The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Image 8

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ktOMOAV THIS STORE |« known ffff lh« luectiiful tloro. Dreny mon |lvt H lh# namo and buy lit Clothe* If you want what la nobby. If you want axtra awall and attractive Suit* »t* your atora* Iha crack atock of Nackwaar. All tha axclualve and popq tr novaltlat, and prlcaa ara laaa than elaewhera for hum* drum atylaa. * Again, Boy*' Suita— W# lead the city for beauty and low price* I* S 3, $& or $6.60 your price ? If not $2.60. and good IIN ASOCIAL WAY W \ * i i ; ’ Tbe Wnsus'i Ewkasis The Womans Barbing* 2#d Mela tbth street, bat Just Isaued aa attract lv» ameeair book for Ilf*, glv lag the price Uata. tu plea of work aad othey lbt*r*ttiag lafothtaiioa Th* follow, fag sketch hy Mr* Wall, to whom is da# ih* credit for the charming eoaveat-. will prove of lotcreet .to tboe# who have not seen th# book After t*b jrebr* of evperieae# the ■MaagemcM of tbe Woman* Ex* chan* - presenu to the public th a sou venir Of appear la 1 100 Thanking all who have In any way aided in tbe p*»t and soliciting help, fa patronage, for th# future, w* eomc before you again, halleviag that through an All-Wla« Ptovid-nee the Institution has sorviv <4 th* vicissitude* of rlrcutu* anr* aad will ttv* to exemplify lu purpose la helpfulness With all a* caareltod aad a fair halaace in the iraaanry. vs# feel strong to str#tch out helping hands t* willing workers If anything has militated against the working interests of the exchaug.-. It is limply that of misunderstanding, and w# who champion the cause would rlsar the way for Its perfect success hy present in c Its claims to alt good wo men la a fair and reasonable light When a Charter was applied for ten years ago. the society wae recognized toy the city authorities and permission granted for business transaction free from taxation for as long a* desired. In lb# city directory It It classed as a benevolent Institution, tasking rank with the Widow#' Home. Orphan Asy lum W. C. T. C. etc. The Wo man's Exchange la not for the benefit of a few, but every woman who trill may take advantage of Its faclHtlcs'to dispose of her handiwork. If that work is up to a fair standard of excellence. Good bread, light cake, creams. Ice*, preserved fruits and jellies, neat sew ing tasteful fancy article*, dainty laundry work, embroidery, crocheT, darning and mending theae and many other Industries open up avenues to women which must necessarily ele vate and benefit By requiring good work, the management seeks to help consignors and give satisfaction to buyer*. We earnestly solicit workers and ask patronage of the public, that an increased demand for woman’* work be created and much needed good be one. Following this artlce Is a list of the rules to which we call attention. They were carefully an conscientiously con sidered lie fore their adoption, and still eland as a guide for the well-being and conservative administration of the Woman’s Exchange. Annie Mclntosh Wall. For Woman's Exchange. The present officers, directors, etc.. SHIRTS ' AT—v J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER KNOX HATS. I „ is tb# M*.*•,!' Inf 94. I ere .* MMi AemiwMl*** mi axanmva romtrrn » Mr* t M, fvaww** Mr*. I, * r -.m-.ira Mr, W R Yaw**. Mt* J V. VIH* Mr* r%*» fleirtft Mr*. T, M fhiaigy Mr* Mi Wa'.fc •* Mr* C A. Bowtabd, Mtw R. C Wall Mr*. • Umt. I Mr* David <tha**r. Mr*. R. M. MUtae*. Mr*. J. C Mr- j Isa**. MM* ,«*•» Mall WATS AVO MKANA COMMITTEE ' Mr*, i. Irwrr. Mr* DitM Muirrr. Ml** Mary Hail. Mr*. J. W Whit# ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Mr* M T Carroll, Mr* John Clark. M.a* full* Caahlu ( Ml** K»ii«- Black Mst o 4 f urn.*r Prr*M*»l« j Ml* (Urn MrWborar. Mr* J. R Umir Mr* Jokn Walk •r. Mr* S. V, ilwtlrr. Mr* K I y D«»»-n Mr*. SM. WkH- J Beg. THr Hrait «rs Mart land. Thera la greet utM)r snore Hr *« m#n of August* ft#****' ther* baa !,*#« bo mention for ill* pa* fr* j day*. of a matin#* for Tb* Heart of j Maryland W* hat* bad oaly ona i good natlß** thin season. and lb* In-! element trrathrr k«pt a number of people from *B)oyißi that oa* No*.I • hop** bat# been raised for a delightful ; af!»rno»B Wednesday, and It *lll b* a hlttrr dlaappoimment to Unte who ranoot to to tb* tb*atrr at nlgbt. If, , tb* promised matin** I* no* firm. A Literary Cariosity. Tb* OhrMmaa number of tha Pall Mall Magaxin# 'contain, a feature ' which In stne to.exctta tb* wildcat tn- J triwat In literary c|rcl«». nam*!jr. aevr ral hitherto unpublished poems and j draw Inga by Gabriel Roeettl. Tb*»* belong mainly to the port', early pe rlo*h and ,*bow him In an entirely ; new light. No aurh literary curloalty —lt la »af* to aay—ha* been ptibllahed I for a long tme. P hopklnson Smith'# New story. F. Hopklnson Smith contribute* hi* new story. A Kentucky Cinderella, to | lb* Christmas Ladle*' Home Journal. ; It la a sweet little romance charmingly > told by an old colored mammy, who 1 in her way I* a* Interesting and de i lightful a character a* Colonel Carter : of Carter»vllle. another creation of ! Mr. Smith'* graceful pen , Another Georgia tllrl In New York Miss Caroline Gordon, daughter of the famous general, will spend thl* winter in New York having her voice cultivated with a view to accepting a position In h choir. She will also continue the specialty the entered upon in Washington, when she sang old-time darky melodies and recited In negro dialect, exhibiting plantation mannerisms. s D. A R. rieetlng. The regular monthly meeting of tha D. A. R society will be held Tuesday afternoon. December <th. at 3:30 o'clock, at the lesldenre of Mr. James W. Moore. It Is hoped that there will be a full attendance, as there will be business of Importance before the meeting CAATORIA. Bean tb* Kind You lime Almvs Bcujht aft. T»» >UOXJiTA urBALT OTi biMtfW, | That Vta hhaggsag law •i > •*•# M> |M Mr* sv#e»d A*** At ******* 1 J >«t#*d ear* A*WoMfWlf M*s staging j # a.wiin ■■ *i a*#*# Ma b*g4*ag. a*4 j *•**• ***** Mb «M*» **# «**»**•* } f*#swra aw* tarwagad #**• baMf* I g Hint i M» awl M»* Wwa* * ar* s%***» . ww*s fat ***** ****** wwßMawsy **-■- l .*« ««m # *w*ff ******s**,*w*. ' s«w * iiftag gained gw iwna *Adsta** i s at iaww<a 7b* aww* iaa*a ay* ImMbMIF P* | twaMMMwl **a lhwt*a **t ****** rw wa sad wraar— ftw wwM | wirilm as |W«w **a ****** pi' a*d wa*aa y*fb aad aim iwn* l*ww aa* gama ap t* tW* ******* PM* it* . twwaf aw* wd aw daa*» *** Ue . aaadawa* * >tyw***d *a*d i*m* j saw* a MHw a*w» aa tad*'*** d, ia* w** fiww aa* aarmd VP* «HWpm aa* bar* ta *a* 'Pa* <** ■***•*• uafwad MM fP*M wap «a»da* ***** iwdwab *»(*a« wIMi awarp pwww* iadiff Iwt* rta >*d*a w-tb j *wa iwwta a*, wad*» mm *w *** **a | tapped t**t% Maw—i «la*a**a MaM l amwifaiM d*earaa«d waa-*-*’ | >aP Ml mm 3 MMI maw «d ita *ad i wbm Mar if*l dw*tr*» awawa* >» *b* I dwadbWMk*. *WI* tb* wiaad# aa i awl* ; *a*a*a *r*m «ar*ad as tt* p|*»»a**.. Mr* Ptsahy, Iwdttaf aw * day aidar tbsa ! *rb*a am warn #W* alb* awa a ad* I >a,u w b*. ya*w, ts aa faaywt** ' ywa *♦ biarb wwm aartaw* •"* übMHW as *" * |w aad dwebma* lar* - ?aaw* aar* Wfswad *a tb* b*aHb. bap |W*«** aad *aatt«wwd pwwgMdtp a# tb* ! Mtda aad ****** adt fwa* *4 Ifa* bad ' apart 1 tag ** dM tb* eMaipapa* tad ~i* vMwitp aaa ta»«f**Mbiy *a»~t*d , tip *.****** p-*—a* Mr aad Mr* lUwdrp **•*• r**ipt*at« ! *d waay p»*•**>*• *»*»• *•* i r«a*d la Ua add ttawsw t» »»»*«** hmalbiag bar ib*ta all ataaary of pond ,Wm a tad** prwwat •**« I «*** twa rwb** *»rwa# W*dsl* >*•■'* of htßfb tip, »a* yf*a*Bi*d ia P*ii* I ipaPkv. fw tap v*ar* as la. at •**■• j rlr*" aad tb* a*bar ta f**vl4 Pt**bp 1 for t*b year* as pnad W'bavbwf Mr Plaeky’* gift ta bid wtf* wa» lt*a thawmad Bn!lar* ta l’ait*4 Atatr* i iP>,vra*B*ai baad* i among tbaa* who *ajoy*d Mr and Mr* Shaky» d*!tfbtfnl Wwptta.ity i »»fd I Mr aad Mr* I, twww. Mr aad Mi* H Brook * Mr aad M * Paul i ifeyataa. Mis* Fbpbl* Koapal, Mr I aad Mr*. Skalowsjgt. Mr aad I Mrs Imli Cohen R**' M • | | Klkle*. Mr and Mr* B Rnkartrll, iMr tad Mr*. I. Simmon*. Mr* ftua .*r Mr *al Mr* L J MdMhl. Mr | jaad Mr* H a. Mr and Mrs Mark I pale of ftevaanah Mi** Row fikalowskt Mt«s Bertie {Vhra mark Mlsae* Freldeßbarg as Jack*oa- Wile, n*. Mi**** Bum*. Miss *V*ni-b» Devy. Mlsa Rosalie le-M*'. 'ti*» Ms ; ml* Broeka. Captala Odleard. of the T*ath Ohio, aad Private Aatbacb*r of tb* irtgaal ewp*. a® 4 * M*a*m C Heary Cohen. A. Ldvy U. Koppel, John J. Cohen L. Schramei-k Ed Cohen. Ru dolph l*»’ow*hl, V. R Rheldsaher* 1 A RodaPsfleld. Paul Hall. I* B-hwart swell*. Philip Emansuel. A j aad Dr Harry Brook* Bucklea’* Arnica Salve. f THE BEST BAI.V* m ih* world t*r ' 'Cut* Hi nisei. Aoru*. t’lcers. halt Rheum, Fevsr Per**. Tett'r. Charged Hands, chilblain*. Com*, and all Pkla Kruptlon* and pesinyely cure* Plies, or no p*v required. Tt !• guaranteed to •glv# perfect sstisfoctlosi or moae-> r*- fnnrted. Price M ream per tm*. FOR SALE BT HOWARD b WIDEST. Great Colored Minstrel Festival open* tomorrow. j Cold Band Hams I Oc per pound at Whitaker & Mc- Gowan’s. 1 240 Broad St.! Strowger 'Phone 38 I. j Minstrel sale open tomorrow morn ing. Parlor Car and Sleeping Service Be tween Atlanta, Savannah and Mllten. and Albany. Ga. The Central of Georgia Railway com pany ha* Inaugurated parlor car and ! sleeping car service between Atlanta | nnd Albany, Oa.. on train leaving Al ' t>*ny 4:lb a.ero., arriving Macon 7:*o a. j m.. Atlanta 11:50 a. m.. and on train heaving Atlanta 1:06 t>. m.. arriving Macon 7:20 p. m.. Albany 11:06 p m Passengers from Albany. Oa., holdlsig berth tickets cm take sleeper at * P m . thus allowing them to remain tn sleeper over night. Passengers arriv ing Albany at 11:05 p. m. may remain In sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Rate for double berth In sleeper, 150 miles and under. $1.50; over 160 mllea. $2. Charg es for seats, as follows: 50 miles and under 26c. 51 miles to 125 miles 50c. 126 miles to 200 miles 78c. •01 miles to 300 miles .. .. SI.OO Tours very truly. ! J. C. HAIDE. General fas. riser Agent. How tho wind blows. Keep out the roltl. Save fuel, temper and doctors' lulls. Don't let your next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3 to S cents a foot. This !s done by using WEATHER STRIPS. For sole by Augusta Mantel it Supply Co.. 921 Broad. Tomorrow night. Bachelor's Honey moon. Great show. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by A Co. Minstrel sale open tomorrow morn- Ug. For Croup use CHE NEY»B EXPECTORANT, ■•otoeiof's Honeymoon tomorrow night. Great show. mmrn' 1 » i rirnMii | k»*“ As Ak m |MPsN i«ir * A H. I rum* * ii § tmm* M»# m§i *s• mm tW’O ********* m*#m~ imrn tmww* 0 * 0 r I* 0 ******* m 0 *** o*ooooo Tb*W* #•* *‘gb’ | tfiiiik Tr-i —1$ as Maw Tag* »•**s•* M M bbAbawb bf &asbf*h* ta aa aba tfaaats*: «g»« w<«*•#*• as w**a m Ms ff f*a»M*b as fb'imgr •* M «b* 6 1 , taAsest Qtr% , a~g M'aaayai Fawaaaal Tsa*r* A « twaam <* (bawwiwm Wbi <b* bafMNfiaa* # y r-icsM iwm Baiital *•*•* wgycwvssw Mlb*«*wt *aie «w*w t*4b*f**w aafb A |. fhMM «t Lwbrti la at tb* M • CWbH* mt *»!#*«* *• a* *bs I a. agto* , I»< Mia*aw* F**st*al ngeas g j fv.e« sM M w tb* Sgffmmgf r t Mack runaai am $• at tb* l ■ -tagtoa i m . gtg m **«s»i F«a*fwa( Tbaaa* IbV-t MeC»»** ' as f*basli«aaa la •$ tb* AfltMPa* i gw lb»rb*bWa *t *"<*•* Iran. raw tttgbt . W A, MeCbrtr as ibtad-eswm* Ma* •b* ArhwaruMi MUtwrct aal* af*« *o4a«f»»»w •«*• lag Ms* M W Tetgbas* as KwWI ia at tb* AeUagsaai tt W, MeObew as cbattaawaga la at tb* Blaataea. grsM r dared Mt***r*t Fsatival «a*a# toasneyw [i 0 Himdua as Kansas f, *T ts at itaffatstrisi o»wm big Miaatroi fbtw*- rts* nigh* I C A WbM*h*wd at Racial Circle Is at tt*t Flan tent Gee*' Caktrod Miwesre* f **•'*•»• «P*a* Il'lilWkff !>•. T B- Rneawetl of Feafteld OA. la at tb* Ptoaiera J G. Wiltna of ftb*lt Bl'tif d* • h at tfc* Commcceta! Ree Baettsdor's Hcwcvmeoti tnaane row *>gh» G. A lit»t*rv, C A of Bostoa. j ar* at tfc* Arlington R#e Baebetor * Hw»»t*o«» tntaor row wIRSM. Oscar Freeman of Robins. A. C., la at tb* Commercial Totnotrrw aigbt. Bwtislafi Hobey moon. Gmat sbow F. O. Hockett of SpriagfleM. Ohio, la at the Arlington j w. B. Bavtißbk of Philadedplhla I* at tb* Arlington R#« Bachelor's Honeymoon traior ; row atghl. k ; Sol G|iae* and C J. Pcrrtag of Cla-1 1 rlnaatt, ara at the Arlington. Bachelor* H<4II>BMRR tomorrow night- Great show. N'atfc hsj Walker nod John D Robin son of New York are at tba Pl*n | ters ToßMtrmw night,. Bachelor'* Hon*y tnooa, Groat show. T. J. Clarkaon and F. B. Fietd'nf of Charlotte, ff. C. are at the \rllng ton. J. Anderson O. Palmer and J. | Work of Baltimore are at th, Com i me'clal. Tomorrow night. Bachelor's Honey i moon. Great show. E. A. Williams of Colorado Spring*. Colo , la reglste ed at the Arlington today. Major Genera! M C. But'.ar. of South Carolina I* registered at the Planters. Bachelor's Hon«ymoon tomorrow night. Orta; show. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel, of Savan nah. are the guests of Mrs flavld Slus ky. Great Colored Mtnstfel Festival opens tomorrow. J. M. Haufenan. E. R. Fllghhate, J M. Warren, Toj.n W Matthewa, A. R Wilber, of New York, are at the Arlington. Tomorrow night Bachelor's Honey moon. Great show Dr Harry Brooks, formerly surgeon of the Second Georgia, will locate to Augusta and pursue his practice of roedfeitie. Great Colored Minstrel Festival opens tomorrow. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Stoughton have returned from a Northern bridal tour and are at home to their friends st Mrs. R. L Mixon's on lower Telfair street. Tomorrow night, Bachelor's Honey moon. Great show No officer in Camp McKenxie enjoys a greater popularity among his men then does Cspt. Oeleerd. of the Tenth ! Ohio. Capt. Gelerrd Is also quite a fa vorite with the ladies and has had sev eral delightful social attentions extend ed him during his stay here Rachelor's Honeymoon tomorrow night. Gnat show. How tba wind b/lows. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors’ bills. Don’t let ydhr next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3 to t ewita a foot TbH Is dona by i ualng WBATMIR STRIPS. For aal» by Augoaw Mantel A Suftpiy Co., 921 Broad Bachelor's Honeymoon twatocrow right. Great U lilt bIAMk ; A Gewaa I M «* sllswlwa* ftMi 0000 omoootm Whmm 000 0004.0 m #i—ii I { 000004000000 m 0000 ijH—j I# ft o*ooook I 00m u **m 00000%% f%m**** OKOKMOOOO. ' • 00mm I *%«— * iff I— 00* 1 000*04*000 000000 00000 0000$ ffM-lA 0000% •—»# IMMf« »S 1 t.JWI I— oo 00000* 0 *OOOOO 00m 04000 —lff—ff 4N? —ll*l - ta—lMl 00* ' Iff ' fffff— Iff 00m 0000000 00m 00 00440* *%* $ 0004*0* Csl niji C"— 0040 0000 0000$*’* om§ 0440 o***o |—Hit 000% 000 I —Mil —0 %m sMs —ffMs *6— i—sdßT#'f 1 0 **%* jffiH—- i-j-aiffcM-Nffi Hi H I# r ——#i—mhi. sh 404444 *4-* —l— mmmo4 % #—f ——n— l it#%#sß fuNu—i #ffk— 00mm waawwg. Isa* baa lasws b***i s>bb»»«iai •«% aibag »*il*e>**— * Tbasw #****, »•*-•#*♦* b*** *m4m tba ■'♦* * tw MAW I'bßirrin'i Ibw, *A Ba*b*s* * j fftff—i——wf- I —NHHi * 00%*0% 000*000% % flMff 0% Mswai* Yba*a*fw taaa —*r, s#4 **• SR* nsgWtRR R tbia ♦<*•* * »b • *R*bb *l* »»awaas !>*s■»at tk* mr *<#■ *4>M tb%H*e TFbtßa* •bwp baw* *aw* Rbat bt*w IM» a **•**- (•an tasaewaavv* tabl aw* •*•*'**a a tb > tba tytMtl* a, a ,<>■ «at*»r a * «aa *bbt i ««* s e I* *3l s******** wfe* aa*wt lb *b* inswi* a»4 Rfwabla ttbwka*btab. a*Bb*R* I alb abb attewsuv* gßt*etbibaa*bt > TK# Hawn «* ftwftesM. gcvg: WibaMiHy stw *bg tba G*a*4 ‘ wtß bb*« tba Raw 4*4 aaitf peoßaea'O *of Da tb Tt, gj-n'i piaar.. "Th* M***i as Martosro m wb’rfc w„ N*w Taek Bu*. •MI <■%!<#**» *«4 Raa rs**eaaee.'* tme astebet ow bwrtbb tb* e*** »b*«* *** mrmx **wl t«a brat ia|.f*awamiaaa «**• flea. •• Eagia*4 »»*• apetbb abb *•'*■ «ae •• tb* AbMpbl Tbaatm la*4»* iba peg ■ • -eibbb*** etteab'M tbe-wgb twafv* *e*k» *»b wa* tb* «**♦« tea matt* nawf at tb* ******* R wa* v ■ r*w*e4 by tb* pr«as aad tb# pabMe aed ra'h •#;*#* walty ff*a*eb a# tba Rtw* iweOvtly ewe«traH*4 I*4 awwt b*»a»- |y abanwibb Aaaeevwb play tb*t 'ibtt* f*v kaab beawgbt bsvw tba Bta 't)dk •,y lb* *«*#» aatlitM* bbb •** tee tins *••*• that wae* peewwi ,4 •bwre *ab #«***» IH Ameaa*** iw. Th* raet » repeewwiM ba a iaa»RPW» of art tat* eapeesaSy srtee»*b by Ms, Bekaaeo *»4 tawtatk* aMMiy a»f sb* sww* papa-tar aad tai* rape***sta , *ve ptaree* rs tb# N*w York theatre* Rig H*»tr#l I astiv -l. tw R ekaed* b Fetbgle'b- Baaew- ♦ tisßMfs bib abattel hath v *t* hrotwßit »ag*tb*e B*r*a*b» r ro*har : Ttd!*r aab Avae. aba soar blßb**' *»•- erteb ew’aeed (Mbediaas is the world ft rtiffta—l w ?fi —!! m*-# r—! »o Ui# omo r*m+A*n of w*ty. stitt ouadlng bta» with ebevp tra , led lewple. aad aa a raault * d'abw pjwttad atidianea. Tbla year RFSird* A PrtiMtle'* eaerv over bfty peoftla, !travelled lb tbsdr own *pect*l c*r- and imrodu'tfig twelve novelty acj* a tb* o!i«. Hv**a Ben AH'* Arab*. Kan • - t,al J tpr. Arthur Magwetl, th t- eh Mere’l*> Billy Keraattd* and wt;«, J*» Crosbv, airy Fldler. Ikan A very, to* I Dr* at Gettae. aad the Georg!* Be* *••••. sra prtdbibant nttaabers. The B l * , Right song and d*b f *. and tb* gteat (i tveity, "Ooiog to the Cake B alk " are laughing caricature* They w»l appear « the opera n ote*, one maht only. Tbureday. Dat. Mb. « hat Happened to Jo***- Of all the rcwcntly extolled erop of tarcea. “What Happened to Jones,' on Saturday, matiaea and night. I* orou ably the beat and the company wh: h ,o s'lreaa* fully peosen'ed it tost .'eaaou should certainly be able to keep *a» 1 audience »mused. Tha wall known Jones Is played b» George C. Boniface, tr.. himself * varaatlle cocktail t» the theatrical appetite, whiie the other numbers of the east, including Frances Drake. J. W. Cope. Mabel Montgom ery. Gerald Griffin, Helen Bell Frank j Curr'ee Florence Robinson, H. F. IRobert. Mr* E. A. Eberle. Lewis H | Newcomb and Ada Craven, form a combination that would tick'* the pal ate of the most blase theatregoer. This fate*' Is one of the very few I American plays to score a genuine suc re*# to London, where It has passed Its one hundred and twenty-fifth per formance at the Strand theatre. Great Colored Minstrel Festival opens tomorrow. Inauguration of New Dining Car I ine on Southern Railway's United States Fast Hall Trains. On Nov. 20, the Southern railway es tablished a superb new dining cai line Wetween Charlotte and Washington on the United States fast mall. Nos. 35 and SO This service makes this train ! equal to the famous Washington and Southwestern Vestibule Limited, whose reputation has revolutionised | travel In the South | For Information or reservation In , Pullman cars, call on or sddreßs J. B HEYWARD, T. F. A., 739 Broad street. Augusta, Ga. — | Minstrel sale open tomorrow morn ing. Fire at iTertins. Half of his store is filled with Fur nishing*. Woollen Undershirts. Socks, etc. and the other half Is filled with the finest Woolens for Suits. Trousers end Over Coatings. These goods ar* not burnt, but If you buy them they would teel as If you were on fire. 921 Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel. Bachelor’s Honeymoon tomorrow night. Great shew Ceorßia Cane Syrup 25c per gallon at Whitaker & McGowan’s, 1248 Broad Street. Strowger ’Phone 381. (Jar jariaa* on suits only two-thirds •u.tat others charge. E. J. rienry & Co., H'oi cash tailors. ROOF LEAK ? R g«a b'dagM MMi pBB •ha tmt bam aam §M waaa ahaariMf* ia MRMM * ttm. J hawed MB* 9m* » *• RM N» i <* • - M§ • * Osama Mhaal Baeww* CHAN 0 Ma/vgfaf V-' kli'lUh .* « IrtJUMtI.AR Iv-aiPba* ad M Arpeaes *•* JMda Cars*a* News. Kwaba*. b. I* . fMa b— Tb# pad*, affike* ta a*tab moved f*MR Mm team ta tbs aaa* Mb* *b «n# QRta B*v## aad raaetsaaea raftoapb, ka mat* *wmp IN* I a ‘a*** hatch livery *<•*•• that tba raa taaeaaa. Me Aba*#*, eipseta aa basN ta* <N* Raviiv Baabiag aab M«a*a* iba #**>»*** Tb* mat* *w s># wg* piwsb gab aed ad bp Jwa. 1. *f a# aa-va altae aa paaMK n t* •#* la at* re, t, , grw-'ss, saabar be** tb** baa b*ad at haem* aab * *aaa bae at »♦s** wbteb ar* bat* ba*- ail •ba *•■**. that ia evib**ta at Kaaabas « ptdb **4 |»- cesaa 7Nee» at* gsiaa a attmtwe at *«• ttomniSß* aab (bat bav* Jwat haea rwmpisieb Maaara Blaeima* b Fsir Ice kaet hrib taisbsd tfc« r new dweihfx* arhieh *r» pe**iy sab ap-to. bate addtaa a great bawl ta tb* aleev ly pra*i<*m atrvat ta town Buev Mr fiartwith, wtM bam beer •ew.-lytap tb* M'lhotUae E*t*eip*i ah'teHi m tbia plan* tar b* part lea Tb # aaa aar hs.t te *ak* yewe parvha*#* islkvi) tttlbau#G* MAHONEY & ARHSTRONO COAL AND WOOD. Rtrewgar Rhone ..... ill Bell Office aad >ard N*. • McCartaa .Alreal yaara, t# #ow away, ft In hoped by ail here 'bat be will he given charge of tbia «arcuK agate at the meeting of th* conference The city eouaetl hse been mak ng great ImproTemeats on tba atreata. ny having stiff clay hauled and mixed with the aand. which make* a splendid, hart! end cleea looking at reel, alnrwt: equal to a rare course. The public achaol i* in a ihtit .eg roßdttioti gm ar the management of Prof. Rhode*, who bn* able and* *ffl rtHtt aasistents. Mra. Gardner and M a« Croitoa. How tba wind blow*. Keep oi«t the mlb. dive fuel, temper and doctor*' hill# Don’t tot your next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3to 8 cent* a foot. Thl* I* done by ualng WEATHER STRIPS For sale by Augusta Mantel A Supply Co.. 921 Broad. Mlsa Lucv Miller l**ad Mis* Lucy Millar of Greensboro. Ga bled on Friday night The funeral topk place yes erday morning at eleven o'clock . .. The deceased was a sister of Mr. Jno. J. Miller. ' Tomorrow night. Bachelor's Honey moon. Great show. Northern Trains Late- The Atlantic Coast Line train was one hour late this morning. The South ern was two tours late. Ncrthern con ! rertiona were the eauae of the delay. • Tomorrow night. Bachelor's Honey moon. Great show. OffCffMfffffl 8 snoot is*j is naINON tw* tßiwai t mp*t tbm » sapwma M Owa Aawtßa*. Mam* II C 4., (Isa., i -Me* Mamia MagwasM. wMa a#Me t. W. *f n ai ab. 0004% 00 Iff— $i iff—lF -ff'—ffi $ Iff ff |R## £s• 'ffffff **4 —ff—. *to iff—l |—f— b#4 ff—ff* iHMNi —ff » fffff* 111- —ffff—i t —iff—»li y fft iff- ffffUf |pa aab Me* Mtawab P P«*a» ed Flaaa. lit. *b* paean** as Me» **<-,*, waab aealesb a b* bay* bafoe* ik*a '*n9*‘mr* b'«Gi Mr. B *f Rtaew mb. ' wdm la a aaa as Ora * Nee wood ftw «if ft teas elite, la a papator aawvHaat* ta tamm. am* to a mem fro as tb* pw ,-eraaa fna as MaH'ae a Waymaab. A diffiew tv groariag smt «b tb* ptaa eratlem as T, A- Lamb at tba m«st teem as raa** aerareab hatwroa Me. tank aab Meeob W. All#* a law dass ace Tb# forma*, aeawb wtib a *b.d gaa aad ibe laws* mttb a revolver, eg . ebcateb abet* mt aaeb other aat'l tbetc sreai ega seee* eaapt'ei Mr Alto* re reived a pclaful bmebah-at wound 44 wm able ta at tea* tbe pwlimiaary *>e«uag tb* Beat bay. wblcb raastitef la tb* btablag aeee as Mr lamb far (fiat far bto part la tba abootlag. It to Mib that L*v>r.ldas M. Gsaqua. 1 a former member as tb# Legtstatnra, % ; taka tba place pew he*d by Mr S. ' (ridiore Smrtb la lb* fOmperol’er • as- Hern iba wind Mow*. Keep «u» tb* ’raid Sava rue*, temper aad doctors" i MR*. Don't let your aext-dooe neigh ’ lor hear you swear. From 3to » ***» l a fne* ! This to dome by ualng WEVTHEB RTRIPR. For sal* by Aagusta Mantel A Supply Co. *ll Broad | Tomorrow night. Bachelor s Honey moon. Gaeat show. THE MARKETS. AUGURTA MtRKET REPORT Augusts Ga Dec. Tine, steady. i Ordinary 1-1* , Good ordinary * 7-i*a*4 4-rlrr good ordinary * lt-l«**r j Dow middling fa* i i* ■ g-rict low middling §N*5-I4 $ 7-ItUH dutet middling tNall-l* fK'od middling .. •• ......$ T V*i6-ta Rama «H*N j Tin ;e» «K-3 l-M RECEIPTS, SADES. SPIN NERS. SHIPMENTS. Wei ending Dec. », I*9*: Rec. Sates. Spin Shlo't Saturday 169* *** € ** IH® tionday ,*.**..1124 $32 1$ UK i Total $022 10*5 71 2*7* r GROSS RECEIPTS. i m M9* Net receipt* today -too 1111 Through cotton today .... 3$ Gross receipts today ....3153 1121 STOCK—RECEIPTS. IW7 I*9* Stock In Augusta 51591 354*1 Receipts since Sept. 1 ..211644 201524 Hew tho wind blows. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors' bills. Don't tot your next-door oelgh fcos hear you shear. From 3 to 8 cents a fict. This Is (lone by using WEATHER 'STRIPS. For sale by Augusta Mantel j* Supply Co.. 921 Broorl. Bechelor's Honeymoon tomorrow i night. Great show. FOR SALE-REMINGTON NO. #: j good condition: cheep. Typewriter, Herald Office. Dec. *• Clrisimas Offerings In diamonds, precious stones and solid gold Jewelry make the most acceptable gifts that you can choose for a lady. We have a superb array of lace pins, pendants, chatelaines, watches, toilet ware and noveltie* that will adorn beauty, and please the most fastid ious. In men's Jewelry our haniLjome scarf pins, signet rings, sleeve buttons, charms and novelties are exquisite. A. J, RENKL. Jeweler, 928 Broad Street PARLOR MARKET, 95 1 Broad Street. EELLTHONE 409 A Prime Family Roast of Beef from ths rib, sirloin, fil. t cross rib or standing n» w« wilt cut you at any time so that It will cat tender, jolcy snd coo cutent. Otsr vtock of prime meats, poultry, gama and venison Is of the very choicest to ts secured, and our itoct of turkeys are fat and of rare flavor. POWELL & COMPANY.