The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 30, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WEDNESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL ftft|N)t.p4Mtl £ «MI (rtf AM t# At 1 Pit 9% H»d A+h linen IMP bttif (iHAOIft Of Hfrtrjr Ci#m 0+660+ OOAI. - AirtMtt l* |f£ IMI Nut 1a? iHfc Mm r>i 9+»£ f A it«rh«M #•#<•«» • • to*** Pin—» CITY ICE COMPANY. AMMIa fUMUA ftwi 1 I |N*"t »» *»»» ■—t »#»#• ap MW 4to*#» MtTtk F** * *»**•* *•*•* PM 4to*to*f MMHV *» •» . p***# tmmt mm** *• «* « * mm *** WW’HI 8 fid# W»T»> WW**- ■ * ■to* |Mli *> tottto. M ** Mm pete*-* *•##•» * M to MM M toMit ga# >*,4148 *• m ** ft* ton ** SklM p*» Itotoft « * » #jj *** Mini to ftk **M - .... •» « |to»iH Stop* i a #■ *»4 * I’M* I * Mm m mm *• w » U m ** - • kMttp . „e« as tt. < M * (HM(M MM. towr*4a .... MMm M |rMto»to »'**< » » tom WBm m oJZ~~ *. uv» rr<» * M««cin __ imi, mn. *■■■»» *• *»#*• itr HMW #»*4| gee**#* •* «• - ■* ** ‘*M toltxt MMBto *» Stir* **.. •to " «#% 1 «ftl toj nr MftlftM *,.« ** *•■# c IMMt r» »i »r ~i m mo* .... to-U* rtopM* #*♦***• toll* *»,.*•* M- to Mil l n*—a *•**•«• *••*■ to* ■ ** P*""" tt,,,* to** #*•*»#• w... »<•*■**» PM* Mtoto * .. ■ *' Mi *lt «.| to*#** f*l *•#** M M MWto II B**4*. MM '•*•• . * M—l* Wo ”t «' * :«• ft $0 ««N» tMM# KWif., 9 • -i* I*** • It to. ikrvn torn# wIM to to. •* r *M . tt •», **n *•-*•«• t> 3 i* M |*»T B**»n #**'• ft «•♦**•* •itiuiMUM M tontoM* * •* -* *"• Onm****'- M| Mitoto* . . l « fi #i . !*to|H. ¥ iti it ii pfw» * *## * ♦* y - '•** M *»*«•« J »•* J-Mi P KIM MB* • *!»** .. *J 4 #ftn F. Xt#e ** ’*<♦ * <* K«- * *'• WOOL MI.K. Ctoriwvio. tto r*> *• ato*" 4 . »** #4O- to CtortM* o »* ,4* te «**»!. I"' I* ** lUMunto* Mltovitor* *»*<•<* ■ •• »•. M I* >1 WICMAN Fn»t «f ll* to*»*. to in rfcto .. • l-l Frutt ot it* to***, »*«*•# . CM. T 4 >mM .. .. . * ’ » CWto- W .. .. - - * * J A-o»s* Hum*. M....•••* -•• J*J JW». r. Kto« III* MlrtlO* tII fto. T King ♦•* A A *A**tw* .. ♦ l-l I aMnl* 1 *** i*. I* Klo c. M-ito-n n*n*gi* * t • 111. r King, a togfc B C to* M i|( | 4 § ( ~ » 111 >r > p. Btog. M Men K* to* '* * * Smn. p Kir • a iiwh *Wf»*nor .. I »•* PKIMT*. Atotoirtn »hini*g» <UM. * M t *nirn*n». •*»«* » *•* Ctortrr Ctonli 4f*to ntjrton *•»** .. I 11 toa*btrc'. n Oil* ttoncyl ** * Alton » l»*nr> I * w gimp*'* '• *•» pwof I** .. • Coat** Kw««i 4*l*o*. »**• ***.... .. *1 Am*rsr*n In4tgo NM*. •*«•* ... I 1-* gtoitr Oil* ltoH4i ll*W ' Am*r)<*n ln4l*o Hum 4U44 .... * lM4fMtt*nnl btoclt* Mi« .. .. j Alton'* p*r4ln»l* * All** * lAtnn** ***** * lroti» lint ; *** India blur ‘ Kiinglnnt'* **»•* . .. •••"•♦.* •• ’ Martha VtiMUM * *" 4 Otmti'‘i radlanto, ***** • J Chaitrr Oak*. **«*• * tivkb. M*mpahlrr .. * * * Amoakaag AC A ..\ J® *'* Amoakaag A *" Amoakra* • Rtotprorliy * **■ PL. AIP HOMK#PUNP. Ctiy am ! *** Pour y*rd. good 12 Inrh I *-* Lodi ahlrtlngi J '** l,odl dr*»a aiytoa M**o 3 1-* •t. Clnlr drato * Or van * Marti* WaMlr.gto* f*nrte* .. .. 1 l-t Ularrllanauua branJ*. light l * l-l*** Irartia < >arda ptoln I «-* Tbormlika * *'* Han ulra .. .. “ " ' w .. .. J Cr**e»nt .. .. Pelham, II bal 110 bo* » F O F-. 1® ball* «o bo* ~ .. .. 1* E G P-‘. I« b*lla to 1b.... .. .. 17 1-1 M uarogaa B 11-1 *1 trcb ♦ I*l yd. plaid*, best maka 81m peon *Uk finish (oulaid* <4* Pacific mourning* *4*64 .. .» 4 1-3 Chin* *llk* ®4**» .. ~ 4 1-4 Middle ford 4 Backport 4 l-l tlalei 3 1-3 Concord, ftdxGO * 8 1-4 Rom* 66*M 4 l' 4 Edward* 4 Jjr Keystone 4 J* Fifth Avenue 4 l* 4 KKARSET S. Heavy Columbia, iionvy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and othera - •• 3 1-* LIME. CEMENT AND PLAPTEK. Lime JOaftf Ronendala cement .. 11 45 Portland cement 12.76 to 7.25 LoulavUle cement lu paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster kt bb<a » »• 11..1 HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per do* 13.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 1 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 51.75 JHBB cedar pails, per do* .. .. 52.00 Tubs painted, per nest 11.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 0 1-3 Rope, Steal, per pound 7e Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcatlc Nalle. wire.. SI-' 4 base Kalla, cut 4 V 44 b *®* Shovels. Arne*, per doa .. .. tllalll.jO ghovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 17.00 fihovels, riveted back, per da*. .. 14.75 Plow blade# >l-* Ml# Hamas, red top, per do* J; * Itomcs, red top root, pet do* .. .. l-.iO ****** NmM mm |WRE #«* *t *m* m rn* Ii) m m I* • S SS4 #w|Hl SSE *S -s-4 m m m**m d IMI - ft iwi» iSPNNI. |MW |Si CSMHS fMf S<NS •*#••**• msS -w IS iMMiIS t SS mi m *s ESP f-pftn > 009 'She i 99 E* SI ts * H 0.4 It.oß. 000 00000 E? SMfl IE #*mg SKfllMb ffc i o** EE««E M w SR*# 004 000 *4 m y* M m t w td EE *o*o* 0m 0m I Vto M M«• SE •• 00m *o# Wm | 00* 'om dm #* m EE 9 m *9*9*o* 90* A 090 004 m •* S| lii Stjbiinm ie# % 004 0m »■* m : si 4*9o* 0009 <ooo*- <| f«f #m# tto# EE*EI SE#s# 090400* §o"'* +o*ol+9 i/m* EE w»v El 09+0 N t IN • 900 % 994 '004019 99t**ff*4 4900009044 09+9990 099$ 9+0040 9+*+o+o +4 909 I# %# EE |M«E«9 **+<+oo*+ 09 EV9E » •« *# *« •« ~ttf r,• *t«# I i « #. M9E M INI »-*• i C | f't Mi #4 *• M lEE gtot *9*0004 9 ft* ME .to**#*# tii j *.■****%* | IM » ## *♦ #* M * * 40• •# «p *it Hi rfTf VMKMNi 4*o/0*94 t* EM , to* a# *« l» tototo 4+009*4 ** *<o4 a* ** ** »* ,4 M m* 4+4994*4 Est VM »*«*«•« 994 m* 440*09*4 « tr# Ml „ M «M Aft«#pi» cm. Ms *« **** •• ** M «m AENMi'f-# Est ME •• •* •• •« SEE *> IM r* *• •* •« to# Hi Ait**'* V* EM .... #w HE #«• A«9#«mm» t MB •• •* to* «• M to**] Eft INT HE »•* 00*490904 Est. IM •# *# #« til **# lamHH r* mi M .. a. iti a.* 99mm Ift Ml •• «. • .* HE ... C*amm49o9 I * ME *. IE **• *” - ?%'-7?-!«#• I i-r# in* .... i#* Maev# * l-r* M#6 H 4 ... Marng #» I*l4 .. .. 4.. tU ... •Cwie-oHa y•-*** •.. ». •• 91 ... Ctmt *•#♦#• f'ftu IM* K • owi#»a. BAILN.SAD toriNDP »e»pa K. to. to Bkg p» e • iMn , in Genegia H N to Mhg Oa * a t*e» .. .. IM CbariaHa C«»#«n* a to Aw la- Ve. i*«4 Ml rvrlrtt, Cntomb# to A*»- iiei M ft. 1414 , .. .. Ml A news fie ft ft fa, **24 . ... M C tt R Baaking Cl. Cnilal rral Tmil It MT , «f M (hmihera naitwar 6*# t**4 . .. *1 M CtWtfSt «4 OwriU R»lhrsy, IM rotowd awn. t'% IM .... ** M C of ii. I** p'** m M 44 Co* t *1 Of ai«rg*> Ratlarw*. Id prof in- tti*». 1446 || 14 I*4 peel Ml I*4B .... I • <1 * to f . I*6 «t. *e. IM 14* 147 sloth >.* r*M aad Ptortd* i* r». ns* lit 1* itt» Corn* awd toforttoa ii r*. i«m .. .. iti ... Oeeao Btr*’n*Mp C#., Is* l*a Id r* 1614 .. .. .. I*6 FACTORT BGVD*. Krterprle* Mfg Co.. Ist t*e UK IM IN Hey Mfg. Co. l»t *a. I*4l |M fthley Mfg Cr„ Ist *a. IMI . 1«4 a* R R. to n. Ito. stork .. I*7 M* ft iiib*e,tarn R H Htoek ~ 4# it# August* and fiavannah atnrl? s* ltd CRAIN AND PROVIHIO.Ng. (fits, whits, a.trk.d .. ;; Ooat*, mlxrl. sacked .. .. .. .. M Corn, white, sacked .. .. U Com. mixed ~ 41 Meal, bolted, per bushel 47’, Flour, common I to Flour, fancy eatra 1.71 Flour, second patent .. 4.00 F% nr. **andard patent 4.16 F ur, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-lb sack* to Fine feed, 160-lb sacks 00 Hay—name, per ten 11.00 Hay—Timothy, per tow 11.00 Hoy—rhnlce, per ton 14.00 Hama-rhniee 'tiger cured .. .. loall>4 Smoked rib aides .. * 1-1 Dry *4l rfb* I S-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tlercea 5% Lard, keltic, rendered in tierces. 4 1-4 Ral-ed the Mortgage. Lieut Hobson has Just lifted « mor tage of 16.000 on Ihe home of hla fa ther. He earned the money with hi* pen. Following the sinking of the Merrl mac by Hobson and hie men canoe the announcement that hla home In the Sottfb, the house In which his parent* brothers, sir.ere, lived, was to be sold for a inor gage of 16.000. While Hob eon and his men were held prisoners of war In Morro Castle, word was wnt to hla parent* that the* foreclosure of the mortgage would be averted and the money raised by the people of the country at large. This offer was cour teously hut firmly declined by the lieu tenant's father. Recently the date of the postponement of the foreclosure expired, hut so far from a foreclosure taking place, the mortgage was paid In full by Lieut, Hobson himself, be j having earn:d that much in writing j aartleles for publication.—Washington telegram to the Philadelphia Pres* An Enterprising Druggist. Then- are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wtl let. who si . ire no pains to secure the j hast of everything In their line for their | many customer*. They now have ihe valuable agency King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Cold*. This ts the wonderful rem edy that i* producing such * furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoorsenets and all affec tions of the Throat. Cheat and Lungs. Call at above drug *tora and got a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular aiae far SO conts and *I.OO. Guaranteed to-ooee or prtae refunded _____ True humility is eoktwwmeAt.-* Auaiel. _ i _ irHI .A.T7GT3BTA HKPALD ARTICLES MIDI IN MAINE f *4*>W fault, ?4rt#M *0 T«*' I #l« •Mi I#m4a 94094 Hftft 94m*0+0m<+ 90 0990949 9040 9+** • Aft# *%mo* 94*09 90 490994 04m Eftftftfti EMM *9m* 9*0909400 »* £ E EE 044 HEM** «NMl«Nft MB ftwßl'E 9'*W4++ Sl * +9 009* 9*0400 94909 tv#-*“ft j Ni 04 V4* ++o*4+l4+ 90 t|B $0990+94. 4%+*'+ *999 BituriNftE 94* 1 I'IHHI 00+009900 BE HE ‘BHHft 900-09 ' §OO9OO ++9*9009 •*■*«*♦ MMbMM sftft # %.# «E EH *B# *OOO9OO *%90 ENH ME BE *♦ 990$ 94 990+00 SO9 *4+ %MmE 4+94 m 90m WEB HI HIM «*E ,? B# gEftVNMEIV 4+9009999 90 BBHE 999* Est I 000W99 AEnE 990049* 999*90900 $494*4 90 9900000 If 94900 4+* B# IBWW#HNw| 101 <|h» f#t» 9090 IBM Bftft# 0990000*900< NE# so+oo9* r 4 ||MMt 9094+9 *+>*+9o.9 w*"'* Of # 00 %<-m9 *909000+9* HHE 9*00*0090900 s4* MMBft 9000$ ++4++9Do9oo+* 04 IHE B##* Hl# BE IH-# #tf <9*009 |§ 90000+*%* 000 Em### IB ** f Aft ft I A#" IREMEVMI# 4+900 Bftft 004 BE 990940 OMOO 9B# PMNEBmmNI# +9 ElWftft# 9+o+9 ftHfH'# *%* f ft# i 15ft ft.jt'A E ftitftftftffftA 1# 949*0*0$ 04 tip# 94005009 9 §m**9 Bhal »-,f ft'.*4«ft IftftoM MM|f Wftft ft#** W ft ' * I f *994 990 090994096490*00 +$ s4+ MM# IB B# 1994 4*4*4 B# tiw#BM%» •EEHfc B# ■ 90* 9**99* ftßft# ,!< #ft#*B#E IflMM# *44* l «t ft## EEBE# +4 ft#l fftftpftßwftßß Bt B 4++** *999 9*99*49490 99040 fBMB «B### 90** to ft# ftp#lift YB*f# 4*4 E>t >fßl ElltlE •***o*4 04 +9ohl*4 KMIEMki «Nftl BE# jltoHMft «v Ito tk* tolilba ft*» f»' ■ ! itot# la Ms. a* antiaa fiat* #*4it**4 ibwaitoto4 kwMlitowto • f*6*e. MMto** aataeewes aab** aawan toto*•(*<•* !«# Ik* Istolßkt tK'MUlto* BMMMf4M«a** a ten tba we4>to «4w*>4*» toaato by I toe belt her* a»4 lie baa,, alt). a*4 ■ M toed totototototo) f*w ease toHII m» iw» toM Rtotof tof fit* toiPlMto 4# tk<» NMtto to*- ttelaa tof rttotoa* •** • tort i**l>a •totoftto IftoH of tha vto*4# Mreto «f the Mala* ariMda is afilitoeA for Wiklsi apnol* ties are war*** irisl ftorloriee la #atae. aad wtabet ih*» tara mat pearly ibpea toantorato a# fitna spool* That asa Mil##*# W» toll hart* of lb* «*»tr# toad topff** flfiy bHFtoto far#* of 1 tread are board nptm them Ratof ran goanmle* ff 'toe while birch »r* ala*. *M##ed tto n|i6»4 aad IrailaM • here It M tun*# lain a#o«i, for Ik* rnglmh thread nffl* The ftweats of Whit* toireh tort, aalitot tad and Ike ■till* cat ike laaihor and { alltop* M laid |#ool hare before It M exported Thl# umber to work eevc ral dollar* • card, for h**M«s rnakio* a poo'*. It I* of *•'«# In niker way* and nole'ty totollfw fltod pinny of oae for toll that the ttraabertnra cat. Check era are luc»#4 out hy tftwr wocalty mill* tto the Mime wholesale fashion One map gala • fatal Me* of pop ularity checker# la Ihl* country frota the Net that one novelty will received an order reeeei'y for eight •nflloo checker*. * Checker hoies. dice boxes awio«t. wooden sled*, bicycle rltna, cheap d<*k*. cycle e and*. and a thou •anri and one thlngi, are manuNctur*d m these novalty mills The timber used In ihe milt* I* generally consider ed almost worth lee*, and the fsetortea annually try to find new novelFs* that can be made oul of *he lumber rejected by ihe ordinary limber man It re quire* a special sort of machinery to make the varlotl* novelties, hut after the machinery I* once built the pro duct* can be turned out by the mil lion* at a mrra nominal mat On# remarkable Nature of these novelty mills la the manufacture of veneor goods. When veneer* were hand-sawed for fine cabinet work, expensive woods only were considered fit for the pur pose. and skilled laborer* made the delicate strips of wood with the ut most care. Then machinery wa* inven ted for sawing out veneer*; so well did this perform Its work that thirty or forty veneers eonld he cut out of an itieh-thlek board of mahogany or walnut. There wax, however. a certain amount of waste in the shape of saw dust, which. In ‘he aggregate, when dealing with wood that sold by the pound, Instead of by the board meas urement. In the course of a year, amounted to considerable. To do away with tbl* waste, somebody invented the sllcer. which Is a huge knife for cutting out vefieera faster than the bux* aaws, and without any waste at all. Some of the most delicate woods cannot be cut Into vetieers, aud must be sawed out. but others will submit to the operation of the sllcer with re-' markable readiness. The elicer for making veneers of expensive wood Is different from the huge sllcer employ icd to make the venerrs for berry I boxes, crates, pie plates and similar ! common articles. The sllcer for mak ing veneers for cabinet work is sta tionary. while the log moves slowly toward it to be cut up into thin -s’,at*. The Invention of the sltcer has revolu tionized certain lines of trade, and the results of it are to be seen in all of our ordinary market and household products. When we purchase a pound of but | ter. our grocer puts it in a little wood oti box for us, and wraps thin paper iover the top. Likewise, the baker sends home the pies and cakes in thin wooden platse or dishes. Pickles, cottage cheese and many other dairy and grocery .produets corns to us put up in boxes of th* tame material, and befflaA vegetablea aad fruits of all kinds are packed in ostotes or baskets , manutou»t*raa of th# wooden vunoars. All ihwoe novelties of the trad* we burn in the flra erttkout thinking of their cost. Ton years ago they were HMD LOCI BIKING •rOIDEO la tft# (*•#* frto mull M>ft »«» to ifwj fs# Need, hiafub * Cpyftißt. tto Mto# 6*4 !**•* Mt*9e* to, PsxalftkM to4*l•, t*6kto»6» ng tMfeiototo * toft fill MtMlft f*t ir»t# **46* #%* HtVMawh aapa c v,ato tofMt csN omwetft It HNtffttoM 6>f •>* 44» Maavtonln* p««to#r, OftMftEßlftft fticft to ml t)utotttlt|f> M«nuftociunft As The Souihetn Mfg. Co . RICHMONO. V*. 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' HAIR GROWER fth—ft to# ++ MMftft E| to# #toft "wwanMNitoito »«#ms 9mm * W-11 * 1 *® 1 BP# *""m +++9 9+m o+mi+mm +**+ *#*«#'■< A #Mw +oof 4++ot*+4 mm VM# omm s++mto * 4mm**pm* •dltotototo. A PtostV tratoe ha* thaa km *#* •p la tto* last to** f«*r# tSenwgto th* laiewttn* as th* ****** pacflMto** Ova* HJa# pawpi* av* Miaatoed ta 4h* ha 4w*try It la toot aa *«cltoai*to Mala* Hrthntfy, el,to** a**t«vgto tot* *#srh pacha#** ac* mis 'fact wr»d ia that Mat* 1 baa aay g»‘ " N-w Turk, Mary.a«4 tkalasrafv Ylrgi# a Jf'chl gaa aad New Maaspohlra ha*a face ru* *rb*r* th* frail kpaheta. haaaa. crate* aad dl*h*e at* A*d» ta Net where, j pap* that* I* , ’ -sit ( satoay as Ih* Acht qoattt f aad h rcatny asacke . * to-Sw ta vary apt ta k* er-rtM. *•- paptotly if tocat*d m a larp* frait di*- T For Whoor»inß Couph ua« CHENtY S EXPEC-I TORANT. U*T OF ADVERTISED LETTERS Rnwlaiai :a th* i-oalcP", at Aat’ia ta, ft* , Nn« s*. **M. Parton# -adtng fnr tke*e *c,,#r» atoll pteaaa aay *4- vertlerd.” and nan** the date- A m*ing of tli* g,ee’krc department r*utiire# that ewe rent t># paid la die# urr. A—Mr* Mart* Apt r*»n (J). Mtaa Mary Archibald II Mum Matt!* Brooks. Mia* Laura Breeley. r- Mlaa Charlott* nocklln. Mlaa Hai fa Caaatday, Mrs. s**n>t> Conlay, Mr*. Ossia Clmlfinch. De-Mr* Ida Davl*. Mlaa Itctti* Dm h*ia, Mia* Mary Dan»o'd r-M>» miry LiUJe Bel! Ferrell. Mr* Mary Fuller tSV Lula M Farr*!!. O Mr* Ma y Grayer. Mr*. W. »I Ooimt* Mr*. Harriet ilardncr. Ml** H. lirrfn, Mr*. Laura Green H—Mr* Am»r Htthcrt. M<-» Hur*t. M'*s Mattie Hou*l<m. Mr*. M C. Huff man J'-Ml** Minnie R Jonca, Mi*a Aaleaa Jachaoa. L—Mr*. Mary M. Lund. M—Ml** Oeorgla Murphy. Mrs M. E, i Muller. Mr*. Mary i. Marahail. Mr*. L M McDonald T-Mr*. Klla Poll. Mi** Lucy Ann Pop*. R—Ml** Hattie Ryan*. Mr*. Mary Roumey. Mi** Ruby Ru*»»ll T— Mr*. L A Trammell. W—Ml** Annie Wltllnm*. Ml** Reih ben* William*. Anna William*. Mlsa Anna Lee Wilson. Mlsa Willie Wlhh. I Mr*. Wm. Warren. Ml*a Luddle Wright, V—-Mr*. Babta Toung OSKTLKMRN S LIST \ A—Rev. A Abrams. Milton Adler. R—A. L. Bcable. Clifford Bu**le. Rev. W. D. Beckom. Clalh. rn Brown. Mr*. Dan Butler. Mr. Butoher, A. C. Brv am. Maj. and Mrs R. E. Brown. Ol id® B«r*h. Rev. J. B. Bunch. SO—Walter C. Christian. T. F. Cane. Clifford Collin*. Ret. C. H. M. Chu #lll Cairo, J. B. Collies, Joe Coyle. L. E. Conner. I D—Joseph Davl*. Rev. 8. Driver, Is rael Derry. j E—C. L. Edlblut. Move Etdaon (!T. Rev.'S. A. Evan*. H .T. Evan*. , F—Frank Frost 12). W. H. Freeman. | Mel van Floyd. John W. Falrson (2). I O—Aaron Grady. Rev. R. S. Glbba. Anderson Green. i H—Albert Harter. Rev. J. Halrson. T—Skinner Inn. J—Buff Johnson. L—Boise Lawson. T*. V. Loftin. As—Dr. D. H. Meek*, George Malone. Mickens. 3d. R. Mater, A. D. j Miller, Prof. G. C. McClure. George i Mixon, J. A. Mclntosh. Junius A Mc- Intosh. N—J. N. Kasets. R—Samuel Rowe. Robert Roussel 1. David Rothschild. J. H. Roberts. J. M. Richardson. Geo. Roll. B— XV. O. Shaver. Tom Sccitt. Sam H. Sibley, T. hf Smith. A. W. Sibley. T —Samuel J. Tigner. A. W. Todd. Rev. J. Tower, tr —Bui I'mum. V—Mr. Verrco. w—Tom Wells. Willie E. Williams, W. C. Wise, C. H. Weaver, Robt. Wil liams, J. R. Watkinq. Julian Wheeler E. A. Wlthirgton, F. C. Wrisht, Clif ton Weaver. Z—a.. Zmurry. AmCESLLAA'BO'C*. Santa Olau*. J. J- Raguw a Co., S*»- retarv of Fair and Bxpexltton (.2), A.U --| gusts Art School. \V. 11. STALLINGS, I\ M. CALL fO* (ugutti Prewng Co i • ftDODT MI« > ft I i t»V 1 iV t\ , tfU-Qcoufdj isAcf * so '"m. i- BELLE OB' GEORGIA Our Orauiht B#er Has None Superior. —aCAU. r«tk AUGUST A BEER. MONEY TO LM In any Burnt d#»tr®d from SftOO upwards, »n Btrmght 3 and O years t me, or on IO years time, 'payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in setting the money. AlexaEder&JfilmsoD Ag+ti s4t tt«eh Aarwa Hihflkf ( l«l|4Ulfi 705 Proad St. rF~YOUYVANT~ TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUStA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 »W ii. B. R. MITI'll FLL Al ICX Mr DONALD bu|>t * < 0,1. NrC 4 tt#i. .' gt Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 LdtuUarti Street. F.leetric Roppliei— pi cking Tub-*, eig., ate. H. I*lo In ail 1 1*1 iricai »H araiua. Eiartric Llgbi Wiring* ap.naliy. Rttl'Pbuo* - m.-owget 67A f 4 o0 ucta fioilEßfctpjß ytT pg Aaaiarr LOW PHl'6' barge ev.k. Alao nrr VAI.VKB »"d rrriixoa. KN eOINBt. BOItaKR*. H I IX#and ItrPAlHft Lombard Iron Works di Supply 0o. f A C QrOTA. <* 9 . fli ii GOES INTO EVERY HOME _IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1698. Lv. Auguaia . .. 9:20 a. m.| 521 p. m- Lv. Sanderavllle . 119 p. m.j 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.) 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:15 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 P u».j Lv. Dublin, .. .. ‘10:90 a- m - Lv. Macon .. .• 11:38 p. m.|ll:sS a. m. Lv Tennille. . 5:15 a. m.| 8:10 r- m- Lv. Sandersville. 6:25 a. m.|‘3:2i p. m. Ar. Auguita . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:19 p. m. Eaittrn Time Clese eenneeUcn made at Tennn l e with Central R. It. far Mason, and wl h Wright*ville and T*nnlll* R. R. tor Duhllß and SUwk navtll*. c. vr. jacksok, Oan. Fgt- Pass Agfc* V- Jaaksoc, Jtweph ts. ffnnds. Receivers. t - j to# ft toft*to 4f#4toftUi Chef Itkiwi 1W CaroHM «a*aa#* a • jMgMitofttoWW 4+4+4*'+ 9 yiftftii 0 to# 4m 9+4 t/rnm+momm^ ' t *m- > I -PBH# Mfm * 44** trt tr ' •r-STS’I BHiw ■ m <mm •M#’* * * ■■ +'4oo * m m b 4.99*0+ *%JB# * b»i ft -; * 9tosoo*«***m*+ . 1 ■ I 44900 r>mm . * $0m900490m-m >-w»i»toftWN># l j I mtm s . *■ " ##’ »■ • ..a'—^ I * s+*99m*o6om MUM I |H <so4*4 BBP'fti. [ B«9M ByftHlill.llll#»#*^ I *' r vto# to# m+m* WMI fftpß ■ l fiißMßft*«M toptototo# I w9so*44 ‘ * 4099004+994 *** ** mm - tiJßpift ;-9****** 49 $0090944 a# -mmm H Hjjf ytt +mmm E tmm# +h+ " * 00400' *•# - 4* P+++4* totowtoftwo *+*+—* I * |b#EHB btoto# »»»*#fttoto'4 * MWMMMB •*»#*'* #***'»■. I MftW *mmm \ 400mv*m^m a# *a# # -90++* f It# 44000000, .** ««** : . I 4* 409904009 s **•■> ** it**** ! tofts' Mt * | MHi# I * CBMidMNfttoft# toto - 6 Ptofft |»«*#ftßto*i pftpfti yfpftfr#— . Tftxtn rPWB' 4945050 * m 4 9* + *OO * SOOOO j rftßE 90490* »-»* »*#♦*, 10 4*909 '94+4 1 I |4ft>to ****** (toft#* f 0940 m ft»nil Tl*,#p*to#a, ##«. BBy* rto i * KYwI.. 4»ft* «6*a -ft,a I — |,,,n| ifta *4-4* T*wtoß*a>...... ... t*a#*» *’4to*w * fa 4m . NM|— I * #*»'*#>............ it **om '#* #•»«***,,.. 4 ..... ♦. I I»4* »**•»•••* +* 4*t*4*4 • mm** f **...*• -• faGito fas to* pttoto i *• to*. I# _ _ f ha* «*#'#***»to* 4# #ww*to>w4 4h i |,«<4 tof.l.r Mil 4 • P» ’*ft» *9*9 9+ *#*9* i ++* *os <+*' . 00 * * •* * ”1 *• •*, I** .*.*.-* *»#*«*** •• toft’ 1 # i»„q «a #** adeveto at. j i p* ta to* raa Aft t B pay t M townwtse im ft. to ktoltoNftP 4'*•* M*toaa*4 4*t«*a 6ft BLUE KIDOE HAIIHfIAD. to C toSAITIK. to*'M>*#4 ta,i6ma4. «**,#•• 4 • pa* * J Fv«* Ms* 4 Claw i mm i Oaea »'ta*e Mai# ***< ftoy W»‘ x BftMeto Oft. **/• Malt *«• 4 to* II IN* AM Fto.l law** ft* »*• 14 • Ift e . Aelayaift I**>l 44 l*.t# 2 tt ff.... tea#*, ....6 I HU ** to 471 I M I* AsHHI t I •*« *» P.tK lItBII . . rtolhiN .Jf l-ftl* 44 I t# 7 ** i< c"p, try Cr*»a # f 4 *4 H H » l! ftott *4,« • CP4r» fl 6:14 M 4» t » I* II .. #st*C* ..ft 4 2*l* to •:1k M ! 4 »■ * a. m +*mrmm • » • •tt }# .. Waltoalte 4* 117 A , 1 to 1 *Le#«* Accft, Pto Pto NxU ’la 4 ha II Na.t P Itapa'a, BWHea. F Fftf Ma«**. AN f** Oac Iftlaa ham Aa4*r*e* la VtikaU kan right •* *,**• •*** irate# cf the same cla*a n#evlag te ft* pouia 4W» lift *a»«a* o'ftiwdto •#**- itoed by >ra a . »d< r* yrtti ala* atft ai NIF *»g *tatt >*a to take <<• *4 hrt off r«as»»geta: Phla •o *. James aa# fiaadv Ppnaga. No II cortwci with toutktri rail way No. 12 at A*4ec*ft No* I an 4 * vamn* With hMitft# i ra l«ay No# 12 aa# *f *l P*m*<** J B ANDKRBDK, #ap»r*n.>ftit »»Ll.a Or G E OBGIA ill IMIC fOIST UNE SHMUUT AND ROLTto to THK XAI T AND NORTH. 2:MpRH L4..A»gl»ta G*..Ar I 7:lkaf* |.<to|>m Lv Aik n Ar j T.ltem 4:l7pm Lv.. . .Daiii»u -k ...Ac I 4 17pm s.Mpm Lv.. On rgt g....Ar j *.4oam I vipm Lv. Sum. ar, 6 C...Ar ( 4:2tam * 26pm' Lv FI- r*«ic* ...Ar j I:2Bam |0 .Unnj Lv Fayettevt’ie Ar | I llpm 1 -lam! Ar.Peiefabarg.V* Lv | I llpm 4 .loam Ar....Blcbmt>nd ...Lv | I 12pm 7 «iam: Ar..WaahiH#t*a..Lv j 2 *4pm s.nSjm; Ar... Baliimore....Lv ! 2 :spm 11 Ar. Philadelphia Lv I:Mpm| Ar... Stor York ...Lv »yb*m Pull man'palace buffet sle*.Mr.g erne from Macon *nd Auguat* to New Torh without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 7M Bell Ft.. A aguata. Go. T M FMFPFON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMHR'iOK. 0«n Paa*. Agl. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule in Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. I*9B. <*oth Meridian Time.) LEAVE A7TGI7STA. ' No. 2 For Savannah 129 P 61. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta *: 4 ® F- 61- No. * For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 8:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station. .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AVGUSTA. No. 1 From S.vananh .. . 140 P- M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta «:3S A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta, aud Way Station* .. 8:60 P. M. ! No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. Noe. 1. 2, 3 and 4 dally. Noe. 6 and 5. dally except Sunday. Noe. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping care on night trains between Mtllen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedule* etc., arrly t> M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A GtRBKS, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. asoldier after the spree needs LAND’S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 38 out of 37 headaches. 2 for 5c., 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. REMOVE!) TO 711 BROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 7U gpcodwav. Augunte Go. i Stronger Pliuue £O2, NOVEMBER 90 *Att»fl*to awte* * 6*tt Mk-% S. tll MIUU! CO «»» **«**. #we »4H 090*4"* f IB IdiHß Hh# omm Bm#mMH# 0-mm $ *O9 s**4o H EM# tmm* ■oa ' 09 9 BE# ++6 T'4 +OOO 0* A ’lfteft "to it **ooo g£m ' S4O |J ft + t#tt - ft# * V *#B Ee- * *9* • * - -+* I # # f 'it) *** 99+609- 9**9+ ft # t »o+oooo* w 00904 • 0-9 ft ** 'ft'fth *>o* fa 90 9 #-*»*+ "♦ ** : -9*+oo a* - *se« ii ska*, a* t •*•* - * »’ : *to _ ta pwafttex *fthft la futttt* , 'ftp* a* Aiepito ** a *#w » * *fft A'tftih #i»*»#•«'#»aHwft *s**++ s**++* *mm+*+9 ft ti « 9 *-■■-*+ 00*9m «. *404- +,. * * %HpH #* #ii»E#>,to* <k» ft «-%•#”* *o9s** v i ii. j" 1 -'jfaaraw|gMi-'ft | toi | 'Wj* 4B M/m -vw isaaHfifft ■ mmm 4Ps* **4in in 9"**U9904 I 990*999 00 9*4 949 m » 04 f*gg it llg## .’t*'- ftf#"? 9 +4 *9+46 ft » ft #m - ft * m I * <0 +*+ °- * * ft - #a» ** fcfti.MiMii, %« '494 i* tkmmm* # iEmi #4 i I* w+rnm 4 I n+m I X# HhHjHMmnBPHHmB 4/4094 - A# Pa* toattltoto** ** «#ri*a . IdMtoto c eeae*- ■ee a# fVastotoßMl Pto# Pft - ft#.* .uipw eke. aft tt—wea tor Fto t*aaMtet#ttto A #«* 4k* « «»*»** aaa# *»aa# <•*** a* mmm rTTAP«r t. a BtoßtoMft 4m 000 $0*09404 99944* 994*4440 0 P B!-##—#* *#• 4-90 9 +9 11 "MPk *##• •uUYfiftRN KAIL WAV. * _ -SR- _ ft W 404404 9*4 B HB 4+o*9 k*m+oL 90+9$ 909*9■ rrrzzr* *$ ep* t"i €##« $ i## V JESS u *» Z •> 1 4 »h «■* fe 1 * is! EH t .1 ®*to >4 3 — mm - SET : If! 11l ” * IEH IIS : £3; IS Si: - 4 sa eS; fc EXE- j 4# ftowwwatito , a E 9 p. IB# * ft- (Tgl *t\ : SHBt ■ sSijlK PMi.wm. toe»l, l *wi,. La he* T<wk.lte' 18 .... 4 to* llttel Q haah-’te (tty *»u* • IKX Stop jtoa I* xttia to Hr- l» tty IIS, Ea Bt skewed ■ - j l:Del "uoiw ■ ■ 1 6 toe 6U* Le F-cfaik (' • tty Ac toreesftea* j 4 at*. ■ • La ta—eebiro ...] T toe f tty • t >i,W» . • ale i* tty • I . * MiU ... tt tt a II tty ■ (Sewar 1 tt tta U tty • * t ■_.( o. ..I It 3 a It tta Ar Cot )4a biea I( a, |ft «4ea, Ift a t» i imtual'e Jey'L , j Illy “ Johea, wa .... fttyl 40ia « Ti-atee . SCbyi *»a " OtaotiaeUl* ...I S ttyj !«C a Ac A |*att . I a tty! 4 to* L, A ttenlla f'Tßaj i«y L' II tta 4 16y L* CV.I'M*.By. . j »«i»p 7Wa Ar < her **-.■> ' •'• topi U are rTcoctHa. VcAF Rr _ 1114 att47 a - Aavenaah I «#7 p 6 tta Ac JecfcSvflte ■ 1 ito y »to a ol rkiTsto til 'Bnyictt Bxraltti t riatij le-wsger wrrica beio— and bee l.„k b - .!. and tt—ft at. inetoe end PaeSawte,*** Uactad >uiid Vasi.buM Irala with dining •n and flm h". north of I'hnciotla. Fallnnn drnwmt rtmta «lwj.iu* .*r» I*,ween Tninpn .D- k- *vule. ontnennk. Watoungton ano New v ’>‘ll F unan » -epm« Car* t-tween Charlotta and Mi-bmond. * Pulimnu drawingroom aJaeptng <ora be txreeu < Iroen boro end Norfolk. 1 >—• ’-««w Moo »l Norfolk for Oi.D POINT OOMPOBI, among iher*. in i.uia for brenkfnat. S ,lid icnin with Parlor enra, betweni Cborlaaten end Axherilfo. _ . to and a—|f. 8. Fast Mall. Thronx-h Po. unan drawing room buffet aleejiUig cer* be tween Jaekemrlila and New York and Pull nu «n pine ears between Anrnsin atl Char latte PaUtnan afoeotag ran between Jari. aunt ;;e and Oatamma, en ruele daily teitweee Jnoßar.nolle sod < u Innait. via Aaherille FRANKS GANNON. J. M.< CLP, Thiol VP. V i»en Mgr T V Waahtegtoa W. A. TI KK. 4 H. HAHDWinf. tt. p A Waablagtoa 8. P. A . Aiiaate GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (MKb Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. ISIA J Pullman Slecoere betweeo Macoo ar>4 New Turk. Through l uilman Sleepers between Aw yusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:06am1 3:2opm|lo:3opio Ar Atlanta ...|l?:B6pmi ftaOprai L.OOai* Ar Macon ....|U:lsaui) I 6:450m Ar Athena ...,|li:lspm| 7;Jopm| ... .... Ar Galne#vlUe!*3:4spm| I - Ar White Pi ei*l :00pm| Ar MHl'ge le .|10:10am| | 4:3oam Ar W v*h’ton ~|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday *1 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mlßafigetllle at 6:10 p. m Train* arrive at Augusta 6:l* *• ml. 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 n. m . sod 6:26 p c*. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P- V CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 6. 1691- Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusia. Southern Ry.. ®:JO P Tn - Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:11 a m. Leave Chester, C. * N. W. RF 7:*5 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & K. W. Ry 1:16 P.n>. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. •• 7:M p.m. Arrive Blowing Roefc, Stage • ‘ p - m r g7#~WAt+mi, c. F. H AR^Ea, President* G * F * A '