The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 tmu*»«hav . , Jr s Here's He Foies’ T«(M » COT. or a Mtltma, «r HftjtW A Mw*C4ki U*lftlEl—U V. lA. &*Vi Hew u 111** 0 t.l A. thnm <OO t* **l'"* #•#*« 140 to 100 •iun 174 to 74.00 Vtttav We to 174 Bakj* i .to* it Woo Afrariis*' *«r to AW Aif., Ac.. Ac. Eyoryiliiis io Mosic A Tboieas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia. JOINT TRIAL. Tlm rtoorti Am fttoktec Mr##* Ue #!•!> N#w. 4S§**i*i to IN AU##t# louftHil I Now York Dm. I - Amli<aa< IH* trln Alter# *y Hriiifyr* will roknAli 111 Morti to root lot Wffltam A. K. Moore ohm lb# proad irlil of ike il» ]! ’tootlirf” toko* p!#r# or&t wok Ho 4jftrUrni tudoy that Ini ftrotil# #i»k«* gut § oiiai h itroofof com oast tloor. ggyti (#U < artoiii of roßOlrtloo. Jfborft OfsA bii wlfh mo r b« IrIH Jtootljr Mil Haw. Abraham Levy. their COUH**l, VtlllM It 90, ißd If Mr, B. M. H. I Mr*. Moor*'* counsel. will i, j’tpfl . they irttl f*e» • Jury hMAltr. .Mahon VV lUlaa Wltne**. ; „ v hou will be a wltllnc wit r ~ - *r tint*. Hr *«■ at Ida district i’.Li**? a 1 Hire yestortDjr, fllted with i • •rir. ii.atir.B to toov let thr Moor** •'l\- r.and I bar* taken In pressing t'iX matter ha* cost m* more than i,. : .Ik dy fcucw* I eoald b»v* refused to eotoplala <>f and teatlfy against «h* wan and wonian. and ao hare e*c*p#d alt Ihl* painful publicity. hut It »*» rwprtocnttd to tor that ! would perform a public good In aiding In ridding tha community of th**e persons, and at length I agreed to acrept this view of K.” Moore Make* Statement. Moor*. through bla attorneys, gave out this statement from the Tombs yesterday: "The statements appearing In the New York papers resettling Mra. Moore and myttelf 'badgering' or blackmail ing a Russian count I brand as a ma licious nod a diabolical lie. Ws never saw or heard of *ucb a man. In re gard to the Chicago and Brooklyn eloriee they belong In the same cate gory. All are absolutely false. By advice of counsel I saw 111 to offer no efldence at the trial, and the prosecu tion so bitterly and vindictively con ducted. was unable. In spite of per jured testimony, to aecure a convic tion. I leave tne public to judge wheth er I am being persecuted or not.” Pair In Court Again. Moore and his wife were again In court together yesterday, this time be fore Judge Newburger, on the Indict ment found against them on Monday, charging them with the larceny of sil verware from the Waldorf-Astoria. They pleaded not guilty and were re manded bgrk to the Tombs. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. THE FARMERS' NATIONAL CONGRESS Railway Discrimination-Paper By D. O. Purse, of Savannah. Fort orth, Texas, Deo. 7.—The sec ond days’ session of the Farmers' Na tional Congress ronvened at ten this morning, the attendance being larger than that of yesterday. Delegates from Nebraska and Oklahoma arrived today. The principal address delivered this morning was that of Hon. W. Cl. Whitmore, of Nebraska, bis subject be t.,K "Beet Sugar Industry.” Consider able discussion followed Whitmore’s i ddrees. At the afternoon .session the iSntMrtwW* report and papers will be j-yad, among which will be the follow ing; ••Hallway Discrimination," by D. Puree. of Savannah. Ga., tmil "Past Future Conditions of the Hallways Vest and Southwest." by A. K. Still w«U. Kanso# City, Ala. Mr. F. S. Pe totv.'president.qt the Texas' Cotton <;rowers ASfbClattbrt.'Witt dtseu*s cot ton tntet%?df. ~TKr*Tt I T6s Dairymen's Association held * session h*r* thi* morning, and were addressed by ex <«>v. Hoard of iscombri, president of the Nation*! Farmers' Congfeu*, _ THREE VOTES DECIDE RESULT I lit iTtoait Vm At t imH Mtjft • *• a*«a*w* m*i *s tkato* * *w*s kwah. # ? n k ■9Hbb§< n ifcß minmnwhlmi fßtoflgft i##> I *,f tft *N#*~|* (0 AN# AtMNMtoil #1 : #ft*lPi< I ft* •» •'fur* 9#ft9 OftftlftMll# ft## - |#ftft#f #•*!!#§ Iftf III"* f#M#l ftwtfft [frftit#*# H lift *fti# urnH*" I ftpffHft ft#ft #♦# bmm ftftft#li#ft ft## I#* tfe* |#tl#t* mt ••# Iftftßf* *## ■ '# tkftff •oorwrr# tW r»§#W H» IUMM Oft# ftft# 4*l ft #** ft -Aht** I»fylftft | f l **'-Ikftftft ftfttftf Mm# ft#*# ft I I tofttf 1 fft f.ilftftf'llftMHl ftft ftUft M'ftft'f ' Iftnft nft ft miftHlifttr ftwftff#! Ift Aft-* [(pm I WA#ft tv (Irfu l «•«#( Ift ftTftftft ftt | li t# ftVVA teftl ftli i i |i r»r—> B illo*» m% * fftft# «ftt* ImNI (At tlwihaft flftftPlft* ftM lAftl Mr. KiM Aft# fteft As • tftt ‘ lOftftU ftHftJftftlft < TA«f «ftl!fttftiftft 4A* 1 riftftlt •* 9# fftlft* tA* ftft- j jftftftftftft# tA»< lAft rftftll ftft*W ftft •• | I## «l KtHutt. %« ftlvifti | o'c lorli tlNrtft* #ft# ftftt* ! ■ ftfcftftft Ift lAft •** **»»♦ ft# (Aft *ft»iftft jpl*»«. **w that • «**t*i» gewtlem** •• lh* toatAe h*d hetd HP hi* H**d Ip. die at lag that RHMt had wug h» » | vdtaa The crowd preaaad eh war Mi th* SftltNloft# M*«iY VftftftftfAft# tAftt lAft fftf* j mm iftAftft# ftloft* ftftt lAftf *‘JA ftft# A*' j i llftft* tkkftl tA* #1 Mftfftftfft Ift inst lAftft #■ AMHMft ftft# ftft Oftftftl* Th* Kiumt often sett mstitwl a*4 jgwilr awaited tha ra««it which wuhody i low tha wwtatda ewwM givww la eaart Pporaa All waa «wa*w ww»h. Th* | MnUtaoa wtaw ••»** hop* Wha* [tha gawtlcwtew counting l%a tcnllot* ha- | ••a M» muni than* agnla awd naatw I they lam to tat aaor* rnwhdtwt of ■ Mr Mattiaoa a victory. "They are trying to rnuwt Clltott |oat," »*hi >*vreat la tha crowd, who . j wore lewtoa-colored badge* j "i/Kiks Ilk# It wilt ha a tia. What j Will thay da thea?" aahgtl other*. "Mr Mattiaoa tony have a majority nWar all." aald a Mattiaoa wto, who had about given up hope aa hour be i fora, | "Will they never gat through eouwt ; i nl thoaa ballot*." waa what the ma- •» U n \ jorlly In the crowd aald and all felt lh* MM#*. Through th* wln<b>w« could be »•«« -the clerk* of the voting place engaged in recounting the bnllota. The crowd could only catch 8 glimpae of them and not hearing what wa* being an’.J. they could only aurmlae and they were kept on pine, eo to apeak. "Will they never flnlab that count ing?” wa* the querry of the erowd on (be unlaid*. "Elliott is only 4 vote# nhoad," said souk- one near the door of th# office and aoon the people on the street for a distance of a block nway heard the statement. "They are counting again,” aald gome one. "Well, I’ll stay until the official an nouncement la made aald another, stamping hi* set to keep them warm for the wealher wn» getting colder and It *•»•» anything but agreeable waiting for the count of the vote* to he finish ed. The vote counter* looked through the window* of the warm office at the Impatient crowd outside and smiled. Would they never get through? Night began Io fail and still no one In the Ktreet could safely aay whether Mr. Elliott or Mr. Matttson bad come out winner. Did they leave? Not * hit. of it. You could mot have pull* a that anxious gathering of peo ple away from that voting precinct with an ox chain. "If It 1* until 10 o’clock tonight l wilt await the result," «a'd a well known gentleman and his sentiment win- echoed. But It did not take until 10 o’clock for the much-awaited announcement to be made. At about 6:30 o'clock, the official announcement was made that Mr. Elliott had won by 3 votes over Mr. Mattinou. The Elliott men (anil most of the i crowd who were then ot the polls were Elliott men) gave a mighty cheer and started forth to tell their friends of the 1 result,. In about three minutes the | stxeeF that had been so flUed with peo ple was deserted, -The announcement had been .made and the curiosity that had kept the. srowdott-pins and need le* for two hours was appeased. Mr. Elliott had won the race in the Elflh. It is generally agreed on that the rrmv: y4w&jk.xj~ r^kEFENOING I TMt NATiON 1 Immi HAt I -- W . Ifto Mi toll 1a W tltto ft Tto|> ! ipliik In Am AMMftft A«*# Ift ft I mil rN#4f |v #«! ##. ft#ftft4 | Am «# ft* gftlifft *»•# «a i jtoftilf %an« 9 m life ft #«<ftft#ft Mftft um lntffiMto |#<f Ifftn WgfUfk I W ft lft*Mw ft ftft vft ft * ft w w | Am# #-ftvfft! Mwft *•*" * * | #i»# If i! Ik## ftft# Aftftft iM Fft-rw- Mary h ITatM. Talpn. h*. *1 •* ' Ac aw Afvdea** fa, < edaiarar. Q I wt had Inffylrfwhw “TJT!,, 1 " j |war»i it ***** ftt® ff** * '<" wa am W**h yaar t* " • *'* i U*a ja** daath■ 'that #tpe. to* he for* wwgid w*d da tod **y I aaw aa •ac-e’ I '' < ™ - aecvrd two Width* aa* . | have wad N" ••J' * ' | Vwa "toss aw* Ikh »• •»/ **» * [ pi»W«* * * Aah »l drwnatot h*» a fee* Pfww-wa Atiwawar tor th* pane laaa Imnjortty of thr Matt!*** voto* weva voter*, few Mattiaoa bnllota war* [voted after the aoow hour. If aay. Tne iofltolal count git** th* tallowing .. ..* *> • Ma'Hvon ...... ift N U» Klltott* asnjorlty, L ELECTION fROUftCS* Vote a Racaivad By th* Ft*# Caadt- The oßelal vote given each candi date la yaptardny'a election I* a* fol- Kir*i Ward Martin tol gecond Ward. Allan Third Ward. Goaley .. ....It* Fourth Word, Clark .. . .13*7 Fifth Ward. BWlott 4*2 Clark'* majority ovar McAulißa •• T« KUlolta majority ovar Mattie'U 8. To Cur* a Cold In Ow# Day TtM, Lasatlv* ttroma Quinine Tablet*. All druggtat* refund the muney If It fall* to cure. Me. The genuine has U. U. Q. on each tablet. THE NICARAQUA CANAL Senator Morga* la Authortiad to Puah tha Construction. Washington. f». C., Dec. 7.—The sen ate committee of the Ntcarngua canal today decided upon tome change* In th* hilt for the construction of the canal, and authoriaed Senator Morgan to preaa the matter upon the senate for early consideration. The nmat Important change la on# leaving It to the Prealdent to decide whether iwnde of the govern ment shall he issued to aid In the eon atruction of the canal or the proceedi of the Bale of the t’aclllc railroad ah*ll Ik- .leveled to that purpose. Th» bill now to tie reported leaves the details of construction to the hands of the maritime company, aa It did hefore. and will contain special provision limiting the amount in ca*h tn the I’nted States treasury that may be devoted to Its uso to five million- Mr. Morgan was au t hurtled to make a new report on the MU, covering the ohangea and giving much historical data concerning the enterprise. Two Pointed ouea* lons Answered. What Is the use of making a better article than your competitor If you cannot gel a better price for it? Ana.—A* there is no difference In the price, the public will buy only the bet ter. so that while our profits may bs smaller on a single sale, they wilt be much greater In the aggregate. How ran you get the public to know vour make la the beat? if twth articles are brought promi nently Iv,fore the public, both are cer tain to be tried, and the public will very quickly puss Judgment on them, and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Oham berlalns Cough remedy. The people Have been using It for year# and have round that it can always be depended upon.. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, hut ure certain to return to the one remedy that they know to Vie reliable, and for coughs, coMb and croup there is noth ing equal to Chamberlain's Cough remedy. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co, C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. THE BAII aAME TONIGHT. The Tenth Ohio and the C. L. A. Meet at Armory Hall There is tho most Intense Interest in the ball game at Armory Hall tonight between the C. It. A. and the Tenth Ohio tteams. The band wilt he In attendance, and there will be a conceit in conjunction with the game. *' _ -Thi?.-will be jwe Ot the prettiest ex hibitions of the game,. H If orfilMed, that Vm be seen la -Au* -jtw-for a long while. - Place you order for fall suit with 0* J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. COUNT BT BIRTH TRAMP BT CHOICE Tit KfUifv A*ftftt» if lu##*i IM. 34 )#il# Itaftf iI A# fftlft • ft# fA»l#* f • if## ft## ■*llßftia Aft ftMNM> oft<#ftft'ft Hiptwttj I •’''•ftp**♦ i* #ftft ftt#### A| ftft fßft» )• ftrrii ft ifttotonAft Ml ift*- [ ftMftft Ftßfttotoft# HA ftftß ft riftr »* • ftft t# A#r# ft CAJi-.cftft tlftftt ftltvt ill Aft# blftkTth ptonT Uh -.ftft!}# ftftnftft !#■! Atft !*<#. TAftf f'l! (*!• •»- - *w»li*.rirf klwt ftftAl lift piiiirt ft## rat a n #HA«At« ft# » «t in## At#**!! #IIA tftft fti»#HMlerft «u r#»* tlifti n«w A * mm *m* vi lAft iMtttft hmt ft pftil««t to #fftt h It !•: mnr+ Ilia# Itkilr (lit A# #M» Aft ftft* ) »#i##«Nt t*fvr# ft p#liM mftftiftlrfttft I# ; N«*» Yarik aft# pi«ft# gvlttf ta ftfty» ftAftrfp lAft! may Aft upon Atm. U# Vftßtft to Iftftm Ao# our tftftftftft p« f tka#tft ftrft tre*te# ##A #r lAft Im H of ottf ftMTilHiflft He ba* awwn' altowwther about Iw# years and a half la jails. Ill* r»n neel lon with to* bur* lag of the PM-! nose aiav* la Peru, ta I#*, he de elare*. wa* Inst rumeulal In slavery to that country. He eapoaed • the whole workings of the sugar plan- i tars’ treatment of UAir slave* to ihe President of Peru, and th* antl-alav* j movement waa started. Dlasovlteh, ha* explored th* Yukon river,. He | ha* been la th* diamond field* of As- j rlca and has nerved in the navies of j the I'ntted (bates. England. Hraxil IVru and Chili. He speak* French, Spsnlsh. Greek. Slavish, English, Ital ian. Kussian. Hindoostane*. Fortu- ■ gwea* and.* little ('Morse and Japan-, «•. ’[ tg 1814 he served aa Interpreter, amen month* with Sampson, who waa thea a first lieutenant in the navy, on hoard the Congrea* at the time of the , Ten Years war in Cuba Anxtowa for the experience of being severely pun- i Übed on board ship, he cut a man de liberately on the In-ad with hi* sworjJ. He waa bound hand thd foot, placed In ' chains, and locked up In a r»np so 1 small that he eould not atretch him- J self, and kept there for 34 days on bread and water. Dtanovltrh. when only IS years old. In ran away from hl» home In lutasa. Austria, and ha* never been there sine#, although he keep* In com munication with his people. Ha will make a trip to Cuba and in the spring return to hin home. This wanderer declares that the prisons tn the Dni ted States are the best tn the world, and that England's are the worst. He says the American tramp is compara tively harmless mortal. Auntrulta Ih the country for bad tramps. The sheep owners care for them In self-, protection. , The count carries with him thirty* two pounds of baggage. When hts clothes wear out or rather begin to look too shahby. he buys new ones and gives the discarded clothing to tramps that he meet* along the road*. He wiU spend only u few days in New York. Some Ladles’ Fancies are few. but all enjoy carrying a pret ty poeketbook. The Augusta Novelty Store has a beautiful assortment at popular prices. SHEPARD LODOE. • ________ Election of Officers Occurred Last Night. At a meeting of Shepard Lodge No. 721, K. of P., last night, the following officers were elected; J. H. Meyer, Dictator. j, E. Matthews, Vice Dictator. T. M. Goldsby, Assistant Dictator. A. A. Parr, Reporter. H. S. Jordan, Fnancial Reporter. A. F. Plumb. Treasurer. J. F. Sturman, Chaplain. O, J. O’Connor, Gtlide. T. L. Sheata, Guardian. Jones Sikes. Guide, Atbury Potter, Past Dictator. Trustees—Riohard Summerall. chair man; SDL H. B. A. Peuffier. OASTdRIA. Bear. th. /f The Kits You Haw Always Bough! WANT m ■ Iffitr ##YtO- Yf(H Hit'#* a | j|| t fftgi ipftK 0$ ssm Wft# 4 ft-#' | Wlbm ##* tof-ri-vyrto ft #*ift# ift#** I ’I, ||| || |^ # im*9 ftr ft *#•**#.*« ms* ■ g-f#a'-fB ft}*# f#-»ftto:f'R ift fMwit iAfIMI "* IT u HELP WANTED *TO RENT FOR SALE fkgAM—t'llMA vi AT M JACKSON »T.. j /fDIt SALE -PAPER Ff-R WMApTI r FI.NO purpemw. Cb**pa*t In eltf. < ’cent • pound Apply at Herald oltie*. j Both (Uh and a**a-pnp*r. Wov I FOR SALE-Ito-ACHR FARM. ONE j mile truw city limits, a bargain Ap ply W. C. J* na*. No. IM J». kaon *1 (JCI t CUEAP-FAl’KIt FOR WRAPPING j jvnxgaf. t* cents # hundred eld ex- i 1 changes Wblt* paper I cent a i*ou.J. Nov I "lost and pound. laiRT BMTWKKN THK DTBtol kniMlnv *•»# #f##ft*#MT# fft#*!ry •tit'll rntmrM Inns Upturn | to t;’» Mclntu*h street and gat reward. ‘ dec * * RTR A Yel>—A I-ARCIF M AI.TKPK I cat, with at* toe* «•* each f««»t and ikink In end joint at tall He w«r* ItSather collar with name’fUtlpalow" on .outside— my name and anuitvr on lo i *|de. If you have him. send w ord or i bring hint and get reward- P. O. Illm -1 ryd. No. 15 Library Building. [<fee I » Special Notices; Boi'lAt. LODOE. NO t, F. A A M. THK ANNPAL COM MONICA- A TtON of Social Lodge. No. L JL Will be held In lhe n.mta ol Georgia Ctiminandery No. 1. K. T. Masonic Hall. FRIDAY NIGHT. *th Inst.,St S:3O o’clock. Flec tion of officer* for the ensuing Ms eonte year wilt take place. A full and prompt attendance is requested. Hy order \VM. J. HOLLINGSWORTH, W. M. Wm. H. Crane. Secretary. Special Notice. Office of Augusta Belt Ry. Co„ Augusta. <la.. Nov. », IS9S. NOTTCK IS HBRBBY GIVEN THAT at a special meeting of the stock liulder* of the Augusta Belt Railway Company, called sccunllng t° latft. and to be held at tile ufflie of Messrs. Jo*. B. & Bryan Cummlng, Dyer building. Room. 425, In the City of Augueta. Ga.,'#t twelve o'clock, m.t the thirteenth day of December, ISM, the question of the Increase of tho capital stock will Jie considered. THOS. K. SCOTT. Prealdent. Carlton HUJyer, Se<-. & Treas. CROUP CAN EE CURED and can be prevented BY T'SING LANDS l» DK SO CENTS A BOTTLE. MADE AND SOLD ONLY BY JR. ZEE- LAND 622 NINTH STREET. , _i AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES in the market. When in need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken nixture Taffy Candies Tele phene Bell ’Phone No. ajjfta Toys! Toys! TN» ia»***t ptrvffc of Tc*y* #v*r hfffufW io Awfuii*. Th# (jf-csoß af# *ho ©w##( #v#f i>ui jooft* Do not ft r##> my ptoot wh*n pur- h**i«f tor tho IKt# pnek. My B*aOf tm«n! of CB*t*i ft •ueMhOt JfOU iKtXiKI || in iittd LtoUdy F>ftftfi af# my *p#4»ißlti(Hi. H. H. CLAUBBEN. 1002 Broad St. - '•'rtSV Coffif f WMihlfiyfon & Stir * * AUGUSTA, GA. Will You Get Left? Thore is but ono lookod-for condition this fa ll in regard to buoine#B ond that 8 a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are ihe people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. A j jfc, % Q is^^sj^to te MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 10 A M TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef. . . A supply of Choice Oysters always on hand and served in fine style. A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a small cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after ail orders. Wi Him hr Sail Hoi HU Tltst Ve Wail to Bet Onl of tiis War. (4 Clevelands at $1 2, sl4. $ 1 One of these is a Ladies. 1 Cendrom at $ 1 7.50. 1 Ray cycle at sl4. One Steam s Special at $lB. 4 Models 40 Columbias at s2l, $22,:52c5. 1 Cresant at S2O, 2 Credendas at $15.00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at $1 5 and S2O. 1 Man’s Victor at $20.) BEYENEY,HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. DKtIMftCR • The New Year Is Approaching ft mi i i * i# «**«* ftt «## t«ftt #£#•»* Uftpus I#m m** ftt ift*«e ftfttft eieeft ?'■*»*s Hft#»>4 Monumenfs. Headstones. Etc. #«»# e# M#4 el lift fhttßM ftMftftl Pi H HUcm C.F. KOHLRUSS Cbristnias Offerings In diamond*, prrclcme unw« and *o!ld pit. 4 jMNirf kiW (hr stoat arawpiabla g!ti» that you ran rbou*e for a la4y. W* t>ar* a superb array of lac* plat, irtiboti. rbatrlala**. uratchea, toilet* war* and aoveltlee that vIU ad»>m beauty. and pic*** the bom fastid ious n«*‘a Jewelry our handeoma acarf ; .tytirt rlaya, *!••*• button*, r bar me and notrltlta arc rtijutilta A. J. RENKL. Jeweler, •2* Broad Street. PARLOR MARKET, 95 I Broad Street. LEtL’PHOXE <O9. A Prime Family Roast of Beef from the rib, »irlcin, flirt, croas rib or naudin* rib we will cut you at any time ni that it will eat trnder. juicy end »uc < uleut- Opr itcok of prime nett*, poultry, pane end venison ie of ti e v» ry choicest to be secured, end our stick of turkeye ere fat end of rare ttavur. POWELL & COMPANY.