The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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7Hf • ft ****** fcJJNL THE NEW YORK SENT TO CUBS \«t kiMi TIM ohm MMP**! VMM. *.im «a **• rmmmmmmmn*#, Whf €«toM AmmM*. W"aso*gflpogk |9p* 2 j fMttfk at toaagkrtfl Wm gas* «i 4 Nt »*"•*< grtflfc Aka *«■*•» *• T»HI *• ll«n>« imuMnN **•**» j fMfeMrihNMflk #4MM*HMW|pi4 Ml ®totoßN**N ] »tor®. H ® t® IMP** •krtfc** Ml j •iMf »•*•» M 1# MM ♦* <*®® ®i#m® ml l In* €N»kßk n®*®®# j to* Mil tm* *«**%•» In fktolM •• * •wr# t®® dM I f®ft Ml •it' f«M «v* t k### tMPtMMi I#' m ®p®®® 4*444** #• ' ## toflkf- »®rp#R Cm ll® 9®f* . «nM mm tkißlftf® N ktok * #M n* •M***# k® t#N #§•». •*••##* , tto* is #• fIM •••* ' «•!•*•*• ; A* toptoF ik* CUM amt * vmttf. ”1# tkarft Ik* lAk*4**K* #•* I*’ I at ns*sv A 1 ftlrl Ceto lilt «ku t lit.* ki'ttt «•* C*l (Mr *»atat* i* (k* ••*». tMntkd a* “if ml mimr ?*»« »#mt *** ■ *, vim *# an®#* 1 * mm mlmmst Mi OMNmi 9®®®®®» * m***4* * j . )i mfi| mfifc MM £•#*&'? Hmm ' **k lm | tl im lmmrm»l 11mm tk# Cwtmm* iM* | j y HMuftflf m|Mnl tk*t# • tmsmMW* | •r®*«W®t* tl® k#k®k® f®##* * ‘m wto#<l» * to* IlMt t%** 9®** oftf Ik Ml rtk*t itllMv tk* H® .** f mMM'mmmilMm j •##tir#*l t* ®Mk I Ijmulbb Oft. 8.—!• M*T ® MM'* ■ mmsom « tk* Ww IM** «k* g*» mriirnmfii 9®* 4#r i Mt4 to it mil Ifcm ilmf* j MM £ 44.444 »*M ®. VMM C SI- * j •Ml Bk*l t*> lotml oß#k tit (Mi® *• m*m * f EMPEROR * MT~V VBARto Brttliaat ftgtogtaM I nto k * **k l.(ln. To4*». WMblulo* D* 2. —■ A tarilllMi ntfletai ntlllßW arrvk-*. ««»»«• lit# or A* fifth lb anniversary of Ed H#ror Fmotif Jotcfb'i i»c#iit®i to tb* iknM* of Au.trla was b*M at to . | Miukr.'i rbttrch today. Tb# <"**»• monv «'«* tttid*r tb* auaptcra of tb* Aiitrlat l*fatk««. and in r*roro Uoo of It# national rbarartar Pr«aid««t to- Kintay andiJlr. Ha> t**r* pr***« to Mbalf ol ni# l'ntt<>4 toat** Go**m m*nt. whll* tb* for.lg* *nv#rnm«-at» t**r* rapt ***m*4 by tb* full atrangtb of tb* diplomatic rorju. Tb* church on* elaborately faatoonad for tb* oc cation. potted plants fining the chan cel. A* tb* otocia! guerta arrired tb*y o*r* met by tb* Aunt lan ofßc.ala. Baron Re'.dl and Baton Pau mgariten. In the rtunning uniform* of the Aus trian dragoona. and Dr. Theodtrovlch, r*pre«entlog tb* cirll branch of Aua t *j> ttaff The prealdent and Mr. Hay occupl*d a iraui p**' to tb* -right of th* chan cel. whf}« acro*a th* alt!.’ aat Sir Ju lian Panv*fote. th* British ambaaaa dor. and Count Cauinl. the Ruaaian ctr.t atrydor. In richly embroidered unlfoini*. Arrnolahop Martinelli. pa pa) delcgat*. occupl’d a place In the chancel and participated in the r*llg loua acrrlce. urhich -raa celebrated by a large number of pri’aM and aco lyte* Vienna. Dec. 2. Emperor franria Jo*epb today, upon the fiftieth anni versary of ht» anrenaton to th* throne. Issued a general order to the army, thanking the soldiers for their loyalty and their fearless valor through the rrign, and declared he will ever look upon the arTy a» the shield and pro tector of the throne nod fatherland. Amnesty was granted to political of fender* In Hungary and a number of decoration* wert gazetted. A BOY HERO How He Flinched With Pain and Went to His Death. New Ycrk. Dec. 2.—Freddie Oaflter was dying, but be went to school. It is not likely that he, a boy of 10, guess ed (hat the injury he had concealed was s mort*y one On the other hand, it. Is <yiite f-rtaln that he was suffer ing exeruc'ating pain when he Bald yesterday morning to his mother: -No; I don't want a doctor. I won't have you waste money like that. I'm all right.mamma. I'm going to school." And he did. From his mother's home, at No. 107 East Fourth street, he went to Public School No. 330. in Eabr Fifth street, frequemtly sitting down to rest, srmetimes crying with pain. On Thanksgiving Day, while masquerad ing with his playmates, an angry a*, g.-rby had Jammed tb* nmavhjaisu* of his tin trumpet down his throat. On h later day h* k“d oean struck uu tb» breast by a hard-driven snowball Which of these mishap* Was r«s»*»at |)!f tor hi* misery Mae yet tab» de termined; bn: he had concealed both ttto g**t* a totrm THE AUGUSTA HERALD. kenrr vr %■* tok-.tHKikr i" M ’ « -Map In* •iMNi’ iM* MUM M <ln| M pit § § sm> mm ****** «*# m* mm *mi mm mm/mmm** >pm ' ' mm *m» mm ** j §MMI 111 tl® mm* f®* mt I® «m» iMMM •«* mm mH mm » ***** t*» ***** Mr mi [tfMi mm* m>* ***** l #«• * - ***** *m*to*m m* ** HMNMII ifto* tJHtoR y««k to Ik* *s* ,**''*"’* Mlt sm* *mtim*9 m* MM mV f».- :•. j? MM M®* I® *** ****** j pf *** * *■*+***•* *** mi mm **%** In*® CPMU awtoMabM »*. «pt*wl * * mMHI •#- A tofitoMMi' ftNlli t# «||# *<Of|b V* ' *. 9fM ••• Itoto totoTwi*" j •»!«• to ik** *!•* «*• ****■ j pto to * 1 • to ■ i sum of rfpnlMr mrvtt tit tr****** »•* j Mi llitTMit - COWIOM Sc Boot ri’M> Hows* (*pwi*Hin«iiu tosHUlttn'l WWrk Aibiftif. d* , fw 3 —TH# M(jHfMt f|» fff *'OollttUsf# lilt* *****w*m*f ilnrsno* rnaipl*(*d Ita work sat wilt ! f(ln* •! !►.II IB By aa aimaat uat-aiuiuu* vet* tb* ropSKi* vital f»ud **» cut to»a 10 BM.Ms. tb* tatra llM,tw giv*a tb* aekools tbt* jr**r b*iag take* off I By an tggally emphatic tot* tb* P*uslon appropriations ware allowed to remaia intact in fa**, bang is rreaaad something over Iki.Ml to meet claims now rn Alt, vrblrb could pot b* ■set out of tb* las' aparonrtatlou* I'n dec tb* Mil tb* total pensions will ag gregate f*aO4o* There waa very little dlecuaslog of either tb* at hosil or th* pension funds, th* membe-s having made up th*lr I mtnda on th*a* subjects When tb* pana'nna w*re taken up and the proposition to pui th* Invalid pensioners on an Indigent basts, a* n t r tnmended by Oov. Candler, It was found that thla could not be done tin der tbs term* of the cma:ltutionsl law providing, for th's claaa of pc tltlonera. Ig- cnlj way it could b* accompllabfd waa to cut off the lova i ltd entirely and let tboa* entitled •* ! indigent* be paid a* ar*h in th* indl ■gent class. which the committee woubl net conalder. The committee voted to abolish the geological bureau, refusing to appro priate a dollar for It. Provisions For Dewey. r»ncouver. B. C.. Dec, 2—Advices from New South Wales say th* steam er Culgnn ha* sailed from Sydney with a large of pro* ,Blon ® ,or Dewey's fleet at Manila. Advlcea from New Guinea say the native tribes living on the Musa river lately raided the Maslnl village* In Collingwood bay, and massacred fif teen coasl people. There ar* no police to deal with the murderer*. Can't Make Her Out. Plymouth. Msib., Dec. i. There seem* to be no means at present of ascertaining the Identity of tb* wr?ck discovered at. Rocky Hill Mge last Tuesday. The stump of the mast protrude* from the water at low tide and between the trough of the waves occasional g!lmp*es of the stern of the ressM are had The wreck appeared to be that of a good sized vessel. No cargo has rome ashore and no bodies are reported on the coast. Although the-e Is a great amount of wreckage, nothing is found that apparently be longs so the submerged vessel. Down Goes Sugar. New Tork, Dee. 2.—Arbuckle Bios, have reduced fine sugais on—sixteenth. It Is generally understood that otr.'M refin-ries will follow. The Panther Arrives. San Juan. Dec. 2.—Th* fail'd states transact t Panther, which left th<- L**#*e Island navy y*rd November ia. arrived here today As a rule men laugh and warnen weep at a wedding Tile fact tliat they ar*to*> ah* tHhWito** in th* reTTnir has something so do with it. MR. fII'KINIiEY PUT ON RECORD iMMBto TNI H» h r« VtoAfl | (/(hltlto , r •**» Hi *4O mt tom brnsMss* torn** kulto Mm %*** % to* % |B|to 8 $N f Nto ******** mt m *.»<»(—*. N N to*»ti*. toB“ 0i »> m tto *toaw*t <mmph« «r tv to- j * .• BmmM tostpet * <M#ggo«--0i meg* m to* **•« Vwt < *>«tofev *t c<*mm***** *m* toftoNbiN ** t-*ijiiiM * **** iimb ml rntm **m***mi**m * ~m m*** m * %***4 *m m ' 'TW *o*s *** ****■% tfN'4 i IN® mtm t mmm H® §&**** <N| | BHVMI Imbbli •#* ********* I-** Mt «*t ( IN twt to' toi<rl jtt *# • % '**** ***** 9 •• iifP'f m*m*4 (Imp *■**■* t »i m It**mm*** • $-&m JA* * *%* f |Pmb .N Atotoit * Bsto *i*m INK NUINt »»Uil tt yyst Ml Far lrtlM*o ItM* ftottmam M'oa\lflt %# tNto 9 -m- T% r • t toRMMBNi *IB !*• * ##:* t «!#) tThlm Msnl In i«® j j| 4i Nf ®* m<t o*m*t f******* j , r yAftjm <n ofe t |rto# »»fi rt d to **o i .»*##? IlMftß ***** fti'ftl Ifwil* t imi n h#rfi fittM mmmm \ mm |n g,#T rf)'W —~ i **to# tram tMA’' t & ; «k#*i *x*mm** * * I ON*¥i®| tflWfj IMHn® ] to «f* ftorttflNl <NfeNfto p» % to*ll*lto «H<t IB #9l j ■ s*§% b ##•! (W rirll *#* j stlßtoA, I# ****** rbin# rrffilir nltotof*» : >r# *fff (or umw® rßf#. | i| | mi# lint fßitftMNi r#MpM)M hm\ tNto« #rr®p< IB fto*t«Nllßt (rt I ttoiHß* ml *m* roißiror* in bhh l *® ft#Br#« m 1® fknrth *m*r* h#4 9** n •nUN iftolßT If) Uir mffTtof of rtolp' IB r.« 4» U> # r##iN#( (rum U#u Iwittoßß CM. MH tos#lßlß#4 (Ho Aio nil | gp tifg tronfc ft on T#®#n t® ' p or( Tumpß. tor*jirh ms*, hr MIA «9#® Ito lb* Plant tvs'em. which controlled tb* ooly live from Port Tampa, wanted ■q rU ( am the Florida fentral rood from carrying any government troop* or otippllto. and in order to accotnpllah btla revolt pvt a v*r> high mt* on sblpmtnl* brt v#rn tb* two potoU. In rouNjuriat of tbia poaltimi taken by the railroad c impanv order* were ' giv#« (bat utM. o dollar lie paid (or transportation over this nine-mil* road . unUl the prpptP rate be made, and a* ’ a ccnaequenc no rayment had been j roi-dc for tbia service AWFUL DISASTER Thirty-seven People Drowned Front I hia St earner. Mahon, Spain. Dec. J.—Thirty-*evcn I people wer* «Jrowntod vt ho wtN •#* ! I osrd the British steamer rian Drum- i mend, from Cl yd A! via Liverpool, fur I Cope Good hope, wrecked in the Bay of Biscay. i The remainder of the Hhlp's company were saved and numbered 23. Th -y i are hoard the British steamer Holbein, from London and Antwerp, for Rio Ja- j neiro, anchored off Caacaes, went of j hete, TROUBLES AT SEA Distress Reports Being Made at Phil adelphia. Philadelphia, iV.. Dec. 2.—Th • Brit ish alramer Marstonmoor from Balti more. November 29. for Rotterdam, ar rived at Delaware breakwater today \ with the British baik La Eseoceua In ; tow. The burk waa dismasted. She salt- | ed from Iqulqul July 29, for N -tv l > rk. j The British steamer Briarden.-. w hich j ai rived at Delaware breakwater today from Queenstown, report# having pass ed th- dlsmastiyl and abandoned schoo ner Kt Flint 180 mlb-H southeast of Cats* Hcnlojen. EXCHANGING COURTESIES. Honor* Shown the Oueen Regent By Faure. Madrid, Spain, Der. 2. —The French ambassad-.r her.-, Patentotre. has hand ed the queen regent of Spain the insig nia rs the Gland Cross of the-Legion of Honor, bestowed upon her majesty after she had decorated M. Faure, pres ident of France, with th - of tin- Gold en Fleece. A manifestation made by a number of students has been suppressed by the police- TOMORROW NIGHT’S RALLY Elliott Supporters Will Teetat Red Hen’s Hall. The Elliott supporter* will hold a l grand rally at mefl Men''* hull tomor row night. The m-»ting will bo an lr.- : ! tefeating one Some good speeches will be on the program. Barnes Compton Dead. Laurel. Mil., Bee. 2.—H*-oA»*ress nnui nitriles Compton died here today. IBPtt, N#|BCA*t >•» toMf** Mi »I*®M At«to *t A. Ut PROF. ANDRE HEARD FROM TN 'tow *£tob Viknwi tt M ftkhtoit tttatwi log#*** #omo# /MtooitNfl fktt Ho *ro»»i»d to* I ♦*# flmtoWM w*m*% 8 ## *mm*m* ****** , |INk%NBI ### to - . IN ® * A *m*%s*4 H*** #*# ## ********* *i A* | $m ***** |N 4M»t* I® ft mm* I# i** t * i«( ® mn»N MNtoto # t®9tHi ' toNttollMNt ***** f"*f***k ***** mt % lu®# *t** #4l INN#* m*m* •'*(ll## f# % t«#t#to % (m#i * * N®r- l®to ’* #'.**#*•# ### I ♦#! * * tm*4 I l##tto A pujtof Inn f iNtoI ** 99 «•*#*##, #• **•» mm ’ # f§| * ItfHMHt IN «*P *** tt# *•» fN*NN. * fIN #to|»«topvk #fi# 9*ftr*4(. %# * *m4 I®# «NB«®## ********** *m4 th****** m* *in «## Iph ibmn# in* IN tofBRN t|® ®-(to HkMMI tot vH OF If bo*M ttoogt# #*« Thti (Hi#*** •*««*• •tto h in itfM Id. •“toll* fl#to* | TN# t'fktttoto ®n#4Nh CINIMto #BPW* 'jyS-dto : < ’N-. m ##<f |lto##4 t.s 4 ***% ■■ git tKiM «Hk a###t#i murrni *t t# : 4*f $ truitinj aft*f Nldfli 91 I®g4 ■** t® NtoNKtN® «*f ftptoßi*!) «N®®®fvl#l t r(##l# IB l In- IfMlirto fnt • 9#9® «i t *##«# *tui <*ifc*r ml *■■****!*■ ' tto# t» In r*nN|'' l#riit ml#* (b tlw Jaißi i ********* |(toßi«h » ' *B( *1 h * * tlto ‘ -«« B s!•*** i *««###• ||#*B • l|ll IIN !*{*•«»-*fc r#®®N* s iiot in Bmli® ®#Tii m+* iln §•##*' • I tr«l ittiiwlf mt (In n iNßrsr*** | Hr# t*ftilf4 IktNitto Tb® «rt w*Mm~ I UihNf« #lk» (ft®** to **\t i*Um #• [ iion tfeuii (|(f®il4<i OHift* IN | *n<l tfcftl H# no# It# list? (9®»**b4 i «r»l«l1#*f * Pirlt, HNr 1 Th# JNIBI Nmßin# 1 ,|f (ft# ||rtoi r #■•*■» •# tndtot |#to(#4 I (tor# I»Q#TB 9to fftl ***** N* m*++ tk# dpNßlßr<t* ar# aviHini lust met am* Rpolo * proposU ioo bto <*j»*K*rt*! prlrß*«*» in tb* West <)lfN |a pfti «#|f la 4 in 4 m# #ra ■ * #99* i tmtifr. Tt® AmNlNtßAk® a*li to* iinh#n. : thins In tvtuiti mutter* The Caro Moe [ Island* quest ton •** not con*ld--re<l , Tb* tom* enmmlsoton adjotimed unlM ' Saturday. The flpnnish sympntbiset* are oink ing much of the reported attitude of the Filipinos towards the Failed 1 State* They prof#** to b*’e Infor mation that Agulnaldo mean# go tight , aad that he now ha a sixty an-maond f. noidi-rs armed with Maua«-r itgo and r eighteen gutek flrlin guns ami will i.satisfied wlto nothing but ißdeiwnd i eace. Agonrillo. Agulnaldoa ■ agent. [4* reiicent when question'd op the | subject. saying he bnd no definite in i formation fronti the "tivimtn'lit SOLDIER WON. Tenth Chlo Beat C. 1.. A.’a at Indoor Ball. Th< game of indoor biiKehr!l betivecn the r. L. A. and Ihe Tenth Ohio last night resulted as follows: Ohio 2 2 0 2 4 0 0 4 7-22 0. L. A .. ..1 2 1 4 130 0 3 t—l 6 Umpires—J. F. Mulherln and Cor poral Adsms. Scorer —E. Weston. There grill he another game betweeu these teams »1 tb* Armory some time next week. Tonight rhe C. L. A.’B nnd the Ca dets will again compete for supremacy at St. Patrick’s Hall The line up last night was at fol lows: Tenth Ohio —Lalhrrp, r. »».; Holler, 111.: Pelts, 21).; Belcher Akc. 3ii.; Hsughton. If; BeTVald, I. ss.; Fergu son, rs: DeHart,, p. C. L. A. —Galltber, rs.: Mulherin, C. ('., 3b.; flhrron, Ih.; Mulherin. K. J.. c . ; Armstrong, r ss.; Durban, 2b.: Costello, I. ns.: Fields, p.; Tolaml. c. ] ANOIHER OUTBREAK. A Renewal ol the l ighting In Vamen Blstrlct. Constantinople. Tur’ ey. Dec. 2. —lt Is reportwl that has been a renewal of the lighting in Ysnicn. the principal dlvt- Hlon of Arabia, one of the chief towns of which Is Aden, the British naval sta tion. Teh Tuikluh tT/QCi'H, it in Haiti. Buffer cd a s.-rious defeat between Hndelila and Sana. The rebels of this district have hoist.- | cd the British dag, Turkish officials are | reticent regarding the outbreak. REMOVAL POSTPONED The Remains of the Dead Soldiers Not to e Taken Up Yet. Washington. D. C.., Dke. 2. The war department has decided to adopt j at oner- the suggestion o. General I Wood that the removal of tlie remains ! of the American.soldlets from Santiago ; b ; deferred untill February at the ear- : jlefti.. While It la fully rellsed that the pd3iputipm«ni will - duappoir.t xr,fsr,t to the ti ieruas and reiattvte qf tie: soldier, me official* qeil*»e thr-v have nt light, to eTpo-ie the (lart’ors of 1 u yklldW Win «g.tT!Htok -it th- large popufill’t-'ii of Santiago ali.l neighbiiritjg tow ns. I THE DIVISION ON REVIEW 1R to IN H*t to Kip I Itomtv i-et liMto, H***Hy to gg At# to Fast«imsg M mm* go BMP C«to*(N so I Ms* . Vina MMtanM «%• Dm g)**Msnt *o> I i mis*a mt•<* «# *m4 #• I'tono <tw I #»n Hi» * rwVf* *« Mtone MooM *»♦-« *» I He* n>—***** FM*» ftoggno* o-i* o* L f XT'* ,u ' ’* * ik# Iklto #fl## j ■**i f (Bill In I#**-*=•-*» to# ,••#*%•(•# mmmm* mmm mi i«n HVim « *4. m f|N® Nf <*>■" Twlf# *** ■ ***&<*■ * ’ *»#'* k# . tk# DBNN * % r tm*s**m mt tl #i» ~ nki 1 tir ft®## :s ***4 *■ ' m* i«m9 (TMBfNNN# tori'! f***® tMk dtfli to#®# ,®t n «r%t# - 'flfetri; ***** fk# n ? N#' • #*<* *k#% Nill * ?•*' t kto > ■ (# NviHHi i mmmm hb## i® tk# B###t»i ®iibn» ® HI ikn ®rt s nnb <*#*m ii k® (n#n tight sad ib« >ftV-nk* ««f eoasponte# « ji Ink inb t iu®ml n **»*•* #® j Ills arm wi»tebto*M. tb* flack of tb* tin# hi wf ***tt**mtA* bb<( #i® r#* ffiftrkril apoi ks *k^ 1 m«m«r» ,*q4 iim *;*l|t*i kill Nil! I*4 ' tor x f# |j«Ni|)| tk# rr% S#-#» «g 4»fg#*i* *rf£iigitk)toi #1)1 roiiiiu# tk# w»4a B tou®ri#Bt I'iftlßf#, h#for# rtmiß* f emt of tk# roiiWß in l i«| )Bt#rf#riß4 VtoTfih Ilk# SB l#Bf || H| 4 «mm-*B«J of Hi gailkr t}#B#fr»l (ONhlB V (9 HTHO.VG yw. pngprrs to*r- hn*F irgl(itt|g ia#ng oot th* spsce* fer th* Tb*y will Hr* up begin ning at ’b* extr-me right of * th* ground a* th*y face the rood, th# Eighth Pennsylvania being Arst and tb* Tenth Oh o hem* last Th* Ini ’ m-n». line will reach nearly the en tire length of the Held General Young will rid* town 'he i line* and then take hia stand near the Mary lend ermp. The troops will march ! around the spectator*, who oill be ) kept in line by Lie cavalry *<tln» ** j proves! guards snd will eroas the road. ! passing in front of the general's re j viewing stand When the men are lined up they extend over 2.0»5» feel. All of the men who went on the , trial march yesterday seem pleased ; with the trip ard are aniiona to take another trip. The spectators who wit nessed the drill by the Third brigade yesterday enjoyed it very mueb and will go out again today to watch the big review. Camp Chat. It is understood (hat twenty-five r«- 1 emits for the reserve ambulance corps arrived today. Capt. Spicer es the Thirteenth Min nesota. Is officer of the day for the Third brigade. A large detail from each ttnnq is busy grabbing stumps. .MaJ. Hutchinson, of the Knghth day. A large shipment of stoves for ih p soldier boys has arrived. Capt. Hanpt. of Co. H, First Mary land, is officer of the (Jay for the First brigade. The football gome between th. two Maryland teams scheduled for tonior | row has been postponed on account of Capt. Roman hurting bis hack. The Tenth Ohio hoys are rejoicing over the Indoor baseball victory gabl ed the city last night. The moving of the large canteen lu the Third brigade yesterday by a huu dred or so men was a pretty sight, f ifteenth /Minnesota. Lt. Fry. who has been examining the Second Georgia boys for mustering out, has returned to hi sduties at regi mental hospital. W. C. Von Hagen has been promo ted to First sergeant of Co. . S. Conway anil T. Ophalen have re joined Company C. after furloughs. H. A meson of Co. (' has returned from sick furlough. Wan. Blackman of Co. I has return ed from division hospital. Musician Palmer of Co. K has re turned from sick furlough. Crosby of Co. L has rejoined his company. Capt. Cost field us Co. IS is officer of the day l»l B' ol Cu sci is ciftlcel qt the gutitq Thirteenth Pennsylvania Capt - dallttroreortt~ts otruer ot tl:*-* daig. j,t, Robertson of Co. I! is command er of the guard. I«MAI# A »#*» iWd ay, Wa a sito# ■•MI Pk®M9ik®Mfe fk# IN®®* 6 ® m **mm4 *4 %4** mmm** l | j H||gs| m|| ( tot i" I* f* in# %j*. fB B*i9 *t f m * ® to®**-# *4 fk IMHi •HVVk H**M##*i i |(tofkl«M#fß *4 Cm I 4t* ********* fktoto# 9to I *4 Cm H k® ft® I k#tokk 9 fftol M*#%l#Nfll |“isi , to'«V K ho* loen t^-,-4 Trtofk l®«. (' §!•»% p# »*f Co hl# Bl Ik# ®®pi® | G Hunk *to Co Mta *-< k io4a’ Gteaser Htone; and FeF* will t>* j» r || |n HupUi) ukUv ij K |Fl« Of CO M kB» !##€• I* tolln (erred to tb* hospital VitrH*-. I lerreo to roe ■> »p> ” , ; ('apt O. H Gibson to Co I l» I * r r 4 1k 4® L U. 000 hm to Co A la commander lof tHi coord Vgiiln. SpfJtolt itoPto »n«g ll ha- |»al*.l*l serer. The material for hospital kitchen ha* arrived U Randolph to B troop ho* returnad to th hosnltal. Stephens to M troop go** to quartern toda) Vaughan of H troop w.nt to quar tern, as did Thtttsh of H. Murphy of D i» kicking ou the diet presort bwl. P H Wtlkerson of lfie Firm 8011th Catolina will stand physical examina tion for enliauncnt tomorrow A HANDSOME DIRfcCTORY. Th* flaloney Directory Co.'s New Macon Directory Mr. William Kerah. buain ** mana ger of the Maloney Directory company, la exhibiting a copy of Macon'* n<-« city directory. Jum completed by bis eompanv. It la the handsomest and most complete directory ever publish ed of a southern elt> It has many new features, the most prominent of which Is the separation of the white of colored nam s. Mr. Kersh says the Augusta hook w ill Ik- even superior to Macon's, REPRIMANDED- Engine Committee of Council Get Last Afternoon. There was a meeting of the engine committee of council last afternoon. Tlie committee mei to investigate a difficulty Hint had taken place between Firemen Tudor and Moore The case* were dismissed with a reprimand , ror each man. little ones lost. Two Small Boys Strayed Off I rum Home Two small hoys, about five and seven 1 years of age, respectively, were found j by a colored man wand ling almlerslv j about In Woodlnwn last afternoon ; about dusk. They said they were lest, *0 the man turned the little ones over to a police- ; man, who etii'iT’d (hem to Ihe bar- | racks. There H was learned that they were i the children of Mr. and Mrs, King.who | moved from Olumlitn county to West ; End yesterday. The children bail strayed -ill from their new home and wended their «a.t lo Woodlawn. They were s-uii home to | their anxious parents last night. BAILIFF AND ALL The Briardene Defied the English t Admiralty. * Pllll.i-J-rlphiU. P • D- ' ’* ' tl' 1! lit, aupmer Biiardefie. w ho.#* »»*«t<rr Cfcptaio Johnson defied tti<- hlngllah «d mi ralty v»uit »nd;..-*wH f d, ft ton *jutanafywn., .v..veinto*r iti.n cLI 1 tel Wat»l* ItrdikV' ' court had .adzed th>-. .steamer fqr.d.ibt . an,l itje marsKil liitd id-Heed .a halllff , ('a), 1 aIII loiinßton |t:-n Qui.-enH imvn With the bailiff on board. I •* twMM a fa* I‘l ANT f tt* LOAN ANt# • av inob HANK 4 4*404**4 *m HE DEFENDS THE SOUTHERN lit I f'lil I niSfflMi FasqfK t|f 11*0*0 Ha Ha* Mnvu. xp*** «• 1 *Mflflto AI 0010 I) - f A <w#staMl 0# W* , frm«%aA**> «g M*MMsan a« p>wt*m 10* »# f ■** Ml M flf •«*«! 4 WM - -» Iktomt **m4»- 4 *0044 * - * tf*4 K §mmfmm »• *»•# mms *m% %m m* m Wm ftvft tki k® mm •kftorto t# kr# q# %tok mm ffilMl -if M®#. *h**m *#-4 « *« it mm* Ik# :fIN 4 i 4 ffct ##®§Nk* U* 4m »B to fit Pmtm *m*m i*m-«* p*w*mm «■ nkNk® fMN tof#!t tto toß# fltotofMM® Bl* r«to4* #•#**«'#« fk 9l>* tltof# #•« ftotoM* ««$ Bf|#t 11 to##! t * «i? *of# ®®H ml m*#m44*nm k# « of ® t* chi* iwrM da%. IMs | ilh (Mar* I •gKlifli »*'it*B t* IN f air T —Hurra >. to f|t ta# N' Ay At ta* flaw, **M a ««—*m pro***** to e,««i».o .u> «• >«nto*<tto far Hsa l»l#toWMif* > mt fill Ik# l (ts ■ t«it(l *k'* tot* TIN *#• * mm I#* !*«•» ft «»?«'*• »t( 2 |k* a MN9s«"t» -• (tl Blßt *rß#* a•) ftw«i ihitoß Mm»» tto to .~«*9kkr 4mm» irlNitF («* iMi 9>»**»#«## mn4 * ' ¥‘i4*4ttm w-ni Imp .Mintrsf to* f k#9B is* tftot* ft#s• ft-M «iVk to* mtotototol: titi 4 * <4 f #l* # f tvtoFiiif, »n 4 fitoktiki 044*44 wttti tfi# mitoi sx ■ * fw>t» sn ’* toKfttA >i*> Tf»#t# «lit i # mu®- f*r «|ii nt* I*. ikitorga tofMt I® 4#H« A #f iMfltol fftolNt *4 1® ■ ft#rtNM® # (H i* ||« “ft « f t*m— llftoi .:«•}!» at Mrs (to®#. *b4 *l*# mt tk** 0to««k««r «f (k# R#fl# tt’« is (k l * ft#n4fkiintof* (-•*■ toll, 10 tk# m«Nt j»f\}Ui * t tt## m (wtoN. \ B#«nv «NI <w4k»l fm lttotk® «« •*• 149*4*4 lo <*' ti #fi«( pv»Tt * Hi® In tkN rllf f» tott#i® tk# (*N (to®®®®# ft fx*evft ih« Hour* >1 1 *wl * •• 'l«k. BADLY BURNED Was Mr. Claude ChamberleMl by a* l.lectrlc Wire. Mi (baud Fhambertaln. who is *m ploy- 1 at the grocery store of Mr. C. II Hetf. met with a v-»n i-ulnf«l serf* 1 deni last ttieht. Mr Fhamliwilalii was dr t>erlns good* In the m IxhtMirhnod <*f Hnuston and Watkins street. Hearing « not** In a new null, in* which la I (ring erected h* stall-d t » tn\ attgste th'- matter and sot that puron** iitinbe-1 up on the stamp "f * tree that had teeently b*** <-Ut down So he e*»uld see over Ills (enre. In reaching up hi" hand cam* In ron lai-t with a l«o#e • leetrh- wire and "a* \er\ severely burned, th* Index finger being burned so liadly as to expose th* bone. Mr t'haitil»erlain W'us giten Immedi ate attention, hut (mlay I* suit-ring \eiy flinch from the accident. PAWN BROKERS Have Been Cautioned Against Vio lating l uited States Laws. Several of the (’amp McKenale sol diers have, when in want of a bit of cash, put certain articles, such an Hide arms, etc., which In-lonx to the govern ment, Into "soak" for a day or so Th* result was that the pawnbrokers have ijcen cautioned by the United States lo cal authorities Hint they must not re celve articles us pledges, and If such w :s eon tl sued they would be li able to Minieliiiu-nt. HER LAST REST Funeral of Mrs. Staltord Took Plac« I hls Horning. Th,. last sad rite* over the remains of Mrs, T. H. Stafford occurred this mor ning ut tl o'clock limn flt. Paul's church. Uev. Williams perform ing the Impressive burial service. Many sorrowing friends were In attendance New York Futures. Non York, Dec. 2.—Futures opened steady. Derembci 5.37 .1. nuury »-33 February 9.43 March 9.4 a April 5-9® May .. 5.34 June 5.57 July “-Ut A tig list 5-83 September 5.8/ Burglar Killed. Abbeville., tin., Dec. 2.—An unknown negro burglar entered the store of Mr. S. It. Held at Bowen's mill. Wilcox county, at a late hour last night. As In- was leaving the store with stolen goods he was dlscoveted by Mr, H- B. 111-oil, Mr. Held's clerk, and a negro - atchmaii. They ordered the burglar to hull, to which he paid no attention. Whereupon he w** ohot down in hH tVat _ _ »d ——- < ' *’* *'«-~n-.7 rt'xS'TEC-iA VubXG MAN To board in private family. Hates very reasoiialiln. NMce comfortable room, or will take two In room, much cheaper. Aprfly at No. 430 Telfair street.