The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 02, 1898, Image 8

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r*io*v EVERYTHING I tut'* Ntw and food It Nrc *Wn i«nd Cleft? rtf (talk «i?ii I un»i»hlnj»! Aft* School $3.00 •r And Range up lo 5) oo icn s Winter Suits a, s7-5° And R.inge up In %M% on Bw#fy Bu■■? * tti v*f}f b*tit * t>** PWt dor- <1 *®c t!*> iwcn*«if ( iwn fc nit ?• •?>■'* n * rattabw No olhn K*mi cem*» •*»?<» *f*Hi // /,, i> j 'gy c /<v^^6 AMBWBTA.OA. mu mt >ika «i . A C **t« l*w«>>»r m 4 ao •Wis On*M**>- Os, A - flkvaM eal« dtef* vtattie* arooo* *>aat <M , w*o*»w« OttSOded DM Of SO* MOTS ekorokae Iml Tfc*y kfffleirod Hi If isk tit tMir^i»? w» ead tkaff aroeoev cf NMiri ii «•*' « fl>lflOß aod tea iktu •■•MMM IS Hmh aa mi ss I Mt St! till these is s ft*** d»- sotttr M 9a okeikse they Skew'd M allowed is rrsMls Is sr sot. 'W%m» fbtfca ata't go* ss Baataroe Is sslutsA fOlhaa* ehsfch.“ tkev daelarod, b*l wero ilwr»M by tke yrooekef Ik* *♦* IMIS* Walker. oho adteoaisked <%«ar aod S 11*4 them In order m tfc* •e'lcarisg words "IMroddero' flttsfc*' Keep go* eaafh. Osl*s so day •• white. ss' ss ssi fclark. kat * sols'! sk A* skis sls't ssts —tut ?*M »s i till My fsrs* 'rosa A* ksskli aa‘ |Mll Am 111 day heart* s* A* ass.# It Is ssssMsssry in #tate ihsi when Iks basket sat ps*s*A for aronrjr •krr WBtrlbu'eA and eoetrtbuted llbrral ly Is order tat far ss they mold sisk* osl frost Ik* Rev Walker** ctplar* Doss) iks' Iks kssiksa ('bias* skonld ks rosverted to a CkrlsUaa stars srksrsla Ua tosm Mould roan* to | *er paekeU-oo#. asd Ita asso Motild • t able Is gat d*vorros from ths'r , apf M IslitalsA lain otksr sta ,j ii—ssTn sad oust oar* . A deal has bsaa talA remark* r e\ . * ' or friend. Mr K.rkus. Bi»>u‘ n ft «, h ral errors st Tb« Her i to* '! tar'l loaf a- I can* 4rmMt # .iniqur use In as old. srd .. , hsd a Jourtal as on* t ‘be , a :»t t dalllro. A prrmti.HH churfb soßian had died and Ihia su tob of rath.ral notice, after relating kow nobly ahe had aaa'atad her family by her in rsisHtf Bn# blood ,d chicken* for the market, doted with ] (be remark that "BUler had gone to her eternal reat." but to the gtr era! public neat morning the article roneSudi A with the extraordinary! statement that "Slater had at last cone to her eternal roost. K.IIKI. HATTON My Friend fiom India, mailne# at 1 tomorrow. Dt: \IM OF IIW. C. MJkNßliKfli R A Fomer RvaLent md Here haul "t Augusta D e» to ‘ *l. The sad new* of the 4< ath of Mr C. F. Nurnberger, a fortnai resident and merchant of Augus.a, but »ho at th. time of his death. «as In Hein sell. P. C.. has reached Augusta. Mr. Nurnberger has two brothers in Augusta—Mr. W. H. Nurnh,-rgi r and Mr. P. L. Nurnberger. Mr. C. F. Nurnberger was only 5u years old and the news i f his de« h will be received with sadness by many fir mer Trlends and acquaintances In Au gusta. My Friend from India, great comedy matinee and night, tomorrow. REV. J- T. PLUNKET Will Lecture at Y W. C. A. Sunday Afternoon Itev. J. T. Flunket, D. D., will ad dress the meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at o'clock, and will give the men who at tend the meeting on excellent address. He ts especially food In speaking to men, and his address will be one that will appeal especially to men. All men are Invited, and a special in vitation Is extended to the soldiers to be present. The boys will be given an Interest ing meetings at 6 o'clock Sunday after noon, and every boy in the city is in vited. 3 LO V liS v —LADIES’ PERRIN5 —v J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER KNOX HATS. (minim* in£Mitr» A Hmylknt iaatsakHka WMe > a sal Week. Re* Task, has I Wk#a Lwta t*fnvM*k‘«! mtHfUk'-NI t# fci* SfirilfSfMl in #%# I«r«i«4 t f %t% Bml fulfil f •<•»**’■ tm4 m T* * #«*•<»• %« t n fwi. i# Ni 4 i (ffim <r>— I Mi 8 f#rnM a?* *?*-.•*»*•§ n#nf (M i f in fctf fTiffrm a Mitt f#t* (fW st t|, # wfnoft t fi«t i»| %%* 4rm* h*‘ If* |«W* AoMMI lIM, UB8d*»» **** . TW rttmrn lim4# m» mH ****** : it* i- Tfe# f< upciwwl «>fn*n **n*4 t<* : Mr <u il*# <kwf DrmttM irMl u* In* tfe# tntrn4tf. ib4 ••• iMftN erkea ts heard a knarae. fuller si ' roles say: "Oat oat of mt way or 111 let daylight tkrnagk yt*o*" fter.ialr'a grabbed kla visitor by the ! throat, and la Ike atraggl* that RM* ! lowed Ike roll waa pulled away end ike fare of a black -whiskered assa waa dtwtoeed He wee of stout kalld. bad no dlffailty la krwaklag away from llernsiei* who astgk* losa than IS*' pottade. end started for tke atalrway Hernatela yelled for kelp and Isaac VVelse SOB of the lessee of the Bat.rame to kl* aeelatane* They fo'lowed tke mah to the ataop. where he slated a re volver at them and waraed them that if they pursued him further he would klrt them. Then he gathered up hi# fclrti and ran toward Ft ret aroeue. where be disappeared (everything neat and clean at the c.'oTnitierclul Hotel Heelaurant, A k« lie of Old Time*. We have before us a retie of the past n the shape of an almanac, yellow ard stained with age, and “deekle , ,1 eii" by the lapse of time, a rte>rd f events made by those of a past gen , ; atiOH. Ihe title page bears the following narripf c*-' ••The Oeorgla and Booth Carotlna Miranack, for the year of our Lord. 5X09, be'ng the first after blaaextile. or b vp year, and the S3d 81th of Amerl an Independence, by Dr. Kohert Orler, v' Ikes county. Priced and sold by Hobby A Hun- (balance loro off) Au uata. Oa., bookstore, printing.” etc hen follow* the neoal mention of -:| t gra, aspects of the rlaneta festival •ays, etc. The following verae aiao ap mrsi ■oeflcellng merta'a. r-'re'itlly Imnloy ihe time on earth, allow'd you to en loy, t r av« not nnfinieh’d. what can now be done— Von may not live to see tomorrow's sun." In this a'manne, printed ninety years ago. la quite a lot of alaHstlcal Infor mation and miscellaneous reading mat ter. some of which la rather spicy.— Madison Advertiser. OASTOHIA. the 'f lIKI Kl " d _ VW H ” Bigristers /7* , Pro ty Presents. A. J. Renkl has a fine assortment of Christmas presents In jewelry. Call and see them. The prices are right. Georsria Cane Syr" 25c per gallon at Whi & McGowan’s. 1248 Lionel Street. Strowger 'Phone 331. «r*» je jkTyaxjmTjL HJitAiJD amt session OF SUPERVISORS Ytf fwM d LM» latl ( | I«i#l MnMMM M§ (Tlkiw *<n 14 r*** fciwß wn UMln H* *#* k* *m % (j c ' pfiffMi* Um «nmhpm*«4 fMd aw row* eve* Beat the atete me«( «f th# dewtk awd have pwa ever ae*a As pang Ah* *k» aadiewr ask*d ChatraMM rwgany wf 'he repor- The awwvgaher maw admitted that he had aever aeem the deroaeed eta** The two aamew mwrw etrtrhwo from the lima. Mr. Undo preweoled (he earn* of Charts* Tooag who had ragoaervd a* lit lag la Word t aad ha tHodot swore that Yooae rsaid»d ao*s aod did theo la Oelaashia eooaty Mr W. R Kew aedy siso testified la the eaae It was mid that Towag had left hero eooa af ter registering aa ha had learned that a et real waa oat far klm for Illegally ragatrlac. Hla a sine waa mrlekea. On the published lUts appears the asm* of Berry Ayeo. hot aa It waa found that there woe no such person, the eaae was brought before the reg ie! ra s. and oa consulting the original Itata It waa eeeo (hat tb# name should be Ayers. K being only a typographical error lo tbo published lists Special Bailiff Head handed la the followlna Fourth sard names for lavrotlga ttaa: Tn H. Coody VVm H. Cas ehara James R Coa*e?*r> Ales Crook* Robert fv Wm. « Ah Dlfke Dan Sul I v.. Ilarrli on ] Wm Jj>on Jos. Marsh* t hot Parker. \v«j L. Par laack 9mith. Jaa. T. Times Cl as Tice. Joe. Rall'eon Jpo. Rite All of these parties, said Mr. Head, lived in a house of four roouts nea Oa k s'until, and had all registered Mear the corner of Walker and Mc- K nne at recta." In the registration books they ap pea ed as residing In Clark’s alley, their house having no number on It. The partlea will be summoned to ap pear at the supervisors’ court tomor row morn ag. Chairman Fogarty notified the bai liffs to notify the candidates In the wa'ds that all names for Investigation must be given to the bailiffs by one o'clock this afternoon. Tomorrow’s session will be the final one. Foe Asthma us« CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Crowd-Drawing Sale-Low Prices. Big Values. The manufacturers stock of shoes Cupt. P. H. Rice bought *vhen in Boston will be on sale tomorrow at their two stores. This stock consists of gents', misses',' and children's shoes and were made h.v one of ihe leading shoe manufacturers In New j Hampshie. As this lot of goods was bought at figures lower or at least at the cost of the goods they will be en abled to give their customers somt great values. Their popular certificate ijniiwm of I giving you free lamps, clocks, tea sets, | chamber sets, water sets, anc* silver ware when ynnr purchases reach a Certain amount is one of the most pop ular ever inaugurated in Augusta, as there are hundreds of homes in this city that have received them. If you wear shoes and bats Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co.'s stores is the place to get i them. That is what these gentlemen j maintain. Cold Band Hams 1 Oc p«r i pound at Wh'takerA Mc ! Cowan's, 1 240 Broad st. | Strowgrar "Ph«n* 3S 1. j My Friend from India, matinee at S | tomorrow. MUVSM: A*4* mmi* %$ r hmm tmmm *»<»» AMMVMMmi %tt* | rtkTAt* i In? f****** • *|a til* Bt«(f4 t" Mr« H%r> m u»d> uuu* at b Mmißf Btiti ft* .4 ._, „ ># i| talfttrA M )|tMi Mautl *t ns Vt—r* Ma4fp Mb* _ a « HfiihafiAt y the (vIM ?lit* tfMttrt fNVftf lB*1? "8. Ntl IW Ml inf tnffM «M 4*4 fßfli vary »•*( Mtee Mlldrod P» F*ero. a* Ho maid awrvawt. with a aerrol tw her fT'Bfk % RfT P'fß ‘ H»i *i lower fens** w*ro orrapted by Virginia Mttttary rtwdewta. aa was al ee a row In the nrohrotna circle Ka Macaulay A CO. aannoocc their »*- nual sale <»f china today. Many await throe epaciei holiday aovdtkt. lee year they wera "inna talk.” Thte year they *n»cl theme to be rtty coaveroa (lea. rr*>'ONAl. MENTION. Mies *a!lle fianlcr, of Orovetovra. Is la the e ty today. Mrs, J, Fred Alien has returned to Ihe city after a baa’cieaa visit to her plantation la fiharoa, Oa. Tbo. man v fr'end* of Mrs. h. M. *Bi rroaa will regret to learn of (?ie death <«f her mother: which occurred at her horn* In Coltunhua. Qa. Mrg. Btirfus h*a the sympathy of muny friend* In her sad bereavement. i Mr*- Frank But lea auk M!aa Marie Purer, of Edgefield, S. C.. apeot to day ia the city, Mlea Butler will be joined by her parents, Gen. and Mr*. M. C. Butler, and leave Saturday for a trip to Cuba. Judge TV. L. Davis, otic of the lead ing attorneys of Aiken, la In tt»j city. Besides having a large and lucrative practice he ia the agent and persotivi friend of ex-Secretary Whitney. H» ha# many friend* in this city and a large clientage. Mrs. Brown, wife of Hon. Joseph M. Brown, of Oakmont, Marietta, is la the elty on a few days’ visit to her aunt. Mrs. McCord, on Greene street. Mrs. Brown Is one of the most cultured and thoroughly charming, women In the state. Her visits to Augusta are al ways sources of much pleasure to .cr many friends. My Friend from India, matinee at 3 tomorrow. FOR THE ELKS. General John B. Gordon to Lecture Here. It is understood that arrangement* are being made for Gen. John B. Gor don to deliver his famous lecture. "The Last Days of the Confederacy." here on Dec. 19 for the boiietit of tho Elks Lodge. Headquarter* for dressed poultry, largest supply in the city, at \X . H. Roberts, 1116 Broad street. ' My Friend from India, great comedy mstinee and night, tomorrow. Rev. Young J Allen. Dr. Young 3. Allen, who was at the Methodist conference here. delivered two splendid lectures at the Baptist and Methodist churches at Hephzibah yesterday. I Norfolk oysters with regular 25 cents supper tonight at Commercial Hotel Restaurant. j For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. My Friend Spam Inii**, SCe-“ comedy matinee and night, tcinorrc.’x. TT . <jne of the principle of th.* I'Mr next week Will lie the bwkrv show —announcement of wUflsh will be made later. f EMORY JPEER ON UKCH LAW 4A . , | £ . g | *— - - ■- ~i Ipß 1§ § | Jf*f wm i#V BB i i I, || UtAB |>>fnji A t *Ab *t4*t4*4t4 MBi mm A#B#»Alift* g mb ■hh. fwi tmtmk mt Wm * ♦ t Bt * ini <BB SwM ■■€ t OWH§ . -tB . | In **4 *in mm****m •*wiw* -«•' W* mm **#»»»* s*mmw «## mm%p mmm*** <4 pmm* fc-t Is Sb» stsste ssssb t-NSiw- B |BBi , 'StffHljF *w B-' Nratg'S . #(k ?hi A.** « Ixf-'cv'Bi * *f** 4 ilk* S> rn* stlsa m* *44**4 •» mmm4* t* Hisrt*! mUNI m fSSiA • SIBBBSSfS Wm mm* * trSBSSI flßtMt BlSliL W# mm 4 mm mmtm mm**m 14 mm 44 *m hmtommm iSst t tmr t**t th* 4t ssr 4ru*n tom l th* iBBf foot of toil la th* hf« torkl lymvtrst by CeStMabsa, fV lKAlliiOon pf mas faaaot res* mim* th* cpslmr* ml vanely of Us material treaaurro whleh hare here laid at tke feet of the Americas peo ple by the wladom of oaf auteamen and by the skill and valor of our ael dfera and manors la tke distant wa ter* of the Oceidoot. we sow pom* Ike BMrvelovm Ptiiilppinea. which ex tend la all fertility aad variety of flo ral. arboreal and mineral wealth aver a territory stretching aa far a* from the north of England to ihe south of Italy. We anay poaatbly. If we and oor kinvrore choose, rxehaagc these won derful arquisitioni for territory nearer home and perple by those who apeak tke kindly English tongue Our coun try may thus become aa Franklin and tke fathers designed a continental power, our army the continental army and oor congress the continental con gress While alt this ia trne and our country la now the weajthieat and probably the s,rcng?at on earth. Ita chief menat t f<r prercot happiness and future greatness ia to the character of the American people. "Nor do I distrust the future of my etato. It la people with the homoge neous American stock Ido not doubt that 93 per cent of the members of your body spring from the loins of Revolutionary sire*. Less than 1 per cent of Ihe white people of Georgia are of other descent. I know the sober, common-sense, the strong religion* feeling, the temperance, the sobriety, the rectitude, the patriotism of thl# i population. It ha* done Us duty when ever and wherever duty called. I know from long experience Ita reaped for th-' law and It* determination to maintain the right when the right Is made to appear, and few have had better op portunities than I to know. I repeal that we have but to rigidly and rellg loualy enforce our laws and all the blessings of life will be added unto us. As for you, gentlemen, l feel sure that yon will worthily Imiate the example of that noble jury membership, which within my own knowledge for nearly fourteen years of judicial life, has ren dered the highest and most conscien tiotts service to the public In duties such as those wliieb you are now call ed upon to perform." Our price# on suit* only two-thtfd* what others charge. E. J. Henry & Co., spot cash tailors. W ELL WORTH SEEING. •‘As We See It” Was Most Excel lent. As We See It at the opera house Inst night was excellent. The laughter that resounded from PK to dome for a couple of hours pro claimed that the actors were being ac corded encores, and the applause that greeted the specialty artists was loud and long. The cornet playing of Miss Matty Cook caused her to receive an ovation. In responding to an encore, she play ed, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," and ever yoflicer and private in the thea tre rose from his seat and stood with hat in hand. Th# kieyele riding by Mr. 4. J- Maxwell wu* something unique ana wonderful. The like of suah KM never be-n seen ah the Augusta stag® before The company plays again tonight. Popular prices. My Friend from India, great comedy matinee ami night, tomorrow, I M* «8 waft* ml m*t*rn§ iwßgtyi *m*4» I left B*ll mrtnW> * ttm ofM Nfl4 mt IwS gMlflt # (ixdanflM mt tWtmkltt Mtttlklwfl Ita %vmi I rmß# Bil Ikg fenMMaa F u«t (n (wefliaeftwfif nhet I prvewl'id Xmmt with AMI fJkmmmt Hnl - Ikffi rnv lutta 9*m CItAS f, OtCCX Bflhafer C~ fi TMI: MARKETS. | if* ft It At HftfWtT Kirk m Awfwta .* - ***** Mt nus ftw*« effort* lo m*h* > our rmt€hm*€* mmUrmly mUMm mry. MAHONEY & ARnSTRONO COAL AND WOOD Strowgor 'Pkoac •• • • • **• Bell '714 fifliic aod bard No i McCartan Atract The following quotation* are over the special wires of Paine, Murphy g Co.: CHICAOO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— Open : p. m December .. .. .. .. .. ~ «• *"t May .. .. «•** CORN— De emb*-r "-t l * ■ "•** May 3MA OATS May ** T » -*** PORK— . , „ December ’ M January ».22‘a »--< LARD— December *-* 5 January i - 3n 6 '“ 8 SIDES— . I January t.N.V, May 4 **'v 4 •’ i NEW YORK COTTON. January SS J February S - April {* July R - a 9 6 *’ August October • , 5 -* 4 December —Steady. Middling— 5> 9-19. XEW YOKK STOCKS. FRESHEST s FINEST MEATS OF ALL KINDS, at the lowest prices. ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET. STROWGER PHONE 824. Pf ft UIM f | || ipapnin _ f** m I LiTB Til T*lr *<§4 *TB>AT|;q- m # g| ' IMt 1 M m M # . ¥ Vi ! 9*NHBfi'‘B ißga Imm ' ' <* m* * y-. -v •* ig * I NBltllfMirkk >.*• *e so oo ao <***•* rtul*dj-ljvhi» .0 M •• eaa •• Ml M iwummird lol*i, .. ... INTI Ml BACITFIIIiM THE l(fOI*»C5 Mr. ham F. OaHtagtoa Retort** From Porto Pico. Attoroey 0. F. Garllagtna retoroed |lr at night from Porto Rico, wb we he «roat about three weeks ago oa boato- Mr. Gariington say* that tke tropica are very Interesting and ’ quite warm He bed a pleasant stay In Ponce and a deligktfnl voyage down there on Uto steamer Michigan. (tegular meals & cent* at Commer cial Hotel Restaurant. MISS C. AR A ARMSTRONG Adopts the Mage and In MUh the .lan field Company. The Augusta friend* of Mia* Clara Armstrong, who formerly lived on Car olina Height*., will be interemed la hearing that *he hat adopted the xtaga aa a profession and baa formally m*da her debut in New York city, with the Richard Mansfield company, but will leave .booty for Chicago Mi** Armstrong Is an unusually at tractive young woman and her frienda predict for her unqualified »uccen* In her cboaen work. Delicious hot coffee 5 cent* at Com mercial Hotel ReetauranL Mr and Mr*. D. Slusky wilt rele brote their t|o wedding Sunday. Dec. 4. 300 SOLDIERS Great Fireworks Display Battle at Santiago . . BLOWING I P OF THE MAINE ... One Thouraud Dollar* werth Fireworks at I law-ball Tarn Dec f». 12,14. Price—-25 and 60 cent*. MANAGER T. A. FOrKCHEK. A THANKSGIVING ENGAGEMENT for dinner should remind you that your dress suit wul need the most immacu late linen—not “shining like a nig ger's heel,” but of the right medium gloss and domestic finish, such as we lay on your shirt, collars and cuffs af ter they have been whitened by oilr perfect methods of laundry work, and starched to .at right degree of stiff ness. Shirts laundered here are ad mired by the most critical. Shirts, Utc . Collars, 2c : Cuffs 4c. Both ’Phones. MULSH'S STEAM LAUNDRY, 314 Jackson Street.