The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 TUESDAY THE AUGUSTA HIRAIO ***** A****•*■• «<*«" §m»9 *'<**■ »*»»»••*****•* •** *t* »«»««•* «aM* « >'«’?•s„..*„•***»«**»* • I*** • ••• * .« P * *H«- •** mmmmmmmrn «* «** ».«*«* *-***«• •*■ $-..»> it mi * - a !«. tj r»<* •»•. *•« mmmm 111 MAI U •MMMM* cure ITt r MM I ***>•#•" MM. . Cm* RM#t*r- RtoSt MM. *«»»•»•* *•* " •»• ***** R**r*»*g MW" *>»*•*»» AM tut WILL HM» Ttlli WrJIAI4» I* Attaat* -A« H«M A*MM* *M t* »» • » A* •* t**M*ll*lM Bt«n A* •«** *«*•• ***** •** *»«•»■ !■•***'. , Ml O*r»MM *< H* *****MM* I* OM*w»*» A* MM '»•' w r **''*' I* m*«i r*»fc o*r~** •** **• m "“*• per* mm* CM A A****** H M "' pp'fifcr# I*«mm ** An* * I** Wsestd ** *•'*• *>«**« AAA f«*Mf«*d* *M mvmtmm ■ A MM* A? f*p**l»*A *A* !AH I* IAM •AM* M*« labAaal f#A ftoA* • •*•* *M •»**• Mi wifi Mi AfM» RAW OA* Mini f>f SXfAMia* I* A *«• P UmMMMMim IMMIf of IM I****' Xto# »"„ur*.« of i*l| AO« rrorhe, A»'f •a, round aAma a«H4 PtltpAor* 'Axxh r «i* >M* horror.' r*f*rr.»g ftp (lM ißtiotiP foie jnHM rACA, Is OA lA N*« York M*»sr« Mrirk aa<l Mudd mmrm hriro- Mt l la rMk *tfc*r ia Wi*l»W»ii ftAtsrdJD Vrk»« terrbJs (Air* of shipwreck mr.A AM*r art the** soariM «P fmre th* *'" rT Th* AUn Mi Rtripes tow *»*• m-er TrlnXUMl and NaacU sp*rnum in Ba«u o»r* pmriar*. CM>». T*nA*r. of llHaol*. **r* *h*l It,* iDdtrtmmt ia only th* "•ehen»e of a tot of Dtmocrati * g ( .iktna of Mland*. thr Aleutians, the Hawaiian* and tho Philippine# all Malone to the l'cited State*. John 01 finer Speed aaya that the Modern bachelor apartment houee# are a aertoua detertwt to matrliflony. "Do we live In the middle a«e#r Baked Jiidmn Lyon* la Sunday* New York Herald on ihr subject of the nice problem ff the President I* to *o all the way down to Tusks*## to rlatt Hooker Washington. could he not etop In Au gusta for a thtyf Another horror of the ( , Portland dla juter- the life preserver* Instead of be- Inir tilled with granulated cork w re stuffed with lule or California reed*. 0 woman! In our hour* of ee»e. Vnrertaln. coy and herd to pleaac. . When you atart for u* at the Fulr, There'* no uncertain meaning there! Too had. too bnd- Just as rapid tran alt really ie in sight for Gotham. along comes a h!fi lire und destroys plans and maps, (be result* of years of study. After the bedger game trial In New York, Pet Stratum Moore and her hus band must face the charge of taking silverware from the Waldorf-Astoria. Aggravating. She Where have you been until this hour In the morn ing? He—You wouldn't know where the place is If I should tell you.-Clu chMiatl Enquirer. “Mr. Dingley, leader of the majority, and Mr. Bailey, minority leader, came in simultaneously," And then began the closing session of the memorable Flfty-bixth Congress. Defined.—Bobby-Popper, what ts a respectable fortune? Mr. Ferry—One big enough to moke Us owner’s opin ions on any subject entitled to respect. —Cincinnati Enquirer. During the Elks Memorial Service at the Academy of Music Sunday after coon. all of the lights went out.—Ma con Telegraph. The audience should have been requested to join In singing, “head, Kindly Light." Those happy women who fondly slip the gold circlet, the symbol of their marriage vow, to and fro upon the third Anger of the left hand, may know that the Egyptian* believed a slender nerve in this particular digit connected directly with tb# heart itself. rstaaatt* ts • *aa tiAdtaa* ! m* s******** SRI *** *44 ***** «|«« s*» 4Mta>Si 90099** W4* M* 9* ! pPi*P 9*m4* ®4 S 4 ’•* • !• • •%••• * ISwwPfiNl IWPS PP iPPPPP* i Hv.. Hap #Sllwpf Hi IHBSPIT •NMa* ' paNvi sp ss C apawasS sturlisp. I Ip IP # SPA PPPS* •»»* IptPt ippip pi u pa ippfp appi*'* n* ■: «p# ajpi'lPO Pt # * wMPrfltsfP I p'awasi p^ : p» fpps iBiPPi Ptfl Pa P»* Pa pi •444 pff j PSP 4PiP IP liPSA tNlt •• ap»44Pt pph ip Upp» apptfpis |p tpp |%4ftP P iP# paps* a*pl4- UtPiPip ’# a*pt* PPi vp«p Hi tPa Bpptp P#a P w| 44M»it aPlitPl PpPA if IP# «%Itf nM I# pvsptf pPI lfc# cPpPiaM# PfP IImM IPa #ap#p aa4a • ‘ TMa Item!A mrtw*« dwt ttw saa** AAM* Ml lA* rwwetb aa4 rn» WArd» **wM M*»* «•»** Maasy, Ha* aaA ***f MM* 1 Ay awIMAtMMMI «A* AAMAtrW «* ‘ A»<r raMwtwM* ia tfc* wAste ****** ,Of mmmm mtmm mmmm tmmmmmmtm aaA (At# IMaaAa tmfmm m ***** A • A** yrt ■MAT tA«r* I* AtMMAC «Na» A* *» *•** IA IMM 'A* AIMAUWA **•» •• *Aa AAA* ,m* «l*itlra (tot tbr IMA* oAgbt •* <MM* «h*w A# Whit# MAA, AMMai tA , t**rrr**A! tAe * Ait* pMmtm As AAJ A »*4 || li, city of Wtn t*lk» t* !*aAmII At* tAAdtdary to tA* wAtta A**- (4* ll Will A* A lAMrAIAhIT (Art to A*** ■ bit* Aijtihlta to tA* »A t* boa over* riddcA Ay AtArk MjtfltlM Ia tA* •*• 'gro h»a sad cooturtlMAw *A*ted f* *•» 'the word. wAo or* oot tbe choir* of a j maiurtty of tA* obit* voter* of tA* yggatOAt KVA Ktot ll ta nld that pcotioo rlalnw «H».af ] mil of the A pan la* war or* h*ta» Med la Wa*biact«a at tb* rat* of tbr** , hundred pec day. and Cart Kcbort who ! ha* had cxpcrtenc* as secretary of tA* interior aaya that oat of **• <** th* array pay roll loot *a«aa»*t, K».- j <«• will lw am th* penalao roll la t»* ; year*. i Even an radical A republican paper as Th* New York Prea* brut come to > the ronrluaina. apparently that th* j pension buatnesa baa been overdone. It doesn't say that the penaion rolls are plentifully sprinkled with fraudu lent penatoner* or that there are thou | sands of men and womeu drawing iien»ions who should never had one, but when It aaya that la future th* I "pension business must be conducted on huaine** principles." It amount* to ( practically that. go much for the National Pension Bureau, which, as everybody know*. 1 1* conducted for political purpose* Bui i In (teorgla and regarding confederate ' pension*, with the ‘legislature even ; now grappling with the retrenchment ; quest ton on th* Item, reform* are urg ! < ntly needed. The Herald learn* that Investiga tion* which have been recently made show that fully twenty per cent ofj those who draw pension* from the, I wtste are owners of considerable prop-1 i erty. The tax assessment* of this large number of pension drawer* range from SI,OOO to $20,000-a much larger, amount of property, no doubt, than I* owned by the majority of the taxpay er* of the mate. This class as pen sioner* are well able to take care of themselves and they should not be beneficiaries of the state. They may have been good and brave confederate soldiers, but still, unless they are in needy clreumatHnces, the state should not b* made to contribute to their support. The Columbus Euqulrer-Sun sug gest* that the lists be purged, by the grand Jury of each county being giv en authority to examine the pension list for its county, with power to strike therefrom all who are not Indigent, and It thinks that the pension burden In Georgia will be reduced fully one half. Lot. tbo lnw lie so changed that pen sions will be paid only to those In need of them. THC MAINE ALBUM The Herald la furnishing to Its read ers a short series of eight volumes of historic groups and Incidents connect ed with the late war. We have only secured a few copies, ns the edition Is limited. The “Maine Album” Is the first of the series which will be followed next week by “The Martyrs.” The price of this souvenir edition la only teu cents a volume. Copit's can be had at The Herald for 10 mils or will be mailed to any address on re ceipt of 12 cents tn stamps. Tbe Charleston and Memphis com mittees may b« unable to get the Pres ident to visit those cities, but Augusta surely might induce him to stop over between Atiants and Savaotiab. TBB ■ATTG'CrBT.A SAM |A* - A MS MA WMA MMMAWA awAMpa* As t*» I# ' # a*| ipsnw4it%> fmms m -|gh. #» 4# W/ff • 4444 44 i#4 41 I *■' P in jj‘4 tjji'tHjiwHit- 4HH *t4 iHflf* j ##4 VH#i #9V •S4* , "«4i#l f INP4 4t*4* W 4 §4'f4l S** 1 f f P#4 44Wt f 9m? $!• •i—trw* Hf fM» 44• *4H4IMM ##* | |»W|li4ili*»4» t ***** ****••**> ' *fl 40MI TH# MHiH ■—> 9ms** M#l t s#, v «ltl4 mrnwm **» t#### **# f tmltMl «■■■••■• Ml W#4lA<»4t«4i fwipf* 4##. Ml MtjMWI 9HONF* fm f«M 4*€#s*4 «*# Ifc# Ml##**##** f ’‘4» j flkpj i>«i4 IImM M 4IHhI w§ p4hMi''#f I'M* 1 4 *44 444NN|pi 9>t Wm> I?4#HNI M 8441 - •tt Will t'N|4 t lf4 JPp4i4 j 'MAM 4 lAAWay AtM A res** r*«A* « ' aval A* mm Amt tb* A*AtfAs A t lA* t‘»b I*4 ttastaw *a4 Ik* mmmmrnt M Is Aagpaa, tba unit aAaH tbs wnwry. **4 aa ttratari* lA* taaMAaCA AUMcs A*«>a ia | tea* Ms AasaOta urn im tab rktiiMVT It anything k to M do*« lawitM get 1 Is* Frvatol*sl M< to *M« Augaata. hAAvMUat* At*p» sAoaM A* ta- I km | trmbmh’r aa egaslly aa fsvnrshl* aa * lipgitin-intlr wilt nrcar la a taag Us* ja* saw *r«—at* itself. TA* ymMmi J I* to A* ta Atisats mm tA* Hth *»4 Is ■II prohaAlllty will d**lr* to see »A* > Meveatk mrmm *mpm sad Oemeral loe Met* M Mmtea ft* Caka, At Savaa- AAk. When the matter property placed be fore bfm. would Mb** dlflrsh mat ter to laducc imp to Mop ommr la A*- gusts, *a roate betwaea ike two rtt lee? Tke ufltrer* of the hesilquarter* nt th* gerood army rorp* would doubt less be duly too glad to be tnepm ted. and tb* soldier boys oaly too l»r»<id to be reviewed by tb# cooMßAod".* ia cbhrf. And what a day for Aagusta? The crowds from the rouutry; low rate* and excurslous oo the ralirosde. , prefltabie holiday chopping for the merchant*, th* band* playing, and a general gala day. But the time la short. The Herald understand* that the president ha* nailer advisement a e.elt to Charleston while on hi* southern j tonr, and if anything 1* to be done. |it mu*t he done at once. Augusta should embrace the opportunity and flguiatively speaking, the President. TOMOBKOWI ELECTION Tomorrow live good men and true sre to be elected by their nelgh l,or* and fellow cltUen* to help ad i minister the municipal affairs of j Augusta for the coming three year*, j l As the Herald ha* frequently had oc i sslon to remark in tt* advocacy <>f white primaries In this connection, | It ha* had, neither ba* It. any par ticular choice or candidate. All the nominee* are most excellent gen tlemen and good cltlx<-n*. The Her ald simply bespeaks for its view* the attention It thinks they deserve and; that neeeslsty for their adoption. To the new members of council It cx-! tends n hearty greeting, and wishes them health and wisdom to work for the advancement, th* physical and moral growth and prosperity of Au gusta. HEADERS AND ADVERTISERS. The Sunday Herald has only a lim ited amount of advortltdjig space for the use of bona Ode advertisers. Its columns primarily belong to Her ald readers, for the motto of The Sun day Herald Is a newspaper for news paper resident. It Is this policy which has built up the circulation of The Sunday Herald and which makes It continue to grow with ef ch succeeding Issue. In order to make any paper valuable as a news medium or as an advertising medium, tt mußt appeal and take care of Its readers Interests. Fortunately Tbe Sunday Herald Is not dependent on Its advertisers. The paper will continue to be Issued If not a single advertisement flnds Its way in to Us columns. The first purpose of the paper Is to win its tvay as a newspaper. That It has and Is doing this Is being attested by Kind words and new sub scribers each week. If you don’t get Sunday's HeraJd, you miss the newsiest an 1 best reading of the week. Julia Marlowe has secured the dra matic right# to rharles Major's novel. ■ When Knighthood .was in Favor.” THE OlttdjKVLK Atwr TOWN, .jsxjS'lzssx >■ m 0 mwiMil ii"4fc» # 4NPHH ijrffifjnmf * r mmT •»••«*** ri TssfmSrFSz* rc WMA Mwre*-| t** A»w>* t* w» MM aaA «*M* A«r lA* *l**y M A#M>% AM re*A*i"i that M j «mm44| 94 4 9444 1444 H# 4«4 rm *l W4H. 9*9*** 9* *9mmi 44 944, U r t t 9m*t+* Mm mm ** ****** 9m srMNit aM s**?** 9# 4* 99 4 'pmm m*wm§mp"* 9444 49441* i The totto* who ho* ammi *M**th«*4rj b* ItolAke foAdf **4 WhO mmm t" •*» to I* A»*At IA «Wf*t*-trt. TA* Mi** I are. *• a,*** with, that the stmry hsa s *un ly ye* sal t*t«r#st s*4 •"MM hr W(l»rvt fle—t S*4 Sfqww Ul4 hv M"l owe • #«*** iwto l « th* mmtrnm #*•»- ntttaUy Mienitn. Its hum,*’, M * ... It t# t«M—«* th# veto* a*4 tnflr'tom. f th# agashc# and th# rvi»er**to* *f his far* tM wh*A Mtsrt to* raid tvt# ts st<Anlt*l#l|i A*A4 *4 (#Mh or M*l As mv frtrwd Bf th* B» akwrv#* I* writ* a fussy thing and to tot a !im* this* At* as 4t»rf st mm ptavtß* th* ptaoo sad tiJiii a bto-yrto. RHYMIIO NONSENSU. Those Icy Psves. Th# auut stood on th# tc*-b«MMid #trr#t. Whence all ton htm had r#d. Ttimtbrri walked «# on thetr f#ct. (tut h# stood on hi* bond. Bwutt.ut saaw Jlnctr jlnttr. st#igt> hell*. What * th* licsrv fsrr? Th# chap Whs * Irish*, Th#*v snowy days. Must b* a mtllPmstr#. The l ittle Poem*. Trn mile porre*. All In a lilt#; An editor d#e!ln#d on# And then there w«r# nine. Nine lltll# poefns Onln* In a drov*i An editor was short of wood And them 'em In th# stove! —Atlanta Ponsuiutton. Her Defect. Oh, th# maid I toy# has fhwn-tfh# eve* And a wealth of ailky hair; fth,-’* as graceful *s Ih# gay gaaelle And she Is pasting fair Her laugh la like sweet music and Her prscenes la divine; And I am thrilled to evert touch Her little hands with mine. Ah. ah» would !-■ perfection, but For one distressing thing— Like many another foolish girl She think# that she ran sing. —Chicago New*. When I Wake I'p In tbs Mornln'. When I wake up In the nmrnin', in the laughin', stonin' mornin'. With my soul keyed like a fiddle »n' my heart keyed tike a lute, Au’ memory maids eome trlppin’ an’ » glidin' an' a-slippln. Alt' Hoodin' all n-y heatt-house with the faint note* of their flute. Then my lira juF long to utter little songs, that kind o' flutter Bound the earthly cage that coops them an* would fly up in Ih* light. An' to my soul all ytartilr.'. little fire fly thought*.come burnin' An" a-brio gin' spirit lanterns that would lead it out of ntgbt When 1 wake up in the murnln'l When T wake up In the mornin'. In that solemn, silent mornin'. After long, lone years of slumber an long. lon* years of sleep, When my spirit's bird haa tested In the heavenly air It breasted An' Its golden pinions tested for their flight across the deep — Igtrd, I know my soul will flutter up to heaven, an' t will utter In a clearer note the songs it only tried toslng below. An’ these fitful, fiery flashes from the pule hope of my ashes. Will he altars of star-incense in the glory of Thy glow When I wake up tn the mornin’! —JOHN TROTWOOD MOOBE. In Chi cago TVmes-Heiwld. \ " '" l« England titled folk are going on the stage and refusing to go on the stage with a rapidity whirh tnkea awav one's breath. The young duke of Man chester refused an offer of $l6O a week from an American manager solely through consideration for his family, and. it is said, Lo'd Crichton asked per mission of the management to piay the part of a policeman In “The Belle of New York.' bidj those in power are dubious «« to hlsj ability. *m& «* 4(4441 <§ -■* i 4** ] f ***** «fc*. * *#*o** m 44» *f lIMH | 4th#4M *|Mls II •HahMwtMiMK|i4sll § **** ( I*m** imarn mm* «V> f mm\ 4444 WW% ******** ***** 94W414 "I*n t rr H#4 19# f*w# |K«« m*mr* * : . eff l *® (Nk "44F* 4 <iM4tl4l # 4 •9f s *l4l. Tl ****** ***** 4t 4 W*** *444 ***** **- j 44H4 Ml »nHti| ***** **** 94M444 • < | a ||ts> latoß v hutn : »«f |4 4NMP4 I s-rs tltf (luktt tfe# l«4f»flMTvw((i lt*f, TW tn4** 4#**9 44fxl|T V 4 (9l l»fr wmilto4 us MM* J4wjr#r‘4 9911#. fVtni ihini *hmt Mil fW4nwi 4*9l* f If 4SIVI|4T KfdlMlf t9f4. If rr*M* *94* «f» Mi >»mtart ! (||rr» »o«H M M 49 rirnm 44 tM* *«9. If some "tea a* they pay N will take th»«t a haul ttoas to A#t thsr*. (experience t* a towohsr o # mankind, and awns men attt hen of ao oths*. | It was probably (he oh# touch «f na ture tn Adam that mad* th# world ktn. Th# A’nro (ta#*#* a man looks through th# more strange thing* b# ran too. If matches are mad* la heaven th# shipping clerk make* aom* awful btun d«r* If Ih# wait#* of *in 9 d#mlh It must bf m man's own ghost that walks on ray 4W * A man may h# able to write a doaen ; voluitt#* and atilt he unable to flit one pocket lawk. About th# only dlffercnc# between marble* and billiard* la In tbe age of the player*. The Texa* steer Is a pretty tough pr„t»*lt lon—when yon meet him In a restaurant. If th# Interstate railway are trunk line*, llttl# suburban roads mutt be bundle line*. If the man who want* the earth suc ceeded In getting It he would kick about the taxe*. If you spenk evil of a man In his ab sence If# cowardly, and If tn hla prc»- i enc# If* dang-TOU*. laruel KangwU ha* undertaken to dramatise hi* lawk stories, "Th; Chil dren of the Ghetto.” The stock operator who buys and sella far future delivery evidently be lieve* in a hereafter. Wl*e la thf Individual who can con dense a peek of trmihle so that It will go Into a quart measure. Home pugUlsta are heavy weight*, some are light weights and the major ity of them are long wait*. It I* said the snipe has a nerve run- j nlng clear down to the cod of Its bill, i The plumber must he that kind of a bird. A matrimonial agency offers to sup ! ply any man with a wife for 15. It coats less to got Into trouble than It does to j get out again. Maude Adams' season In New York j has surpassed the wildest expectations ; of her managers. Her last week's re- 1 ceipts were over $14,000. The average girl's knowledge of pu gilism is rather limited, hut it doesn't take her long to discover that tho prize ring eomes with her engagement. The man who makes his wife get up and light the fire every morning of her life shows his appreciation by erecting a $lO tombstone to her memory- Kyrie Beliew Is said to be unhappy tn his engagement in the London com pany headed by Charles VYyodham and Mary Moore because hts ideas and those of the other actors in regard to how the play should be produced do not cninrld* For The Soldiers! Kef ulation Gauntlets Regulation Hals Officers* Hals flannel Shins Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTORS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats lo Order DORRS. 7ltt BROADWAY 71 8 "Good Taste Apparel.” ) A Seasonable ? 1 Symptom J / imltlt Ik* i%WM MtpSA- { L M f a rust lasi mist*. Van C f *Aua 4 Ml, prompt sritu* ta 1 \ *•* bat it * • A#* t*d J \ Syrup a# Ter i / and Sweet Cum / f Ar>*M«>p*r>A*a#4 rona*- / \ neat ease a it* trow wee imt \ / ■ Mr l*ro< <hiu« / \ *mt ait ttonsm, V / Mat Mi iuog* Tries Ike- / / If Your Face / i and Hands Chap / N Cm M' Cunitabsr tto A ! - r f ua It I* • Wkfci- > I C I A,tie’s. I UfS# # 1 - hays sad ktn* tbs skin u C ( iprrt Met soft sa aa la- J laat’a * urea wstor*. (an i J apt tea flame# will J ( ! .! t- • i-* ii*e natotori I j ,ft#r hbavtae— -Re a beatts. J S ttr >he b I*beet Mat lee I # S mmmtmm i» auatnsd to Fi* i / arriplieos fl >cd at oar aims, f / Alfiatder Dm Cripm s J %i BROAD AT. ( For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices nail sections of the city. Several of J. B. White s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Bu Wltof. MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK KENTrCKY Absolutely Ine;*nte*talde P,'tu.l,.; From Pate of Issue. largeet Dividend* - - - - Lowest Premiums j folicitor* Wantori; cali or write H. U. STEINKR, Special Agent, j 4111 D>er Bniidln*. 'EACH DAT KEJ THE HERALD^ 0 * ' wlus, sun ‘MONiTue iweD'TNu] tm'taT' ggfe Tfil2 l ISlfo. 17 TS - »g>2o|2«g 2! 1 23 24 l£Sf2G\ZT~2ts>.22 30,31 DECEMBER fl FILL UP YOU# YcorCo'ogDeßouies FOP CHPI4TMA4 urn Till WLU» *tMQ 1494* I y ggjft o of* { *'*****""*. ~,»,* OF. FlAtinf Cut Car* and r*rwm Arid Cologne Bottle* I for Chris? m*» Pr«*snti. At.d Me my line of Christ mas Goods, a i new no- Valdes and low prift*. L I. Gardelle. Druggist. w PROF. P. M. WHITMAN. tO9 7lk St. Ain't!. «t. SJtof s »ls f ft* TfSTS 6* all mmmm m *(kt. **.*•* ia* y#»*»i> at, im** aa* w AJS •asst* <*»«* Lsam* sa» amb yam tows* wbak (oa waro FREE OF CHARGE uaun. tor• ■ COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Aupsita Cor] k Supply Oo v»at.t4ty *».*! t,a*(My Uoavaotrod. F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bril Ft.uA -Iri mtrornmr »• Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman's Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wanfs We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Riclards & Star, 8-?7 Broad St.. City. Pa ine, M urp’// & Co. (OMMKHOK MEKfHANTb 18P3 Fevuolds SL^TcJcjSeßCf^.n’ 1 m»l» L.’t’t to )re, I Ur,-t It, N»* Yo tt Chitago and N,« Orkatu order* executed over our wire, for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. rlrion* fur ro*h or on margin*. La,cal •erurllle* bough* and sold. Heferenre# Na' Kxchange Bank of August* lor Mercantile Agenete*. FOR SALE. I Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house—L'K. 40xt.>0 feet. Ten aces of Und on the fl*nd Hill*, nea' Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 12 ' ro,-ma, stalde. barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses sntl lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all, at a bargain. i; Acres of land near Wrlshtsboro road, one mile above city’s new wate.- basins. R 0 acre* of land near Mllledgevllle road, seven miles from court house. APPLY’ ro Clarence E. Clark 832 Bread Street. 3NT ! ftp- 1 teg to notify mv friends and customer- that I have added another chair to my Barbel* Shop, making six first-cUss Barbers, and I hope to at commodst, my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COMB EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 .V- 214 Eighth tt. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.