The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL Wt'Qtf.'Alt AM* IIUI t*t Mtlfll I* IMAHiMIn ( TM* »«»T GHAOCft OF * wat C**m JatttOO | * OOAI < «•>» and Nut *» Wt IWi» * „ft tint *#*•#«* • * *** Aim »•**>» CITY ICE COMPANY. Atk#4 ttt * /UfcM •» Cnmm* Mi aral #■##»'*•* 941 A» »%♦* INM## MTVIMI • (fta***? *, #•#••#*** ••JJ* W4*4* 44444499 tv***# « #* * r-y.y tin tt» ahh nwwi * lit* pflftMft IfMik Mm* •* ** ** 44*49999* **9*o* ft## #44 ®IN*I €#»**#* #** “ - * 9mm * ftftfthlk## r # #-* 941#4 »* ** « ** ¥m»m * * C * ftw**ft - ** • Ltt*! P##****. 4994*4*4 #*«*# » ft ’ * 1,9# "#n M* fftwftr* •» h #• ** **P fy###*** iMMUty «4 **■ •• H|Hf» «** N*M MitMr.ll P« •• ■ iNi |Mrtw* ***** .» .* •*** , ** #* mi *•••• ** ** Kjpk *%t**mm ##•#** *• PNNI #*#*#» w* ** •* * 4 ** jjplt ,* »* •« •« M *# W *• ** ' Swi* *. ** .. -** • . P » yvt (PPQCHK PAHftf 1 ”® ftl*9 * t CMMMVMNi Ml Eli #»h •* - Pit* « '»■«—» l# HP «*» * * IttMl* •** - fittr — a.) *—l—i t* **«♦• *•* “ 1 ||sf|l >t >'»»>nglt l Ml lA# *• »** ** *• "" IHM —IW *> p r *' w IMI M •« M M W_ «* *• • ** * t tM* IWftll H* ?4*#t H•• ,* .* * * * ftl M M 9m*4* PP f* B ** * , ftf«#»• P fnH ***** *•* m*\»4 Wf' O mWMT* It M. ••• bra* "aka*. • * • »** • Seek-:* to* Im» P «* *** f* It 3» 'lt« toot rakat * A ** ™‘ l * • nt* ••» !»***** U * (• B ()o(|{pß Pt*w» ## M I»K* !#>•• 2** I I jitSttmliV ti« tt k •!**•••« •• 4 1* JM «fMlt»«>»* M H M K * '•* |ata F. *'»t WI • **lr»*Wt ( _ * t«tu« P. K>W n l»f* ■©••**• *•* irooi. iiu Cmttt+tt' tm rm '• »t«*. p" ** c ' ** Ctrttr* It M »«» t» F*» *“ “ Hl.rA<*Mf !*<>* lnwtUiM«u' *tf»i»t* ** *• •* VKKUH ytutt •* tm !••«». •* .. ' rro»t •# «m mm**. »*• .. • • t-i • 1 1 c®*h. w.. •* ** la | , t%n. F KMI Ml * *hlrtl»* •• * ** jb<* F Kin* Mi* •**•»»»« •* * 1 H»..*• *• ••••/ ** •* . g J¥f4#jp< Ku-.g, Mhinrh (Iwrfl* 4 * * , B# F KMMI. » * C *** . - * *** 4«m*. F. K*"«. *• ■* , it and *•••" ” I,', i * F- King » tmh miP*rtor .. * *•« FFINTt. Amar r.B .hlrttata. «»« ! Marrtmarh ahlltta**. ***** —• • » rhart.r Ooak draw *•«« - * «•» % «»b» *<••" otto tfaaejrt » Allan • (fWftl • •• *• *• ” " , tiw>t*»«'» *-‘ m c,lH • i Coat** Fpooi fot* no . P* r d»» •• •• . '"ABiarnaa ladlgo bltiaa. Malt .. •• * *** Oita <M>H4) »t** 4 " •• •* Amarican ladlgo blua* ll*M .. .. Intarnational black* M»M .. .. • Allan * cardinal* lt*M .. .. .. •• « AH*n > Latnaa* J India bin# * India blua • •• * Ktlnaianl'a MiM .. .. Martha Wa*bki*ton * * * ttarncr'a radiant* Halt •••■•• Charter Oak*. »»*«« * •** TICKS. Amo.kc.Ag CCA >» » * Amoakrag A A mock nag C * PLAID HOMEBPUNF. City Mill* _ J i'* Four yard, good IJ inch 4 J-t Lodi ahlrtinga * * * Lodi dm** atylea 4 I t ; St Clair draaa atylaa .. .... •• 4 Ocean *oltd» • ! , 4 MarO* Waahlngton fancle* .. .. S *•« Wmcnilanaou* branda. light natfht 11 1 !'? Lanttf. * yard* plotu ■' * * n hornitk. B 5 ,T Ltrcoln* ‘ *' 4 I**l bam. K bal Ito bo* la f. a. t ~ 10 ball* lo bog .. .. .• 1* K G P . *« ball* *'> lb *' *** Mutcuga* •• 8 1-1 t. trch t !•» yd. plaid*, beat make Smipaon ailk tluiah foulard* «4x •4.. .. *« »* •• •* •• •• •* •• •• 4 4 pacific mourning* 6i*6t 4 1-3 Chin* »llka 4 l* 4 Slater 8 '** Concord. 8 ** 4 Roma 8 *' 4 Edward* •• 8 J** 8 *' B l'lflh Avenue 8 ** 4 klarsiJt s. Heavy Columbia, i.eavy Kearaey S 1-t Kincaid and * 14 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTEK. Lime nosandal* cement •• •* « Portland eemeni *-*•'» Louisville canient in paper eacks ..H.M Flaater I" * l ‘ /S HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* *•'.oo Fainted bucket*, per do* .. .. .. M W j It B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. SL'O 3B E B cedar paila, per do* .. *2.0il Tuba painted, per nest D Rope, Manila, per pound » ‘-« Kope. Sisal, per pound \V,,' C Rope, cotton, per pound .. . JOcbl^ Shovel". A me#, per do* _. •• * Ua, ii Shovels, diamond, per dor .. .. T OO Fhovels, rtvatad bank, per do*. ••s^^ Plow blades 2 1-2 Hamaa, red top, per Mamas, red top root, unr Utf* •* «• f **m mm, $m 4N» „ H m Wvm mm**, pm m *,»* w «IN #+4 mmm. pm m „ - „*. M 114 irnmm ***** «m *m mmm mm* mm* ***** pm mm ••«*•*•***•* rm utii rr f .gtfum pm It m ** •« Iti P**m ft nifnt p*o 4m§ *o* 9* f* -** m ss*mm f** pmm »* m •* 44*4 tl ******* 4mm tK t pm ***** « .* m 9m **M in „ M M w fm*m m*4* pm Pm* , »• •« »« HH At*- *** 4 '** tin | *•* *** w At* > gjtftlrt 9i - t pvt 4** ~ *• i 4* A**m #t«f ******* p»* 4m ~«.a N»R tt 0 ■ +*o m| * itprm t **s m 4t 4*904* m * M S Ul I I R t, t M ipi t,* «n 4 p**4o hmmm* mm ach#4 *t t f ‘ t gtfA „ ## >4 ||t #.>« H • I Jtt’V*,*' Ilf ttt A«4t«tm ** is* . •• •• .. is ... 4*oo*** 4* 4449 •• ** •• **»■ ••• Atsi«:* (* t»ti .. .. „ „ IIS m, Anp«iip t t*i R *» tm »«.•*««• m gtt ft** t fir til It INI •• •« ». tit •«« «**«**,-** I* mi .. •• .. !U 4**m 49 mi a. a. IN r«t*i»t»*ft it, *m .. . a* .. c*4****** « t-r« ttr .. t*i m.I *4**9o l 4 l*f*A IWN .« a* •* M t4ft a. * j MAdraP ft. IIN . a. a. a. .. tU tdftilfiMMN 09*04 *• #» •* M ••• i Chariaatan Fa, IW ~ « .. . Vt ... IUIWAD MONT-* G. orgta R. n A Bkg Ca *». !** •••.- »» 1 Oewtgia R. R A Bkg Ca. ra. vm .. ? ttt Char tot •# Ooititnbia A A a guaia «al (a. IMW I*l ... i Chrr.atta Odtnmb'a A in guata. si r*. t»w nr ... I Augusta An. R. It.. I*. MM., ... M C. R. R Ranking Co Coilat arat Trail k'a IMT .. ..ft K tteuthara Railway 1 * IIN . .. »l M re, t-al «f Georgia Railway, tat coaaai aort. fa, IW .... M M C 9( G. tsi pr*f in 4* c«*lral of Oaotgia Railway, »4 prat income*. t(M Id 14 r. of a. i*' p.ef ia i»«k.. .. t « o s AT .Ida fa. lmt . tw ter g.mb Oeorgla and Florida Id Tt. !«** W* ... j Pouth Georgia and Florida. id r*. |*9# ios Ocean Steam<hlp Co., tat t*s 2d T% Ik» . .. I#4 FACTORY BOND*. Enterprla* Mlg Co., tel *# 1903 tet Art ley Mfg. Co. 1*« fa. IM3 10# ... Aibley Mfg C>.. Ist t » IMI .1M ... 1 Ga. H 11. * H Co. dock .. I»r 30# Aouthwaatern H R. Stock .. M n*# August* and Savannah Block >» lu# CRAIN AND PROVISION*. f Oata. nbd*. Barked ii Ooatl, mixed, *a> ked 3S Corn, white, sacked ~ tl Corn, mixed .. .. .. ~ tl Meal, bolted, per buahel ttt# Flour, common I.fO Flour, fancy extra S.Ti Flour, terotid patent .. 4.04 Flour, standard patent t.SS Flour, fancy patent t. 7& Wheat bran. 10#-lb sacks In Fine feed. 100-lb seeks 90 Hay—native, per ton 13.00 Hay—Timothy, per ten 1100 Hay—Cholce, per ton H.Oo Hama—choice sugar cursd .. lOallVfc Smoked rth sides .. ~ 0 1-2 Dry sal ribs I 3-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tierces Mg Lard, kettle, rsndcred m tierce*. # 1-4 OKIHiR OF SOLON Auditors Were HI ected to Distribute sjßo,ooo. Harrisburg. Pa.. Nov. 30,—The esse of the Order of B .rlon, through which many people of Pennsylvania have been swindled oul of many thousands of dollars In Ihe aggregate, was to have bpon heard In the Dauphin coun- | 1y court today on a bill of equity, ask ing for the distribution of the large amount of money at .he disposal of the auditors. Several years ago the Dauphin county court dissolved the Order of Solon, and the supreme court having affirmed the action, it recog nises po such organisation,and today dismissed Uie cise, an unsuccessful postponement of which was requested on account of the serious Illness of an important witness. fl I The auditors were long ago directed j by the court to distribute the amount jof money on hand to the numerous ! creditors, and unless they are prevent jed from thus proceeding, by an appeal to the United States supreme court, It will soon be in the possession of these claimants. The aggregate amount re maining for distribution is said to lie about $850,000. Ate Poison Oak. Pocomoke City. Nov. SO Louis Stevenson, engineer of the New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad, while gunning near her*, was severely poisoned from eating whet *r«* thought to be tea leave*, but proved to he a poison leaf. He is novt lying iu a critical condition, bin it is thaugh* he will recover Mr. TT. W. Bussed - , wko was with him, is par ha pi tataliF poisoned, There are but little chan tea of Uia recovery. , ,« .... THE AITODBTA HERALD “HUBBY” MUST STAY IN DOORS , t*t|4i (HMftnft* 9t * ttWl, t* liiiMH & c ' fll •#»•»# 9 It 4m»* ft NR 44m 4404* (HMftMNMNI *4*4 [ 0m I m4foo 40* Hftf*' VMidMN i |*p m 1 IBiNP ♦ »if*' wftift* “■ft* 114 Ri<imi 4* mm** 44 44* ****** in . 009 9990 •** *9o**94*4 90*4 4 4** * -4F#Nft ft#ft *4 tftlftft Nf 99m**m W 9 t j fmfttFft ilkfte k Wk* INl*' 09 *#* 999*9*00*A*’ HfftNf NN*IW 0 4m*4 9*4*0*9*94 m 0 4m- 949 pm 40 909 99*0444*0*9** 4 4* ««NNf **4 *0400444444 44040 94*09 4*4** j TNft *9o* 4 0 90*4; mmt 09*90*4 94*1 •inn *•#*• • 044004 tNft* •** *m ftMj 40 %4* 4*4*99*4o** *404*4 94 *90449$ 9m *m 4*9 900*00* » ) N| 7.1 9*0*04 *90099 *4400 If 909 Nftft'l *mrn Nftft Nwh* ft*944*4 t r *4* 4N* !*•*♦» I •M ah’ ii# m*m** wfNiy 9******** j ' 4m ** tft pt*+'#99* 4*o p* 9* ■N*! »«MNNtNN I* till * 4N»M ttmi NMW* mrn*94*4 44*99 ’ Itftftft iNftlf iMMftlft ft* IHNNI Nl fYlNflftft* . i mrn 009419 ftft* MNft* o*ooo*4* *4OO, *** S iN* «t»«H4»«4 tMl«* t*m# tm fN# m** | 1 9*o* fll Nftt 400*9 4m**4*99*4 • * flf ttHF* •## tIMUPft 901-949 U J |M| fNNf 9*9*ff 09* 9*o* l* M*N*ft I ft m* ft* f»4#%t tfftfUNiH t*po*%**9 i*at**a* • tat »a* t*f< uaAatab*# lur ing in* day par*' un« at tbw f . f $ Rm* ini m*f* tuft-t |x*ft* j* ft II « uftll I #»t 19 NrfftN Ntil I *n# om, 4*4 9*909 *tNftf*wwßy, ft|itft* > thft NftWt 9*4*• n? - A|% 4*r.**4 9409, 90 NftftF* + In ttn w***' uM«f in# ###• i UfH Rf •ftiMHif • rtet* 99*091*4 94 ’’ 40990 kiM * 4*mhor ohiigNtimi of fN# mioMt ! ups iM Hon i# tMt ! rmj*t l# II «n*ir of tn* i r 099 lh*f 19*00 9 «Hh 111 tl^ofifflO iHrir liu9hin4v At iMI *lit *#rf iilM If t|»*y v *9O •*},- #4N»ftful T*o Hu# Ynftoift tftlf# 9 I For Whooping Cmigh urb CHENEY’S EXPEC- T ° R ANT. ThRATRICAL DVE TtslN4| Oiv leg $ f* RIH Poatluv end Cooling Thcma«!v*a f» NcwfUMf* Ii (a a fact that at present thar* la a growing tendency among theatrical mtnagera to cut down their pr.ot ag bill#, and put the money thus mv> I into the advertialitg rolawin* of new** par* *. This change of baa* ia not brought about by any desire on the par; of tb* managers to make reform* in their method" of doing thing", but alraply and aolelv b*r»u-e th* great rommer clnl enterprltea are catting them out In th* line of poster* Oo whe « you will through the country you will find ihe theatrical advtttwement* on the bill board* practically anowed under by an overwhelming maaa of attrac tive colored prlntiag announcing all aorta of things from lager beer to atarrh and aoap and saraapartlla In Philadelphia. Baltimore and Wshlng- 1 ton, in particular, there i* a determin ed battle against the use of Ittho-! graph* and the con*eqne«it encourage ment of a school of dead, heads. in Boston a somewhat similar state of af fairs exists and In due course It will probably spread to other cities. The Intelligent people of every community are those who read the newspaper, and It ia a plain open and shut proposition i that If you want 10 reach them, the j way to do It la through the different publications, and not upon the dead walla and fences, where your three sheet is likely to be sandwiched In lie twen a stand recommending ohewlng gum and another telling you what kind of whiskey to drink. Get Into a surface or elevated car any morning in Harlem and you will find It filled with persons reading his or her news paper. None of them look out of the windows at the bill boards, and if they did they couldn't read the announce ment thereon, for the reason that nowadays the modes of street traffic are extrmely speedy. People going to their business and coming home read th* newspapers. Practically It is on ly th" Illiterate person who gains his iiess of an attraction from the window lithogrnhps. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men mere wide awake and enterprising than Howard A tVll let. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their ltne for their many customers. They now have tile valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds This is the wonderful rem edy thal is producing such t e uro r all over the country hv Its many startling cures. H absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affee tjons of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call ai shove dius store and set a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Heavy Weather. Mulaell. Holland, Nov. SO.—The »ti tiah tank steamer Aataakhsri. >3apt. Davies, ft acp -Tew Terk Now. Id, axrlv ac (odwy. Two boat! are gone and the as* damaged. The captain *e paffk that h*avy weather was encoun tered duriUE the latstmse. A MUIM BAKING - rOWDEB j lu Ih# bail #tr*f fft#k >Bf ADy «# » IMaCvWu, j ihufliß#. r#R»* t«t IHI* Mp|« a. frtlpu> •ntl k iKMirtt* isW| h^po*a atwl mi HCMRI t*v iDlAtit#'#s h<H>**h##P#t# im# ##>*s t#fttmmutHl H. Hi#H*u« of #U in #* v##s#s# KWlhffi fombltitKiM tty And QuABlKy, MAtHif#C 4 UFWCI By The Southern Mfg. Co., RICH MONO. VA. iiiTl ii WHOLESALE PAINTS. LtlJlJtTti UAtfk UUb T# l © l fllfnft *4 fjgrftilt 9*904 Ml **099*94 94 *900490* • 90*9 9 *mom ATtwft >TH* UMftifi Ullr* Tll Mr ~nt 98*090** OH. fHNwHI.. *##< 9> flflA# * WfffTK I,o At* I an»4 t rir##, II **M* | lft I9mp ••#9 4t 00*99990 llAlifilfficiV I' )4 - tiiWJI 4V |» 1 09 s trm* 94mu ff*m ftrury-»m P9oe*4 If *** "*** I FAIKT Oi»n# IHftft# ril»w Pm*t9 V44**4* , «Mft i» ; Pmd r*k* Minvtmt Pftlftt# #tc. nPhivai & Ill’ll Dni Ci. JOBBERS lust Arrived Beautiful line of China Malting solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMGHOVLES 904 Broad Street. CATARRH fur * generon. 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Eifs Cream Bairn Of rout RUM no t'4.JC«lltf. r BlSi mftpcnrv ncr Anr IwT o'hi»r Uijiirlou* drub fcifer~A V , V r^ -r..':2 A, .COLD-NHEAD enee. It Open* and eicaua** Ihe Naval l a 5..... ..... Allay* iihammuion. He*l« ant Preteci* th-J uiemi run". R»*tor • tbeßeo**| of T*sl* and binal. Full sze 50c; Tri* klze 10c; ai Druigi*'* or by mall. F.l.\ - BKOTHKKS, 50 Warren Bt., New York CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED , by l SING IB ■ IPS 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. made and sou; only by TL H. LA.TTIO 522 NINTH STREET. CALL ION fugusta iuwtng Co t R X H>f< 1 ttltft.fl o I f 4 J •• I yLU-OtO#®^ - c *W9Z\' 3 H K L L E O W OKOHOIA Our Oraurht Bper Has None Superior. AUGUSTA BEER Who iM In any suitk des red from SftOO upward*, in atrai*ht 3 and 5 yaars ( mi, or on lOyaamtim*. payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No detay in getting the money. AtoileriJotaii Ap#ti>«ftc It all Am rcaa V Ddgaicff Comiauft 705 Proad St IF~YOIJ WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN i an hid.; as. mitchell. Airx McDonald fiupt. a ' on. t-e» A can Mgr Augusta Electrical Construction Company at Mclntosh St-MC Sledric Aoppi'v -pesking Tuc-s, etc., ate. to all b ie, irical »p|sra.u- Eiratric Light W ring* SptclaUy. Bail'Phoae tmu - - I **« eert LOW PRICES I.srge »We-tt AIM PIPE TAirr." snd PITTIttO". KX JIIxK". SOU FR". aiI.I.«»»4BBMIK*. Lombsrd Iron Works & Supply Co., iiDiii , GOES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA, Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1595, Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 h. m. 621 t. m. Lv. Sandeiaviil# . 1.19 p. m.| 9.0* p. :'C Ar. Tennill* .. .. 1:30| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3.65 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m , 'Lv. Dublin '10:00 a. m. Lv Macon .. .. 11:38 p. n>.|ll:sr a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 |. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. in. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. ra. Eastern Tima. Cia»* eennaetlon made at Tennnl'.a with Cantral ft. ft. for Maoan. and wl h Wright*vine an# TonuiUg P.. R. tor Dublin and *aw&navillje. c. vr. Jackson Gen. Det Pas*. Agt. Jim** U. Joakoan. Joseph Si SaaSa, Receivers. | ¥ Alt •€**» Charltjon I Ms Carolina •9 * 4 ft# # • 4 49*449 90 *4**9o 4 * I *ft ft* i-Hftft-iui#|. ,»»■»»»; t.J** 9 £*90*9440 ~ * m* Ift 900*4 i ttni --iti. . M . , t 'ftftiii *mm P0*09m99094A* » 00** • I'ftwft#'. w -4mm 9 l 4 a#*##** I *9 400*440 -g gauAru- *.•■***> -r | tft»94 *.* 009***0000* M&mm »»#> *#* m a #i%«u**** .** •• ** . , >** »#* < t ■** - fp#9fMMNN>U s> e a AMMku* . *•» » ‘ i - pift#ft#Mft. - iTHin y 9rnmm ii mii : t rn*m *jm*m •9440444 ******* 9*oo* 4 fJfcPa* •* o*o T b iMTi ' ts, |«ft * 9*4*o * ft ft *9*4 < -o« •*** ** #»•*• ! >*.** 90m s 04004* | *a • panift #1 >. - 109* 90909 . ii m*m | #ft | 99 * • * 19* ft #% f * 9*4 *o9** * P*ft ’ 4ft* *ft#*4f4f Itli ftiif I• 49 994 A* pm 44 , *♦ m ft.. L. 1 Ilf* f*ftft«#**uftft ft! *- *oo*9*o*4 (ft* H* : 9*l *9 Aft 9, ft* | 9*4 l |9 *9 mo9* 9*4 Pf *04414949* 4*4 f94tm*9m PljjPUf 4«* ftftt tftt*#•#•**ft 9M»9*ftft Ift 9*4-* ' 9ft *• 9m*Hfc ft# #*#- *4 tftftft %i j i lift lift, Hmt hi ftaft, i i Jin* II? f *~*rn«*%994 444 i, H (Mi I ipuft 1 *o**449 *o*99*4 t*4 BLUE HI DOE RAILROAD. M C P&iTtlK. Itec*i*f# 4*0**0*994 PlftfttftftM !*•»*» . Fit#* A** $ fwi nan R Ouua n.u Mia'# c Mia 4 Ftp. lU*. ~ IkutM*. SAP- **■£■ K* II No t £ Bell he! AM Ftt.f !A**tv*. L**tt* FM I'# M F | A • . A»#**»*%■ -• $ I*' B ft |- I#, > M n.... |n,« ~..5! 1 *1 II M :**!• ... Autua ....f, * #»lt tt * u 1:* n . Fm illaiau .A 2ft #:** $ u* i* Oft if* OruuFA f 4 a* 11 #$ * c. i.ftia cm#» « #;sHs *» * U l»U - IkRACA ..ft 3# *,k 1 i I 4: 5J * |S3|. W**H ttalau F 1 4ft I Mi 34 ~ RutlftMa .. *1 I'ttl AM TM.i lb*#*# Arn*» PM FM N ) It He # h#M N*.s ■ A<Uil«M.. F #mg Bell** All rat dal trabu from A*4*ra«n »• %\ a haba bav* right I* track over trains ol th* *am* • laaa moving W ep poatt* girw Uea. ualewa uknau* ap«c- IM h* .ti e «4> ra WUI utan ai ,** ai following atatl ,nu to «aU« uu or I*l o* roa*****r* Pktn n.y a. James au4 Aendr Apring* No U roftnori* with Aoutbora rail way No 1$ at AUdwaon. No*. I s»4 tt nmwt wtm ttratkei • railway No* If and 13 at Ama*<-a j. ft. aNDKRAON. Acp*r*n:*n4*ol. itOntic roisT line AHOKTNAT AND 9UICK.BAT ROUTE TO THE FAil AND NORTH. 3 3vpm, Lv..Aug aata. Ga Ar | * Mam s;#9|>m| Lv.... Alktra Ar j 3 I9*m 4.13 pm. Lv I>»nmark ... Ar t Kpra r.Mpmi Lv.. Onngfg.... Ar 140*m * M|,m' L*..#umt»r. K C...Ar | 4.39 am * SSpmj Lv Florae,eg ...Ar | »:»am in 3Spw,| Lv.. F»y#tl*vill# . Ar j Ll4pm l:3tam! At Prt*r*barg V* Lv ! I 13pm 4 00amI Ar Ruhmond ...Lv ! I 13pm ; 41am! Ar.. Wa*hing!»»..Lv 1 3 4*pm 9.03 am! Ar.. Balnmor*. ...I.v 1 3 3Spm Il:3ttsm! Ar.-Phlladelptm Lv |I3 o»|,m t:o3pmi Ar... N*». T„rk.,..X v | I Sfam Pullman ralac* buffet *le*i>lr.g ca,* from Mncon and Augu*ia i« New Fork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen Agt.. 723 Broad St . Augusta. Oa. T M EMERSON. Traffi Manager. H M EMERSON. Oen. P«a# Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. IS?4. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 3 For Savannah 130 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta 4 1 40 P. hi. No. « For Macon. Atlantß. and Way Station" .. *'.2o A. M. i No. 63 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* 9.30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. . 1:40 P. M. i No. a From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta 8:36 A. M. j No.' 6 From Macon. Atlanta and Way suctions .. 6:50 P. M. 1 No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station# .. 6:30 P. M. Nos. 1. 2. 3 and 4 daily. Nos. « and 6, daily except Sunday. No». 53 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars m nigh! trains betwe~n Milieu. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah For fur ther Information a" to schedule*, etc., I apply IJ M. C. JONES, r. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs I LAND S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 38 out of 37 headaches. 2 for 5c., 25c. one box of 12. , THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. “ScvedloTTbroadw^. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, D&ters. Pads, BacigeSi&c TH Aroatiwac. A ugusta, Ga. i?trowger l'hone 263, BELLB OF GEORGIA DkCEMBf M | 00*0*00 #■s!#• •t'tJt.•* $. Tl t. niAut CO 4*4 94 4*l4o*** 04mm ift. ft 1 v*. ftifta te4**A 4499999*4* tpmm ft 109 | *«ft . 4 99ft taft -ft.* i* iwrw*k 'nwal*X9^*9FfmA ft a ft »eftgftk ##%9ft 49* % 4 9" 0* -99 0994 m ft* *-4m*m }|9# ft# 9 aft* 44*44 9-00* ftl *rn 1*9419 ft *C a %0/m i- *6 -- *t 9* '4 9 909.44444 W mAr-9* ft- ft , , * 4mm,<o. *4 ft ■ * 99*** • «MWWP ft #ft * ft* *, 00 4*4*!* I* f 0999*99* Vftft *•• *■' ***#» Wm?* * ’***”*? k f9Bi ii ift 4ii ft#fft#i#tw^ftift yicMft 1 a ft 9*#«ft ft ~49 ~ 494 'la_>*a - J^4BWi IA» A■ - 4r : »*« ft * 4*4*4494 mm pm 4*004*4 * o*9 94 9* 0* * #*# **4 * "<*4 MI|4«gWB - ■ -ft'ft ft * ft 4 40-Hi: mm t * ft* 49*- *094 * 949*44 t ft# ft #ftlr ft .ft#9 44# *'* ftWrtMfc'ft* • * m 498 I »iti.4»r 999 '**#4 ***4 **m I %9< *«*»9M## 9«9# 9 'ft *H4ft#4» m 4 »*ftl»# $H * ft 1 04 »ft'4jf 444*9 . 4*94999*4 *49 tft# ft##-*#49 mm 9*4*4 9994 m•« pmm* # ft#. ***** 3- ft 9*99*94 *49944*4 tli» 499* 9*09 t t ra»*w* f *• *r 4 #UUI litXN RAILWAY* Hmttt * ow* raw** *aaala up-j, mm * 4g *m *m**tt"tt"* , ••<»* am** ■■ Mt.i. " 1 ta#o Till 2S- STra . .. 1 t-tt", «*» STmrsz*" mm "i <#*< 1»* *1 Li MM ala V 9 ! aITTLe. a. iric* t *m*„ * **» * : .. iTm ,4"? : El,. its:; T v fcfilbw* ETur-raWe,. i^mS' It S ffoA 1 * *• _____ V** m-..a-TZI,-l " i 4Cf 9* ft 49P ralnSCfta a iu.*«*•, »»■*» • RIHMMa !}*»•*• *e • ts |4*w To* j**• *• * * * TTai aV'aa U»ll, Imtty. L Tmter*lV ai. | #9* T»"i*ot * f-fcttad* iA» I (Ml I* a * i*. 1 • I ##o •M a D >* Hy - | k, 4>* tl »a t, Jtwhtooml ( 1•' )■’»*| U ut» L*"pacel.l** j H»»| « H» L» Nwfn'k fMp Ar * *6 o L* (*TOe.D*e—rv *Mo T ttp • «'b*rl*tM . I #»* » a>9 • koek Sin .... . k»a* ilw'a • U tnnehor-. .........j 11 *l* 11 9-i ft Col'hia kiaadgw lit Mao, IST a *. (.ttiuatua Ca ■apt ! 116 e 4*o a “ J.tmetuaa $S»p tto'a " T'ren-en 9 lAp’ "86 a lln&ltevUlt .1 K Mpi 16| a . ' ■ 1 4 Mp! t#a L, Attenile FTTW-T*p Lv Hj-mf'Urf Jll wi • Iftp L* OoTftoi, ftCftO.!#.... 771 • <W#* ftr l“hnr r*?4sn . j 4 40r[ Ii OD* L* o»i‘ : hft rrafli#. UTS• wr. # *• "* ».ir,#h 4 lip ft. p J# p 919 m ~"i %*viM%r'CA n Bx *#U#at d#liy j mmern b#tw### Blpn ln #nd Ki» York ft - rr ami a-hinftoa and Hmrntkmmmimm tjiiilM. Holld Yaaf>btt-#d fraln with dinm< 99i* ao*l Brat «'»*•# #c#k.*h#a »*> r, h of fharlntt# t'uilfnan drawin* rontn «9n» b#*« #n T#iat a *larh#mviil9. >#vwnn»h. Waah»nsff n Mb, N>w v J»k FuUinaa w "fpin* <ftr» hdw#«i Chariot t# 9&d Hidimoftf! Pus man dr«iv|iif rooa» »'A*pinf #ara r# tw#wu **r##n u»m an l Norfolk jSgyfLW*? 44mi at Norfolk for OLD P >INT COhIFORT. •rdvißf thar# ta »»!«• for brrakf»#». Boti<l »ra»n with Parlor «ar», hti#wu ChampVoj, and A<*hori|la. ft on 'a* and -44—-IT. H. Faat Mail Throtu'h an room huffat alr#pl»9 car* l*#- twtws ,iat*k*r.uvill# ami N#w York and Pntl man wlaau.nv « ara lwiw##n Auirtiata ar a Char lotto. Pullman aieoTttn# uara wa#*n Jark fo«$hl!o ai d Columbia, on routo daily notwaaa aekwinvi'l# aa*i Cm inuatl. via Aah#oiila. HANK ft GANNON. J M CJ3JJ. Third V P A- ift#n. M*r T M WsAtofttcm W A TURK 8 H.HAKUWIi’K ii.! 1 a Washtefton _ G. P. ft., AUaaift GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (65th Melidtan Time.) Schedule Effective April 34. IS9I Pullman Slaontra between Macoo an# New Tor* 1 Through Pullman Sleopora hetwran Au gusta an# St. Loula , ■ Lv Augusta 7:o6ami *:3opm|3«:6opia I at Atlanta ...|l3 :66pmj B:3opm| k.uCaja Ar Mr coo .... !ll:16*:,)| I «:45am Ar Athen* |l3:l6pm| 3 20pm! - Ar Galne»vllle!*S:46pm| 1 Ar White Pl ai'LOOpml I Ar Miirga le .;i<':loam| I 4:3o*ta Ar W.wh'ton ..|10:li)«ini 7:iopm| Picayune train leave* Augusta daily exc pt Sunday at 6:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Mlll-dgevlHe at 8:30 p. m Train" arrive et Augneta 6:l* *• 3:45 a. m.. 1:70 p. m . on# *'3K p ta. A. O. JACSSON. a. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule Ip Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. 'Leave~Augusta, sseuthern By. 9 *0 am. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. : l eave Chester, C. & N. Vs *Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lwiair, C & N. W Ry 1 16 Leave Lenoir, 3tage ■ - 2:00 p.m. 1 Arrive Green FHrk, Stgge .... 7 00 pm. I Arrive Blowing 'G*"iv. BwCEttiER, C.'f. UAP.PER,, President. G. P. A.