The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 30, 1898, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY Dal! & Co. No Reasonable Offer Refused For Any Article of Winter Goods in Stock. Doub'ft-w dth ptnid, piAin And fAncy Dr***Good*, worth 20c.. at 10c. Novatty Wool dulling*, *prth 75c 10 SI . at only 49c, I o-4 whit* Colton Blantfat*. worth SI. at 49c. Lov«)y fur Capo* from $ 1.98 and up 1 ; pnc** 25 p*r cant, undar othf In town. Our Jack lit*. Cap** and Fur* arn the lat*«t * * y i r * *". * bla' KlonO, boll a? r i th#? foanor *a? mlT** *W * hava biTr«aini foryou alT' wa hava about 30 c«h 'dfiown, «oupon, with every ea. JAMES DALY & CO., - • - 820 Bread Street PIERRE CURB I IS IN CAVITE A It til tt««i krt*»« F9a tp He i. \.« «Hi*> ti»* m fert Am rmp*. Mi «W*n tit# ##!l lfta«« t f f t '' *•%!*#, It** iatMV«l It Pfe'*** Mt* l»’»■'#*» '%|[ WtWt fM9 a jofiar 4 t*gww* ■ tr*»*»g v»aa., vim# la will ktoae 9999- Tfct Unm t» tr%m 9* htrt* Cur. v|a I# vrlili <9# t‘aiii4 Itatv arm* ta ik« nnHamuM . Th" |#tt#f rmmm a* f ill r«rt flan ntf|». r»Tit# mmirpts* Matii Mr Daar Cfiprfaf I |#r# 90 MvM Mat alt! you vdl ba koatralu avrpHaad fe 9**r ftoo m* *t lb . Mac# at Ik# *am» K*»tt •k. Sean. I m Min partly l| rtl»iw». aith< 1 am * tear (I (Imaaßßd nil## Iran hnr*. I ttIMM I* :k# r.»m» •rat cm tk# *ii?h of ’aai April »t rudr a S. C. mil from th»» i araa ■am to pi»kti|loo tb#rr I rr warned unt i! A pit ItS Tina lb# hatlary ant .o Fort Myer Vi . a hie* •» tkr## Mil • half mil#* from th# rafttai. leaving th# lplt#r plarc Op June 30 and aftiv tog at San Flxpritco oa lb# 27th Tb« trip from V.rgln* to CaLtarala took •wm day*, and It wm a moat k#aa. i fnl <tr#. a* v# arrar rbroaab ik# Rocky mountain*. and me bad a lay over at iMdvlll#. Col. ter *l* fcrura. and iberr I mv a gtraf deal of Ik# loan. Wr alao arat ihriuah Salt Lrke City. Utah, and 'be rail?# bars<*ty had a ■aim la «hc Great .-'all lab# California la a gr*** af*i#. bo. I •-#*’! to bat I Ilk.- iba caot aa 1 waa op guard on tbr Foartb of July and it vm ac fold tha'. I bad >o arrar my oyerfoai, but, notwlthatanding tbs raid * earlier I had quit# a nlr# tionr wh.le ib«rf. #• I look In CMnaown and all tb# plarrt of amu« ment. Wr left 'Friaro on July IStb and west ri>ctr<i ihr traoapdrt *te*m*r !*eraa. arriving at Honolulu an th" morning of ihr 23rd There 1 found quite a nlc# r iy. On tbe following Tawdry the good prop!# of tbr trva gavr thf aoldlrt* on tbr two trana perta cf our expfd.tlcn tn rlaboiato dinner, which coat the city rigbi thousand dqllara. Wr left Honolulu on August 4. arriving here on tbr 2taf. Wr bad excellent weather all the way over, but thf trip was a moat tiresome one. rs ‘.here were tlrvett hundred aiea ra our boat, a-hicb inane it quite rro wil'd. Well, as I have told you of out trip bo:b by land and wa.-er, so 1 will now endeavor to try a*)» iell you something cf till* bole here, which is almost out of civilization. Well, to atari with. It Is hot as tt could -ctslbly be, without being or Are. end besides the nations here ar- only ebout half cltiaens. They live In little hut* made of bamboo and they only wear such clothing as they are comfelled to. rnd th?!i main Indus try Is manufacturing cigars and cig arettes. Thfrc era tome that work as carpenters end at other kird of la -1 cr, but .is a rule they are no. too fond of work. Cigars ere very cheep here, qnd cne can buy a boa of fine hand made for 55c. In our money, which will equtl those wt pay 5 cente straight for as heme. I wiil mall you a box on Nov. 8 and hope they will rea-h you safely. I hear from home ebout once a m-rtii. and father said that a great many of the boys were in the volun teer army. 1 only wish I was; then I would s’.eud some chance of getting out of it. tint as I am In the light ar tillery 1 beve two and a half yearn to serve. We will mete over to Manila tomorrow, tvfcicb is seven and a half miles from here. 1 don't know bow long tvn are’tr; s'ey down here, but 1 hope cot much longer, as the climate here is so hot and sickly. We have lost, three men since «ve have been here and now have twenty-three in the hos pital sick, but so far I am fat as a match. lam nre doing office work frr tbe captain and probably will be m*d» battery clerk, which ranks tb#* as a corporal. Suppose you itava nod a pleasant summer at Barca's. You have no idea how hemestok I get at tS<nss, -especially after receiving a letter fram heme. Well, old boy. I will hitv to close s? the old man has just come in- YOUCANNOTAFFORD THE BOOTH ON GREENE STREET Tit Silt VlwtfJ Aftrf • Utf DnllMk. •*v iii ik»t " m imhm* <k« t *»WI I# Ik# VNI. TlM# #*l* 9 f tl## tt *hi ' IvwMllk M# i##9 |g «if| 9# tv 1 19* 191441# at <l9#» ###H it 19# 19* till#rUot of T%#4f*9 |U|< 9 VM 901 •t!9«NH K9# #tn*- 1199 l 9l > W|#9l4 ftt»4 • 4v- *t 99# 1195# 99* I tfl o# 4 9dp#l#*# 4»M9fl f 9al 9* pufl-f # f IMF rmmtH, »9*## |49»Y ti 9. *#9s ft9§# 19 l| 19# tt94 I TH# frtiMi rt Mr MrAaliV# 9#4 *#• I t#rt94 19# 9l9## n#9r (km * Ivr 99 #f9*9f*9t 9^#4<niirtfft T9# rt;«*4« took «kr poatlloa I hat tbr place 995 99k 4 99# #94 1991 !9# 9|** g< rtwalty for fraudulent voting would hr great Mr Clark and aom# of kie frirafe called oa ikr mayor and pro iratrd apataai fklt attr. The mayo' atld them the h#*t *a> 10 #lll» ta Mitler would be to let tkr frlaad* o: Mck faction grt togrlbrr and telrrl a pla.-# Mr. Clark'* fVlmd* were notiaftrd l in q«r tb# old polliaa place on Mar bury at era*, between Broad and Bllla. but when on# of the Mckuliffe faction went to fk# colored woman living th»T“ •hr refuted to rent H- Go# of Mt Clark * frleada afterward* got bee ccaaeat. and tb#n tk# owa#r frt-tn whom ab# rent* oh)e«ied. | Tbe*-# wa* aotblng to do but to bring th# matter forwi*l!y brfor" tbr polteu ' commit!##. f Tbl* body, rcnalatlng of *b# m*y># *nd fc unellmen Rice. Garrett Howard Rraiflrld and Lombard met ; eater.lay. Mr Howard moved that * polling tooth be ere, ted In th* middle of Greene street, where the election conld be conducted In a fair and open way. Mr. effered a auballfu.e merely providing that aome other alte the Deveta br rhoauß. Tbl* mntlca wr* put Brat an I c »tilled In a tie. the mayor voting in tbo r.ffirm.itiv# Mr. lombard'* moilon for the Greeu* atreet booth was then pul with th* • same reault —a tie. Mr Garrett bad given u* hi* ohjee iloa to the Greenr airee: l>ooth thuvjt would coat money to build ihe bn^fh Mr. Leal bard at this Juncture stated that h* would give the city enough ; lumber to build th# booth. Mr. Howard thought that this wotthf ramove Mr. Gurrftl'i objection. »o Is* csket 1 for a reecatWeratlon and put Mr. Lombard’s motion again. The result was *'oe srtne cld tie. It look'd like a nopelMß deadlou.k. so Mr. tto-vard *»H there was notntng to dc but call a meeiing of the whole council to settle the matter. This prospect was not relished by th" friends of Jdr. MrAuliff-, but there would be nothing else ,o do unless some agreement was reached. It was a c’-ltical situation. Mr. Wee talked of factions. Mr. Howard was asking to know how there could br foe slightest objection io the Greene strut booth. It was an interesting scene. The mayor asked Mr. Howard and Mr. Klee if they would net get tog?*ho:" and select a site, but Mr. Howard ea d it would lie a waste of time, as they could never get together. Mr. Garrett snd Mr. Lombard were then asked to sel#"' a site. They at flrrt objected, bi t finally consented. They -vent out and soon it was un derstood that the Greene street booth had won out. Prayer Meeting. The usual weekly prayer meeting of the W. C. T. I'. will be hrid "t f<t. John's lecture room, at 1 o'clock, Thursday afternoon. Every member Is earnestly requested to be present. Miss Emma Ftoy, secretary. Mrs. W. C. Sibley, president. to the office, and that means, go to vai’k. *o please excise bat! wrliing end write to me soon. I am ycur very tpuly, PfERRE C, CARR, Light Battery Q Sixth Artillery, Manila, P. T. My retires to tbr- boys, and remem ber me to Oils. Pierre. THB) A UOXJBTA H ERA I.A.P IN ASOCIAL WAY ■ ftk v% Ms W'wfw V . *r t# WW* HI fmr*#« t* U** I WMi ill*, k I In* Nim M «•» I **t Vo w>ofr »|»« imifftt* «*»h ttftnupk ill h#r hr*#tt* I Hrr #|MfH »I|M M w-rNMI, fMMlO m«** Iwnt *m*#l»*t»* u*«*Nw **»> lirl* \ tic Ist 4#i I%# Ml\> m#v> Hi wHlN*r#4 II bN \ hr»i»(. H-*r k>ri* ***«« tMr dl# #w#jr Ta«» fir. too I# w*k* til# oM uitmrt Hummer ib4 I im* Row it Hit. WV hiir ItvH d«r» ***d #**» th«*m dt* all tlx ##4 old ln#ri w» di*iw**d ind ;*#tf VFf may <*!#•* tlrvd #jf#H4#. lb* »nd I. : V*t onlr hilf *in S«n»w« rhir* mv Narrow. f ha v# hlkr Tiftifdif. ind wot H* r morrow I AWCIC MKHBBRT. iw Utrratur**. A Mint f or Warmth. Now that th# c#W weathar i* t»«*«tn- n in*. It la wall to rematwhar that it th»* wriat# ami th*- mikl*» at * warm. th*. r at of th* body la not Ukoly to auf far. W.ii at«»d wriattata ha v»» it on** out of faahlon. hut th* muff **n«l th« low* ! !#i##v#d roat aei vt* quite aa good a pur-j p. ao. Flaw thing*, however, have be n ; round to take th«* »*!»«•• of legging*, j i •• hirh. If they are wonted, are apl to le awkward, and If they are buttoned j .are sure to t ar the sklrta. j The long knitted tight* were found a • trouble to out on when one wai in i hurry to go out. Vet to have aomethlng whirl) ran Iw* eaelly slipped on and off haa become u neceaaliy. Women In ih overheated houses of j tho present .ij v have disrovei**d that I n la Imposalbl* to dre**. aa th.-lr I grandmother* did. In warm unwieldy i riannol*. or even In the name warm . loth** In Vhloh they mult die** for ith'* afreet#. j They rdaim. too, that If one dre**«a In j light clothe* for the house and In something warmer f«-i the atieet the dangei* of taking cold are minimised. ; The ingenious young woman of the present day buys (toll stockings with [out feet, end these *he silos en over her cotton stockings when ahe goes out of door*. They aie snug enough not to slip and slide, and bavins no hooks or catehabl* places about them, answer a purpose in ooM weather which nothins else has done.—Harper's Basal Mary Anderson and Her English Home. Every Am :-rlcan will be interested in a rage of photographic reproductions In the Ch-letma* Ladles’ Home Journal which presrnts "Mary Andersen in Her Engllnh Home." The pictures were male expressly for the Journal, and shew Mary Anderson <1 :• Navarro a* she Is today, her t" n-ycar-old son. and Ihe exteriors and interiors of the 1) ‘ NaVarrof delightful English home. Th.-re pictures will be treasured by the beloved actrea*’ admirers In this coun try. as they give an Interesting glimpse of Mrs. de Navarro's dally life and her surroundings. Poster Pillow For the Divan. To make a poster pillow choose a poster that is of the realistic school one that ehotvs not more than three ! colors. Trace the figures on the stuff j selected and then buttonhole them with ! a coarse sill: on to the pillow cover. Velvet or satin may be used, or two shades of linen, or even unbleached muslin .—December Ladies' Home Jour nal. Music For the Fair It has h«BE suggested, oy * wifa of one of the United State* officers here, that, in order to add to the gttractlTe -1,,-ss of the Masonic Fair, ihe colonel of each regiment lie asked to permit the j Novelty Wool Hulling*, worth 85c.. At 39c, o*_ 0 *_ Good warm Undor*«*r for m«n, *om«n *nd childr#n. worth 50c M At lot. hpneui Wool Blank*!* $2.98. %A 98 and 44.98. worth 33 l-J P«»r cant. mora. (.dim* and Coat*--Pricea cut almo*t In two. 11N9iw4 *4 915 199119#*' 9# 9lt# 9 **4*"##,, |#atk sHtifß*# 1 ’ * ■ #Mp 19# «9ir I# T9i#w<] *<#9l4 ‘ nK «| -1 Ikr *M> k4hs awaatf Mw Ha# *W« |v*pa»as fMUta* ! HIM I lillllr MM*** 9*4 ’ (%4l «99« ] | *p9t*4 I* t#9# f'99t4* r «9# 9 ■* 499 ##o* ; M tm 9*of «*f 99# *#*’ * 9%** 9* J*m** 9 919«k4*il *94 MU# IS** | Imi%# 4*«# I* 95’»*M0#f u* 1994*#0 * 9*9# •4#*9 191*# K«k**«rr til# HI It# ' t#kt»*9i*«j «># t* Hltff#* 1 #ft KOMN*f C»v9- T9# T|ur*tiT Ri*4lnc Clwi* *<*t» H 4 * f poult *t tli# 9«r*9# *4 Muw M«ttr Ai* I Mr# Fells A! Mittal l»*»* {# Ul o***l if?ott* • Yi*t' i*t fr»#94« tn Vfrttm# For LaCrippp and influ enza usn CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. THH MARKETS. APOCTT* MSHKRT ItEPOMT Augusta. Ga got. 3*. -Tone Ptrati ' Ordinary . . ~t H-t* O hkl ordinary «»» (•trlct go»d mtlinaiy ...Mv • !Si i let 100 middling 5 t-t* I Midillint A | Strict middling - *-W G-od middling i is-1« j 4 ’Mkgll-H Tinge I*-I«aSU. ItEGEtPTP WALF.B. SriN / N'ERd, gHIFMKNTa | Weed ending I)e< 3,1 W It*. Hales. Hofti Hhlp't lHaturdoy ... *« '■* f»>3 [Monday 1573 f'4l 121 *■'« ITueadar f*"l #»3 ltd 2m; 'Wednesday ... 1755 T«« ll* l"> | i .iiiV .1...^ f Total lo!7 SJt: 4*v -,«8; (IROHS RECEIPTS )*»; tss< N< t te.elpts today 170 S Through rotten today Gross receipt* today .. - 177*; STOCK -RECEIPTS. Hit 7 Is.** Stork ill Augusta .. .. t7l«v iC.229 Receipts store Sept. I ~2*4204 185710 The following quotation* are over the special wires of Paine. Murphy A Co.: CHICAGO PROVISIONS WHEAT- Open 2 p. in December *•’’*» 'A May «* T . CORN December 42 MV, May «’i OATH December .. .. 36 May 3«N PORK- December '. 7,7.'. January »•«* ».I7'- x LARD- Decembcr t** January 5 07 ’-' HIDES December C:l7*<i • ■ ••' - January «•» ' fir ’ ' NEW YORK COTTON. January r, - w February 6.3:, a. 40 March 5.43 •■4' ; Aprll 5 - 4fi May SoM ‘»-»**, June 5 - r >" ®-^I July 5j 6 August 5 - 6 fl 5.60, September 5.80 5.50 ; October .; 5.82 5.62, December 5.28 Tons— Steady. Middling—s%. NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 124 ''i ]-!®h Tobacco l ;ir >", l- j C'“ ti. R. T 67 67 ‘s Ic. B. <3 Missouri Pacific. 37% 3e;« Louiaville and Nashville ■ 62*1 62-, Manhattan .. ' 'J«% os'* People’s Ous . . f *. Id* luS %> Colon Pacific -ii ... .. .. 3Wi 3S-, Rod: Island .. .£ 103 1t,5 54 j St. Paul U 4 SoutLarn Raiiwjty, pid . 4Q|, Western I,'ttlon . LIVERPOOL COTTON. Jfttiuary ana f%l»n«ey •”..<« «•«< 1,3 I'l’bi tia i y anil Mnr-li .. :i.t‘l ; j March and’April 5.04 2 -«« n 4 OurShoespjSj Reach tha high water mark in tha matter of uuality. durability and perfect appearance. Whernver found, they are leaders. OUR PRICES reach the low water mark, and wh**n we say bottom figure* you can rest assured that you will get 4 ha bast values for the least money at our store*. We are LEADERS. TURN ON YOUR ECONOMICAL SEARCHLIGHT And make your selection from our great lines. At no time in our history have we been better prepared of offer such n ducements to shoe buyers. Scant the following to convince: 6oc Misses* kid patent tip soring Heel Button Shoes, pieced 13 to 2. go in this sale at above figures, other dealers charge 76c for them. $1.25 Misses* spring heel shoes, P**'" *<>«* and patent tips, sell regular.y for 51.75 and area very good value at that, w*u go at above price. 75c Youths’ satin calf spring heel Lace Shoes, medium weight soles, and all solid, quick sellers at SI, the above is our price for tnis sale only. $1.50’ first grade Dongola kid. Lace and Button shoes, stylisn tips, a line we consider equal to any $2 Shoe sold in this city. $1.90 Ladies’ very fine chocolate & black kid shoes, Lace and Button, with fancy vesting tops, good values at $2.50, sale price above figures. Low Prices Creates Big Business Anil ami Ms 3.0 r, »i May ami June : b"8 : b"6 June ami Jul: 3.07 3.08 July and Au*. 3.0. "7 Au* and Bent 3.07 :b*»7 H. pt. and Got 3.07 3.07 Get. and Nbv 3.08 Nov. and Dee 3.05 3.0 t Dee. and Jail 3.04 3.02 0,1 I’OTtT RE'f.'El PTH. 1807 1808 ■ Galveaton .... 16301 1.M31 New Orleans 7.">01t 33813 Mobile <633 '"«> Savannah <6l.i Oharleoton *" |S [ Norfolk < <«- WHmlngton '-’333 Boston 3814 Baltimore 3030 Philadelphia 40 - Estimated total 47388 .3000 Huntley & Palmer’s In valid Wafers at Keenan & Co’s. _ • Ladles Have a Say. To the Editor of the Herald- Sir: Ph.-aw allow me a.-ace in your columns to say a word In behalf o! the laboring elass of peopl" who are now lon a strike In defense o.' their tl«ius. In answer to the article ol Monday s Tribune, headed. "Who me their true friends '."’-Baying It Is better for the op erative* to *o back to wotk on t lt - out | WM e scale—-Ve, the working C-loJ* of Ipeopie dc not i-cugniXc SULh advic* How. it. ibe name cf common sens*, if we Were fools enough to go back to work | on the cut wage genie and wait and I work and toll and sweat turd stint aur si’lvcs for fen ycarc ett th * . nl " rs' 1 , s. ale. '.nld we ever H.-.-onipllwh any Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. TWO 834 Broad St., name across sidewalk TWO STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES | thing. Wo inuhl nut au rout h us have j . urnbread, mudtr less pay house .vni and wood bills, saying nothing abuut ! .-lathes anti shoes. We will anatcb t‘ the boms that are thrown out for ih ' hungry dogs to c atch tef .re we will ■ hack. In the trdltor's column of the |Tilbune he alao said that the mill pres idents wen able to stop th ir mills tuici keep them shtii down, that •.• were net able to Idle on nothing, but that stnr vailen In the end would reach us. lie advised rs to no buck and wot’, for tbe cut wag s. in the hop* es .-irganlv.- Ing a union, a hleh tve never could do on cut .-ages. \V* would be* -tuck, to Hd a pl'-.-e of, much less rorni an mganlzntlon. Ho. we. the work ing class o.' iroople. can leaf and do un tiling. and starve, If you will have It. Just as well as we can work and do the same. If we die. we -‘ ill die rested we won't be tired from a hard day’s toll and sweat, not making enough to hurv ; us or pul us away decently. As fur our. J officers, they me poor men, and they I j aren’t willing to Starve with us until I ! .vc get our Just rights. Furthermore. I ! (.yjn’t think the editor of Tb • Tribune , kb. tvs anything about mill work, at [ least not as much as the operatives whoj ' work in the mills from early djitvit mi ni late r. i night. A LADY OPERATIVE. Our pi ices on suits only two-thirds what others charge. E. J H-nry Co., spot cash tu tiers. 888# r Huntley <& Palmer’s In : valid Wafers at Keenan & | Co’s. . | x*“W Rtvl Opor j -la Syrui'H n , c’ciVM. , d at Jjitmkiti & j Co.'a. $2-75 Men's winter weignt brown box calf Lace shoes on one of the new wide coin toes, a full $3 50 value, the above is our figure for this sale. $3-50 The ‘’Regent’’ shoe for men at above price shou'd i»e seen to be ap preciated. These shoes are made of 'fine vici kid and calf line, and are the equal in fit, comfort and appearance of any $5 shoe on sale in this city. $1.50 For above figure, a first grade satin calf Shoe for men. Lace and Congress. We guarantee $2 worth of wear and satisfaction In this line. Try a pair. Our line of Ladies’ and Men’s High grade footwear is surpassed by none. We have sold thousands in the last five years, so most every one knows of their superiority for fitting, handsome styles and designs. Our Engraving If «»n» oiled to be ns fine as is <flone anywhere, and for that re** son wo solicit your orders for Wedding Invitations, Calling Card?, etc. The very lateat und moat con-eet siylek aeaurod. Order* ex ecuted In '.'i liquid if neceaaary. The swollen! correspondence pa per In Ihe south. Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS, bii Broad Street, Augusta, (ia too I,att: i'oh Classification WANTED- A POSITION IN GROCE RY store or as foreman on a farm nut .ar Horn the city. Beat of refer ences given. AddDfitf’ "B," 812 Barnes street. Tu RENT LARGE. ELEGANT romp, newly furnished, at 821 Broad srreet. dee 6 Rev. J. B. Alisa. itev j B Allen, of Toccfia, o*,, will deliver a sermon at 3t. Luke’s church Ht 8 o’clock tonight. Rev. Allen is an interesting preacher ami ail should hear bis discourse. NOVEMBER 30 Dali k Cl