The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WEONESOAV COAL-COAL-COAL AMI MtAH- **_ fl*dA*h J*l ieo * 1 1HS fttttT CHADI« Of Bhm o#m J») ica f OO Jfe» L AnthMc i. 1»» #wd Wirt [AT nil: .»■**» “"city ICE COMPANY AtXlt'ftVA lAßkt t* f%"> m< w* •• «** •**»•* a* *#•—« *W» mirrm « M*.y war* ,< .. •• >4* ** A* It*** *••«» ***** l * 4 '*' •**•** ■Rs am» bowimif mow* » ».« |IN» .. « • 4XM—«. y**,i«. **fri» .» .. ***** * p9 f to#f toftl ••• ** Im * l <to fe C fphftftft * ** * ‘ *** fmSSmmi miSXm ~-«»* jjj Trmrir* M-’ ****** 111 * Mv* *n*rK *U5»K*r M—t, <fc«n «•**»»— *• •***• I* MS N**. *«**«• *. *.<f* .... • #«>«* ***»*•• »*to* ... .... " ftftftfttrrr wwimi ft •**»• *••• m~lm - • Mat* *—*•. **—•»«* I* •*■ **•»*«• *• to* .... •<* «* It. ■> i| | tom**, to-1 I**** ** 'A Mel— i* —*4*. fall *•»— .... A "** Wn^DWtß* §i to. twn e«— #*e*r. A A *•# An.. •wtou. (to* Baa®. O. <1 . **• ***•• *| I*; t*rw# Ito®*. »***•*. * to* ***** . It to. **4» tolrta **.76 i* I* t»»f I*KID* #*.r»*»* « to «*•<*«•• t-i aht, flag .. f ..* Or.toß.tolto V l» It *htrtto« •■ - * 6r»M**truto. <M B I A*»hm .. * !•* fc«*ll*»lll* H H H K .... •• J *•* j—„ r Kim •*< * * •utrtiM .. ** • Iton p. Kin* O lurk K C .. .. * I'l •POOL SILK OtotitotiL to r*to* ** k**oL to*f * to.. • BLEACHING* Htntlum* btanda to t« a WIO-lAN. j rr*ti M lb* toem. to inch— . .. • I** jtoHHt to lb* loom. !-• lack— .. .. * )’* 4«w. 1-6 l**l>— .. * I 4 Cbbai .. .. .. •• «. • *'* Ai» *b# Ri«t. H .. .. .• •• ** »• •* *** Pr>4r to tb* Waat .. .. .. .. ../•» I** Jew. P. Kin* T-I H R rtlrllb* •• * **• J»n P Kin* 4-4 A A ahreltn* .. 4 >■* UM.b M * »*» JB9. P King. **-<»<■* Georgia . * »-• Jna. P Kin*, to lech K C *** . taiand •> •••••* • 1 ' * J. P. Kir,*, to torb El *w laiand •• •• •• * *■; Jao r- Kin* to Inch Hupartar .. J 1-1 PRINT*. American atitrttßg*. Will I 1-* Merrimack BblrtlMl. «**• ■• •• * ** 4 Charter Oabh *r»aa atylto toito .. * 1-1 «a»bia*<uß oil* (ißbcr) * Alton'* (hacfl •> •> * 4 *' 4 ».mir * a l-« parralaa .. » Coal'* I*pool cotton, P*r An* *1 American lall| fl bluaa, IliM ■» .. I I*l (ItiVr OH* (aolll) Will .. .. ..1 American lndl*o bluea *4iU .. .. * Intrinational btocha MiH •* •* * Alien a cardlnala Mll4 * * Alien a Lalonna «»«« 4 India 4 ** 4 India blue toito 4 Kllng ant a toil! .. .. •• 4 Martha Waahlo*ton Mxto .. .. .. » J-t Oarner'a radlanla toil* * 4 Charter Oeka. * M TICKS ■ampahlr* .. , 41 '* Amoakea* A O A •• J® *'* Amoakea* * »-• ' PLAID HOMEBPUNP. City Mine * J** Pour yard, good to inch 1 S-l Lodi ahlrllnga * J- 4 Lodi drraa atylea Mito * * * St. Clair drtaa atylea t Ocean aolida 1 *' 4 Marti* Waablngtoo Janrlco .. .. 1 *- 4 ; Miacailaneouj brnnJa. light weight 1* 1-Sat' 1-3 j laaetta * yarda plain * *-* Thorndike * * -4 Hercula* 7 14 AUioakaag J | l ** Pal ham, to bal Uo boa « P. Q. f.. SO ball* to box 1« K. G. P„ 20 bal la to lb 1? 1-2 Muacogce B * I-* . >7 Inch 4 1-1 yd. plaid*, beat make Stmpaon allk flniah (oularda 64* to 4 *-♦ Pacific mournlnga filxSt 4 1-2 China allka M*»4 4 1-4 -* Slater 4 I*l Concord, Mx*o ..... J 1-4 Rome MxW •• - * l" 4 Edward* ~ .. 1 •• •• * 1- S -2 FitUi • l -4 KEIARSICC 9 Heavy Columbia, naevy Kearaey S 1-4 Kincaid and other* 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLABTBK. Lime 7 «a* 4 Koaendale cement .. 11.45 Portland cement 22.75 to 3.25 Louiavllle cement In paper aarka ..SI.OO Plaster hn bbla 41 • 74 HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per do* .. .. 22.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 IH Bl cedar pail*, per do* .. 21.76 S H B B cedar pail*, per do* .. .. 22 00 Tubs painted, per nest 31 <S Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Slaal. per pound 7c Hope, cotton, par pound .. .. lOcallc Kafla, wire,. 41 74 p* 6 ® Nail*, cut baa# Shovels, Ames, per do* SllaSll. o Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. 2.,00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. $4.i5 Plow blade* * bo ** Hama*, red top, par do* .. .. .. 22.26 Hamas, red top root, par do* .« •• 52.50 1 9t**M*t baa* paftt, I’M daft «* h to to ' ftianr — mm**, m* *b ba •*4 ItagMk I* * r n » a. • 4 * 24n««8 4ft l f— bat* n a* m m to * M«U a— g— ha* , m .. m « •* * IMff W® m ***** ■ !t«f« ****** $m %m |.#i •* ***** * #4****** P** 9*' id ** i* •••* ** I 99k/t99k Pi#. i pm pptph ** *» Pm* 'WB& pm HP H >♦ »a •» • « 4 »• r : P* pm Php •« *_* ** N9* I |MN» »* | §#» #MO r* *•* • i p*m nm»4Nmi pi# a pm Pm ** t a#* pmmmmnmi 9N» 1, pm #*•# ** *a 2t p*mm pm Pm , ••-* H*P Wirf rnmrnm, p#f IP ** P* Pp&Pm 9Ptm M § HP § • IP, t» * tP PTATtK n»»prfpp (In titmup P* : mP* mmP p*i*P* t***m*Pt m kt i« it w f## -p*p M a—to mmm iwn ** ******«• *#mhi i i*mm*%* I I f a ttH M h •« til •••! * f f * « im| # o#nrp«# I l*f#. IMA ******** !*• m* | i it* im .. ****** hp ... < irtim* # t !#• mm »* lli Hi CTff iOPM A«##•«* T'tk !!#• H M M to m Hi j a #§«»«• ##. m* ** ******** Hi ••• 1 A#f#* *• HI ****** Hi *•• \ a •#«*»• i if • mi ****** pp to.; A#f##t# ft ttVt a* to *. W .*• AtHcil# #*t, UN ******** IP w. A*t«tt«« r» in *. 4to m ♦* *• to* ! A'!#•*• f•. IM . .• •• •• •« IP to« AlHflllli i l*f*, IfH aft a* a* «• Hi aft• ptmpm «• i«r Hi PtttMMl r# 1M .a ft* ft* 111 -• »#••##• Ik I # tHI t . #a •* .** HA »** tlijlTkd I’iL tiff )M ### fm . . m %, ||M I a MMM |*J Cmtmmpm* I l-ft ttJT „.. MM ... | Hir#« « l-fi. IM ........ Mi ... M#r«* f # til* .. * * .. .. .. .. Hi ... TnlufiHl r*-fi .« •••« •• ** ••• j CHTtiilH r*. IM a. »• a* » I* *«• mtUvUi imicr*P Or#r«l# H M, P »M O# •ft IMI .. .. . . ...... t«2 ... Oentflia R. R • Bkg Cft r* im ii* ... CbarMto. CalfttnMa ft Aa- I »»ia, tat r*. I toft I« Cbrrtctt* Calatnb** ft A« g->a-a 24 Ta. I*l# ItT ... I Auguata Est, R R,, S*a. 1*24 • ... to c. R. R, Banking O*. Collat eral Trttai ft'a. I*2l .. .. ..*1 to •ouAiern Ratlwftiy I*. Iftft* .. R ft* Central to Georgia Railway, tat co—ol mart. I'*, I*4* .... to (ft C. to Q. let ftref la to 4ft C—tial to Georgia Hal’way. td prto inromea, U4* II 14 C. of G. I*' prat la l*tt .... ft ft 11. 9 ft r . I*l m I s l*ift Iftft IftT lloulh Georgia and fhorlda Id r*. IM .. .. .. .. . Ito ... p.,ut h Georgia and Elorlda Id r*. I«to IM ... Ocean fiteamahlp Co., lat ft'a Id 7'A I toft 104 ... ; PACTORT BONDS ICnterprta# Mfg Ca., lat ft'a I*ol .. .. Iftft «... pibley Mfg. Co., lat ft'a, IM2 . Ito ~s Sibley Mfg 0.. let «e I*ol .100 ... 1 Oa. R R. * B Co, aiock .. UT 200 Soutkwaatern R. R. Stock M <uft Auguata ftnd Savannah atoch Oft 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oil*, whit*, tacked ~ 22 ooato, mixed, aacked It Corn, while, racked 52 Corn, mixed ~ 41 Meal, boiled, per buabel 471* Flour, common ~ «. •• •• .. ft.ft# Flour, fancy extra .. I.7ft Flour, aacond patent .. 4.00 Flour, e’andard patent 4 25 Flour, fancy patent ( .. .. 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb aarka *0 Fin* feed, 100-lb aacke 90 Hay—native, par ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton IS.OO Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hama—choice auger cured .. .. lOalltft Smoked rib aide* ft 1-1 Dry tal riba ft 1-4 Lard, pur* leaf. In Here*# 644 Lard, kettle, rendered in tierces. * 1-4 INVESTIGATION ASKED. Revenue Collector Make* the Request. Atlanta. aO.. Deo. 6. Henry A. Rucker, revenue collector at Atlanta, who has been charged by Mr*. Bar bour with being roaponaible for her hn«tmn<V* suicide because of the al- ( leged political peraecutlon, today ask ed the Washington authorities Jo make a full Investigation, and want* to bs relieved of his duties as custodian of the building during the progress of the Investigation. Harbour was a white man employed as janitor and appotnt rd from Washington. Rucker Is a ne gro. CASTOR IA For Infauts and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears The Signature of UcarVy J-Cc4om*4^ English Editorial View*. London. Dec. ft.—The afiernoou newsp.'gwrs express atisfactlon at Mc- Kinley's message with the exception of the allusion to the Nicaraguan ca nal. which to the minde of the editors doer not show sufficient appreciation of the British treaty rights. SICK HEADACHES. The curse of overworked womankind are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tet, tha greftt blood purl- i fler and tissue builder .'Money refuaft- ; ed If not satisfactory. Frlc# 21 ct*. and 60 ct*. Sold by—Retailer*, T. A. Bug- ! ton, Anderson'* Drug 9tare, Alexand er'* Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Pharmaoy; Wheleealcrs, Dav enport & Phlnlzy. -.... . - n t■- the att&cpta bebald I*Bo 4 ' ft*# s9*9*9 MMKH ** 99PPP PPP mwpp i pm 9*9pn*9 HiH* HH* [l A# lAKHi mpptpp H 9m9 WPP ### * jßftMl A# (##* * 9* to##* 14 fA# %•♦* Ml#. A• #4 top#*’ ' 99PP, U*** , H Ifltl 9P * iHH *** TIH ifftlki* 999099 9$ A«W**» *99* 1 HNtfttii • PPp% *9 I*9* *A ~ cdlMI *9$$PP H 9s***P 9mP lAtH# I jiiAfiiwri fttHH IfHHi 959 9P 9 9snP* |#lti ###?9 » ■%«ts i* Aim# #n# # A###### fm WtA#* |>T**<i fWw #fP* 1 Mtoto MU tn ## fAwflA Wi#*f f#f'#ANl A* i A *99* 9m »* 9p9lPm *# 999 1 HA tAMf •###!• If 9995999 A#’# I *® ■* I \ , i TA# CHAmAHAA Awt'#nt i*-f *# * * ### : f n |A# liiitotoUt A# Pmt&Pi •A A# - i« i i m n*< Kftg lab prlbito* bae* ftarto * to ft' 4 ® Ito*®' to 'W ftßgtoMi** to the ear tet L a faefta tb p ■ %* pHat- i Tbe itttita-rbtr t oft t* a am* i | sr or bee* la New Trail a d It i' r !IBr * 4W ■ a* The Mlcbltaa a«gee«— esM>T ha* fttv-j ; ea a ftart#’— whleb la +*< ■ ftec!a - ea I a bo*—it to ha unlawful and aawar- i I rsalable intimidation aad roarrloa The miner* amployed !a tb* alcmity oft Rilrartoa. B. C.. ha*® roaadad ap all tha f'hiaana lahorar* ta ft ha *ar mi* camp* aad shipped them oat oft the district. Depots Mat* Factory Inspector Hull has ordered *M chtftrea to school ••* j out irf sever*! factorial la Rail 14f-! arpool O. Tha ftlrt* were employed ta pottery decorating A law ha* paaaaed ta South Auatra’l* pros d.n* that ao woman or young pa eon may he employed for more than 4* hour* per week ta ahopa. atofee, far tor ire, ate. In South Australia thar* la a labor pa-ijr and there are labor representative* la tha legislature. A new ap* rat us for recording the •orb of Bremen In the atokehoi* of at—msbip* ha* been Invented. It not only tell* the fireman what he ought to do regarding tha raising of si—m. but accurately reglairr* the character and the amount of arorh he do—, tl ta a regular tal Itata which knock* re volutionary gauge* endways. *For the second time the board of control of Clnveland. 0., recommend ed the adoption of an ordinance which call* for a minimum wage scale of |1.50 for all woikmrn In'the fttnploy to the city or of contrartorat doing work for the city. The city attorney declares the measure Illegal, and him i report defeated tbe first proposition. I In Rue*lan cities group* of worker*’ often organise themselves Into asso ciation* artth common puree and com mon table. By meal co-operation a Workman can live there on ten cent* a day. The same method* of combin ing for mutual advantage are practic ed by agricultural laborer*, hy artl*- ana In their contracts with employer#, by waiters, boatmen and even news boys. Prof. Elmer of Washington t» right behind Tesla announcing a won derful discovery. Prof. Gate* declares that he can produce heat without fuel. It Is by turning sunshine Into electric ity. In his laboratory he charged a cell with electricity in the manner In dicated and obtained enough power to run a small motor. The InstruTnenta by means of which this feat is ac complished are a simple magnet and a crystal. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor met In Chicago last week. On the 19th the following officers were elected; General Master Workman. J. W. Parsons of New York, President of the National Asoaciatlon of Letter Carrier*; Member of General Execu tive Board, J. D. Sehonfaber of Bal timore. All the other general officers were re-elected. Boston was chosen as the next place of 1899’s assembly. How lo Look Good. Good look* sre really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs, ts the liver Is inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look: If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surftty have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. AcU di rectly on the stomach, liver and kld nevi, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Said at Howard & Wlllefp drug store. 60 ceatt per bottle. People often mistake the scum risen to the surface fer the cr—m of eoci et *' nijtJa/uilifts* 41+ it CM LOCK MICE - POWDER l« the ffift ffvftlair* »«V kind of tirftlf, blftCPHa, Rtuflifift, fttftftl*#* or O : o® Met# «. f ftalftkw OOfft. Dctoftftcl' •no i*tK*ftfttoi torifti »ni »•*»»»• of • loieiifttotolfi ftlCK#** ft **P*t • toft# ft oil ffttninmeml II HifHawl of gill lo to# vtortin* l t’fttlar. Coml lrtef auto It v Grid QtotoOtUjf. 4 |ftoOU I toOf WfftKl By The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND, VA. AlierWai TOILET LIST. amA§. Hi*r ppwpm% tmwp [ prmpp HHfBfAb H MtAff Kr#»A*>ft IHmHIAA ■ «(iffk.|lfti#.«r>nr llAAfjilf I *# WAHA ilrToii. fAu« T##«A Hi#, MEDICINE LIST! Afrffto. TA# mm #R), ##ha LAND ft HKADACHto |»WI LKft > ftsf fte.; If, Me. ho*. Bio aoryliar, 1 , m esilpyria. i’ur«e 24 oat to 27 fc—dark— Cerw. wo. tha a five spre* boat head Y. K W (ftp. Aft axrerftal gnenrrho— IfrNKft 9 IP2CIFIC. Hr. Aa la tori >• for gonorrhoea. Im ■toft I*l* rurft He Bovirl I Vi lit Cm CeiniT 212 Broad .Street, August* 7' SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER row arm m raw The kwMr —> riormw p*»p*r»lMMi ha« R •fttotod M Mm h**d of toll luU» Knr* tIMM -VOnUjOnil hnttlof |M# iMtoto *v«l hy Atoenru pmofiri. ftto# AmmipU .»< tMf«n»i* Nr tor «U(H»ftft l« Mto mhm tNftWto »#rto mmm mm§ rn»m'dmtui» olM# Aroctuvtoft ••r* follow# ttvrm suthi uiA*o sis rim SCALP CLIAMfR la the aolr dsminift cur* For *h«m l«a4—. it ha* no equal. AM £Jra Oeseftsls **H M. FOR IRON FENCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. 210 10th Street, Augusta, Ga. ta*. • u oi Town Work Solicileti-Mto | PORTNBR’S < < HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / l Export \ j Beers \ ) ARE THE BEST < S AHi FOR TIIEIL f 300 SOLDIERS Great Fireworks Display Battle at Santiago. . . BLOWING TTP OF THE MAINE . . One Thousand Dollars worth Fireworks at Baseball Park Dec 9.12, 14. Price—26 aud 50 cent?, MANAGER T. A. FOI’RCHER. a BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORO aN* and ) MUSICAL INSTRLiriBNTS. /if m*. HvarvtHldß New in til33» ...... SHEET nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusts, Ga, i Awt* »D« lugus'a Enw ng Co's | XPOHT lilt |£ ft / wX:-- * Mink*. |lfc»#!Wriw6 (<’.•^**l * B E Ii L E O W OK ORGI \A- Cur Draught Beer Has None Superior. —CAU f oil— | AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums from upward*, n straight 3 and & years time, or on lOyssrstime, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fe'es. No delay in getting the money. Aleianiler&JoliDSOß ftff#VT9 Hr ll#h Afo r c«o M«*f t jrfei# Cotu| «<if, 705 Proad St. IF YOU WANT" TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 111 Hi KR. MITCH itL, AUX Me DONALD »Su| t. o. < on. sere. A Otou l|r Augusta E ertric & Construction Company 213 Mclttliali Street. EleclncSuppliet—-peeking Tun-#, ete., sic. R< l>airv In all h le, rical i.pi*ra,ua E e. trie Light W.rinx a apdiauy. Pail’Phone 1802 - - - Mn.agrr 678. s**&*m£^ M R,s.!yy^ m I.IW LOW riEB. tame Mock. Al» pier.. VAt.VFS and KITTINtIS. KN- Ol> FS, KOII.Vita. Wilis and RKP.4IKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co,, 4 tTOrrtTA. GA, liDfli GOES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1395, Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m. 6:21 p. m. Lv. Bandeiavllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. TennlUe .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p, m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p tu.j Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:55 a. m, Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sanderavllle. 5:25 a. m.j 2:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:uo a. m.| 7:10 p. ra. Eastern Tim*. Close connection made at TennnT# with Central R. R. for Macon, and wt h Wrightaville and Tennilla R. R. for Dublin and Hawk nsville. C. W. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pasa, Agt. James U. Jaekyon, , Joseph H. t-ar.ds) StttLralryiii tv !. ft A It ftOfth et’r ftt’Utto Charleston i W Carolina to I * t «# * 9 toe #»# • Ito * # •### V IP# f H U## 4^l* I At »• ft#towftl ■'♦M##' }f*+* 1 * pt mmm*;*** Pimm MAmpmpmmmm*** ***** I I ### ‘ »*»»# ' ** to*! * 9pm m itoftd# *#### ■p#Oftto#h«Mft *•*«! * 4 gS fl # -if*** I *jhMPlVMMpUfttototo ■ #»toft ! V Jjj* 9k\ 9PW999 * mPpfPz-s ■****}: •#•****> i * •i i "<# ******** * m*9 #*«•###!#»**■• - : $ <9g'Psik*»m*m** ' Mkppmfmp* **; #.. ** t *-#### ta •< ♦* *‘* : ||# PrnPmmk-’ ts; »• *•#♦**! ~%*^-*** • 4,aa.atft» M ... „. *U ftto* MM— * mm** #•*«**•. f ftkfttoa‘ .•*»»»» • twain fa i fttoft* • •j—lft MM. f to* 4 ® ***** » **** ■ ’ f-JsT I## ; drift •• •• ;•# #•!•<#»# ’ ~*****> % s9* ***.'**!* jM 1 #*>»’## 9 999 •** '<s*9999l **•**+ *■* j ja# mppppp *********** ss£*? •*•••*• I *• mmpm* *— *•*«*••••* *p**h••♦*•** i *Kmv »——w4 Hpp#»«tofttoto> I |riii#|l|inJ.ftftfta.,eaae.-et tag## a#*W j I*# AM##**## ——#—<mJfti —*>'l tJPpm i I pt .*•••• —.*4**-*****| • fariat .. I'Lri- *"*2s Mwftft , utoM... 4 «a*m, ®to*to 'Aaaa„...... , ;MiaMfJNtoj 9999909949*** « i >i***® ! f »** lw»JEtoi.»ftfte—4 I \ fi#»###. *M#» # f • ##§, a* « e—ft. •«»* a® ! *m»m**i j U. 1 K*P9m : 9* ##»«*#.,*jla. * 4 * f* 44 4 I m * i» «t*# m # Jt-ts#** • 99*9mm : tf* **o**l* #| | to#*.## S ft'# tl #ll f#NP to# P. A* I* 4 _ f|> to# ft ffti»«iftpi #i fin ifi# 9m 99. fmmm *# e, $* S* m 9 S» po fpp l #i •*»#•“ A-toft# #P# S«#“ *■ to# Wjl*yf ft v ppi * % -tkftpft 4 * • #»*•* t« •• mp*m , fto»«# #•#.. •#*#«# #,l.l'Patci.St#* Pm km ft. 6. JSOSrrif Pto#PMt#« A#. TeH. laSfftftlHiP I*##< Htol>to<to> A #*«•«# ## BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. ts C MATTIE, E#rftt#«# &*tot#*<to#4.. WmtPm • S«f I # Flf# Pm A Oftotto Cl#*# E Ciftto* O**# Ui9*Pp **£* Tty. IM#. Z W999599* 23ff M# IS f - H# II Hf I am rto.| Arrival, L—*# 'PM. IAM *a* ft ~ Aadaraoa .*1 IM H * Id le 2 |gi Dearer ~..f: ft.4l It'2l le ft Ift It Autua ... t • **"11 M • ft* triftlF... faPrae . M ‘ PI. *' , i, j sett cm try c— g f i an M lift* M ftdja'* Griftftg H tol* ** •* » 2ft l;lftl*I .. 4KNACA ~J| IB!1 ft I ft-tk i i !*m • « it, ,2ft. w—ti Dm— a i est, * 25 54 .. Walksll* *; 5-171 AN mi |Ulrt Afriv* PM PM I* It J led ta ll Me. 2 ft. Iter u'ar fttatlea. F Fiat dtetma All rex *kar tr/ln* from Aaderena 40 A a h*:.a have right to track aver ■rain* of 4 h* Mat r la— moving IS op p«ait* dire* tl— anle— atbeiet— apee* ifteft av ,ra a m*t» Will a<** atop at tonc«-mg arati «** le take ,* or let off yaaeeager* JPhlß saay'a. James and Pandv Pp>-in*a N-> U rorineet* with ftoatbera rail way No. 12 at Anderson No*, ft and * mwi'.t artth Son*bet v railway No# IJ and 27 ai tonara J. R. ANDEP.PON. a>!p*r'r»:*udent. »TI ANTIC COKTliir »HORTE»T AND QUICKEST WOUTK TO THK BAIT AND NORTH. 2 Jvpm t.v..Augi*tn. Ga .Ar | l;ILa 1 OVpm Lv .Aiken A, j T lftam ,17pm Lv.. TW im*ra....Ar I ft 4.50 pm Lv.. Ori figt'*....Ar j ft:4oam « oSpm| Lv..Bum *r.» C-.-Ar j 4:2»*m 6 26pm LV....F1- | ?;25ara |0.220*0 Lv... Fayetteville Ar 1 11'pm 3 21am Ar.Pet*r*hurg.s'a Lv ' ltpra , 4:00am! Ar Richmond ...Lv j *;l-’j>m 7 «iam Ar..Wu*h ngton..Lv J S:«pm 9:o2aro{ Ar... Baltimore....l.v I 2-»pm II Mam) Ar..PhliadalpMa W 112:09pm |:#spm| Ar... Ne«.-Tf.rk....7 J v | »:2Cam Pullman palace buffet elee.vlr.g cai# from Macon and Auguata to New York without change. R. A BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 722 Broad St.. Angus'*. Ga. T. M EMEFSON. Traffic Manager. H M. EMERSON. Gin. Pa—. Art. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER lITH. I*9S (90th Meridiajn Time.) leave ArorsTA No. 2 For Savannaih 1:28 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta ft:*® P. M. No. « For Macon, Atlanta. ard Way Station* .. 9:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 4:36 A. M. I No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station# .. 8:50 P. M. No. BS From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. y-• - 1 . . Noa. 1. 2. 3 and 4 dally. Nos. « and 5, dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cere on night trains between Mtllen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur- j 'ther information as to schedules, etc., apply to 1 M. C. .TONES. C. T. A. I W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. ! A SOLDIER after the spree needs j LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for 5c.. 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. | REMOVED TO 711 BROA^Wny. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, ffa. * Etrowger Phone 2^2, H !•; L L PJ OF OE3OROXV\ DECEMBER 7 NlUuab e«*#»tiyL*a S. C I £. Mll»U CO ft* ft t*##ftto*ft«toft **## ft****!* j**,. # f #ft« I##- i#tft ftNMMiift# THm# ft# 9 t*#4ft9 # ftto* S -to a* ju $ toy *" |4 'toj 9 ftF## ~I # i~sm ’99 ? I ft# sp99pPmPsm9o f## I * %#*-##» * lIMMI I * s9om #. tl **ft#. ft# ftVftPft# 4 # »- **«# p.*m ~ r* * ** # ftft#t*«to« •i 4 to fthf »to to to to'# * to#** fc* ifr I to * f» %# ft*##- to*## 4 |to « I ftftj. Hu, I ft* #* ftM #i» f 9 to» •*##, mmpm I torto ' [*H> *m* -to fllMh I * ♦ « m## % ts 4#**» i* **9PP9- ft •#- to* I tor# # *##• I pto-*’ 4 # * * *####■ mmm I fto ft toft ft# f p ‘ft #* 1 to|«M*s|’ »-#*■# 5 I • % .*## •* 4ft -m 4 * few ft 14 I efftftft## t ft® ffe»■ to 4 fe#to#l oft toto 11 4#»•-<#•**♦ ■ to# iio i. *n**9 t |«# tprnmm »'*sft to#*#* |Ao „ *.ft 4#*to ♦ • M*l t i !• ft*### ft toft toUftiftftftlt 'M# ifftfft ftitoftfti ftftftftf [ Im# ftto#H#ftfta« ft tolfttoft Ito ftjftwft— * • rftr|9ftftl j to» ft>♦#»,., fat## to» pmpmmp PPt*m ■; feufttoH ftftlf *4 IH Tift 4»ft-felltofeft ftfttov#-#ft to *#t to# t* 9*9 ft*## ft##t f «#• : "1(1*2 MMMI • T*as# #.# * %tol ; ftto l»t«i nr ft4Ni I# 9mpr*m9 P-*m ftf pNrf>#iffta to I :*#* to to I •«fetoy ‘ft to4T##*M> llftftl# *t It### \ ft# fe wAP •#>* .*.###• to* ftlfttoft t |«M j 4# #*• \*m\ mp+ *t ft>fti w , t iftni I ####•* *to#l# if O ftife ftfeo ftMfe fe*## ft#w* ♦in puFto# at— *•** at—»e» *w .'•.s>. -e<« F<a *ai—* da*— ■. Aa— «». r»i# n— teaaM »*—a *4ll— # #M 9P>* #r«#|fta _ J. h. ulPa lo.wiiwto l #|im jr M•#*§**, if#(ft# fe•* ##■» Uo'JTHcRN RAILWAY. “SR IP Tlmt 9*9o9*m * »U—l# l*f 9*m 9ya*** piv #to f toe»*#### f'# |»#%# 909 toil feMh# 9w*m9o m*m*>**s~ „ —— ■ - « aa v* heath a—»a : hwtly ■—4*. C FyuiwTrTarh.- »•* •f* St 1 «■*» *** % tea **... .1 «*», »*» ftAggaA "to - : m • J-toMlfito, s* ****■ fKJ] jy! ' * Pspi* IHS is: At OrntMt* I 4 *V M L* trrnmr>-** I *? wiS Ar.> >*«» L-T?' - n. fi o,a,. . £ ; 17k. 4—d *a>2 *2*» a. a *«*•»* £?>: "5: » kMiri - »-'•») > 4 » MubM,4. ,a»Kf,h» nail, , liail,. L New York. Pa. Kll . aMi aj t* ifwt - ,A><ad* ;Ma Ilia 4 hi* • La.• •«.** 0 *lp 0«a D aaM in*. so Ry- 90, U U* L> K -luawl | I? Lai 1 UOlia l< "r».,v ■* ** . **]~T~wa:~« w»- L» Nwtem .....!"!* hkil Ar Or**, »,r» . I *Ual Le 4reeaaboro . ......I 7 05a Tgp “ cheriotia »*4 a lv Ap • Bit! lv Ha II Mp • Cheater . lo 66a tl Ep • Wlnaabero 1141 a 12 M* At O, :■ Hmad (st 4 It that' 197 a Lv i'cuminsCa.uep't. 1 ISp 4 <M>m - Johr*. on* . 969 pi OHi a - T,• . i. .. 9 461*| ®26 a - OrenitevfM* «Mp| 797 a 46r._Au— ••*» . ■ ■. OMrt »■> t#-. y,li#vi].‘r J 2Us OuS’p v. i-,jr a-..- u,f II 4Uaj 0 I6p Le loi'Ua, KC kU.Ry | M|> Tula Ar Char r.ioa 1 3 40|>| U UUa Lv Col hia. F i APRf. II Me IS 47 a “ barannafe . ...I 447 p: 519*a Ar Jar'iwocvilla »■*! » 16a *1 KLI'IXI. CA R sBRVK It El-.'lieul dptly ra-M-ngar mmr* batwean Elorida and haw Tork. Mai. and.O—WaihmgtaaandHawthwaatara Llnoifsl. 'o ld Vest, .m.-d train artla dining ear, and ftrwt elna. coach,a north of chariol ta. Pullman dra* in* room *.roi<in*<wr» between Temp*. .U' baraaaah. V.aahmgt,m and Sew v lfk Pulituan cc* pin* Car* twOweoa Chariot ta and Bu-hmoud. Pulunan drawing room .'eeplnp car* be tween Greensboro aad Norfolk. Clow o*.anaw Mon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOBT. arnrlug there in time for breakfast. bolid train, with Parlor car*, hat ween Charleston and A-nerUV. h ca. 90 and M—C. 8. Fast Mall. Through ilrawlnr room buffet «le*nta» car- be tween .la kaonrille and New York and Pull Can Hieeiuu. car# belwaen Auguata acd Char tie Pullman -deenlng cars beiween Jack J anvil!# et.d Oulnmbla, en route deily let weea acke-nvtll* atid Cincinnati, rla Asheville. KAN K ». GAN NON, J M. CULP. Thir-l VP. A Gen. Mgr. T M . Washington W. A. TURK, 8. H HAKDWIUK, tit, P. A- Washington G P. A. Atlanta GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. fSOth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 189 L Pullman Slaaner* between Macon sal New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au guata and St. Louis. Lv August* 7:obaml 2:2opm|lo:3opta Ar Atlanta ...!13:35pm! »:20pmi s:ooam AT Mac— ....|ll:l6*w| I *:46am Ar Athens .... |l2; IBpmj 7:2opm| Ar Galn«rvlll#!*S.46pm| i Ar White Pi a *l:oCi>m| I Ar Will's* le .ilO lOaml | 4:3oam Ar W vh'ton ~|lo:l'l*tn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave* Augusta daily exept Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mfl'edgevflle at 8:10 p. m Train* arrive at Augusta 5:16 a. «i_ 7:45 a, m., 1:20 vt. m . sod *:26 p m. A. G. JACKSON, O. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 8, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguatarsouthern Ry.. 9:30 P m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:l* a.m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:46 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:18 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage.. .. .• -■ 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stags.. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage . 7:30 p.m. gTw. HARPER, C. F. HARPER. President, jfciK—. Qx p ‘ A '