The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 03, 1898, Image 2

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•ATOftDAV • f Here's le Going 9 TiOk i COT. m • lUuimk «r Btyfe* * Mut'«l laatruMst I.U HCiMIHOO til i Dru* •,«» to tofXM* Mutt 1 - HO i« 100 Itton W. 00: \m» ** «• M* I.K to J 4.«» ' •**». "t • M»| *r.. k».. at.. •«. Eyeryiiiing in Mnsic Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, August a, Georgia Wi "'— ! MANY OFFICERS MSCHAIKIED. OMtnl Order* I»m4 to tb# Met# MMh flttanu Dax a Tfc* mr|MH« Mia of tb* Mat# Mint* «•• tore** kd«<fa>. by Uh> girl** of MMTgbi* togth*'**-* to *ll thr officer* who Of* b bail istmii to r»*Bi In it# nnk* at Ih<- Uotwd thmttm a* volattaert. Tbr lollwlii igniil or (tar nt t* Tb* (allowtag otocarn o< Georgia ro|**t>- r* note In amrter In tb* Third •cornu vatwnteer Infantry. Inltcl gi*t. army, bating failed to comply gi general ordor nnmb»r IT. ftnwtt Ht nr* hereby honorably lltebarg* front th* military aortic* of the ■ "t'apt A ibm Ktaktr, Ob. A* &tli io* (pßtr v |U votoatvwn C^ipt. Henry J BifViH. Co. B, 3rd Soli ntry. liraiiili voiuntftfi I "Cant Aaron J. Burr. Co. F, 6th In fantry. Georgia volunteer*. f Ixtttl* K Garrard. Jr.. Co. O. tnd Infantry, Georgia volunteer* # •fir»t LI. J. H. St-van*. battalion adjutant. 6th Infantry. Mrorgta volun "Flr*t Lt. Thotnaa 6’. Ilavtinga. Co. C, 6*h Infantry. Georgia voluntacia 1 "Ft rat Lt. W. 0. Thornton, batta lion adjutant 4th Infantry, Georgia gpfonterr. •firm Lt. Jaa. L. Kimbrough. Jr. Co. F, slh infantry. Georgia rolun- INr* y "First l.t. Walter J. Preston, ma chine gun battery, sth iufantry. Geor gia volunteer*. "Becond Lt. Albert O. Marbnt, Co. A, 6th Infantry. Georgia volunteer*. “By command of the governor "Wm. 0. Ohetr. "Acting Adjutant General." The following officers of Georgia vol-, unteer*. now In service with the Third United State* volunteer Infantry. Im mune*, were also honorably dl*eharg ed from the military service of the gtate; Capt. Walter K. Wheatley, comml*- aary. 2nd Infantry, Georgia volun teer*. First Lt. Sidney R. Wiley. Co. C, 2nd Infantry. Georgia volunteer*. Fleet Lt. John D. Twiggs, battalion adjutant. Ist battalion cavalry. Georgia volunteer!. First Lt. Wade 11. Westmoreland. Co. P. sth Infantry, Georgia volun teer* Orders will at once be lasued for the filling of the vacancies cautted by the above order. ‘ Every company will be asked to elect men to fill the vacancies In their rortt-r of officers. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take I-axatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money If it tails to cure. 26c. The genuine ha* L. li. Q. on each tablet. Fire at Culloden. Culloden, Oa., Dec. 3 This town was visited by a destructive Are yester day morning. In which thelo** is about 115,000. The entire west eldeof the bus iness district was burned before the fire department and clttxens could stop the progress of the flames. The loss sustained as about as fol lows: H. T. Fitzpatrick. $7,000. E. T. Wynne. $4,000. 0. B. MeCowen. $1,500. C. O Ask In. SI.OOOO. Mrs. Jordan. SI,OOO. The post office was also destroyed. Insurance ou the property destroyed will amount to aliout one-lhlrd uu ibv toss. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. THE STATE BUDGET AS IT IS NOW REPORTED' Th« G«ntoral Appropriation Bill Submitted to Houm (terite $2,400,000 »rws Otter Item* Aggregating $6,000,000 Follow by Low. Jlfftillitti slte | » Th* >l6"*' l f r »* *m toMto* T mr" -~j toto tlte tewUWto 11 utiirT ti.f fteMNMtef I# f' < teN*iWV# ytbtown [*• I * ***«§ | fi »9urtt topfe# OS fAMISOi *•s» §*m»*+* i*4 iimf "mg gßOgfteo o«rS owoom * \ i tort* tetoto gs sooloo* 10 *oh» rterttertt tete*"to ; l«m#g I# teliwo frtrtsrtrt •• #* te» tofltete j I** rtteto) fl tt % *so «oM*’*»f ffteHMrtte ItrtA . ge te tlte MtONWiOi tip SOOMI #os h* ; gSooof sUHs4te ftp ss& llw* to* iggiQnMM fIOVfMBM*, ' «as o*o #oo 00 tOa» rmomONo * •>*»* wgooot I 9MW #o*o OMOMMMKO 4*oo $0 twOwiigS $Pf OR0 4 i ; Of mm #t me tS'OOOI gl OOMO io*Oos, ffte MMMOteltee *-«■§* mtrn A •* i •Mm#'*’' two • O QieTrt *sso AmOOOMoSO *o Itte pO*MOS»I »■**♦# ««S Ae* 1 10)0 i»# *S| |*MtO > gs«e' #* to gPOef S OiHift fb-.gfe## to tie ♦AtogOfee** poo* * to* [f« Oh* ». « I iOllirf Ml QaifMH ■■«*.* lIOOteRS I »*»Oi tsg fUMM*« j |f lie flN*«*4NMi OHIO StSHfc ftte *'**'• I *4*4 «*e*o* ygOOteHti* Jtto iinmOiiiMiote" its «*a**nad faeaaabt. «*i»*w*h « •«**• *♦*•*# art# h» m f'db*- ••• »*>•- ,-tr* aaggevweaaiaaw* sy*a *a* i. *a aswfv t abase gawvtMb*wa aa aw* swarta 4»a» a p*«M afWMWt «#Mmi the awa- I ewe? motel If lise Hi oogjiiiiF I "Tso tN*gO <so foteOlr» t*3NM *MO *SI OggM OgOteVleOlO SftS Ofl*a>**Ot* I# MiMHOt OOMOJO gto«toO*e UMo lo I%te [os* n 4io»i tSo mo ootg I I*l owrtte [¥t ON* gsMN*o4to : # •MO gooi> f*W #se OOWO'- »«00e4 4» gk #A, TlM* soo* ogiiMMl Owhm Ik •fOo# He grOiftl toft o*l *IB eeoilgte o tet? «4 Iff |ut»#4 of 0 te so of HWOto'O* a . TOf* isSf $o 4ss* ffis uteoags tie UrOfeOnoi MttP 4S Off* OSS* ofifsr«ifMrtellMMi Mil ostfles M#ee LuawywiUsw ?*.; 410 I*o SO «** *4OS $r eotlossle# *f lOoS" SsMl Sfe * With to# fusSi it#of Fwm# ffeoo *o»- Hg« lotos #«sS r> <** t taMte*' sill he *fetoM«t |I *o* «# Tliio •mGatU te 6<«t4#4 00 Tlte IHvtefcm si B»*teo* ■fC4sr» tan .. m .. tlattUl* OfflOO***'’* *a ** «• a* a* #*»• . «a 00$-$^S teutalO 4#*M .. •*.# I4tii* Atl <H$'T Mfttt mm*a a a •* •*•• sßs>Ms Ttssl *iie**}ltOVi *• a* f. 000 tee Titty, *6l * 'bttWP*"* 4#erS SeA A*' i l§4e I lie •Muiwai srev-prta'l'** whb b art al ‘ erovo *t tie ss*•<<*t>-I •« o*fss- A further r titwslßr• %Km of tIMSO 10 mm f»*llrtsrO: Approprtattoaa UeaaMtad Kxc. uilv. le|4rtnml I s•.*** tat dcuartaaawt 74,»*> biuhilvr itmarimml l.unath a*ylam .. .. rrt.aa* M riiculiural Iwataatluaa Mi.fTv Pniam-m w-hmua bw.'**’ making fund . .. Interval m public UM*u Mla.-cllan.ou* ~ .« .. .. .. .. t*.tt* Maimed Vetera HU* Indigent veteiana .. .. W idow a and aoldter* 2» «"» i Total sl.**M» In addition tu tbla tbeie air various 'rectlpt* from *|mu-i*l mi**. Ih* rental of the W * A railroad. fcrfill*< r and 1 .ill free, and proliaWy part m the hire of (onvU-ta. that go to the atatr achoot - fnml. Tbr arhutd commlaabmcr'a catl i mate of fnretpta from tbr*. aource* ta taoß.neo. Which addnt to thr appropii all.n of **W.W*i will make a common iwhaol fund >< und. r thi* ap nropiiatlon Mil Aa to FducaGoit. I Under thla bill ihr amount going to ; .-duration will be $715,270 by appropii and taoa.WW hy operation of law. maMng a total of 1t.M5,270 to educa tion- Of this amount $125,000 goes to higher und technical education. Where Cuts Coma. The cuta are a* follow,: Common achool fund .. .. ••.•$400,00® Military fund 22.500 Lunatic asylum 16,000 University .. .. .. •• •• - 14,60® Geological purvey .. 0.000 Governor'* contingent 0,000 Academy for tdtnd 2.000 Technological achool 2,500 Girl*' Jniluatrlal wchool .. .... 2.500 State normal orhool .. 10.000 Pubttnubu lid Inga 2.500 I‘riming fund 1.500 Interest *.500 Minor Item*, etc it.*** l Total $602,600 Uoaelbla on pensions .. .. .... 100.000 The Increases Aladc. On pension* I‘ugea and potters .. .. *®o Total *4O.:«H> This apparent Incieaae In pension* may be wiped out h yoperatton of the Brandon bills and give place to a re duction of SIOO,OOO. Appropriations in Detail. The detail* of appropriation* In dif ferent departments are given below. Executive Department. The following salaries are appropria ted: Governor, $3,000; Secretary of state. $2,000; treasurer, $2,000; comptroller general. $2,000; attorney general. $2,000; commissioner of agriculture. $2,000; pri son commissioners, each, $2,000; rail road commissioners, each, $2,000; clerk of the railroad commission, $1,200: suite school commissioner. $2,000; pension commissioner. $2,000; state librarian. $1,SOO; assistant librarian, $S00; resident physician of the state sanitarium. $2.- 500; secretaries and clerks of the exec utive office, $6,000; clerk of secretary of state, $1,000; clerk of treasurer of state, $1,600; clerks In comptroller gen eral's office. Including the I a.-m ranee de partment and cl -rk irt the wild land nlttc*. $4,000. cler k of eomtnlsalouet of agilrulUH'e. *1,280; <Herk Ot the state si hoot ' ommhwlortvr. $1,300; state bank examiner tact lirtlL *I.2UP; stenogra pher wf ttU-ortvey general tavt iSsl.l. s6ou; lerk of prliKiik .wjnmlagion. SI2OO Judicial Department dig Judge* supreme curt, each ttl.- 000. Twenty-four judges superlot court. Till: /t?OU#T4 WJCKAU). » <*■ gwbiirbiawti «*»■»*» *>mm% i *#.«*. gt.bis |M* ton.*#! itoii **K*lrtF* I mm»h te- tei ff»r"in*ry «tep* »s#rt*» mm* I igli tell r tegteiiitte fs -«*4l*g #4s '«#s**■ # s*■* 4*i **■"'* $* #ANI «ss.***■♦*r* * i n<Hi* M **■s"■#- $3 sMft»-**k •$ \ «* ****** m* H#K 4«l# - ♦tertl g$ gwf Am# ***s *m»-*sss*ia» m *te tetete «* teg^j ***** % ** CSii P i<l»ltoi%»M»»w f tefil •• • ••• teM* *KH’:*pMMi SRM Ateter •# t» »• *•** fs ; HAte i**mm**f *g»* tiMw ** •* w « •KfcMte teMteWteMl# m» *» ** mm «m $■ T»*-l mAm#*! . •* « te.<te <4 j gp*s w s*AgMtetes4Msfte $• ««h ' lit #:tenfslg A 4, «># mmmmmrnw *tel^ I s**f#9 tetoftetokl torthMNl *-# t *• *sss#.s* f t NnMnt«4 ste4teNMto*M«f*l *i teto4 * smm te | Mteitetete AteMNtef **tf »•••*• _ 4 m M | « flb> taatote mm mm teM Mte «M> -- - ■* •« a** f| *M* fHw te tlte Fteteli IteAi TV* §mm*h «4i tgte ggAA***«s#*•*» [itotetAtoi f m -Hi U«*m* #rtte« |#4 $f tte *toto|iilts#tell •##s Ate ?«s<4pf-toiM «Murt i mhy li to HI te si#t . {*te mi I Ate *<M tit# te* te tfte T%* *•* | I utotel ptoTAitotoMl *4 *!#•# te* |g #s* tetg* I* i|M»( 4MKte*gMtoK tlte Itoltof btol s*..»•• Mtotog ■ I* )##>♦ fltoMtobMMM I tpawwea • tMedse*! agt*. wlf«*w .. .. »•••*, MUM* Ch*'g*l*4 •« ■. •• - ■■ ---• *'**• two awatatwMa *•< b |UH <*'’•*.»» •• ••*♦•* l-T f*hwaaK*4s „ m m -• •• *• •« lw* rgntMrtl fan# .. .« '•■to* fYmtlngvnt K R f'gtwwms l '"' .. to* i f*««»4 ingen t anpraan* raw< ...... t to* . IWrlnting ftaM .. T.'. .. .... i*to* | IR n < -mmMMag P*t»"e« .. .. I.*b* JSj >.n liviil-ltngw. wlr. .. !«.•• Military fun-1 ~»«■• .. .... I#J, , Inauiiarr .. .. -• •• •• •• *T IVhtMn library /. 1 4b» f*Wpt- me raun report* .. .. .... 0-to* , t Minding b*of aatgi .. ,Tru»t**g aavtuaa .35 $-to® Ttrnttf* ustvrrwtty lewrrnr*trdt., l.toi i Hnllrltrr'i Ire hill* fwitartel t,. 4to l T „,,| ift.tof | "My Krlegd from In**" ttmlght. I .on Livingston Sick. Waablbgton Dae. n*atlvr Llvtngatoii la aufferlng from an ahaewaa la tb* ball of tb* aye. immediately c»*r the pupil He i* under n gparlatlnf. I There i* fear that a arar will be left end the etaloo Interfered with. If not - poaatbly obilteratrd Kepri-aentatlvr Fleming of the Tenth ha* arrived. He railed at the Whit* llouae yesterday morning, bul waa uni able to see thr l*re»ldrut. New Maple, New «glean* and Geoe yla Hyrups reegke|d at Lgmkin * Do ’s. U II J Notice <d Contest. Macon. Oa.. rvw.-S. -Yeaterday •H Prohibit lon lata gat* notice that thg ralretton will be pgaueau-d and the iih [(Unary will he aervrd with paper* * rrnce T. B. West and Ed Ryals gave notice. WIN E &F CARDU» TURN OF LIFE. CoffEv'S Station, AU., .lan. 4. PTn 1 About a year s*o I became very Y j } feeble. My menses would tut for \ AjK, J three weeks al a time, and my \ KY mind became Atlectcd 1 had smk \ k;. \ i ing spells. »nd m*nv times I thought v#k\- ,\ U s | was gone. Finally Itivk three bottles of Wine o( Cardul, and ,U-Y two package* of Hbck -Draught. * WM3T* ‘III and nn- health is belter than it has been in tt vears. am 4» years v'toflHßtoiraS oi.l, and Wine .-t <".ndu-, lias m * brought me throush the < runce °' * -''NS- *• £• WtOrMt*TON. HWlordU • Change of Life is the most serious period in every woman’s life. Many do not survive the ordeal. Those whose delicate womanly organs are weak and deranged have the most to fear. Change of Life cannot be avoided. It is part of Nature’s pro gramme- But the pains and dangers can be largely overcome if Wine of Cardui be taken faithfully. It will fortify a woman’s entire system for the trials through which she must pass. It will strengthen her nerves, and modify in large part every distressing symptom. No time should be wasted. Wine of Cardui should be taken during the whole period of the Turn of Life, sometimes two or three years. The patient, if she does so, will live to. happy, peaceful old age as a reward. Wine of Caraui i For BtjT 100 in cases rocjvitrlng ape- ( # $ a Li- oo \ etml direction*, BtfdrFM.gtirtniceymP cures •• female troubles of tom*. adefeory lirpartmmt. I * The M4lcl«ec:®, ( every name* <’ ch«tunoo«».Tenn. l ... w . . 4b- Sold by Druggists. A Large Bottle for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI, SHMUr: 10 FIGHT CHIRLf Ml 1 CHE Lt If# 11$ # < steNl II If $f ##•sss#s H§ A##**** #s# f to#*Ki*—'»'• $♦ toatoto #%# * iteV Bftetet [pteteA *** *##** 4.4*%teto fteAte, IlHrbwtt an d » jX* •• hi In Bag SsSfSkß * mu #to te Ite l#»4f | # *te#f tete# | itotor* te •* a****# frwite lilirteit mm A te h MtetAte -• #*#*« Ite it## tmte ate MKtoA* ste ABi v prmmrmu*** m** te m | Min Vtot Ito# teNRMp #• * toto* btt w|fto Ite tel p*H Irti te #*•# tetote- s#j I«l4<4rt(l s** ta* ii ##» terty iftoitote# i '"'ll# |*f iMto# fttog* tu Ato ttogls#A OKI.AT SHOW TOWMIHT. m* • i -fY* I rtend Aw toh.'* •• to tho Onto. I Toalgbt th* thntoto toll ha fvlt ra gaedlew* to *b* a vat bee bar it la aa* di-m that aueb n p4ny a# "My Friend ' trutm India" I* pt iMat * 0 to ragaiar Raeetto*ra It hag to** raeoeded a§ a neatly anrv thing that a revived pl»y 'no matter ham aneeamftol It wight h*. tonrtng ha Oral mm nmld not pasilky retain antorlent popularity to b# great |add*, when traaaplmMad from one me tropolitan theatre to another In tfc-* r*»e to "»fy Friend fhnm India." boar *###. toll trtodUioii* #### !s#■ •#! y** | to!tod*, te# tte pitof A##* mei #sly a** I k«-n oil the stage at the BOon fbere f 'had been playing to lb» rapacity of th* • IlOU*# TCHT tt##r tof*/ **' 1 “ ” la Chnrlea lloyt o vary pmiy play brute* on Twealy-h urtb atreto mow tailed tto Madison Btjunre Tbeatrel j »«d there more than duplicated j former auereaa. which wn# unlortnn alety Interrupted by engvgement* made | aotne time prtvloua It managed, how ever, to run out Ita two hundredth lOfUKTUtlv# pspffor®*tor#. "My Friend Don. India" tonight. THE 71 5 T NfFW YORK. Ifg Conduct to Santiago to Be Looked Into. New York. Dee. J - The truth about the conduct to the Seventy-Flret remnant in the Santiago campaign la about to be made known: the bUm* for cowardice. If any. displayed at thla time will be fixed lipon the right In dividual*. and the regiment a* a whole will be cleared of unjust aspersion Captain* Anthony J. Bleacher and W. F. Meek* were placed under arrest yesterday, to be tried by courtmuttlal DE WOLF HOPPER. America*# Greatest Comedian Usee Paines r itrry Compound C ip I j \ I Til AJL\ ™ #1 VI * to*/ A-teMteS j|^ % y' Vte. Vv4 .# h 4 %»*■'*' mi, * iff mi tow v •‘gar * 4 JL V *7#* *■*<; 1 - Wt£S&r A take* at r*mb*m fnwn j (r»tn tbe theatrt* *1 pn-fcaadu*. aay# :, < j.ictty a* In my caae 1 <i» not wonder /mm my own experience. A* a r*<t. many of my pnif.-*»l-mal frlen.ta hav# compound. It proved to •*- *n * \,tv tbtng my tired »»*te»n needed l» ovef n me the exhauellny (-rfect* of rloec ap plication to etaar work I am reootn m. ndln* tt to all n>y friend* wh-never they complain of aleepleamr-**. tndlgea- 1 for publlaltlnK * statement reflecting upon Colonel Down*. Lieutenant Colo nel Smith and Major Whittle. They welcomed the opportunity to put the truth about the campaign on record. During the war unscrupulous sensation mongers attatnpted to give the whole regiment a bad name for fault* exhi bited by not more than three officer* If the charge* published broadcast had been aa well founded as they were aetu ally unjust. It would still have been unpatriotic and dastardly to circulate them at such a time, and The Journal properly denounced the proceeding. But now that the war Is over the time has come to probe the whole affair to tho bottom, expose aßj misconduct that existed and relieve a brave rogi 'theni from a cruel Injustice. If there was any lack of courage In the 8-?ven yr-First. it was confined to three offi cers at most. The other officers and tuen are anx ious for an Investigation, which, in placing blame where tt belongs, shall clear the intrepid, majority of au >% deserved stigma. The eourtraartlal ordered yesteiday promises to accom plish this end. "My Friend from India" tonight. Pranks by Soldiers. Athens. Ga.. Dec. 3.— There is con siderable merriment among the troops stationed here over an incident which occurred at the camp of the Pennsyl vania soldiers on last Sunday. A colored preacher went to the camp to pxhort and he mounted a barrel and began a longwinded sermon.. Before he had started well on his sermon, o crowd of soldiers ran up and grabbed him. and jerking him off the barrel, placed him on a blanket and tossed him up in the air a number of times. A number of other colored brethren were treated In the same way, and in a short time the meting was broken up and.tjte negroes left the camp. . ~SSS* —~—■ ** Old fashioned bu«k wheat "v>o. for j sat* bv h»atokin 4 Ec. ' - Cucumber -and Aimpnd Cream tor chapped face and hands is the talk <-r the town. Alexander Drug store sell it. I fltal A# «»• tfetof (Ml *>f f)F| Y S#te* K toTMfclJlrt K Klt»f>V£lt f v w«»tf Am rkli mtot I *■> t itltoP riin\r<tf:tn t rttfflj on (let. to. VtoW Y«>rtoi. mi 41 cniHFuntoß ton tortato # ..yghty •- Lotto. |%te v tetetjr ##rtrtrt##s $ (te* I It* K.- I Hlm r out At tan ■ ($4) ~T mta- H «ip fully «»ivto to th#* totniYffl «!• t« .Jan* upon tte* ton n»jr of li(* ime. into h« nuuiht tliliffnil) t<n vote* -jiiii.iin 9fW>~ rFinrty ihm wou’l ruf^ ntat* of ihn (Tftte HU iidoni *k#*ta rro«ito<l with glorious mi* 1 <•#** and he nr# to (he itmkllu»l pro fterto-.i'ute iwtetmtu# mm*} which La. rm* w.gtdwlJe fame « PBloe a cal ,-ry o mpound. 300 SOLDIERS Great Fireworks Display Battle at Santiago. . . BLOW INO UP OF THE MAINE . . ! One Thousand Dollar* worth Firework* ' at Baseball Park Dae «, 12,14. Price—26 and 60 cant*. MANAGER T. A. FOCRCHER. CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED ——BY rSING ID'S»DIPS r>o CENTS A BOTTLE. made and fold only by ]R. H. L-A^JSTO 522 NINTH STREET £ BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORGANS and J MUSICAL INSTRUnENTS. /fin*, Everything New in iii3S sheet nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA sfEAMTANDY FACTORY is making the PRETTIEST, PUREST. \V HITESTCANDIES In the market, j When in need of Stick. Pea Nut, | Broken nixture Taffy Candies Te'e | phone Bell ’Phone No. 2276. PkCRMSVft 9 WANT ADS. f-gr. rm #ss# l#sHs» •t 2* *#**.-* ##te w* tot teto " #s■*#* a#* dp to* MMrtAMto# KNbrtto A toto m*w mns s*mwi ■ »»* *msMs to#A ftotota- t tete* m# tote* r*te fi# A* tort# ***** t*rt toUJffl- gTirrif $1 INwft Awtort mm sm» mmirtt #| t irj.i>#irf t Mi SMA rtMto tote Ate# tert "inAi rtto «# tos rtrtA «tel mm *A tort# Itote *#- -».*-• *.# ■'#■# f'to# |f #•» tetoMNMMI 1$ Ateftort# te#M# toto-i urmif r- tir*t mltertteA k# tIMRf A## 0 *to#» 'MNMIrtto * hITUATION WANT ID a# AIiTW» #«#•#s#»# A# te-iteftotee mm iirtfto te mm# rttertM [ Mm mm KrtteKtoftt-* $ i.rtiittpiM J HI A.* !rt A % ft#*- AITI Atl- A toto * #s| ' «4 k <n»te#i*t rt#4#»te «l* #r »«$ Itoltete A*#- • WAJAtHI* to toffl*AfsMA to# AMSgJte ito' - s Nh F #r Am## # * §# * m fg trto * sto fly to' It# tortt* T f •*fFrt ,, |t Tt ■ slte #teste sK#steMi Ate#i# tortteitt’rtrt' to * «f#AM4 to# ##•#•■ €*. rt. to?.. Atete I|f ■». -I tote to 'WA JtoPWPC# »tol Tl* ■ > A# Ml TI K»* ' to iVTE.Ii-- A !*• iflitTt l A$ If**? ! s7 | |, |||T1 v ATIi>N 4# <N SIAM «r fryflHf A4AMtote it# I*l tet* ltou«s •«rw-< Apt # HELP WANTEID 15FX>fT f*t » A T ok * rtCK-,to Irt h#t* n«AM ««*#. ftelt ter^wrtoßtitei. {I ! **rto 1 KtfFfl Mtto (HktNto light it* ! foh IrttUltel 4tor a If TO WENT 'TO |.BT-TWn tIIKIteOMC INitllir. 1 t*m m. 19 I*l iter te>4»«s. toll tetostem Utetrto FbttU). 7$S jv. j HRfffT IwAIIOK. Rleledf NT I te«l# funtitM *t 1$ lfr*»a# FOR SALE Cfti AM—CRUAM AT 24 JACKPoN PT. I. ~ - FOR SALE PAUKR FOR WH*l‘- I RING purpoaa*. Cbaapaat In city. <>«• cent a pvund Apply at Herald (dßew Uuth wbitt ind Dt#i*pAptr. ! Xvr 1 FOR bALB-tOO-ACHE FARM. ONM ■ mile from city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. J- ars. No. U« Jaikaoa bl. JOet 1 CHEAP—I’AUER FOR tVR ACTING 1 purp -ars 10 rc-nls a hundred old aa* changes. White papar I cent a ,*ound. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-YKLUtW AND WHITE BT. I Bernard d*vg. Suitable reward for r■— I turning to 74t Broad street. dec 3 MISCELLANEOUS MAKER.THE I AINTER, 12S* BROAD —Rest In the world. WANTED—SECOND HAND SHELF worn and damaged good* to sell tux commission. Good market and price*. R. H. Sontag. Denmark. 8. C. dee 7 MAHER,THE PAINTER, 1236 BROAD —Rest In the world. TURKEY* ANnVHICKKNS ALIVE and dressed: al*o Ix-es por’u veal, lanmb and Baunage; free delivery anj where In the city: also Summerville and military camp*. E. Jl. Deaa. Bills and Jackaou. dec 4 MAHKK.THE PAINTER. 1236 BROAD —Beat tn the world. WANTED TWO PARTIES TO heard in private family: desirable lo cality. Address, O. E.. cart- Herald office. Cfty. dec_4 MAIfER.THE PAINTER, 1236 BROAD —Beat in the world. Special Notices: 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Gt FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further tnformatUm re* thetr attorney at law. P- J- Bulllvau. Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. Warning. all persons are warned agains: hunting or trespassing on any part of my land west of Lake Olm stead and north of the Washington Road. No permission given. Alt dogs found running at large will be shot. J. H. ALEXANDER, — r Installment Notice. THE USUAL MONTHLY INSTAL MENT dti* thru association will to payable at the Factory's Office, Robin 327 Dyer building, on the sth Inst. - A. 8: HATCH. Secretary. Jus. R. dimming, Pi -sident.