The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 02, 1898, Image 2

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rmoAV I’ffi/l g ■H\| * j f jf » Vfft \{^ P k omm line's Hb'golbi? T* CM • «T. « • #•»!*•** m )UjV> t #«rt*»J tftftif»nfti |Ui WWlft lit*® (LU time *<® ® l^‘® j v) it ion gut, tfk k VS,QO VUi|> «0t k ltd |K|p 11*> !• is w tom4m Hie t* * ® ftr kt . ft* , %r. EierjibiDg id lasic Tbomas & Banoo, ?IO Broadway, AvfufttM, CftOfylt- IMF. Mil ft. n v Tit* »«—ttwa om Mi '**»« ha* Today. WH **aa4* m iMrlai Ik* rity I* rtw*** « toltod* WMdaad. or ••**»• fee l| arlll haw l«* UalmiM TV***. Mn*ri*r TV* of Ik* Mill Ultra kH wri4l*a kata tm (ktt)N*Mr «l iMtim. **4 »kt> k*<* ft*** MMtfari already, A <a »* ft*# •ill ml! nn Mr Hart* M Kill I*4*l' aaklac kl* lo MMtr ftftft* I* Mia sos (ft* opejativr* Mr. Ki<* u nm <4 tb* !*<(«•• atm kM*n I* It* K4** anil ai.4 II I* * »••* la M rix-rd m fat. ria* a tfthour work 4*3* Taxi. Ik* paapl* of *'« E*4 ar* (nod rs Mr Kin* aa Htnaal of Ik* ■ml arork Mr*. Kina baa doat In that ylrta ii Overall vt a aiaia tkal Mra Kir* b*na» rs tba grra* amount of agfrrtng lb Ik* mill dtotrlcta, Ik* k*t «!*«!** of arklrk aka trapi'rcd while ■laiatterlag to ik* itafy aid. of ******. Mr. K:*l ka* aoroatjanljf btr ( a mi-B) of I hear lour* Tbr commit* tceaill lift Ilf arhul* matter taf irt Mr Kin* »ad «b*y *r* hopeful of bi* •Id It tkta their Hina of nod of IrlatUiiii / The oneraiiva* art a* determined to day aarT. r torn, of them arlll hoM o* for a few days lon*rr. and ir a aet- Hanx-nt la not reached lb* a> talar ma jority of them arlll last*. It la aald that a bon i 2ftO operatlvea hart already left Notnrlttiatamlliig ikr critical allua tir.u. all teem lo b* la lb* btal of aptrita and lb* good order of the arlkera I* winning tbr aymeiaihy aud comtnandation of Ibr whol* city. Mr. Kama atair* that ibr mill* will atari up ea aoon a* the operatives arc ready to go lo arork. Tbr prraon* In charge of tbe row miaaary at Roberta Hall, i-orner of Crawford avenue ami Kill* afreet*, request The Herald lo mate that the committee rppolnted to aollett anp pllea la eonj;Ki*ed of Mr*. Ann t,ee, Mr. Korem Hay and Mr W. H Carter, and no other person la authorised to aolielt aid The ronimlttte a»k that It lie Mated that they do not prefer money: that provtaloua are what they want and that while thoae who prefee to give them money ran do ao, hut all who rnei do an are aakrd by the com mittee to furniali anything in the way of provision*. Provision* may he sent to Roberta' Hull, corner Crawford av enue and Kill* street or If notified ihe commit#* will call for them. The object of this I* to protect the rttlaenH from Imposition. There will be « mam meeting this afternoon at the corner of Broad street and Crawford avenur. nenr Red Men's Hall. To Cur* a Cold In One Day Take Laxative ttromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money if it fails to mre. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. B'Nai Israel. Tbe members of the B'nnl Israel take pleasure in inviting the Jewi*h sol dier* of Camp McKenele to attend ser vice* ot the temple on Telfair street. General Gobln has kindly given per mission to all the Jewish hoys whom Capt. Gelurd was able to discover among the camp. Services commence *t 7:43. The singing 1* under the di rection of Mrs. Perkin* and this In Itself will be enough to guarantee something worth hearing. Tbe public is cordially'lnvited '*■' 11 ~11,8 11 1 - 1 ~ rj a #5 T O Hi X A - ti * 11,8 m'®*" A!wanBuu<!ht T* GEM. BUTLER'S HUG PICTURE Hi |||t h<® A® Mui® !• to i«a* i «kx o*4 ta «w—w aa ft* ftaa ft#### #* Yft’ftftl #1 (NMMflb kump# t.fwwit » , iii | t®® %&£ if***iiifc** ftkigo% lAmtMftuiMMl It® *'tM !wf (HNNH r ■ iwtvll IMMM *w* f'AdMNI a# t *• A **• A* ! flMif amwimmn Hia t#H *® *m4 tM H*t t&m> ****** ii*m !«• •**- I9m t m ll® pf iMMI ft* iMMi AM'®®# I**#* r!# •v 4 'at *?: *ft ft \mmm tw 4 *#♦!#»«•• .ft®® ®4p«ii4 aw* ••• ■ ’ (ft* nyyif rtitf omm Hi «hi tit® dm as kaaftlMi • MtHwa *»4 a bait <4 ' t«iMa t<» p>uaiia ii'-ia'tk t*> ewaa , fartag twuawttat *ty aktawt It*'*** awd, Lore than glvlag a .toae arfta** bread " M„lth* of prlaattoa ka«r Mdaced end of the aunivtag aufter** - to auck a «ot 4itloa lbat tbetr avMeoa* are W hat they awed la coedeoaed milk and easily digested food of tkat character, aurb a* I* wppM for Invalid* To make the relief Biu-re*«ful the qtwiity of the IPod supplied i* of first Impor tance. bat hardly lee* Rapi«rlaat t* ihe manner of It* dlaarlbutton If It ia turned over to third par lira fn* wbole *al# <t'»trtbutton, little of It wilT teach tbe proper <Lssiinatlon Thnee who furnl«h It muat aee. tkat It I* taken from door to door and given to tbe needy «u tbe spot Tba moet pitiful raoa are prevented by thoa- paoplt «f culture and refinement who did not kaow want until tbe dmdatkm caused la the rountrr dtatrict* by the HpanUh poßc: xtended to thn city of Havana people who are too proud to beg. who <unnot alford to buy. They are 111-rally starving to dentil In their, homes I •'lt la eetlmatesl that there are at least three thousand of these. They are of eonrae entirely distinct from (hope of the poorer claasee who wander disconsolate through the street* Aa an example I may cite the eaae of one fatally of distinction in Havana The head of the family Ilea helpless with paralysis IH* wire, a lady of the highest culture. cam<» to me In despair. A hundred dollar* would have been a godsend to her It would have fur nished her household with supplle* for | several months, and tided them over these bitter time*, but the commission had no funds." In General Butler's opinion, the peo ple of the United Statea do not under stand these cimdltloos. If they did. he is sure they would take measures to relieve them Instantly. Kor lit* own part he haa done much to furnish Information which would lead to In stant measure* to bring at least » part | of thia terrible atlent suffering to mu end. A IIKMBDY for Nasal Catarrh which I* drying and exciting to the diseased membrane should not he used. At hat Is needed Is that which 1* Cleansing, soothing protecting and healing. Such a remedy Is Bly’a Creum Halm. To test it a trial ftlae for 10 cents or the large r.,1- r.O cents Is mailed by Bty Brothers, 56 Warren street. New York. Druggists keep It. The Balm when placed into the nostril*, spreads over the membrum* and Is absorbed. A cold in the head vanishes quickly. Indoor Baseball. The eighth game of the chnraplon ship scries of indoor baseball between the St. Patrick'* C. L. A. and the Cadets will take place tonlghl at St. Patrick's Hall. Both teams are now evenly matched ami the rivalry be tween the teams Is most exciting. Btgnon and Salvo will be the batteries for the C. L. A.‘a. while the Cadets will put In their cyclone battery, Oar rigan and Mulherln. This will b* one of tba mast la tar * esting nnd exciting game* of se ries,, a* both teams have been pf*c* • ticin* regularly Come our tvHtght-aad-ebeer your fa vorites to victory The game will be called ut 9 o’clock sharp. Old fashloqed huekwbeat flour for Sate liy i.smWlu .A- Co. Tlfi: Atrat7PTA K®«ALD. I mm, Utt t»4»>t*WfJf Imr* - 4HmA' 4ftw44ft ftft-ft'S'Aftftft An*. i 1 i; *ft «■♦**»! Ljl mm**#* 9m*** *** * %»■* * «■ 4 ' ftpftjgp! |r4 -« 9* |%Mft NMH * % HtHii •etftt#*-#®(| %»••**# 6mm mmm mmm4mtmt# mmm******* «mmi .it.jinr4 Ml 4 * 9pm Hi * mm* pm* ** m **"9 I Mftf •«*** «M4® rn***mm & t***** mm" m* sm**ms*~ *** rntmm** mmm •»4 44ft • —Hi * i • ! *m n*m%mm mmm* • ». 4 hmmmmmh *•»* m*mf*+ Y mm 4*4 m *# M* Hftikft® m*mm f**m m*m**m* * mmtyh*4 mlf IHH iy | > H Ift lift* g i ftift ilwiMßt 44v4NwMha 4*® * mi r<i4 mm*m Hk®* fin mm*- hm mt I *4etaa ft* aM arfta 4** «••***•* f*>aa a*y ft'**•!» lawaftft' k* hairy I* •» *■«* | muu ta* <**u T«*w aa*4t*ta*r ha* ■***•**• * khsastolf Mr aa*. aar4 f *w**s4 prwvaa B saiaagft—Msw L**» Uw*ww«» Umitf. ft. ¥a A PAOE FRttM POI.ICE IKJCKET €%<MW4I liW4T|4 Mill mtm t® 4MI AifJ T«m Hkkimi m »m*ll vkH« »•» f * H®4 Vmmgmm lewttl* OiiNt! nuitk i lunar® ih® itrightw.i n «x| ftoi)ln«M»n ■ tlkf at 2 P m. yff(pH>y cHTI«or <’hanitwni aai4 >!»• had *‘a Nm) • u**lnf IK ah li #r ** tlh* 111 waa ima 4<*nM A Ant '*f |t «r«a IrvuM Monkey t'muaad TrouMa. -r ar t IfftflT ftlifTlf ftfellh II friend laal aftnnmfQ. b*>-«o** 1 Om* fti> n 1 tbrtfttfVHß) In put • n»<«nk**y <in her Thp m»'nk**v h*kwur«*t in #n *»nran inin ,t*r ah.. MM aifiuaAniK a naarbf. S»*|Mr uft <1 prolan* Iftniuaif and aas arraatnd H*r Hi® •aa $4. I Cont t’i niny CurlAiti* — Mr. Hllaa I'aria wns fharsed with rl-I idaltng N’u. **» He had. ao aa Id umt* Smith, won® to h*»r hou«a In roUart a bill from her, ami r»n hftr rftfualnf m . ray • hi* had said he would take eer j 1 tain hue curtains that ahe had IsHiaht ! from the Arm he represent*. If she did not nay for them He h«d abused her badly, ao aaid she and three wltneea es Parts said that Lottie had drawn a pistol on him and told him to leave her house or she would Are. "I told her." said Parts, "tr she had the nerve] 1 to shoot to twain the flrtng. hut she dtd ! not shoot." Pari* ««* lined M -1 Walter Burges* violating No. *66- $« Jno. Jones— violating No. 4*0—12. Rlsy Jonea- violating No. 4*o-11, Bishop Dennis has Is-t-n arrested iui the charge of stealing » cow from Mr. Ru batik*. Hufus Neal ha* heen reported for giv ing a bull and not notifying the po lice. Tom Parker has heen reported for trimming shade trees without the prop-| I,. r permit. Officer Kelly reports him. j Officer Wren reports ihat live pistol j shots w. re fired at unknown parties -ti Reynold* street at a late hour last night. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shiloh’s Consumption Pure Is this guarantee: "All we «sk of you Is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then If you cun su.v you are not benefited return the bot tle to your Druggist and he mav re fund the price paid." Price 25 its., 50 cts. amt *I.OO. Bold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton. Andersyn's Drug Store, Al exander's Drug Store, Wait Knd Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phlntxy. W asting Time No better opportunity to waste your time ts offered than to go about look ing foi a better *» shoe than Mulherln'*. Our *:i shoe is the conundrum that em ploys most moments of our competitors' time than Is generally Imagined. It's a world beater, nnd the wonder among experts Is that we are satisfied with tha small proflt mad* on that shoe. But 1: ts not the praflt psr pair w* flgurs one; the sate wa are having on this line’ class** it With wholesale transac tions—lt's not liow many pairs, but how many case* we a*U. They ara popular shoes at a popular-price. See them in our window Wm Mulherln'* Sons d Co. x 4 v Maple New orb and and fteor piu Syrups received ut Lamktn ,t Co. URGE NUMBER ATTENDED FAIR if#**!# H#y 99* a f9mms mms *99 *6ms • I - MNm I* tiHlikC l#M4* a y •ft |i «n ftifty* * $ rtf W. m%n* rmtr •****+• t l»4«f Pi atr*aa ptt (tog S fVrtheats (lay I®) ) iifPNpfy Rfh«t #f• a H . m (0 ||H p || . tVUtm mlH* < IftAtifti •( ft »,%t frttfli Ift J4‘V j I4i«ft Cm* will gift I e*»m#< irkfiilffkift ttl OplmthtCi* '* flu*4(lftftp so) ■ Ugp mhirh wm 4o«ftfft«| hr »*r if 4. U Ofthorftft Tlkta ftrHoUrstllp Uto Ms «knar!fß#ft( nf ikf rtiUrk# taf fjlhcf taly of irHitlAinin Hwm HBiinitid Thia !• tft Epportuniijr for (tom® oft# to AfguirA ii (hormiftl tmmw iS BUf hUftlHfftft tin#- (lUIftOHI. 2* mmm On Hfttttfflar (Nf# will b* afMPrinl it | tfftHlofti for rhfklr#n ind th# voting for tti# **Oft«irlit®r of th# Rftfrtiftftfti,** | th# |So dolt lit Mr* Ooodrirh • tub!#. In lb# fnoftt fiormlar (h!ld in town wIU rAflfllrttt. Vot#i 10 fiflti. (Jr E C. Goodrich ehxlrtnan of tfce. mmtdtHee of entertainment, has ar ranttffcl a line Hat of atractlon* fur this «venltlg A handsome photograph moutiled on a Iftnalr box waa raffled oft laat ev- | enln’f at Mra. Levy - # table and won by Mrs. Loula Kean Hjirrlacaj rill. Dyer atated lo a Herald re porter thia morning that there would be a car to Summerville and one from the monument at 11 o’clock each night of the Pair Th'a will be very gratify ing announcement to the vlaltor* of Camp MeKenxle. Monte Bonn and Sum- j mervllle. who have heretofore had to : leave earlier. One of the moat gruesomely unique collect lop* tver offered for raffle Is the j one on which Ml*# Mary Hall Is gel- j ting chance*. Miss Hall ia famed for her ah.llly | In securing donations and no one ever j refuse* her. Mr W. Ed. Plati. with ] his usual generosity, ha* offered her a loflln. Mr. Hemphill ha* promised a vaulted grave and Mr’'W. B. Bcwe a t tombstone. These *he offer* for raf- I lie at 50 cents » chance. A well i known physician has offered lo do lo* pnrt Mid will at nny time furnish the Corpse. A good joke, too goud to keep, is be ing told on some ofrthe young men who participated In the dancing at Hip fair last evening. The hat checks and dancing checks are hit* ot cardboard of the same site and color, the only dif ference being the hat checks being numbered. Some of the boys of nil enterprißlng spirit used the hst cheeks to pass in Ihe danoirg hall. This was soon detected and the young men mi nus their hut cheeks were requested to settle tip 25 cents before they got them. Flash light pictures were taken lest night of all the booths with their at tendants grouped around them. The refreshment room did a fine business last night and the ladles In charge had all the patronage they could possibly attend to. Many complimentary comments have been made cn the fine music that is rendered every evening at the Fair by the Edelblut orchestra. This i* on* of the youngest musical organization* In the city, but It has sprung Into Immed iate popularity The S2O check oo the Georgia rail road bank, donated by. Mr. Charles J. Degen, ts one of the rfftst popular raf fle lists at the Fair. Already twice its value lias heen taken in chances at srt cents a chance. IWANT m y n*a *ft% **»«***•*•¥*a ft*'** SITUATION WANT ID - - T(0 p E N X r tux. *m 41 § fill ft uftw I (M *S& j>i*n®4 FOR SALE rr» * m i skxm *TNi*CK*oii*r. run lAU rxPCN yi.g »K*r t*l SQ pwtf**** i‘he*pern* I# f#f *me - tew* • #®##4 Apoof #1 IMI vftK ##4 #••• ##*##. ron FAIUC. ora •III# fr»« Ht| limit#, # ft#t«#Mi. Ap* pt 9 W. C. IbM ft® »ft I*€*mm 09. Curt 1 mKAP-FAY%R ro ft WTtAftlTMa imrftfk##* I# rvfH* # buA4ft4 M ♦* rft##C##. WftUt p*9*f 1 ###t # |ft#v t MISCELLANEOUS WANTKf>-OiXY)ND HAND NHKLP RWOTO ftfkil g§jff *l9*. <4* f(l (M*t| *'«ißSi®kA. tjtotoant market m 4 f*r Itff H H Artittt Ikrimark. H, C. ftw 7 Special Notices; 7 PirCl $500,000 7 Per Cl rOREIOJf CAPITALf6TfI WTI.L LOAN HALT A MILLION DOLLARS oh realty *• Auguata. fl», Tetvn* f per cent For further 'tab.rmaihm r*a attora*r at law, H J. ffatlivan. 44.. or Mr. P. O Kumar. j ‘ Mi** Cook, of the "A* W# S** 14" uompeny. artdrd very tmif-h tn th* ptoaaure of tb* evening by giving "Tbe I*4lni*'' a* a comet aolo. end singing very delightfully "Beeauae I liove You, Dear.** Tbe following program of ronrert by Kdctblut'e orrhmtra will tw render e<l tonight at #:3O o'rlock at tbe: fair: J, March. Admiral Dewey. By Pantelman. 2. Overture. Monsieur Choufleuri. | By Flagnea Offenbach. 8. Walt* Art fat'* Life. By Jo hann Strguaa. 4. Cornet Solo. Answer. By Ro byn. 5. fa) Anvil Chorus from Opera] 11 Trovsiorl, by Verdi: (b! Sextette from Opera l.ueia <ll l.smmermorl. by I Ponixeill. ft Always Jolly. Gallop. By Zick off Conductor. Mr Oeo. H. Khrliora. Cornet, Mr. K. R. Cobs- I'laiio. Mr. John Wlegand. jr. Clarinet, Mr, Alexander Edelblut Flute. Mr. Frank Oolffrlda. Trpmbone, Mr Louis Sayre. Drums. Mr. Ixmi* Edelblut / CITIZENS (GENERALLY. It is our pleasure to an nounce to you that our Chinaware is on sale. We promised to let you know soon as it arrived, but as we cannot reach each in dividual customer, and knowing The Herald can, through these columns do we hearald the good news- Remember last season's beauties? This year, oh my ! Gems, and so cheap. BUT ONLY FOR CASH. MACAULAY & CO. Fire at flertlns. Half 04 ilia stor# la filled with Fur nishings. W oollMv_tTndershi«», Shalt*, etc , and the other hail is filled with th* finest Woolens {er Suits, Trousers and Over Coatings. These goods are not burnt, hut if snu buy them th*y would 1 eel as if you were on tire. :c’i Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel. Cures Terri iui Does. mm Shaft? 1 * pi nnn ScrcfDls BiOOfl „ Film Bmps. |l“ fl '-ln | plum j]j BlttCktS... m*s 90 *oo*oo9* 90-9000 inn>‘«ftft 4>i lit— I®W4 **o9* 00-9 mm ** ' ** omoo** 9900 H H H YMmnmS HftMl 9m* 00*** 9 0009 mrnmm berofom 041 FAC44 4hd N«cft. I* - A .__ i lift-T ■ ff f !• w*mW ft 4»* Z'm • LJZitm* ••** a4l*>SMH4|>t STvft ftk * ftht »*«»** t Mil mZ* la. ml r-‘t MaM ft.’* M» to** la MM» ftart** •*»•—> mm9"oo *9 ut# Ini•# --ai ®» H H ft) «• •#»%• tft® *ft •'" **9ft *• m# ****. m*9 ( 000 o*ooo 0* 009 tft# i ffttft Alt so**9 *9 ft ft ft Mi f 'ft* Plmpltl, BtotcNt. Bumpa, *#* 4m ta pmm. •< •*> ftatatoasl (A**4 Tito* *4to«M ha** ftmag* t4*aw> m®4Mu mt #4.ft#ffM## vllS t#Cft ft*ooom*9 ftm# **• »* 0000 - Hf# 4 )4 WUmrn HMMfti ftftv# ♦fW** A tmif' *4 fmm 004 wm9. 9m •ftftrft *ft# **#ft f 0000 m mmmHXm !• 00000 90 00000*0 ihmm mm tft### t#ft*3 ■■l| l | #tini#ft w*fm w#|f n#4 ftwfl ft## *ll Ifttyg*#** ft dW«4 IkA t# 111 11. ft l« wwlftw I •### ft®*# ll#'#®. . ft m ff~® 4 ft*'-’*’ S® Ns-ft 0% V #tSß»* * -tft ## T . ~ . :r t ~ r:J mm*ft .-. ftft# ffi'iwr I **### ft« #*#' t 4#! §r»*Mft®4 imft #•# 9*o*oooo*o* 11 tft #•* 00* •* * i»®# ■w®- ® T*trib ® Deadly Cancer mnd U>c»r Cured. ■rfwt tit - -.4 mwh Ik* IV It ft Th* follow lag taatla*aatal ta ati; om *4 14 rv-»*lt rvve* *f «*r«v Vy H H ft MI Vd rum f’o - Akowi w*atv y**»» *4O t wa* *<to*4 of a h«4 *at)B« aM** . b h R Thrm large alters took* mm* mmr collar boa#. I tli . wn _ (| ,| bur la rfy aa raua( ttmrmr hroka oM ta mt . m n rm , B |l th* i —" heotoa oat 4*r amuth aa4 I r«wl4 . . . . to'to I ffyny * tittlr At t* l# 4'*9 tllSt VVft# All I tare mu mv r**m mm* ftop#* !L. mlftfti ft. ft » •«#»« •»<* m ** *o*+ i* o ™ I ** •°* ** \ %**r+ *si#tk ft.®*) |® *iiif • miN* woy cim#: o*o* mM ft##iiftf I «»## • ftmtv of ft VI ft #om#tt«#«= *ct utum mm i »«• R * ka* Mart* in* Biotl 4##f> ft, ft ft- ft## h* *|Ma4 Bl> b lU#prrtfqfty. Mft* ft ATOHT. Severe Case of Blood Poison Cured Two Year* Ago Mr Jt II Mart, of Atlanta, writ**. Ori, 12, I*M BWwd Balm Co.-U offer* ta* pleasure to slait that I hav* b**s (wrfrvlly cured ot a aarcta -,, , (slt |, v , j )r u „ v s Hrn bottlM of year woad*rful remedy. tt it B The rate wm of two years* attending. It Is wciwi to tall yoa h * man* -h- slciana bad treated me ia this tint*, and boar aaany ao-raltod blood bus] ir tars I bad triad. B. B. B. did th* work that all had failed to do I trill gladly answer all quest to n* la regard to fay cbm asd its out. Thia ha* beea two years ago. and 1 am still a* sound a* a dollar. J. B. HART. If If ft A uu* «rfo! blood r*»m*4y, u#l!fc# not ffhtf. B, B B. literally drive* th# potaow twhich t»ro6u«s*a blood d!w »*#*» oat of th* blood, txjaa* and body, leavlag tbe ffe*h *» par* ■■ « 44m born babe's and leave* ao bad after effacta. It Is this kind of a core that counts Botanic Blofd Haim tB. II B.» Is a atlenUffl tegetable compnand dia covered by Hr. O.'tom for Mood disease* ai aii a* <Rd dorea. drrofota, Doll*. Blotxl Po.aon, r.<terli. Eloars, Plmptoa. Er*ema Rheumaliam and every evident* of had blood. Kor aale by all druggist* at »! per large bot tle, six bcttlaa, full treatment. $5, or sent by exprasa, ebarg w prepaid, on receipt* of prtee. Asmple bottl* and valuable pamphlet on blood and skin disease* sent for S cents In stamp* merely to rover postage BLOOD BALM COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia. Why Not You ? Thousands are being benefited by the Great CUT PRICE Sale of Groceries at Wicker & Pilcher’s —so why not you? New crop Georgia Syrup, per gallon . . 30c First patent Flour 55c sack, $4 35 barrel. Second patent Flour 40c sack, $3.20 barrel. Sugarcured Hams, guaranteed . . lOc Try our 20 cents Butter. 15 Cakes Harris Soap for . . • ■ 25c Cut prices on every article in the house. KICKER l PILCHER'S, 954 Bull Street birthplace of low prices. MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 10 A M. TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef- . A supply of Choice Oysters always on hand and served in fine style. A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a sma 1 cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after all orders. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS m-Crd pr nev'—ffianayement. A new line of Fresh Drffga Toilet Article*. _ Brnihea, £tc We m*k*-a *p*ci*!ty ofhysictaoe' ffrewfptidnx" - Bell Telephone PATTERSON & WADE fftrewo**#