The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 07, 1898, Image 7

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mm *m* Ana- **»» —» ** S rtwy 1 , ?wrTT- i n y 1 *** m dHHMUtTiX* mm mm m* mm* ** * mm* m mmm, m*» w* ff* «—**» k*«* *«4-M* *** «»tSI JJffi fQM» t«M *** 999 9m 99m* ♦«• «•» «■•*§ •• •' **■* J Effete mm**** «mm» wnsi «mmt **ii t#*** i— **» wV* _ 1 M| H* *** fhr* * mw i** lp3|jhk_ •*.£•« t»f M iM#t t* > *w»t *>*» Prnmtm SINK. JAMIIE. 9* mm*tm*m ■ rnmm Jaaafc*. Kfc» am—am fra m -irj- rmn rnmmmm ■* • rnffiffff** * . Mm I taw a*Mj I» «M* •»**»• »«, at *«* mnpJ la Ik* trsaff* I *•»•*» m. 4 *Mmi *itk* ail Mr aka Mirat aha Man M r«a» <4 •a* tk* nmiaranln *•(,*,*! at tk* fi «*■>—( Hla tffff* iMarly »t> hrt ha rawaiaH »i«t» tha nnkaa *a «4rt ha haip hla »,t* lay tk* rtuiMaa. Alt't a gw at aanW llh a aw araa kMff, aa4 Ifcwa. taait* aat ha* baahaat mf> —A that a* aaoa as ha sir—»M aaaaia th» **•s*■« Off* ha. «»v staaiM ha a *aMt*» A» iha aff**4 1* k* ptawal lata lha faaha aat, hatap amatl aa4 lalstlipaal. ha *MMad as ha*a a bright fslar* hat** htaa l!al lha hashaat aat talk** 41*4 *a4 4aaiy M INI I* aas a MilUa hurt ta p<ur Mat. Jamb*, aad aha woaM Mrlijf ha*a aamaat il ***** II aot for lha iboaphl at bar aoa aat lha hapa that ha sept ha a naahrl la har la bar taaMalitf y*ara Sorrow apad bar ssrr- tbaa t»*r roach Ufa had doa% aad (ha tali lha (prior aad arttM la a lll it* rwuapa W» har by Nrjaoaa ta lha rilhp at Olavy. aaar ftatarlioi* A yaar Mat war broke oat, aad tht* was aaotber sorrow tor har to bear. Ok* waa a patriot, was Mm*. Jamb* oal ah* waa a mother also. Donna that tetri 14* winter <4 she hardly olapt tor three onneaaatl** hoare la the il Aiwaya on ha atari fra ta*i (be ekafad aorely at lb* now, wbti-h a I moat col off har lml* rillaps from tha oaler world and made com luooicalioo a raalter of preal difflcolty. hnddsnly, toward lha aad at Jan nary, lha ruuior ipread that the army of tha aast waa approacbiap. hariap failed to raliara Belfort. For nearly a week Mere Jain he kept a strict watch day and nipht. scanning eagerly tha road by which aha hoped to sea tha French ar rise. They were aipnaled al last, but the (Jaisnsue wera aipnaled. too, from tb* oppoalla dirrrtn o. and it acemed evi dent that tb* aiutie* would *ocounter one another in the Immediate neighbor bood. And now I will let Mine. Jsmbe take np Ibe story, for what follows I had from her owu llpa a few uioulba after the event* deacribed took place: "One morning at dawn I heard a noire at Ibe door of tbe cottage and thru Ibe aonnd of breaking glam. I rose nastily and ran down to tbe entrance. 1 gave a cry; my boy was there, and behind bim stood three of bis comrade*, bet in wbat a stale—haggard, hollow cheeked, their uniforms in rag*, their boots almost in pieces, blue and shiver ing with oold! •• ‘Mother, you most hide ns, ’ be said. •The genera! has intrusted me with a message to the comnmudant of the fort, but tiie Prussians have seen ns and are in purrnit. They must not find us.’ “ ‘Give me your order,’ I cried. 'I will take it while yon hide bere. No one will suspect a woman’ — ”1 bad no time to finish. We beard a discharge of mnsketry, and a neighbor rushed in crying! ‘The Prussians I The Prussians are hern!’ "I pushed my son and his friends in to a storeroom at the further end of whicu, under some hay, was the door leading into the cellar, where I kept my little stock of wine ami cider. "The Prussian* entered in through the epeu door. I saw others in the read. There moat have been about 100 of them ultogut. r. A young officer was in command. "He came up to toe and said brutal- ! “ ‘ls it you who are Mme. Jam be?’ “ ‘Yes, I am she,’ X answered him. •* ‘Your sen has just entered this house. ’ *‘ ‘My son! He la far awny from here, always supposing that he is still alive.’ “ ’lie is here; 1 am sure of it. Come, now, where is he?’ ' “ ’You must seek him, then.’ “He made a sign, and I was sur rounded and prevented from moving my position. The soldiers ransacked the house. I asking njJ-elf meanwhile who could be Ihe coward who hud betrayed my son. “At last the brutes found bim—him md bis friends, and I saw them dragged >ut covered with the bay in which tbey jiad attempted to rc/iieial themselves. And my son! He v brave and handsome he looked, with his dashing eyes! Yes! He was my owu tiesh and blood, and 1 felt proud of uim. They were rigorous ly searched for the message they were supposed to bear, but as it was a verbal one they could find nothing. “Tbe oflicer stamped about tbe little mm. Mtsuawr »■•«**.iwg « Nt» ■MMhIsWM wwjgapf bt* iusg>uw us* »** f*a« pitMit mm.' ■ hfix (w»pi(—i» MyiwA prmtra •* * wrt—» *Mt I m» mn fgmm M'lkt a* M «**« 11 MWk • huak MPMM •*• a fWMa* t«**ua. Mhw mmm bta <*•• I-** hat #t*«w wp •a* tahfN w 'Tt» taasAis ■* wnl h» mm* mu 4 mm mm f*m l"**t*ip Nwaaiy a* a (4 at’ ***** wh* •»*• iviusstwg «•»'** t'li t»»w * twr«—a* h* i iPUMitii < " v«w*k (W» *t> 'Sip fm bu'iws Ms* mi AM f*4M IW* «N Mi mm at I <mh mm ms mm t* Mu m y«w r **AA Muff M*«t h*wm us »s tg*h»*«l ft »f mmtm pat s**4* * ‘ttsMt •* win mmm hw4 *•*.’ H* gas* ms »P4»* Ml PW* »4ta Mta Pott gtgg«4 ps* With My Iwrh hffaNw* a artsU MS* tharai ttAsa Mi IN* bawd*«4 Ms K^-Au4NMig*M*M4«* **•»»•«*• wu*4 *4 rnmmmm4 >*>• •*« ftsw pm b««l that wMMNh. If f«« «iw rnrf M wUI tw yaws MMW *4l' •A »*yt4 ha***P twa «h*»Mph A* .tv*4 » lh»**4 Iff P 4mb4 <Pt*N«w I— «h4I. I iiN«f My «mI t» tM* Nm Hup Milpg Mjrwtt that I MPa* try h* show hMP p r*M»*w«MWP PWPIi 41* N P**4 tw, saf t WPtt*4. wptrhtpp Ms mm “••thp*l4wplM*Mh»«MSPP. Ill* w/frm w**a tuns* ** hi* *«■ mip4**. Th*y *MM*4 »« ?• leak lug s*ppa tWPPPPPPt*- m* •• ‘fhadyr in* *aN «f iriMMiPl tk. *’'Piaaawtf Awllktf ikrfsisww tpp M* with lh*tr rtffap t •* *Ptr*r Th*y lutp*4 aw44*wfy ta tha ttfM phcWt Am apyinalaai Mh*4 p u 4 (aat Prussia** tb* * •*(* PM>Mp th» ppm tw*. fall. Ap4 shot* tha t<mt of ib* fftfchatpa I hoard say hoy’s ***** * burly: >hr*! Taw Ml on yew. yop cow ard ’* “A gaweral *cll*v op tb* part <4 tb* Pruortapa foliowad. aad I fall wttP a batlrt Mi My abuwld**. HafaPP 1 l«M em set cm wew. ImwsvM. I •* that My sop wa* dill ankurv “1 Iwmd after ward that Jaatatthia iu nusil «b< r*npun of Ik* Fart 4» JoPk topsp hi play Tb* com new 4**l bad iwupht tb* raff*c4top of «h* sunlight from tb* Prasataa*' h*l*>rta aad cob .lndia*— pen* t*c snoo—ibal smart b tug ciiwward waa taking ylaca ha s*nt a few (hails into tha crowd and rapidly *>lr|it liffd |h« tfitUtf *' Mam Jaißtv died a few year* after tha avawta which 1 havs related a* nearly as i can tu her own word* took plscw Her story was recalled lo my mind lb* other day no beariag that tha am of this brave woman had Just Nwa I mooted to tb* command of tbe ropl iiiMtt. —Ktchang* ■ ePlrlHal Virtue* at «w»t. Oolf can b* played all tb* year, ind*- pendeoily «f almiwpbtric eicieaitadta •taring all lb* a»**P age# of man. by deiirate youug girl* as well as by stmng sthletea, and even by decrepit old men whoa* dwliuing power* do not admit of (•vers axartion. It com bin. e auwciae, plea*nr* and fresh air without risk at Injury to heart, lungs or nervous sys tem. as is tbs case ta oartaiu other aser ciae* in which there is high blood pres sure and arterial tension. There is abso lutely no danger attached to the game and consequently no accident* euros. *Tbe obesity and degeneration of mid dle age. when tbs biceps bare diminished and one’* energy is failing, may be help ed by devotion to gulf. It i* pr* emi nently in funotionel nerroue disease that our great Auglo-Saaon game is to be reoomruended. No eiarciae or r#cr<*- tion ia better fitted for the mentally overwpked, tbe hysterical, the melan cholio. None so help* to preserve tbe concerted action of eye, brain and mus cle known as tbe psychological moment. None, perhaps with the exception of swimming, give# one so good an appe tite. There is not a more sovereign rem edy for dyrpepsia, and as to insomnia, such a thing scarcely exists among the devotees of golf.—lnternational Medical Magazine. An Enterprts'ng Druggist. There are f«w lien more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wll let, who spare no pains to secure the beat of everything in their line for their many customers- They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling < me*. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all alTec » of the Throat. Chest am! Lungs Call at above drug store and get a trial liottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 .etits and *1 00, Guaranteed to cure or pyice refunded. MAY WINTER IN ATHENS. The “President’s Own” nay Camp There. Athens. Ga.. Dec. 7.—The President’s own, the eighth Ohio, regiment, from Canton, Ohio, may winter In Athens. This Is the talk at present, and there seems to be some foundation for the rumor. Geneial Randall was asked y»s ter lay as to the probabilities of other regiments being sent her*-. He replied that he had no official Information to give out at present, but added signifi cantly that something worth printing might turn up, within the next few .lavs. The fact that the Two Huudieil and Second New York lefl their tents and tent floor* behind, leads to the be lief that Athens will have more soldier* before the end of the winter. Georgia Cane Syrup 25c per gallon at Whitaker & McGowan’s, 1248 Broad Street. Strowger 'Phone 831. THH ATTC^TTR'T-A TtlUl? A.I-.D A rtsAUrf or f»m ***** wmmmm Wm n» »»d •»* »•* r»M»M m h*** #*•**• NNWhaP* kwiwsdd ht*M «• *h* mpwm* *4 **|*M wM Waaks* wt N ■ ***»<> * N>w NVsssMNmw Nitwsd ms ah MNd dal iua«»r «w **w awMywd Mp Miff fg N«Mk* 4MWMW ka <** lap ipw* wpp eapvwff Ndhiaaif h* p j (Wm saaiaMa pawffM Nil K*(ks* *** »w- ’ ***** mp 4 WM M'Ws ** i*d Nw .sawawsh* | **wwl i*fas* Na*f pMI **—*<*»* «*■**' Vs*a*« »«WM ffaffh IhaWss* ***** *a* ; -hd w* sa.la4 (**PP-*A WM( «*M MMMs*. * pa. awl «♦»•* ip »m»ww*>»b*<*>( <«*** i , WhMW «* h*4 Nh '"WWIWif Ihe MM of W | swwhi (M h* fPwffMPd N--w**<* np ■ IN NMNap **** epppvd Iff If* MsiN-WN* 1 gap ip* » pad lha rl (WM* ww* sffMd 1 «w gMwaaMt* w* N Nm ghrt* Nad *•»* ; M flslPs—S p a tbaepph «b* pa **( hpd : lw wall hrww ww* ipmum* tw pimpnip |Nw la* Mia *m a* wa»i*4 fw» i iMpfl paH» ijj| §> n'HI »*—*»>»» f«N« MP«hl. *4 I 9% iff> t« l« 9*m*mk*9 Ihhm *mf im* i y%tN*P p>o—n>t 9wt* Hi Hawk**, KalMw Nilawd ftwiwghpr. Ntwpffh CswmmwM CM4IIW* pwd Wffffh*. • aad Fvivplsp K*U*s wad Jaffa* H *«• *a (PMSplaa mt MM A MPM pad kpwbe eg WNtf Iff Off Pwaffd *P I*l - MKffWlap M hffMUli I Thar* wpp • fsppi pa IliShM sd»* aigbi | (Mxltul tfflrll* Wafa th**t. * AbM *4 ffnsd chart f gff* P h*w Whit* has* Ahd • awW* Mr wprb mm Mi shhf* I Fta* w* * **k ftaPW ih» rad. sad heat iff Tha* (hats the (MiAt ah.ts haaM. Aw 4 (h* gprsUlM awwwd A* |f fNMW4 HfNTullH Nm'A |c» 9* lIKMMHitN HI IXiilN ' THni » wm iftniMrf tlMit raw» from AoUWtIIMI T%*r* m%» pi *m*m* Mmm tmm* fmm 4rt«l: TlM*** 990 wuf Mil pr*9 HThli mmngkl »« •!!•#. • pH%mpm tIM ftm‘4 l for KiOry vm ilnpp« Mi fwtw*. A o*l iv> thftr lo Jolt Aed Jatne# aad K*tl*r (Dual aayow* tail hart ( pane M prtih lb* rest es the folk. I A fswat of (b* pnds they call it. IWlg aytPer* aad raff** lbr..wu h And hotter and bread But ehnnph I* aaltV lx a> Mir 4ar* to rail tt a ala. ~ I » Just owe of those Wsikl (he sUMthpP; That nakta onr nun Mf* A taatr at gteaaurv, A (wM'ry to treasure Ctpnradmhlg unb okra and 4rar. —IiaOOKH. B Oh., ttth Mina. Vk HAT IS BfMLOm A grand eld remedy for Cough. Cold* und Cnn(umrKi<n. ami ihroush the. world for half a ysalunr, has cured , innumerable mee# of lnrlt>lmt con- 1 : sumption and relieved many In advanc- | ;«-4 stages, if you are not satisfied with j the romiita we will rerund your money. ; Frlce It MS., M rta and tl (W. HuM by j 1—Retailer*. T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug hi re, Alexander's Drug Store, Wrat Knd Pharmacy. The King I’her- i ( inary; Itetalieru, Davenport A I’hlnl iMr' " v I Tw l»l Blossom and Fruit Time. Here I* the orchard wall so grt>y. Moav-crann'ed. Ivy-bun*. |oh! bad I |>«wrr «f pen or tongue |To telt of rllkrn petals, nil hpspge-flpwg, | When. gw*rtheart, you were mine. I Green Apple bough*, with spring's yonng blossoms atrewn. A drirt of snow, all Hush'd with rosy bloom, A symphony cf nature's coloring bdr. A wealth of fragrance, fn-ah and rate. Just you and I without one rare. In blossom time. H. ... ••• ••• Here I* the orchard wall an grey. Old lichened tones, you’ve atorled well With love vow* you alone ran tell. | with what Hhy grace her answer* fe'l Bright contrast to my 'ove’a a*d knell. When blossoms ceased to bloom. ; strong cummer bough* of emerald green. | The young fruit hiding midst their. aheen. Glowing midsummer’s lotus dream. | Her dear white hand lay In my own. No othir Joy can e’er alone, For the summer's lost perfume. ,» **• ••• *** Here Is the orehard wall so grey. Old stones, If you could speak. If you could tell of those poor vow* so , weak. Above you spring’s sapped branches, gaunt and meek, Sighing of love that once was mijie. Stripped leafless as my heart you stand ! Your luSclous harvest yields once filled my hands. Love’s fruitage turned to ashes on my lie a, !i When every phase of life seemed Fbu biy grand. Gone Is the fickle love of sprlng-nde’s bloom. Green summer's growth and harvest’s ripe perfume. Twlxt blossom and fruit time. —BBRTIK EMBRSON TARVGIt LakevleA, Augusta, Ga. OA.HTOITI A. Besrs tbe Tlte ¥°u Havß Alwayt BoogM Eatonton Mesonger: Eggs remain unchanged—the price, not the yolk. Hens should lay eggs enough to keep the price down. Fire at Hertins. Half of his store Is filled with Fur nishings. Woollen Undershirts, Socks, etc., and the other half is filled with the finest Woolens for Suits, Tip users and Over Coatings. These goods are not burnt, but if you buy them tbay would feel as if you were on fire. 924 Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel. The Western Union telegraph will soon be extended from Waycross to Douglas. ;• - _ ~ ‘ .fist'' ■ KNOWN t C Known from Mdioe 10 California as tha BIST that materia! and good workmanship can pro* ffliiim Everything tlat is sty lislx. artisttc and com- •[% ■ foftibic. combined «<th T\ J ‘^^4’ the best 6i workman- d ship wj? Iv lounJ u Hanan & Ikms Shoes, j CISHIN, SOULET l VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. MIIAI* ION HASAN a AOS. i !U W The “Maine” Album! A SUPERB • ' I . . M / - I Photographic j History Devoted Exclusively To CAPTAIN CHARLES D. BIOMCK jODOTS . iISDGO and tntfmtlnf irenea with.the destruction of our Giant Unt uhlp and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few incident* of American hl*tory have l**en attended by ruch publics excitement find national indignation an that which followed quickly upon the destruction of the Battlcfthlp Maine. In reuponae to the univermil de mand for n pictorial history of the ill-fated warohlp. lt§ captaincy and in fact everything in connection with It leading up to and including its anHaH rlnation. we have secured atid offer our readers this week a beautiful Maine Albuinor portfolio, tbe moat complete photographic record issued upon the nubjecta enrdirticlng splendid plytog of The Martyrs Which la now ready for flbftvcry at our office, or by mall for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF ’* MAINE” LABUM. Captain Chas. D. Plgabee. General Fltzhugh Lee. The Battlethlp Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship’s Company of the Maine. Please notlre the Maine Album above| advertised Is one of a Souvenir Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanlsh-Amertcan War, each portfolio beta* ft special number devoted to a (treat and principal event. Next week No. 2 will be offered as a Memorial of the hirst Sacrifice of the war or the herole death of Ensign Hasiey and his companions, inclu din* many other apecial features of the early events of the war. Bueh as the vessel that fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matauzas, cutting of the cables, etc., etc. Then In weekly and consecutive order will appear the fo.lowing. THE I>i»'EY NUMBER—ThaJHaro and battle or Manila < THE NUMBER—Bombardment of San Juan and Momt-Ca*- Ue HOBSON AND THE MERRIMA.C —with additional special feSturos. SCHLEY—The Destruction of (Jarvera's FWet. ;f ' THE SOFTER NUMBER— Siege and Capture of Santiago, - GENERALS MILES AND MEi-fftlTT —Arms-Operattons In Porto--RICO and Ifc h sufdOnd got each eouvenltusf.-.rioe while you an opportunity.iand adviss yourfrlcnda to do the same thing. C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Excels Coot Stive. HEATING STOVES of All KINDS A Grout) of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom "of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Session. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General’s Palace in Ha va not General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY'S HERALD "A Heisjaur For Newspaper Readers’ 1 Something About Sunday's Herald. More News I idler News (Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best % « Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months >, 50 Cents 6 months* • 9 ■ st.oo 12 months. Postage prepaid or delive'red to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ga. lo the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald - Months at the following address: 0 No. and Street Name t % You Don’t, Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY'S HERALD, V • "V yr p RANKCjv| - a / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cushion / \/ \ SHot. 1 / y Possible \ I / \only to a \ II I \ hard J| y \ CentreßallX j m v'ery fine \ ; >, RightTwi*t.\ \ \/ A A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Bv JOHN *. THATCHXfi Ctntilnn C»r<mi I’lmiiploß <>f Ob'e’W •S 3 «mtii i Ms hi. IlsuPlaaSffL t» •* it.iik-t f iuniNinwit mi recofq. 01111 ll l in. r wu« W Schsetfi'. si uml ire, la the game tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL cONriKTS. 100 01AQRAM8 OP 8-OUBHION SHOTS. SCHAPFCR'Q STRAIQKT RAIL NUHBS. EVERY BTYLK OP CALK LIN 6 GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH COfcK* R GAME. STORY OP CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETC. The author fflvc* many valnsMs BURff-BBtlona to tiovtcM which nerve y* render cltutr theinctlitnls employed ny the world'* experts. It will »huw you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. • 244 pa.res. bile, 'iX-M Irs hes. Sent, prepaid, to any address «u receipt of price. Anita Evecini Herald