The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 30, 1898, Image 5

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WKONIftOAV M*«* ****** hni>iN —MW— %#■)—#■*. **•*•'* ***** |U• n, MfcjfrA** *m ***■•* m Georgia Railroad Bank oioucma (n*tot*ttb #* *ft# MniifiAfoa. •••*•• I* ll ** *- tifffT ****** - a-.. .. <■*. Ift & V f i mwiifi §i» ♦ r IP * f'w*-W j MftMft TNflflfe _ . ■ -» p« ..... j- ESfaf*# M®®###®. ijßftfa# JP IMPM . Mfigmu mmmp w^^L.***** ■ ** _ ™ ■ * *#»*•* n 4faft#P#fa •rid *?•**'*-•** 4*t* MTfatt«AJMfiiß M#*.#* t?*-* *- f gggi ffatffM* f*fs *MZ' DR. Ht NHV J. I .ODIN, p|i nm *M *•*•■♦*- «#*• #MMf Iplll fljijilw *• fUt>t4NO MWA Tipi M#***## fa##*# *#4#49#fti#ft IN fa* •*#**•# #f fa **•**! - fa®fl® fafafa ffal • toft |# v«m»v '%gt • ®ft ®4ftn*®# *"111* CMftfftftt ftfeMfe* *®#fttftl®lfa IIP) ffa fftfft® ft# |A*i* 4Nfei pm **i# Pit MM" I* *4 I* iTipt«iii> *pr4 Tftffaft 00tft9* MPi * ptw*#p ##• t# w «gs tfa I®#®#* tml *» *• kof «k» »*** Mmr •* ik» PN#t ftp#(ftdMNl f®#4 t®#ft ftf®4 ffff ®Mrt#* Hiil| ftp tfa ft* #••#*» *•!#># MP# !#*♦* •« «(itf iu ~ n* WMrar ran* at> -■mi of r»* # *'k*‘ NM •** «* <l** CMtaraU «f M»»v tftMA' wn4 tt *• *»r» V. IW kW ftftt-4* •MMPi* ftWp* 1* ®#* ■ •P’ra'**"*'* ftp%t#f ft®*i #f #1 wll **■** I #»*#»• fto INI. Nl It »«• M «*N«™ «•* tPli htpiimip 4 iM* K*** world Ui • bri4#4*' *«•* »*•• * ■*- mil* tk. rm*. Tk. l*4»*f •• oa* of id* i*«MrtMit fM-ton la ife* «•- duatrtai .»4 roaatnal •* •• *k» *■« in! u 4 poJlUral .svvlopramt *« KaMna **4 HknW *1 ■ratal* mm •r.«<>:•<«*» up.n Ik* rairrprw M k*» ■hoira la **l*kraila« «* M«Mm k* »■ ■inrt m il* iwtrau of tk* liraa II tiara la, Tfcr r»ir at a hi. k |tiotlt| arrltfaato if. omirriitc la MirrlMd (hi* i«*r» pftMiiiM to rrl|p*r Ihr rMork of all pmlotM >r*r* Tk* faalarala pope** •loar rrprrt SI M tar, aod ikl* air *(H br * rarori ifttf all A *ur Rlti* an tikmt ♦•ran* to br Ibr r»»l mi |bine la tbr *N*rKI to bapprn. but tkt bardrai tklas to *ti>M. la ala* Mm oat at tra l< k <iu< to i *r»lra» • bo** oail la lhr iratk to nwftwf. Man* proplr obn mm allb thrar ar ridmlt orr ex prrto ihtawltn, knt horomr Ihr virtlaM of other* »bo ar* lßT*p#rira<r«l Mr. Hear* N. Ktlrkloon. car of th» loadlagr Ultra* of Frrdrrick, look *rt *»nt*cr of th* opportnall* olfrrrd by the racrai Tlalt of Admiral ftrblry to Hi* oatlrr Icwn to pay * trlbotr to hi* valor from ibr *t»rdpoiiit of an old frtlcw-to**n*B>ati and plajrmai*. Hr rlted onr fart which la of lntrrr*t, namely, that the appointment of Ad miral Brbley to the Naval Academy «ra* <k»c to ea-rookre#*man Henry W. Hoffmrfi, of Frederick county, who tbua laid the ateppinK *>»ne for the ad miral'* *uc *#*fu! career. He tblnka that one of the flnrat actlcn* on the pari of ScMey was hi* turnlor to the “mto tiehlrd the gun*" after the de struction of Cervera’* fleet w'th the re mark: "All must ahare In the at orr and victory”—“Thu* making a record that history will take care of and see to It that the name* of Admirnl* Dew ey, Schley and Sampson will he linked In wedlock with England'* great Nel ann and together go down the stream of tfm* a* the naval heroes of the world to lie honored by the generation* yet to come.” Fine Rich Jewelry! j Watches, j Diamonds, j Sterling Silver, jj Souvenir Spoons, * Brass Tables, J Fine Lamps, jj Silver Novelties, jj Vasts. S Fine Umbrellas, « Clocks, a ATilitary Buckles, g Military Buttons. gWm Schweiprt & Co.. Jewelers I § **■>&&,.*Ht • #Mt In *,* ® «pa#%« # ftp | ♦•» smp*mo ftlftl ftp# Ift IftNftMMP ikg-f| * %•* ' *3#pSp *« -I ft | Hft <nMI I _ . _ . w ,. i *, *-y| f Km* af§*- 4ard •* it Iftt Mil *f *4 mm* of li#f gtrftt rrvuvltii TV flnfrV«i#r ilNrr ili#* fta%«* Imi >mf wiinni vlik iraT ptaak*. Tk. S-aß i i tiJit It mo* l# N Ntltf %o dm MMi# flatim **l*B If ill# r > f*'* ff»i wrr** more A town wllkmtt wooftra erora j tar* la not doing Car If Justice, even on ; the aide of economy, toe the *ton* jirpmltnp or mot* nxi w * mT ,nr if«ft tipi'Dilf* I# lV MW. 1 Senator John 8. Wirt, of Cecil e<mn tty la a generaliy mvepled favorite foe the Ih-moratle gwheraatcrtal noaalna *» v-vaiarn Khurf j4tun pfit tinp# <m K» ,,frn BD,n^' DemorraUc paper* that have other preference* even go no far a* to declare that If be I* finally decided upon ** the ' tieet candidate for the party to nomi nal* they will be heartily with biro ,Tbe St. Mary'* Beacon ha* a paragraph In Its current Issue which I* fairly representative of what nearly all the Iwihorratlr ecutity paper* have had to soy: "Mr Wirt 1* In evary ran pet worthy of the him «r and would make |a governor who would be a credit to ! the state. Our nersonal preference for the Democratic gubernatorial nomlna tlrn lathe Hon. A. l.»o Knott, of Bal timore chy. but If Mr. Wirt I* prefer red before him we will hr ve the con ieolation of knowing that the winner I* | a good, talented and true Demoirat. From New Zealand. Heefton. New Zealand. No. 2S. I*S«. I am very pleased to state that since j 1 took the ag’Wy of Chamberlain's i medicines, the sale ha* been very larg-, more vspei ‘ally of the Cough Remedy . 1 In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than all other makes I for tiy. previous live years. A* to It* ! efficacy* 1 have be n Informed hy score* rs persons of the good result* they have i received from It. and know Its value from the use of It In my own house h,,|d It la go pleasant to take that we have to place the liottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Bean tie bur v. For snle by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co.’ One Killed, One W ound 'd. j Vienna. Ga- Nov. 30.—The folio.vln* 'casualties arc the result of the supper given by the Vienna negroes Satur | day night: Mack Holland was shot and killed, j Another negro carries a pistol ball In i his leg. . j Vhßi! Whitehead Is in jail charged ' with the shooting. | It is charged that Virgil was shoot ing at the other n gro. when he acci dentally killed Holland. The negroes pre: mt arrested the slayer and. hind ling him hand and foot, carried him to j the sheriff. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Place you order for fall suit with K. .7. Henry Co., popular priced tailor.-:. •fTPrIB ATTfItTIWrA fIFJtATTT. AUGUSTA MILLS IRE PAYING I Jt|#t # ttm if fifth#! t##4Ml tftp % ftt tw t #1 ftp# *Mpft| Ti Nrt lit Mill# M#Nb 41 w ««4 wmm iftvvt fS n#Np ftf rptltNl r»r ##« fN»rfi#r •• ft#i mtf %*» mt* ftftk iiuiitfkg t I S y*nl pnMlft. • iki •RNlVfet S |»j **r4» t« <ftr (inftt'l ftft# mr ft|{| lt ) tN ft## »Hli far 4 r*«4fl pti Y irri Sow tk*** ftmfti (KUkt f# ftp* #ft4 | tklnk ar# wmiimi*** t#f«N* fur « a-4 rwiitii pm p*mm4 mhuk rotm til r iMu t rkrftpt fit»r r**«t tativ «M STSTtSfI UtpTmrn. *SoJ. ike above will artll pendm* 11*4*1 lards of 9 1-J yard gnuds pee day. snft selling *' krents still being W l« d* Tbr wn<*» la aiwwrt IP per tent and 14 per rent la sold, wklrb brings about |Htl Bug the bagging and Ilea Mill mbuh mmPm f4.Sil •! Tlmi Nin irtm*r m#» N » Mill |g»| , f;4%f, I'.apeoae* Now RiQKN (N npra*** Flrsl 7k t*a pound bale* of rydion. at I 1-4 rent* 47.047 W» Non. the waste. 14 pee real. I* to be deducted from thi*. wbirh lenyra >1 S»o 4s»und* «yf cloth Th* t per real nraate I* sand and other matter that cannot be \m,d. We • ill aay it coat. ,1 per "sit 'to sell Ilieae gi«sl» nhlcb srill amount to |«7.95. and taxes Nost we have sold our good*, waste, bagging and tie*, and manufactured <k luilca of 1 cotton Into 3 1-1 yard goods. l-el u* . recapitulate Wrcapilulallon. The goods gold for $t 422 . The waste sold for #3 SI i The bagging and tie* sold fur 36.10 Total ..$4.661.A Cort of manufacturing...- . 12.132.51 Cost of notion 3,047.64 Taxes and water rent 4k.n7 Cost to sell goods •».! k 3 Total 11,291 .hi j What the goods, waste and bagging and tlca sold for ~44.561.41 Cost to manufacture 4,291.H1 Profit for one day.....,,. $269,80 Annual Profit. Now let us take the profit for one day. $259.80. and multiply it by 312 working day*, and we have an annual profit of $81,057.80. Here Is a profit of 8 per cent for the stockholder?, which ought to be enough to satisfy them. And It Ut hoped that the presidents of the Augusta mills will give notice to the operatives that they will give them their former wages, and all this trouble will end. and everybody will b>s happy and contented. AUGUSTA BOY. Nov. 30, 1398. How to l.ook Hood. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If lh| liver Is inactive, you have a bilious lopk; if your stomach Is disordered, you j have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good healtli and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good alterative And tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard & WUlat's drug store. 60 cents per bottle. "What makes you think you were defeated by fraud?" "I paid for 183 rotes In the Secoed ward, and the book* show that I got a total of only 15S there. Our election I system is simply rotten."---SavnVmf [Chronicle. t*v*M LTtVi 3 HttlUX, life# immmmm #i4Nfa# im##*# j I# ftflnjiiiftjft 111 I Jr JjL **• * - jii mi,ill 'fttMl fefn ftl ... felMft . *4*B* «.'■#*** til# #4# kmmmMprn •# m rn^ m ft» If ft ftugk I tfa# ftßfttl# Ift ftftl W ftft# 4# lIMHPMMNNb HP. *O4 44T1 (• 100 I ONO. A Man •• lmg*< tn«l*4 In* *» Vadt*. IftanAMgi Hi, J4*w M>—Tka »evd*'< of 42 bag natsfda.i M ds>|dWd O' blind f m 4** I S | Iftig ft! *- Ml fftNMP *ft tftlft ftftMjft# ftft l#4 Wh« M*«rf f 9 l ftftfn# It* fwg f 4 e Jt -j,. s I'. -I i- J* 1 dftl 18 :■ ###•• ft#* Ift* JNfsrjNNMN. Mil ftMUft** 1 f*1 Ift IdMIV"* Op&fMtmm ft I 4d r wHtmrwv ftftVr Hfttfi ftft# Him INftnag NIN «#i** ft*##ft ftftjrllift *Ufifl ftf *■ ft f ft| ift# rl#N ftf Ift# ftrai p*mt ft-ff i~if a jin kftrgl pi .4* ri »* * * tf> ftrf lift# ftc* * rptfw l ftfeM. Mi*#i —iV • fiiltiiMi ‘ftjtl ft# MOM*4 OH WAft| nidi i*»# MK>lft#f 4M lift# ft* Umi to fah! ft#ftltll Mft» I##ftfl*« A### to till# tirriMftr «## ftft# tft#ft M 9ft #*l4« *m |4 ii |rf iroiffN Oft# •ll romiftM## litNllt 14ftjr#r ftl# * «■».»*r« aftl Ittift fNftHftft • ft* * '*»• l#«lt lo motlftOd- fliMif tiif ft#*#f #M«ft lath#r rmwinff oS4, Nl *!»«* WU* iiw Mayer crmtlnn.d living, and b--r ■me wonld no* marry nntll she died. Th* widow lived wnlll 1*47. when all* died, and Ihra Jdisa Uebrlng kmked to j Her hiv- r. wHo was »b#n *• y-nr* oIA [to beep bi* word He said be wonld. > After hi* vn«rfbera funeral he honght a house oa Ninth North street and *ald he’d atari a bakery. The day waa set fur Ibe aretldiag. b«t when |i arrived Mayer again asked far ■ postponement. Inter Mlsa U< bring says. Ikiftr told her h- did not Inland to g*-t n-arrlt-d at all. kr camw b* "had shell a |taki Ip hi* bMd” Mlaa Gehring told Mm If be didn't keep hi* Toni, he wonld get more pain In hi* i-Btlre body In eonri. Than she wept and Mayer saltl Fe pl*- i lad her N< it be tub) b>-r hr would 'rather pay her than marry h-r? He 'had culled on her three or four lime* a wo-k. Mia* Gakrlng Is a tall, fftand some, robust amt aiiractlve worn**, [a most excelt-«t housekeeper, of good 1 1 haracter end reputation. No one could say that she ever hail any other com pan*'. Mayn- told Mis# Uebrlng he was worth ten thousand dollara. Mis* (Ichring Sowed u d tlbl ml li, ncry work lor a living. Mayer frequently told ' her that after hi* mother tiled she would not have to work for a living. ! Wltneaaaa testified that they had ■ heard Mayer admit that he bad prom ised to wetl Mia# Oebrinfc, hut that he hid rieeltled he would rather pay her a sum of money. Mayer's defense waa 1 that he had never promised to marry 'the woman, but that they simply kept company. On the first ballot, thVT Jury fixed $25(81 as the a nount of damsger to which Mies Gehring I* en titled. HOT ASHOS. They Come Near Causing a Disastrous Fire. Valdosta, Ga., 'Nov. 30.—There came near being a serious fire In Valdosta the other morning as the result of ashes being emptied In a box and left In u house to smoulder and burn a day and rileht. The blaze teas in the Storeroom and n(Hee of the Valdosta Foundry and Machine company, which adjoins the foundry. When the men started to work early the other morn ing they noticed an unusually large amount of smoke and the volume , .-m. d to be or ■atest In the wareroom, j which tea* rut off hy a partition and .(•cor from the foundry and shops. An [alarm of P-e was given snd the d'ors to the storeroom were broken In. The water pipes were used an I In a 111 tie while the fire was extinguished. The blaze revered a place about tv.enl.V ,),fed ionic and In a few moments the shops would have been enveloped In tl c flames. The blaze commenced nt th- box of ashes which was left In the house over twenty-four hours before. The negro who cleaned out the stove the day bafora stated that he took the ashes cut in hi*,-bare hand* and noticed no fire in them*., Place your order ar. once and avoid rush. Goods eJEaper than ever. E d Henry & Co., popular priced tuilois, 211 and ;i* Catnph“l4 street. HAVE SHU! DOWN AGAIN iin m iittM ftp* iit m P*B tin wgaaadu** HaMkng AJaaras) I fia-t 'H'lf'lMll ft#;. ##•'•#»#.. «#* sk. ] *ft •fHii.ftl ftftNkt ftl lftp#|> ft## faft ift# . pft*t ftftMl ****** '###«»##.»- ##« ft# ; ‘f- jftiikj #NmM » *»•* ftnf ftßftft ftftfa #•# *jfM*a* I kttlft »ft f jftft lug * «ss» > 4ft : U «•.*, Sf 0 ... Ift ftftd ft ft**, ».«lft*4ft*d lit *# n MfflMMft r ftti t*Hd •*, ■*. ' Iwafa. ft ftMfafti ft#*« 419ft* ftl *'#4 ftMtM# pi ftft i fttf Uftt* ft# ■* ft fait * ft* I * ft ftM# m #fti*|#dlyft ft 4 (fa# »i.ftfti49> / dft* . *«ftt ftftkft fHHJMft -J fa# ? ft# Fvs* 4g> '8 a* -j?> ♦ ftft ft*#*-* ftftsft fat j '' Ttrvft |bn'ftft"* j rf ftftft tftftft ##| fttaftk# i g fft**:* -■«.*» t II . : M ft'ftft Cft* *4 |f|9ft« 1» - A v * -ft ftft# <ll iWj t-Alifftft# -rftft I »ftfti mu## Mi ft -#*-* «-# MN' tftft** • AMft'ftt* . I dfkftft ftftf ««# fa# Klfat ***** -4 fa# *l4# |T# ■* * ft ftft *"< ■•* ft# *### tMfaM ft#> #### I #4'9Nfaf rmrfpmt . fa#M* «# * ft* »«###•* # i.» ~.ft *. *-$ AK tftAMllMfa!# 1 # faHI fa# * fft | tt *’• *P* 4 t «#*♦#• fa » ft *»*'■' fftMMN ! !*, .| (Hft ilt f‘fa ftl |ft#« 'ft**4# ifak ft ft##M - 1 1ft i %>* ftlftrft'ft *ftvwft##'ftl 4 ** ftta*ft*'• ' % ot ** •»• Aft !• 4**•#•*#• *MI I## **■#’'*' : ffajl VMM* fa #•#*•* tft* '*# III# #IW i Ylk-ft AftnftlfftflA fall *t% fafa «fa# -■MMMfft #M| ftft|4M*MM| * 9 ‘- * ftftftftillM IvMK* ]•»» Mlkre SSH Ml Iks Ist tsewft #' A ga || ratwsfti ftM tmom satld «ld* tawa* 'aft* tftftA Ift »*d •* «kra ft* raftla wwraa 11 an- «t»msw» 44* *■*'» -** 11 jrr ft* ffafafa##l •# Ifa' ftiftftr ■ * Ift ft 4,ft Iftr «##|gtw'* aA, * * . , pw timrrtt ’ ftt Id** 4fa «*|# 1 ffa l .M"*AM9«#ft fa# fa«M n*f »*##• » J T9»' atittifii *r* (vrM a* »«h , ftiksi tl I# IWtfVMftl flfat rfaMfaMW Tfa a rr ftkftte h <liM«r ftk* " f Sifa* *M ttkftf. •?-#». I# tc'Sf r'' ?ul . I I ftfaild ' I ttf Ift I fair gtftvi * . fi4s»f ! Tfa y *t# it»mi*lllß* N» fat ftHNffir #flMI -*»‘**’- Pwklew-s Aratca Sal'* TYIK ntCWT WAI.V * W tk* wnrld N Cats Brwiaea. *<*rra l>*t*. M Itfattm, 9V##r •###•, t4u*r. rts*f*fi#kd: »|#l»4# fTlllM*!**. rVttftMi *B4 •!’ Nltl* i ICnttot U*%m ***<§ f#»#l*t##ly rvf*4 PlNh*. ] rr n „ |m V ft ft# fv*niit*«4 lo | ■rftor p* > f#i MinfarlH# or mo®## r#* 1 fAmifal l*rtr# Sft r«u«* i#r b«t. FOR UAIoK BT HOWARD A WtLLif. ANOIIIP.K 1 HAH l>\. Crime ol * Negro Boy i« Taylor ■ CounAy Itultcr. Oa., Nov. 3*.—Another trag- Hty has liven recoide,! la th-- ialendar off .tint. In Taylor cnaly. la which M . sicy Waiarlgbt waa hilled. Itnhrft Cooper aatl Itud J,»i»e* were mortally wounded- Front the l-'-l In - lormalt-a obthlgkkte. It sc-tn* that th ihivr named gentleman rod* up In th - hcaao of Henry KHiaton, a negro, liv ing »n the plantation ut Mr. Ham An i thnny. five tnilea aorthoast of Butler, and imiulred f*»r Henry Klllston. Hlntp- , son Klttsp n. who h* a 14 year .7* not* of Henry, told th *m hla father was not at home. They ri-en tried to go Into the Hous,. and the hoy shat th,- door. | tine of the men nicked up a piece of ti, n and was trying to force the d.air I u|„-n, when the Icy cam * out of the ( t.a -k doer with a double-barreled shot i ; - and Immediately opened Hu*. The j tlrat shot killed Mr. Walnrlght. He then turned on Mr. Cooper, who was some distant v OK, shooting him iu the [ abdomen. The Imy then reloaded hi* j ' gun. which w its a brcech-loadlng one. . and shot Mr. Jon-*, who was. also some distance off. The charge hit Mr. Jones In the breast, neck and face. Tl • boy la now In Jail, awaiting the verdict of the coroner’s Jury,which will tie rend -red today. Mr. Walnrlght leave* a wife and three children. The other two are un j mart led. O A STOXT. X A . Bearn the i» 1M M YOU Hat* AlwaW BOLgllt TT G&sjWtZXiu In the Drifts Philßilelphln, Pn„ Nov. 30.—Peter F. McGovern, of Jersey City, it locomo tive fireman on the Pennsylvania rall- I road, arrived In this city tonight, showing some practical evidence of [ the November sterw. He left Jersey ■ City a few minutes before 4 o'clock on train 59, th- Pennsylvania Congres ! slonnl limited, which arrived hero I more than an hour late. When he 'stepped from the cab of his engine m [ Powellton avenue he was taken with n chill and sent Into the Bread street, str.tlcn. Hi* clothing was Hunked | through fi om melted sno<v, and when he took his shcesof? water poured from ihem. He sttld he had been firing an , riglne for twelve .vein's on the New York division or the Pennsylvania ! railroad and had passed through many j violent rainstorms, but never met with 'such a complete socking in his life. The engineer, George H. Morrison, al so of Jersey City, was in nearly as bad a condition as the fireman. The wetting was due to the flying drift. The fireman said the passage from Jersey City to Philadelphia was one continuous plunging through tVrifta. Wherever the train struck u drift the speed of the engine wae brought down from fifty miles an hour THE SKIN OFAGOAT,4«4.< fautti K-***ru*. *hm A4**-rv< 4 ntfc W'j-f ".j* Vi*i wufj!, m*htm fffn tgilt ilkg mm . LJ I ~L , Ka ft ska lira Mftttffttf- F nM ‘ *** fttawftg, «W M _ ... aaasewftkc.-* -.<-«#*? *|t4 {.giflgt! uWgf WftAlkft 111 ttM HMDr rival «** mki«A«fatwf*r ***** Isa ufHT rmsk 4n j , utxmw% p4f* Ikl ifaft. *B#t iuurvg Uftft ftrtllA ilw mrantm <tr*Qmg, # « *fas *### met* fa tfa I G**tA#v. « # ft#*## faci «fa Sfaf* fa ® WjgBJS $i ao kiCfaWt Aflm- Muifaf*. B*k fa^VERTEX SHOfcS and you ftul ha* whst wa sn uQt*f JsLMeton6%cn£(& Vplii lOMfa '!• tra At mm ptom mom WOtmePom. ■■ I®# #9®®H** wm #M®MiC 4® # ii»l mt mmm m Ini *# «fa §«®t *4 ift# fat®*## *m„ Cmm4* r 4 Ift# mm* r®tfa# ft® fa*# #• *•# ** '■ 1 r .f ||* «.i|® Tfa iiMtat #94 t®#fr #sttr® • fa ftII (fa t*®*>®# l#lt#fai ftlllil ffttf faft*4 Hfat T«#r® ®n? tfahr il*ft fa fat# i*lt 3##*#r4#i Tfa fatty *®# faft* 'lf 4®# I® Isa ffanHt®«® •t tfa «n#9* I* own S*+m*P ft*4 Tw fa *rmt r 4 ; i® Itfajfa ®#f >*•»»• t»#«fa ••#* Tfa l **• •* lf 4 * A •Isa frrlfftl #fa ffaitl®* fafaj •ft# |!##4 «"i tfa fat#* ** Isa f% ffaf f 4 Util*### ftl t 'sa*##*!!*# tfa ifa4t*lwtW*n ft! Isa fa»®(far® Isi|>rr*4 • m(*ft®y ®#f4 i# ift#*ft®®#®. tlft# 4kmr< h » fat #44« »•* ifa foltoft far! <4 far®rt«i* «•» ■rrv# •nft®® ifa #r##»®# >#•#' H f ftf» H Plifli. 9. J OBf#a M F in#®* .T W. Uftf| «®4 H tvmfifar ifa ®f*(lft( of ifa #®4®r#faW* lit* (fa fUrnlon r«®#a#4 ftftl #l#*-t#® - .j. • CMA*ll»Mlt> -m=rsa p m s)oors.Sash.noßlinds ; Mill Work • OF F.VERY DESCRIPTION. L YELLOW PINE LUMBER __ ’ fACTC f AND SAW Mill CQUIPPCD WITH UT|ST IMPRO«M£NTS AND ll ITI I ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN CVtRV DEPARTMENT. U y FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED —not- PRICES. CATAIODUCS. nc.UPON APPUCATION. -mm —, Perkins Manufacturing Co Augusta.Ga Finest Sausages Finest Beef Finest Pork FINEST MEAT MARKET IN AUGUSTA. CALL AND SEE FOH YOURSELF. B. H. ILLE. 1265 BROAD STREET jack frost HAS SALUTED US! Are you well preparer ? ! Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatic., will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. i. C. Levy’s Son & Co % TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, | AUGUSTA, GEORGIA NOVfMftC# #» 4 ■ tmo «m**«•*« #4fa#f® smf ’fa tftMfa ’ r ##t f9*> ®#ft ll* 0 ffafa Tfa# l>#>ft®ftl #®af l*#i#»f#l %ft»®##i# - ft t €THffti®. Y\rw faftpfa •«-> j. V ffat f®#®#!®#® #®a® frvfttftt*# ftl II Tfa* ni®rtil rVftti#) K a 4utt«K®#ft. lfa*ft ®t Isa ftfafiill# fit tfa mpmf *M #r If Isa ritt blit Mt trllffa® •if It®*® «4 Isa afatt® #4 Isa #y#l#®» «® »®#it tft® m «<®4Nfal s fmmf (®#if MJf ft ft®# flftj# fl##ffa®fa I #im a® ®f It*** it Ml*# I jFukt iK «4 ft pmf***4 m far." j -<||4)4 gyfa ui* NT"* • jlfa ##®an9 mm ftrf lo ®N»*# «NH9 #}|# ®t® fa ft nbi ■* ■ r® #s| **f dink, laid ifa fa! m»(fa, I®#| imr Hit ft# Willi# #r!ll ottft* ft !)««(*# I® tfa vnftd *pi> 4ft# **| •fall fat# ®n «»h|rcifb®.* r#t®f(#4 I lit tl#* Wllll# ft fftifar. ~tf ftl #IU Ml t® fc*+p bin fr*9«a *• ni*®t J®ftl| A SURPRISE FOR SANTA CLAUS awaltx him when ho »>» tin many aoVfltlos in silver ami a<H(l that »» havx arrayed In (laaillny profusion for uur imtrona' choice In the many toilet article*, coin purser. lorgnettes. wav* ~.|K h hair combs. adjustable humilea for umltrella*. manicure sets and the many pretty khkshuiis that women deimht In for Xmiis irifls. A.J.RENKL