The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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* aw* at MHM**fe**»« **+ vlmm> m*m+**** «• * «•**• «—«w. *■ -| t — at <►-»#* *#* ••* l " SfssSvr uxrssr— t,-.L» liit to iwm«m+mm •** to**t ***** •* * #***-* *t to j a -«■• •> •#** «►*•». •***'*t *• to ito *££ W flit ti Bi *<• £ «*,#>■*► Urn* MNP ojj# f|M» W» |*w»t »'*—w* % * (ft#*** A*#*** MW (Mto» MMI* tto to** «d Nto •** ** M** l 11KH DUMOND6. *-|Hf' taMtf (* cm Mto k#b*a# **» Maltt*#| in tto lit#*#. -■ * Pmm uMwtani My kiMia Mat tor* m**w Mum* to m Mata*. - • toil. »#** togutf mm to •Mat PuMji | itnw **»»« (MM M ton ■WtoMw • * *«iM* tol topMM * |M"'. • j to* MtoMt Met m if m toto* tod *a*nd tto l»fll*|«** <4 ««M (•**•*• MtoMHI to tto n#*t tto»i*»*# MD>i AM toMtom tonal! »•*—*a*lL tto (to*d (■»** <aatv* aflat tsarina Png MaflMM) Mil tod #tof m»i i ll iMMfi tto ton* A ■may, "nan (to tot!" *to tato*wff#d «.*wkiy ttow too—4 anwrat **ltot Mr ttowy. t M Nrt • vital nil'— tor to totiM to* Itoi toto itotf t»tto» fPtrtafcMl • ittof iMti mu if #%4 wmili ft* -it wftli •kH taN*»wy>lwifi'li »»li#f Ttonk tonon. Mi I to* tor* to totoito* I (*•*• ym. nod--toll ym ■toy N(i pi —t ts Mil INI t Mi M to toto (4 My l(M»l(tot Da#**? It*. iMy'it ywn <4 Uw family Jrirt* My •mi to tto I. y«m >*<--*, tot (My <*ly totot tat* my tond* ( 4cy I toto# Mto Ilk* (to wind Ltook tor yoMtotf Uwfe tMto away. tot— mind—*l*« (M» *|* to M os# svt sv#)f Is §##•#• Tb# My—bar*. Mr llanry. wm I (My toirttimHitlT **y*rt<*“ My Ufa |*n*.l ritonMtototoly wit* lb* 1(4 1 Mint tout wit* a toto «4 r(rk fa* Mm (bat I hat wrtoihly tore Mtoiltoriil at t(M <4 llabla Iha ralto mt mil Th*r« w*ra ahi ofik aat a little park* t (4 atot p#afl*—Ml II waa the diamond*. a net let a*t a Itato <4 theta. 1 toappad the lit aat l*.ik»*d •rrota al *«baa tacvadalotoljf. Old ah* tataa it* “Mol har»— why, mV' «b«*irlalnMd. gorr.rng. "To N lodged at (be bank, la Ike Mila. v*t QfitbrHaad Mr. Ria* ry, I# wy turatood bad (be tafiel Idea* ba would anti fl) tug back from bi» •hooting In iWdlaad at one*. to I plato tbrra with yoB In eaaa of anythin®, ftmt OtUrtam dudyNd. “It to bla tnnperanu nt. but be would readiaa upon buna. If. If be could !** “To be gin* up to bo <*# rare your •elf? Very good, you will look it and retain th<> key, pletoie. Till morning— ytm, for Ibo time being they <mgbl ro be tofe enough Id this cabinet. One moment, madam# You moil beta a re ceipt. ” I waa oonaciooa all the ereniiiT of a vague cntoaißuea—lf o'clock. My wife bad retired—the earvanta alao. It waa tbe queen at ctdncidenoe that 1 deoldad to auioka another cigar in aolitude, and that the weed burned for nearly an hour, (•« just al the end of that tuna tbe at range*! thing happened Tbe ball bell gave an uncertain tinkle. Bo down I went, tnru<-d cm the electric gwitcb there, opened tbe door—and ilr-ip rtood— “Mm*. tJtterbnrn!” 1 aaid joat a bora my broutb. “Mb!" looking part me, aha ntid it in a dull, mumbling voice. “I bare come tor my jewelr. Let m« have them, please " Her carriage—where was il? And madams heraclf, as she stepp'd past rna into the ball, seemed somehow a differ ent person. How! I could not sum it up till afterward, but tbe riohneu waa miming from ber voice, she was strange ly while and haggard, awd eho stared ahead »« if soma nameless trouble bad overtaken lier in that six hour interval. Conld it l«a—no, It was mads me herself “,\Jy jewels, please!" she repeated, just a break iu ber dull voice. “Ho wiye—be says I aw to bring them back, or something will happen. I must." Sbo followed me into the library. “Tber" madame, just as yon left them," and 1 hand> <1 ber the case. “Thank yon, thank yon. “ As she said it I noticed n striking fart: H r ieetb were gone—the two white rows I had often admired. False, then. That explained the alteration in her voice. Hot she was moving off without an other word. * “Mndamot” I gasped. Her band was actually npon tbe door catch. “lieally, I must insist upon sc ing you safely borne in the circumstances. If you will wait one 80c..0d” — I ran np tbe staira for bat and boots. Bnt I had barely reached my room when I board the door below click and close. And it was not until T bad got back to the smoking room that I recollected I had actually omitted to ask ber for the return of that receipt. »•••••* A woek passed. I bad heard nothing of madame or ber jewels. Another week. When at last she was announced one morning, I felt positively uervouß for tbe moment. Then in she swept, ber teeth as white, her stop as stately, ber smile as fascinating as ever. Dear Mr. Henry I About those troublesome mining shares— sbould she sell or hold? “Hold, by all means.” I sat back, with a smile of relief. “Er —I soo i need not ask as to whether you reached borne safely with your treasure. Do you happen to have that receipt, with you, madame, or did you destroy it c For the joWels, I mean.'' “Jewels? Dsatroy it?” Not in a dozen years shall I forget my sensatioha as madame repeated that, her smile fading into a nxed rare "Mr. Henry! Wbak »to •• ttoWf (BMP to-« toast •* (Mawasto *' toto toto* I go tok kaato 11 tost- tfM«M at t rgrk “fawsutotg—amtmm [ | -na- * wi- -•*** Itoto at to»***to»•** -jtotoT' *to twi awwt*4toM»MiA to* I w>t" a ”M* I ! ttatof* I pw Mto* IWto ptot •wwltokto I> Ik ptot ttok Mtow *" . —tOmktotv tok tol Ak4 mb alito M k*toa* to Meat uMw **i S to*l ato I Vto «MBk tog. M 4 toto (to** •»*# j kgßto “* , **| e*tto( *• v«ito Mto* ag»to atto— i Mr W«Nf. toflato i «iuawM to? I Ml : gnw at gsßMt toaa* tot tto awa to ass I ttto I to** ftolto to** aaM to*M ptot om* stowif* kaiUi I—-tota la a* at tosttoto V ’ "Umm nswmww took* It *M tototo I WVlwtk fa* aasgl to* toll < twtto Vto sa«kw4 tototo ItokkltoM I pm9i |>aw*ato4 (to 4*41 a*t4. Il*4 t*4w pw to tt*t to* k tto pwata I to** It*Sß to put, aw 4 fM Nil tto k to* tototo I ir.mH gut mt tot V«k 4*kt aaaaatotot , till • I iswat r»kto4f pto pßt *a»t * touktßsi to*t Mt Makty, to towvasi I toßto lato I to** b*4 tatotoi tto* «wto Wbs* I pN (* tot* pat ka»4a t tt4 Mto wtaato **tk s*v fewatotUl (tot BttM stlwß to «**» Mibb, tot tot p*w to tof —I gw attawaM to tto paltok Itaww bl l<vMf HP# t# opnMl • • m»Jm** uto BHsawsstt" I waa gsatwaißg (Bjt •«» I s*«at amt IN tot |si4 Ikptsead? IlNtNt "Will fN a tort Itoto 4a «V It Ik tofwa 4afu •ntkikg gtogt* I II a*ll to tto MN ttowttv* to l*md-m al mt <**» avptosw. MsAmb*. you toto* II ttoa# M toy jLj miirr toki*4 toto It to tto awws *t tr* t'ti**tv <asa that *»** tow tto tight Will y*k ptotolaa ttot*“ Bto 4»4 *«vsitßally, ttf walkwt tot to Mt ton tag* Itto a ptto ttoacwg kty | <> >Wl^| TMm «•*•• «ay« toto If-lto t ftoM Bsrvaa say I tod 4toa kMHIBg Waa BWtoly Waiting ta to agtoy 4 aaa prw*a A* ■ tkto to tto tkir4 avtotag i rvtotvari a tolagra* It waa ftuaa na daaa*. “C *t Mt* iaataatly. "* t stood tB a twaat <4 MattaMto I* awkttu, sad tbto Wok a cab 4tnwt to tto rdMa of a wall kanwa yrtrata <to i pM-tiva By Ik* nwtuN rbaac* M waa i la. five soiuataa latet tto pair <4 ua wet* bowling along lowat4 madam* a Ikmw* aa4— wtot? A aili Inoktag aea»*d. abowu4 *• •p at.nnoa k> ovlsaw'i MtMt TMtW ||T OO I Mifh. #•<§ f tetolto W## a iua, it (4 aau da colagßa, aad a dart of. •to puig ovaf tor, told op a liatif la wan lag. but nuidama bad aa*a a**. Bto sprang up with ahw**N a tewsa, and bald *<cictbtag tot Tto jewel case' "Mr Henry! Mr. Htotyl It wua tbera In my ductoaau drawer under ; tome rubblab, and It waa not tbrra tbreo I boar* ago- H*a, tkay bava not been tuuctod. But—oh, touvaaa'—lt waa not than three b urs ago! Mr. Henry, | come her* I I uevar called for them—l never did in tbia world. ” 1 took tto care mechanically. Taa, i there wen tto pe* rl * ,u< * °P*** “** i emmgb—and tto diamimda, abova all. ! Tto cot thing that aeamed clear now , waa that madams'* mind had goto. What else? "Hr— let me see those.” It waa the ! detective's quiet vote* ut ray ahooldef. “li'mt I suppose the lady know* tiiat . theaa stone* ara only tto vary beat | pa* , * ! ’" . “H’a fatee.” came madame'a husky whisper. •• ftabe broke off Thu door behind had rqiened and a j small, dark, pale mail atood ataring ta | the opening liet re wro could tbink or to could turn a husky whisper hissed across tto , room and made us all start “Abh!” it said, and her Huger reach ed out at him “ You—you dar* ro rnova Otterburn, you got tto cuae from Mr. Henry. Yon kuow bow it waa got, i bow it waa pul back there. " “Don’t be a fool,” to said, leaning toward hi* wife. “The case—ypu got it yourself. Ob. yon may stare. I saw you with my own eyes. Yon uever walked I in yonr aleep, did you?" “There’s Mr. Marsh. He'll tell you j that be ba» known about madams'* in- I aomnia for years Her brain impels her to do outrageous things in ber sleep, ! but she’ll always deny it." mj." The doctor, looking | round from the couch, was tbu first to ; speak. “I kuow Mrs. Otterburn too If I may say so, this gentleman here says —well, he states that tbe real stones have been extracted. Perhaps that con be explained away too." He baited, looking around. No one : smiled. No one spoke. Of a sudden ba snatched a small packet from his vest | pocket and flung it toward tbe coucb. I “All right, then, there's her real ! precious stones. Now she can say upd | do what she likes, can’t she?” —Tit- Bits. ______ Poland's Salt Mine*. The salt mines of Wielieaka, near Cracow, Poland, were mentioned in 1044, and have been worked since 1240. | The first map of tbe mines was made in 1638 by Martin German, a Swedish mine surveyor. Tbe eight shafts now in existence are from 207 to 285 feet deep, and the length of the levels now open is 345,000 feet, with 115,500 feet of underground tram lines. Between 17<2 aud 1893 about 3,000,000 cubic yards have been excavated of salt. Machine drills are now used, and compressed powder is employed in blasting. About l, 187 pounds of powder are used per ton of salt prodneed. Tbe present levels are lii feet, high by 6% feet wide. Ka«y Knon«l>. The old man sighed as he took the go; len haired, laughing little boy upon his knee, and, stroking bis shimuß tresses, said, “Ah, how mush I sbould like to foal like a child again 1” Little Johnny ceased his laughter, ■cd, looking up in his grandfather's -face, remarked, “Then why’ don’t you <et mamma to spank yen?"—Exchange. THB) -AXJOTJBT-A hbhald A«tn«u can net Ctti a A %a|*4 to f •4»ee*e SB gg fM*** Vto* j to * uto rai* to >agt*»to t tos* *to*, Tto MNgNaa s 4 •**•■•• **•'•*• to*#*-*-* • IN## *"4 Ml MN# #!##*■'• •*# Hi | •#e####*** uriMrti iMni» ut hhmh#h* ivi | H#*M# Hf ifltMlMl Hu# #.MM (#§*' * I# j #m» 4MMMNHH Ik## #*## IfHpMwl #» tiM tii<##.rf#i C* ||M# «4#» MM*# ] ##l#* in## -##f *t# #%*£* #t <4l# ommrn* MHk### ll 4#*# * »%#■*###### Mto *' *#*# (*t4M |tMl» # N# I!###' ##Ni #H#I I#-’ 1 j I f®Hfc ### . mm I#### : ifcMto iff MN# I###*•## j 1#- |mt I# |l#if •♦#*#►# <4## I H##m| toßifTtoMf 4## (##4k MkH*# • ##HH j •«itol* \ H#wt»»til # •I#MN H#4 *4Wt j gttMNt l Ml i## t-mmm «4 Amhmm W#f ##4 •ton*, tot toa aNtMMf *w#«N (Mai* aaSN ttto** <wasaa Mad M*(* igmaitotT to wi(g(d > *» MMm ***• tons* to M* **sa*to *ttas n» **•’ * ■•* #Ms atopsetato (4 Mt* gaAt-e |* *. * g at**** wstSMida ttoa ****** t* AM* waara imm au Aag TUmmn** In* *»* M utostt • tiMtod •*eg** 1 to* ad 9 *»*>igaa*aa * AM.MM* tv** i garai to «M gassmto totFV'NI to R"* ■hi a vuw rtt’s him to«tv. ‘if run*it gtftot* IV Mdtosv* (*>to *a to* ! lato tsad wttl M to» ambn saNvtswtog. •*4 ta fart tto totly* **? to *tov 'IM atoafto gsvtodM* ««t ttowaaato •* ; tukasitni *N< to** to** Matos*4<w* ’ ,riagkt Hdtto la Itownaa ttvtag o«l <4 (toga tUI ftottto a h* kaa* It**, mtogatd. »» artttag to IN. IL *to»4 \ maaa, *l* Matotto «rto. to Paal. Mt** . Vtoasv t*v IN a. a* ao few* mmmfir* cm M (Mutaed after that i H#!#. itrml #ln»ty f### h#hn" IMmI * I #n # f#M MOI IAHLI MARwIAOI!*. Mraagv tttod— Cadwa If * Mck a (Met a «ia a Trts. ta rvviala Hladno (*gt«na a jeaai woaiaa raaaat m*4 aatil after tto taar rtaM to Mr elder eta***. Bat 4to ds®- ruity ta avoided by IM older Hater peg owing at Mr will a trv* or a plant, fntlowtag ta dntag » (to I knar* Ism to BHSagkyaig*. la (to Brahmatue world. Tto taeoavealenrw la aot great la having for brother-in law a poplar or a Ml (ran totd os# can always select • tree having a heart like the oak. Thane who dealt* widowhood »tumid rhorse a weeping willow, and lima# aadowvd with an unaotiabl* rhararter. the ararta. la many place# tbaa# ayathollral aa . loss do ant much romdrala thorn who -otttraet them They marry agala, having Aral thrown Into tto Bre tto plant to which they had plighted their Brat row*. But la those regions which 1 have aot been agre ed by Kumpeatt Influence such marriages have tto val ue awd Importance at a solemn relig ious vow. Those who try to evade them are aura to have rvwaoa to repeat of IL For tto Brahmans watch with Jeal ous car# to see that (he promise la rig idly kept and they na# mesas of coer cion very efficacious against those who j would b# unfaithful. In tto mountainous districts around Delhi, (to holy city, perjured women have often been thrown to the flame#. .At Nepaut. where manners are more rude, tto cnetoms are leas barbarous. The unfaithful are simply chained dur ing several weeks in some underground place, nr subjected to a aevere feat. On the contrary, those who remain i constant to the vow to the hemey -1 stickle are paid great honor. For It la that fragrant and beautiful plant which I |g nearly always i-hoeen as spouse to the young Hindoo glrla. In springtime the apepsranee of the first flowers of the honeysuckle Is tbe signal for a great feaat and for Imposing religious ceremonies In which the greatest re spect la shown these strange married ones. YOUNG nOTHF.RS. Croup la the terror of thousands of young mothers because Its outbreak Is 1 so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shl | lob’s Cough and Consumption Cure arts like magic In case of Cretin, ft has never been known to fall. The 1 worst cases relieved Immediately. Price ’’S rts., 50 cts. and tl.oo. Sold by—Re ! tallers T. A. Ruxton, Anderson's Drug Store.' Alexander’s Drug Store, West Knd Pharmacy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport & I’hlnlzy. Knew the Han Say. wlmmin's curious critters—hey? Why drat my mug If I ain’t knowed A gal no bigger nor a hen Who kep a whole townful of men Scart most to death for fear she's growed To like aorne feller best, and they Jest watched each other constant—lt Kept growiu worse until they fit. A regler tryln’ out, that wuz, And one slim cuss, and weak, he got Jest clean et up, and tuk down sick; And., cbo you know, that little chick — The gal—she missed ’im, and, Great Scott! When he got well, spliced Tm! “Bekuz He needed lovo and care,” she said. Why, that jay wuz a muttonhead! Well, after marryin’ her he tuk A brace and sorter plugged along, And bought a house an’ lot, and she Seemed Jeet ez happy ez could be And filled his home with light and song. Haw, wasn’t that surprisin’ luck? That Jay ain’t worth har time of day; ‘ - I know, bekvlz —I’m that there jay! Pleasure that isn't shared with nn othM. half Itr. pow-r to please. SHOES [THAT ARE KNOWN! Known from Maine to California as the BEST nWpY that material and good workmanship can pro -48 rut BTTLB If [ill OIK Kvfrvthinjj b stv- Cfi 1 0 artiNttc am! com- Kklj# ton able, combined with V the Ix'Nt of workman* sh;p \sill Iy ft urul in Hanan & Sons Shoes DISHIN, GOULET i VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. AfIKNfA M(M MANAN * AON. The “Maine” Album! min lluct and Interesting scene# aaaoclated with the deetructlon of our Giant Bat •hip and ber Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incident# or American hlatory have been attended by #uch public exclo'meju and”national Indignation h# that which followed jjulckto upon ! .he destruction of the Huttleahlp Maine. In reaponae to the “nlvcreal d« mand for a pictorial hiatoiy of the Hl-faled war#hlp, its eapta ncy * n everything In connection with It leading up to and Including 1 a n«#aß e'nutlun we havo aecured anil offer our readers thl# week a beautiful Maine Album or portfolio, the moat complete photographic record Usu< d upon the subject, embracliHf splendid photo# of The Martyrs Which 1# now ready for delivery at our omce, or by mall Tor Ten Cent*. **<2ONTIONTS OK “MAINK ttABLM. •Captain Cha#. li[ Slg#bee. General Fltzhugh Lee. The Hattleahlp Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner's Gang of the Maine. Viewß of the Maine’# Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised 18 one of a_ "Souvenir Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. Sacrifice of Next week No. 2 will be offered as a Memorial of the hirst sacrifice or the var or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions. Inclu ding m: iiy other special features of the early events of the w» r - ®« c *» “» vers 1 that fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas, U 'Then and consecutive order will appear the following: thb DEWIfIY NUMBER-The Her# and battle of Manila. THE SAMPSON NUMBEli—Bombardment of San Juan and Morro Oas- Ue HOBSON AJ$ THE MERRIMAC—-with additional special feature*. ADMIRAL &.4T- I The Destruction of Cervera s Fleet. THE SHAFTER NUMBER—The Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERALSMILES AND MERRITT— Arm? Operation* Ift Porto TUco and p™ur. P! and V #'t each number of this souvenir series white you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. s,r~ A THAHA fwsl% OMT) MI A? ft «f flwwiUf fwmliMl y## tbfi yiMit ] 4ffaa Mill Vnl #«#f ll# fhoM iMtMrn j t*|# f!|il #<h| *BihK>#|| lilM • Wl#* o#f“# fcifl. * I»«m of Ilf fi#fi( m*Anm I «Ir«# ##4 iiiwarrillr mmh #• #< \ try iAr|r |uif« Imtii t!Mi»»ra by o«r . !##w4ry #»rl. #M j w###. fdMfta k#wMNi#f# i 4 •»*'** #f# i4* j hf itM •#««#! rf}H(at. Aim. Mr,. Collar#, 8r , Cuff*. (#. Both TMm#*. MULSB? STTAM I-AITHORV, Alt Jarkaoa Amt A GrouD of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Peenlon. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General's Palace In Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prudo, Havana. 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