The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 09, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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j *•-<*. »♦«•» * »* -** a*** fa* «na#<WM * •* <-no* •** r **, ** #W 4*4*%M#i§ ■# <§#* IP' AppMl «#»•#•* pp PpWPj *>•»: ftopT*-* to*#**# '#PiPPPJp4 MP •mam* *»•#*- yv»w ~* *» a*—*— *-»•» **•» *•"*• lb* »**! > «* a ■ )*'■?* *>*“ §m> mt * ** *te mmm warn adf* m*s S* dte •*)*)* W# fte-4 MW * *«•***—)**? *-» t- »w* *# -***> »w*« »» y-. &MM «W. *—M— *'"•«■ •*— ‘—HOI. * * £, Vga » m w, a ir »mf*> A HAPPY MISTAKE. ta*. ►# M I *b4 «*• •** •*•*• •* Mpw <ir w|n—l VMNNI Pit (bMtof'to #* •*& •up IpvPPmnß §•*§ p«i<P*P (tof miptw# • ppt» totrtft totoltwtot pMP #**• P|PP Hlgflp §fi't nlftr* P*4 S**p4» Mr! I It* *** ts «MK #HI ***#4 Op ***m m*m pirp «fe*? P4I ** UmA* •* •*#•*? ** pMpWp'tlPp PIMP tlPpfcPl to## fcwPPPtop trt'M to# |v4P tllP idpwp ftoM# #tl •** IN li'M M 4 tea* •*>■**» *kM* ha mpyi 111 it ba «MkM MU Ml* M| It** t*. •fiiwmi. Ml thm mm*f am HM fß**#i—eßß**® ll** tenalMl Mm r*f * * l# NiiMy w». a f*> * hi* tmmm Mil hm mi •* ams teApaA. bb4 •• mm k»rw ba MMI H Mp|» b**»tif I*"’ torw. m 4 D.t If bte h»Wi MINIMI M (Ml h* *Bl#bi MM kB BOBkte MM •* |mit ip scitwr«pt. TkM Ma*4» MWI I »*#*• te M 4 mm • liiffH M»**U<M •* MM fM #w» MMto tMi( a*a ***** ***** aad t> «•>• ill fcMltfcf. bb<l that mth ftf*. •<f* (in* m •* *» I* M a/m <4. M M M MHs*4 111 MM «.»i4>IMI * ( • MJfHMi MM IrtM M tlw oM Jhw.’HmtM Mkl wilfifp *i>4 *ti< (M*9 hf a ryljr, whirh rmmm at la** la •**• a* M* haM HrftitiPl Pi Pn<t>fi# • m* §#** m»»4» at • < my***#T »*>**'* P »• Pi mil If nl VffllK fIM tod; m trllllPi P Pk* My fP* in b*r m mmmkMKm. aa i «iilmm dt 14 Ihi (til *«**)<! 411 lb* i®b Ha *br> I*l* 11 far »* la ilatlil* «*»* ai**l so awl mh awl Ml - I At hil Mao 4« «anl MwM b ab* *bo fn. M* au oMm U>*a L aa4 afc* lauoffbt ab* ar>*W ba Uapf*** away work ibh (ban al Ihub* atlUay <*itb (nbl ml band* t>b* im an |M*My. » Mia* aa<l I tab?# tbal llawM*»lba|l *• aoahl not b-t ber *•• amoo* *traa««r* Al IN (aib> r anA bmlm wnabl m* Hhm to It. bn* arr mafrmlad all olj* lira, aad Maail* arrv*a and »pjx>mu<i a Pay let ktr rtwuiap Tb* inim*a»ia* pa»»*>l raprfly away la t»7 pr*parailna. al la** tba ooa (Na>iay left oa n» MM aad vlaar Hud* louM •> lotaly that mom in* in bet pntty bat with Ha Inn*. An-opto* fxatbrr. that I did not w«adt r tb* *y>a cf a a«ran*«r la lb* nbowb waaJt »d per. latently to oar pew. „ He waa a tall, bamlanma man. aittln* with tb* leounli —a name which in onr villa** re|»*a«ited ite ariatc«racy and wealth. Them warn pentlaraen from Ixmdon viatiin* tbeTu ronutaatiy, but their pace did not often wander from the rtyli.h, elegant Miaaaa Leonard to aeek any oth er attraction.. I mw them plane* ronnd onoe or twice, a. if to dlaeover what tlw in the • burch ooniii poaaibly diatract ailentioo Imm t ltfl). and I fear 1 fell mom |Mi<le in klaudo'a b«auty than wae quite oonMitent with the aaomd place in which wa were. Hut after eb< had *<*>« and at ni*bt I went for the flr»t time to my room alone I felt that the bud ehneen the better pert—that It waa eerier ereo to *o forth among etranperr. with her baml Ht the plow. Chau to ait down quietly on the vacant hearth*!one. • However I aooo found plenty for heart end hand*, iiy father gr. w rapid ly worn* instead of better, and it waa hard work no to to word my lettera to Maude that she ebonld not know of the skeleton in our homo—the abadow of coming deato. Her lettera were hripbt and cheery, and when at last I told her that our fa ther grew no better, abe answered she had met Dr. Melrose, who waa a rela tive of the lady whom children *bo taught, and ackt d him to Ro tinwti and see father and that abe would defray the neeewary expense-. I almost paaped when 1 read the oame —Dr Melroae. Hit fame bad reached even onr ear*. I w ondered how she could have approached hitn with such a request, hut I mid nothing to father of her d‘ Mre, and one morning, about a work later, his card waa put into my hands. With quick, trembling limb*, I ha*- ] "iened down to meet him ami opened the -axlor door to find niyuelf face to ftioe with the stranger who, weeks before, had eat in the Leonards’ pew. .My face grew r< d alfit i-alo as I recog nized him, hut i.J come forward very qhtetly, and, taking ray bancD, said: “Caine, we will buvo a little talk first, and thou you eh all take me to see i your father.' ’ I quickly obeyed him and sat down beside him. as be directed, while be, j not seeming to observe my agitation, told me of ruy sister—of her happiness in her new home, bow already she hud won her way into their Hearts and bow ! giud bo was that business at this time called him to this spot and enabled him to perhaps be of some assistance. Then I found words, and when be left me to visit my father I found my self awaiting bis return with a calm nsfurarice that could mortal aid avail birn be would find it iu Dr. Melrose's healing touch. A half hour passed before bis return, and when be entered -tbo room I knew J. might hope. “It is not so bad as I feared,” be mid. “Time and careful nersing will oon restore bim. Tbe latter f shall in trust to you. ” \ Thea be* gave rue bis directions so dearly that I could not misunderstand tbtin, and vten be ygde me good by, fielding fifirfi-ttiy hands -for-a moment is bis own, and said, “Vou must take sat*i«f >»t»»f a*aM mm #»»•» l*. a smAHMiMH 11*** at *•*«** tea* aa I iMip * It'* (W >MB» * «M- aa «a* fMte no, tuw tea i—«** am ** It at W mmm Wt* MM* Aka k*i» kM** a «m aa tM«a m Mm •MM** •**«* *• *a*s k*«-*-=**mmA. i»w«s*a*a«»aav*<**«►*'» paraiafte a* ta* a*a mm a—a asy%lty 4 Ms* »-v*a «Ma *fct«M I maa (wad aat [ MM MB *a I »as am *f lna *t*M aa4 tte | M 1 iwAiSfat vaa—ita ILm* lata—* *•—**—*a* t a>* *•• aa* kaw *» tMMk -at— gl~ ••* saatagw. aa *a*t —<a ta* .at m A* M'aaWl walla* Mai wa MMmM Ma*« bat laMa— wpaia Mat *Ma #—•—t kMRfMt* ma —t : ta tatab at baa *a*>|A aa Baggy. *ba» M Ms* Mar**- «b* bad MwaA a a aaaaM aa Iba* aa4 ka ba* warb —ls pliawwa Mm aaiwiy wnaii »- fit Mala—as , nr — MM t W»M wall aaAatMaaA wbf ! m|m» «l MM «*!•*§ Mb Uka wta tat gawasl Twa <m lb— -1 ttaaaa Mka Ac tea mmb ta la taM— Ika Miami>MT My gat-Mia pmw ta *»tamm fctea aa a (Hal aad Lta tag baatt <4 : Matt* aa a Itmbat. hm I fait aa*a I ' m p—d Ik* —pa* <4 bl* lava f*A If-Mia ** ham «f bat *■ —MMItf. I*U MM taa Maw tea.aly Mka AMI bat Aaiy aaA baw May k—aty "f *ammam fat -a i In tel *»ra »b* c hatw *f f-ea aaA f-raa Wa I—M*4 ta Mias aiamat a* mat 4a Wa**—, N fad)**'* M—HM aaA VMM «tr»al tea* imuM Mai *k*l b* aab*4 Mi* f, t bta btU ba Ua*Amply tigltaA "Hull mma a gtlvata aaiM wllb Mtaa MaaA? tba M a aattla Mai." My (alba* I «k*A aaaa>A. bat t coaM «pl**c:lai* tba paynmal b* ***M pa cpi and laiaptr'A tMair aatprtea wbaa ba ab riahl 4—iel H al ibatt MaMda Tba aaaMbat aaa ragadlr ppproacbta* IS, |tp— hr MaaAa’t Mi IP aaaatmg wa* at Matat WltM ptaA, karpy b*at» I 4)***ated oar tarn wltb »h* t—** aba ao tevaA. kaa* ft**M MV*lia rattalaa fmaa tb* window a. Moprd lb*M hark wltb .ptMjra lal Aowara, all tb* wbll* aiagta* a load »» Ms JOf . „ „ I bad tia— la ha happy, for Maud waa cmaiia* a. a bona ovar wbkb bun* ao abadow of debt Tb* BMWt*ac* bad M—i paid. Win ab* bad aavad aboald *o toward bat »r<>aa*aa* whan aha aaad Ml uaa, fo* fatbat bad ptuapatad bayoad ■lt nxpactslioa. At Mat I beard tb* aoand (4 wbaala N-ar-t and a—rat. J* "I linn# yam a aatpnaa” ab* bad written and by bar aid* aal Ik Mat top* 1 know H aIL Wa* it not a» 1 pin tur"d lancted hoped s I rally know tkat an impula* which tpraap trxau arc,. our—t <4 my i rain oauaed n* to tarn hastily up U>r ataira. aad. burying «ny brad in tb* pillow, anb aloud. •• Elite darling! Wb»re ar* yon?” qooatiuned a aarwd, girlish vtdo* And t .prong up, ashamed of my momenlary weabnaae, to find myself > laaped ia my aiatet’e warm, loving embraov. Hbe bad oome lack lovelier than ever Ah. I could guest wbpl had d«ep.’" ,,d tin flush upon bet etaaek. tb* radlaue* to ber vye! 1 smoothed my dltotdeted hair, iiaten ing tbe white to ber merry talk, though Dot a word did she aay of him, arbvaa (i,.. p, manly tone* 1 could bear now and then as be eat talking. “Look yoor first, 1 ' she mid. with a roguish twinkle—“yout very, very beat! There—l am satisfied. “ And, taking me by the hand, she ran rapidly down into the room where they all sat. Dr. Metro** arose pud came forward wltb bia old amite of welcome and made a movement as though he would already give me a brother a kiss, hut remembered iu time that hi* secret waa uot yel diecloeed. Tbe evening passed rapidly away in pleasant laugh and je*t. Oonaatonully I intercepted a glance between Maude and ber guest, full of meaning, bu» no one else seemed to notice it. At last he rose to bid oa goodnight, and as be held my hand a momtut in hi* he wbitpered: “You have always been the moat in defatigable iu pressing my small olaim upon you. Tomorrow I will present it to you for payment. May I too you for a few moments iu the morning.’ “Certainly,” I answered, bnt my voice trembled, and I think had be staid a moment longer I should have burst into tears. All through that long night I watch ed my sister, sleeping so peacefully by my side, waging my little war with myself. How natural that he should love her, so young, so lovely! Bnt, ah. why bud tnv heart gone forth unasked to meet his? At least the secret was all my own —none would suspect it. I hud not known it myself until 1 bad seen them side by side. With per haps a sbudo color, a little quiver ing of tbe lips, but nothing more, 1 en tered the parlor next morning to greet Dr. Melrose, who stood waiting for me. “I have come, os you know, to claim my payment, Kllie. Can you guess it?” A momentary struggle with myself, then I answered bruvely: “Yus, 1 know it all. You have my consent, Dr. Melrose, although you take our dearest possession. ” He looked bewildered, but suddenly seemed to understand, as he said: “Then you know, Eliie? Since the day I first saw you in church I have loved you, have cherished asmy fondest dream the hope of making you my wife! Darling, you are sure I have your content •” "But Maude?” I almost gasped. “Maude is only too happy in tbe hope that I may win yon. She is en gaged to a cousin whom she met at Mrs Marvin’s, and who is soon coming to claim her. He is a splendid fellow and well worthy of her, but I, ah, my dar ling, can accept no other paymeut than yooraelf!” And, in a wild burst of passionate joy, of marvelous unbelief, 1 gave it to Bim,' as be sealed it with the first kiss of our betrothal. —Chicago Times-Her •ld. r _ ■ TTtW JSITJGXJBT-A hibraxd Wtk # Vfcgftltfftt# 0% MM rn» I (AM I A t M»M » t but it g** l * w»l»in #m m 0 H§hiiAm 1 11 msm (ft !•«•!! I mi 9m* IMI to'wttnMk*’ !?r .*’** *Z ' F Tto4» »> r. t**-. 4if § m 9£9m. \imm ***** tow* nT55m I ttoUk &mi- • >i ® !• *** : #• t| MU Ml *%# pi *' «* Ml **** mi . I Itott* m #wh* MM Mwifcn §O% |MMh - j | 4AMk tat MRMb' r - • M* M m * «4fcf : I torMftl |lm» toNUp to to** to »|M ; J pMMiipitoi totoi totoitof tototoii*torttowto fto j f ptolf *to tot* *toto tot *ito toMto iMiitotoMHPto . • toMRM M» to to*'to tovtoto tto wm* mmm VM f toMMM-4 *— MM*'’® P»' •’ att* j |w|itkito M IMP to fvfM» toPtoPM Mto PP* j s«— a fa—i a* w-M a* bavtanAt. M* 1 tit *•*:** **4 fc**ba Mb p)-*-A a* | t« ib* |mfii|iairli Al aa**: stekM* ■ ita— **4 all ******* matte m tb* ***** *4 mavbaaw* ra— #•—* * » il imo f UlicPlM mt fit-** fIMBMPPf ms fllMlto tO ; iimi to tototot toft r% |t*4 udr4 4M* toii'ot to«md| Mto* of tto too tototo MproitoP i to poo to to ttoto toorpi *to4 itotoootototoß **i f Porto fUMfiflto toot* totottoto looto p»p|* ! IMM In Hm pfMtotfttto ptotot# *p ttototo, j tto to# toot# totltof nr tottof tooto ftotmto, (nf <firftff'MPNS. to W #*tto# tottoto tot fclf, •’ »•• mtotottofttoto to to IrttoptoftoMto »M ’ Imppltototo ttojort, tto pom# rowtotft***. \ mrh rtoltotr## to#r# pototoMt## to opoito , a la p* s«»l*r at lb* swam* at fted ! lb lb* abate) at kaaiaa erwaiwra* wn I caapteteiwA ssi Aal—rtlv* a* tw a* aot ! vrustb ps—rvlaa. Aft-r ***** *c»* »iar**a or *#*• Aarta* wbleb ib— tel ■ {()* asp* in tb— •icon* aad tb— —a— I* ; lb* aw tfl b-raaa- ba ««fc#i* w**w »!• i low-A ta Miter tb- AMMAMg tew— Iba ! rip* pod p-pd——l *ms*aa**rt of tala—, aad lb# trtaiaab# )4 ib— twala Tb—a It wa* Ater«*——d i bat baa-hhark- saiskt dlr—t vici«rlo«# am*-* aad rbmnte : lavaltda aasay asankiad. Tb— iboapni i ram- at last to tk- world that aathiap j human wa# to b- cast mi or fvj-r --t*4 Tb- Arfteteat wer* to br temb-d al ias, pad tb—ir UsiHsiksi). If isna-lbte i atoned for or pfiflN Th—a b-paa ■be lastroct oa of tb- bliad. and of tb it—af aad dumb. Tb— liilad. if act ■ mail. U> a—. w— taapht aa It they 1 could a—. Tb- d-*f and dumb were Instructed t« b-ar with tb-lr -yea. aad later to actually ap-ab wb-n tb*y maid not hear Finally wa* a-htev-d lb- gr—at teal of ap*alßP ib- windows of lb- af Iboa* who -oald r-itb< r s— nor «p*ak nor hear. White all ibis was being done from tb- oatstd ib- unfartunnt- hnv» worked wonder fully from tb- Indd- and for th<un , selves. Itepitved of oa* a-n*-, the sufferers bav* cnltlvai-d by str-nght of will th* other aenee# B— ihov-a ; eonduct-d opera* pft*r b- b-can»e I stone d-as and could no* h-ar a note th-y played. Blind persons walk about unguarded and. lib- th- Herre.v | j hoffa. Judge of work and material through other aense* than alght. Men ! deprived of their limbs make doubte use of tb- remaining member* Y-ar 1 by year and age by age. man more dominate*, shapes rootrola and aub | Jes t* to hi- own »** lb- etetbebtb and constituents of the material world. What there Is in the universe that i* of use to him he will poases*. Onee be was fabled to have drawn fire from heaven, now It Is an every day matter for him to draw It from the depths of the earth. What humalty does collectively, the tbe Individual strives to do for him self. He struggle* and with suc rM* over what was once deemed overwhelming fate. Th- blind see. the d-as hear, the dumb speak. Through what was darkness impene trable. voice* are heard and daylight breaks. > An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wil ier, who spare no pains to secure the host of everything in their line for thetr j many customers. They now have the j valuable agency for I>r. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is th- wonderful rem edy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat. Chest and Dunns. Call at above drug ttore and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular glee /or 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. —— , His Reasons. Some of the best of D-an Pigon’n stories, says Tho London Daily New*, come from Halifax. One of these con cerns his verger, one Sugar. Imagine him. a venerable figure with grey bait, sku.l cap, gown and verger’# staff. Ih ignorance, they bad married a man to his deceased wife’s sister. Sagar, whose business It was to settle the bus iness about the banns, wa at once cross-examined. "Oh, yes, vicar,” he said. “I know right well. I knowed parties.” "But why did you not tell me? I should have forbidden them.” "Well, vicar, it was just this way, do you see: one of the parties was 84 and t’other Bti. I says to myself, ’lxird; It can't last long, let 'em wed.” Lucky. This is a story I heard about a dainty little woman whose husband Is one of the American members of the Anglo-Saxon Commision now sitting here, say The Washington Post. When first he saw Washington she wae 4.0 r 6 year# old. There weren't any col ored people in her horn# town and ho was much impressed with the rtnrt titude of dusky faces he saw here. “Were all these black,. people Mem here?” she asked her mother once upon a day. “Yes, dear,” was the an awer. “My! hut wasn't it luoky sister was bom white!” SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN ! 'fSm*,[ ' California as the BEST *hat material and good l&Htt workmanship can pro* S!®<k 4uce Hill IIS Everything that is sty lush, artistic and com- |7 fortaWe, combined viith MPy the hot pf workman ship vt.l! be found in JMX - JTI Hanan & sons Shoes. CASHiN. GGULEY ft VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. A«» ST.a I OR HAM AM A AON. ®AN XMIS liIFT HUJffl StllAW IAIMIRV, The “Maine” Album! CAPTAIN iBDBfS i 3DCO find lnttorontlnpr associated with the destruction of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew, Souvenir Edition! Few Incident# of American history have been attended by/wh puhllo excitement and national indignation aa that whh-h followed quickly ute lo the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response io the universal de mand for a pictorial history of the ill-fated warship, its captaincy and in fact everything In connection with It leading up to and Including Its assas sination, we have secured and offer our readers this week u beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record Issued upon the subject, splendid photo# o£ The Martyrs Which 1h nmw rr*ady for dfllvcry nt our office# or by niuil for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF “MAINE" EAIIUM. Captain Chak. D. Slgabee. General Fltzhugh Lee. The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Kritranee to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine'* Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Hhow on the Maine. Bhlp’s Company of the Maine. please notice the Maine Album above advertised is one of a Souvenir Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. „ „ N"Xt week No, 2 will he offered as a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the war, or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions. Inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war, such us the vessel that fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Mutanzasj cutting of the t ables, eftj., etc, Then In weekly and consecutive order will appear the following. THE JJEWE® NUMBER— I The Hery and battle tlf Manila- THE SAMPSON NUMBER—Bombafdment of Juan and M.orro Cas- HOBSON ASB THE MERRIMAC-Kith additttM* ~speSl*£ faataSeav , ADMIRAL SCJHLET—The Destruction of CeiTerats Fleer- . : tU-f • THE SHAFTER NUMBER—The SU*»: and Caeture. of- SantlagO-tri a GENEBAES'IfILES AND MERRITT—Army Operations in Porto JUco * n< 'lk , '»urr and get each number of this souvenir series while you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. A droun of Junior Officer* of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In fusion. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery in Havana. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Reaflors.” Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News (letter News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. IO Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months # SO Cents 6 months* * SI.OO 12 months* Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address beiow and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ga. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the .Sunday Herald .!«, Months at the following address: No. and Street !. Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. Y A ( A Fna'nk.Clvka. / \ / \ famou* / \ / \ 9 CushfOtv / Y \ 6KoJ*/ / Vftiisiblc \ / \ on ’y to a \ 1 / \ hard Hitter \ y \ Centre Ball\ Q Very fine \ H. \ R,gM_T*»>»t\ L / \ \ n ' ars-r i-V \ \ , • J nilNrie J"I '■ ■'■* ''*■**—*~T— . A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Bv JOHN a. THATCH*# Carillon Carom Champion of {JMo'M >«. Winner of st. 1-ouU Handle.j, «, the lone,’at tonrnament on record, and the only player wh'> " vl 'r >»« S, h*rfiT. JtloMon, and Ivu) In the hhiiic tonroaineut. Or INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER MnTl.t COMTENTt. 100 OIAORAMS OR S-OUSMION SHOT*. SOHAEFCR'S BTRAIOHT RAIL NURBI. EVERY STYLE OF BALK LINE GAME. ALL NURBINQ POBITIONB. FRENCH CORNER OAME. BTORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL 00NTE8TS. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETC. The anther ylvna many vnlHaWa lursi .ttona to unvln » which «*ry»» HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. „„ ric.tible leather, st.oo, 2t4 pages. Size, SLEW tpebdE. Aupsta Evening EMi * 7