.d |,nine a'lor-a tdcasant visit to lier tno lher. Mrs. Byrd, on upper Klli*.