The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Image 1

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TAB *.A *«**«, j ACOC«TA, ># IITIBOB M* ■ km-aam ! **«*•« *•«>« **M ‘ fhWr« t>W*«WA j MAJOR WKIWIiEY MUST COME ON TO ftUGUSTP. ErltftlMtk P«Uir •< Of Urt» 4 MtnU II Se*t T4*J. TtWr>*> MM Mm fwil*»*- He» | bat«< m 4 vto. D»e» ■ OoHif am to «h* * MM Hamm • Are •M|t«t Mr iki UnM at IM Ti»■»» Ml !»«*•#»•»- M» (»••* Om Cwit«Y C«m<m »• M**t Mill Ue *» Uwf Mw MMktk 49 19 **«tftf* A 94f*Nt 4*-i*gn fI 1 fk fft 191* f-ftEMfIEtEMREfft l|r “9tf4>yi* 4f ill* #itf «n«< in* rmiiiwil HMimlMif i# 41* •4*4 it* TfllMt «f ffff9**ft*i4 lATfv f'fr-'•» ft* fcfs % »<|lim <*4 til# 9449 |4*' ■TAEffft rrntmw <l9 4ftil MM***#? l IIM 4*frf| f** ftt*#*** 9.44 MNltl'i# *ft Iff 944 Hi n |*f« •iklrni 1# IrtMft (PHF ciiv As) t4*f-#wr Hr* mil «fts44#ft 94* w*#*?!*wt INI' tff#f mfn# *4 tlH* (nrM of Ail 94* 4eft*sl#fiE ft# Ilf #.! 44# 14* frt*4«t«*» 4ff ltM» < .ff!f ffff* Id 1 ff I fIUI t|| # dttfttCllMl I# |K rit'lNM 4n4 * «T"! tllAt ■ Ha* tv H#*fM rtf* |a *it>m#4 111# #mnft**i wlM'-in M rMr mar grew* MIM toratff H* A . - ba|| 4 ClIP’ 1 '»?•* A# ihdlf'' if* nA*»t«ii*«*!r «4#rf«4- TIN HlVmVt't# As ON f»f I PPP ••T’* j Mr ft. If. IHA rMI 4 fApn 4l*-**«pfn# KIAM sis miftißf trtlM «*v tlyil mt rt* 1 Hi «x»m# to li«* 40-j rM U . art h#r« for 4 itiuiN fttoi* v -it for 4 r.mtnloittoo to 4r ,M&k«ri ii 4 trtln* fharttfM, ilam «#•* triHulini brio# »|io«r<t ilriHi wli4r4 14 r«*nl4 #• oft to flirtr tr\+a&* aM ft«mtff«4 ftrkoto 44ft not ftoit in* rnr niifnYQflfy OflA4 rOttM COltl* sos Dimumloa Comet Om Tbr matter giro *nft H _ .|| ||j|, Aftd fttfMftl'AA* | &rv*r«l rtllrnAd mm prmmt maft* »t*fiT.<n*t that th«4r nodi V' tM fltvr. pr«*9ft*nt Jat kina of the* Aufutli «kwth*vn utAfft that all of tha <*her l<«4* Wtrr governed by r*tr» up« n Mtirtni thriMtltw*. but hr hi rt»t«4 10 P«« amrh ‘hear rat## mi hi* f f,ga that l« would b» Mipoorlblr to ewr rjr tor <te«4*. Mr. Waleh etateff that h# tffouen th. President had mad* u«> ht* *“u'b»rn tnp and could net to Auguata. About the Prtil.Ml. Tbe letter received by Poatmaater Pialllna* was read and opinion* of the 1 ffi. err of the ramp given, and Ihe ma jority »f thoae rrenrnt *##ro#d to think that (be President could be induced to Mr. Jaroee IT. Jacfe*on *pnke of the effort being made to aecur* a perman ►nt camp for troop* her* and the uni vernal praise bestowed by the office re of the < oTip. that If the President could be Induced to come the encampment r. uld prohably be nceured. and thl* »•** our only chance to get him. He moved that an Invitation be sent from the rltlaens and that council also for ward a tel. gram at once and that the rrngressr.ien. nenatot* and other Influ ent tl men In Washington be urged to aid u* in the attempt to get the Presi dent. T. la motion was put and unanimous ly adopted. About the Crowds. To* matter of securlnx the crowds was again brought up, and a perman ent committee appointed to secure the - - ntrlhutlona needed, should the trains l e rhartered and to arrange a program for tV day of the parade. Committee Appointed The committee consists of the follow ing cttlaens: Cap?. W. B. Young. W. H Brigham. < 1 D litt'e. W. r. Eve. H. De>V<- 5 r. M. Mu'herln, D O. Fogarty, n. T! r)> sr. P. H. Cohen. D. P. O'Con - r, Mayor Walsh. J- B. S-.hweers. W. N. Dunbar, Bryan I-awrcnce. F. A. •'alhoun J. J. Cashln. T. W. Alexan der. A I-ovy. Toro Barrett, H. J. Por ter P. H. Bice, W. H. Stallings. Jno. IV ' J. mes U. Jackson, Paul R. Sle !?<•, W. J. Craig. A. O. Jackson. C. A. Rohbe, W. H. N'eiH. Urge the Prcsldet t at Once. The other citizen* present then with drew. Mayor Walsh, Capt. roung ami Postmaster Stalling* were appointed a eommlttci to send telegrams and a mo tion was passed that a committee pro reed at once to urge the President to come to Augusta and to lay especial stress on the fart that it has been ex actly one hundred years since a Pres- Hent has visited our city The notice that this committee would go was sent to the President and to Congress man Fleming. All of the cabinet and party was also urged to be present. The Commlit e (lets to Work. Capt. Yeung was made permanent chairman of the committee and Mr. S. H. Crhen seer tary. A subcommittee wag appointed to ar range the program for the grand pa rade and for »h<? President, also to make arrangements for the railroads for handling the crowds, It consisted Vesa-S. S. H. Cohen, W. M. Dun la J. J. Cashtn. P. M. Mulhcrln, P. 11. pjre, H. J- Porter, W. J. Bevy, f\ A. Ca’houn, W. J. Craig and James IT. Jackson. Tiis committee proceeded to work at once and wiil arrange everything. Will Wait on t e President. Mayor Walsh. Judge Eve, Pu*tmat ter Stallings and Attorney Fogarty leave on the afternoon train ftarujiroiv .to wait on.. tits .President; An answg? ivill received by Mondey. and a meeting wlil be cal’ed for that date Whether the President tomes or net then: will be tvjfnjyodnu-' ‘-rowds who ?t* crwt* a *lTOk Lflrit fn|Kr&sf»i«n mmm tMtcfc*- *"* V * THE AUGUSTA HERALD. _. BAII RDAY. uiirr »a AUHATA. 04. TiWwaißi-iir..« I atuck 4MM l#> AAtsiNMHi *ka aa*#*■»£ |aM4 alfftM ftt 4f AafftAp*# ftft* f•# 44 ta f<Mni*ai «4 Ik# aMN* aa : IjpNMi •ifa* l -*# I* k# 4 Mftftf fftftMft I aajaal ft#ft 44ft BNHNNT fMNNftlaft Ml FOUND DEAD IN HIS CELL t«*tt 4l4kt IM II M Am***** ~ ftf.4lk» <aaA Inai4 ftfaak 4ft MklliA f iiIMiHU *•*# Mrtfcl.-* kf t FfN-lfaftMUi J. 10, fNftifk H# mm ciitN ti» tka tamfU *• tka patrol 44404 44ft ftlkraft 1* 4 f#if*' Tkßfe 414*'4144 4k®41l Ail k# 444 ff*«4ft ft*#4 14 l''"**444 VSaftlN#. Tl* ##l 4mm ftlvaa t 4 Ik# €or*m*T mm «k4i ataub* »•» fftoved Is IS eeil *M f4jrti*ft lam kM4ftfta4Tt*f#< Tkia I4nf4- t4ft 4k#4 Ik# piliftAMA 14 rk4fft# Mat 10 an# kirn mark I# Ik wrpflu be found bus M 4. Hi* bsffy ms currted to t‘S#**t»ker PV*ti « Sl4 AS tiiiCMJ «S* held - Ik MorffSS SU tost b* «*ff frost twrsivM* at tho j h*srt. Tk* tan St'S*#* *■ • ****** I •CCMftißglf I |ti«b# mm km to ftftrlli#flt4ft. kftl |cssie t» tftM eosstrv when • hoy. Il» 1 lived Is PWtadetpkU "P iff • «** seek* S*o He cstse t« ASffSStS ahooi three »e*k» man to took ffl* work, which h# woe gives by flehler * (*«s. 1j,,, ffatariUy he gave up hie poet!ion end drew whst motif »aa due hIM. asd sothtsc tsor* waa eeeu of biro us til Isst Thurada*. whes be agais ap plied to (killer for emplayatesi. wskh waa rafoead •j ftacaaaaft vai 44ft i«#i* $t year* of Agr He will he hurled eotsa time toseorrow is the city ceme tery. RAILROAD accident Two Trsisa Come Taffrther Thle riorninf is fllchigao. Mesotninee, Mirti , Bee. 10. • The •outhbousd asd north bound paseeu* i i rein* on the Chicago and Korthweet jern railroad collided, head-on. thla 'mornlug a hundred fact from toe Men* lomlnee Iron brtdffe The sorthhontid I train, which waa two houra late, had baffffaxe and mail c*rs and two day r-oacbea and a aieepar and carried aey ! enty-ffve people. I The enfflcea were badly smashed and ' the tender of the northbound train wae I covered by U»e baggage ear. A num ber of paaeengers were slightly hurl, and tome women fainted. H. Fanra ban. flreman of the northbound train, wa* badtly Injured, and had to be ctii lout of the wreck. Eng'neer Killian, of 'the aouthhound trtn. was bad’y ln | jurrd about the head. Both train* Were running at the same rule of speed and ! sustained about equal damage THE PEACE TREATY. It Has Not Yet Been Signed by the Commissioners Paris Dec. 10.—The Jqlct peace eom m'.ss on met at 8:80 v-ta.. and at 5:16 '.took a receaa until 7 p. m. The ccm jmlwlcna are awaiting the engrossing of the trea.y of peace. He Is Pleased. New York. Dec. 10.—President Ra feal Igle&al*. of Cotta Rica, sailed to j day far France on the steamer I-a Casccgne. He said he was very much pleased with the cordial reception given him In this country. “I am on my way to France." said Mr. Iglesala, "and shall spend some time In Paris Them I go to England. I expect to be back In the United States by Febru ary, and I then Intend seeing the coun try from Maine to California. "Major McKinley treated mv very kindly and through the press I send him my best regards today." This Is the first visit cf the Costa Rican president to the United States. Causes a Stir. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 10.—Quite a stir was caused here today by the an nouncement that Gov. Lefdy has de eded to call an extra session of the Legislature to consider railroad legis lation. tie Will Not Won. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 10.—Judge Carey, ex-l'olted States senator, an nounced that he will net be a candi date for election to the Uniter! States Senate at the next session of the Leg- I islature. H!s retirement Is regarded as imateriall? improving Senator Clark’s ! chances of reflection. Died 1 rom Evp -ure. New Orleans, Dec. 10. —The body of * white man, aupposed to be G. Baoem lah, of New York, was found in u gut ter near the New Orleans ablator works this morning He died from ex posure. Holding His Own. Washington, Dec. 10.—Gen. Garc a' is holding bis own today. PROCEEDING HALTS IN QUAY CASE HrirMllD Vul A Cmr tkh \ Ictrtt* Adffrvt Pwfw N I aka TMt Cffaff M ilw UM* M ffilaa taptwat Cawr*. f*|iiifl4fft>|i4.l# |S» . Y*## !• tV4f| Jivpllnp# fkhPPW 44ft WlitlMi «%# !#• <S4t 4 rm to 4tliW4 1 t44 #fli#R#* #44t# Ml Ik# * f :fi*|» ■* •* » f44# 1# f 4» 4 |»w i *' ’i ’• t**f 4 *fil **t fWIMifIH t*m»m l## Ik# p»4f ■##♦### Ik# c mt c»in|iit>fMi •<* IH# 4#■ j***mmr* Y* 44ft 4ft ###«#M*ftMMM> #»# 4*l* , 14** i of immi T ■-*' ifftAl tl 44<4 IM# 4ft#?4### ft* 1 * IN# I XI E-T5 HAMIVI Che if MtiMrtit I'aaa Mrwa* Law gwag* Ifrganting Bondk Alderman. fklrtga. Dec. ia - Chicago* houfP ■lAman ara likely to iwtit* a pret ty lively worriting hr for* l hey put through the fifty-year street car fran rhtae sitmtiN. Utider th# promise of a reward, rumored to be ll.Sffff.ffffff. th»v nave at ynwnt eoottgh votea prttmlaed to give away privilege* worth s]<)nonooo but between now and next Monday night, when It la expected the ordleanre will come up for paaa age, aeverai thlaga will happen Mayor Harrtaoo la ImAlu the oppo *itkm. and la barked up by both the Cook county Dewomta and the Cock county Republican organlaotlon Har rtaon haa started out to raise a Worm ■if Indignation aueh aa lha city ha# never before asen. He haa *rranged for half a do*cw w»aa me-ting. and wtll apeak at all of them. Fortner Ale* geld, who differ* with the mayor °u •ont# prdltteal potnt*. ngreea with him In thi* matter, and wtll lend hla aa eiatance to the flght A it geld adr'*e* the cltixen* of Chica go to use rrp*o to prevent the olvuox loua ordinance from paeeiug Ihe roun cll. Mayor Harrlaon feels almo*t aa strongly in the matter. Ho aald to day: "I would like to sea 150,000 Of the < itlzena of Chlrago In and nrmind the city hall co the night of the franchlae extension ordinance* vote ta the coun cil. Let the aldermen fee,* a crowd , like that when they go Into the cham ber. and they will feel the weight of the responsibility that re«t* upon them. “It la not Idle talk at all, and 1 wilt not be surprised to see some hanging i dene in the afreet# of Chicago. 1 don t mind scytag. too, that I shall not send ,n a riot call when it starts. "Let the people ecme down to the city hall and make their feelings known, and If the aldermen are given to understand that the city will not tolerate such a fraud as proposed, it will be Impossible to get those ordin ances through the council.” i In ranking Christmas, for goodness' sake try this year to remember your 1 poor friend* move bounteously than ! your rich ones. , Horrible Crime. Freeaotl, Mich.,, Dec. 10. —William Hitchiogs, brother in law of John Hunt, a farmer who lives about two | mile* west of this place, killed Mr. Hunt. Mrs. Hunt and a hired man, Thomas Hayward, by namt, yesterday, and then cut his own throat. Hunt and Hayward were in the wood* cut ting wood. Hitchings was splitting. The latter struck Hunt with an axe, killing him Instantly. Hayward started to run, but fell, and was strrnk by Hitching* while lyin on the ground. Hitching* then went to the house ami kill-d Mrs. Hunt, stabbing her ill the neck with a jacknife. After killing Mr*. Hunt, Hitching* went upstairs and cut hi* throat, from ear to ear. Aim in Trouble. Seattle, Washington, Dee. 10.— The noted filibustering Cuban etcamer Lau rada Is again in trouble with the United States government. Tier offense thisr time consists of smuggling at different times during last summer of whiskey into Alaska, aggregating in value $875. j United States Attorney Gay has tiled H | n e i aainst the vessel. Critical in Spain. London. Dec. 10.—A special dispatch ; from Medrld says the cabinet position i* critical, and the resignation of the ministry is expected aa soon aa the treaty is signed. In commercial circles, it is added, the fall of the cabinet has been- discounted, as M _shown by . the cjuU tate/Of business and’heavy taxa tion ■ - ■■. The Auguta Trunk factory has »# advertisement in today iiii.ri'»eHng. CHANCE FOR A BIG PROFIT Jiri tut* m hn Tim, ll H fait AMI le MffHwg to Ohs • Pritotoy Itoa lat limi WtoMfffftswi. Dto I# -ffeMtor ttfle, •* Itofftk Ketwwa. •# aa* tetttj Aw tw# ffMMMH. Wtoek R# ff#etoflHg ll# make • <to eetoi-taffMai Milo 1 '», ikti Jesm* A## effNffv4 tate a#v#v#m»#l sj##.#to eat fwr ta# fWHppi## lilsea M* mat * tiei iiwto iff ■ fftifam wwv Iff offWlll c. <«.#* to ff) at at m* ‘ a*,: t •wewlffff (ff# laffir.ffa afaa to tapaa at to •mm# toner pffwiff at ffuwww Dtoev i'vnwua Mtvff arm* e*)(h' taaat ike ton Hum »-*<•<'*< Aewsww Kyle ff*4 ** igtrtoff wtiff iff# ktsail'it cwwtoi ew p#|i<*v is tke Philip* piisee ftoMtoff Rvi# tolttsi (hit h» •HI vote tor a rsbffretn* of the aaata tensly. M 4 thfft ff# tt to ff* Ik# Arty of #s«rv ff#s#tof is An ew Me save be le spffs#HL kswevee. to hevisff Iks t'lM fl'Stca M 4 Sll til# Island* pi i issue#Hy asd ffetievse that iffie tmmsrtH ah-'tM k# e*tl#a#a sritli SNftlsilg anis# post Is tff# le'enAa •• s ssvsi has# esd riMltsg etstlss *#»>#tory Irma eer#t*s4 » ripff#e dtoostrh toon t4m!r*l D#w#v lodai. ssff s vspy srae sent to Tftoiffrwt Mr- Klskry fMßrtgff# of us Sivy ixapsrt m*e> das le# * to asv ssylhiwff shsto •st, Admiral D#wev wes rrresily sal - esl act ere’ qirratona *1 Iff# Isalllr* a* ,l. Vr.--:' v 'e, end Ike diaiuKteff re* pvivml IruUy rcetaUK.t hie so*wen to Tke politic*! rssditloss I# Ike I dill- Ippine* r•.lilting (m* Amitaeldo • stubWorara* ere ran*in< tke a-iminla trat'on vims esxlffty. Nil r\*rf kody is Hto-ia! rtrels* »ppcer* Is hs cqnffden' tket tke met tew st iaaor lietorevn the ISsUmI Atstee end Affninsido will he edtoetet* to th# estteferUen of thl* gov ernment when tke lelsnds f'lrmelly psm into tte ksnde The main difficulty Is rentorins peso* end good order la ike *rrUip*'*«o. egd psri'cu- Inriy In the Isiende of l-*i*on *tid F»- n»y. ie tke poller of Agulneldn is ki oping hie follower* under srm*. Af ter the Un'tert ffifffto government xn noimccs that it he* seenmed control over ell the Islands AjmlnaMo’e army will b# obliged to ley down tte arm# or take the consequence#. To accom• plleh thla without bloodshed I* the aim cf th# eitmlnielraUon. end Admiral D> wey * telegram probably related to that euhject. Another source of ptfbebl# trcnble roi*e« from the d'lßrulty of getting Aguineldo to rates*# all the Spanish prisoner* In hts possession The Am erican Pe*c# Gommlasionera In Pmls propoeed to the Spanish rummieeioner# that each party agree to rdeaso ail po litical prlanners ta !ta custody. This would rat?*# th# liberation of hit th# le mon* errrsted by the Sponleh gov rrnmont for compl'e'ty in the Unban and Philippine Inmirrerticna in ex change for the liberation of the Span ish officer*, soldier*. nrle*t* and mint held hv Agnlnaldo. Maj. Gen. Oti* lias been instructed to negotiate with Aguln»l<V> in the matter, hut *o far he ha* ennarently m*de no progress. While the full purport of Admiral Dewey'* dispatch cannot he ascertain ed. It was learned late this evening that he took a rather gloomy view of the proanect* of persuading Agnlnaldo to submit prrrenbly to the eutbority of the United State*. Auulnaldo, It Is understood, I* not <Y»en*ert to grant the request of the United Slate* for rhe re!ea*e cf th* poflileal prisoners in his possession and Is acting in a very ug ly way. Continental Tobacco Company Trenton, N. J.. Dec. 10.— Articles of incorporation of the Continental To haceo company were filed with the sec retary of state in this city today. The capital stock If seventy-five million dollars, one-haif of which is prefer'od. with seven per cent non-oumula-tlve dividends payable quarterly. The com pany Is authorized to cure tear tobae c'o. Hearings Arranged. Washington, D. C., Dec, 1". Tha house committee on rivers and harbors had a meeting today, and discussed the preliminary hearings which are to be given member* who desire appropri ations for rivers and harbors. The com mission hopes to gel all the evidence completed by the holidays, so that the bill may be presented to the house early in January. Depot News. Thu incoming Southern train that was due here last, afternoon tan over a broken rail on Horae Creek trestle, and the wonder ia that the train did not leav# the jrack The broken rail was discovered by the truck bands in tirce to prevent the outgoing night train fro u what might have proved a The Atlantic Coast Line .rain was two hour, behind this morning, -he delay was eauaad by a wreck at Flor ence, S. C. A# a masher: the steam roller is a success. POISONED HER SIXTH husband Bn. I.itff Mffstffff |M I# rNrge Jiff. ttoestoli »M« tkto t* <h* am ike to MW* tadit, Wlr Mt 4K44 . D>t 14 Ht# teftlft J4ftl#t«Nl u mt fhMMI t f4flp4 il%** . Ml 14 |l!i 4 |N#|i) I~*f44ft 4911 M* tfMNI #4 fltr It M 4 9ft# i4>fl Of )NN« #4144 4<# #nl ftmftwmft 4l K 44 Ml 4M» I# AtMl M*o Wln4 mt fNMMMI44S Mis ftslf ttl 4#l44#Y riMiiy, K 44 , Mil Jl* * y HTEI'RINII COMMITTEE. Tkto is to fie ike N»tl M«e to ike H#M#e ffpasiel to Th- Herald Atlanta, tl# . tor te —ln ito butte# today 'll- ttrsttd »u p#n*t#n bills wet# r.ranald t#d »P##k#< Isltttt Mill a# they wtll g» to troth Mnstov. Mr J«hn H. fflatott #f Full-*# •«! It# chairman Today th. <# wa# itothlug more es general tntarral In the k#ue#. , Mark l etter Anguete. Oi . IW Iff. Iffff# For e Half holiday, today »»a a cor ker gt. Pant I*4 the grangers upon Its good .amir,** with Burl ngton atronff on expect a Ilona end the other* ayrop#* thlxlttff. The Oottld *tocks which have been laggatds came to the front with Ml*«wtri IV-lflc the lender. There were tip# plentiful to buy Wea rer* Union and Leather preferred, but in the latter en#» aonre one had plenty to tard the market Flower continue# haying B. R. T. Reviewing the week there ta nothing to bane a reaction ttp -1 on The failure to rea'.ixe upon the re a**< ntdlng of congress 1* a feature. In the trust#, ffi'gm end Tohnceo were again the leaders. It is said the short interest in the former have not *et COflWl The mmk ctoM4*«ith «ot»r remrk* abl# changer ia value* ranging front one to ten dolin'* a share. PAINE. MURPHY A CO. (train Letter August*. Ga . Dec. IP. 18*8 There was a betlrr feeling In the I pit this morning and although cables were not encouraging the increase In ! exports created an uneasiness among the hear* and considerable covering over Sunday followed Car receipt* were !*34 vs. last year. Demand for flour also shows Increase and mil lers who have bough! closely are more in thr market. The liquidation In December I* about over and the riirewd conservative speculator Is looking for some #<|- i vanee. The movement today resulted In half cent rally- Corn was dull and only showed 1-1 rant net advance Provision? strong and loo!, higher. PAINE, MURPHY & CO Cotton Letter. Augusta, Oa.. Dee. 10. IW*. Closing cables sere about, one nonit lower and quiet, with spot sal's 7,000 hales. This was Ignored here and the market, opened strong and continued ro throughout. The hear e|e nc’.Jt laid great s‘re<» upon tlr- belief that yesterday'h advance would he the highest on thin yovc.ncnt, hut after seeing the strength and uitdUio.r il southern orders tlmy tur.r il and coh ered, chic 1 ' helped to give strragtU which resulted in a closing only one point below the highest of the nresun movement. In sight to ilat l ' tj.'J'i I.OtW) V*. 0,87f>,- 000 last year. The weather re ports Kho w gathering retarded and damage done to outstanding cot ton, _ i PAINE, MURPHY & CO. | A Soldier’s Burial. The remains of Sergeant James; Kanksky, wlio died ye terday at di vision hoppitai. of typhoid fever, were shipped on the 2:10 train this after-, noon to Seeleysvllle, Pa., for buriu,. The dead soldier was clothed in his uniform and the outside case of the casket draped with the national colors. A numb: r of soldiers from camp view ed the remains of their comrade at Mr, Platt’s ibis morning and acted as uu escort to the union depot. In a Pad Way. New Orleaus, La., Dec. 10.—The tnan-American Debenture,- another one of the concerns promoted by Jasper W. Ruse, who left the city just prior to the collanae of the Metropdlltan Bond and Loaning Association,, is In a bad way: _ . i A WOMAN WAS THE DOWNFAIIII OF DEIiOME. * H#« lie ritoffff* ! attar W|« GnHe* IUH As, H tone MetoAtoltto lento ton*#*. Ham ik# kike me to#* to m*%a4. 7ke » sto to n l Itoitokm 1 f f«sfr444. ||| t fNffr |4 - -Tft* J f 1 ~iftl4|‘ fYf ifklß 44 Mftoyi'MNt 4194 ftwHNVf : * t ’n»|M4 4M449944 4 MmrflMl *k| ftffß9M9t499 r f %jnmmA N9. 4| 14# CNiNeh J 4414« 44ft 4 i+rm ati f4l *N 94411444 f j,l p+t% 9, 4, %|%44 mmm ft49)44 IM4 : |*i» |—4f|T 449* f mtfm* i‘14>144 l|Ml 14* I44MNMI i4*id*ft*9* ' * N1l»f 444 4fMt#4 14# ®|*44l44‘ rumiafttf. iMkiHuf V*fi | 'i4ft<99i'« M | **>4 #94♦•ft44 9449 *9 444 W**M» 4* 944 t Aft toft 9(949*4 44ft 44f 94 Hiildft pmi***t IMWfT## BAim • M4l* M «« l 4» 44«4f41» 144* 144 * *ffk«yft msr 9MRIf9 44* . T4# J»(ll4 4T4f44ft 9fM4144 •4*9*94 IN THR FACE OF DEATH. I spsekto toto#t* (Mto kk#w n to •#• ! ffeifto DhH»j to N#e*e. 14 ‘4#4#'il 4 4ltUt(kl) Jt>UTo4l. I \ mining etnry wtsald h# • veaiOcrrd j i*rai*pl*rt wit hoot • harrowing ff#- arrty tan of iff# bera'a entering during j an unffergraonff r#i#atruf>k». Pwev*# i txpavt it. and n*rer ffoutu that the j aranntt me of tff# imprlaoortl miner »r# j scrurffttoy ptatnraik Bat Ikon# ' 45%*4 4#ft 4 4 fMfttioi rOi* fn>tn lit ins *oivNi kno* 9449 94* mm fto not iltiy* 4ct in 944 44091* m#at«! manner attributed I# thnn On the cord re ry. n« n few of them f, re heir horrible death aw. Unity, to fnsieg to give way to rain rrarer* and I ears When a greet mas# of oml fail In * northern pit. romplereiy hlorking up th# elff# peaeeges. twenty m#n end hors were trapped In # remote P*tt cf the workings To dig three titifrnirn ate fellow# out a rMl#f party worketl mndt' . but rhe roe! was her A end st ihe elose of th# first day th# tearful * l i.en at th# pit brow were e.UI wsit kaff tar new* Anoah-T day paa*- 1 wlthral good *Jdlng*. *nd It was not until the third areming that » Hint humming eound filtered thraiigh th- , frowning blockade of roe! ''They rt j nllvo!” shrieked one of the party, "anil | *.r>«rtig hymna to show their faith After that all worked with redoubled enemy straining their tat* ureeuwbile to catch th# chanting of the under ground choir. It soon heearoe evident, j however, that th# niinera were not singing at nil. They were laughtag and ehrotta* Hite children, and the fa miliar fry of "Duck'a off!' was clearij heard by the anxious rescuer*. Two more hours of superhuman effort fol lowed and th*n the. black partition gave way. revealing the pale and hag gard elners In the very art of playing » game desr to the collier's heart, "ireilo. lads: we didn't expect to rt j yc!" laughed one of 'hem, stooping to replace the Jump of real which served „* the "duck." "Ah reckon y#'H etoP an' hev a game wf us afere we go back?" ' And th- half-famished boys j am> m#n actually Inatsted on finish- ! ing the gnmc before they would allow themselves to be taken to the shaft. \ftrr s very similar accident in an- | other cclllery. the relief party did not 1 get through the coal In tim# to be of service, ami five sturdy miners wore , found dead behind the coal barrier. That they hrd died coolly and fear lessly. though, wes hovond question, for on the damp floor wvre scores of j llitlc marbles made from compressed coal dti*:, «nd two cf the men merely- j lug .1? fell length, >v!th their fists ! screw-d up ready to till',?. Their wan j fecc-i sir 11 oil even in dccth. and (his , topoi’.ing proof of their uulnliiug opti- j mism brought tears to the eyes of ev- | ryoue who entered the pit. Fall* of coal anti Hoods are terrible j crli’.trophes, but the average collier j fears an explosion of firedamp most of J all. One occurred not so very' long ago In a little Midland pit. and fifteen good men and true were shut off from the cage by tons upon tons of coal. The . anxious crowd at th# pit mouth waited until iho foul gas had berm cleared 1 from th# cutting, and then began their ! wrrk of rescue, with little hope of ‘ saving their mates from the auffocat j ing fumes of the firedamp. Progress | was raold, however, and before long the I !relief party got Into thr? narrow , j passage. Here they saw a sight which fairly made them gasp, for the fifteen colliers were on the floor, some of them dead, and others, sitting tip and un concernedly singing comic songs. A little further oa was a football, lropro* | vised from the collier’s shirts and caps, i and bearing unmistakable signs of re- j cent and rough usage. "We thowt us .long us we'd got to dee, ive'd dee kick- j in’,” explained one of the survivors, ; so ff« rigged up a football and punch - | ed it a ban in t' dark. Gnorga thatu ■ ffell dfthff dead as he wor ■ acorta' a ; *g6aT,“B®r?W wr omplayin’ to pass , -.tme on. and "ben t’ gea cleared eff » an only four of that brave bevy, of *•** If* ktoHtol 1 PLANT! 44 - j LOAN AND hAVINOH bank is&T W * Wff#* *#4 •4449*4 Nrt, f 44 4i4p(Mf 4t (4» 4*ii 4144 *(*4 ‘ 4* *4mN| tnw rWfta iwfft (*• pm*ms m 41l MMN9 <4‘4ftH* 94#♦ *N*(|fti* 9*41 ||MN» «MM* 4Mft 4fN*9tft4 t* 44# 4# 4 >tof»#4# 9441 4 44*44* 44* 14 4949* 4 Hit <41944 4914 t**!#" mm . 44ft 94*4 olN# c Hii#*4 I 1144 ft I# #414 4#E * 1' 4 jft*9»* ’T’4* 4*4444 *W44ft#4 fknf 944 4 Asst 14 444 14 |ft#4 T : 4f4 flPtffP#*# Wkii-iMNNI TE>t t4f44* 4 4*4 4444 4« 44449 ft H4ft K««« ft**## Wftp 4 «94* nmiEiFy 4# 44# 4#t#*4*ftl ••*#4 mi pul* T9»r ic#4 (4ft4#4R# *t \%O Jmm j4*4*#'pft 14 4#l 4 otthllM •* ««ft#f ityM # fcwlft 4 94ee Imijnim* 444 «t«?|»T44l H* 44* •4 |l 449415 t 14 94 # ' V>MEw4A. 14ft 4# 4# 4*444 4f44i**U ; h*> 44# lENffii#9>|l j I# «F4lf 4f'4W4 941.*414* T4# 4f9»r Eft*! #4t t# CHhe49#|4» . Th# «4|f#T 1444 It 441 4t 114 |N|v IMEft# "ft ‘ ft »4ft tMf»*ft If difff 9# V 94 J4414# THr JtuA* 1441 Nl«f |4 H 4 H#4 V’m4 *4fp#rv v tl f4f*4ft It wtnft 44 44* * <B4ft9(l4Vt * 91 444 **to| |o 99444 9MM94 AlftlH 14 HlVffhff (4 4B4fft 44# 41(4 144 |MM4t4I EB’HrirtfMl ft»9ftff'Mllft* -ft ftUkl# f(4f 4»4f 4 WfmtP it 444 *4t»e - I *HHI * INDIAN FAKIR# An l yewHne** first > Iff*» l*« Aff pnrvail) T'ldsteai I #•»•. |Dwi»*Mi Rnqureevl Inffta I* prerwtitteuliy tff# ,ssff of } mystery, enff amt mnei advanceff use j gtriana have —ear hem aM* t« rrpra ii'if* ell their m#7vet#*t* f n tnren tone ,I*y ia Ibe mark#* ptec# of en in land village I wa • rurWtti* y r 'arm ■ cnee. It wee nnfartri by twe mao oft# oak end emseteted. carrying » na tive drum, the other young and welt !•#'. fenta-Ucally gowned with an over •klrl cf lufored handkerchief* and a aivltitttde of hell*, which jangled no la dy at ffi* sl'gtrtrst mnvemert; long, r*ggrd heir- altogether 9 hiffeooa fl* urc* The drummer hegao a ward tom- U min* and the other man an tarnata tor, (hen h# extended a "'opm"—a 'ramboo tray used by ell n-Uvce -on * htch »nv on# who plevtes fili-e* a erg# hnn.’Dtl of rice and th# -am* TuaatHy cf grata Th# two agred. - ■ut* ar# thorouehiy aroslxantsted a# tret it would, in the ordinary w«y, r ke hour* to eepnrnt# them Now th# fantnstk- man w: h hie trav I rams. H# turn* around aicwljr, gntd i ‘ally quickening hie par# (the dmu a#r also k«#pl»a timoi. faster and I 'rater in e giddy vortex, th# tray nt j mcH almost out of hie bauds, yet * > io’erarly handled that not ■ grain fella putt. It i* very trying to watch, yet ] n a couple of mlnntee both stop *lmul ianeouely. and tli# man show* to tb wondering *pcc»eioi» two little head*, one of rice und thy other grain, at dif ferent rmd» of the tray, which In hi# sickening gyrations he has been abl# to «#partite by some #xtraordlnarj manipulation. Later it ws* my good fortune to be nbl<> to witness one of tho*# remarka ble renew of voluntarily suspended an inret'oa of which I had so frequently beard, with a somewhat smile, lam afrajd. But lam convinced now. II was railed a "Jogh#e” performance 1 and look place before th# Miihcrejah lof Dhurbangn. whose guest I hsd the 1 honor to be. The "Joghcc" was put by his disci ple* Into a trance. H# became pcrfect ;ty unconscious and dead to all np inearauces. An English doctor present felt his puls# and found It bad ceased ,and a. locking g!" 8 * showed not th# slightest moisture of any breath In th# body. The Joghcc” wes th-'n put ir (to p box and seals were Impressed upon jit wlth'the Maharajah’s signet ring. Tho box was buried five foot deep, earth row 11 In and •veil stamped. ! Grain was then sown and trusty s»n --j tries guarded the place. Tha grain l)9d sprouted and borne corn when wo were invited again, after 'sixty dsiys, to wlttrsy the resurrection of the body. The grave was opened lafld the coffin found to be Intact. Th# Ueals were broken, the lid unscrewed, rai d the “Jcghoe" was taken out sttlT and stark. His disciples now began to manipulate the body and to go through certain rites, very similar to mesmer ism, and by degrees the dead man his ey#s snd he sat up erect. WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES , ; one of the Greatest Comedy of Thl* Season. Tonight at the Grand will be presen -1 ted the greatest comedy lilt of the ten continents. What Happened to Jonea is said to be far ahead of My Friend from India or any ol’ the great comedies that, have i eyer been given in Augusta. The fact i that George Boniface Is in the corn ! ~any will bring out one of the largest ! and most fashionable audiences of the I season. \ title makes a little man great and j a great man little miners cam? out of the pit aiivet but they assured their questioners that the others had laughed and sung in the very of dfftrtli.