The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Image 1

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fgg m , * UHfto, *t ur*T4| e Vi*** iuwo* S3&*£ss n. *~.«aa **••*« !*»'•*» DIVISION REVIEW OCCURS TOMORROW AFTERNOON Order* Issued Today to Drive Out Huckster* About Camp, i Men to B# Kept Out Election Day—Oenerei Butler U Now Mere. mftt*t*i*9 #1 <|MPeo 9*t4**¥ B#Bt 48%1b888 fPtBMB Brill BB 4*94 •i cwse e»j*«e«»» tu* #**km k## Imvh t*n ir«a iaa*k#4 Ret aM4 ik# #f* u«m «• a itk. ><*■>«•#> •* *•***• ta* flaUeea f#Mi*M**ri* taemffi la wm# Y%* 4et*|t* aa #akt»»k#4 MwerMl an aa» te tuffei##4 lew### Ha**a at <• tk* aian n #-4# of a* WR#*#* »»4 amn-l’tafl imm «k* #■## a* ta ro#k*#t k#f##a ©tffi. T#*ffiff. a lane iroffik## as p#m#l# eew •#* ta la* «rw«*4* today *s#*Hi#4 k* e## ia* *»-»s*w. «a QaMa k*4 »*«**•! ■ i., Matua at aavtM ta* mat Mu* after* »m. M aa ao «*r4*f w ikat *• ~,f aaii «m« taa**#4 aa4 aa ta *atk •« waa fe*4 Ik# win aa* p*#*k#M#ta n , 1| f Itatirr I (irt ll Ik# rttf t i igninrail at tk# daaa* H#' i «ntr#4 aaftf amt tttt bm* laa ra 1 • >wt aa be <44 rmai«a4 tba rm tivMat, M* **• fi##k a •arm r*o#i M» aa4 wa* ekffiiM avail (t , . l4 .fa# atm) as* bt» kamas. tk h ba*a tw> a**rte»#4 bar* ar«l win ti.. them tat ta Aaya®k#h ta aa «t;b h:a la Caba- He ripKi 1° *° ta Cube la a f#» 6#r* THIo ifterfMXß Ik* g»i»>es! 4f«nr 00l to fcio fim •»##f A<>KQ* t >. but Brill te ir,morrow afwrbaaa t i*»b* <U Ifonu arttb (lab. toofil Two atal of I atonal ■' a laaA todar- TU Im govern* lb# #*l# «f trark wowt na| A" a** <tal»* ti«o »♦*. win b# gtv»n a limited Han to aall oat ib#»r *«ock Tb# #«b#r order It given ta N*l: tUMkguw**-* flw* Dtetewm. Seeoad Anar Con*- C«ap MrKewtto. Oa.. TV*. L !*•*• Goner*] Order* Na 41. I. On and after tb# !M Hut- •!> rteuoM la tbit rommtad will be e«m ditrc# 4br tb# r**la«tu tteomriv#*. No private partlo* will b# *lU»w#d «•> roadart th*## tnatiuitioo# »n#r Hal <tate. Brigade common<l»r» •«» <*kr <ho aereaaary aseaouroa to aa# that «*»'# order l* carried lato offset- Tb# #••* of whlobey. bnaUr or belter Itquon to atrtellr forbidden Mob wilt not b* •Mowed to Uko botH#d •« ' h>,r teat# of remove It fro* the c.n.een building- It ba# bdrn reported br H»#i officer of tb# dar «bat bottle# are found •nattered about the camp. »hotr!nf not previously tbla rat# baa not been ' #■- forced U wilt bo rrictty enforced tn the future. The regimental canteen when properly conducted, to of great value and benefit to tb# men. but un lesa the prerertbed rule# are properly enforced It become# a detriment to tho wrvlre. _ . By romr%ati(l of Brtfadltf Oenerßi Oobin: M*J- STRONG. AeetoUnt Adjutant General. Headquarter# Finn Dlvlaton, Second Army Corps, Camp McKentte. Ga.. Dec. 8. IP*. General Order No. 41. 1. Wednesday, the 7tb Inst, being election day for the citr of Auguota no passe* will be l*oued to enlisted men of this command to take effect earlier than 7 p. m. Any permanent pawtea that may be out will not be good on that day. This wUIfnoJ. apply to the necessary details which may be made so rthe purpose of securing gov ernment supplies from the Q. m. or commissary department. By command of Brigadier General Oobin; MAJOR STRONG. Assistant Adjutant General. General Axline had Intended to bring bis brigade down for a march through Bmsd street. He had not, however, consulted with the other oflf!c»rs on the matter and as General McKlbbon will soon relieve him it is not a settled matter. Efforts are being made, how ever, to get Gen. Gobin to bring his whole division for a review on Broad. If thiß Is done a sight long to be re membered will be presented. A detail of a large number cf men Is busy getting the rifle range of the sars In order for rffle practice. The range was offered to the camp officers and they will Improve It a great deal. The crematory of the Fifteenth Min nesota Is In working order and the of ficers of the other regiments ere or dered to examine it and build others of the same type for their regiments. The work of the furnace is complete and it Is quite Interesting to watch it. Camp Chat. Water is being run to the camp of the engineers. The Eleventh signal corps have moved camp to the place at the and of Telfair s.reet -occupied by tha Aixth corps Majors 8.--'Anniston, tVocdOridg# and James bars b»#a appointed a'consult ing beard . Major Woodbridge Will exam In# all applicants for discharge* General Oobin recciv-d » vote of •>"•••- ftp A *"f*» THE AUGUSTA HERALD. mi MI %«. IPM p«e foaaitaaMM owwoon# #4 a*# asas# ja#ai—« MJMI t»otNN»4 lit lb# a*M |»H»i—i twaw j A4|#toot Wewwwa* ho# t#»**wM Ifeaio oio tssp to# owmomomoo at Hast**- I Kp. ##4 aft tan*# Omo #awa«aa I ran tom t#4 ik# Utl Miaio" l * a 'ffikw «t ik* 4#t Tim i»bp#l n 4V. ffi ftak fVkawv«v#oi«. f- * . aoKi ootl Ijuauoiiu Ik#44# a*4 Toe* ro# f (%. tof (k# Mkb Ofcl# * ##w #■! O paw#" Ik* MCI IV# IkfWWlt A S MerVkc of M>k Mleklfw# •# ' rteat seta# 4# Office# #f lb# 4#» tkwowq t 4. Rice «f ike t'ovai.y U* paoo Ha Wot#e Vlktt. N»w n# • < iigi • k»#«kw»ic# t# FWWI I4#sffiffi* a \t mi Ike ct4#e«ee Mfiftom j Hope of Ok Cl • #4ft#*# r l Wk# koo !Mu asffi at Feet Tlu#k#a. koo r*fweo#4 * io kio —skpoow ( A*t Flat «f Ike > agH’kai'ia- bo# •##• #W - o «* 4o»«‘ fwtomab •* Font*, I Ralklium #4 Ik# r>4Tri —f* A** #* r to Raw Ttwft «k • H 4ayV vt#M M bM totker. ile I# * weft known mwellfi I Ifteemk liooeael# •it IdlMn AiiaWaef f*##a 4». vatu kwfnn fiatttiaf. Abbott nt Pe II a#4 ItMat of O. k were iwkitioi ft"* k«oM ikf yawiHliy Ac*. IH«*e #f C*. C t# atek t«4#g ('ortoll of O*. A b»» returned lb* turknurk rv*t. Xeteo# of Co. Gla officer of lb# day. U Termcy of Co. K I* commsod r#f •be Ctiard I Aecond U. Haley ta so ■#• rial 4«ity Iwifb Co. t, U. Barber of Co. I! b a# #pr«tal I duly wttbCn. Id Id. Bnobstovar of Co. ft bo# berm placed in «mimond of t *o, y. Act. C. A. Brt»«* of Co. f, firm*#* pfoeoat aort»om. bo# been given an booer*Me dlirlurr' campiet! nt Co. O boa returned from jUt'k furlough j Agt Rocbey of Co 1 b»» been given a furlough In Deeember ». ! f*hU k. Coltlk# 004 Abbott ore W* tn Oi If O rval of Co. T. baa returned from furtoogb thirteenth Pennaylvaota Co. E went on prarvit duty tbla morning. U. Vorroe. lw*» corporal* and eight private# go on provest duty ot Wbele## elation. i Pout Hummel war rnHated ta the : hand at th# order of tb# war deport , ment. j Tha football t«*m la puriha#ioc atilt# !ollh maroon aneotera. j Corg. Cr#go leovo# for hi# holne to day. j Id. Foote of Co. Bla commander or the guard Eighth Pennsylvania. Summary court waa bold at one o'clock. Lt. Brits of Co. E la officer of the day. Id. Bowera of Co. C ta officer of the guard Id. Hepateln of Co H. who h»# been sick at hla h*nie with typhoid fever, has rejoined his company. Corp. Holler of Co. C, who has been sick In Citambershurg. has returned. Thirty-Fifth rllchlgan. Id. B. H. Cochett haa returned from rick leave. Id. Balck of Co. A ta officer of the guard. Arthur Grant of Co. K. has been ap pointed corporal AT MASONIC FAIR. A Very Attractive Program Arranged For Tonight. After a day of rest from social pleasures the fair votaries will open up their booths tonight and last week’s financial and social success will be re peated. The visitors tonight have a treat In skire for them. The long looked for fortune teller has at last arrived and her tent has been erected, and she will doobtles do a rushing business this evening. Numerous additional features have been arranged for this evening's en tertainment. Special features have been secured for chlldrn’s day, which will be Wed nesday, and a fgestive time will be en joyed by the little ones. A pound of candy won by Mr. S. L. Lawton awaits him at the candy booth. Lt. W. E. Sands or the first Ma ryland won a barrel of flour at the country store. A box of cigar awaits Lt. Puring ton at the country store. A fin? military quartet lwlll be heard Wedneeday. Their voices are said to be exceedingly good and will be one of the chief attractions of the evenv lug. The dancing hall this evening will h« au usual on* al the most popular isaturee of th# fair, and wili b» grac ed by a number of social favorite*. Copt. L. Sandail of the 35tb Micbi g»a who has been staying in the city. h‘as -relnmed to camp. j ATRIP TO THE ■ ; TROPICS Kt. I P* L*rlih#*A TUkN •» Rfpottrf. 4k pguffipwak «4 Raffia Hr Ha* ¥ * BHNU ißffiWMl fCUBB# ftllUPßipy BH«tt MN I Inruwnl IM4 tfUMI • • Wißly | 4BV • *«#♦ ««B likffi !4iBMl f tftkm mm* IBtif»ni of %$$ I Ulf 9«i (I# IfßOftiwi m TB* IMfIW (BMMR ■ HUB Hf llß** ’iimwhmi Imbi B I VfiH |i» NffiHi * I BH4 IB m+* * lIBBHNNBfMMI BlMk ) lllffi Ki* ** Nl<» I B'B4 Mm J«NMI 9191 ftfUßr (BIANTCntiiINB |0 : H*nl4 fmjti* ' f I*4 (Ml MtfßfttMi mi imh'mM a j to Ike fiwgte# wbffi I l#fl A ago*# k# Aovsassb. a Horn a at calk *gA," bo met oil## ##»»-•g tb* oeosgag•* ffiOb a r#*i piano k>«« *tgo». **bwi #w #»• ( rival tbore Gag* Bah## of tb# trap*■ part Wrblgoa aob#4 am to go mi Fwr t* Hie* arttb bias »*4 I 4#V’l4#4 tb#* j I #«I4 ko ao, Tb# Mirbtkaa •## go - tag to |\cio Rea oitk to# Aftb ca« ally. *4 vfcirl Ckf*» - CtttoU iM Two - tkg of Georgia were affiraffil. We bad O 4eUgktf«l trip 4ow# Tb# o*o ••# aa Mkoatb os ctos# ao4 tb# woatbrr iwj : calm, Tb* okt> slight miskap that oorar* I r«l #• tb* 4o«a voyage wg# the rua« 1 slug ob g coral taef turn a# Alive# J Hank. Tb* Michigan stibrh lb* reef - <mrty on* morolag and gklffikbA b bit, I tnw knob sbovffi off Wo arrived off p..ft<e Porto Ktco i on# evening sHovt bib# o'clock. W# I dtaemborked god weot into the city. poor# ta g city of about fan# thous and p-opl#. Tb# Streets are well poved better tbog Augusta Ir-tit 4 the homes are built of brick kb<l a wblto atotortal. Tb# Arne-tvs# flag floats etarywbefa. Street can. mol# peer##, ao trolleys, gad etactrlr light* lb# city has Tb* hotel# gre egcelloat and Ike caistne , all that could he d<-»ln d I woat to ibeatre# ###eral rimes while th#*n, Ev ery night tbenr ta music on the plain sad all society gathers tin re la tb# I theatre# tb*r» la ao ##P#ration of tb# I racet* lb# uvgrnes aad whits sitting | together. In fact, (to Itae of color ta drawn | in the scylsty on the Island. From Ponce we went to Mavagtiei > a city of U.WP people, attualed on th# roa»t Tb* country w# found to be hilly, hut splendid roads all over tba island. Tb# farmers plow up the mountain sides as well aa on level ground. Cof fsd la lb# principal product. We found MayaguAi a city much llhe Ponce. Th# street railway’s «r of lb# narrow gauge style, and so are the steam rail roads. Th trains are small asffir#. regular dummy engines being used. I was very anxious to see San Juan and ao after a travel of 70 tullea we reached that City. The first place 1 visited was Morro Castle. 1 saw where Admiral Bamp«on had left the mark of his sheila, and In one place in the city, the Spanish soldier* bar racks. the masonry was damaged In a great many places. I went to a rathe dri In San Jnan and was shown what was said to be the body of a saint, embalmed. I hswe been fold that It Is a wax figure. I cannot be positive about Jt, however. I visited Fort Christopher Columbus, one of the finest and largest fortifica tion In Porto Rico. It protects the city, extending from the limit or the bay to the city. The masonry on the fort is 300 feet thick. There is an American postmaster at San Juan, Lumpkin of Savannah. In the military offices a great many na tives are employed. The country. I am told, is a great deal superior to Cuba in soil and cli mate. I wore summer clothes there, hut did not find the weather oppressive. The nights were most pleasant. It was the dry season, hut even had lt been the wet One I understand that only a shower, lasting about one hour each day would have made any difference in the w-eather. Yes, I am jnurh pleased with the country and am satisfied that any one with a bit of capital to invest can make a good thing of It by going lntr> the export business. Oranges, can be bought there at 25 cent* a hundred, and cocoanutß, etc., at similar prices. A dollar in our money Is worth Just $1.65 in theirs, so the purchasing pow er of it, you see, Is great." ■•What is this, Mr. Garllngton V‘ queried The Herald man, picking up a cap of brown texture material with a green band around it, that lay on on the office desk. “That," said the attorfney, “Is a cap i used by a Porto Rican soldier. I got 1 it in San Juan. I have *l«o » Span ish fiilg that I collected among the sduveniri' of flsy trip. In a day or go, I will receive a few photos taken by a friend of inias, who was-Tn oar trav eling party and who -i« davelop’.ng them in New York. He bad a, owners, along and snapped many views of MTU Iftttr*«V> ft* Mfcßl Mi ftMiit Attn AT A. «A UTAH Mltff ftAffi* n# ta «*ik* k sffi*## »k* taffisw kt • 9 %#4Na. w» » im J*£t St SB UN* «*M3* BmM# ttß fMtßt -mßiw'ini Nf IffiffiffiF-# fMBHI ««F lIMB fNWKB 9mm Vli&ffffii HIM Bb* im MRtfNMt lIM iMBMBBBi | tBIIFBI fIMMrB ftßßMß’lp CKHBpB tit Hmm Wm- Sm» t bbmi in «* ** m* Mmqm* |l BMMf IMBM9B fmm I# !»-•»• ftiflft p9M MMMNI iMftMMKI Wl rikkGwg itksffif Ik# flffi kffiMMP. *•# » kl'i k##*k • kKM «kk kk•• ffNkffi Ik# Qflrkffitß t k#isk#4 Ik# Mklta-t Rffiw («*•• ktffffi «*4 kiffii fig kww MkMtt A well' kg tkffiws* BSktaM k- **4 . 4#west kg tk# l#Mtil*s*i flkMffiffil k# «w %ea»» kskk. ##4 #*» «viae#ii>* ##*« as la #svk «k# taf fk#*k Tkfff l*ta* k*« M* Itakflaß tkM Uk itakee# 4k d I am akkkl# Me egg*### tk# mm I 4# I f#kk tk# ka4 4M#v *f Ik# fk»M* •tk* #»##> «•* kfk MmM akff tk** tk# «4MB mi ft*! i|s# * 9mm MBl 111 lIM BfBBB |ift9 MM 999 IhMIMRF BIBMMNI i m Hu iiM* bmliiinn Hb iltait fat «Bffi (vt). b»4 «hm 4«i Blßf «r»* (Ilf 994 «r||l IM BMfßf rnmmim lo Bp B ilk 99 ipbßpt* BPI BpDpfp BM fBBt B§B*"PtP m»b< ikPBHY* UWi: AT TUHACCO ta AW I««m C#kffikt k I igkt tk# AM###- . •« t# • t Iwtak K«* 1 "ft fWe. I A grkat t#kk #a «•> #liHi #tn («kk«t«lf ti«ntak># tfce rnafhri of m’llMvk# ko# arokg aa M (BP WtMV IfftA, IS BtrtMlt IB H (GMlhl l*ffi fffifi IBp Bbsbp** ■» n 1 gMm o -cm * fumt wttfc tta «#•*»»» tk# (knuitawtkl Pta« Tokacffi **a«*kt am th* M# • 14# #«d Ik# n»# I'ktok ToSkrc.i rum ;>•#). reitktly limtpuiW I. hf tjtr taldrkvr Rlhmi rt Btkliu 9 orntm th# roiint hag tmersffi ftp th# JAffiaggolliaa Mt«kt R# ’wav ifk pan y and at her gr##» tntrflok talers* I* thrkkffhout tha United RtiMt fl n"‘ — 1 klfh tk# rest rompsr.y ta Ihe conflict will be Uffgeti 4 Msec*, of fit. Lmita. W<kMtk4#< * CoF of l/witavltla; Ike Aov» nnd other tohacro eskrera# that crfa*e* to be abw>rbe.l ky th# traat organ,red ky the Aatevlran Tobacco company. VVlllisir 1411400. tn sgrnt of tk# I'n- Inn Tpbnrrr. eompkky. H 1# **ld. hn# tffl dluflfttHtNl lO buy a •tte for th# grt-sieffi pfng totiaere fac (nry la th* world. \ It i# to emjtloy S.ahff hands and have a capacity double that of th* Am#rlr*n Tohscm com pnay a great UtklgTill# pl#ai. .SKELETONS IN A OtSCRT. Ho4W* #f s Surgeon aad ttts s#r»ant Found. Ann Francisco. Gal., I#e«. The isvWes of Dr. George Kitg< lk#. a veter insry #uigeon of lyis Angalys, and hi* ' servant, Peter Kdmlstun. who dlsap |i.-ar#<l nearly two years ago. after icartna I-o# Angulo# tn a light wagon ; to Jcln Dr. Engclke'a fstn ly In F al * Lake, have been, found In a small ba- I sin m one of the most desolate spot* i |o the desert of southern Nevada. Nothing remained but the skeletons, the flesh having been atripped from th* i bone# by coyotes. Tho akulla were ' harked In n number of placet, and In that of EAmlston were found two bul let boles. The remains of the wagon were found where the woodwork had beeen burned by the murderers. About thre weeks ago a Mrs. Gros* made a confession to th# authorities of Lo# Angeles that a man named Joh.t Hancock, with whom she hsd bren llv ' ing, had murdered Engellte and Edmia ton for their outfit. The women said she and Hancock were journeying to ' Salt Lake, when they were overtaken by Engelkt and Edmlston The,’ ! Agreed to Havel, together and Hancock murdered them for their money one I night aa they slept. UR. BUXTON ILL. Found In Critical Condition In His Store-Last Night. Dr. Thomas Buxton was found last night in a very'Critical condition by a policeman. Dr. VlAetto waa called In and found that he had some heart trouble, of which he Is a sufferer. He Is still in a low condition, but Is resting very well. that country." Mr. Garlington described bis home ward voyage, stating that the trans port was caught in a storm off San Salvador island, and those on board had one night, of a tossing sea and a howling wind that was anything but pleasant. “About fifty miles from Savannah, ’ confined he, “I was the first one to diS cover the wreck of a schooner. I waa on the bridge and sighted two masts protruding from the water. I told the eaptain o£ lt a oil, he took u look at through Ills glass. The veaael was way •undar water.- W* passed several ottiar wrecks, as the i big storm had Just blown over N»w, I believe I bar* given you an outline of my trip—have anyth eT Porto 'tfllcan cigar •rile Herald did not refuse the weed. AUGUSTA TAX Dibit PASSED IVfllltt M |W Iflfeffi4 OH rillflffi I# hf. talk## Akim ki Ik# U##«pa l »**•• ktata »«*4#v xtk #*# hi# 11 4 u. n * «4 1 *k* rtatk #4 tk# ■'«#»*«■» -»*r >m BBRBMI Tfa ibß mi Mt ffil i%bb **- m mm 4 mm 499 m mmm bbmmimni bmmnmmil mm* YB» 818 f s|MffßTl«i* flip' E^lf ; I* f*B» IBtffita *BB IMMMMI MI.HH/111 AM M ta «. iMtttitai VnfcM ta#*w t#«4ai« 4 Tk*e* VftaHtai ll*yMil#k Ok., free A f*ynf G 11. ’ll. IkctwHa rsmiNrt#4 «mk## at Av. j *e* rm?n4»t m p*#v« «f Dr /. H Of- Irvf tta Ms k#A# to Hu #u ua Rot. ; W, 9, JokJttam #f**ck#4 (<*» eg, Tln* BMHttf mmm tut In YBbfb i BBfftrßt tB fß# BdßiMrtß mYwi*«lb. Rtt, mmtfat rn 0TB«B»r»r(ll# 11 K rßtttßß . Seat Thn(*»*< even tag 1(1* rbarrks* 4t*hhr to give k<m #p He tatll tagv# ! mi( i*f a j bmf Bib fnmb >b nga ■ Tk* church at Ml Turn parked ikd *klpi*‘d to *be Georgia ; ItaplM*' Ornka##’ Moth* la A'Ukia * fffif Bi«f| ftBHM hiflTtll of MtflfMlftHlf ffifjtul* TB# ftb!|MHfQt Bide By tß# lo* dtNi cf IM BofFtlßf <*B«*«rß hn Orloßrr to a m(*» rft«rv to 081 Bob * N#fi vorclfftl Bi»4 tß# cfßiofoo## B Hrttfd Aevetal b##g< • la rvatdence and bust#*** or rur very aroD Mr*. Alta# Ktlkkt. of fikell Bluff, baa refried tb* !w. K Rhvd*# farm tad will oooe 1 nan Mr. Rkvla go*# to Burke to fbf place recenMy og-np ed by Mr V. 1 !1 Pace. Mt Santo# 1 M, lx>llaa<l will 1 move h . ta<*t and fl#)> market two | d<xtr« sw of the present location. Mr. | (tao. M. Vt'ealherford r#> *» • f* rn> Imp Mb. Mr* flne M (hi »'TI on 4 , ~y ifee janm bvaee in Rrcdb#i«vlllr. The new dwelling of Dr R fl Midler i* nearing rompleilon Rn C. M. Carswell will #ooo move to the fllory place. Mr H. J. Hell nmewplai”* moving to knvanngh. Mr. H T. 1 Gre»n »pe*kg of going in buatneas tn I Minnie Rev. E H. Wood, of Ac . worth, will occupy the parsonage in a ' few daya. Mia. J. T. Bmbw#U. of Angugtg. : nil# 111 the village today. Sec RscheloT'a Honeymoon tumor , tow night THE ta’EATHER Aiigiuda. Ga.. Monday, Dec. 5. 189 S. I Ofltce located In I’nlted States Govern I ment Ruilding: telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 2<? hours ending * p. m.. ' Dec. 4. IR»* Washington forecast for South Car ! nlioa: Fair tonight and Tuesday, 1 high west winds, diminishing. tVashlngton format for Georgia: Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer lo nrrthweet portion Tuesday afternoon or night: brisk west wimN. dlmlnUk Ing. l/tcnl forecast for Augusta and vi cinity- Fair tonight and Tuesday. THE RIVER. The river at Sa. m. was Ifi.2 fee a rise of 3.5 feet In the prs< 24 hours WEATHER CONDITIONS The storm this morning overlies the northeast section, having been attend ed by moderately heavy precipitation In the past 24 hours, frrm the Ohio valley eastward to the Atlantic bonier, together with the following prominent maximum velocities: New York city. 76 miles from east; Boston. 52 miles, east; Buffalo, 14 miues. northeast; the maximum nt Augusta yerterday reach ing 36 miles per hour from the south west. The -old wave now covers nearly ho entire country, but has not yet reached the upper Atlantic state,#, while clc.v. skies arc largely prevalent over the Sou'h thtr, morning, where a large por tion is below the freezing point. Minstrel sale open tomorrow morn ing. Judge Callaway Sick. Owing to the sicknes sol Judge Cal laway the calling of the appearance docket at the superior court this mor ning was postponed until the 19th inst. Augusta Mantel Company. Attention is called to the leaders of the Augusta Mantel at Supply Co., who have on band and are putting up a flne lint atWeathsr- Stripe The «*ly thing to keep put-tlae cold winds an® drafts. Orest big Minstrel Festival Thurs day night. H*r t at l A«> A Vs At fl' Aim of a i tM utl HUM. tß# «i F«# || Aim Fhh|» »tftNi| %'##? **+ [ TB- <b*m Bm Btaftki B* Bb <(I9B 99 (ttr#. ] Bf H>xi W MNfc Bf Tb#% Utm m BmvMM BtF»B Bb «B# • t %$4 jMlßtf mi fBFBIiB B BBCI #f j IB Vito iLffij (At Bml *B# MNMMt ' j 99996* 94m Mm* B mm ««%b4 *• t«B# | bMMMBBM fffi• - mtm**** •••f i t Atfßßft 9m MU BB iMiil • ***** * «Bg4 li 99H%t liMMF BMUpm,. BM 4 »ffiß*> bMßmmi inßmbK H lIFMf B##f If IUBI 999 PWBN— 1 * *• ■ Hft W ft. ¥*mmm *****9 Tnii MB < B*f*B oißfMppM *m IB r Bl m** •* lIM •*4 of fk# mi 'tad •#• #*4 14 IffiMlt at tte fins##* of GtakMkki# tk#yfeed Hu llstfA kw Ik# flt#d#e*k># #1 tk* tale* NNMMM ##4 f#Hk#ffifeffi# talkW #Bfkk IBM *B«*«| ***** 4mt* 994 **t •• F«it irßitiMMl *m m * m ** 9881 bb4 i fliVkf W 99 Bt tB? (ft MNMI ftKißw* tnß r!*B*r*f* 9944*994 ¥"**9*9*9 h* koi »n tm ffiffiffifS e *H#ffeulftffflita ttf fß# (BMMB F*B(NH- v (BB t**U4* *9*4 »t MBB IB# 949* • ‘•Air mmm* * B# IM m*44 Wfl* fNPBNMpti TB 181 •?# ¥949$ •»><• 4>f tß# ' ««t III)# 9«r>rf j 994 9*9*4*** mi O# rBBf fßb Ml TB Bmp f*BF' t. nr * m f#*tß fat Hm'mtmt wmP*n (Bl* < »lt11»# *m mmtm Bt tß# l**i b(9Hp ill# .- . * «k4#r ft*t ipaurr fat 94 rtmtm 'l bbf |iivfi .i*fc*t* f*tt Br ft* **rr*4 §• ffh# bc>* HB#r nn ftM » fifeffi |?iii milmm! r|(r» rß#rf# AHOT HV RCM4BERS. Waked Men larder a Hnfrt Fro prieUtr In »*Hl*l#n. Ft;talon F#„ D#e. Masked rob- Ifeer* entered th* room of Michael for r»raa a feote! proprlftor of Dwryffi. •ad sttrmpimt ro Mad kirn in bl. beta Co-rorso rroteted and «a* *ho» hi tb# ,##A and killed Th# robbers then bl#n rvper the *#fr in the room and ea #r >Ft with several hundred dollavn. There la no doe. The shot ptarred I’cKStN’l jugular vein and V died almost instantly. The robbers, n be numlwred four and who •nuke fiafM fairly well, then i.r- r* • *ed with the‘r work upon the •as Mia* Kaff# Mrndgbab. a servant employed hy Copeoisn bearing tit# noise began to #crra» The robbers seized h*r and f»#i#«ed a gag between her teeth and ah# vs* belples.-*. They hten blew open tk* #•!# with ibllbera tion. They »eenred about LtAVF.S TODAY TOR august a l.ett. J. R- w atle* Cmning to Hl* New Command. Gen. J. R Wat!#*, with Mrs. and Miks Watlea. let. for Augusta this morning, where Geo. Watte* will b# attached to the Seeond army corps, iiu dir command of Gen. Young. The brigade to which Gen. Watles Is aa .iynrl conslats of two full reglmenta and it battalion, the troop* coming from Pennsylvania, New |lamp»hlre and Tenneage#. Gen. Wilis’* head quarters #lll he at Summerville, Au guata’B prettiest suburb Mrs and Miss Wnties will go on to Charleston, the former home of Gen. Watles, where they will visit relatives for some time. The departure of Gen. Wtties and fam ily from A merle us is mueh regretted by the large number of friends made i during tbelr very pleasant stay of j nearly a mo*ith here. A BRILLIANT LECTURE Hon. J. Henry Eagle on "Henry W. Grady” at the V. M. C. A. i One of the moat pleasant events of ! the week will be the lecture of Hon. T. Henry Eagle on “Grady,” at the Y. M C. A. Thursday night. He Is one of the most brilliant young lecturers on the platform, and his lecture on Grady is one of his best. He has re ceiv’d nattering newspaper notices wherever he has appeared, and Thurs day night’s 1 eat lire will be one that will pay any man to hear. Speaker Fllppin, of the Kentucky Legislature says: "It is the most classic lecture of our day. It is new as such eloquence Is always uew. It is worthy a Haskell, a Prentiss or a Laf’are." The members of the Association will be admitted free with a lady friend. Non-members will be charged the reg ular price. NEW YORK’S FIRE It Was One of the Most Spectacular Ever Seen. New York, Dec. 5.--A fire wieckid the buildings on the west side ot Broadway between Warren and Cham bers street last night and this morn ing was the most spectacular as well as the most destructive Nt"v York has known in years. It was also the first In which the department contended egaiirii a blaze In the. upper stories of a modem skyscraper. The Rogers feet building’s ruin, with all contents, seems «pmifets^.Ssa. 6 i^® rable was done the Postal- Telegraph bund ling »]’hough the top floor suffered mow seriously. Loss over a million. MS, I WfkAffib. 1 n iffifc 4,# M;ta#bFkffil • tk .Mtsak r «Mta* BBMF PLANT!#* 10ANAND HAVING* BANK 9*4*9 4 B ft # B BM B IB CONGRESS IS IN SESSION It High Nkffi ik* Til RkttM JtMffffibtel H I# Ik# I affi tetakta «f ik# Mi imh •M# ta m u »#•#»»* %%■ »«b i i > r . 11#*- $ Bl ** * i iftta ||p UVUMI B'B#'*B ** llff 4 t 8888 l * ABB! •»«”*# tadb a *k#tk "*rk »k# #-«4A efetakt ##ta W*» lifted Pt# ft#•» 4k#M , lb# ffwr4k tad'lA tk# •fW’ffil* taff »»t4* at tb# Atu.rvtak fl#4 w#**, ' twffie# t* tb# H (*••’ o 4 kw4M* «T •■ff»e»l»ll>M *• t#. ( 4 Ik# 'timlkffi «*#k*fi ft Ik taffiatak. at* e#4ff#tfl**, Tta seek* #ri'kU» Ik* tell wg# MUM* »*4 MiMtek* » (U'ffiw -kortly ke fne# mam a Mt tt-tm-'l te#4#v at tha •*>Wltt *a4 Mr Haile*. snMtllf ieataet egffie ta - wiU***«**k fritffi •b« M*t» ■#* at Ikeri roaffgetlvv «*«. «*a#tor Mu<t#u <4 Ateltaffis aggiM •rot wtaato* t* tale* tk# ctettt *i tM# taaftatkfl *t*4 rlawlt tallow lag »»# . ««•!<>* Mm til - of \ VtaKtat (MM W c4t# tk* tawffitar* 4 offitat MM tkk * 9 *9*4** 4 B«Nl iß# Bmh# «#»• ,*4 a are#*# a* aoiffigi*d ## teg* *#*w4sffi hp lb# gallon**. Fi MkkHjr it *ko umk* of IS lb# vie* fielf**' tat##- , rd, sad »•> tadlac <o tk# 4##h. r*##'"4 for order Rgct#torT~ H'geywook '<«t#orrow n.abt. Gteai skuO. DR. H. C. DOUQtfTY’S II.NERAL Laegafv (tiemled 1 bl* Mnrolog I roffi M. IWt (hsnh. Tb* fawn of Dr. Henry 1 <oigk#’l * Itongbtv wbirh oc*ffiv#4 gt It o cUwk ihit Morning from At, Pgul* Nurrh. i teg* one of tbe Igigest that ha* eve# ,»tirred In Augusts IM. C. C. WH* ham* Offinaied with Ik* impr###f#4 burial eervie##, and th# church we# all.d with •omrslaf friend* Tb# faculty nt tb# medical college, where b r reniteied *t*rh taluabte #er* vice*, anl rtudntg, attended la a body, and fornud an enrart tn th# renuttlj, where the remain* were laid to reffi under a mound of (lowers. The casket was h,*rne by Meads. H* C. Hall S L. Sha ill H. C Barrll. F. H. Miller, Jr., and Dr. !.* Grand# ! Guerry. 9 Th> genileoien *et#d a# honomrr Ibe.m r* vi< **i W 3. Cohen. V. J Dorr. A. |C. Durban. J W. McUughltn. G. O, ! McLaughlin and M. K. Macaulay. ■ Great Colorod Minstrel Festival opena tomorrow. STONE’S PLURALITY 117.61 a. Tk# Official Computation of the Vota Completed. j Hurl Mkk& D*r- 5 The official .omputailon of the vote a*, the recent . election ha* been complied rongroso-. man-at-lsirge Galuaba A. Grow Irada j »n tha republican ucket. with Judge 1 \V. W. Portar of rhdadelpbla -.•cond. 1 Governor-Elect Stone's plurality Is | shown* to be 117,6X2. The.-e are the to« | tula. For Governor —Win. A. Stoue, 469,» ! *3l: George A. Jenk*. 352,222: S. C« ■ Hwallow, 131,537. For l.ieutenant Govurnor—J. P. d, iGobtn. 505.283; Wm. H. Sowden. :153,« 281 F,. D. Nichols, 66,930. For Secretary of Internal Affairs —• Jam## W. Latta. 514.609; Patrick Dc- Sae#y. 848,909; S. D. Dickson. 58.123. For Superior Court —Wm W. Por -1 ter. 526,945; Wm. D. Porter. 517,036; Wm. Trickett. *12,564: C. M. Bower. 348.504. j For Congress-at-Large —G. A. Grow. 532,848; H. A. Davenport, 520.- 773; F. P. lamß, 350,213; J. N. Wei ler. 357.481. Bachelor's Honeymoon tomorrow night. Great show. DrToOODWIN DEAD. !a Prominent Citizen ot Greenville County Passes Away. Greenwood, e- 0., Dec. 6.—Dr. Hen ry P. Goodwin died Saturday after noon at his home at Lima, this county. He had been ill for ten dnys and in bud health some months. Dr Goodwill was a member of the last Legislature, having served several terms. He was defeated this year for reelECtion large ly on account of bis salary reduction measures and dispensary views. He was a member of the March con- I vt’ution and was always firm in his po ,lli leal beliefs. He leaves u wife and twelve children, |one daughter at Wlnthrop and a son at Clerason. His age was 49. Jeremiah M. Whitmore, a prosper ous aud prominent farmer and ex , member of the suffered * slight stroke of paralysis a lew days I ago while in town He is now resting 1 easy at the '-Windsor Hbtei Bachelor’s Honeymoon tomorrow night. Great show. MilrTriiWiMwHylßll