The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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• *«* »»*«»** «ot. *•— . w*to te | te***«* ♦» -***—«• «* g* ~«h4 *# » ***** 'SWStete *■* • M * | %**. I* St* —ate J« <f‘W» j *kg** * **-—a **"*• ** **d*P •» •*-»-» **» t*.****—* yjy* •*• f*» *-»-» - *mrn*m* M (Bn m • ***** »» teta «—* ****** •* ** **• n - : opgg «g a *••** •# *H*W te few «* hJ.T«* «m *» «** - |[T .. ttm tp,f p. In. » v n«* >•** Hrtsakgb »n ' . ml MMI ***** »**«*4 Mg* w m ,||p gfc| m # # •*«§, CAUGHT I\ A STORM.; ■ 111 llfell—T Tbaas •*• >i *•* adi ***•#•* “ feh*d . ImM |»4ll«l|l»ly. "Ml tofetoi • **** Ml •**•* *U ** H* iilwii A—i If, fete* m* *te * yeast* M» An AM AM •*• Mw* ■»—tty■■"*’• to# tetod •MtAMI | ••at diattefel? *»te Jmh afelaing “■*■—' | at ptMtek »K •«* »*«M* | rl.*« **<im •*•*• *toto MM'll fe**dt IMM !•!» ••* |*»Mi «# » fete *•• teto «U*- Ml * Util* fk#W«ttf 4440 40m ****** d*9% f 4 || £ 044 f , b*t * |*MM*i®4§ lIPMNI WMttltt »l» at fe*» !*• ******* **' «**»•♦ i** gwyiwßi Hi •■II iwwfßßi’l® ••*'* !•* wfet'b tWgWato |pM*<%Mly la*fe». taiiltaat. laagaisbtog **d >« •**•? ••> nIMHi •t, «• tfe* Wfecta. " l*t *4 ImiH AlitmM;, **l MH that I M it M> *i; »i*Ml toat«uaaimid •tUt tarn " •*M i—ts '* •** mtaM **l »«*Hy 1 —•—■ •ii.jw f«* t* to m» Halt* (tag " "A MtMto A • M»to«|t vartahto Mt of teibg—•> tetete *• absotata •tt••£ at *44,(4 * a ##g* *4 4wwiwdteafed UrtJai-ia tfea* «|Mtty *.ir.»*ly # •arfa!. Of pant U*at »a •naaOtlL feat still"— “1 thick H a a grate AmL tot I mm yna at* tfe* mmm a* gra*. *« atoay* «*r* • tlttla toy. ** *a*4 -Aa “Tfeaato T«fe •* tto Mtotr toad, am ratiitt ikar aa a lutla (irt tfeaa yoa ara bum—la mumm Maya—use. T®o could aUU sea ataa tt yoa Wtadf" ■<lll triod! Uu« fuaayt I »t>«a!da‘l m a<at yM-'pla ttotnk"—* ah* Kf«W ha* abnaa i«g*lfta*[ly. "1 dan lay. toil an not 'noat p*>* pta ' I aland ataaa. ” ••I thought yvm war* *tntag dowa.” latnrupiad An*clx-a. Hba eamuiiy waa pr. vokioa today. And I waaa't awara that yoa wen aloea, feat yartwpa I don’t rouat-" "My daar, tbat'a tto wont of It. Yoa do ooonl. and ibare’a no ooa ataa in tto world who doe*. 1 )u»t worship yoa, Man! Ilaea 1 atartlad yoa?" "Not at all.” the anrwered politely “Yoa aan. they all tay that, or airao thing equivalent." Uhatnrondher bead a little and dabhlad ta tho water with fear band. "t)b* yea. 1 know I Of poor#*, I’m a pr tool. All tbe aana 1 hare ib- ught lately”- H* panned and then added. "Do yon letuetntmr last week, at Coweaf" "Ye*," aaid Angelica radiantly. "On that afternoon—l don't mind telling yon, Mottnid —I very aerioualy ronutdar ed falling in lore with yon. There ta a yacbt quit* oloaa to Da, ” ahe added buati ly. ”1 oonaiderad, and after doe delib eration decided”— "Well, fian?" "Not to fall in lore with any one at ail” “Yoo mean"— "KonalO, If yon don't row, bow ran I iteer? We don't went to be awamped. tore ia to inrourenient " "You’re pulling the wrong rope, l coufeaa I don't quite at* how"— "Well, it doesn't alway* go with other thing*." " But ia it not wotth more than—oth er thing*?" “Booald,” replied Angelica eome what irrelevantly, "have you any Idea of the price of * Paris hat?" "The left rope again. Ah, now we're aafel A Pari* bat? X—well, I have ii: ar.l that they’re aouiething ridicu lous " "They are— ab*olctely ridiculous That fact alone, ” *uid Angelica eoleum ly, "is lioflgh to irake any thought of lore impossible unit wicked- ” "Eiccpt for ally one wiih a heari, wiib a soul, eomjMjs-d iu fact of any thing but thallowmss and vanity!" "My dear boy, if you go on,” she said encouragingly, “yon will in time make the most accomplished batterer of the aga" “Don't jest with me, Nan. It’s noth ing to yon perhaps, but to me it’s ev erything. 1 love you. Jf you knew what the void meant,” he out vehem ently, "you could not sit there coolly breaking uiy heart iu your liamls." “Hush! Not so Jond. Yes; I know I’m wicked (penitently). 1 ongbtn tto be here with you at ali when I’m gotug to marry some one else.” “You'ro going to —. Nan, is this true?" "Mr. Hatli bone, ” said Angelica droop ing. "Are you engaged to him? "He will ask mo tonight." "How do you know that?" curtly. "Oh, Ronald, don’t bo so absurdi How do I know?” This was convincing. “Well, he’s a consummate fool, ” aaid Ronald savagely. "Thanks," she murriinrod. “And, moreover, he could not pos- Mbiy love you"-- "Thauks once mure," . "Or any oneelse except himself; but, of course, I see that be has advantages. Ob. don't trouble "to explain what they: •re! I sae them. How pleased every Blood I Cure Free to Proto lu Wotdetiul M» riUr Story R» »4rr <*( ib<\ Aoftitt* Hmld M»y H*f»i a Sktsplc B tti* of B. B. b. Brai FHLC by Mail. I )H|t» ffMO Atokfet *to| I* IWkMWi* •%* 1 &mm *4 *m*il ttoto mm* rnm m IMHhKl*', I t*m*'<*m m iW„ IJH#* J ylufirt m t w*a ** «# j \m* HB&m*mt***k f# I ||#««% )«»<%« ftifWw j 1 '“tti. T'lMto « <H»4 * It ttH* I j«M p*m «t*« H H t» *w «<*»*| \pm*i TlWH'in ttlMl tlbwHl \9§ tftr ft#* H t* H i* W* • I [•H. ti *m*m «•»# ***** rnmmrnm- H H* I H **»m ft m*m*9 *mm* *»m \ «4 iNMtIMt | * Ibto t» • l *to4 J ! i|c. !•»■* fbwvii fttM* flmrn « #M u*%m> mm M •#!*# *&***• I |if t* bINHi RliMI 00 • +w*m Mitti *mmt* j tw fabrnm* MMMMiI s***» | M 9 t* 1 I• WIW |M 00mm tato Ml laat rtoMlta »y •. m. m it«4a-r. Ate. i.KMty n ta* I "IW—al Unite IV Attewte, »te : I -will oay sea y*Ml steal t am Utiai 0 te t\ •)•! | «*, lag-naiM ** t r tn«t * I 1 win try •• 4» •-«*»— my ■ aiMMtei w> t * ! *•* ***** ft fen* i—a sfewr mi ! •oalji aiwr* tfesv* mu** a atesahl mm inn tte* tteM «f ten tell t mfla*f»r a»4 , hi • wn Saw Mss •> ten Ml tto tarfca ,at ttea Item - teto tfem mm* mh all: Itfea taw «f ifea tianit #*ut -ia,ag wp lh* i arm s-as tfea afeitetear, ami tterngtet •• ■ NimHl pitea. *a4 lalav waa *i cw kw*-** j- r •, ig, otar «r wurfeaten t» th* *•#* .4 a tew# teto a aw 4 I feto •• tewmg tM athMi ptetp and aatiate mua ; twmw ««t It tea* a*wt tea* tot *m<* ‘fWM, fewi • ife*4 ihrwhfeing Htea tto* nf. aml te tte* arm. I to*# tafean «w* ’ feuidr of It M. It., and ate featfelwg tfea »irn« t*4 part* as* a day. Aa aawr, r ,» f,«*n t Hoping you mwrte wmte •tin y«wr ratwatt~ imah, H r, -ANUMM* " Tfea Mfersg Mhr ate.wa lltel Mr. ’ Stewdata waa mtvd (ms nwatte tetri*; ’■Kate*! Ate. A|wH a. ISM. **lUntMl Iteim Cw,, (hatl-mtl I hwv* ih<>ugb' ter im» tin- la writ, yaw w w*«g tg faMMlshlSw m *•*»•'*t •<* * jrwwr wmwdarfWl M M- M. K-swif S •ww attack'd W«n Wmal piAwnn and , waa tUM |a Iww* my arm. and about iha l>tfe >4 January 1 teste Sha war es lowr I. )<■ H H*lto), and 1 ua*d f o*r KHtiag god dvri'M i l* writ, and 1 •attl think 1 am. and 1 tannwt my low muih (nr th< imnni) Old M**» you, dry, It r gANPKUrt." Icrrlblc Cancer and OK or Cured by 188. Cancwr la th* worm form of k!«d pntaon. Cancer mn only he fund by a l«n*rrful 14*—d, fwmady. Ilk* f B 18. Th* folk,win# cure la only an# of M ns • anl tcattmonial* of rims of cwncer by H. IS. H.i ’Tfrdonte. Ala . Oct. t leak. *1 find ran* f»r or Hictr~ibt moat «*m- Incnl phyalclan# pronoun,'d II * < ate (ray. My falbcr n (in*> physician, did not relieve my mtffertn**. 1 had two bro ther*. birth very fine physicians; nelth , r rouM relieve me. After untold suf ferings with no relief, using eight or ■ nine declare, same Hind friend sent rn# • (mute of u. is. H. After taking the lirwt MU* 1 felt enilrely rw#>, and It j haa been the only remedy that has giv en me permanent relief, *o many time# j 1 have item eahaua'.ed and cgllnpsed from weakening. I hav# got a great many |‘ eyl* to take ft. B. B. A lady living near m* had an bating Canter and the bones In her n«pe or Upper part of her mouth were eaten entirely out. St,,, could vat nothing but atraimtd 1 soup; waa cured entirely w , ell by unlug H. H. 8., w hen she waa given up to dl# . I«y three doctor*. I John V. Trammull. living near In- Kayette. Ala., a trimmed up soldier of the confederate army, one leg shot off. i ~ne arm out off, an eye eaten nut l»y earn er, takes ti. H. B. tor hi* can. „r. jand he say* It I* a very wonderful i teodlrlne In hi* caae. He is and hit# been ta* assessor and collector for ! yfttrs In Chamber* county. He la Just ! as Jolly and lively a* . an Im-." "B. B. B. healed my whul# body, 1 uav« 9M ci)«rfy, cur***! my i«»w and. I think, saved me to raise my I children, or at leaat B. B. B. wa* the only eurthly remedy with Ood’a help. H B. B. Is the best bl.«id purifier In 1 tht* whole world. • Mr*. M. Ia- ADAMS.' Send For Free Samplr Bottle, j The atsjve testimonials prove enough for any from blood humor# | that Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B) or Three U’s, cutes terrible blood diseases, 1 and that ii is worth while to write for ’ M sample bottle The medicine Is for sale by druggists everywhere at $1 per i targe tivottle, oi six large bottle# n>r *f>, but trial bottles can only be obtained of ; Bleed Balm Co. Write today for your self or friend*. Enclose two stamps do < pay postage. Address plainly BEOOU BAUM CO., HO Mitchell st.. Atlanta, It; >rgia, and sanple liottle of B. B. H. 'and valuable pamphlet on blood and 1 skLn diseases will be sent you by return i mail. ouo will be, especially niarama! It will ali be quite delightful. " There was a silence. The sun had dis appeared and the Llue sky bad turned to mray. "It’s not so pleasant ae St was, is it?" inquired Angelica presently. “No," shortly. "I felt a drop of rain. Ars we far from home, Ronald?'’ "Yes; about tbree miles.” "Ob, dear! Are we? Why don’t you turn quickly, then? Don’t you see it’# going to be wet?” "I thought you were steering," rudely. “You might help me,” she said plaintively, tuggiug at the rope. He gave a swift etroke or two, end they swung round. There were angry messes of clouds drifting toward them over an uneasy, rpfiled eea. "Why don’t you row _ fester? „We TH ICI A U(iDtJW .A HKIBAL’D ■aw* ate*** gw# •«»**• feto ate* *#•«•<- I |o* | te* IMMi H *OO4 it I m I «to o*4*4 010 000 *'(1400000 «•»'•** 4MM 90000 **% #*• % I ms Hl lO4/0009*4 ■ *9O 90*0* *m44m *0 I H UMI 04f9m*m 90 94m 90*4*4 %49k I 9mom f* tM*to "tea a *wtofe.4 fea* *•!«*• Mate j |H 4.Mi'te«fe *i, 0094 4*99*0 **#i 94040 I mi*"**** **m4mo *mmms 'M—mm 'H mU mm <tM 404009*4*’" 4004 i Aik# b i o>m 104*04 Mi 41 f U # ta »«M ** 044 444404400 90099 19kMM 940 I 44440 C tew* tew'SW s*rt te to *fM teato | •tetelasgfetetetoa* •••»*«* as ewt fetea*' M l Wte •••*• at I**. ** Mfe* gg-tir g teaMtekte Htefe* gw Ip ao4 I (gam 1 feat feigwAs *f*wt -Hite-tet fte*«w * tMa*4teaa teaafei tote ■IA. I • I'm (fHtete fe* lfeMM r ' **te#*W*» W*tetetem to SateMteto tofegWt •T ITT-* teteat Aa tm w»**s» ll* o*aw*» Note 4m* mu* I gfe»|*w» 1 tot* • (MUM Mi tote* M I iteste" 1 t >*te ****** tank to*’ *'•••*' "Ite* **•• gtof ■aa*. "Ihi M gwMte t tw.w gfe4 *to* itefeto* II *•— terttete *fea»a4gte*M* t ’ | tefe 4“4>Mte , » j H, Bratetof’ "Mate •tetet” to ngatawtoi ■*•*!» iw«r 1 "Ok. fe'* mm te aa h«*ru»** ww4 -vaal' " »fe* wo wn>4, "f«s tiate'l .•*• b. w gawtfe I waff**' Mate er» nl gray* life* *fctel"— te N »*M wttfe qatat tntey -ofe to t- do t to an teas*? I hawse l a • as k*4 gtet, m 4 tki* I* *» 1 yaahk eaaf A vivid gt**m stea* ly lh* kiawaws nsad «ga«»felwg iwaantl te ■ feiarte ntw Itotv feaed* “Ote, Matofei. IIW a fraway «l totte. **** aws. aav# mat Ute, let wa 41* laptMtl I few fa*. ate 1 ytss know I to! Han't fetok at te* an raM S VfeMilww MMg «dt te*ll» tto tote' •Id! * Ang*!i * M 4 fear tea* Ml tto anahiettetod anhfesd "1 (to feat*** bag* te Aw With yst, tow. Ihw to Itww withant ywn." aaid Ronald tmdsvly Tfewa wa* • *w«p» tom* twlicei»g about feta swiNrtfe, tte* to umistated feimarlf fewuteaUy, nasi H did not baeuito ■ mil* * A trtlana* follow*4 Tto tfeuadat auil ad and tumbled far away to lit* »te and pramMtly that* waa • (lawn **#* tetlltaut than auy* " What# that awlul light?" muagad An*, lew. "Lotetetf. li'«tb#*un.“ "Tfeaauul* Itfe# rterud up In mnsttf caM -tt "I* cuo't to, Ki neld itudig osu'ly) Do rut mean to tall to* tto : alcuiu it ovw? ’ "I think IF* to Vn€l mrm i annoyeA Aren I you glad wa'iw out <4 tonget?” *• V. a—y**. of coot*«. Ouly I thought —(haughtily! perhaps now, Mr Utunt, yoa will lah* m« bom*?*' “You I’ll tab* you home, Man They'll te autpuswA won't they, ul our tows?" "Nswaf What—what do you mean’" g*»pvd Angelina "I think you know " Thcru was oo miatak* about his aoiil* now "Monald," abo said pathetically, "now yoa'taunt going tab* tiresome’” "Nan." b* auswared gravely, "Ido hope nut. Hut of courae a lifetime is a aav era taut " "You know It waa only becauae I was frigbteucd. It's a mean advantage —it’s ungfuitleiuauiy ’ —her votes died away weakly Roue Id (provokingly) Are you quite sore yoo didn't mean all you said? . Angelica (tearfullyi—lt's *o absurd! Mamma will bo eo angry. -Mary Mac lesu in Madame DM PruMlmi* Pl«hl lb» Orsskst It ha* bsen dsuied (bat German ofll oi rs took part in the actual fighting in tha Greco Turkish war, to it la wall to point out that there arc two alluaiou* In a hook, “Tha Greoo-Turkish War of 1897," to their action, and a quotation front “an account written by Grumb kow Pssha, Prussian artillury inatrnctoc to the Ottoman army," who "had boan aunt to the army to aupervisa the tftma meut and ammunition,” but "without bolding any definite command.” Meu eral von (irumhkow on April 25 com manded tha ten aqnadrou* of cavalry and the bone artillery battery which atkrted for latrissa, and, after he hud been re-enforced, the three regiment* of oavulry which entered that town. It i* a curioua fact related by the Uoruiiyi officer in qnaatiou that ho *et a Greek againal the wall with the intention of tdi Kiting him and tun prevented from doiug so by Turkish orders.—Athe mouin. rtterlr Oblnse. “That there city husband of Miu pie’s,” said the innocent old man with dp* vaudeville whiskers, “is oao of the pleasautest tellers guin. Why, 1 badu't been settiu chuttm iu his ultico with im aioro’n a quarter hour fore he told :u« three times to come iu an see 'im ".g.,!,! “ Cipoinnuti Enquirer. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wli let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have tho valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful rem edy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec tions of the dhroat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size 6«' 50 (outs ami It 00. Guaranteed to care or price refunded. Education. "See, Bridget, f can write my name in the dust on the mantelpiece,'- said the mlstres*. "There is nothin’ Hke edcheation, af ter all.” 4 , CASTORIA IWu Kttsst % «*» Htow AHfewite ttoteflMs iw4 •«** Rto p, to# s**rv |W ywtegww tew* tematew tte* *tg**»t**w «f 0 tote* tote ttotoi togtea "***** * pPi *, y l Jf . gmsojf »niwnisisi«i idnrr **t '“**"* * ah ftoatatoeffett** I writes* fe*ass used a* tMtiintrs new test* *■ a* gw rltsit ■!» !%•* toteto tattte •*•4 awdatsgvr tte# tewwttte t 4 lafsaM ACM* tUklwi ' jUjswftetow ggwMasd K*|a#*t»»gtete What is CASTORIA. djtegfartfte* te I* swteaMtwtw ftor Fteatog CMI« INfefwgwfter, Itwwgte ms 4 tewssOittsg king*, tl to lUrwilato *ad FVaswwt. t« rwtilnin- ysriiterr Opiam, kfwrptetw* war sdtewg tewrawdta wteilMnj I*• tor* to *«• gteurwtetac. It d**t*wt» Mtto* and allay* Yr« art ate* **■ li rmmm Ifesiikwa mm 4 WRi CMto. It rvllrtv* Tv-ptklteg TrwteMrs. WWWU I ww.My-tfewte and minfew y. It maaHwltotf Iter I wd. totoi" ttew M*«**Msrli feted Iteatewto, glvtwg terwMtey gtwl tMtwral utowfk. Ttew t'tetfelrrti'a Ntotefe-Th* Rfktef'l Trtrtsd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY® yy BcAffe tbp SifiiAtard of (2L^&u The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. •to* < * *••»* > artwwwtte* >g tototedMfeg »*»»♦< *Hfty RRfjjjjM **f»- The 1 “Maine” ’ Album! * CAPTAIN CHARLES D. SIQSBEE and Interesting scenes associated with the destruction of out* Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents of American history have lieen attended by such puhlla esc) lament an.l national Indignation as that which followed quickly upon the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand for a pictorial history bf the ill-fated warship, Its captaincy and In fact everythin# in tonnectiim with it leadline up to and including ita a»»aa slnation, we have secured and ofTet our leaders this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record Issued upon the subject, embrasjhg splendid photos of The Martyrs Which Is now ready for delivery al our office, or by mail for Ten Cents. CONTENTS Off " MAINE” LABUM. Captain Chas. f>- Hlgsboe. General A Oroun of Junior Ofllccr* of tha Fitahugh Leo. Wardroom of the Main*. The Battle, hip Maine. ip|, a Court of inquiry in Session. The Destruction of Ihe Maine. Funeral of the Victims or the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An- Dlnaater. chornge, A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De- The Harbor Entrance to Havana, livery in Havana. Gunner s Gang of the Maine. The Captain General's Palace In H»- Vlews of the Maine's Crew off Duty. vans. A Minslrel Show on the Maine. Ship's General Blanco y Arenas. Company of the Maine. Looking Dqwn the Prado, Havana. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised IS one of a "Souvenir Serit’s” of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-Ameitcan War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. * Next week No. 2 will he offered as a Memorial of the First Sacrifice or the war, or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions, Inclu ding Hi ,ny other special features of the early events of the war, such as the vessel that tired the first shot; the flr*t prize; bombardment of Matanzas: cutting of the (gttiles, etc., ete. Then in weekly and consecutive order will appear the following: THE DEV. tiV NUMBER—The Here and battle of Manila. ■- THE SAMSON NUMBER—Bombardment u£ San Juan and. Morro Ca»- l< HOBSON kS&S THE? , _ _. . ADMTRAL'WCHLEy—The-’Destructftii'n of Cervera'S-Fleet. THE SHATTER NUMBER--The Si*g« and .Capthfre aX SarUtagd. GENF.RALgrMILES AND MERRITT—Army. Operations In Porto TUcn and Philippines. ' Be sure and get each number of this souvenir series while volt have an opportunity, and advise your friend* l « <lO Ihe same thing. A SUPERB Photographic History Devoted Exclusively To The ‘lain!!” ' Ceptein Sigshee Tie OEccrs The Crew Genera Lee General Blanco SUNDAY’S HERALD 1 Newspaper For Newspaper Readers” Something ■ About Sunday's Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta* Give it a trial 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 month*. 50 Cents 6 months' SI.OO 12 months- Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ca. To the Sunday Hprald: \ Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get ' j The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. ~K~ f\ FbankClvcs J \ / \ Famous / \ / \ 9 Cushion 1 / \(nrd Hirtei^V y \ Centre B*il\ A Vary fine A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCMtB Cushion curont ChMfp'on «f Ohlo'iM *<> winner of Ht. Louts Hteiidlcep bi t thi longest tournament »» reeora. and tin? only play**' who ever h«i*t Hebaefer, s|..gnou, and Ives in the muih: tnurimmt iit. ( OF IMEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT*. 100 DIAGRAMS OR *-OU»HION SHOT*. •CHAtrER'3 STRAIGHT RAIL NUR»«. EVERY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME, ALL NUHBING POSITION*. FRENCH OORNER GAME. BTORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEBT*. LIST OF CHAMPION* OF AMGRIOA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETQ. The author glvea insinr tslusMr Miggcd.ifis to novices which h rv e y* HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 78 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. 244 p.f«>. Size, Si IM Int-hw. . Bar:!, prepnil. to *o.v *<tdre«» ou . -cy,- :lpt, ot prlco. r.,i iHiita Wfßi Eerali 7