The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 07, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 THE IUGUSTI HEMIC |*«•s 4M »•**«** Ms** **•*•* o*9 99*9 w ««■»«»»» <Mm V ®* It* (•»twtm re****.****® »• **.«?« **wj>* «* •* -4B fIWWMI ■H WHHK * 9 «* w t m v# 1 Hiiiii 4* ,1 >l, in.iiiin— * **• &*£*#** Np<mm4 *«<*** *** A f»0p» tof iff 4hF4<*lM4M4Nrtl§*4 *%444Mk * r«*»< * »•*. m ra** *»•« *m» <X^fel£> ..." MMM J# | WflHi HMUU) »**»uMiß. fin, n-iif MM * •**•••■» | 8M jMflti rlj ' MM fc4N«r* MM» MMi MM* I** ttftM* Hwnm iwi f £41114 •tf44#*t Mi MHHK ** m WILL IWO fill HillWU» •—® « . |„ m<mm i> .4« •*» s*»•*■ IM*« ■gMkl M * **' ** s**** |[ 1# fit®. * ® Al 4Sw H#w®* Mrere* *** Im< !«•••*» |p s?*##*••s#*•*—At tk# , "V**l**l®r | - M«»* In t?®*Si®h4* AI t*r 4 * ’#**** to ysmm fm*9 «JH* *1 •*» M"*®* Ms® fUtv FNftA 9**99* ss*4#s. fin*® #4a«*fi* 9t*9 **Mr«»4® ®w »•*•' • *»*-» w f •*•*■»»•• W» iwff t» '**• ®fifi®, '_ i titan ntn rtiiM T*®r» ®re is»re® (*•*•» <Mi •• treat AafiN***k • •*• Ottp MKn *l*l 4*4 •*- SHfcrk 9$ awop 99 *99p 99. Firrt lire w9ap9i*m ot ptfia* sna®**- r* * ft* la# HatffiH 1 * w t* r pm*99iL fi#i*4iim fcnnia, at iff# a*®*®* Hat. #*» * Jtahltc prl tot lit N»K* plrrevr" »r<> profit at 111 rlttarea of His 4V.Hrv portl,*® at Ike HIT. Ksroßtf ||« pltrllMl iM prnarelga I ton ~f |Mans l>4 *ufpo* b a® W <k# st)4 that Atiutia mar I* mMH If Us War iMatiaaii aa il* alia of a garmanoai pa* nfitsv Cama MrKsasi* la afcaaffonsd anA Ha prsrem votna* taar eceupnal* at# awtiwl ml ana feat* Inst fur thrtr mapmira Ibbm I%tnf‘ tti> laafonaara of ih# <a*tral or aud<ii* part at (Hal ataaa!fla#al raa liaa~~ ikom«(kl»H, Ornrns sirari. or portkia* of H at >naat b»lua brought to a tat*h*<* and hrauttful coa4lttoe. Ut Art aaalat and «att npua Nature la th* tmhrntahtng and preaarrlag of Gnrsc atrret. No mote rlsrUona. o<«». this rear. Oecllrmt u of roaacll. at arret you. This ia CaroUaa'a fcooa* day at Co! umbta. U*a bahlra and doll hat»lr» ate (be attraction at lb# Fair today. The Home Insurance company I* without a home In Now York, IX and her bualiantl hare ona more ehatiCt ta the badger-game trial. Thlr|y-ine fools started on the pare that kill* at the Madison Square Oar. dao At the normal rate of Increase. John D Rockefeller will have a billion In mo. We re golug to try for a .tmall allee of North Carolina and Tennessee any way, _ t How Savannah la gloating over Charleston In the grounding of the Lo belia! Th» performance of "A Bachelor's Honeymoon” last night wa* "out of •Ight.” Now you con cut off your coupon* aud tender them for taxee. The su preme court says so. The British press doesn't like the president's suggestions regarding the Nicaragua Canal In the message. Alderman Klee, of Atlanta, made a hot speech against the crematory bill and now considers It a dead Issue. "The grors widow Is becoming a fig ure entirely too numerous In tbe Uni ted States.” says the Constitution. "They don't need any elevator here," said one of the officers, coming out of the Fair, “th# girls let you down easy.” Transplanting tbe locust to Cuba, Is the way the New York papers speak of the sending of ex-Chlef of Police Mr- CJllagh if reorganize the Havana po lice force. Good for gallant Joe Wheeler again. He bos lost no time In Introducing a bill to give Miss Helen Gould a medal In recognition of her services In the late war. Mrs. Livings too Mims lectures to night on th® subject: "Christian Science." Is it Christian? Is It science? The London Board of Coro ners ha* answered No! atwwvt M'twM h* Mat «•**■£* *?ruTt~» t g* was Ms lssmb*#i *®b Iwwa wtfh Ms ' gtHIM Yfc* W9p9tt9 at »Mws 999*9999999 • I #‘•§•4mV mmktm 4 ••M * •m* jtgft tJt thr smmiM £'#s f~'Hy. •ifefwi Ijj i tirrt I f %4Nm*#M 4.m4 Ht-tai* a* if#•:•»* Vtiaiir It mm# ms tm# I nrnmi f!**4ftftit VMI 4tmt 4imlmp«4 In, Mu tlftrMA t|m4imMNi» mV §kM mnl mmt im* wMmy iiiwimi t teti* r .(!,» timmlm »MmM |§f* g{v• mi loUm m«»fM mHH 4 tmtimtum I But t«fm 4tm MrttmNU mWrfc that iM hm**t tilfftwiUoi of i Imp HrHUIi CSMMMU pPMPMMMI tUi* I UoNTftlpU fr,m# "On Jtsty SI at Sa, m, the Rrittoh | Consul fistMtl. the# la Havana Air Alexander (loilaa received the lotos , lag dispatch from the British foml la Baatlagn: ** 'Frsorb CotSMl wmte to Admiral tVrvera yasdarday wqtsatlsf him to ‘ give prevhMM notice If Isa lateaded bom herding the town, should the America a* tah® It. so aa ia remove forHga farolllca Admiral replle* to -1 day that Immediately the Amernaas enter he will open fire on Santiago. 1 and to consider that reply as not i flea j tloa. Please aae captain general at ! once, aa the admiral la Independent of ' military authority here. Krt-m h Con -1 sol preparing to leave, but 1 don't i know whera he ran go to or how he and tbe women can go through the Apantsh line#. Ramaden, Consul.' ” The telegraph and rable wires from that hour of S o'clock In the morning were kept hot with dispatches be tween Havana, the British Foreign Of fice and Madrid, and at 11 o'clock tbe following verbal message was dellyrt <h! to Blanco at hia palace: "1 come to Inform your excellency In the name of Her British Majesty's Government, that If tbe city of Santiago de Cuba Is bombarded by the Spanish fleet without tbe previous evacuation of the women and children, thaw act will be considered as wanton outrage against humanity.” Blanco backed down and ordered Ccrvcra to leave the harbor, which was done the next morning. And this Is the Spain, “discouraged” and' “downcaat.” signing peace treaties "for humanity’s sakewho but five short months ago countenanced a plot Inconceivable In clvlllxed warfare. Her present condition Is but the Judgment; of Almighty God. MO ■SECTIOHa." BUT A NATION This Is not a country of sections. In which one geographical division has oue sot of Interests and line of policy, while another ha» a different set of Interests and a different line of policy. It is one broad land extending from tbe Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean and from Canada to Mexico, In which there Is one law for all. one language for all. Hnd over which one flag floats ns the emblem of the common nation ality of all. White rule being conceded, for that of course supercedes all things, we should be glad If we never again heard of the "Interests of the south." The Interests of the south are the Interest* of the nation, and her htghest Interest, la to see the nation ut peace and prosperous, with one rule in general matters for all parts of the nation. From The Richmond (Va.) Times. Oh, yes: “white rule conceded.” But how about black rule In white com munities of these sections? How about tho possible balance of power In black hands in whtte communities of these sections? How about the question of local white primaries, to which The Herald has so frequently referred lately, and the value ot which Is this very day be ing demonstrated, In Augusta? How about black rule as witnessed In cer tain sections of North Carolina for the past few years? TBE JkTJ&TJ&TJS* JBTB3ItAsX>X> AmMEMMV 14844444 49 IflMt 9 , TIM mwfii t*l l fcifli vfNiM 44fM4if 14 Imp (lit Ut (#f#nlMa4# it mmmim** 4 . bit# 4ftiHf h law 4mi»o4 Thli OBSI:RYI:K ABOUT TOWN. Owt pf .Wight “A«y mvesper who would rua a play with such a paradnxtra! title ought to expert trouble ” said the Oborrver'i j Blight Friend last (light aa we were . i oalias from the Opera House. I had hern a bit luckier than Hat or day algkt and had maaagnk In eerure a pass for "A Bachelor's Hoaeymooa," I hot tbe company, It asems. wae ill or ! eight b. ■urn late and eoaaapneotb j there would he no performance "Besides that.” continued my friend, “don’t they know the euirae of true lave never did run smooth? I'm ac quainted with one of the members of the company,” he went on. “named Joans, and I wonder what happened j to Jonas ?“ The Obaervar Mid nothing, but hope* ’to be able to aee a play before the sea- I eon closes. He la hrglnntng to have hia doubts, and although It la a little outside his llnet not be'ng tbe dra matic critic, will any that the perform ance laat night “was out of eight." The Gold Wire Worker. i I stood and wntrhed thr gold wire I worker and military badge and rouve- | nlr maker In the Arlington hotel lob- j tiy quite a while last night. He’s a very daft and skilful work- I man and the quickness with which he : can take hit little roll of wire In one hand, his pincers In the other and. mranwhll® chatting with hit nmtomer turn out gold pens and brooches spell ing Mood. Mly. Kmmn, etrera. Is as tonishing. And he's apparently doing a land of fice business, too. He has been to all the big volunteer camps. Harrisburg snd Jacksonville, and save wait until the boys get paid off and the Augusta merchants will reap a harvest* Red Paper and Red Liquor. Iv'r noticed another thing In the past day or two, the Juvenulle sidewalk j holiday-goods merchants hove started | a little earlier than last year. And perhaps they won't do well if | the paymasters should hap|>en to come [along a few days before Christmas! I hope for the sake of the sidewalk | boys that this will be the case aud When, If th® city fathers will allow It. | Broad street will be littered from one end to th® other with torpedo sawdust and the red-skinned wrappers of fire poppers on Christmas day. 1 hope, however, that 'the red booxe will not be as much In evidence. Parlor Car and Sleeping Service Be tween Atlanta. Savannah and Millen, and Albany. Ga. The Central of Georgia Railway com pany has Inaugurated parlor car and sleeping car service between Atlanta and Albany, Ga., on train leaving Al bany 4:15 a. m.. arriving Macon 7:40 a. m., Atlanta 11:20 a. m.. and on train leaving Atlanta 4:05 p. m., arriving Macon 7:20 p. m., Albany 11:05 p. in. Passengers from Albany, Ga., holding berth tickets can take sleeper at S p. m., thus allowing them to remain In sleeper over night. Passengers arriv ing Albany at 11:05 p. m. may remain 111 sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Rate for double berth in sleeper, 130 miles and under. $1.60: over 150 miles, $2. Charg es for seats, as follows: {0 miles and under 25c. 51 miles to 125 miles 50c. 126 miles to 200 mile 201 miles to 300 miles ~ .. SI.OO Tours very truly, J. C. HAILE. Geneial Pesvenger Agent. PEGPITSjFOm Vh» kiilOsn m Bam»» •#»*#•#•# ! AwsM Uw U4l®, Rasas RswML ■ -a^t-4 e -a * • | have had th® rt*S«*r* at MHW la tom auft-®y®d d mar* B®naaslvan‘s : gt.’ts and tlMlr qo*«t. IHtl*. bewwa emd mothers I know them to be a, 1 good tip® of the Pennsylvania women' ! gad how much I d*d ndmtr® tnam , geutie. well modulated e.dewn. a»Ub tbe stamp of th® lady u» the manner | suck women cm.’d am fall to bring tk®tr boys are deal and tru® and such w» have at Camp MrKensl®. * * . I ‘a. Tb*n. there comes Ohio, th® d®ar old state which sav® rim to the riddle !of mtr chlldbod days, via—“round at | tmth end# and high in the m>d<ll®.wliat slat® is It?" How w® did gtlr up our think tanka, aa th# adltors call them. ; giving M up at last, and 'having to hsve It Illustrated for ns on paper Well. I have heard all of my Ilf® of the gitnd and veiling raothera of Ohio, aurh sons as that state has pro duced. such noble boys, now men at tb® helm of our nation, and w® hsve such mm's children In our m iLt.along with th® dewendants of P>-nn*y lava’s * author of our national Independence And Augusta's dainty and high bred women, also her chivalrous men. ap preciate all these facta and ntorc to follow, heartily and sincerely. • • • 3nrb pleasant recollection* a* I have of Minneapolis snd Bt. Paul, although I stopped there but three weeks. l*»k* Minnetonka It a poet's psrlilite, bupt the dear little lakes on the suburbs of Minneapolis captured me wholly and entirely. I often think It all over, those lung golden hours In the shadow of the green follaged banks drifting in my small, gaily painted skiff. The imnd was playing dreamily In that little pa vilion way out In the middle of the lake, the bright crowd* surging to and fro along the shore, and the doxena of boat*. Just like mine anchored or passing back and forth over the blue lnhe'a xurfnre. snd how cerulean clear that water Is, brave Minnesota soldiers I am almost as homesick as you are Just to see that place once again. In dulge In the long trolley car rides back and forth through the moonlight j bright and wide, passing brilliantly lit ! up danditg pavilllon*. some of them nestling Ight In the heart of that ! "dryad” haunted forest. Such warm j hearted mothers and sisters have I I met, from that erti’hanted state, and ■ ho their brave boys are wintering with ns; well, bless them sincerely, one and all. we are so pleased that they have come, **l * * And Maryland: no wonder the poet songster whose song has passed Into hlsthry. broke into that same sweet rhapsody, Maryland, My Maryland It was In May when I saw this state first and sped through Its wide and sunny domains, as wide and sunlight-filled as all true Maryland hearts. The last of May every fruit tree seemed, a pure white snowbank flashed with rosy pink, such pictures of plush green meadows and tender green foliage I have seldom seen. Why Maryland a skies should seem so intensely blue Is another marvel also, such tantalizing glimpses from the car windows of picturesque grey stone walls, all over hung with pink and white orchard bloom, I have never met anyone from that state, but are they not famous In history and sjory? One never heard of a true Maryland boy becoming a cow ard or naught but one of nature’s gen tlemen, never; and the whole world has heard the praises of its fair daughters. Camp Mcenzie is to be congratulated on its selection of troops- Last but not least, according to this f »'*4§ mum 4f*|M4te§’ MRM tv’.#** [ wwjk hm %m m fw* ii i** l * t imi%p M 44 40** $* mm I » IHh# «f ?* #*** 4 fWf* 44 ipf i 4 14 m%4«* # 4 ti til HlfHltm till# t4fe#d mit% *• *-»4 I 4 tfr* • • • • B<r( up rs i%t"m 11444 ffi'KtU 4h*t+ wfst hr b<a* H «r«rm ktM t*m %t ftrt*4l nM OftldVl I|#4 < r 44 b!<4Ni l*f' . » w - 1 _*t *-,1- r- ® ' #A« 9Vk4 44^-' 4)# tutkoltft fMR fftitrf. 444 4tk't)fßj| % 4iv#» trim iwiH bntfSPt wtiH# fiwßi tWft twt *4 4rflm4Ft4 Wifi fO<44 pilfti kt£«! kifthitfi mp 4 Ailitj 1 Intw, l| f( Mill hr'&htrp tip T«* g !,w an mar* list another sad ksriag Aaat Jen*, they know “what's what’ ' »v®ry (law Thai b<a Bwlt rnhs sed doses® of cook la®, perhaps sons* sugar ed d.'ugbnuis also ara wf* to arrive hi a big lot for mother’s sad Amt Jaa*'s boy along with Jars of Jam. »»««•?. ra'sles and nets, and Rosens of tlttl® ri *rnt» too nnmeeooa to mention, nerharx with a rho-k from father, ha It ever so •mall It Is •r.otMth'to task* thtw® m.ldler hoy* gtadk, Just tb* mere aat r tiatmn Per heps Joes* rsekatm will really hide a big woolm neck muffler with gav-colored mittens and wrist era to match F ft* dewr to th* re cipient beeaua® of the giver, but ut terly u*elre* In the South *otne<h ng like the poor towr'at in Florida -whose loving mother sent him a pair of fur esr-pre’ectors. I saw them as they hung forlornly from a Iree. at a well known pleasure resort cevr aJcksou vllle. with two Inscription* underneath tho first. “Left here hy a Northern tourist, for the cow In the adjoining (laid or any owe els® wrho wants to wtwr them Som® would-b®-wag bad written underneath! The#® ear-lap® we want one hit,. For the cow la the only one they’ll fit »«• ••* ••• ••• Along with thetr horn* tnetnoriea of snowy popcorn - wreathed rhrlstmas tree, their snow-hallln* frolic* aftiw their Christmas feast, th* parties In th* evening where "Potto®''e." "Roll- Ing-the-covr-r" and all sorts of kiss ing game* reign supreme, comes the dearest memories of all. escorting their host glrla homeward, over the moon-lit sparkling snow. I am reviewing such homesick memorie*. as evpertenc® tells us. a grief told of, talked shout and sympathized with, often lose* Its bluest features. bnt these soldiers at our doors ran offset some of those haunt ing memories by telling their folk* sll | shout Georgia pickaninnies. roast possum and coons. Augusta gardens full of December roses and chryantbe | mums, and a dally talk with any old I Georgia darkey Is truly mlrlh-lssplr- Ing. One of these old-time retainers told me the other day “that he hadn't Joyed hiesef so much snnee he had the terrified pneumony" as he has "sence de sojers arrlv.” So these same gen tlemen can readily see how much they are thought of. even by the humblest, their advent among ns truly being a source of real enjoyment. For tho poor boys In ramp having no home ties or friends, especially ell those for lorn sick ones, the ladiee her© are in deed sorry and through all disagree able happenings, so liable to hefall such a veritable small city of soldiers, they ran rely on August® citizens to overlook a “heap." as the Southerners say. Each one unites In wishing the loval soldiers of Camp McKenzie, per fect health, bushels of home letters, a feeling of being appreciated, a Merry Christmas to come, and the most gold en and warmest weather, the climate and the "Sun Rova!" can produce. BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. Buxton, Anderson’s Drug Store. Alex ander’s Drug Store, West End Phar macy. The King Pharmacy; Whole-al ers, Davenport A Phtrdsy. For The Soldier! Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers' Hats Flannel Sturts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order * DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Tote AftfureL" / A Seasonable ( 1 Symptom j / JW*t pmm *4 44 MHmNHMI 14 J I '* h' ifl4pf4 M C 4mm* 44 ?**•» I 1' l i! ** 3 f 4•«* i jK*» t netftoet ii. T 44 C r a In 4 i J \ M 4 tlurt M * J \ Syrup of Tar f / and Sweet Gum / m if** in tfif )Y ib4 3 l / f Prm <hnw / / / l If Your Face / ) and Hands Chap / S Pm h> < mats awl At- f J biimhl *'ream. Ii t« a dvitghl* \ V fai Tm d 9 rtu ®. * «rr* J J i tup wi )®*v(® it>* sk>® ut C \ lanirt awl rest *» an la- J « ure® vunbnn , <wa C J , i "f.ta Geattrain » J f find R a poatliv® «wli’H t j «ft®r ffhaviaie—-A® • satik J / t9t~ •- 1 Mnllml # \ •; ;» *ilH,t»(.l in l*(® f airi|4mu* filled at oa» More I l AlmiSer Dm Ciup!!? s J *f» BROAD BT t For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Budding. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK KENTUC KY Alwulutvly Incontestable i*olictc® From pate of Issue. I arrest Dividend* - - - - Lowest Premiums foltcltors Wanted; call or write. H. H. BTFINER. Special Agent, 410 Dyer Building. EACH DAI SEES Tttt HERALD < i ROW ~v jj CALENDAR# VIJN t MONI T UE |WCD THSJ FSI bAT 4-5 6 TIT 9 10l TT ia 13 .leTi-y i9,goiat z-<s i 6~[ g y(a a o DECEMBER 7 FILL UP YOUR YctrCoiofioe Botties fOft CH4ISTMA4 4 ITS Tttt FOLLOW W 0 LOOSE "VRtSSS! 44, 054 ox. * 50c ox. I*o Ant Cut GAM And PrtMMHKI Cotogne 4oft*t for Christmas I'rttanti. And m# my line of Christ nifii Goode, fi t new no vtlllti snd low price*. L. I. Gardelle. Druggist. PROF, P. M. WHITMAN, •off 74 St. A ic**t». <’»»■ eme race evt rcsTt n *n «*«■ « kgLt. r ,M * is, pare re arei * «M> »l*t« ik.® Lews* cat mm v®®r Ary— ®kils jm wask FREE OF CKAKuE P4»>t4 %m*4» 111 COAL and WOOD —-r»OM THE North Asp**** Cr»l A Snpply Co V‘,-®nrtty and <,tumy (.esrantred. F W SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT (W.l '»•’ •*. -t**4 »©>••*< ** Eastman’s KODAKS! We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all sire FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Riciiards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COM k< If SION iIEKCHANTh. 803 Fey Bolds St==Teleptione^2ba'.n* lmtte L**ren 45 ire* Lit set to New York Chicago end New Orl«n». Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton. Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on mnrglne. Local securities bought ®nd ®old. Reference® National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. BOH S ALE. Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house—Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hill*, near Hotel BoA-Air. Dwelling of 12 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near 18 rlghtsboro road, one mile above city’s new water basins. .. , 50 acre* of land near Milledgevlllo road, eeven miles from court house. AITLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. KTEXT! g'9t~ l b«g to notifv mv friends snd customer* that I have s d-d another chair to my Barber Shop, rix first-class Barbers, #Dd I hope to accommodate toy customers without waiting., HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A 214 Eighth St.. ©rPObITK ARLINGTON HOTEL.