The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL «mw i *ai i *mi inn aia w*< * * N fMAahJtttco | THC RIHT CRApfH OR ®iue Gam J#we«» - COAL AatKrecto Ui tw immm mem, MAnm ui>i» * • *«> »"»■—« —ft** CITY ICE COMPANY. AUH.IT* *»A»KI !» t*OTW- '•* l% <| OTM* 4ft*HOT-*** ***n Ml 4MNMMM nrrvia 9** t RMiA-itf ***##»** ** * pimM umifV ihtik H «« »* ** ■hpngMl sm*** : s iNitiMf *« «* i W MMI I®® * *» ***« VI 1*%4l yt« tn ivv w«ti» » ft aw jflMMtmMtm IfiVVk- •* - _^MM*AM CftftftM* ft"* 1 •"ft**** • ♦* *• ® *****,,** gSSft V xftiwta OTSOTdI * * I*'*** *JJ ftoOT*to* llftto* y •. ~ fimt* Mt f'wfti ....«■ •* •*** ■ l» M >—»"*»»* **••< * •• *«** .. .. . «•• “ „ DM* •MNtK .. „ .. «* w Chtofta*. HOT* .. •* ■w •• •• •• - l«rtt .. ... ... •■ .• ** *• * UVI tfDCI HARktt Hi -| «,«•! ia«M« >• #*„• ft*—Ut Mxft*, *r*fi ****** B*4e# •• ■ **"J* *vt*« • wim— »« #*tra .... •* | Pn. *•*»*#• »« l *. .1 AU> * !•**■*■*■ I* •*<*• .... «» *** liMM ...... . fft- 5 * M*l-ft IMM. kaOTWm* ft* •*' t»» .. m•* * «* «« *• ft* Iftld 4*#* axtofftff* •*•#• ■•* **• foitog to***"* .. ft«4t I* I I *•»«* M '•*** ikm if *••**. n*i **»*• .... •*-*»•* |« If, fW* tor-e* «OTMa. » • . »*' <*•■« Audi*** rww bwaft. 0 O . r*t «"* A W tbrM b*ftft re«*». * ft . I* 'A** • U M t*M N'(.it. If. Ift i* I* P»T OW'D* gw*» « ftiflif* sswl “h*. t***• •itWinliN. 1-4 AWIil ■•• | 41fil(.(Vlil* ft fl ft AIM*! .* " nrtr.itdb <H t tt (MMa •• * *‘ gMR* . •• •• ...*•• •• —• *J"? Hftvilftt ill# 4*4 H H H Juha ft. Kin# *-« ft * aftlr'lag •■ 2 *■• JOT* I* KMC » HM* « c .. . » I * | fti*< iOL SILK (MINlt! M* yd# *• *ft»*l ft** ft*** ft COTtIM.II. M gd* »* **OTl. ft*r ft** •» BLEACH! NOB, . MlkoH*-** • k*BB I* * I* ** WIGMA* ft nut es thft ft*m. •• «■«**• •• • • }** fruit as lb* to**. T-fi lt»rft** .. .- • *« r»bd. t-l * Cftft*t. d-d *fi AJftta* Raft*. **• ltd. «# IM WaOT .. .. « l*J j»«. js. Kitty »•« ft ft •• * * * JOT r Kin* *-* A a •bMtlftl .. * I * • • •• •• •* •> JOT. f- A*''* fft-lßfh o*t*r*»* .. « >-• Jot. ft Kill*. M tfteh * c ft* Uift»l .. . _ * jot ft. K>e«. M tftrh ft* ft* M.. 1 •' *»* fa*, ft- Kin* ** Iftfh !»up*rl°t •• * »■* ftRINTft Alit*rln*tt tblrtin** fit**.. .. .* * I** Mtrrlmnrk •ftlrtlaf*. ***** , 3 *2 r|trt« o**k dr*** *tyl*a ***** •• > 1* V Oil* <faacy> • •• • Allan * * * ftimpOTft » *•* p*rn»l** •• * fotln ftpoe! enttnr.. p*r *°* *' 4tn*rl<*n lndly. Nuw •«*«♦ .. 3 *•* piatvr Oil* tuolldl ***** . •« ••* Amtrtean ladt«o blu** *lx*4 .. .. * )at*rn*tton*l bluett* **x*4 .. .. * Alien • rardln*l* ««x*« , •• * Al!*n'» L*toa»» ***** 4 India bln* 4 w ladi* blu* 4 Ktlni’ant'* ‘l** 4 . *. Itartb* W«*bm*toti s«<«* * *-« C*rn*r* radiant* ***** ...<•..* Charter Oak*. *»x** •• •• •• •• * ‘‘l TICKS. Mampahirr .. *J! Am«*ket( A C A .. .. .. .• •• *® '** Ams*k«*K A .. .. *? Amo*k»a* *’2 Reciprocity .. PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill - * *** Four yird, good 32 inch .e •• .# . • 4 *•* Lodi «*ftM * J-* Lodi dre*» »tylea 5«x«0 * ** 4 St. Clair draa* atyle* * ocean * s * 4 Martha W»ahln|:to»i fanclca .. .. S 1-4 MlnteilaneoUJ brand*, light a eight I* I-!ai« 1-S le*etta * yard* plain i 1-* Thorndlk* B •• •• * *-* *'* Pelbam. *2 bal Ito baa la jr. O. | .. SO ball* to b. x lt ; K. G. P., 10 ball* to lb I 1-3 Muacogre B 5 1-! It trch 4 1-* yd. plaid*, beat make t *-* Simp*<-n dik tilllah foulard* otx Pacific mourn:ngt. (»*).«* * 1-3 Chine silk* **x*4 * I- 4 Middle ford * Rockport * I‘* Slater * Id Concord, Mxßo .. 3 1-4 Rome MxW *l-* * *•* * 1-* PlfUi Avenue * l' 4 KIiARSEV S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearecy * 1-4 Kincaid and othere -• . D 1-* LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER Unit •<’«*» Roaendal* cement *l.*» Portland cement *2.?5 to 8.25 Louisville cement In paper sack* Plaater lo bbla tl.7i HARDWARE. Wall bucket*, per do* *8 00 Painted bucket*, per doi 31.10 ■ H B B cedar pail*, per do* .. .. J 1.75 i< jj B B cedar pail*, per do* .. .. 32.00 Tuba painted, per nest 31.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rape, Sisal, per pound 7c Uope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcalle Nalls, wire.. D-l* base Nalls cut .. .. -«• *••«*.* 31.4* baa* bhavaia. Am**, per doa .. .. ™*ny» shovels, diamond, per dee .. .. 37. W Shovels, riveted haak, par doe. .. I*. .5 Blow blades .. * *'• b *2* Kktnti. ied topj Per Cos .... •» .> 5.-25 I Haft**, »*4 tap mat. P*e fa* . » ft ft * No,* tmm •«***, pa* A*e ,„»,*•*• Haft* 4MOTS pa* I* . .... „ .. f *4 *#* w«OT pw lb , „ I M : ItOTOT gfc-m. peO bag W » w W ** • «|»f* spec pee bag ■ ~ M W ~*•!* '*| 1 jr Dis j*. Ig M 1( ~ , gps frt.t sbataa pee la* pep „ ft IMM S ft*** »i.iag* ft** P*-«P M a. V M*l «ft Napa-* ttftba ttg. I p*e geaa* ~ . ftf Age t*b4 pee *b , ~ ~ , m m Hi CMMsp egefa pa* #*g , ~ H »#«.**** APa bgP flea Ha I par dap .. •< *e a ft* r* a-4*—a Ha. * pot d*g ~ „ ff AM ft.MOT Ha K POT daft • A >pa 1 dr*4 ftaal - r pee dag,..... Haft* tft «H efPSSftg. dgtveglaed POT lb fc HeftHsg, plgg *4 I*. * ft* S * P*. f. f. Id PTaTR Hovlg UPST- itlriMi Piaeft. gpd b»a4a ftueWab at bp d*bb W tftefeep. Hid. Aabed 'lagegw 4-a. tftld .11* ...1 dwetla « I f*, tftll . .. . ... j ogwrirm 1 i n ten Wf ... Orerib |i ts |Md ... .. .I*4 M . j Opaeglp • I-fa I*l* .. «... Mi ... Pabtb CbeOTtn* 4 1-fft* . .. ..HI It* CITY KINDI Aadw.r. IP MOT tH ... ' AuPbfilp *l. HOT ,•««... .. HP ... Abgw’g *» IM* . ~ „ .. te* ... j APgOTtp I IT* IW ...... l*» Abgtretp r* Iff! ... .. .. tH ... Alien-* fa Mil .. MM . H* ... | A'lgPt# ftp IPM If* ... 1 Ailpa'p fa MW IM ... Atklfttg I l*r«. tPM I** ... : AtiftP’ft fa Ilf* I*f m. PavbPMb *'a MM I» pp«aa»ab fta Ml* IM ... Rrana la IM* <•* CnliHnbbP k* IM . ..... It CnHimOT* I l-r* IK* ~ . I*4 ... Mftenn 4 1-fa IK* . .. .. Id ... I Harm fa IK* , .. IM *C«I!MBhtP fte.fp S. si .. ** ... | Cb«r lasing ««, tip* ...... *7 ... • Grftdad MILsOAP ftciVT'H Qenrtb I*. It. * Pk| Co, fa Ms! IM Oaargla R R A ftkg Co. | fa IMS .. *. .. .. « *■ .. IM ... 1 CbaHotta CoibtnMa A Aa guttp. lot *’ft. IOT* .... MS ... 1 Cberietre, Columft'a A Au pue-ft Id ra MM m ... ' APgnftta Pe. ft. H., r*. 1*24 . ... M C. R ft Ranking Oft OUftt oral Trust I a HIT . .. . K ft* Pout ham Railway I't. 11*4 ~ M ft Central #1 Georgia Railway. let copotl mort »#. I*4* .... K M C. e* O. to! pe»f to *» 4# Central of Ctoergta Railway, Id prof income*. I*4* ..... 1* 14 p, of (j Ist pref la . I*ll ... I t G. P. A ft . Ist m. I'a I*4* .. M* IK South tjoorgl* pad Florida *d r». I*** »** ... S Poutb Georgia aed ftlorld* 2d r*. t*K . IK ... I Groan Stramahlp Co.. Ist fa 7d T a UK I*4 ... ■ EACTORT BONDS. Enterprtoa Mfg Co., Ist fa. IMI . IM ... Sibley Ilia Co. Ist fa. IKI . 100 ... | Slbloy Mfg. Co. let Is. HOI .100 ... | iO*. R. R. A P Co. atork .. I*7 200 Southwestern R. H Stork .. 00 i l * Augusta and Savannah stork It lid UK A IN AND PROVISIONS. Oat*, whit*. eacked .. s> | Ooata. mised. sacked .. .. .. , f .. M I Corn, white eacked I! Com, mixed .. .. .. 4* Mul. bolted, per bushel .. ••47' 1 i Flour, common J.l> Flour, fancy extra 8.7* Flour, eecond patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent 4.1 t Flour, fancy patent 4.74 Wheat bran. 100-lb aackt »> Fine feed, 100-lb eackt ........ SO Hay—eiatlve. per ton 15.00 ' Hay-Timothy, per ton 1J 00 Hay—choice, fier ton .. 14 oo ,Hame choice eu»ar cured .. .. lOaim Fmoked rib "Idea * 1-2 1 Dry eel rib* 5 J-4 ; Lard, pure leaf. In tierces OH Lard, kettle, rendered In tlercee. 4 1-4 ■' " ••■is -lntt" r.nel«f». , pm cut the engine* of a vetsel "racing" whim the ecrew rises o rli - water. Signer E. I'ntaio hai •t: i- lan electrical regulator. Tht j m i . .fling to ludosiriei i mulct# of two vsaarls of mar . er.,si at the bottom by a tube ’ fore and aft in the ship. : H ate about half full at nor !u. When tha ship pushes for io raise the ecrew. the reds rd with the resutaurr arc sub • gyd uue after the other. «o that an U' magnet is brengnt into play, the ■ • !e resistance being short oirenited ybeu the knew is quit* out of Ihe wa in the eleoiro nugiw operate* a tbrat ife valve in the main slsampip*. whieh is thrown upon by auother magnet By this arrangement the steam i* turned t,a and on. Krom experiment* it hal bsoi, shown that the mercury veaieli need nr'; be more than 84 inches apart ct. a chip 800 feet long. They M«rrlr4. Ft-- hnpr he repented, perhaps he did n only ior fun. Said be. “My darling • nr i. whs: would you aay if I were te you il'iit 1 cannot marry you?" ■ i sToult! say, my deareet lore, that bas e ii big brother who would maka i warm for you nnd that I have soraa c l tho swev n-t lutle billets doux that would ii'.ii'-' ii expensive for yen, Jriuge, ibvi "itet. ' nr. know, I haven't said it.” "I know you haven’t, my pet.” • ■j«q sve'n better get married, hadn’t wt*'r" •>j r ,,.>i :r t-reciona.“ —Leariaa ?i r-: y ejy atdPOKIA. THE; BTJk. .HELR-A-UD | IN TAM HAN I LA* «i**t iMhfMi in 4MMI mm lift® •Hi wP® 14* I |« nt tfb# iaaihVMMTTI (m I «*# itomm *# ****** *h4 I m i<nii*Vi f%* wiii ww* 1 1 Mfctft rjinr-r jrair# K» W H«ih% i *** l(V» * I4HHW4V 9%® «**•!•»** f tMM| *9 4 *4 | ««m it** hi MNw® m mmH • ******* ' - j ffciigf MM I# r'tuf-yit liw* ■ *# 4H|W® *** f-* * *4W§ **rw IV® ***** •9 WM I ** m *v* *** mMV HI *V® HPHBH 9***"t V#V <NNHI HH IPVIWV** §O9 *• •wftw “ ft ovi 14W| HV tVMM <W*' IHHT*' Vi mm** m$ Ml *V® VHVI «f twi* *|i| •VtM •* ®HNV ll» rm** 9 * ** 4h# «mmi «h® fH* *mm >.f 1 ftWV §*4 Mis • IMI IV® *4 4 V* dramgtft OTetlbg gs igßb t* '*• ftb** 4 ****** tot appraaOTW ** tH* AakMbdHdj ||(M <Nf tMMVHHi ®®4 "**• l® mi tt ym niff ®it tv® ivipMNi ***** a t m** • mm vii tvivv* ! ®®W W It *HV* Ml *V® WP* | r tn* VwV nrtv®vtHHi »*fc* i Ilf® IHH* IV®V 111 V®it®f VWiVIHfV »•* Otftoe «PMlftrg»to« •» ft*OTOT K ’ft* 4 ! ppara kb* pbeSdad Tb*e* tatfl bd a* OTor* war id iPafti tafaada *» fftr a* mat pcapabt foeboaiftf r«* rnanpot# IIP draadfbl dalle* and d**g«r* has* bag* bar**aa*d »• ik* rAgrtot as page* Aed wb#b Ik* r«dHß**t eft* ro-ertia* IOT aag N la ftrygaa ta bal tor* that f will Man. ftgt bam* Ml dwl ah** from halt to ftbt a* cg*»ptfi* ip tWl rail la aipatOT at net a* ** '-ft* •«****• lap Ip. aaaa f«w ID* few wbo aeay flad fatal Ifeaeo, aa IMP OTtgM la** found It kft* ftoatb Kalb* iM agetA and ftottkOT wait* on wgr go* doalatg ad. pear* Hat tfe* bop* to raoaegp blo tbgt bat few tpotbee* *b<4 *W»** and awoOTbaart* fill b* a*too«t ft**** tbe happy ikmog which will rojolco >« Wplcrgga the bOPOT OOIOOT* *h**gt bo cause of grief ae aagulsh go* the a*- rot urging hrga# hot that *ll rggka of •ftlmma will nit#Bd th- **»S Itor* egrbaag* "f arm* In *be gH*ggtlto* It tnuaf ha remembered il»a< the boy* an far regmted frog I>o*n Infloenro* and largely left to idlegaae ebottld roreivn all tb» moral suppoet which ran poaalblv be mmntaalrpted Hears mother of lio** aoldtara should urge lb every lettar that bar boa glao epeclal. eogstant heed to the gdtnonl tiena of tbe chaplalfi Tba aorround- Inga. the rondll Inga df army l.fe. cog dnr# strongly to hgfmful wtya. and the sold ter* who peraavar* )g corrart habits Attrrom owe than armed ad veraarle*. for greater at-ength baa ao man than ha tha tempted who near comet h himee'f Aaaor'atlon. roa tart hotnea'rkneaa. the long wat-hea of the night, opportunity - even where there be go natural propensity, no etili|val»d dlapoeltlon to the west neases of man - theae things atrongla induce from ordinary ruatotna This Is not meant to Imply any apeelal aig nlflranre to the Drat Tenneame ft I* • general truth applying to army life But neither do til anldlora yield to temptation; many, verr many do not Rut some do. and aoma of the heat among them, Therefor*, a* none at home will know who may wlthatand, and who may not, all concerned In them should exert all the good Influ ence* that ran be brought to bear on them. Thft Pacific M wide, but not so pride as woman's love Acro*» It* bosom then, let constant mfgn«*« of encour agement, of affection, of confidence, i and cheer, go to them Recauae ves sels nail only at considerable Interval*, do not let tboae Intervila regulate your lettera. Let them accumulate and reach your hoy In a heap How lone ly will that soldier fee! and how neg lected. who receives only on# little missive a month, whilst others get them hv baakatafil!. It Is not Im probable In this friendly rivalry of letter- getting that he who lead# tnay he declared the hero of the regiment Nashville Banner. % An Enterprising Druggls-t. There are few mem more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A Wll let, who Spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Cough* and Cold*. Thla I* the wonderful rem edy that I* producing such a furor all over the country by Ita many startling cure*. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and oil affec tions of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottl* for 10c. or a regular siae for 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. It Made Her Bine. The bride was showing her weddiug present* with great delight, but when har viaitor pausad bafore a flue etching of “The Angelns” har fact fall. ‘‘How baautifull” waa tha axolama tion. ■•yes,” tha bride responded, “but it ja so sad! If it hadn’t been given to Hanry by bis favorite unola, I should propria* having it takan out and some thing els* put into the frame. The tiame is lovely I But it makes me blue every time I look at the pioturß. Thera that poor yonug couple have just bur ied their little haby—their firstborn, likely—c.h, I can’t bear to see it!” And the bride wiped away a tear.— ' Brooklyn Life. Mstakborlr Comment. Utftl* Rubs—l hssr that city farm« that kaapbt Si Brawn’> farm to play with bra**** that kla tatoM oast him a qmarSOT apt son ta saiss. Caals JaOT —Ain’t it fopay how a toga hia b* pots'* of bsin »4itn foolfc flribftunpoli* Jewpaal- ) GOOD MCI | BiKIKG . FOVDEF I U | c til fciv fFinls I ! H idU r*t t*#ft€%*4tftbj t fti us f iftftg tn|r on i*f &*&* Hole «, feilgu'SnlA ; Rt KcuHMpnd BtI'HORSOTI f Ifltfl* I%CNdI9IV9'iIVNMPMVI >t 'li I iitfi uf*:!j t is|* i l ''TTt®ind »*.» ■ Hi|Hr||9 eff mu if% I rowtf#f* ohv Hi Mvnufftctufvd By The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. ASiirWaits LIST. I *’*' Hb Hi I l * ll® Ts VMhaVt®®, VMiwNMNi, ViMl®liMi Vllfft*#® llUi(«n Hr<®%*#. MifUki VfnV*» MIcmNNmVMI. m&h fNs; t®%OT ,'lk Tv®«i fnt4«n C*4*miol®- MEDICINE LIST! Mj GILDER • LIVER ftILLA. f*c tot. The moat tiftafttslf aa*4 . ftoatkera pill. Ho grip**. Ho j iiflrnu WtlJh fHEVRY fTIE IS®. IJkSIV* HR A DAY'lift I fr* Ito IJ. SSc hfi Kn otAiw, j tn an tier rib Atora* M oatttf *T beadarbaa f aria too, ikofit sg>ree bust betPS. Y. K W . Mr. Awattaraal gntmrrfenoa j rur* Cure* as oars Hi NTTRR Mr Aa la t«tf*l o<re for gonorrhoea, lns- Bf*'lil* cure. Tie Hfiwirf 1 Vi et r rci Cispaif •1) Broad Btraat, Aupuata. 7' SUTHERLAND Hi SISTERS’ j HAIR GROWER n m ovim 14 ruum Tftft ki«hl* wnenm pwtwrMs* ft« soft at ft- Iwft «l *ll ft*** w“to*» Mom Una aeo.'W l-ftho !>•»• I—« sms b» dm Am.r:'.. o—st. «i»l <lu>u.**d» <ft • .uamswi. i-s* wttoaw to IM .imitoam. •sue ftm worn MSI so* o.*,pl»*s— wftm dims*—as sot lpBo««4. srvt* airmefUAMO siarcnr SCALP OUASIR to tha naif dnndraß eum. Vo* .hem- I-»an«. It ha* n<> <->ju*l. ’ AM Lhrm Ot Nfghto POT# N. FI IEOH FENCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. SlO 10th ktreat, Angusla, Os. of Town Work Solicited-^® 300 SOLDIERS Great Fireworks Display Battle at Santiago. . . BLOWING I P OF THE MAINE . . Un«> Tbourstid Dollars wrrth Firework* iat l;»tr half Dark D*c b. 12,14. Fru-r —26 and 80 cenja. MANAGER T. A FOCRCHER. ? PORTNER’S < ( HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / l/ BRANDS OF / \ Export \ ) Beers | ? ARE THE BEST C S Af?K FOR THEM. / « BRASS BAND OUTPITS PIANOS, ORO ana and J MUSICAL INBTRuntNTE. Evarythlag N*w la O® SH«»TfHJ3I« THWIAS Sc BARTON, ft. CALL fD« ! liigusn Brewing Co s EXPORT HIK4 s MM i/ikx J ’J 4 W* \ t !%■ . jy fUto jj i I B E Ii L E OF O PJ O K QT A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —fall r««R— AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sum* desired from SAOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tims, or on lOyaars tims, payable in equal annual Instalments. Lowest rates of Interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AI6I3Dder&JoIIDSOD Agxe’a Sc tbeb A m r eaa Mongaa* t omi—ux. 705 Broad St. IF YOU WANT" TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN i an ni. B. R. MITCHCLL. AI PX MrDON ALD f*upi. 04 i'ot>. ."*«c. A ii*u. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mdubali §i:w. b.i*ctricßuppu»»—-peeklug Tub-#, sic., ale. Kxpair* to ail l«< irical *|>|-iiraur. Eift-trtc Ltgt t Wiring* apxcialty. RalUPhua* 1002 - btrowgtr 67ft. goiLEßftED^»_YETPft___ AaUrxry IOW rnWIS barm xto-k Mao p?glt,>At rv.ft M»> HTTIX.K UN- Olsat. *OII rß*7wtl.l.* and Itr.PIIM. Lombard Iron Works dr Supply Uo., i ai ill GOES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. U9B. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.j 6:21 p. ra. Lv. Sanderaville . I 19 p. m.j 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.j Lv. Dublin 10:00 a. m. Lv. Maoon .. .. 11:88 p. ra.|11:55 a. m. Lv T«nnille. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:50 p. m. Lv. Sanderaville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:2t p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. in. Eastern Tim*. Class aanneatlan mad* at Tennn 11 a with Central R. R. l*r Maaan, and wl h Wrightsvin# and Tannlll* B. R. tor Dublin and Kawkinsvill*. «. W. JACKSON. Oan. Fgt Fags, Agu Jamas U Jackson. Jaaaph H. Sands, Rccklver*. JfcfSjliSLSd HAtl fttiali aGfthfiilLHl Charleston 1W Ciroitna *ii t t® * * wm**i V# ®VM®W V f AMI - * t# 9**m f% |MV : C# A * ’■*' ■ **•»*-*■» | v bPHftft I »Ktriftiiißiii : - ~ j--- j k *t aa> - Vp® m®f 'Vs#* *m * «#'••]* my** ** * f * hothmumiZhka. _ _ i ' *■ MBftNbl j * ■VWWV»a *m;i (••« *•*> I V iIPWi j ** W* ®# ffMtyyVft* *«# +**±i** j I * VNfIB®fNRMVVv *•* vs »•»#*» 1 VJWM®' vtotoy fttototo j ! 4k* * MpHHPft* S ktototototoft’ V®>|®to l| |®NV ' !A* i*;|m-** *mm (OT* t I At mmrn .p>• pot* I ** iNRVhVWti *■##• •*••*•«* -1 * IPBNiPs* - * 1 *IWpVM' ******(((*» VM» .0T...4 I ||t 4k Wig**— ««, •***•««« »!«**• to***! 111 AfWMbA® 4m«m»M4*»|mm«m* torn* j I * (Mwamm* 44 ** »•** |»*.****** I I * .«•**,*••. MINA! MWi 1 * ppsappM*......... . I aMpot j [ *H*HOTOTft»...~.. 1...«a»—1 toPOTOTi r» rv ii — t — i -it 1 | ie£— • SaWOToS,,, m..... L ..... ' t*OTto » fsat Hn*OT»V.V ****.!". i «4t ftp* •ft hi,-i - I lAdraa s*um fOTOT EMgOTi MPftto I ePkrftad OTJMOT I I * fiUtoitatk J.... HMtoa I mamM—Bf I 1 «r ft i'<# h>» #ftsftaOT*•*•*Hot if.t.dM tilt*.— lie tor all >—i ] I ** ft A, I- . ftoa» r»ft»»**ii*> as *raesw"«»d to* at, : : pas (. A. L nl f. AW (suwaft* j I aOT ftr a markers •** lift ✓ra mi way Pot e*y kklsaOTaOTa *»*♦•*# w> ia*e4» : i tataa, HaaOT ea. #«*.. aftirwa, to .|. i RAM. *•» Ito Aa*. R. U. PORTH PiStoi'ttoa Ag* f . H b.Ht.RftON 3 est tor Haaagw Aa*a*to Ha BLDE HIDOE RAILKOAD. H C HEATTIR Hacaisar RaathOTHk*. ft—' Soft fw*, Pot’A a firm Pay'd Cm—a C lftaa X Oaaa Oaaa Mia'dg Mia 4 rty Dt*. ; Mailea Dty !«/ Nr IJ H« • g No tt Ns * AH rt«.| ‘Anna lata f * ** |» * t M t 0... Aatonaa ..#! I KTI « |1 II IN «... {-aver ....f * *1 I*'** R'fl! t OT IH .... Aatwa .»,.f! * HU * ft U 1:1* t* .. far llo’aa . « t tol. *3 h* 2 OT ia itorry Cntol f 4 ft* l» U *:U t OT I* AA..m • CrOTi f| «:I» U •* i t u** .. ‘*enaca ..m 4 r» :t H 1:14k || J 4: **J I4k tai. town t'rioa .to * ot; tUt Hi! .. to-alkalto »:11| am IPR ! I Lear* Arris. PM IFM Matt Nil __ Ha4* NM { * Rsfuiar Station, f »mg Stottoa All ix War tralaa from Andarseo t* Walk*La have right t* track over train, of the same rlaas moving ta op. posit* diraettoto, anlvas otbarwiaa apsc- Itto-d by tralp orders Will also atop ai fottowtoif atari,os to inks on ot tot off passengers. Pbla nr, a. Jamaa and Sftndy Ppvinga. No U rocaacta witto rail way N*. 1* at Aaderaon. No* ( and * cormert with Soother, rati*ay No* 1* and 17 at Samara. J. R. ANDERSON. Supar'BtendrnL ii fit NTIC COAST LINE SHORTEST and quickest route TO THE EAST AND NORTH. tiOTpmi Lv..Augusta. Oa. Ar I 7:M.m 3 t»pmi Lff Alkrn Ar I t lOTm 4:l7ptni Lv....D»t,ntark....Af | *;l7pm 4:Mpmj Ls.. OrlßSl’S -• Ar | s:4oam < Mpm| Lv. Sumlkr. S. C...Ar | 1,23 am I **pm| Lv Flcranea....Ar j 1 2S*m 10 S3n«n! Lv.. Fajrettavlll*... Ar I l ltpm 3 21am| Ar.Prtrrrbftrg Va.Ls j * 12pm I-OOam A r.... Richmond ...Ls | * 12pm j T 41sm| Ar..Wuhtngton..Lv ) 3:44pm 1 k:o3am| Ar... Bsltlmors....Lv | 2 2Spm It 25%m Ar..Philftdrlphla..l.v |l*:o9pm i.olpttii Ar....Nsx.' Torb....Lv | 3 3Cem Pullman nalac* buffet slryplr.g cai* from Macon snd Augusta to Nrw Tork without change I R A. BRAND, G«n. Agt-. ,2S Broad fit.. Aagusts Ga. T. M EMERSON Traffic Monster, H. M EMEKTON. Gan. Pan* Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, I*?*. i9o!h Merldiao Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. ;No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. j No. 4 For Savannah Macon Atlanta *'M P- M. No. « For Macon Atlanta, snd Way Station* .. * 20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* 930 A. M. | ARRIVF. AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:10 P. M. , No! 3 From Savannah, Ms con, Atlanta «:S* A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta and Way Station* .. «:50 P. M. I No. 03 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. No*, t. 2, 3 and 4 dally. Nos. « and 6. daily except Sunday. Nos 52 and 58. Sunday only. Sleeping c?ra on night trains between MUlen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur- ; ther Information as to schedule*, etc., I : apply t > M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W, A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. a solTdTer after the spree needs LAND’S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headache*. 2 for 5c., 26c. oce box of 12. THE HOWARD * WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. Removed to 711 broadwayT E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubb*r Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges.&c 711 Brpadwav. Augusta, G». throwger Phone 262. BBLLB QJT &BOB&XA DECEMBER B HAlLft>a*D ftCßllitlLßa LCt(. MILIMT CO to# **mm •CMPHHA mp* o mm-- mm ymmmtm V *4® I MM** CM fcVi## . tp» **» -*4» rk#* ? *4M* f *i'4*«te I fk* g »##*•'*■*' ■' I# I * ‘*R Si 1 4k 9 * V®** *** * \ '”'#(* A * .. »* a*A*A® ' v»*• h*n t, to %m i **mm 1 I # s ft-*#. | * * I i®W®. I a* I - #%# kkmi* if%i# t* i Bill m*m I»MV 1 V* **" * 4r ® - IMS’- *9 * Rhf %»*® . 4k®MS r to#®# *1 ® * I>• ****** *9*49** X lid inaffTFlßgT i raßw^jTpCg I ®» * isp .®*® i$ *+• ** I »*si i niShK yv®vi 11 * # ****** t® Cswwvrti, %mmm I **■•’*** *• i *£*'**£ I JSB iltoffs *»—ft> RwftHp I |u*a <1 —ft.. A «— hw I*# a* - a mots I ft# *••»-.., lAv w a» >'sot ft Mot I MiftiH abl» n 4 IN via i *>ti**R ! Tt majii ft—ey** to #»d OT»s> ’e— Y —ra t* 'IOT-OT» '4.'«yw T • ft-* T. .s .a 6—t jA* a-saw..,. .ft- •!*«• l* toaM> -aa OTum I a* P»*maaft. «.!!»• 4* N-td to cam A» >«tra>'to.-.**-*> L* Mas : Usot {A> to*ab*toa> JJtmrn ,*t AHra ~)••«** jAt Re* Y-sht JRp—:A# A—raws ..Ffttom i sae—<••■* as tliidiai* a>*ft Rots I Ye I »—w»efft atoft * *ft n-a»" ar } Je>Ran*i«tu* I* *»aOT«OT*da*-* A««w«a j a Aft «A» < »- mto lOT Saawd OT*OT ak»w«w I ** HR* I ®f* VtotoSlVa . . I. H PAblto. I. A *to«pe«R (banal Ml s If, tfttoßelfMßHt R R Bftato**. «»*• A«4 / »»-*— '•* • SOUTHERN RAILWAY. - ST’ —**- POTS ‘ex wotwota**. smwftm aftft otwot r«»a I . kwttlwsft —l| IW, 1-. J-. 1- POtoTRy w2l‘ II Sa Z css --- «t;j u *ui L top*ft •* ige i f •jefe!BS Si: tor (iraeeabnro 44 A p :C, Or»OT*k»r« ... . *!2,® Ai.ltdMl ■»■ ■ Ka, • D*«vu—. I H ll ft, 1 *ft Slip _. . *• *i a*, aa Ustl) Ml, |w.' x- York. Pa. AB. s Ni p Vi-'w* IhUtoAMpMa lUp ( turn • |ta.nm iftp aA a to wi« m. to. By.. k> 4*p U Ua to Rb-kmoad . Uktoftj UOtis Lx bMxtll* 1 ta»| *Up L* Morfsik .. *Hp Ar OTMtitoiX ..... Ids . .. tot Urwaaabora IN, 7 Skp ' n-rtotf* (M* to top • Rook Kill Kto a tl «*p • Cl—tw iv .* » It 37 p • to II II * 12 Ha Ar orb!* Btoad’a xt ....... n umv tar* lx C<-.nmbiaCa dept. 1 lip full* " Jukaatoa* kSdp * #>» - Traataa »t*p ato a • Orwnlterillft *At p Tela Ar Angvsta.. ... * I*PI »»* tx Aehftvillx rny *ti» *. Ls. Col'Vte. SJCrM.Mf | Iu0p ! 7 00* Ar. n>«r ittuni . ... j 4 ®>|.f 11 00® D com* r.c ....... j u s*l i* it® * Nmum*n | 447 p iOh* m* J*ukOT.nvilUE __ |» »sl Mm* itni iWTaI «bhti< m «l*iif |-*>*wOTiif*r Arrk» b*m«R** Vk#n<l* *mi **r Tork. li*m X mad a—V *yhmfto«i and B—Hiw—t>Tß Sniid VMtihuicd trxiD with dining •Ell Hud fit*- r> hot* ACAchOT* north of »'hAn#*tt** Arnvno* r*ic»fu *i**it»tii#c»n» bet wfum Tstnu*. .I*tk uvLlr, tovnnbft W**bia«ton •at 5 Ntw ®3rif >niim*r fc *‘«*pm* Car* Charlotte and Richmotul. yxulmmn <tr*'M«MT-ro«m «;*es!ajr «N br tven i *ntl Norfolk. Closot u -nu*OTx • tlon ar > rfoik for OLD fOJNT OOMfOttT. th#*r** ta tirr.a for br«*akf*Rt. Solid trau. v ;th Parlor rara, batwaea CbHrlrftoa and Afb®fllla. >r*. Band 36—1'. ». Faaf Mall. Through ! fn. iPEn aravotf room buifai niruj lag cars ba »u*ren Jpe >luobv!l2® »od New York and Pull anaa aiastnMr far# b®f®r®®n AufSrti aed Cbar k»tt« Pullman s.eardorf * ara let warn Jack •arrtneaad Columbia, an r #ittt dally lenraaa JackbK.r;viU« a®d Clo Innati, via Aabariiia I FRANK - (*AXkO*N, j. M- CULP. Third V r itr »en Mfr. T. M . Washteftom W. A. TURK. a U HARDWICK. C 4. P A »> auiilnf t<«a. Cl. P- A.. At lani^ GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (30th Meridian Time.) kcheduie Effective April 24. 18S*. Builmau Slaaner* between Macon an* New Tork. I Through Foilman Sleeper* between Aa guata and St. Lout*. I Lv Augusta ..I 7:o6am| 3:2opm|lo.3opia i Ar Atlanta ...Sl2:3spmi 8:20pml 6:ooans Ar Macoa ....!’t:l6am| | «:45aro Ar Athena ....Il2:lspm| 7'3opm| ; Ar Gainetvlll*!*B:46pm| j - ; Ar White Fl‘aj*l:oopm| I j Ar Mlll'gela .Il0:10am| I 4:3oam | Ar W vsh’ton ..|M:loatn| 7:lopm| Pirayune train leave* Augusta dally fxn pt Sunday at 5:15 p m.. and ar j rives at Mlll-dgevflle at 8:10 p. m Train# arrive at Augusta 6:15 a. ra. 7:45 a- m.. 1:20 v>. tn.. *nd B:3t P ra- A. G. JACKSON. Q. P tk. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Bchedule in Effect. March 6. IS9B. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augu*L*,~S*uth*rn P.y.. 3 30 P "ft Arrive Chester, fiautharo Ry .. T:l* a m. Leave Cheater, C. to N. W. Ry 7:46 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C- to N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage j* : °6 c, - m * Arrive Green Park, Stag* .. .. < ■&> »•«». Arrive Elowing Roek, Stage , 7-20 p.m. g~vF~ rakper! c. f. harper. President. 4>. P. A.