The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 04, 1898, Image 7

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f $ I *** J* a.-< ■»» w- */# - •*»*■ *al VIAdkABiAIhAAAAAAAAMAAHV t h,ii jui/yii —4o^-*-*•* • ■*«*. —««—. ......... 1 % , DAISY MAY'S HINTS TO THE WOMAN OF FASHION. pPApPPVpfcI I4M f Wt* *|p «fNN %n Ml MMN» M* *l*4 <T|i>fl'lHii. ***• *'*aa#a (mm* *4Mb## I* |gMf.«r.p * | |«rif «AK® *iNl*l *<#%■** 44*44# I* lfcst «*» MIS *-**4**’ %, * **«« mu t rig CM'- ****** 9 * IwMfS'*« SiMI IMrftt ~ A#! —Atri| «Al'il»Af •§*•**• m # A MMMI M* **f •#•## . •«*«#• *•* m# Mmp*MNl fan*'*' i«4 «M» MM* Ml* *«■§ A | -| nA ,| iTow| |r AP v *i** * **•#•’«#*• -i 1 *MHM* Ml A bp" H mjn f -« frf IM» fVAM"* - •»-«a «f * Oafc* AflMl Ml (MS III* MnanMiwl. t» I »#h«V# IS • AMMfIMNIP MP'f'WAIMMS •I'*** •S HwH#4"iTTi. ImMI s**!*■•## Mr #A"fAfwA#*# ™ r ' “ t*#*#t* WINS 1 * *i"«aSS ** M» il » t*t» SMfH AM* **»MM <*t Ssya* aMI «AOM«a St ***#• Ma 4 M SaS MapM MS MMSa I*® »A«if Mm A St*l f**« a 4 • #>-«*»! tlfAtt - f I i **» % r feta#* *' APr'*t : #••* *Jr . aam »%a * ,ve ’' ! ■* *** a** 1 ' ‘ 51,1 j « «4ip MMAM AMS HI ABt'AMf A W I* ami# Tf*|AA *• * TAMM >|ta>Mrr Wiilal M*m tftMM S>#*' TV mb4« m I fA* iKMifsMua* Ma** t«*Hl IVW 4MIM tAl* j •ill I attfMWAtll A I’M* I AA4 I a # Af# c aIM* mpmm t« wyMsir Mai | tM.#*sM*s *M r m*4»tt» «* Mt'MtwM j f«nprA„ (»r •U{>r#tii«r| Tlsu» fart «**• n*»*f m*#* l**4#M»4> j im<s*Aw#4 «** miwi «Man At «M# #***••>. NMMM «b*" I r«»« Ih* veil Mi»ml rng'rthmsn Mr Arthur ] •. t m Kii r |d|a , pyrtwr* oft I f|<* i | IfTT *«» » ” I |'-hrAA#. "By J-w-v* they nr* b*»»«*r than thMr l«H timAMl fraimt «•»»' I e«k**" MupefMy ettahed gemless «»4 *r.**n. j H with yrr. IBotl. Ihr 4rMt«llr * “con ] iturßßf hw»" twm, * h<>tilth standing j with rrhrM«< M *M» brook »w) ] rivrr mm |r,,r km raim Inin that myartyrma* | ytmrrr rorH rh*. twa hma prwKW j V ith •Ann* vrltift Knr sh® n»n*t |»ri thorn I'tr Ivra imtitryrd It* or* Ml- 1 nor* ■tmpttrHy Irlaphanmio mat*- { rial* at* |>r * lt*t r*l ttlth an <•) *’ otayl* j far tirMr. ih» run* Mnl »ah*a of j A*rfahahl* quallim Mtomlltr 4* mr #n4 l«»ir ar* hot Hfcrtl A tavtoh ditptaf of rtWmnr (tthlofiot Into tort- Inyo or tnnv« rut h!n*» ar* th* pr«»|»»r tnmmtni* Pointol (till* ami oitanal** in I'uuihtnalion art- p*i naiw th* moot offortiv* fjt.votty for th* coming out" frork. Aft*r»otin d*!>uto ar* ouit* «• popular a* th* affair* of »v*nlng, flowri in profualon grac* th* orraolon and It I* t»o infrequent otrurrnwr M a debu tant* to r*r*tv* a* many an 500 ft >ral of- ! frlna* On* ollp of a girl In t ornflowor blur Purround*d hrroelf with h*apo nl lion <iu*ta and ***ry half hour during her r*< *ptlon dlarardod on* only to o*l*t t •noth*r. that »he might do honor to a* many frt*nd* a* tint* would prrmlt on , th* all rvantful day. Thla bewitching tittle* demol*>lle l» hound to rapilvatr Ah* ha* already I d*monalrat*d her pooolbllltleo for por ing a» * flgur* at a r-*o* f*t* or queen «.f a floral carnival. H*r proud mothei need have no misgiving* a* to b*r fu ture sure***. Thl* little- art wa* a bril liant byplay, and knowledge of It ha* spread In clubdom, wher* m*n g..**lp or scandalli* a* best befits their mood oyer Scotch whisky and White Rock My eye* fairly ache from the glare of electric bulbs and memory of sumptu ous apartment* below slalrs but I've promised to Indulge In some genersll tles about gown*, etc., and I've bor rowed madam*’* notebook, which is to be returned on the morrow. So I must to my bread winning, never mind the headache. The debutante's frock Is a replica of her mother’s, and only In th-- matter of material does It differ at all If site makes her formal bow In the afternoon, her dress must l»e high cut; If evening Is the accepted time, she should be de collete. Tale tint* are considered most becoming, but It Is quite good form to wear brilliant colorings if necessary to enhance the beauty of the fledgeling IMuiitralua alv uy*. * s * I* ' ' '''' ' " l~ “ 1 jfcPA#i« \ •4A I a M<M* M A AAM a a A A' * I As All.lA 1 i" •!*'* #• MM*M W M mmM mma »**r a« j fA'Mf IM# |Ma*l#M *%-*ft "MM *** l i#A’* m* ?gf - / m w •/> ' ed impression about the waist Jin* like ] 1 unto a blue pencil mark on clean copy, Is the only belt worn. Need l repeat that the wasp waist j Is again to the for. " It Is with a venge ance. I'd such a rollicking time at the house party! We organised a poker club and played two hours each day adopt ed the "kitty" system and *l>ent lie mopes »o begot for bonbons, il was l rather a good Idcu, too, as wc* were a 1 TK.-H3 AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. MM*** ***»' *** *# tin* t+v **** »*%»* »*# **•*♦*• * «•-»>** IMM » *#•*< * ** ****** «s i*im* mm* mm* * «mmm * It* * MMpf- ”** M* MM* **§* W <M * ««•* f*WMN*t ***** *' |M*M< **••' ***** ♦* r*MH [turn* -‘ **•* "M** •MM'***' ' .4 «r* •>*• *«M I M *•*« «». 4* *►» •*- »*>■**» *f*l ««»* ,«•* ** •*• «**M* ***** ** P* H4#l* pr- -* I** *■•«* •** * ♦ •WMVM* M4* >«• tv *MM *» ***** * , « 4.4 »*«*:« * ***** *< • «»*•**► l**«* THREE STUNNING TEA GOWNS. where, for not more than two poriplf at one lime were visible In drawing rooms or conservatory that night. I arn anx iously awaiting development*. l-urs are next on milady's shopping list. They an- expensive luxuries, but one must have seal and sable,’ though the pater have to sacrifice some favor ite Stock lo obtain the wherewithal lo purchase Otter and moudal. are equally favor ed In ihc matter of trimmings and ars m>* » *• »•* »*» ««** (|to to** ** »—»***•»’ <•* •». )«M ' ■-** *#»- A4,*-»••«* ' MkW#♦»*»*> k .. < <•-> to* * to ****«•♦ to*** <«« • #*m» g»i i«W MoMtol • *«*»* .*1 -«♦ .*** *• * ■•* *'• ♦** mmm * %**■ Vto* »• *» • #'■»•*-*•»**'** • totoPtotf H***** **■*• *» • •** M' -i;- „ e -,P I r /K"ef>\ i Duchess of Marlborough (nee COn-uelo Vanik rbiltj appeared In Hie street* of l.ninjon wearing one. Th" dolman Is not in Ih" least degree v.iiat -it warn previously. That of yesterday and lo moirow are not connected even remote ly. H lias profited bv ostracism, and Its days of dowdiness are over. Some old characteristics, however, we do ob serve H has light shawl shoulders, continuing lo hug the waist line, as If the wrap were being held together by SOME DAINTY HOLIDAY FOOTWEAF. ~; % # t A- H» ?■ *** ■ ’ |«l . ■ j % 4 ♦M*'***-' tl * ’v 4 ? i' 7! [ >\ t \ f \ W -i: 1 \ :1 \ 7 7 \ V ( ‘k 5s w y & L_J Knglund before her marriage si." was a guest at lller.helm castle at an All Halloween celebration In trying H.r fortune Ih" apple luring which -he threw over he. shoulder described lha letter "M." The superstitious old serv ants wisely nodded ‘heir heads and in solemn conclave assembled predicted that the iicaullfu! young American <u,uld one day be mistress ..I the Marl borough estates The well bred woman !* very fnstld- I lull- usually ahou' her stationery and keeps Up With all changes as they j ,-ur. I’ve learned a few fa< t* wlii< h may j interest her. Monogram* an* v#iy pm*M and in | ■ j,is <1 In oblotm m round medallions, like th" iiiiidlsli handkerchief ciphers of yolir urlHloeiiiHe beau ilol.l on h color ild background Is .inlle mi fait The Inl -1 lialH or lirst name done In "Me color m | ||pi ■** Apt - mml i n iiify IA A *#•* ! » -«AiA# »4 fMPt M“* * Mlfl| Aptf A WAI iMpf ** fl# **»#♦* As ? At Atmir a i'AaV# IM#a iMa* •»* aa MsA# % "AMaHM I *• *H|AAA ••wM-tMl* l|#« TtMt Mm*- IM !**#• a* A rAtr#M 1 tMtMk m4»n% A# Ml i»IMrlH«* * *«f W- M*ai ' •ajiifMM #4® A#4# AI4 WMI **WI *'’* MPA* 4 M» * AHMA Oa#* •Hi** lt«j I MM* 4 ffAAfcA#** a hep »V I* -m .M humor w*th lb* iMAAi'Mfct »**!*%•* # idplAfAltf AnrAfAl# fflMlWA* I «k a -nan - of ....uuwd«n.w* rae respwuatlile target!. M *he l*pre - 1 scalar Ive pilh -ns. fair 1 mrninliy iluttered I*o' ptibly I *h< n Mr* I’rewtdenr presented Mm* X and by way of initahs-twy an , -s-unt .-4 she sesM tell US tbe secret «f i;,..|v witutan wtllnl herself Ini" a I ■ ..mfortaMc )mslll<>. mentally reswtr - ! , n> ! **> n>. Single word of madam. • -ag adVl' > For >"» must know Mme I Jl.'i reputation had preceded her Uhe had taught famou* *!**■■ fatorile* how [ *•» 101 l s ts*te n.-ire ohe*lty. Hit. I oa* ih. demonstrator «* •' unique . method "to rdnergl youth and «d»anc m« year* tat Ih delightful poMbtlt : «i-s of magnißceni mail online**, "point ing with l-ride to the leyllsmk name* of her many died pi** Indies is-gan Mme X. ‘ some of you are twnullfur - —heads hung mod estly "To lh .ee t would say rnv slmpt# ~.,-lpc f»r M-lalning your o*l giteti fewer contain* but eight letter* ruriosiiy had given place to ion|e«- »ur#» at «H4* point an t Mm#. X v h f iulitlifi |tn#w »*h# hart iKore'd »nt *<*f»nttnu*n* I iwiM ooy *»» ,h,t<4 w * you who »i*h lo acquire the fatal gift' - haughty h.-ud* gave Blrld attention— •'l've the same adi B» to offei All «a* breathless .xi ltetm-n! ae m. lame ionised „ Th.' niiigb' word l* e-*-e-r-c-l-s-e “How? Wln-n*" shouted In unison her animated hearers Pardon me." politely Interrupted the lecturer "All ihls you may learn at my studio. street si s'. a lesson. Go.el afternoon " A promise I" exercise in approved fashion heads the list of new year reso lutions for fcaJu-£ Now York. \ RriKht W«w»*i Mis* (Iraee E»PV Patton Is Colorado's superintendent of public instruction, and she has jurisdiction over 1 ’ | w seho.ll dlslrtets in eoiintle*. employ ing over non teachers Miss Patton Is . a IJemocrat and in 1s!t« was president of th - Woman’s Democratic club I’n t|, r her supervision much uttenth.n has been given to extending the kindeigur ten system, furnishing school libraries ,1.1 introducing manual training Miss Patton has \.*ry little us" for male seh. "I directors, l.elievlna Hint women school directors are conscientious on ergetle and unprejudleed. the Inference being left that men. IIS line Of her wo man adherents phrased it. are only fit for carrying trunks and oa a rule are •incapabl" of ill dinatiishlng between principle and politics. For Sufferers From Poor Circulation. m9m f N# M 4 *i*vmtot+ ' i*B* r , ***** M **m ** I '«•*%**• #«mi| IV MAA’t IMf *m* <vf *#tt irfr -mtmt* 4*4mi IM v(t«f U* 4fc. MM .f* tA nHi a•» A M 4 * »| - , j «a 'hmmtm 4$ 1,, **» <»* #4M» M ATA#«*•* ruli r |j ripff atlrifi. aMHI I# < %-f * *4# Sg.r swkoSiKl f.l* ted M M Isdu . fttttpyt iam ill# *ij *- *# « i t m i#|(r*"«§f i IVAfR 14 Nl •*#4J| ... Is*. t«MV lnewasu— '*4 *e| -em' aw 4 yssu* saw* l.llnss gust IB ~,., dash feet slow t« say a*. . mtf 4 v .i .ostswl and wars n«t Sitb d ong hardt* and »*B t # *l-- |sj||AFi|l!| ftAWrVWI *H *M KM » ili A l #fd- »<wk|i*AC fvmf %*tn #«fm. In * Ifktdff t»t*w * A"*»*#• *## *** m # #*Si t w«i *i*r aft if«i «t dint, MMff MMMm f a fpgs f «Oia MMIJF toll*' AflM •« f"#A #4its t#Al ‘ AF J f Y#4l (§#4 A t<o*§ ***m #a4l VIA# M|A* **■ 4* 111 4»4ff >rt t mi. r«44 «*H i«#l t- **m4l ,l ,44 Van ar* liable ta • .uda «ad . ~ | aure IhtxWt* and -b*SMn** J ... m*h warn* than <b*ar ».*• „ 'I (.1 . ■»» Ml) rhllhtaine twdh «• 4. band- and fee' who h ere not on R -" gjui-r but painful and ">Ulln4| y M arilt *i*o sleep badly and eat bad* n|) 4 |, lMr n„«!. rapid'' unless pan Iff t>« all the mean* Ih 1««» h**** t" ,m * mns thl* atate «f thins* Th* ••»«*# , v,.u ID i make iblng* .hang* lha bat* I. f ii #iii i# u«Nhm foil MJjPJI a r tPdi 4**«l ir*fAhl** «n 4 **m# Vfmf mu •## am inHf • >••!! t 0 •! m >*#4 rilt uiat»*M» Ural «* thf f diiftn m»*t v i*%ii iwt*» »tr**fH»rr irafm# nl order and thl* I# ■•■!> *' 'sunphahaß l.e the sin. l'-st aitenthm to dial Tow mini at -.n ♦ oav* <*lf *tr.m« tea sad ..nit dr.nk It isff weak or *4»t Mg mtmrd nth milk T.k" cmma •ht h mu-1 i*** wntwlrtw mnm n&% drunk I.*, hoi II I* * iseat not U) rat or drink between meal* As to the f.e-d It should be n .urlgh* irtg Put very plain, .onsisiin* of all things that will give bhx»d and Hash tart which Will not to ton itch l"*re* «r P. tun. a. id when taken The *u«ar#P .aim I afford tn disregard the uaa i raHlfcti# l*ui aboulll «•*# ***«»»# m,,a I Aperient *#ver»il *»«»•*• * w *** im J** morning or at night If. I digestion i* all right perhaps the bad I. in ulatton »n*e* fDmi la< k of llesh. lit i till* case cal all kind* of Paid* which ar. ih* n."*i nourishing gweels should be taken, .ltd sweetened puddings. *u«- ar. >1 i n *n l <«'•* •"** of cream i an ! rrnlk You Rbouid #at b#«uee» your meat*, i and eat plenty of hteml art i m l farinaceous puddings drtntt milk Kxerclae mu*i >"• tahau. hut nev .-r to tire or too much at a time, ah'* hum. Worn a., i egeltement muut ba tvold.'d I teg hour*, restful sleep, with .. sufficiency of warm ihoiigh light . louring Ih Winter time, eonduceto war.l a ..ire, which I* further assisted by leisurely sn.l carefully arranged Sufferen* from bad circulation nhoul® tak • -. hath of tepid water every morn log in which hu* been dissolved n littl# r.H k ammonia or Hdul.b's Cloudy W rnonla If more convenient. Thla will briice lhe skin and give Ii tone. Th« skin should lie well rubbed with a loofah while It Is *tH! wet till tt l» red ..mi glowing mid f'els delightfully 1 warn, and comfortable Massage with ih* lingers is also fcoo<l bill Ihls should he done l.y a second person to he of much uk#. . A Kia*M of hot milk at bfdtimc ami between breakfast and lunch In cold weather is very beneficial, ns also la exercise with dumbbells every night and morning for five to ten minutes at a tint" and all kinds of gymnastic -x --! i rcises Cycle and walk daily, hut nev. er do too much at u time or overtird yourself, us this will only do more harm than good. Above all. eat well, sleep well and do not worry. It*nlty ' onliln't. Ilott'l too Kitttw! • ■«,, rholly Vttevle Is going to be mgr* rleci?" "Yes.” "Sent In your congratulation* ■No. Pact Is I don’t know the girl, sd I can't congratulate him. and T do knows him so r can't congratulate her. IJeue* e.l awkward."